OSU, management (calculation and graphic task). Operational and production management

  • 14.04.2020



Department of Management

Settlement and graphic work
by discipline
Option 1

Performed student
2 course group EP-201
A. N. Ambrozheychik
accepted Senior Lecturer

Simferopol, 2011

1. Management as a rational phenomenon and as an art
2. General characteristics of the enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC
3. Features of the management of Sintez-Trade LLC

The relevance of the study of management, its scientific and practical application is very important and is growing every day because management is a global problem area, a dynamic element that supports the viability of each enterprise. Without this element, production resources remain just resources and never become production. AT modern world The external conditions for the functioning of any organization are changing rapidly, and the economic environment is becoming increasingly competitive, and the success of the organization will especially depend on the experience and effectiveness of management. Managers are given human and material resources to work with, they create productive production that leads to a healthy society. The truth of this statement is growing every time, as we move into an era of high intellectual technologies, making human capabilities especially important for effective production in organizations.
The definition of "management" includes the study of the demand and consumption market, minimizing costs and selling products with maximum profit, and as an economist it is important to be able to predict the demand for manufactured goods and services, know the composition of potential consumers and get the maximum profit. Since the manager manages human resources, then social significance management is constantly growing.
Many works of foreign and domestic scientists have made a huge contribution to the development of management as a science in terms of various approaches to study. However, in the modern world, the concept of management is much broader, it is called the art of management, a phenomenon of the present.
The aim of the work is to study the theoretical foundations of management as a science and the practical aspects of its application at the enterprise Sintez-Trade LLC.
The objectives of this work are to:
- reveal the essence of management as a rational phenomenon and as an art;
- to characterize the activities of the enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC;
- describe the organizational structure and management style at the Sintez-Trade LLC enterprise.
- to consider the implementation of the main management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control at the Sintez-Trade LLC enterprise;
- to summarize the material presented in the main part, on their basis to make proposals and make recommendations on all aspects of the work for their implementation in practice.
The object is the study of the enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC as an element of market relations.
The subject of the study is the situations that occur within the enterprise LLC Sintez-Trade, which relate to the sphere of management of this enterprise.
The following methods were used to write this work:
- observations;
- experiment;
- SWOT-analysis method.

1. Management as a rational phenomenon and as an art
Management arose at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. as a result of an intense search for means of increasing competitiveness and efficiency, which is essential for survival in the market. Entrepreneurs have been repeatedly convinced that the success of their organization depends not so much on financial capabilities, since bankruptcy could occur at any moment, but on the ability to use them effectively, activate the internal capabilities and potential of the staff, put at the forefront a special type of activity for managing all processes - management.
At present, it is difficult to name a more important and multifaceted field of activity than management, or management, from which
both production efficiency and quality depend to a large extent
public services. Significant management experience in the field of industry, trade, cooperation, agriculture, etc. has been accumulated in foreign countries. as a result of the direct participation of people in management activities. It is enriched by knowledge of the fundamentals of science and the art of management, world achievements in the practical organization of economic and social processes.
So what is management: a type of work activity, a management process, a scientific discipline, or the whole art of management? Translated from English, management is management, from Greek it means dressage. The concept of "management" is quite general and is interpreted in different ways. It brings together very different principles, roles, activities and functions. Most often, this concept is used in two meanings: 1) as a functional concept that covers business processes and functions that characterize the activities of an enterprise (purchase, production, marketing, etc.); 2) as an organizational concept that characterizes the subjects that make the decision, their role in the activities of the enterprise (board, boss, director). In general, the functional approach dominates, which outlines the task of activities and business processes, while the second approach focuses on the role of managers at different organizational levels. The concept of management has an intersectoral character and a very complex semantics. Quite often the word management is used as a synonym for the management or management of an enterprise. Management, management is practically a game of definition. It is no coincidence that in translated literature they are often used as synonyms. P. Drucker, as a recognized authority in the field of management theory, explains that the word management in English-speaking countries is used very freely and in different meanings, although term management is exceptionally difficult to understand. First, it has a specifically American origin and can hardly be translated into any other language. Therefore, it can be interpreted in different ways. So, management is: - management of socio-economic systems, including production ones; - to do something with the hands of others (American definition); - the art of getting work done through others; - a field of activity that combines art and science and demonstrates a growing professionalism; - the art of knowing exactly what is to be done and how to do it in the best and cheapest way; - a rational phenomenon that integrates management activities, personnel policy, the state of the entire management infrastructure at various scales; - the art of leading and achieving the desired; - the art of management, which is based on the fact that organizations are complex socio-technical systems, the functioning of which is influenced by numerous and diverse factors of both external and internal environment. Thus, it is rather difficult to give a complete and short definition of this concept; it is easier to note its characteristic features that make up the rational phenomenon of management. Management is a rational way of managing business organizations, as well as management focused on profitability and profitability, activities from supervision, which uses special forms of labor organization, contractual and contractual relations between labor and capital. This is a special branch of scientific knowledge and professional specialization of managers-managers who make up the administrative staff of an entrepreneurial organization.
The management process is a multifaceted, multifactorial and rational phenomenon. Therefore, it cannot be exhaustively described and characterized from one point of view. The task can be solved on the basis of modeling the management process as a phenomenon, taking into account several complementary aspects, i.e. using a multifactorial approach. Thus, several partial processes (subsystems) are identified that correspond to the selected criteria, which together form a single whole.
The content of the management process, as well as its theory, can be represented as a system of three interrelated and complementary partial processes (subsystems), identified in accordance with three aspects - functional, decision-making, informational. The initial base and basis of decomposition is the functional aspect, according to which the process is divided into the main managerial functions. The following functions are usually distinguished - planning, organization, leadership and control, and now motivation. This is the most comprehensive, effective and frequently used method for identifying the activities of managers. Managerial functions serve as the basis for the formation of the structure and ordering of information about the management process. The activities of a manager include decision making, i.e. their preparation and selection. This is an important part of his work, inextricably linked with all functions, and therefore is an integral part of the management process. Information is needed to perform managerial functions and, consequently, to make decisions. This is a prerequisite for the rational functioning of any management system. In a certain sense, management has the character of an information process. The management process, considered from functional positions, is divided into lower-level subsystems, i.e. for individual managerial functions. In this regard, special sections of management can be distinguished, such as planning, organization and organizational structures, people management, control, etc. The relevant problematic sections are constantly supplemented and improved. For example, for several decades, managers considered decision making an art. Over time, this view has changed. It is no longer possible to rely solely on trial and error. The need for the application of scientific methods is increasing. To improve management, various sources of knowledge (scientific disciplines) should be used. At the same time, knowledge of precise, “scientific” methods cannot be exaggerated, while underestimating the role of intuitive decision-making and accumulated experience. The main sources of knowledge that contribute to the development of management and its theory include empirical information, behavioral information, mathematical and statistical data (obtained primarily through the "science of management"), technical data (including information about computers). These sources, as well as knowledge obtained from other scientific disciplines, do not form a separate issue or subsystem of the management process. Therefore, they cannot be considered sections of his theory. However, this, of course, does not mean that the issues related to various sources of management development cannot serve as a subject of study and development separate from management.

Thus, management as a rational phenomenon is an outstanding and exceptional phenomenon of the present time in the socio-economic aspect.
Today, it is customary to talk about management as the art of managing organizations. For a deeper understanding of this kind of art, let's turn to the historical summary.
By the time the "school of scientific management" appeared in the first decade of the 20th century, there was practically no idea of ​​the scientific organization of labor. Management was understood as the most unexpected things, up to the manufacturing technology of a particular product. The "school of scientific management" includes such management classics as Frederic Winslow Taylor, Henri Fayol, Harrington Emerson and Henry Ford. Without their contribution, the emergence of modern management with its inherent unity of science, art, and management technology would have been impossible. In the works of the classics, the principles, goals and objectives of scientific management are formulated, the main functions of management are described. In their work, a study was made of the problems of organization, rationalization, optimization of production and increase in efficiency.
Developing the foundations of science, we can see the initiative in A. Fayol's 14 general principles of management: “We call the initiative the possibility of creating and implementing a plan. The freedom to propose and exercise is exactly the same in the category of initiative.”
His first element of control is foresight. "To rule
is to foresee. Indeed, if foresight is not a hundred
percent management, then it, in any case, is an essential part of the latter.
Fayol also writes about the art of managing people: “In large enterprise the majority of heads of departments participate in the development of a business development program; this work joins their regular work from time to time; it requires a certain amount of responsibility, and usually there is no special reward for it. In order to achieve sincere and active cooperation from the heads of departments in these conditions, one must have the quality of a skillful manager of people who works tirelessly and is not afraid of responsibility. We learn about a manager who skillfully manages people by the zeal of his subordinates and by the trust of his superiors.
F. Taylor speaks of "constructive imagination" - the ability that allows a person, with the help of a few learned concepts, to overcome the obstacles encountered in his path and create something useful, despite these obstacles.
He also points out that "Management is the art of knowing exactly what is to be done and how to do it in the best and cheapest way." The science and art of management are closely related. The manager must take into account some of the limitations of theory and scientific research and adjust his practice to the conclusions of the theory only where appropriate.
Another feature of the conclusion about the dual nature of management is its certain logical one-sidedness. If a brilliant manager made the right decision based on intuition, which, as a rule, is based on experience, then is it correct to say that this decision, in principle, cannot be scientifically substantiated? On the contrary, the opposite can be argued: a manager's decision, including the wrong one, is not at all difficult to bring a scientific basis.
Science gives only certain general provisions, approaches, principles, methods. The art of management consists in their creative application in management practice. The manager must know under what conditions, under what circumstances, in what environment to apply specific scientific knowledge. It should be noted that these can be both innate and acquired qualities. These include: talent, intuition, imagination, creativity, creativity, willingness to perceive the new.
The art of management lies in the use of accumulated experience and acquired knowledge creatively in practice. This requires a certain natural gift, such people are called leaders. The manager must subtly feel everything that is happening around and be able to captivate and guide subordinates. Therefore, it is essential that, in addition to developed intuition, imagination, certain knowledge, and so on, he must have organizational skills.
Therefore, management is an organizational, leading and performing art, since it is possible to acquire the skills of managing a company, industry, regions, but it is more difficult to manage people directly and it is most difficult to learn how to manage oneself,
manage your own life. There are a huge number of publications containing recommendations on the rational management of companies of various kinds, organizational structures, decision-making mechanisms, ways to prevent
and conflict resolution, communication technology, etc. At the same time, under the success
management is understood not only to maximize profits or create the necessary conditions for this, not only the material aspects of life, but also the comprehensive development of the individual, self-realization, the adequacy of one’s being to the image of one’s own “I”, identification of oneself and one’s place in society.
Thus, theoretical pluralism in the interpretation of the essence and content of the concept of management has led to the fact that at present management is not only a science, but an art and a management phenomenon, without which it is impossible to create a competitive and efficient organization of economic activity.

2. General characteristics of the enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC
The basis for writing the settlement and graphic work is the Sintez-Trade limited liability company, created by combining the property of the founders on the basis of their property and registered on September 18, 2007 in Simferopol.
The purpose of the activity of Sintez-Trade LLC is to make a profit through the sale of products to meet the economic, social and professional interests of the founders and employees of the company.
Another important goal is customer satisfaction.
The main task is to gain market share and maintain a competitive position.
The enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC operates in trading industry, main view economic activity- wholesale trade.
Wholesale trade - trade in consignments of goods. Most often, goods purchased from a wholesaler are intended for subsequent resale. But it is also not uncommon for buyers to be large consumers of goods. Unlike retail trade, in wholesale trade, settlements are made by non-cash funds. Wholesale trade is an intermediary between the manufacturer and retail. Participates in the acceleration of commodity circulation, synchronization of production and consumption.
Wholesale trade is trade between organizations, organizations and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, i.e., it is trade when goods are sold not for final use, but for business needs (for resale or for use in production).
The results of statistical observations for 2009 showed that the wholesale trade in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea continues to develop.
The main activity of the company is wholesale trade in an industrial group of goods, namely excise and label glue.
The consumers of this group of goods are factories for the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, canning factories, enterprises engaged in the production of furniture.
The main buyers of Sintez-Trade LLC are:

      winery Livadia;
      Bakhchisaray winery;
      Evpatoria winery;
      Crimean wine house;
      Sevastopol cannery "Antarctica";
      Kerch cannery "Strait";
as well as such large factories as Soyuz-Viktan, Massandra, whose brands are known not only in Ukrainian, but also in Russian markets.
The demand for this group of goods is seasonal. Manufacturers of non-alcoholic products in the winter period experience a decrease in the output of goods, while producers of alcoholic beverages, on the contrary, increase production in the winter period and increase the demand for glue.
The enterprise "Sintez-Trade" LLC is the official representative in the Crimea large companies Ukraine: "Front" (Kharkov), "Victoria" (Cherkassy), which supply their products to the most famous factories in Ukraine, such as Coca-Cola, Obolon, Slavutich, etc. Also suppliers are LLC "Adgesia" and private enterprises for the production of glue.
The company provides:
    consulting services;
    after-sales service. For the full implementation of manufactured products and maximizing profits, it is necessary to study the competitive environment and competitive advantages enterprises.
Sintez-Trade LLC is one of the leaders in the Crimean market in terms of its products, in particular, glue.
The main competitors of the enterprise in terms of label and excise adhesive are:
    the Lux-X company (Kharkov), which has a representative office in Simferopol;
    company "Capital-Invest" (Simferopol).
To assess the strengths and weaknesses of this enterprise, we will conduct a SWOT analysis of Sintez-Trade LLC.
SWOT - analysis is a research method aimed at assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, its opportunities and potential threats. Opportunities are defined as a set of enterprise capabilities that create conditions for the formation of competitive advantages.
Table 2.1 - SWOT matrix - analysis of the functioning of the enterprise Sintez-Trade LLC
Strengths Weak sides
3. Dependence on prices set for raw materials
Capabilities Threats
2. A sharp rise in prices for raw materials and energy resources
3. Introduction of new types of products 3. Market slowdown

The next step is to determine the overall significance of the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the enterprise. Quantifying strengths and weaknesses allows you to prioritize and, based on them, allocate resources to solve various problems.
Table 2.2 - Aggregate quantitative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the Sintez-Trade LLC enterprise
Strengths Weak sides
Characteristic Points Characteristic Points
1.High quality products 16,5 1. Lack of information about the strategic directions of development of competitors 13,5
2. The presence of regular consumers 16,5 2.Disadvantage Money 16,5
3.Good reputation from buyers 13,5 3. Dependence on prices set for raw materials 13,5
Sum 46,5 Sum 43,5
Capabilities Threats
Characteristic Points Characteristic Points
1.Introduction of a new line of business 16,5 1. Increasing competitive pressure 16,5
2. Expansion of the sales market share (access to Ukraine) 16,5 2. A sharp rise in prices for raw materials and energy resources 13,5
3. Introduction of new types of products 13,5 3. Market slowdown 13,5
Sum 46,5 Sum 43,5
Thus, according to the results of the analysis of weaknesses and strengths, it was found that the strongest aspects of the enterprise are the high quality of products and the presence of regular customers, and the most weak side- Lack of funds. The greatest threat to the enterprise is the increasing competitive pressure, and the most promising opportunities are the introduction of a new line of business and expansion of the market share (entering Ukraine).
Table 2.3 - SWOT matrix - analysis of Sintez-Trade LLC

After analyzing the SWOT matrix, we can conclude that the company is competitive (Field of Strengths + Opportunities > Fields of Weaknesses + Threats).
Sources of competitive advantage for the enterprise can be:
      more attractive prices compared to other competitors;
      occupied market share;
      product quality.
The tactics of product sales is the most important stage in the economic activity of the enterprise.
The efficiency of an enterprise largely depends on how marketing management is organized, so marketing research is carried out.
The sales system of the enterprise is based on the conclusion of contracts with wholesale buyers, i.e. in direct contact with the consumer. The company also focuses on its own channels (communication with the buyer, the individuality of communication links, the target orientation of the contact).
Sales promotion - the use of a variety of means and methods of stimulating the effect of facilitating the purchase.
Sintez-Trade LLC singles out one addressee of sales promotion - consumers. It aims to push him to buy, to increase the number of units bought by one buyer.
To increase the volume of sales of products, the company uses a special policy, which includes:
    discounts from the price for the agreed volume of purchased consignments of goods;
    personal discounts - are made for special buyers in which the enterprise is especially interested.
The company has 39 core staff and 8 support staff.

3. Features of the management of Sintez-Trade LLC
The Company conducts its activities in accordance with the established legislation on the basis of the Charter, taking into account the specifics provided for by the Civil and Economic Codes of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Business Companies", "On Property".
The property of the enterprise consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other values, the amount of which is displayed in the independent balance sheet of the company.
The company is the owner of:

    monetary and material contributions of the founders;
    income received from the sale of products, works, services and other types of economic activity;
    received income;
    other property acquired on terms not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.







for students of specialties 061100 "Management"

and 061500 "Marketing" of all forms of education


Settlement and graphic work: Guidelines for students of specialties 061100 "Management" and 061500 "Marketing" of all forms of education / Comp. N.G. Aktsoraeva. - Yoshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 2003. -

The objectives of the calculation and graphic work, its structure and content are presented, examples of the necessary calculations are given, options for tasks are presented.

For students of specialties 061100 "Management" and 061500 "Marketing".

Printed by decision

Editorial and Publishing Council of MarSTU

Reviewer: cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business L.V. Permyakova

Mari State

technical university, 2003


Curricula in the specialty 061100 "Management" and 061500 "Marketing" provide for the implementation of settlement and graphic (full-time education) and tests (correspondence education), respectively, in the disciplines "Production Management" and "Organization of Industrial Production".

The value of this work is determined by the opportunity to improve the theoretical and practical training of students during its implementation, since the objectives of this work are as follows:

    deepening and consolidating the existing theoretical knowledge in the field of production activities of industrial enterprises;

    development of practical skills of trainees in the field of planning and organization of production processes in space and time;

    improves the methodological skills of trainees in mastering the methods of operational planning and organization of production;

    contributes to the professional preparation of trainees to perform their duties in the future.

Network planning and management system (spy)

  1. The concept, purpose and advantages of the spa system

Network modeling objects in production are complexes of work on the preparation of the production of products, as well as the manufacture of the products themselves.

Under SPU Method refers to the apparatus for constructing, calculating, analyzing and optimizing network models. The purpose of the method is to solve individual problems related to production planning. The STC method is included in STC system, which is a permanent mechanism that connects accounting and control with the procedures for the development and selection of management decisions. Such a mechanism is subject to regulation, starting with the preparation of a plan for the implementation of a set of works and ending with the moment of its complete completion.

The purpose of the application of the STC system is the development of an optimal or sufficiently close to it version of the production plan that provides rational coordination in time and space of the work performed and the best use of resources, as well as effective management of the process of implementing this plan. As a result of the use of network models, the duration of preparatory and production processes is reduced, their labor intensity and cost are reduced, and labor productivity is growing.

The STC system is based on a model that describes the control object in the form of a network diagram (from which the name of the system follows). network diagram is a logical-mathematical model that reflects the technological and organizational relationships of work to perform a set of operations. The model is an arrow diagram that displays the sequence of all operations, from the relationship and dependence, reflecting the laws of production technology and decisions taken on the implementation of the program of work to achieve a given goal.

A network chart has a number of advantages over a strip chart (Gantt charts), such as:

    allows you to identify and reflect all the relationships of work and operations to achieve the goal;

    reflects the dynamics of the actual progress of work, taking into account changes in the conditions for their implementation;

    on the graph, the technological sequence of work can be easily identified, which determines the deadlines for the entire development - the critical path;

    highlights the most intense work (lying on the critical path), on which the duration of the production cycle or the achievement of the goal depends;

    allows you to determine the reserves of work time (not lying on the critical path), which allows you to most rationally redistribute the available human, material and financial resources;

    creates an opportunity to optimize performance production processes;

    provides the conditions for calculating it on a computer.

The student determines the variant of the calculation and graphic task according to the table, based on the initial letter of his last name (table 1.2).

Table 1.2 - Options for the calculation and graphic task

Initial letter of the student's last name

Topic number settlement and graphic tasks

Traditionally, a certain compositional structure has developed educational and scientific work, including the calculation and graphic task, the main elements of which in the order of their location are the following:

1 Title page.

2 Plan of work indicating sections, paragraphs and page numbering.

3 Introduction (2-3 p.).

4 Sections of the main body:

4.1 theoretical part (5-6 pages);

4.2 characteristics of the investigated object (organization) - (8-10 s.);

4.3 description of the main results of the analysis of management practices on the topic under consideration (5-6 pp.); conclusions and recommendations (1-2 p.).

5 Conclusion.

6 List of used sources.

7 Applications.

Requirements for the content of the calculation and graphic task


In the introduction (2-3 pp.), it is necessary to substantiate the relevance of the problem under study (the topic of the calculation and graphic task), formulate the purpose of the work, tasks to achieve it, indicate the object and subject of the study, describe the information base of the study.

Justifying relevance, the author of the work shows how correctly he understands and evaluates this topic in terms of timeliness and social significance. Coverage of relevance should not be wordy. It is enough to show within one page that consideration of a certain managerial problem is practically significant.

From proving the relevance of the topic, it is logical to move on to the formulation goals research, as well as point to specific tasks to be resolved in accordance with this goal. The goal should be formulated as briefly as possible in one sentence. The tasks are described in the form of an enumeration (study ..., describe ..., find out ..., analyze, etc.). The formulation of these tasks must be done as clearly as possible, since the description of their solution should be the content of the chapters and paragraphs of the course work.

Further, the object and subject of research are called. An object- this is a specific enterprise, its division or complex of enterprises. Subject- specific managerial function or a problem being investigated within the boundaries of an object.

The introduction ends with a description of the information base of the study, which includes educational, monographic, reference literature, periodicals, special journals, regulatory acts, data of primary accounting and reporting of the enterprise, expert data. Only an enumeration of the types of information sources is given.

Theoretical part

In the first chapter of the work (5-6 pp.) a description is given of the degree of theoretical development of the issue; according to literary sources, various points of view on the problem under consideration are analyzed, i.e. the chosen topic is theoretically considered. The positions of various scientific schools, possible approaches and methods for solving the problem are compared. The choice of approaches and methods for the disclosure of the topic is substantiated. The range of issues considered in the work is determined by the goal and the nature of the problem under study.

Characteristics of the topic under study on a specific object

The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the object under study. It describes the organization in terms of factors of internal and external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (8-10 p.).

Organization characteristics(enterprise) involves a summary of the following questions:

Company name;

Product (goods, services) of this enterprise;

The organizational and legal form of the organization (enterprise) on which you are considering the chosen topic, the type of production, the range of products (services provided), the dynamics of the main performance indicators (production (sales), profit, profitability, etc.), a general conclusion about economic situation of the organization (enterprise) in modern conditions and identified positive and negative trends;

The mission of the organization and the goals for the main activities of the organization, as you imagine it (goals of the first level, see Figure 1), the number of goals is individual for each organization;

Consideration of an organization in the form of a system as a set of interrelated elements, formulation of goals for each subsystem;

The organizational structure of the enterprise (organization), determining the type of organizational structure;

Determination of the tasks facing the structural components or blocks of a separate control subsystem;

Specification of environmental factors of direct and indirect impact;

Main competitors and industry market model (suppliers, state institutions, market labor resources, scientific and technological progress, international and political events, socio-economic conditions, group interests) on the example of the enterprise in question (table 2.1), characteristics of the external environment of the organization (complexity of the environment, mobility, uncertainty of the external environment);

Enterprise personnel: total strength, age and gender and qualification structure, relationships in the team, group work, motivation and reward, leadership style;

Give an example of an informal organization (informal leader) existing in your enterprise, which was the basis for its appearance, evaluate the degree of its influence on the formal organization.


The work ends with the final part, which is called "Conclusion". The conclusion plays the role of an ending, which is in the form of a synthesis of the information accumulated in the main part. This synthesis is a consistent, logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction.

It is convenient to begin the conclusion with the words: “based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn: ...”. The results of the research conducted in the work are often presented in the form of a number of paragraphs. Their sequence is determined by the logic of the construction of the work.

An indicative list of topics for the calculation and graphic task in the discipline "Management"

1 Target management of the enterprise.

2 Information Systems in management.

3 Effective Structures modern enterprise management.

4 Decision making in management.

5 Management processes and procedures.

6 Forms of collegiality in management.

7 Methods of stimulating the work of workers.

8 Qualities required of leaders and how to assess them.

9 Leadership style and its determinants.

10 Socially - psychological aspects in management.

11 Conflicts in work collective and ways to prevent them.

12 The effectiveness of management: the concept, methods of evaluation and improvement.

13 Use of foreign experience in the field of management at Russian enterprises.

14 The concept of organizational culture, its role in modern management.

15 Time management as a tool to improve the efficiency of managers.

16 Management methods used in competition.

17 New management tools used in decision making.

18 Improving the ways of testing and evaluating candidates for vacancies in the organization.

19 New approaches to the formation of organizational structures of enterprises.

20 Ways of forming working groups and teams in the organization.

21 Effective methods of building pay systems in organizations.

22 Labor motivation in modern conditions.

23 Methods of stimulating the improvement of the efficiency of employees (divisions).

24 Building problems effective system management accounting in the organization.

25 Reengineering as a new tool for improving the activities of organizations.

26 Network and virtual organizations: features and benefits.

27 Delegation of powers: features of use in modern conditions.

28 Outsourcing: concept and implementation methods.

29 Crisis management enterprise.

30 Management of changes in the organization.

31 Organization effective management the firm's international activities.

32 Improving group management methods as a means of increasing the efficiency of the organization.

33 Improving the management of groups as a factor in improving the efficiency of the organization by improving the management of groups.

34 Ways to coordinate and regulate the activities of informal groups within a formal organization.

35 Analysis of the conditions for the effectiveness of the use of committees in the management process.

36 Analysis of the reasons for the emergence of informal groups in modern Russian organizations.

37 Study of the role of the leader in the effective management of informal groups and organizations.

38 Ways to improve the mechanism of selection and placement of personnel.

39 Ways to improve the efficiency of performance evaluation of staff.

40 Ways to improve productivity in the organization by improving the motivation of employees.

41 A study of communication styles in organizations.

42 Analysis of the influence of the organization of interactions and powers on the effectiveness of the organization.

43 Study of the problem of delegation of authority in Russian organizations.

44 The classical concept of authority and the concept of acceptance of authority by C. Barnard: an analysis of effective use in modern organizations.

45 Exploring opportunities to improve the effectiveness of managing interactions in an organization.

46 Research experience organizational development in modern organizations.

47 Exploring organizational development in organizations as an effective way to manage change.

48 Development of methods for optimizing conflicts in the organization.

49 Analysis of the effectiveness of the application various methods conflict resolution in the organization.

50 Improving the process of conflict prevention in the organization.

51 Improving the system of remuneration and remuneration as a factor in increasing labor productivity.

52 Improving the process of managing groups as a means of increasing the efficiency of the organization.

53 Analysis of the impact of the quality (efficiency) of management decisions on the activities of the organization.

54 Improving the control system as a factor in improving the efficiency of the organization.

55 Organization of an effective control system in firms operating at the international level.

56 Study of the influence of the behavioral aspects of employees on the effectiveness of control in the organization.

57 Study of the influence of environmental factors on the organization in Russia.

58 Development of a mechanism (method) for effective interaction of the organization with the external business environment.

59 Exploring possible ways to improve management international business for Russian organizations.

60 Improving the conflict management process.

61 Research on the impact of social responsibility on business in Russia.

62 Analysis of the effectiveness of the application of various types of organizational structures.

63 Analysis of the effectiveness of the current structure (on the example of an organization).

64 Designing the organizational structure of the organization.

65 Analysis of the effectiveness of the planning system.

66 A study of the organization of strategic planning in Russian organizations.

67 Study of the impact of the justification of the organization's goals on the results of its activities.

68 Improving planning systems as a factor in improving the efficiency of the organization.

69 Study of the relationship between the system of motivation and the effectiveness of the work of groups in the organization.

70 Study of the effectiveness of the application basic theories motivation in the practice of Russian organizations.

71 Improving the motivation system as a tool to improve the efficiency of organizations.

72 Research contemporary problems employee motivation in Russia.

73 Increasing the effectiveness of staff motivation through the design of the workplace and goal setting.

74 Development of a mechanism for effective staff motivation.

75 Ethics Influence Study business communication manager on the results of his activities.

76 Research of the problem of ethics in management and development of the ethical code of the organization.

77 Development of a forecast of changes in the external environment of the organization.

78 Study of the influence of managerial style on labor productivity.

79 Mechanism for choosing an effective managerial style.

80 Ways to improve the efficiency of management decisions.

81 Study of the impact of management decisions on the effectiveness of the organization.

82 Study of the influence of the manager's image on the effectiveness of his activities.

83 Study of the influence of corporate culture on the activities of the organization.

84 Joint ventures: an analysis of the motivation for creation and management features.

85 Ways to improve the management of joint ventures.

86 Analysis of the effectiveness of international forms of business.

87 Optimization of the process of making and implementing managerial decisions.

88 Organization of effective management of the international activities of the firm.

89 Study of the features of management of multinational corporations.

90 Improvement of the management information system.

91 The impact of interpersonal communications on the efficiency of organizations.

92 Optimization of communications within the organization in order to improve management efficiency.

93 Non-verbal communication: meaning, methods and effectiveness of use in modern organizations.

94 Analysis of communications as information channels of the organization.

Sample plans for the calculation and graphic task

Topic 1 The essence of management and its importance in a market economy

Theoretical part

The concepts of "management" and "management", their relationship. Historical background of management. The corporate nature of management. Modern approaches to management: customer orientation, entrepreneurial approach, marketing management concept and innovative management approach, etc. Features of enterprise management in a centrally planned economy.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (enterprise), (see paragraph 2.3).

Topic 2 Classical (Administrative) School of Management

Theoretical part

Historical prerequisites for the emergence. The main provisions of the classical school of management. F. Taylor's control system. Timing of F. Gilbert's movements. The bureaucratic system of M. Weber. Organization management scheme according to G. Ford. Principles and functions of management A. Fayol. Applicability and significance of concepts in the practice of modern management.

Practical part

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 3 School of Human Relations and Behavioral Sciences

Theoretical part

Historical prerequisites for the emergence. Prerequisites for the formation of a human-oriented management approach. Research by E. Mayo (Hawthorne experiment), theory by M. Follett, and others. Behavioral concepts by D. McGregor, and others. The contribution of prominent representatives of schools to the science of management, the use of concepts in the practice of modern management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 4 Formation of scientific management in Russia

Theoretical part

Organizational and technical concepts of management A.A. Bogdanova, O.A. Yermansky, A.K. Gasteva and others. Social concepts of P.M. Kerzhentseva, N.A. Vitke and others. The contribution of Soviet scientists to the development of management as a science. Application of the main provisions in the practice of modern management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 5 Modern approaches to management

Theoretical part

Historical prerequisites for the emergence. Quantitative control theory. Process approach in management. Concepts of systemic and situational approaches. The most prominent representatives of schools and their contribution to management theory.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 6 System approach to management

Theoretical part

The concept of "system", types of systems, their properties. elemental system. Fundamentals of a systematic approach to management. Production as a system "resources-products".

Practical part

1. Characteristics of the organization (see clause 1.2).

2. Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 7 Internal environment of the organization

Theoretical part

The concept of "organization as an association of people", signs of an organization. Characteristics of the main components of the internal environment: goals and objectives, structure, technology, personnel. The relationship of internal variables. The relationship of the internal and external environment of the organization.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 8 External environment of the organization

Theoretical part

Historical prerequisites for the need to take into account environmental factors in the management of the organization and the importance of the external environment. The concept of an organization as a closed and open system. Environment of direct and indirect influence. Characteristics of the external environment. SWOT analysis as one of the methods for studying the external environment.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Based on the study of environmental factors, conduct its SWOT analysis.

Topic 9 Management principles

Theoretical part

The concept of "control principle". Cybernetic (general) control principles: principle feedback, the law of necessary diversity, the principle of information transformation, the principle of external supplementation, the optimal approach to management. Management principles socio-economic systems: the principle of optimality, purposefulness, centralization and decentralization, etc.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 10 Best management approach

Theoretical part

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 11 Goal setting in management

Theoretical part

The concept of "goal". Mission as a basis for developing the goals of the organization, its significance, examples of missions. Types of goals, properties of goals, requirements for goals. "Tree of goals" as the main method of forming the goals of the organization. Advantages of the method of management by objectives.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Build a tree of goals based on the formulated mission of the enterprise (at least two levels). Describe the properties of goals in your enterprise.

Topic 12 Management functions

Theoretical part

Management functions: concept, historical background of their appearance. The concept of "general management functions", various approaches to their allocation. Specific management functions: concept, composition. The relationship of general and specific management functions.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Provide a list and content of the general and specific management functions of your organization. On the example of one of the specific functions, show its relationship with the general management functions.

Topic 13 Perspective approach to management

Theoretical part

Perspective approach to management, its essence, necessity and objectivity. Long term planning and strategic planning: schemes, procedures, differences. Strategy, main types of strategies, strategy formation process.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Determine what strategy your organization implements, describe the process of its formation.

Topic 14 Planning as a management function

Theoretical part

Essence and principles of planning. Stages and methods of planning. The value of the plan implementation block, its main elements. System approach in planning. Plan types. Overseas experience corporate planning.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 15 Program-target approach to management

Theoretical part

Program-target approach in management, its essence and necessity. The concept of "program", its main elements, types of programs. The order of development of programs.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 16 Control in the management system

Theoretical part

The essence and tasks of control in the control system. Control as feedback in management. Scopes of control. Types of control. Control process and problems of its implementation. Efficiency of control, requirements for effective control.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Describe the control system in your organization and the control process using the example of one of the activities of your organization. Evaluate the effectiveness of control and formulate proposals for its improvement.

Topic 17 Organizational management structures

Theoretical part

The concept of "organizational structure of management" and its elements. Characteristics of mechanistic and organic management structures, their differences. The main types of organizational structures (linear, functional, headquarters, divisional, project, matrix, etc.), their distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of structures must be presented in the form of diagrams. Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Analyze the organizational structure at your enterprise: indicate its type, identify the levels of management (higher, middle, lower), describe the features of each level, establish a connection between the existing structure and the requirements for manageability standards. Indicate the shortcomings of the existing organizational structure of management and suggest directions for its improvement.

Topic 18 Problems of centralization and decentralization in the construction of management structures

Theoretical part

The concepts of "centralization" and "decentralization". Advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized management. Degree of centralization and decentralization. Indicators used to assess the degree of centralization (decentralization). Factors determining the degree of centralization and decentralization.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Analyze the organizational structure in your company. Highlight the levels of control. Assess the degree of centralization (decentralization) in enterprise management. Describe the factors that determine the degree of centralization and decentralization in your enterprise (organization). Suggest your version of the distribution of powers in the management of the enterprise.

Topic 19 Informational nature of management

Theoretical part

The concept of "information", information as a resource and product of the management system. Management as a process of information transformation. Stages of obtaining management information. Information classification. Requirements for information used in management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 In accordance with the above classification, indicate the types of information used in your enterprise. Describe the process of passing information on one of the examples. Indicate the problems that exist in the transfer and processing of information and propose measures to improve the information process.

Topic 20 Communication process in the organization

Theoretical part

The essence of the communication process. Elements and stages of the communication process, types of communications in the organization. Forms and styles of communication processes. Efficiency communication processes. Problems arising in the process of communication and ways to solve them.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 21 Management decisions

Theoretical part

The concept of "management decision", the role of decision in management. Decision as an element of feedback. Types of problems and methods for preparing solutions. Classification of management decisions. Requirements for management decisions. Main stages in preparation and acceptance management decision. Methods of development of managerial decisions.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Give examples of problems of various types in the management of your organization. Using the example of an unstructured problem, consider the main stages in the preparation and adoption of a managerial decision and indicate the decision-making methods used.

Topic 22 Management methods

Theoretical part

The concept of "management method". Basic management methods: organizational and administrative, economic, socio-psychological. Them general characteristics, place in the control system, the nature of the impact.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 23 Content theories of motivation

Theoretical part

The concept of "motivation". Motivation of activity and its significance in the management system. Content theories of motivation: hierarchy of needs by A. Maslow, two-factor theory by F. Herzberg, D. McClelland and others. Applicability of theories in the practice of organization management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Describe the motivation system in your organization. Which of the substantive theories of motivation (or elements of theories) are used in management practice. Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the existing system of motivation, directions for its improvement.

Topic 24 Process theories of motivation

Theoretical part

The concept of "motivation". Motivation of activity and its significance in the management system. Process theories of motivation: W. Vroom's expectancy theory, S. Adams' theory of justice, Porter-Lawler's model, etc. Applicability of theories in the practice of organization management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Describe the motivation system in your organization. Which of the procedural theories of motivation (or elements of theories) are used in management practice. Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the existing system of motivation, directions for its improvement.

Topic 25 Theories of human control

Theoretical part

Review of theories of human control. Theories "X" and "Y". American and Japanese approaches to management on the example of theories "A" and "Z". Relationship between human management theories and management styles. Anarchist management style as an attempt to improve the theory of "X" and "Y". The contribution of theories to the development of management.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Analyze the management style of the head of your organization (or one of the departments). Which theory is more in line with it and why? Formulate the advantages and disadvantages of the existing approach to managing a person.

Topic 26 Leadership styles

Theoretical part

The concept of leadership style. One-dimensional management styles: authoritarian, democratic, liberal-permissive management styles, their essence, varieties. Multidimensional management styles: the Mouton-Blake management grid, etc.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 27 Conflict management

Theoretical part

The essence of conflicts in the team, the causes of conflict situations. Types of conflicts, consequences of conflicts for the organization. Methods of managing a conflict situation.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3)

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 28 Group dynamics

Theoretical part

The concept of a group, formal groups, informal groups. Stages of group formation. Factors that determine the effective work of the group. Optimal distribution of roles in the group. Reasons for the emergence of informal groups. Management of formal and informal groups.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 29 Leadership: power and personal influence

Theoretical part

The concept of power. The purpose of power. Means of power. The relationship between the concepts of "power", "influence", "leadership". Forms of power. The balance of power in management: the influence of the leader on subordinates, the influence of subordinates on the leader. Head and leader.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

Topic 30 Managerial work

Theoretical part

Managerial work: its characteristics and features. Management staff: composition, characteristics. Types of division of labor of managers. requirements for managers. Manager and entrepreneur of managerial labor. Management levels.

Practical part

1 Characteristics of the organization (see clause 2.3).

2 Highlight and indicate the features and specifics of managing your enterprise (division).

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in the discipline "Operational and production management"

(option 4)


2nd year student of the Faculty of Economics

direction 080100.62 "Economics"

group BE-11

Zhilina Evgenia Vladimirovna

Head of the calculation and graphic task:

Roshchupkina Vera Nikolaevna

Gubkin, 2015

for the calculation and graphic task

option 4

Student Zhilina Evgenia Vladimirovna

Group EK-21

Option 4 (F-G)

1. Topic: 1. Forms of specialization of production units.

2. Organizational design of production.

3. Stages innovation process enterprises.

4. Production maintenance.

5. The composition and tasks of the infrastructure of enterprises.

6. Economic entity and technological features of inventory management.

7. Tools for improving product quality.

8. The founders of technical regulation.

9. The main stages of operational research.

10. Classification of strategies and key tasks for implementing the strategy.

2. Deadline for submission of the WGH for defense "___" _______________ 201_.


1.2 Task 1

1.3 Task 2

2.2 Task 3

3.2 Task 4

4.1 Types of production and their technical and economic characteristics

4.2 Task 5

5. Organization of the work of the dispatching service of the enterprise

5.1 Functioning of the dispatch service

5.2 Operational management of production. The structure of the production and dispatching department

5.3 Task 6

6. Classification of inventory management models

6.1 Types of inventory management models

6.2 Task 7

7. A systematic approach to ensuring high quality products and competitiveness of the enterprise

7.1 Task8

8. Work planning in the enterprise

8.1 Labor productivity planning methods

8.2 Task 9

9. Problems of linear-fractional, integer, parametric programming

10. Strategy for the development of industrial infrastructure

10.1 Manufacturing strategy


List of sources used


The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that necessary condition to increase the efficiency of work and development of any enterprise is its competently built production cycle: structure, ways to reduce the duration. In order for the production cycle at the enterprise to be the most successful, a clearly developed, optimized production structure of the enterprise is needed, which is the basis for the development and successful operation of the enterprise.

The purpose of this course project is to consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge of operational and production management, as well as mastering the practical skills necessary to understand the processes taking place in production system; development of organizational projects; improving the organization of production, its individual services and divisions; organization of production of the main workshops of industry; production infrastructure; analysis and adoption of optimal production solutions having a practical task.

The objectives of this course project are:

Studying the concept production cycle manufacturing products;

Characteristics of in-line production and classification of production lines;

Consideration of the stages of technological preparation;

Analysis of the processes of creation and development of new products;

Disassembly planning of workplaces in production;

Recognition of factors in the formation of industrial infrastructure;

Valuation of reserves in economic system enterprises;

Identification of practical methods for the development of industrial infrastructure;

Assess the importance of the scientific organization of production and labor;

Consider problems of linear-fractional, integer, parametric programming.

Object of study: enterprise.

Research methods: analytical, formalization, empirical, economic and statistical.

The information base for this work was the works of such authors as: Fatkhutdinov R.A., Balashov A.I., Volodin V.V., Gorelik O.M., Ivanov I.N., Sterligova A.N., Maaluk V. .AND.

economic working technology stock

1. Production cycle: structure, ways to reduce the duration

The production cycle is a calendar period of time from the moment raw materials and materials are put into production until the finished product is released, accepted by the technical control service and delivered to the finished product warehouse, which is measured in days, hours. The production cycle (TC) includes two stages:

1. The time of the production process, which is called the technological cycle, or working period, and includes:

* time spent on preparatory and final operations (Tpz);

* time spent on technological operations (Тtehn);

* time spent on the course of natural technological processes(Testpr);

* time spent on transportation in the production process (T trans);

* time spent on technical control(Ttenk);

2. Time of breaks in the production process, which includes:

* time of interoperative decubitus (Tinteroperative decubitus);

* time between shifts bedding (Tmezhsmen bedding).

The time of the production process and the time of interruptions in the production process make up the production cycle:

Tc=Tpz+Ttechn+Test.pr+T trans +T techn.k +T mezhoper, deposition+T mezhsm.delay.

The main ways to reduce the production cycle are to reduce labor costs for basic technological operations, reduce the time spent on transport, storage and control operations, and improve the organization of production.

1.1 Production cycle of product manufacturing

The production cycle of manufacturing a product is an ordered set of all processes through which a product passes from the beginning to the end of its manufacture.

The main characteristics of the production cycle: structure, duration.

The structure of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is the composition and method of combining in time all the processes carried out on the product and its components during their manufacture. The composition of the processes that form the production cycle for the manufacture of each product is strictly individual and is determined by the composition of the product itself, the type of technological processes for its manufacture, and a number of other factors. The generalized composition of the production cycle of manufacturing products (includes the following two enlarged types of processes: active, during which any production operations are performed on the product and its components; soaking process, during which the product and its components are not subjected to any purposeful influences.

According to the nature of the impact on the product and its components, active processes are divided into: basic, including shaping, processing, assembly, electrical installation and adjustment and adjustment operations; auxiliary, including the operations of control, testing, movement, storage and acquisition.

Bedtimes, depending on the time of their occurrence, are divided into: working time, including: lying of the product during the performance of preparatory and final work by workers; intra-party delays that occur during the manufacture of the same type of products in batches and include the prolongation of the product from the beginning of the manufacture of the batch to the start of the manufacture of this product of the batch and the prolongation of the product from the moment of completion of its manufacture to the end of the manufacture of the entire batch; lying down in anticipation of the release of the workplace and the possibility of starting the next operation; lying during regulated rest breaks for workers; soaking before picking while waiting for other products included in the assembly kit soaking in case of accidental violations of the normal course of its production process after hours, including: soaking during lunch breaks for workers; lying between work shifts (inter-shift lying); stays on weekends and holidays.

Each specific type of product has an individual manufacturing cycle, which may include all or only part of the processes discussed above, and the main and auxiliary processes, as well as laying, are included in this cycle in the most varied sequence and combination, forming the basis of its structure.

The generalized composition of the production cycle for the manufacture of the product. Another important characteristic of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is its duration.

The duration of the production cycle of manufacturing a product is the calendar period from the moment the start to the end of the manufacture of the product as a whole, including all its components.

AT general view it is defined as the sum of non-overlapping durations of active processes, natural processes, bedtimes. Natural processes are physical and chemical processes associated with a change in the state of structural materials and substances that form the product (heating, cooling, drying, soaking, hardening, crystallization, dissolution, etc.).

The duration of the production cycle is expressed in calendar days.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, the following elements of the cost of working time are taken into account: the preparatory and final time that the worker spends on familiarizing himself with the assigned work, preparing for it, and also on performing actions related to its completion; operating time, which is spent on the execution of a production operation. Operational time includes: the main time spent on the implementation of the main operation of the technological process; auxiliary time spent on auxiliary actions (installation of a part on the machine, start-up of the machine, control measurements, stop of the machine, removal of the part, etc.) premises). It consists of: maintenance time (equipment readjustment, maintaining it in working order); organizational service time (receipt of the tool and its layout, cleaning of the production premises); breaks for rest and personal needs - this is the time necessary to maintain the worker in a normal state. Includes passive rest time (spent by the worker on their own), as well as active time (conducting industrial gymnastics).

The time for completing a production task is standardized. The norm of piece time Tsht where To is the norm of operational time, is the share of time for servicing working time, is the proportion of time for rest and personal needs (as a percentage of operational time).

To calculate the norm of time in the manufacture of a batch of parts, the norm of piece-calculation time is used, which is determined by the formula:

Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

A high degree of continuity of production processes and a reduction in the duration of the production cycle is of great economic importance: the size of work in progress is reduced and turnover is accelerated working capital, the use of equipment and production areas improves, the cost of production decreases.

An increase in the level of continuity of the production process and a reduction in the duration of the cycle are achieved, firstly, by raising the technical level of production, and secondly, by measures of an organizational nature. Both paths are interconnected and complement each other.

Technical improvement of production goes in the direction of implementation new technology, progressive equipment and new vehicles. This leads to a reduction in the production cycle by reducing the labor intensity of the actual technological and control operations, reducing the time for moving objects of labor.

Organizational measures should include: minimizing interruptions caused by interoperational waiting and batching interruptions through the use of parallel and parallel-sequential methods of movement of objects of labor and improving the planning system; construction of schedules for combining various production processes, providing a partial overlap in the time of performing related work and operations; reduction of waiting breaks based on the construction of optimized schedules for the manufacture of products and the rational launch of parts into production; the introduction of subject-closed and detail-specialized workshops and sections, the creation of which reduces the length of intra-shop and inter-shop routes, reduces the time spent on transportation.

1.2 Task 1

The initial data are as follows: the technological process of processing the product consists of three operations, lasting 9.3 and 6 minutes, respectively. Lot of 4 items. Determine the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a batch of products when various ways movement of objects of labor.

Ti =8+2+8=18min., T=4*8=72.


If t1?t2, С2=4*8-(4-1)*2=26min.,

If t2?t3, С3=2 min.,


1.3 Task 2

There are three sequential operations with time norms:

; min/unit; min/unit Each operation is performed at one workplace. (Task for calculating the parallelism of the implementation of production operations).

Solution: Crafting time 1 unit. production in this case will be: min. Let's introduce parallel jobs for these operations, so that the average execution time for each operation would be the same: min. It is obvious that in this case the principle of proportionality will be fulfilled (“bottlenecks” will be absent), and the duration of production of 1 unit. production will be reduced to 2+2+2=6 min. Hourly productivity will increase from 10 units/hour to 60/2=30 units/hour due to the introduction of parallel jobs.

2. Features of the in-line method of organizing production

The method of organizing production is a way of implementing the production process, a set and methods of its implementation characterized by a number of features, the main of which is the relationship of the sequence of operations of the technical process with the order of placement of equipment and the degree of continuity of the production process. Depending on the characteristics of the production process and the type of production at the workplaces of the site, the workshop, a certain method of organizing production is used non-flow or flow-line.

The choice of methods for organizing in-line or non-in-line production is influenced by various factors, these include:

Dimensions and weight of the product; the larger the product and the greater its mass, the more difficult it is to organize in-line production;

The number of products to be released for a certain period of time (year, quarter, month, day); with the release of a small number of products, as a rule, it is not advisable to organize in-line production (too high capital costs);

Periodicity of product release, i.e. they may be issued regularly or irregularly; with a regular (rhythmic) release, for example, 20 products per month, it is advisable to organize in-line production, and if the regularity is indefinite or after different periods of time and in different quantities, then non-in-line methods of organizing production have to be used;

Accuracy and surface roughness of parts; with high accuracy and low roughness, non-flow methods should be used.

As part of the production cycle, three main methods of organizing production processes are used: in-line, batch and single.

The flow method involves the division of the production process into small in volume and short in time relatively independent elements - operations and fixing the latter to jobs. Operations differ in two main features: purpose and degree of mechanization.

The production operations themselves, in turn, can be divided into separate elements - labor and technological. The former include: labor movement (single movement of the body, head, arms, legs, fingers of the performer during the operation); labor action (a set of movements performed without interruption); labor reception (a set of all actions on a given object, as a result of which the goal is achieved); set of work practices.

Production operations assigned to individual workplaces are arranged in a strict technological sequence, forming a kind of flow corresponding to the course of the production process. Within its framework, there is a movement of processed products from one workplace to another. At the same time, the execution of operations at the workplaces themselves can be parallel.

The organizational form of the in-line production method is the production line, which is a set of specialized jobs. Within its framework, there is a continuous selection, loading and movement of the object of labor through successive stages of processing. Often the production line serves as the basis for structures such as a site or workshop.

The batch method of organizing production differs from the in-line method by launching raw materials, semi-finished products into the technological process in certain parts - in batches at appropriate intervals, and not continuously. The size of the batches is not arbitrary, but is determined by the task of minimizing equipment downtime during changeover.

Finally, in the case of the manufacture of unique or small-scale products of a wide range with a long production cycle, the need for frequent equipment changes, big share handmade, long interoperative breaks and irregular exit finished products a single method of organizing production is used, which is maximally individualized in relation to each specific instance. If the product is dimensional, heavy or spatially fixed, its processing is carried out by moving the workplaces themselves, for example, when building a ship on a slipway.

The non-linear method is mainly used in single and serial production. Sometimes, within the framework of non-flow, single and batch methods of organizing the production process are singled out.

With a single method, parts and products are manufactured in units or in small batches. This method of organizing the production process is typical for pilot production and for enterprises of single and small-scale production. With the advent of unique units, complex technical systems specific gravity such production is increasing,

The batch method involves launching into production and manufacturing of parts, assemblies, products in periodically repeating batches of a certain size. This method is typical for mass production enterprises.

The number of equipment in non-line production is calculated by groups of the same type of interchangeable machines:

where n is the number of items processed on this equipment; Nj - the number of parts of the j-th item, processed for the estimated period of time (usually a year); tj - time limit for j-th processing details, min; Fef - effective fund of the operating time of a piece of equipment for the billing period; Kvn - the coefficient of fulfillment of the norms of time.

Since a large range of parts is processed at the same workplaces in non-line production, it is very important to determine the number of identical parts processed continuously in each operation, i.e. batch of parts. This is due to the fact that the size of the batch of parts affects the efficiency of production.

In non-flow production, as a rule, universal equipment is used. The development of technological processes for each product is individual. Fixtures, equipment, special tools are usually expensive and are written off when the product is discontinued long before they are physically worn out. All this increases the cost of production and does not contribute to production efficiency.

Non-flow production in organizational terms is quite complex and does not fully comply with the principles of rational organization of the production process.

Non-flow production can be specialized in the following forms: technological, subject and mixed.

The technological form of specialization is characterized by the creation of workshops and sites where equipment (jobs) are specialized on the basis of their technological homogeneity and size. For example, in machining shops there may be sections created by types of metal-cutting machines, which are also divided into groups of large, medium and small machines (turning, milling, drilling, etc.).

In technological areas (group arrangement of equipment), batches of parts can be processed simultaneously on several pieces of equipment (backup machines). In this case, a multi-machine service can be organized, in which the duration of the production cycle for processing a batch of parts is significantly reduced, and the cost of their processing is reduced.

With the subject form of specialization, production workshops and sections specialized in subjects are created. They can be subject-closed (ROM) and subject-group (PGU).

In subject-closed areas (in terms of technology), as a rule, all (from the first to the last) operations necessary for processing parts or assembling an assembly unit should be performed.

Since it is not possible to completely close the process of manufacturing a part in one section (in a workshop), in some cases, for a number of reasons, some cooperation with sections of a given workshop or other workshops is allowed.

The range of parts processed on the ROM is much smaller than in any technological area. The entire range of parts assigned to the workshop, with the subject form of specialization, is divided into several sections, each of which processes only this part (several or one nomenclature unit). In this regard, the organization of the ROM is based on the classification of parts and assembly units according to certain characteristics and the assignment of each classification group of parts to a specific group of jobs.

With the subject-group form of organizing non-flow production, subject, group or detail-group sections are created based on the use of group technology for processing parts. The advantages of CCGT include: 1) lack of time for equipment changeover, which leads to a reduction in the cost of processing parts, an increase in productivity and an increase in the equipment utilization rate; 2) simplification of intrashop operational and production planning and management by reducing the external relations of each site; 3) increasing the degree of self-regulation by the site due to the increase in internal communications in the site. However, in some cases, it is not possible to produce parts at one site (PZU or CCGT) for a number of reasons (too little loading of one or another equipment, the need to transfer individual operations for sanitary and hygienic or technological conditions to separate rooms, etc.). In this case, a mixed form of production specialization is used, i.e. processing of parts is carried out in technological and subject-closed areas (subject-group) areas. This form has the same advantages and disadvantages as the two forms discussed above, but additional difficulties arise in the organization of production:

1. The technological route is broken into separate parts, if the selected operations are not initial and not final.

2. The route of movement of parts is significantly lengthened due to their entry into other shops (sections) and the duration of the production cycle increases due to the increase in transportation time.

3. The responsibility of a single person for the terms of manufacturing parts and their quality is reduced.

4. Backlogs appear between sites, which causes the need for storage space and leads to an increase in work in progress.

Features of the organization of subject-closed areas (PZU)

As noted above, in subject-closed areas, complete processing of parts (or almost complete, without separate operations) is carried out, as a result of which a finished product is obtained.

In practice, the following types of subject-closed areas for processing parts are distinguished:

areas with the same or homogeneous technological processes or traffic routes (for example, processing of buildings of the same type, but of different sizes);

sections of various parts similar in configuration and processing operations (for example, flat parts, parts like bodies of revolution, etc.);

sections of parts that are similar in size and processing operations (for example, parts are large, small, etc.);

sections of parts made of materials and workpieces of a certain type (stampings, alloys, plastics, ceramics, etc.).

To organize the work of such sections, it is necessary to calculate the following calendar and planning standards: the size of the batch of parts of a specific name; periodicity (rhythm) of alternation of a batch of parts of this name; the number of batches for each item name; the number of pieces of equipment for each operation of the production process and its load factor; the duration of the production cycle for processing a batch of parts of each item; backlog and work in progress standards. The basis for the calculation of calendar and planning standards are laid down: the program for the release (launch) of parts of each item for the planning period; technological process and time standards for processing parts of each item for a specific operation; norms of preparatory and final time for each operation for each item name; allowable loss of working time for readjustment and scheduled repairs of equipment; number of working days in planning period, the duration of the work shift and the mode of operation.

2.1 Characteristics of in-line production and classification of production lines

Flow production is a highly efficient method of organizing the production process. In the conditions of the flow, the production process is carried out in maximum accordance with the principles of its rational organization - direct flow, continuity, proportionality, etc.

The following main features are typical for in-line production:

a group of workplaces is assigned the processing or assembly of an item of one name or a limited number of items of related items in a constructive and technological sense; workplaces are located along the technological process; the technological process of manufacturing a product is divided into operations and one or more related operations are performed at each workplace; items are transferred from operation to operation individually or in small transfer (transport) batches in accordance with the specified rhythm of the production line, thereby achieving high degree parallelism and continuity; basic and auxiliary operations due to the narrow specialization of jobs, they are distinguished by a high level of mechanization and automation. Special interoperational transport is widely used, which performs not only the functions of moving processed items, but also maintaining the rhythm of production. Elements of the flow organization of production took place already in the manufacturing period of capitalist industry. For the first time in-line production in its most perfect form was organized by H. Ford at the beginning of our century in the manufacture of automobiles. In the industry of pre-revolutionary Russia, mass production did not exist. After the October Revolution, along with the development of industry and technical progress, in-line methods were widely developed. During the years of the Great Patriotic War they played a huge role in the uninterrupted supply of ammunition to the front and military equipment. At present, in-line methods are widely used in many industries: in mechanical engineering, for example, production by in-line methods is more than 40%.

The main link in mass production is the production line, which is a group of jobs, which are assigned to the production of one or a limited number of items of labor and the production process, which is carried out in accordance with the signs of mass production. Depending on the specific production conditions, apply different kinds flow lines.

1. According to the range of manufactured products, production lines are divided into single and multi-subject. A production line is called a single-subject line, on which an object of the same standard size is processed or assembled for a long period of time. To switch to the production of an object of a different size, a restructuring of the line is required (rearrangement, replacement of equipment, change in layout, etc.). One-piece production lines are used in the sustainable production of products in large quantities, i.e., in mass production. A multi-item production line is called a production line, which is assigned to the manufacture of several standard sizes of objects similar in design and processing or assembly technology. Such lines are typical for mass production, when the volume of production of items of the same standard size is insufficient to effectively load line jobs. Multi-subject production lines can be continuous-flow (group) and variable-flow. Constant-flow (group) is a production line on which a group of technologically related items is processed or assembled without readjusting equipment. For this, each workplace must be equipped with group fixtures necessary for processing products assigned to the line. On a variable production line, various items are processed or assembled in sequential alternating batches. After processing or assembling a batch of some items, the equipment is readjusted and the next batch is put into production.

2. According to the degree of continuity of the process, production lines are divided into continuous and discontinuous, or direct-flow. Continuous is a production line on which the processed or collected items move through all the operations of the line continuously, i.e., without interoperational downtime. Such a movement of objects through operations is called parallel. The continuous movement of objects through operations is effective only with the continuity of the operation of equipment and workers. The condition for the continuity of the production line is equal productivity in all operations of the line. To create such a condition, it is necessary that the duration of each operation on the line be equal to or a multiple of a single cycle of the line. Continuous production lines are the most advanced form of mass production. They provide strict rhythm in work and the shortest duration of the production cycle. Discontinuous, or once-through, is a production line whose operations are not synchronized and, therefore, cannot be aligned in performance. Between operations, working stocks (stocks) of processed items are formed, as a result of which the continuity of the process is disrupted. Direct-flow lines are used in the processing of labor-intensive parts on different types of equipment, when the redistribution of work between operations for the purpose of synchronization is impossible.

3. According to the method of maintaining the rhythm, lines with regulated and free rhythm are distinguished. On the line with a regulated rhythm, the processed or collected items are transferred from operation to operation after a precisely fixed time, i.e., with a given rhythm supported by special devices. As a rule, the regulation of the rhythm is achieved by a certain speed or frequency of movement of the conveyor, as well as by sound and light signaling, informing the workers about the end of this operation and the need to transfer the item to the next one. Lines with a regulated rhythm are characteristic of continuous flow production. On lines with a free rhythm, the observance of the latter is assigned to the workers of the line and the master. The transfer of individual items can be carried out with deviations from the estimated rhythm of work, then inter-operational stocks of processed items are formed on the line. Lines with a free rhythm are used in both continuous-flow and once-through production. The given rhythm in the conditions of continuous-line production is usually ensured by the stable productivity of the worker in the first operation. Sound and light signaling can also be used to orient workers (the rhythm becomes semi-free).

4. According to the method of transporting objects between operations, conveyor and non-conveyor production lines are distinguished. For transportation, as well as maintaining a given rhythm of work on production lines, continuous vehicles with a mechanical drive, called conveyors, are widely used. Conveyors can be of various designs: belt, plate, trolley, overhead, etc. The type of conveyor used depends on many factors, and primarily on the characteristics of the processed or assembled product: its overall dimensions, weight, etc.

On non-conveyor type lines (mainly discontinuous flow lines), a variety of vehicles are used, which are divided into non-driven gravitational action - roller tables, ramps, gutters, slides, etc. and cyclic action - cranes, electric carts, forklifts, etc. It is not always advisable to move objects around the workplace. When assembling, for example, large and heavy machines, it is easier to organize a so-called stationary production line, on which the assembled product is installed motionless on the assembly stand, and specialized teams of workers move, to which individual operations are assigned. The number of brigades is equal to or a multiple of the number of assembly places on such a line. Stationary production lines are organized in aircraft construction, shipbuilding, and in the production of heavy machine tools.

5. Depending on the place of operations, there are production lines with working conveyors and conveyors with the removal of objects for processing. The working conveyor, in addition to transporting and maintaining the rhythm, also serves as a place for performing operations directly on its carrier. Assembly lines are a typical example of such conveyors. Conveyors with removal of objects are typical for the processing of parts on various equipment.

6. Depending on the nature of the movement, conveyors are distinguished with continuous and pulsating movement. On a conveyor with continuous movement, its carrying part moves continuously at a set speed. On a conveyor with pulsating movement during the processing (assembly) of objects, the carrier part of the conveyor is in a stationary state and is set in motion periodically after a period of time equal to the line cycle. Conveyors with pulsating motion are used in cases where, according to the conditions of the technological process, the object being processed or assembled must be stationary, for example, when assembling precision machines. The pulsating movement is typical for both working conveyors and conveyors with the removal of objects.

2.2 Task 3

The initial data are as follows: the program for the production of products per shift is 235 pieces, the duration of the shift is 8 hours, planned equipment shutdowns are 15 minutes. during the shift. The process of assembling parts on a production line includes four operations lasting 5, 8, 4, and 3 minutes, respectively. At the 2nd operation, the service rate is 2, at the rest - 1. The location of the workplaces is one-sided, the distance between adjacent workplaces is 1.2 m. Calculate the performance of the production line.

Effective working time fund of the production line Teff = (6 * 60 - 20) = 340 min.

The flow line cycle in the billing period (shift) (tp.l.) is 1.5 min. (340/230).

The estimated number of jobs for performing individual operations (Pm) and the accepted number of jobs for each operation (Rpr) will be equal to:

Rm1=4/1.5 = 2.7 Rpr1 = 3

Rm2=9/1.5=6 P pr2 = 6

Rm3=3/1.5=2 Rpr3 = 2

Rm4=5/1.5=1.5 Rpr4 = 3

The total number of jobs (Rob) will be 14 (3+6+2+3).

The number of workers (H) on the production line per shift 11 people. (3+6*0.5 +2+3)

The working length of the conveyor (D) is 15.6 m. (1.2 * (14-1))

The flow line speed (V) is 0.8 m/min. (1.2/1.5).

3. Production and operational manufacturability of products

Distinguish between production and operational manufacturability of the design. The operational manufacturability of the product design is manifested in the reduction of time and money spent on maintenance and repair of the product.

Distinguish between production and operational manufacturability of products. Manufacturability involves the design of the product, in which a high-performance technological process can be applied, characterized by a minimum cost for a given output volume and supply performance characteristics products. Operational manufacturability, in addition, implies a reduction in costs for technological maintenance and repair of the product.

Under the operational manufacturability is understood such a property of the design of machines that characterizes their adaptability to the work performed during the preparation of machines for use, in the process of direct use and at the end of use.

The operational manufacturability of machines should be understood as the degree of their adaptability to work related to maintenance during operation, with minimal labor, time and materials. Maintenance (TO) of machines (lubrication, adjustment, cleaning, etc.) is carried out regularly at certain, often small, intervals at the beginning of shifts and in accordance with schedules, so the total time and labor spent on maintenance are very significant. So, for example, for machines with low operational manufacturability (E-651 excavator cranes, etc.), up to 70 minutes or up to 15% of the total shift duration is spent on shift maintenance.

The main indicators of operational manufacturability are the specific labor intensity and the cost of preventive maintenance and repair work.

The main indicators of operational manufacturability are determined at various stages of creating machines according to the formulas and methods given in Chapter I.

Taking into account the features of operational manufacturability, the designs of block devices can be made fundamentally different. It is clear that the manufacturing technology of these devices can be subject to the same requirements for operational manufacturability, for example, for replaceable block devices or their parts, cheaper permanent connections can be used instead of detachable connections. For a number of block devices, for example, for field purposes, in addition, the possibility of changing the technology of field treatment of oil and gas (as a result of natural depletion of the subsoil) should be taken into account. This type of operational manufacturability imposes requirements on the design of block devices to unify the dimensions of the installation dimensions of the bases and connecting external communications.

From the definition of the terms operational manufacturability and maintainability it follows that both of these concepts include the same property of manufacturability common to them at maintenance. However, the use of the term operational manufacturability and the corresponding indicators for its evaluation is of practical importance, since it allows a more complete characterization of the operational properties of machines.

More general concept operational manufacturability (maintenance support, supportability) includes a number of technical, economic and organizational factors, for example, the quality of training of service personnel. But the term maintainability has firmly entered the domestic normative-technical, reference and educational literature.

The unification of systems and the continuity of ground equipment are of great importance in operational manufacturability.

Improving methods for assessing the operational manufacturability of products, widespread implementation in practice technological management manufacturing quality should contribute to the creation of reliable machines and devices and the optimization of production and operating costs.

A methodological support for the operational manufacturability of the furnace and furnace designs in the TS SP has been carried out, which makes it possible to stabilize the stress-strain state and temperature fields of the PCB during operation.

3.1 Stages of technological preparation

Technological design begins with the development of route technology. Its content consists in determining the sequence of performing the main operations and assigning them in the workshops to specific groups of equipment. At the same time, the tool is selected, the time norms are calculated and the category of work is established, the specialty of workers with the appropriate skill level is indicated. According to the route technology, processed types of products are assigned to each workshop and section, which determines their specialization, place and role in the production structure of the enterprise.

Then, for each workshop and section, an operational technology is developed, the content of which is made up of operational technological maps. They contain instructions and parameters for the execution of each production operation.

In individual and small-scale production, as well as in enterprises with relatively simple technology, the development of technological processes is usually limited to route technology. In mass and large-scale production, after the route, a more detailed step-by-step technology is being developed.

From all the possible technologies offered at this stage, the optimal one is then selected. At the same time, natural indicators are compared, and the cost of production and work is compared for different options.

The selected production technology should provide an increase in labor productivity, the required workmanship at the lowest cost of production compared to other options. The best option technological process is taken as a typical for given production conditions for a certain period of time until the development of a more promising option.

The use of standard technological processes helps to limit the number technological operations. They allow you to establish the uniformity of the method of processing the same type of products and the technological equipment used, create conditions for the termination of costs and the duration of the design of technologies.

The development of typical technological processes involves the following steps: determining the technological route for processing a product of this group; choice of operational technological process; establishing methods for processing individual elements (performed technological operations) for a product of this group.

Technological preparation of production also provides for the development of projects, the manufacture and adjustment of a special technological equipment, technological equipment necessary for the production of a new (modernized) product. This is a very time-consuming and costly work, since when mastering a number of new models (for example, cars and other machines), several thousand stamps, fixtures, models, dozens of automatic lines are manufactured. In this regard, in the sectors of large-scale and mass production that produce products of a technologically complex profile, the transition to the manufacture of a new product, as a rule, is combined with the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises.

Carrying out work on technological preparation production, it must be taken into account that the organization of production of new types of products, the modernization of products and production processes require material and organizational preparation. Material preparation of production involves the acquisition, installation and adjustment of new equipment, the manufacture or purchase of tools and fixtures, raw materials and materials, i.e. providing production with all material and technical resources. Organizational training includes improving the organization of production and labor, and adapting them to the conditions for manufacturing new products, new technology and technology. This also includes the selection and placement of personnel in accordance with the new nature of production, the introduction of adjustments into the structure of the administrative apparatus, into the functional and hierarchical distribution of labor.

3.2 Task 4

T early:

4:(1-2)+(2-4)=7+5=12;(1-4)=12;(1-3)+(3-4)=11+10=21; 21

5:(1-3)+(3-5)=11+11=22; (1-3)+(3-4)+(4-5)=11+10+6=27; (1-4)+(4-5)-12+6-18;

(1-2)+(2-4)+(4-5)=7+5+6=18; 27

6:(1-3)+(3-4)+(4-6)=11+10+7=28; (1-4)+(4-6)=12+7=19; (1-2)+(2-4)+(4-6)-7+5+7=19;

(1-2)+(2-6)=7+12=19; 28

7:(1-3)+(3-5)+(5-7)=11+11+9=31; (1-3)+(3-4)+(4+5)+(5-7)=11+10+6+9=36;

(1-3)+(3-4)+(4-7)=11+10+7=28; (1-3)+(3-4)+(4-6)+(6-7)=11+10+7+8=36;

(1-2)+(2-4)+(4-5)+(5-7)=7+5+6+9=27; (1-2)+(2-4)+(4-7)=7+5+7=19;

(1-2)+(2-4)+(4-6)+(6-7)=7+5+7+8=27; (1-2)+(2-6)+(6-7)=7+12+8=27; 36

T late T reserve

6:36-8=28;28 2:16-7=9

5:36-9=27;27 3:11-11=0

4:27-6=21; 36-7=29; 28-7=21;21 4:21-21=0

3:27-11=16;21-10=11;11 5:27-27=0

2:21-5=16;28-12=16;16 6:28-28=0

Critical path: 1-3.3-4.4-5.5-7

Optimization:(1-3)=11-2=9; (3-4)=10-2=8; (1-2)=7+4=11

4:(1-2)+(2-4)=11+5=16;(1-4)=12; (1-3)+(3-4)=9+8=17;17

5:(1-3)+(3-5)=9+11=20; (1-3)+(3-4)+(4-5)=9+8+6=23; (1-4)+(4-5)=12+6=18;


6:(1-3)+(3-4)+(4-6)=9+8+7=24; (1-4)+(4-6)=12+7=19;(1-2)+(2-4)+(4-6)=11+5+7=23;







T late Critical path: 1-3.3-4.4-5.5-7 or 1-3.3-4.4-6.6-7




4. Organization of control of the main production processes

The concept of the production process. Modern production is a complex process of converting raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other objects of labor into finished products that meet the needs of society.

The totality of all the actions of people and tools carried out at the enterprise for the manufacture specific types products is called the manufacturing process.

The main part of the production process is technological processes that contain purposeful actions to change and determine the state of objects of labor. In the course of the implementation of technological processes, the geometric shapes, sizes and physical and chemical properties of the objects of labor change.

Varieties of production processes. According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into: main, auxiliary and service and non-core facilities.

The main are called production processes, during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out. For example, thermal power plants are the main production, as they convert fuel energy into heat and electricity.

The timeliness and high-quality implementation of the main production largely depends on how the work of auxiliary and service production is organized, which are subordinated to the task of better providing the enterprises of the main production with materials, equipment, etc.

In today's environment, especially in automated production, there is a tendency to integrate the main and service processes. So, in flexible automated complexes, the main, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production.

Auxiliary production enterprises are enterprises that, not being directly related to the manufacture of the main product, serve and create conditions for the normal operation of the main production. Auxiliary production enterprises include enterprises that manufacture products consumed by the main production and thereby contribute to the production of final products, ensuring the normal operation of the main production. In the energy sector, auxiliary production includes repair enterprises, as well as enterprises manufacturing non-standard equipment and spare parts for power equipment.

Service enterprises are organized to serve the main and auxiliary enterprises. A service production process is a labor process, as a result of which no product is created. Service enterprises include enterprises engaged in the supply of materials and spare parts, laboratories, design and research institutes, transport enterprises, etc.

Recently, the concept of “service enterprises” has appeared in the energy sector, which combines both auxiliary and service enterprises. The group of services is proposed to include enterprises that provide services for the repair, installation, commissioning and modernization industrial equipment, technological networks (for example, repair enterprises, equipment manufacturers, motor transport enterprises, etc.).

Non-core farms include farms whose products and services are not included in the main activity of the enterprise. Their functions include servicing the household needs of the company's personnel (housing, kindergartens, sanatoriums, utility agriculture etc.).

Scientific principles of the organization of production processes. The organization of production processes consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.


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