The working program of the discipline. Responsibilities that were previously performed by one employee are planned to be distributed between two

  • 04.07.2020

1. Primary selection methods are called:
a) sociological;
b) regulatory;
c) questionnaire;
d) contactless;
e) autobiographical.

2. Primary selection methods?
a) CV analysis, statements;
b) interview;
c) testing;
d) examination of handwriting;
d) an interview.

3. Can one person work under several contracts at once?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) yes, only at a state-owned enterprise;
d) yes, only at the enterprises of one firm;
e) only executives can.

4. At what stage of personnel selection are business games used?
a) at the stage of primary selection;
b) screening interviews;
c) re-interviewing;
d) at the preliminary stage;
e) before the survey.

5. On the basis of what is the task of determining the need for workers and the sources of its satisfaction being solved?
a) based on the results of the analysis of the adequacy of personnel and forecasting its dynamics based on the expected changes in the structure of the enterprise, the range, product quality, organization of production, labor and management, the state of internal and external labor markets;
b) based on the development and practical implementation of plans that determine the future state of economic system, search for ways, means and means to achieve plans;
c) on the basis of observation of the organization in order to verify the compliance of the observed state with the desired and necessary state provided for by laws, regulations, instructions, etc. regulations, as well as programs, plans, contracts, projects, agreements;
d) on the basis of the state program for the development of the economy and individual enterprises;
e) on the basis of a regional economic development program.

6. Which country has a lifetime employment policy?
a) Germany;
b) Japan;
in the USA;
d) Sweden;
e) China.

7. At an interview with a candidate for vacant position It is advisable to give him the opportunity to ask his questions:
a) at the beginning of the meeting;
b) the end of the meeting;
c) at any time during the interview;
d) it is not advisable to provide such an opportunity;
e) during the interview, only if the questions relate to the position.

8. The most suitable document for a fairly quick review of the professional and personal development and formation of the candidate is:
a) the conclusion of the graphological examination;
b) resume;
c) medical report;
d) educational certificates;
e) reviews and recommendations.

9. The currently most common methods of primary selection of personnel are (if necessary, mark several methods):
1 - interview;
2 - resume analysis;
3 - testing;
4 - analysis of personal data;
5 - handwriting examination.
a) 1, 2, 3;
b) 2, 3, 4;
c) 2, 3;
d) 1, 4, 5;
e) 2, 4.

10. The initial stage of the recruitment process is:
a) identification of sources and ways to cover the need for personnel;
b) interviewing the candidate;
c) analysis of the content of the work and requirements for the candidate;
d) setting requirements for a candidate for a position;
e) testing.

11. The main purpose of the primary selection is:
a) changing the status of a person in the organization;
b) weeding out candidates who do not have minimum set characteristics required to fill a vacant position;
c) establishing requirements for candidates for a vacant position;
d) rational distribution of employees of the organization according to structural divisions, sites, workplaces;
e) informing employees of a message about the reception.

12. Identify a problem that may arise when conducting interviews as a selection tool.
a) overestimation of candidates similar to the interviewer;
b) lack of information for decision making;
c) too a large number of applicants;

13. Identify a problem that may arise when conducting interviews as a selection tool.
a) a small number of applicants;
b) excess information for decision making;
c) evaluation by first impression;
d) the complexity of processing the information received during the interview;
e) limited range of questions asked.

14. Identify a problem that may arise when conducting interviews as a selection tool.
a) too many applicants;
b) error "by contrast";
c) an excess of information for decision making;
d) the complexity of processing the information received during the interview;
e) limited range of questions asked.

15. Experience in a similar position:
a) guarantees the competence of the future employee;
b) is the main prerequisite for successful adaptation;
c) acts as one of the criteria for the preliminary assessment of applicants for a vacancy;
d) is the primary and most important condition for employment;
e) can only harm when working in a new organization, since the requirements are different around.

16. Organizational structure is:
a) features of the organization of the working space and mode of operation;
b) distribution of functions between individual divisions and distribution of power between administrative positions;
c) a system of personal relationships between employees;
d) communication system in the organization;
e) a set of buildings, structures, production equipment enterprises.

17. Open questions The interview is expected to:
a) "Yes" or "No" answers, or providing specific information;
b) detailed meaningful answers, not limited by any framework;
c) a hint what type of response is expected;
d) avoiding misunderstandings or misunderstandings;
e) demonstrating that the candidate is being listened to carefully.

18. A distinctive feature of the urgent employment contract from indefinite is that in a fixed-term employment contract:
a) the period of time for which the employee is hired is specified;
b) the amount of wages is indicated;
c) the position of the employee is indicated;
d) the working hours are indicated;
e) the indexation condition is stipulated.

19. Employment relations arise on the initiative of:
a) employers;
b) employees;
c) employers and employees;
d) states;
e) employment services.

20. Headhunters are:
a) agents who perform a very expensive service of finding those candidates for whom there is a constant demand; a specific person is searched for and an offer is made directly to him;
b) they are consultants who not only recruit, but also select employees, mainly typists, administrative staff, or shop staff;
c) consultants for the selection of staff for management, for replenishment of the managerial, professional staff, or staff of specialists;
d) professionals who often change jobs;
e) recruitment consultants who have "black lists" of unwanted employees (dismissed for unexcused reasons).

21. On what aspects did Lewis propose to divide the criteria for selecting employees from candidates?
a) social criteria, economic criteria, technological performance criteria;
b) functional criteria, structural criteria, social performance criteria;
c) organizational criteria, functional criteria, individual performance criteria;
d) psychological, material, personal criteria of work;
e) moral, ecological, technical criteria of work.

22. After what procedure is a decision made on the appointment of a candidate for a vacant position?
a) after a second interview;
b) after the primary selection;
c) after adaptation;
d) after the end of the probationary period;
e) after the analysis of personal data.

23. An entrepreneurial organizational structure is most effective:
a) small business
b) in medium business;
c) in big business;
d) in the public sector;
d) in the army.

24. When mass recruitment is required, the following methods are commonly used:
a) posting job advertisements on the Internet;
b) "headhunting" ("hunting for heads");
c) internships for young specialists in the company;
d) employment of relatives;
e) selection through private recruitment agencies.

25. In an entrepreneurial organizational strategy, the emphasis in recruitment and selection is on:
a ) on the search for initiative employees with a long-term orientation, ready to take risks and bring the matter to the end;
b) on the search for employees of a narrow orientation, without a strong commitment to the organization for a short time;
c) on the search for diversified employees focused on achieving great personal and organizational goals.
d) on the search for executive, responsible, dedicated employees;
e) on the search for employees for whom the desire for management and power is the main incentive.

26. When conducting an internal competition for leadership position The decision must be made on the basis of:
a) subjective opinions of responsible persons;
b) data of psychological assessment methods;
c) professional competence assessment data;
d) letters of recommendation;
e) graphological analysis.

27. Professiogram - a document that:
a) reveals both the content of the profession and the requirements that it imposes on a person;
b) is a "portrait" of the ideal employee;
c) fully coincides with the content of the job description;
d) gives a brief professional and biographical characteristics of the employee;
e) is a list of positions held by the employee.

28. Professional work capacity
a) assumes that a person has qualities (physical, psycho-physiological, age, etc.) that determine the ability to work in general, which do not require special training;
b) the totality of a person's physical and mental abilities that he uses to produce material goods and services;
c) the ability to skilled work in a certain profession, i.e. ability to specific type labor requiring special training;
d) suitability of a person for work in the sphere of material production;
e) employee's career path.

29. With what categories of workers is it advisable to conclude employment contracts?
a) with the most valuable;
b) with all categories of employees;
c) with workers;
d) with those wishing to receive benefits;
e) with the owners of the company.

30. The content of the interview planning stage:
a) examining the application and summary of the candidate and noting points that are questionable or show strong and weak sides candidate;
b) finding out the personal, family and social fund of the candidate (questions about the origin and leisure activities);
c) questions about the level of knowledge of the candidate about the enterprise to determine the "intensity of his interests";
d) establishing contact;
e) analysis of the job specification.

31. Assessment technology "assessment center" is most effective when used:
a) small companies
b) in medium-sized companies;
c) in large companies;
d) in small business;
e) suitable for individual entrepreneurs.

32. The formation of personnel in market conditions is based on the operation of the mechanism:
a) the internal labor market of the enterprise;
b) state market labor;
c) regional labor market;
d) the world labor market;
e) foreign labor market.

33. What influences the choice of method of recruitment and selection of candidates for a vacant position?
a) the level of the position and its importance in the organization;
b) economic stability;
c) the scope of the organization;
d) the level of preparation of potential candidates for a vacant position;
e) methods of recruitment and selection are chosen at the request of candidates.

34. What is not an advantage of using an employment center and career selection centers when applying for a job?
a) the best university graduates can be selected;
b) candidates can be selected from a large database;
in) high degree social security;
d) candidates can be selected very quickly;
e) wide geographical coverage.

35. What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
a) it is a way of analyzing work;
b) this is a job description;
c) this is a letter of recommendation from a previous job;
d) this is a personal questionnaire containing brief biographical, professional and personal information about the applicant for work;
e) results of selection testing.

36. What is the disadvantage in recruiting candidates from internal sources?
a) a more expensive and time-consuming way;
b) a long period of adaptation;
c) poor knowledge of the organization by new employees;
d) a limited number of potential applicants;
e) blocking the possibility of promotion of employees.

37. What is an indicator of the competitiveness of an enterprise in the labor market?
a) the total annual income of the enterprise;
b) the competitiveness of the enterprise in the industry;
c) a set of conditions provided to employees that positively distinguish this enterprise from similar ones;
d) the totality of the functional purpose of the enterprise and the quality of the product being created;
e) prices for manufactured products and services.

38. What is the advantage in recruiting candidates from external sources?
a) low material costs for attracting candidates;
b) high motivation of employees;
c) influx of new ideas;
d) a short period of adaptation;
e) maintaining the level of remuneration established in the organization.

39. Are recommendations (letters) from previous jobs mandatory during the competition for a vacant position?
a) recommendations are required;
b) recommendations are desirable when applying for certain vacancies;
c) recommendations are not required if the interview is conducted by a professional interviewer;
d) recommendations are not required if the candidate has changed several jobs;
e) recommendations are not required if the candidate worked at the same place for less than a year.


So in the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the process of labor adaptation takes place. This process will be more successful than to a greater extent the norms and values ​​of the team become the norms and values ​​of an individual, the better and sooner he accepts, assimilates his social roles. the more the enterprise meets the needs and requirements of the employee, the higher his job satisfaction. Thus, adaptation is a complex, two-way process between the individual and the environment in which he is included.

The essence and structure of labor adaptation

Adaptation means the inclusion of a person in a new material and social environment for her.. When a person enters a job, he is included in the system of intraorganizational labor relations occupying several positions. He is a worker, and a public figure, and a colleague, and a member of the party, trade union and other organizations. Each such position corresponds a set of requirements, standards, patterns of behavior, i.e. social role. Social roles embody the requirements for human behavior on the part of those communities and social groups of which he is a member. From the person who occupies each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. For example, the social role of the innovator is associated with such actions as constant analysis of the possibilities for the development of production, development of options for one or another improvement, submission of rationalization proposals, and receipt of remuneration. The complex of these positions, roles in the organization, society determines the social position of the individual in the team and society.

Entering the enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms. Behavior settings. In accordance with them, the employee makes demands on the organization: working conditions, pay, maintenance, growth opportunities, social environment. The attitude of the employee to the organization depends on the degree of realization of his goal.

But the organization has its own goals and objectives, the central among which are the production of products, the production of material and spiritual benefits, the provision of services. In accordance with them, the organization develops its own social values and norms.

So in the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the process of labor adaptation takes place. This process will be more successful than to a greater extent the norms and values ​​of the team become the norms and values ​​of an individual, the better and sooner he accepts, assimilates his social roles. the more the enterprise meets the needs and requirements of the employee, the higher his job satisfaction. Thus, adaptation is a complex, two-way process between the individual and the environment in which he is included.

Distinguish between primary and secondary adaptation . Primary adaptation occurs during the initial entry of a young person into permanent labor activity. Secondary adaptation occurs in two cases: when an employee transfers to a new workplace with or without change of profession, as well as significant changes production environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

Psychophysiological adaptation- this is the process of mastering the totality of all the conditions necessary for the employee during work. AT modern production not only equipment and technology are morally obsolete, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment.

Socio-psychological adaptation- this is the inclusion of an employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives versatile information about his team, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders.

Professional adaptation It is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of certain professionally necessary qualities of a person, in the development of a stable positive attitude of an employee towards his profession. Professional adaptation is largely determined by whether the employee, upon obtaining a specialty, has mastered the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills, to what extent he has a sense of responsibility, a sense of the new, practicality, efficiency, and the ability to distribute actions over time.

The significance of individual aspects for various kinds adaptation is not the same. Thus, the professional aspect is more significant when a young worker enters a permanent labor activity for the first time than when a worker moves to a new place without changing his profession. Both professional and psycho-physiological aspects are very important for secondary adaptation in case of a change in the working environment.

Despite the difference in aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, i.e. labor adaptation is an integral system that cannot be reduced to a simple sum of the properties of its parts. It involves the adaptation of the employee to the organization as a whole, to its norms and values.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through several stages. On the familiarization stage he receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior. AT stages of adaptation the worker is reoriented, recognizing the main elements new system values, but retains many of the old settings. AT stages of assimilation there is a complete adaptation to the environment, identification with new group. Identification- this is the identification of personal goals with the goals of the enterprise, the result of the adaptation process.

By the nature of identification, three categories of workers are distinguished: indifferent, partially identified, fully identified. The core of any team is made up of fully identified workers. A feature of behavior is not just a conscientious attitude to one's duties, but also a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests in order to successfully achieve the goals of the organization.

The result of identification is stable quality performance production tasks and standards, the formation of a stable positive attitude towards the profession, the working situation, the team.

The rate of adaptation depends on many factors. But on average, this is the minimum period during which the administration is convinced of the professional qualifications of the employee, compliance with his requirements, and he - in accordance with the content, conditions, remuneration of his expectations. The normal period of adaptation for different categories of workers is from 1-6 months to 3 years. Moreover, for team leaders, the adaptation period should be shorter than for ordinary workers.

Factors of labor adaptation

The success of adaptation depends on a number of prerequisites and factors.

The most important prerequisite for this process is to work on vocational guidance and vocational selection with a contingent of future adaptors.

Another prerequisite for labor adaptation is the prestige and attractiveness of professions in society, in different social groups, for individual individuals. Being closely interconnected, the prestige and attractiveness of professions nevertheless reflect different aspects of the assessment of the profession. Prestige is an assessment of professions in accordance with the scale of values ​​accepted in society. Attractiveness is more personal. This is the desirability of acquiring a profession. the higher the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, the stronger the desire of the worker to gain a foothold in it. This contributes to a more successful adaptation.

Factors of labor adaptation- these are the conditions that affect the course, timing, pace, and results of this process. Since adaptation is a two-way process between the personality and the production environment in which it is included, all factors of labor adaptation can be divided into two groups - personal and production.

Personal factors , in turn, can be classified into socio-demographic, socially determined, psychological, sociological. Such demographic characteristics as gender, age, marital status, nationality are not social in themselves, but having a significant impact on the course of social processes, they acquire social significance, are interconnected and interdependent with the adaptation process.

Actively affects adaptation age- the most important in terms of the degree of influence among socio-demographic factors. Associated with him quality characteristics employee - work experience, education, marital status. As a rule, the period up to 30 years does not give high rates of adaptation; the problem of employee adaptation and further stabilization of the team is, first of all, a youth problem.

Family status leaves a significant imprint on the worker, his perception of reality. The presence of a husband (wife), children makes the employee a representative of a small socio-psychological group with his own interests, norms, forces him to adjust his behavior in accordance with his belonging to this group. Their absence affects the activity, the behavior of the employee is ambiguous. On the one hand, he can devote himself more to professional and social activities. On the other hand, he is deprived of the necessary components of life balance, which reduces the overall satisfaction with life. All this, in turn, is capable of negatively influencing his professional and social activities. Thus, our study of the adaptation of young professionals showed more successful professional adaptation among married people. Non-family young professionals are more successful in social and psychological adaptation.

Work experience as a factor of adaptation is closely related to age. It is central among other factors influencing the strengthening or disruption of the relationship between the employee and the enterprise. In the sociology of labor, it is customary to study the phenomenon of three types of experience: general, work in a given enterprise, in a given profession. Allocate sometimes work experience in this team.

social background is essential for adaptation, since the family greatly influences the professional orientation of school graduates, the choice of the field labor activity.

Action education as factors of adaptation is such that young people with a higher level of education are the least adapted in the workplace. This contradiction can be resolved by orienting young people towards technical creativity, creativity in work. Otherwise, there is a search for a more interesting job corresponding to education, a transition to another enterprise.

The higher level of claims the more difficult it is to adapt. The level of claims is derived from education, social origin.

Self perception is the employee's self-image. From the point of view of adaptation, this is an idea of ​​what his abilities are most valuable and important.

An important personal factor, especially significant for secondary adaptation, is the readiness of the employee to perceive the new. This readiness is determined by the level of his education and qualifications. It is connected with the focus of the education system on the formation of a person's ability to independently acquire knowledge, the need for their constant replenishment.

To production factors , in essence, include all elements of the production environment. For each category of workers, production factors are modified in accordance with the specifics of the work of this group. Thus, the state of equipment and forms of labor organization are of particular importance for workers.

specific adaptation factor are forms of labor organization. Under the conditions of a brigade organization of labor, the level of adaptation of workers is, as a rule, higher than with an individual organization.

The adaptation of workers to changing production conditions is influenced by the existing system at enterprises innovation .

Like personal factors, production factors act differently on different aspects of adaptation. For some aspects, some factors are most significant, for others, others. Moreover, the set of significant factors for some aspects is larger, for others it is smaller.

During primary adaptation, a particularly sharp breakdown of the habitual stereotype of behavior occurs. During this period of mastering a new special role, a newcomer especially needs support and guardianship. The most effective implementation of these goals can be provided by mentoring.

Labor adaptation management

Labor adaptation management includes measurement, regulation and control. Measurement (accounting) involves a preliminary clarification of the contingents of adaptants. All newcomers can be divided into the following groups:

1. vocational school graduates;

2. high school graduates;

3. graduates of universities and technical schools;

4. mobilized from the Army;

5. new employees who have work experience, but have not previously worked in this area;

6. workers changing jobs.

The speed and level of adaptation of workers is judged by objective and subjective indicators.

Objective indicators of the general adaptability of an employee are indicators of the effectiveness of his labor activity, as well as his activity in various spheres of life. An objective indicator of professional adaptation is the correspondence of qualifications to the requirements of the workplace. For socio-psychological adaptation - this is participation in the life of the team, a socio-psychological position in it, for psycho-physiological - the degree of fatigue.

Subjective indicators of general adaptability are the desire or unwillingness to continue working in this organization, overall job satisfaction. Subjective indicators of professional adaptation - attitude to the profession; socio-psychological - assessment of relations with the team, leader; psychophysiological - assessment of well-being, conditions, severity of work.

The source of information about adaptability indicators is the factory documentation and the results of a survey of both the adaptees themselves and their immediate supervisors.

Thus, objective and subjective aspects adaptations are interrelated, although they characterize its different aspects.

Adjustment regulation involves a system of measures aimed at accelerating the adaptation of new employees. There are a number of factors that the organization cannot influence. These are such personal factors as gender, age, marital status, plans for the future, norms and values ​​of a young worker, sometimes his expectations. With regard to these factors, adaptation management mainly goes beyond the enterprise and rests on such social institutions as a family and education that form a system of values ​​and norms of a young worker, plans for the future, readiness for professional activity. But it does not follow from this that information about trends, the nature of the influence of these factors on adaptation is not needed.

In connection with the growing role of secondary adaptation, the importance of such a production factor as the organization of systematic advanced training, as well as training of personnel, is increasing. This factor is especially significant in the conditions of perestroika due to the large scale of the release of workers, primarily from the sphere of management, and their transition to other areas of activity.

To manage adaptation, it is necessary to control the extent to which a particular employee adapts, to regularly obtain adaptation parameters, since only under this condition can the entire system of measures be effectively operated. Only realization complete system measures that are in place at all times make it possible to successfully manage the adaptation process.

Characteristic state of the art personnel training systems in organizations (at enterprises)

The term "Personnel" combines the components of the workforce of the organization. Personnel includes all employees who perform production or management operations and are engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor.

The concepts of "cadres", "employees", "personnel" are identical, if we take the definition given above as a basis.

Education is one of the most important subsystems social sphere state, which ensures the process of obtaining by a person of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain area of ​​professional activity.

In-house training occupies one of the first places in management labor resources, because without qualified and professionally trained personnel, the organization will not be competitive in the market.

Training can be carried out at the workplace and outside the workplace (intra-production and non-production). The criteria for choosing the type of training are, on the one hand, income (improving qualifications leads to an increase in economic performance), and on the other hand, impressive expenses. Where income from vocational training is difficult to quantify, costs are relatively easy to quantify. Out-of-work training is associated with significant fluctuating costs, in-house training with significant but fixed costs, since training employs a certain amount of people and the appropriate infrastructure.

On-the-job training of qualified personnel has advantages: the training methodology is carried out taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the transfer of knowledge is carried out in a simple visual way, the result is easily controlled. In contrast, non-productive training of qualified personnel is carried out, as a rule, by experienced teachers in a wide range of their experience, but the needs of the enterprise are not always sufficiently taken into account.

The purpose of training, needs - this is the answer to the question "who and what to teach?". And to the question "how to teach?" meet the forms of organization of training and types of classes. The variety of these forms and types is very large, and each has a place in the overall system of corporate training.

Table 1. Classification of forms of organization of training

Number of organization members Learning Mode Training organizer
Interior! external
Domestic supplier External supplier



With a break from work Closed seminars

Open Seminars


Without interruption from work technical studies courses



With a break from work Internship

Educational programs


Without interruption from work

Technical study.

Rotation or internship


Self-learning, incl. with help. Computer programs

Distance learning

Educational programs.

D distance learning

1-as an internal organizer, a personnel service, an internal training center, and in their absence, any interested division of the company can act.

Seminars can be organized within the organization specifically for its employees or organized within the organization specifically for its employees. They are sometimes called closed or intra-company and are carried out by both specialists of the organization and external specialists. A seminar organized by a training or consulting firm for employees of various enterprises can be useful. Such a seminar is called open or combined.

In organizations with a developed culture of working with personnel, on-the-job training is widely used, conducted by experienced employees in some area for less trained colleagues. This also includes technical or economic studies.

Huge opportunities for the development of on-the-job training, which would have been difficult to imagine just ten years ago, are provided by modern computer networks and educational programs.

The most promising and effective option for training and developing employees in the workplace is mentoring.

In the 1960s, the West borrowed the Soviet idea of ​​distance learning, transforming it into distance learning, which differs in quality from the domestic prototype. The basis of modern distance learning is methodological support (manuals, including audio and video courses, computer training programs) and participation in the educational process of tutors (consultants, lecturers, evaluators) in person or via the Internet.

Self-learning will never lose its relevance, the popularity of which is constantly growing. Previously, only literature could be used for self-study, now audio and video materials are available, computer programs and the Internet.

There are three types of learning to be distinguished:

- personnel training- systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, owning a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication.

- staff development– training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion

- staff retraining c - training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

Personnel training is carried out in order to obtain working profession or specialty and provides different levels preparation.

Initial vocational training is conducted for working professions in vocational schools and technical lyceums. The duration of training at a vocational school is 2-3 years and provides, along with professional, full general education in the volume of 10-11 classes.

Secondary vocational training is focused on the training of medium-skilled specialists (technicians, economists, builders, etc.). The duration of training is from two to five years, depending on the basic general education.

It is carried out in technical schools, colleges and colleges. National economy is experiencing a significant need for specialists with secondary specialized education, for example, accountants, economists.

Higher professional education provides for the second level of training of bachelors and specialists with a total duration of study from 4 to 6 years or after incomplete higher education from 2 to 3 years.

Higher professional education aims to train specialists of the appropriate level, meet the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of secondary and secondary vocational education. In Russia, long-term programs are conducted in the areas of "bachelor" and "specialist".

The bachelor's degree is a European standard for higher professional education with a duration of full-time study of 4 years. The bachelor's degree is accepted in Russia, included in the State Educational Standard, and is being prepared in many universities. There is a nomenclature of areas of study for which the qualification "bachelor" is awarded.

A specialist is a domestic standard of higher professional education with a duration of study of 5-6 years. For specialties, the State Educational Standard has also been developed and there is a nomenclature of specialties. Since 2000, new standards of higher professional education have been introduced.

Staff development takes a special place in staff training as the main way to ensure that the qualifications of employees correspond to the current level of development of science, technology and economics. It is known that the acquired knowledge becomes obsolete by half every five years if a person does not engage in self-education and does not improve the level of qualification. Professional development is quite popular in enterprises for a number of reasons:

· Advanced training is cheaper than training specialists.

Shorter duration of training compared to staff training. The terms of the most popular programs at enterprises with a break from production are from three days to two weeks.

· target orientation of training on a narrow range of training modules for specialists and managers.

The basis for advanced training is a flexible training program based on training modules. The training module is a complete element of a certain discipline, with a clear structure of the plan, goals and objectives of the work, initial data, methods of conducting, a list technical means, a list of references and a way to control the acquired knowledge.

Retraining of personnel provides for obtaining a second working profession for workers or a second specialty for employees. The need for retraining is associated with conversion defense enterprises and research institutes, development of new technological processes and combining professions where there is no full load of the workplace. In the field of management, retraining is most often associated with staff reductions due to an excess of engineering, design or other specialists.

large state program retraining of personnel is carried out by regional and city employment centers. The contingent for training: the unemployed and demobilized from the Armed Forces. Employment centers through existing training centers they train the unemployed in new scarce professions at the request of citizens and pay stipends during the training period.

Training (like other HR procedures) can be focused on business results and employees. The high efficiency of training, aimed primarily at the result of work, is achieved mainly by transferring to the employee the knowledge and skills necessary directly for work. Training aimed at developing and motivating employees. Rather, it is an investment in employees. In practice, learning objectives are based on a combination of these two basic factors.

To solve the problem of forming a training system, it is necessary to determine the goals and approaches to solving the problem:

Provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively

An employee must have at least the necessary skills to perform his job. For a meaningful, flexible, and, if necessary, creative approach to a person, appropriate knowledge is also needed. Correlation of knowledge and skills of an employee with the requirements for the position he occupies can be illustrated by a diagram.

It makes no sense to train an employee with excessive qualifications, at least for work in this position. Rather, such an employee should be moved to another position where high qualifications will be more useful.

The opposite situation is with an employee with insufficient qualifications. To provide successful work training must be very serious. It is worth considering whether it makes sense to invest heavily in such an employee.

· Maintain the professional level of the staff and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions.

This is the most understandable. A pragmatic and relatively easy learning goal. Traditionally, the term “training” is used to refer to it. With the implementation of measures to achieve this goal, they usually begin to build a personnel training system in those organizations where this system does not exist.

The goal of training formulated above is achieved only if training is carried out on the job.

To maintain and improve the managerial qualifications of managers, their regular management training should be organized. The employee must regularly update knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work performed and its changes.

· Prepare employees for their possible replacement of colleagues during vacations, illness, business trips and in case of dismissal.

If we calculate the time of absence of each employee at work for quite good reasons, then it will average from 8 to 10% of the annual volume of working time. This means that every tenth to twelfth employee is absent from work every day. The work of absent employees is inevitably performed by the remaining ones. And if you do not teach them this in advance, it will be done poorly or not done at all. Often in practice one has to deal with uneven loading individual workers and entire divisions, when it is necessary to connect employees of related professions to “overloaded” areas. Therefore, for the successful operation of the organization, a certain part of the employees must be trained in skills that allow them to replace absent colleagues.

· Prepare employees for relocation or promotion.

Among the mass of employees of any company there is a certain percentage of people with high potential. These people are the "golden fund" of the organization and ensure its successful progressive development. But before promoting employees. They need to be trained. After all, just performing duties in their place, they cannot master the skills. Required to work in new position. feature of this group. The fact that usually highly qualified specialists are appointed as managers. But after appointing them official duties change dramatically: they need, first of all, management skills. Including managing people. The organization should carry out planned work to train promising employees in order to prepare them for possible promotion.

· To create and maintain a sense of belonging to the organization's activities among the staff, to acquaint employees with the strategy and structure. Services, technology activities.

A communication process that is limited to providing information about the immediate responsibilities and does not give any information about the quality of work and the general direction and goals of the company has a negative impact on the efficiency of the employees of the enterprise. A properly structured transfer of information about the meaning of the work performed by employees, its ideological connection with the overall goals of the organization and the quality of work of employees will bring significant benefits to the company. Actual messages about the life of the company can be transmitted during scheduled seminars for specialists and managers. To this end, meetings are included in the seminar programs. Interviews with senior management of the company. Any employee needs not only relevant knowledge and skills. But also the constant receipt of information from the management for a better understanding of the processes taking place in the company.

Maintain a positive work attitude among employees.

The very fact of training an employee, which is carried out in an organization, as a rule, helps to improve his mood and increase motivation in relation to work. This approach means that the company cares about its staff and looks forward to long-term cooperation with them. If the training is accompanied by a meeting with the leaders of the company. And in the course of it, coffee breaks, lunches are arranged, other signs of attention to the trained employees are shown, i.e. there is an opportunity informal communication. it positive effect is even more tangible, the effectiveness of training increases. Thus, to be successful in the organization, learning must be carried out with the active support and interest of the management, in good conditions and its implementation is desirable direct or indirect participation of the company's managers.

· The purposes of training determined by the current legislation.

current Labor Code and others federal laws provide for mandatory training of a number of categories of workers in the rules of safety and labor protection. Issued and the relevant by-law departmental regulations, for the violation of which the heads and responsible employees of any organization may be subject to material and other sanctions.

Table 2. Methodological approaches to the implementation of learning objectives

Target Example
1. Provide employees with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective work

Courses of induction, adaptation


Studying in. Yaz.

Computer literacy training.

Training to work in the environment of the implemented corporate information system.

Maintain the professional level of staff and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions

Sales skills training

Professional seminars and courses for accountants, lawyers, auditors, programmers.

Conferences on various business lines.

Attending presentations and exhibitions

Prepare employees for their possible replacement of colleagues during vacation, illness, business trips and in case of dismissal

Technical training on the job.

Training of workers of the second profession

1. Prepare employees for relocation or promotion.

Among the mass of employees of any company there is a certain percentage of people

Managerial preparation of the reserve for promotion.



To create and maintain a sense of belonging to the organization's activities among the staff, to acquaint employees with the strategy and structure. Services, technology of activity

Participation of senior management in training activities as teachers and trainees.

Arranging regular meetings between management and staff.

Maintain a positive work attitude among employees

Demonstration by management of a positive attitude towards learning.

Creation of favorable conditions for learning.

Encouraging successful employee training

Promotion based on learning outcomes

Learning objectives determined by the current legislation

Safety and labor protection.

Training of employees holding positions requiring licensing and certification.


In today's rapidly advancing technology, human resource development is vital for any organization. There are many reasons why a company simply must pay attention to the education and development of its employees. For example, the competitiveness and adaptation of the enterprise to environment are derived from the skill level of the staff. Thus, the organization is always interested in the most effective development of personnel. Personnel as one of the main sources of creation competitive advantage for a long period holds the most important place in the system strategic management. According to Western experts, innovations related to the development of knowledge and skills of the company's employees, the development of their potential, are of priority importance compared to innovations in the field of improving product properties, technology and production organization, therefore, investments in personnel are the most reliable. Therefore, more and more companies are considering personnel development as a priority option for decisions in the field of investment policy and strengthening competitive advantages. The development of human resources is their change depending on the strategic goals of the company. This multifaceted process is a system of interrelated actions, the elements of which are the development of a strategy, forecasting and planning the need for personnel, career and professional growth management, organization of the process of adaptation, training, and formation of a corporate culture. A modern worker must have strategic thinking, enterprise, wide erudition, high culture. A systematic approach to personnel development is the key to the company's prosperity

List of used literature

1. Genkin B.M. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M .: Higher School, 2005

2. Vesnin R.R. Practical Personnel Management: A Guide to personnel work. - M.: Jurist, 2007

3. Grachev M.V. Superframes: Human Resources Management and international corporations. - M.: Infra-M, 2007

4. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management. Textbook.-M.Infra-M, 2007

5. Personnel management of the organization. Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova - M .: Infra - M, 2006

6. Personnel management. Textbook, Under the general. Ed. A.I. Turchinov. - M .: Publishing house of the RAGS, 2006

Responsibilities that were previously carried out by one employee are planned to be distributed between two

1. What does “stimulus” literally mean in Latin?
financial reward for a job well done
animal bait when needed to get them to do something
++ / answer / ++ pointed stick, which is driven by animals

2. Adaptation is:
++ / answer / ++ adaptation of the employee to new professional, social and organizational-economic
working conditions
mutual adaptation of the employee and the organization through the gradual development of the employee in the new conditions
adaptation of the organization to changing external conditions
process of professional development of a new employee

3. What is the socio-psychological aspect of adaptation?
++ / answer / ++ adaptation to new physical and psychological stress
adjusting to a relatively new society
mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace in the structure of the organization
full and successful mastery of a new profession, i.е. habituation, adaptation to the content and nature of work, its conditions and organization
adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole, resulting in smaller changes in his functional state

4. To speed up the process of adaptation of a new employee, it is necessary:
let him figure it out on his own
++/answer/++ introduce him to the specifics of the organization and employees
constantly monitor his work and give assessments and advice
to isolate him from the influence of colleagues
do not interfere in the process of adaptation of a new employee

5. What are the two directions of adaptation in personnel management?
++/answer/++ primary, secondary
main, auxiliary
external, internal
obvious, hidden

6. Which of the following items is necessary condition team organization and an essential factor in organizational and administrative adaptation?
team mood
team traditions
++ / answer / ++ moral and psychological climate

7. The management mechanism for vocational guidance and adaptation is carried out through ...
formation of educational bodies
++/answer/++ Formation and development of a system of governing bodies at various levels
formation and development of a system of control bodies at various levels
reducing labor turnover
formation and development of the technical system

8. Responsibilities that were previously performed by one employee are planned to be distributed between two employees. At the same time, one of them is a newcomer to the organization. In your opinion, you should:
let them separate the functions themselves
advise an experienced employee to give a newcomer an easier job
++/answer/++ compose job descriptions for both
give the newcomer more difficult work to speed up the onboarding process
isolate the new employee to avoid negative consequences

9. Define one of the stages of adaptation:
payment of wages
++/answer/++ "acclimatization"

10. Period of adaptation to new responsibilities:
longer if recruited through internal sources of recruitment
++/response/++ is longer in case of recruitment through external recruitment sources
approximately the same in duration for all and does not depend on the sources of personnel recruitment
depends on the level of education of the person
depends only on the psychological characteristics of the individual

11. Professional adaptation is usually understood as:
++ / answer / ++ acquisition of skills, mastering new techniques in doing work
mastering the rules and norms of relationships in the team
getting used to new people
adaptation to work activity at the level of the employee's body as a whole
adaptation to the immediate social environment

12. Psychophysiological adaptation characterizes:
adaptation of an employee to a relatively new society, norms of behavior establishing contacts
acquisition or improvement of labor abilities (professional knowledge, skills), study of the technological process
++ / answer / ++ adaptation to new physical and psychological stress, working conditions
assimilation of the role or organizational status of the workplace and unit in the overall organizational structure, understanding the control mechanism
discussion latest developments and determination of priority areas for personnel development, based on the goals and objectives of innovation

13. From what stage should the process of adaptation of an employee in a team begin?
++/answer/++ from the process of orientation, familiarization
from the process of assimilation
from the adjustment process
from the process of stereotyping
from the accreditation process

14. What is meant by the employee orientation process?
++/answer/++ receiving by the employee information about the organization where he starts working
the ability of the employee to choose the organization where he would like to work
choice educational institution where the employee would like to receive vocational training
the final stage of the adaptation process
preparing to leave the organization

15. The core of any team is:
indifferent workers
partially identified
++/answer/++ fully identified
unadapted workers
least qualified workers


Adaptation of workers in work collective and factors influencing the improvement of this process

The essence and structure of labor adaptation

Adaptation means the inclusion of a person in a new material and social environment for her.. When a person goes to work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational labor relations, occupying several positions in it. He is a worker, and a public figure, and a colleague, and a member of the party, trade union and other organizations. Each such position corresponds a set of requirements, standards, patterns of behavior, i.e. social role. Social roles embody the requirements for human behavior on the part of those communities and social groups of which he is a member. From the person who occupies each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. For example, the social role of the innovator is associated with such actions as constant analysis of the possibilities for the development of production, development of options for one or another improvement, submission of rationalization proposals, and receipt of remuneration. The complex of these positions, roles in the organization, society determines the social position of the individual in the team and society.

Entering the enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms. Behavior settings. In accordance with them, the employee makes demands on the organization: working conditions, pay, maintenance, growth opportunities, and the social environment. The attitude of the employee to the organization depends on the degree of realization of his goal.

But the organization has its own goals and objectives, the central among which are the production of products, the production of material and spiritual benefits, the provision of services. In accordance with them, the organization develops its social values ​​and norms.

So in the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the process of labor adaptation takes place. This process will be more successful than to a greater extent the norms and values ​​of the team become the norms and values ​​of an individual, the better and sooner he accepts, assimilates his social roles. the more the enterprise meets the needs and requirements of the employee, the higher his job satisfaction. Thus, adaptation is a complex, two-way process between the individual and the environment in which he is included.

Distinguish between primary and secondary adaptation . Primary adaptation occurs during the initial entry of a young person into permanent labor activity. Secondary adaptation occurs in two cases: when an employee moves to a new workplace with or without a change in profession, as well as when there are significant changes in the working environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

Psychophysiological adaptation- this is the process of mastering the totality of all the conditions necessary for the employee during work. In modern production, not only equipment and technology are morally obsolete, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment.

Socio-psychological adaptation- this is the inclusion of an employee in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives versatile information about his team, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders.

Professional adaptation It is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of certain professionally necessary qualities of a person, in the development of a stable positive attitude of an employee towards his profession. Professional adaptation is largely determined by whether the employee, upon obtaining a specialty, has mastered the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills, to what extent he has a sense of responsibility, a sense of the new, practicality, efficiency, and the ability to distribute actions over time.

The significance of individual aspects for different types of adaptation is not the same. Thus, the professional aspect is more significant when a young worker enters a permanent labor activity for the first time than when a worker moves to a new place without changing his profession. Both professional and psycho-physiological aspects are very important for secondary adaptation in case of a change in the working environment.

Despite the difference in aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, i.e. labor adaptation is an integral system that cannot be reduced to a simple sum of the properties of its parts. It involves the adaptation of the employee to the organization as a whole, to its norms and values.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through several stages. On the familiarization stage he receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior. AT stages of adaptation the worker is reoriented, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but retains many of the old attitudes. AT stages of assimilation there is a complete adaptation to the environment, identification with a new group. Identification- this is the identification of personal goals with the goals of the enterprise, the result of the adaptation process.

By the nature of identification, three categories of workers are distinguished: indifferent, partially identified, fully identified. The core of any team is made up of fully identified workers. A feature of behavior is not just a conscientious attitude to one's duties, but also a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests in order to successfully achieve the goals of the organization.

The result of identification is a stable high-quality fulfillment of production tasks and standards, the formation of a stable positive attitude towards the profession, the working situation, and the team.

The rate of adaptation depends on many factors. But on average, this is the minimum period during which the administration is convinced of the professional qualifications of the employee, compliance with his requirements, and he - in accordance with the content, conditions, remuneration of his expectations. The normal period of adaptation for different categories of workers is from 1-6 months to 3 years. Moreover, for team leaders, the adaptation period should be shorter than for ordinary workers.

group. Their absence affects the activity, the behavior of the employee is ambiguous. On the one hand, he can devote himself more to professional and social activities. On the other hand, he is deprived of the necessary components of life balance, which reduces the overall satisfaction with life. All this, in turn, is capable of negatively influencing his professional and social activities. Thus, our study of the adaptation of young professionals showed more successful professional adaptation among married people. Non-family young professionals are more successful in social and psychological adaptation.

Work experience as a factor of adaptation is closely related to age. It is central among other factors influencing the strengthening or disruption of the relationship between the employee and the enterprise. In the sociology of labor, it is customary to study the phenomenon of three types of experience: general, work in a given enterprise, in a given profession. Allocate sometimes work experience in this team.

social background is essential for adaptation, since the family greatly influences the professional orientation of school graduates, the choice of the field of work.

Action education as factors of adaptation is such that young people with a higher level of education are the least adapted in the workplace. This contradiction can be resolved by orienting young people towards technical creativity, creativity in work. Otherwise, there is a search for a more interesting job corresponding to education, a transition to another enterprise.

The higher level of claims the more difficult it is to adapt. The level of claims is derived from education, social origin.

Self perception This is the employee's self-image. From the point of view of adaptation, this is an idea of ​​what his abilities are most valuable and important.

An important personal factor, especially significant for secondary adaptation, is the readiness of the employee to perceive the new. This readiness is determined by the level of his education and qualifications. It is connected with the focus of the education system on the formation of a person's ability to independently acquire knowledge, the need for their constant replenishment.

To production factors , in essence, include all elements of the production environment. For each category of workers, production factors are modified in accordance with the specifics of the work of this group. Thus, the state of equipment and forms of labor organization are of particular importance for workers.

specific adaptation factor are forms of labor organization. Under the conditions of a brigade organization of labor, the level of adaptation of workers is, as a rule, higher than with an individual organization.

The adaptation of workers to changing production conditions is influenced by the existing system at enterprises innovation.

Like personal factors, production factors act differently on different aspects of adaptation. For some aspects, some factors are most significant, for others others. Moreover, the set of significant factors for some aspects is larger, for others it is smaller.

During primary adaptation, a particularly sharp breakdown of the habitual stereotype of behavior occurs. During this period of mastering a new special role, a newcomer especially needs support and guardianship. The most effective implementation of these goals can be provided by mentoring.

Labor adaptation management

Labor adaptation management includes measurement, regulation and control. Measurement (accounting) involves a preliminary clarification of the contingents of adaptants. All newcomers can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vocational school graduates;
  2. high school graduates;
  3. graduates of universities and technical schools;
  4. mobilized from the Army;
  5. new employees who have work experience, but have not previously worked in this area;
  6. workers changing jobs.

The speed and level of adaptation of workers is judged by objective and subjective indicators.

Objective indicators of the general adaptability of an employee are indicators of the effectiveness of his labor activity, as well as his activity in various spheres of life. An objective indicator of professional adaptation is the correspondence of qualifications to the requirements of the workplace. For socio-psychological adaptation - this is participation in the life of the team, a socio-psychological position in it, for the psycho-physiological degree of fatigue.

Subjective indicators of general adaptability are the desire or unwillingness to continue working in this organization, overall job satisfaction. Subjective indicators of professional adaptation attitude to the profession; socio-psychological assessment of relations with the team, leader; psychophysiological assessment of well-being, conditions, severity of work.

The source of information about adaptability indicators is the factory documentation and the results of a survey of both the adaptees themselves and their immediate supervisors.

Thus, the objective and subjective aspects of adaptation are interrelated, although they characterize its different aspects.

Adjustment regulation involves a system of measures aimed at accelerating the adaptation of new employees. There are a number of factors that the organization cannot influence. These are such personal factors as gender, age, marital status, plans for the future, norms and values ​​of a young worker, sometimes his expectations. In relation to these factors, adaptation management mainly goes beyond the enterprise and rests on such social institutions as family and education, which form the system of values ​​and norms of a young worker, plans for the future, readiness for professional activity. But it does not follow from this that information about trends, the nature of the influence of these factors on adaptation is not needed.

In connection with the growing role of secondary adaptation, the importance of such a production factor as the organization of systematic advanced training, as well as training of personnel, is increasing. This factor is especially significant in the conditions of perestroika due to the large scale of the release of workers, primarily from the sphere of management, and their transition to other areas of activity.

To manage adaptation, it is necessary to control the extent to which a particular employee adapts, to regularly obtain adaptation parameters, since only under this condition can the entire system of measures be effectively operated. Only the implementation of a holistic system of measures that are constantly operating, allows you to successfully manage the adaptation process.

Characteristics of the current state of personnel training systems in organizations (at enterprises)

The term "Personnel" combines the components of the workforce of the organization. Personnel includes all employees who perform production or management operations and are engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor.

The concepts of "cadres", "employees", "personnel" are identical, if we take the definition given above as a basis.

Education is one of the most important subsystems of the social sphere of the state, which ensures the process of obtaining by a person systematized knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain area of ​​professional activity.

Intra-corporate training occupies one of the first places in human resources management, since without qualified and professionally trained personnel, the organization will not be competitive in the market.

Training can be carried out at the workplace and outside the workplace (intra-production and non-production). The criteria for choosing the type of training are, on the one hand, income (improving qualifications leads to an increase in economic results of work), on the other hand, impressive costs. Where income from vocational training is difficult to quantify, costs are relatively easy to quantify. Out-of-work training is associated with significant fluctuating costs, in-house training with significant but fixed costs, since a certain number of people are employed in the field of training and there is an appropriate infrastructure.

On-the-job training of qualified personnel has advantages: the training methodology is carried out taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the transfer of knowledge is carried out in a simple visual way, the result is easily controlled. In contrast, non-productive training of qualified personnel is carried out, as a rule, by experienced teachers in a wide range of their experience, but the needs of the enterprise are not always sufficiently taken into account.

The purpose of training, needs is the answer to the question "whom and what to teach?". And to the question "how to teach?" meet the forms of organization of training and types of classes. The variety of these forms and types is very large, and each has a place in the overall system of corporate training.

Table 1. Classification of forms of organization of training

Number of Organization MembersTraining ModeTraining OrganizerInternal!ExternalInternal ProviderExternal ProviderGroup

trainingWithout workClosed seminarsOpen seminars

ConferencesOn the jobTechnical studiesCoursesIndividual

TrainingOut of workInternshipEducational programs

InternshipWithout interruption of workTechnical studies.

Rotation or internship


Self-learning, incl. with help. Computer programs

Distance learningEducational programs.

D distance learning

1- the personnel service can act as an internal organizer, the internal