Handmade soap recipes at home. Handmade soap. Recipes. How to make soap at home: a master class for beginners

  • 23.04.2020

Soap making has become a real boom. You can buy soap on the counters of souvenir shops, in pharmacies and specialized stores self made. It is quite expensive. And you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to spend money only on the constituent materials. Soap making is an art. The quality and originality of soap depends on its composition, selected fillers, flavors and dyes. Anyone who wants to make fragrant and unique soap on their own can make soap at home.

Today, soap making has become a popular type of home needlework. Novice craftsmen begin to cook soap using a soap base. Working with it does not involve difficulties, and you can buy it at any soap shop, in needlework shops and online. This method- just the beginning. Experienced craftsmen prefer to make soap from scratch.

Professionals say that when buying a soap base, you cannot be sure of its quality. It may contain harmful ingredients that will affect the quality of the soap and may make it unsafe to use.

Another thing is when the ingredients are carefully selected by the master himself. This makes it possible to control the quality of soap at all stages of its manufacture. You can work with the main components at home, which greatly simplifies the process of soap making.

Soap making technologies from scratch:

  • hot. During operation, the ingredients are subjected to heat treatment. This method is highly efficient. Soap can be used literally immediately after it hardens.
  • Cold. The heating of the components occurs due to chemical reactions during the interaction of different elements. This method involves the subsequent "ripening" of the soap for four or six weeks. During this time, alkali is neutralized.

The process of soap making from scratch requires great care and safety, as you have to work with chemical elements. You should take care in advance to purchase eye and respiratory protection: a respirator, glasses, gloves. To measure the weight, neutralize the alkali and the readiness of the soap, scales and indicator strips are used.

DIY soap making at home from scratch

Anyone can start soap making. The main thing is to understand that making soap from scratch does not mean working with a ready-made soap base, but with chemical components. It is important to mix the ingredients correctly because the chemical reactions can be different.

Soap making from scratch will take more time, but it will make the process more interesting, educational and fun.

Before starting work, it is important to familiarize yourself with various types chemicals to work with. Alkali is used to prepare the soap composition. This is what makes fats so soapy.

Elements for making homemade soap:

  • Alkali. Reacting with fats, sodium hydroxide causes the resulting composition to harden. But potassium hydroxide allows you to create soap of a liquid consistency. Its density depends on the amount of alkali used. To make cream soap, you need to use both types of alkali.
  • Liquid. The choice of types of liquids is rich. As a basis, it is possible to use filtered water, milk, beer, wine, juices, coffee. Future soap will acquire a shade of liquid.
  • Basic oil. The cosmetic properties of soap depend on the choice of oil. Soap can soften, moisturize, cleanse. When preparing the composition and reading the choice of the recipe, it is important to pay attention to the amount of ingredients. It is advisable to calculate it on a special calculator online.
  • Fats. Plants and animals can be used. The choice of the type of fat depends on subjective preferences. When working with fats, excess fat is often formed. This means that some part of the fat did not react with the alkali. Overfat in some quantities can and should be added to soap - it makes it softer and improves cleansing properties.
  • Additives. They can be used as desired. These are all kinds of salts, dyes, flavors, essential oils, ground bones, oatmeal, inflorescences and herbs, fruits, coffee.

Soap making is a fun process. The master acts as a kind of artist, playing with the ingredients. Soap making technology involves 9 main stages of work.

Safe soap making from scratch

Making soap from A to Z requires care and great care. It is important to think through all the details in advance. Do not neglect safety precautions, even if the work seems easy.

It is important that small children are not present during the manufacture of soap or that they are under the scrutiny of another adult.

For soap making, separate dishes should be allocated, which will be used only for these purposes. After completing the work, it should be removed to a place inaccessible to children. It is better to sign it so that someone from the household does not mistakenly start using it.

Precautionary measures:

  • Wear gloves, goggles and a respirator while working.
  • Cover the table with newspapers or a protective film.
  • At the end of the work, be sure to clean up.
  • If alkali gets on the skin, be sure to rinse it with plenty of water and vinegar.

The work is best done when no one is at home and no one can distract. It is better to take pets out of the room. When all instructions are followed, work will be safe and easy.

We cook soap at home from scratch: recipes

At independent work It is important to use a calculator with recipes. A special calculator calculates the amount of alkali, water, oils and their ratio. It will also help determine the hardness, foaminess, softness and other characteristics of the soap.

As a recipe, it is better for beginners to choose simple compositions - cooking complex ones will be possible with experience.

Professionals can experiment with formulations and ingredients. Before looking for a recipe, it is important to decide on the type of soap making. It can be cold and hot.

Recipe options:

  • Baby soap;
  • oatmeal soap;
  • coffee soap;
  • Salt soap;
  • Whipped soap;
  • Honey;
  • Castile soap;
  • Dairy;
  • Chocolate.

When choosing a recipe, it is important to pay attention to comments and reviews about it. The number of grams or their ratio is often erroneous. The way out of the situation is to learn how to use a soap calculator, since very often when rewriting a recipe, users make simple mechanical mistakes. A master class for beginners in making soap from scratch can be found on the Internet.

How to make soap at home from scratch (video)

Experienced soap makers prefer to make soap from scratch. You can hone your skills by making soap based soaps. And after that, you can begin to work independently with chemical components. Making soap from scratch can be unsafe, so it's important to take precautions when working with chemicals. Soap making tutorials can be found online. Today there are specialized books on sale that contain helpful tips, recommendations and collections of soap recipes.

Many women fell in love with handmade cosmetics due to its naturalness, cheapness and ease of creation. Do-it-yourself hygiene products, especially soap, are popular. Such bars do not harm the skin, because they do not contain chemical dyes, parabens and preservatives, they have a unique design and unique aroma.

What do you need to make handmade soap?

There are 2 options for cooking the described cosmetics. The first one is suitable for experienced craftsmen, it involves the creation of pieces "from scratch" (without a base). The second method is recommended for beginners. It is simpler and faster, and the results are almost identical to the professional technique. What you need to make soap:

  1. Base. A high-quality base is sold in cosmetic stores. It can be replaced with the remains of bars or baby soap, but in this case it is difficult to get rid of a sharp specific smell. The composition of the base includes oils - vegetable and essential. They perform caring and flavoring functions. Sometimes medical or cosmetic glycerin is added.
  2. Dyes. To give the soap the desired color, you can use natural products and industrial food pigments.
  3. Forms. The easiest option is to use single or reusable plastic containers. Baking molds are also suitable, including silicone, baby food jars, creams and other containers. Some women make them with their own hands, using thick foil and cardboard.

Homemade soap base

The base may consist of glycerin or vegetable oils, this affects its transparency. Soap making at home is a creative process, it is allowed to add other components to the finished base that enhance its positive qualities. Vegetable oils are good for the skin:

  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • cocoa;
  • olive;
  • almond;
  • grape seed and others.

Do-it-yourself soap will turn out more fragrant and healthier if you add it to it;

  • essential oils;
  • dry ground herbs or decoctions based on them;
  • freshly squeezed juices of vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • tea and other products.

If you plan to make the very first bar in your life, it is better not to spend money on the base. The maximum simple soap at home for beginners is brewed from existing residues or whole pieces with a neutral smell. Such a base quickly acquires the desired consistency and is stored for a long time. Both remnants and cheap ones will do baby soap. It is advisable to select bars without artificial pigments and a sharp aroma.

It is easier to give a beautiful color with ready-made products. You can purchase dry and liquid pigments, concentrates and glitter (sparkles). Many masters prefer to tint homemade soap with natural dyes:

  • beetroot juice;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate
  • tea;
  • herbal decoctions and other means.

Homemade soap molds

The easiest and cheapest option is disposable plastic containers for food products. If soap at home is often brewed, they can be reused. Silicone molds for cookies and muffins, stencils for cutting dough, and deep baking sheets are also used as dishes. To get a unique result, some women mold soap with their own hands until the mass has frozen. Such bars can be given any shape without limiting the flight of creative imagination.

How to make soap?

It is better to start with the maximum simple recipes with few ingredients. Soap making at home is an easy and enjoyable process that does not take much time or effort.


Do-it-yourself soap from a soap base

The finished base is considered the most convenient option for the manufacture of hygienic cosmetics. From such a basis, high-quality and beautiful soap do-it-yourself at home, having an optimal density and structure. So that it does not delaminate, and is homogeneous, several rules should be observed. Tips for making handmade soap using the above recipe:

  1. For proper melting of 100 g of the base, it must be placed in a microwave for 30-35 seconds with a power of 750 watts.
  2. For every 100 g, up to 7 drops of essential oil and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  3. When using dry pigment, 1/3 teaspoon of powder per 100 g of base is needed. In the case of liquid dye - 1-10 drops. Glitter will need up to 1 teaspoon, but it settles at the bottom of the mold.

How to make soap from remnants?

To prepare a new bar from old leftovers, you can use the above recipe. Before you make soap at home from remnants, they should be finely grated. The resulting crumb will be the base. It is better to melt it on a steam bath, and not in a microwave oven. To speed up heating, you can add water - 5 tbsp. spoons for every 200 g of crumbs. If the remnants are grated coarsely or cut with a knife, the new bar will acquire spectacular marble patterns on the surface.

DIY soap with glycerin

The component in question is included in cosmetics to soften the skin and protect it from drying out. If you use the recipe for how to make soap with your own hands, given above, you do not need to add glycerin separately. It is already present in the finished base, especially a lot of this ingredient in a transparent base. When handmade soap is made from leftovers, glycerin should be included in the recipe. It is poured into a melted and slightly cooled mass in the amount of 50 ml per 200 g.

DIY soap at home - recipes

There are a huge number of types of the described hygienic cosmetics, each master constantly comes up with new combinations of ingredients and flavors. Any homemade soap recipes are variations basic equipment manufacturing. At the stage of adding flavors and dyes, additional ingredients are included in the composition. Even a beginner can invent a unique soap with their own hands - recipes can be changed according to personal preferences and tastes. Cosmetics are prepared in the same way, depending on individual needs and the type of epidermis.

Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands often provokes rashes and an unpleasant shine on the face. To reduce oily skin, you can make your own soap with herbs, essential oils (lavender, tea tree, lemon), but menthol has the most pronounced effect. This chemical refreshes the epidermis for a long time and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Homemade soap recipe for oily and combination skin


  • glycerin base - 80 g;
  • base vegetable oil - 4 g;
  • menthol powder - 2 g;
  • dye - 8-10 drops (optional).


DIY soap for dry skin

You can moisturize and soften the epidermis with different products, most masters prefer to use honey and milk. Before making soap at home with nourishing properties, it is important to purchase products good quality. It is advisable to buy dry milk, it does not spoil, and it is easier to control its concentration and fat content. Honey should be thick and absolutely natural.

DIY cream soap for dry skin


  • white and glycerin base - 100 g each;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • powdered milk - 1-1.5 teaspoons;
  • shea butter - 1/3 teaspoon;


  1. Cut the base into small cubes.

  2. Melt the glycerin base, mix it with sea buckthorn oil.

  3. Add honey.

  4. Pour the soap into the mold, sprinkle the surface with alcohol.

  5. Melt the white base in the same way. Add dry milk to it.

  6. Dissolve shea butter in the mass.

  7. When the honey layer thickens well, pour the milk base on top.

  8. Let the composition harden, remove the finished product.

Soap for problem skin

In the presence of rashes and comedones, you can prepare special cosmetics with exfoliating and soothing properties. It is desirable to cook such handmade soap at home on a high-quality natural basis without comedogenic components. Essential anti-inflammatory oils - tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender - will fit well into the composition of cosmetics.

DIY soap with coffee


Making soap at home has become very popular in recent years. This is understandable, the process of making soap with your own hands is so interesting, exciting and fun that it quickly draws you in and turns into a hobby. Half an hour of time and the result of labor is visible, and the color, shape and smell of soap depend only on your imagination and desire. And then you can use it yourself or use it as a gift.

So, first you need to properly prepare and collect everything you need.

To make soap at home, we need:

  • Soap base. You can find ready-made soap bases that are sold in specialty stores, or you can buy baby soap. If you want your soap to be transparent, then choose a transparent soap base, if matte, then choose a matte base accordingly. It costs about 200-300 rubles per kilogram. If you decide to get by with baby soap, then when buying it, choose the unscented option: baby soap has a very strong and specific smell, and this smell is almost not interrupted by anything.
  • Glycerol. It is sold in pharmacies and costs literally a penny.
  • The base oil of the future soap. You can choose almond, apricot, peach or olive.
  • Essential oils. You can take, for example, lavender, it relieves headaches, soothes and helps with insomnia. Or jasmine, it improves mood, or tea tree - a very strong antiseptic. Basically, whatever you like.
  • Dyes. Decide what color your soap will be, and then choose the dyes. To make the soap red, you can take red pepper, sandalwood red powder. To make it green - chlorovillipt, which is sold in pharmacies, or dry herbs. If you want to make orange soap, then add turmeric, if brown - chocolate, cinnamon and coffee. You can also add oatmeal, finely crushed nut shells, honey or propolis tincture, cream, milk or cream, small pieces of other soap, dried flowers such as marigold or roses, zest, ground coffee or coffee beans to the soap. There are also professional dyes, which can also be bought at a specialized store. Their colors are more varied and brighter than natural ones.
  • Sugar (for better soap melting).
  • Dishes for a water bath, where you will dissolve the soap base.
  • Forms for future soap. It is better to use ceramic or plastic, for example, children's sandbox molds. But if it is possible to buy ready-made specialized forms, then it will be very good.
  • Warm water or milk to dilute the soap mass (it is better to use milk).
  • Vodka, alcohol or other strong alcohol for spraying the surface of the soap. Spray gun for application.

Proportions for making soap at home

In the preparation of homemade soap, it is very important to maintain proportions. For a bar of soap weighing 100 g, add 3 teaspoons of base oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 3-5 drops of essential oils.

Soap making instructions

So let's make soap. The soap base needs to be cut into small pieces so that it melts faster. If you have baby soap, then it must be grated or chopped in a blender. We put this mass on a steam bath, close it and begin to melt, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Add warmed base oil. When the soap melts, you need to pour water into the mass from time to time, but milk or cream is better. From water, the mass can foam and turn out to be liquid, and with milk it will melt to the creamy, jelly consistency we need.

In addition, if you overdo it with water, then your soap will exfoliate when it cools. Therefore, you should not be greedy by adding milk instead of water. Some experts generally advise not to add liquid, but to replace it with sugar, explaining that this way the mass melts better and faster on a steam bath.

When the mass is ready, you need to add essential oils and dyes. If you use store-bought dyes, then add literally 1-2 drops per 100 grams of soap base. Then stir and get the desired color. And you can also add special fragrances for soap, they are also sold in all specialized stores and cost about 100-200 rubles per jar. Now you can move on to pouring into moulds. If the surface of the mass begins to bubble, then you need to spray it with vodka or alcohol. After this, the molds need to be put to cool completely and “seize”. And then admire the soap you made yourself and brag about the result!

Mastering the technique of pouring handmade soap from a soap base is very easy. The modern industry produces a nice range of quality white and clear bases for cooking. hand soap. Ease of manufacture lies in two consecutive steps. First, warm up the soap base, avoiding boiling. The next step is to pour the base into the selected forms. That's the whole secret of making soap from the base with your own hands for beginners.

Soap base soap

Buying a good quality soap base, you will always read about its true composition. A soap base without harmful ingredients, enriched with your natural additives, will turn into a wonderful bar of soap. This soap is suitable for a specific skin type and will delight you with interesting shapes.

Simple recipes and fascinating preparation of such soap conquered the whole world. The site “With Your Hands” presents interesting recipes that have received a lot of positive feedback. Soap base is a pleasure to work with. It occupies the plane of soap molds, and gratefully conveys the protruding reliefs to finished product. Let's look at what we need for one of the simple recipes (more details here)

You will need:

  • 200gr. soap base,
  • 1/2 tsp sesame and olive oil,
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin E,
  • 1/2 tsp red clay (or other),
  • 1/2 tsp ground oatmeal (less possible)
  • 10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Base soap recipes

The soap recipe from the base, in addition to the main component, may include additives. These are fragrances, nourishing and moisturizing oils, natural scrub components, decorative ornaments, etc.

With one simple mold, a couple of dyes and a soap base, you can fill in a wide variety of types of soap. We have already considered many secrets of such filling on the pages of the site. There is still a sufficient number of untested methods ahead. With all the ideas that are interesting in our opinion, we will definitely continue to share with you in the future.

Not everyone likes to earn money sitting in an office or working in a factory. Many people prefer to organize a business on their hobbies. One of the popular small business movements is the making and selling of handmade soaps. What is the relevance of this business - handmade soap? First of all, soap making is relatively the new kind art, and even more so earnings. The idea of ​​making homemade handmade soap appeared 8-10 years ago, and the idea to sell it on a fairly large scale appeared 3-4 years ago. That is, we can conclude that in most cities the niche is not yet occupied.

Soap made at home from natural ingredients attracts many buyers because it can cleanse, heal the skin and favorably affect the general condition of the external integument. Often it does not cause allergies (depending on the components used), therefore it is suitable for sensitive skin. Unusual, beautiful handmade soap attracts the attention of buyers. Such a product is in demand if it is enough to properly organize production and marketing.

Registration of home soap making as a business

Before officially registering a business, you need to find suitable premises and purchase the primary necessary materials, make up a small one. For the production and sale of soap, you can register or.

Premises of 40 sq. m. will be enough. If you want to save on rent, choose a suburban option. The space should be divided into two parts of different sizes. The larger one will serve directly as a place of manufacture, and the smaller one will serve as a warehouse for raw materials and the finished product.

Registration of a business - soap making - takes place at the tax office and does not take much time.

Handmade soap production technology

Before you understand the production technology, you need to purchase all the necessary tools, products and components for soap. It is better if you have accumulated a certain amount for this, which will allow you to select everything you need at once.

Required materials and equipment

Soap base

A product consisting of fatty acids and glycerin. It has a transparent or white color, usually sold by weight. There is also a liquid soap base (for liquid soaps and shampoos). If you plan to produce products in this direction, then a liquid base is also necessary.

Base oils

So that the soap does not dry the skin and does not cause irritation, various solid and liquid oils are added to it. Base oils are usually the following: olive, coconut, jojoba. There are other basic oils - the choice should depend on the type of soap being made.


For aroma and various effects, essential oils are added to the soap. Here the choice is wide: from fragrant ylang-ylang to simple tea tree. Each of the oils is an antiseptic, which can be a great addition to your facial rash soap. The esters make the soap fragrant.


Special dyes will help make the soap bright, varied and achieve originality. The variety of dyes is great - it is worth buying as many colors as possible so as not to limit yourself in creativity. Choose natural dyes: low cost is not as important as quality and acceptance among consumers.


Soft gommage components, scrubbing additives (apricot kernels, ground coffee, raspberry seeds, fruit and berry fiber, synthetic abrasives) can also serve as fillers. Dried flowers, gelatin and other additives can also be put into soap.


Essential oils give a wonderful aroma, but you can’t do without additional fragrances. Range modern market needlework allows you to purchase flavors with all kinds of smells.


Several sets of molds of various modifications will be enough to produce a product of various shapes and variations.

Basic forms:

  • classic (rectangular);
  • gift (paired forms, hearts, festive options for Easter, New Year and others);
  • children's (dolphins, cartoon characters).


In order to measure the weight of the finished piece evenly, good scales are needed. In no case do not purchase mechanical ones - for such production they have too much error.


Pots without enamel (preferably stainless steel), forms for a water bath, as well as knives and graters for soap base, pipettes, stirring blades, measuring cups and spoons - all this will be needed in the process.

Product promotion

Once you've made trials of several soaps, you can post photos of the product on your personal blog. In connection with the development information technologies Internet advertising is the most effective.

For sale throughout the country, you can create a group in any social network. Sales using an Instagram account are effective. This is where eye-catching photos play a big role. It's not a sin if you process them with high quality.

If opportunities allow, creating your own website for promotion will not be superfluous. On it you can make an online store system and take orders.

A very good service from soap makers is the production of soap to order. It can be handmade gift soap, soap with certain additives, etc.

Do not forget to tell relatives and friends about your business. The so-called "word of mouth" can bring you additional income and new loyal customers.

Possible difficulties in this business

Of the difficulties, one can single out low demand for products, force majeure in the production process when manufactured in large volumes and, as a result, the waste of raw materials and time, lack of funds for the purchase of all necessary ingredients.

Sometimes there may be problems with SES without a special certificate. To make quality certificates for products, you need to check the batches in the laboratory, and you need to pay a certain amount to receive the document.

In order to avoid any difficulties in organizing this business, it is necessary to think over all expenses, have initial capital, correctly select all the necessary materials and tools and study the market in your area.