Basic photo cropping techniques in Photoshop. Basic Photo Cropping Techniques in Photoshop Customizing the Crop Tool in Photoshop ss

  • 09.09.2020

Today the topic will be for beginners, although it is likely that those who have been communicating with Photoshop for a long time will find something new for themselves. Let's talk about cropping a photo using Adobe Photoshop, or rather, about the Crop Tool.

Many people prefer to crop photos in a RAW converter, which is often very convenient, especially at the stage of parsing a photoset and selecting those SAME, several photos for subsequent deep retouching. However, I personally think that cropping is often much more convenient and expedient at the very end of processing, because you don’t always know in advance what color or contrast accents may appear in the composition, and, in the end, sometimes the model’s legs are a little simpler " pull up" than to somehow change the framing.

1) So, the Crop Tool is located on the Adobe Photoshop toolbar, indicated by the number one in the figure and responds to the "C" key.

2) Width and Height - if we want to crop the image with a strictly defined size, we can enter these values ​​for the width and height, respectively, and, if desired, swap them by clicking on the arrows between them.

3) If you right-click on one of the Width or Height fields, you can select the units for our numbers. Please note that at least some number must already be entered in the cell, otherwise Windows will simply offer its standard copy / paste dialog, etc.

4) Resolution - if we want to set the resolution for our future frame, it can be set here. In my opinion, the moment is rather conditional, because. in most cases, ultimately, we are only interested in the actual resolution of the image in pixels, regardless of its further application.

5) If we need to crop several photos strictly to the same size, then for convenience, just click on the "Front Image" button, and Photoshop will automatically enter the values ​​​​in the Width and Height fields corresponding to the file we are currently looking at.

6) The "Clear" button resets the values ​​of all the above fields.

Now let's move on to the more interesting and more practical part.

When we start actually cropping and stretching the "crop-frame", the menu changes slightly and this is what happens ...

7) We have the opportunity to choose whether to leave the cut off part of the frame in memory (Hide), or delete it tightly (Delete). In most cases, I find it's preferable to always select Hide, because it's very often convenient to just move the photo a little bit in an already cropped area instead of going back and re-cropping.

It should be noted that the choice is provided only when working with a layer, when working with a background image (Background), the Delete option is always selected (To easily and quickly make a layer from a background image, just double-click on the inscription "background" in the panel with layers at the bottom right ).

An example of cropping an already cropped photo, with the Hide option selected:

8) In recent versions of Photoshop, it's possible to turn on "help" when cropping. Specifically, you can choose between three options, which, when selected, are projected into the cropping area: Rule of Thirds - the "rule of thirds" grid, Grid - just a grid (it can be useful, for example, when leveling the horizon), None - nothing is projected.

9) The Sield checkbox determines whether it is necessary to "darken" an inactive area that will not subsequently enter the frame. Nearby in the Color field, you can select the color of "dimming".

10) "Opacity" (Opacity) shows the percentage of darkening in percent (0 - completely transparent, 100 - completely opaque).

11) Perspecitve determines whether we will "correct" perspective distortion. (Becomes active only when the Delete option is selected in step 7).

12 ) Cancel and OK, respectively Esc and Enter on the keyboard.

13) Axis of rotation of the frame or the center of resizing of the cropped area. It can be dragged with the mouse to any place, even outside the frame and outside the photo, or you can Alt-click in the right place so that it immediately appears there.

By the way, to rotate the frame, just move the mouse pointer to its edge, then it [pointer] will change to an arrow and it will be possible to rotate the cropped area. If we want to rotate it by an exact multiple of 15 degrees, it's enough to hold Shift while rotating (it's often handy when rotating 90 and 180 degrees).


14) To crop while maintaining aspect ratio, it is enough to first select the entire photo with the Crop Tool, and then drag one of the corners while holding the Shift key.

And to crop keeping the aspect ratio, but already to the center of the axis of rotation(13a) you also need to select the entire photo with the Crop Tool, and also drag one of the corners, but already holding Alt + Shift.

It is also sometimes useful to put the axis of rotation in the center of one of the sides of the frame, if you don’t want to, crop it from this side, but want to crop it from the rest without changing the aspect ratio - try it.

9a is an example of a "helper" grid with the Grid option selected changing the "help" when cropping.

By the way, to crop with a square, you need to hold down Shift before selecting the cropping area. And to simply stretch/shrink the crop area to (from) the center of the crop area (axis of rotation) - drag one of the center points on the sides of the frame while holding Alt.

It all sounds scary and tricky, but in practice it will turn out to be very simple and convenient, try it))

15) And finally, about perspective distortions. Suppose we need to align something shot in perspective. There are several ways to do this in Photoshop, we will look at the easiest one, which is available in the context of cropping and the Crop Tool.

Suppose we have a window like this, and we want to "straighten" it as if we were looking at it from the front. The picture was found by me in Google, so if someone's copyright has been violated, I apologize in advance))

In 7a we select the Delete option, then in the Perspective box it will be possible to tick 11a. Now the points along the edges of the cropping area can be easily moved one relative to the other by simply dragging the mouse. Let's set them so that the border lines of the cropping area are parallel to the corresponding lines in the photo (this is where it will be very useful to select Grid in the "help" menu when cropping 8).

If one of the points is close to the frame boundary, it [the point] will try to "stick" to the frame boundary. To prevent this from happening, for precise positioning, hold Ctrl.

When we have everything successfully positioned, we press Enter and as a result we get:

I want to note that the more accurately we positioned the points relative to the geometric guides of the image, the more accurate the correction result will be, however, in any case, with strong perspective distortions, the image quality will also suffer greatly, which is especially noticeable at low resolution of the original.

Traditionally, an example of a larger picture and, perhaps, that's all for today.))

Good day to you, dear visitors of my blog. Has it ever happened to you that you are taking pictures, and then BAM ... and some alien element got into the frame, such as a man, woman or child running past, and even looked into the frame as if it was necessary. I personally have had such cases more than once. I still thought: “Here is a scoundrel! Where did you come from here?

It also happens that the photo turned out to be crooked and then you have to cunningly squeeze out to make the photo straighter. But I will show you how to make this process easier. You will learn how to crop any image in Photoshop. This will help us tool "Frame".

With the framework we can:

  • Straighten a crooked (skewed) image
  • Crop unwanted objects
  • Cut out only the desired fragment from the image (ideal for avatars)
  • And much more.

So, you are ready. Well then, let's see how to use this tool.

Trimming extra objects

Well, let's start with cutting. In the photo you can see how some guy got into the frame from the side, although it was clearly not planned to put him here. This is where cropping will help us, i.e. frame (Pan Crop).

By the way, this photo can be cropped not only from the left side, but also from the upper left corner. To do this, hover over the upper left corner of the photo until a double diagonal arrow appears. And again, holding down the left mouse button, drag down and to the left until the unnecessary space is covered with dark. This will cut not only this weirdo, but also the top piece (if necessary).

In general, the point is that from which side you need to cut the object, pull from that side. The tool is just wonderful for such things.

Photo alignment

As I said above, we can not only crop unnecessary objects, but also straighten crooked photos. Let's look at an example. Let's say we have a photo that is tilted.

The only negative with this method is that a small part of the photo is cropped. Those. To achieve evenness of the photo, you need to crop a little around the edges. Something like this. But as a rule, this can be sacrificed. For example, in our case, for sure. Well, did it work with this method? Very well.

Cutting a fragment

Another good area of ​​application for this tool is cutting out a fragment of an image. For example, I constantly use such a chip to create avatars for contacts, mail, forums, etc. A very useful thing.

Let's say you have a photo where there are a lot of unwanted objects and for the avatar you want to cut out only yourself.

Like this. Everything seems to be explained clearly, but if there are any questions or misunderstandings, then do not be shy and ask.

Also, if you notice, then when cropping, the photo (image) is divided into 9 parts, i.e. it is separated by 3 vertical and 3 horizontal lines. This effect is called "Rule of Thirds". This rule implies conditional division of the image by three horizontal and three vertical lines. And it is believed that the best attention is focused not in the center, but at the intersection of these lines.

Many photographers and artists use these rules. So if you want to follow this rule of thirds, then you can shift the image so that the key object is at the intersection of the lines.

Crop with aspect ratio

Well, let me tell you about a little chip. By default, framing is free-floating. Those. it all depends on how you move the mouse up and down and left and right. It turns out an arbitrary aspect ratio.

But you can set this ratio yourself. To do this, in frame mode, go to the tool's properties. There you will see 2 cells with arrows between them. This is where you can set the ratio. For example, if you write 2 in the left cell and 1 in the right cell, then the process will proceed evenly and cropping horizontally will always be twice as much as vertically.

You can also set the ratio from the list of templates. To do this, simply open the drop-down list in the properties of the Frame tool. If you choose 1:1, then the selection will be even and square, if 16:9, then, as you understand, everything in this ratio will be cropped. Hope you get the point? I think yes.

You can learn more about the frame tool, as well as all other tools, in this excellent video course. With it, any beginner can master Photoshop in 1-2 weeks, if you devote an hour a day. The lessons are simply magnificent, they look excited. In general, I highly recommend you.

Well, on this I finish our today's lesson and I really hope that you liked it. Do not forget to subscribe to updates of my blog articles, then you will be the first to know about everything interesting. See you in the next lessons. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Article chapters:
Crop tool - Photoshop Frame
Crop Frame Photoshop

Crop a photo- these are special actions to change the scale and position of the image within the boundaries of a given frame when taking a photo or when processing it in Photoshop, for storing and then using this photo.

Of course, it is necessary to correctly crop photos when taking photographs, but this is not always possible. But even if the photo is framed flawlessly at this stage, it may need to be resized for some purpose. It is more convenient to crop photos in Photoshop, as it has more options for this.

Cropping photos in Photoshop after taking a photo is necessary in three main cases. Firstly, if the photo needs to be output to some external device, such as a printer or TV. Secondly, if you need to remove image composition errors. And thirdly, for creative work like making collages.

Before cropping a photo

Cropping a photo is directly related to changing its size and resolution, which are closely related. Changing one of these values ​​changes the others. Before cropping photos in Photoshop, you first need to recalculate the dimensions and resolution, bring them to a clear form, and only then work with them.

This is especially true for those files. digital photos that have been scanned from film negatives or slides. In this case, a high resolution is set, for example 2400 dpi, with a frame size of 36 by 24 mm. To accurately crop a photo in Photoshop, the dimensions must be an order of magnitude higher, and the resolution an order of magnitude lower.

To recalculate the size and resolution of a photo before cropping in Photoshop, you need to select the “Image Size” item on the top panel in the “Image” menu. A window of the same name will open for setting the size and resolution of the photo. You can open this window faster using the hot buttons « alt» + « ctrl» + « I» (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Photoshop program window for recalculating the size and resolution of a photo when cropping

Immediately you need to uncheck the box next to the "Interpolation" item. This is necessary so that the image dimensions and resolution change simultaneously and affect each other. If the checkbox is checked, then when changing the resolution, only the dimension in pixels will decrease. The size of the printout will remain the same.

For example, if you uncheck "Interpolation" and change the resolution from 2400 dpi to 300 dpi (Fig. 1), the dimension will remain the same, and the dimensions of the printed print will change from 3.5 x 2.2 to 27.9 x 17.5 cm. Such dimensions are clearer to us and we can consciously work with them in Photoshop when cropping a photo.

How to crop photos

In Photoshop, you can crop photos in different ways, it depends on the ultimate goal of cropping. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that cropping is a way of resizing a photo by cropping it from one or more sides. This process is irreversible and you need to think carefully before cutting a photo.

In order to crop a photo in Photoshop in a different way or in some other way, you need to crop not the photo itself, but its copy. The photograph must be stored unchanged in a digital photo archive. All cropped copies of photographs must be stored separately in this photo archive.

Such separate storage of a photo allows you not to repeat the process of cropping it twice, and if you wish, you can do another cropping of the same photo in Photoshop at any time. Thus, it is possible to crop any photo many times in different ways.

Before you start cropping a photo in Photoshop, you need to determine exactly what it is for. The type of cropping will depend on this - normal, with rotation or with image deformation. This must be determined in advance, since for each type of framing apply different methods and Photoshop tools.

Photo crop tools

To crop photos in Photoshop, you can use several different instruments. Depending on the purpose of framing is selected right tool or sharing them.

Photoshop's main photo cropping tool is " Frame". Most often, photos are cropped using this particular tool.

To crop photos in Photoshop, you can use all the tools allocation, which create a dashed frame on the image - an ant track.

With the tool " Ruler»In Photoshop, you can expand and crop the image. Deletes areas of the photo that go beyond its dimensions when rotated.

You can crop a photo in Photoshop without changing its size. In this case, the image is reduced, and its scale is increased. For this, they are used layers.

Tool " Canvas size"This is perhaps the easiest tool for cropping photos in Photoshop. With this tool, you can quickly set the final dimensions of photos or specify how much to crop them on one or more sides.

Another handy tool cropping photos in Photoshop is " Trimming". With it, you can find the borders of shadows or feathered borders and crop the photo according to them.

How to work with each cropping tool in Photoshop, when and why it is better to use them, read in the following chapters of this article.

framing or Crop- one of the main tools of Adobe Photoshop. composition tool. After all, in fact, the photograph itself is cropping. But even though many of us are familiar with Photoshop for a long time, it often happens that we don't know much about Crop. That is why we propose to study in detail the possibilities of framing in the most popular graphics editor, and tell you about 10 things that every photographer or designer needs to know.

You can watch a video tutorial in which Martin Perhiniak talks in detail about framing in English, or read a text description in Russian.

1. Crop Guide Overlays Mode

In mode Crop There are several options for overlaying the framing grid. You can see them right after you select a tool. Crop, and switch between them by pressing the key O. The following overlay types are available:

– Rule of Thirds (rule of thirds)
– Grid (grid)
– Diagonal (diagonal)
– Triangle (triangle)
–Golden Ratio()
– Golden Spiral (Golden Spiral)

All of them help to build a picture according to the composition according to its laws, and make cropping easier. You can also change the position spirals or triangle in case Golden Spiral or Triangle is selected by pressing a key combination Shift+O.

2. Change crop orientation

Probably you have already encountered the fact that it is not so easy to rotate the crop frame you set up in Photoshop. When you want to rotate the frame 90 degrees while keeping the aspect ratio, press the X. This way you can easily switch between landscape and portrait orientations.

3. Hide cropped areas

In order to make it easier to understand how good the frame will look after pressing the Accept button, you can hide the trimmed crop fields by clicking H. This will allow you to see the final result before the crop is confirmed. In the settings, there are more options to adjust the crop preview: click on the crop settings icon, where you can change the intensity of the blackout of the cropped area, as well as its color.

4. Classic framing mode

In Photoshop CC, you have probably already encountered the fact that cropping has become different than in previous versions. Namely, the cropping window has become static, and the image itself needs to be moved and adjusted to the grid. For those who prefer to use the classic cropping mode, in which you need to move not the picture itself, but the frame, it is possible to do this by pressing the key P which will take you to Classic Mode. You can also do this in the framing settings menu in the settings panel.

5. Usagefront image

When working with two documents that have different resolutions and image sizes, you can easily crop one document to the size of the other using the option front image. First you need to open both documents and select the one you want to use as a reference. Next select crop tool, and on the pop-up window in the options bar, select FrontImage or press the key I. This will remember the size and resolution of the first document. Then you can switch to another document in which crop tool will already contain setting the size and resolution of the first image.

6. How can cropping be confirmed

In addition to clicking on the checkmark in the settings panel, there are other options for how you can confirm the crop you have made:

– Press Enter
– Double click on crop area
– Click on the confirm icon in the settings panel
– Right click > Context menu > Crop
– Image setup menu > Crop

7. Perspective Crop Tool

If there is an object with a pronounced perspective in the frame, such as a building, then its planes may not be parallel to the frame frame. In this case, you can use Perspective Crop Tool. To crop, you need to mark four corners, and press Enter after the crop box is formed. The finished frame will be located front to you with even planes. If you want to align an object without cropping, use Auto Upright tab Lens Corrections in settings Camera Raw Filter.

8. Reversible crop

The best way to keep the "cut off" parts of the image when cropping is to uncheck the option Delete Cropped Pixels in framing settings. Another way is to create a layer smart object, which you can crop without fear of irreversible consequences, even regardless of whether the checkbox was turned on Delete Cropped Pixels, or not.

9. Pushing boundaries

While most users use cropping to cut off the excess from a photo, some use it to add something to the image by expanding its borders. To do this, you just need to drag the corners of the cropping frame outside the picture, and if you have a background layer, pixels of the same color as the background layer will be added to the picture, if not, then the expansion areas will remain transparent.

10. Straighten a photo with cropping

You can also use crop tool to straighten your photos. Just by holding Command/Ctrl, click and drag to draw a line to indicate the horizon of the photo. You can also use any vertical straight lines to straighten the image.

If you have previously chosen an instrument crop tool(Crop / Frame), stretch it across your document and click Enter, this Photoshop tutorial may surprise you when you learn about other possibilities that you can use when cropping in photoshop.

Here are five of the best tool secrets crop tool(Crop / Frame).

1. Rotate when cropping

When applying a crop to an image, you can rotate the selection. Put the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the selection and rotate it as you see fit. By double-clicking inside the selection, you will apply both rotation and cropping at the same time.

2. Perspective framing

You can set perspective while cropping by first selecting a portion of the image. Check the box in the tool settings opposite Perspective(Perspective). Now when you drag the corners of the selection, they will move to whatever position you specify. When you apply a region to an image, it is not only cut out, but also converted to a rectangular image. You can use this technique to correct the perspective of your image.

3. Crop without cutting

After selecting the area to crop, you don't have to cut it, instead you can just hide the cropped areas.

To do this, you must be working on the image layer, not the background layer, so double click on the background layer and convert it to a normal layer. Stretch a rectangle on the image and in the tool options select the option Hide(Hide). After double-clicking, the cropped area will be hidden, but it will exist.

Take the tool MoveTool» (Move) and move the image. This technique is useful when you want to crop an image to a size 4 X 6 px and want to experiment with different options for composing an image without cutouts.

4. Create and use framing settings

When using the " crop tool» (Cropping / Frame), you can select various settings for it, just click on the drop-down menu in the settings window. Select a setting and apply it to the image to create a selection. You can change the selection from vertical to horizontal (and vice versa). Stretch a selection on the image and then rotate it by 90 degrees while holding the key Shift. When holding down a key Shift, your image will be rotated clearly by 15 degrees.

To create your own settings, set the Width, Height, and Resolution in the Tool Options, then click from the drop-down menu New Tool Preset(Set new tool parameters).

Give your settings a name and click OK.

They will appear at the very bottom of the options menu, where you can select and use them at any time in the future.

5. Cut with the same size

To crop the image with the same size, select " crop tool» (Crop / Frame) and activate the image you are referring to. Click the button front image(External image) to configure the " crop tool» (Cropping) with the dimensions of the current image.

Select your image and drag out a crop rectangle on the image. After double-clicking, your image will be cut with the same size and resolution as the image you took as an example - in some situations your image may increase in size.

Attention: If a " crop tool» (Crop / Frame) was not applied as expected by you, press the key Esc to deactivate the tool and press the button Clear(Clear) to reset some parameters in case you suddenly forget what exactly you changed in the tool settings.

Final result

The next time you cut out an image, remember that this tool has a lot more to offer than meets the eye.

Translation: Antsyperovich Alexandra;