Underwater drones are mastering the Crimea. Domestic weapons and military equipment Underwater vehicle harpsichord 2r pm

  • 18.05.2020

Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle

"Harpsichord-2R-PM" developed by the Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" (St. Petersburg) under the state contract concluded with the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation in 2009.

Testing of the Harpsichord-2R-PM apparatus began in 2016. In 2016, the apparatus passed basin tests, paired equipment tests and tests in the Black Sea. Tests were expected to be completed in 2017 uninhabited vehicle"Harpsichord-2R-PM".

Purpose of the device: search operations and research of the seabed. The devices of the Harpsichord family are created by the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin together with the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok), and are a further development of the Harpsichord-1R apparatus developed by the indicated institute.

The Harpsichord-2R autonomous uninhabited vehicles will be part of the complex of equipment for special nuclear submarines of project 09852 BS-139 "Belgorod" and project 09787 BS-64 "Podmoskovye", as well as will be used by oceanographic and other special vessels of the Russian Navy .

Autonomous uninhabited apparatus "Harpsichord-2R-PM"

Apparatus "Harpsichord-2R-PM" in the Russian Navy

In 2017, an uninhabited underwater vehicle was expected to be adopted by the Russian Navy. The device is planned to be deployed on several projects of special nuclear submarines-carriers of deep-sea vehicles, as well as on special oceanographic vessels.

The design of the underwater vehicle

The design of the uninhabited vehicle includes a frame (bearing frame), a propulsion system, containers with equipment and batteries, additional equipment and buoyancy units.

Propulsion system

The apparatus is equipped with electric running motors powered by rechargeable batteries.

TTX underwater vehicle

Crew- uninhabited vehicle Length- 6.5 m Case diameter- 1m Weight- about 3700 kg Travel range- about 50 km Maximum immersion depth- from 500 to 2000 m (presumably)

Scheme of the device of the underwater vehicle "Harpsichord-2R-PM"


There is no armament.

Placement of ANPO "Harpsichord" on a submarine of the "Belgorod" type(stills from video shown March 1, 2018)


Specialized video and television equipment for conducting and fixing observations. Other special equipment.


"Harpsichord-1R"- a prototype of an autonomous uninhabited vehicle.

"Harpsichord-2R-PM"- the main version of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle developed and adopted by the Russian Navy.

"New defense order. Strategies"

Uninhabited underwater vehicle with autonomy support (AUV). A robotic complex designed for underwater work - servicing drilling rigs, studying the sea day, monitoring underwater communications lines, and sounding the soil. Possibility of military application is probable.


Harpsichord-2R-PM, Photo: Rubin Central Design Bureau, .


Brief characteristics

Length - 6.5 m, diameter - 1 m

weight - 3.7 tons

cruising range - up to 50 km underwater

there are discrepancies regarding the depth of diving (from "several hundred meters" to 2000 meters)

magnetic anomaly detector, temperature and conductivity sensors

diving depth - up to 6000 meters / tass.ru; 2018.07.31


In 2018, it is said that "robots may enter service before the end of 2018", the source, however, is not credible. Two dives were made in the North Arctic Ocean, 7 hours (the current velocity was measured, topographic survey was in progress) and at 21 hours (soil samples were taken).
Another source reports that the first sample has been created, which has passed pool, pair tests of equipment. Tests are planned in the Black Sea. It is planned to release several such devices, they will differ slightly from each other, based on specific tasks / tass.ru

For the summer of 2016 there is prototype device.


2016.11.03 Projects of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles of the Harpsichord family. / topwar.ru

2016.10.02 The Navy is considering the possibility of using the Harpsichord in the Northern Fleet. To "protect the Arctic continental shelf". As of September 2016, the apparatus is undergoing the final stage of testing in the Black Sea. It is expected that 1 vehicle will be handed over to the Navy at the beginning of 2017.

Many today evaluate the development of science and technology by achievements in space, this direction is actively promoted: the well-known sends its rockets and hopefully waits for their returns, flights to Mars are actively planned with contemptuous disregard for the nearby moon. However, there is an equally important and unexplored space closer to us - the ocean depths, which have not been explored so thoroughly, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance. High pressure is no less complex medium for technology than vacuum.

And in this area, as well as in space, Russia has made considerable progress. Literally in June, the Rubin Central Design Bureau announced the completion of work on the new self-guided deep-sea device Harpsichord 2R-PM.

Let's remember the first option - "Harpsichord 1R", which is successfully used on the Arctic continental shelf and in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-water trench.

Its autonomy is 120 hours, the immersion depth was up to 6 km, and the range was 300 km.

"Harpsichord 1R" has the ability to conduct panoramic sonar surveys with a low-frequency radar with a swath of 800 m and a high-frequency one with a swath of 200 m, find and examine point bottom objects, conduct acoustic sounding of the soil and bathymetric measurements. Of course, there is also the possibility of video recording.

A feature of the device is the presence of various control modes. For example, a completely autonomous mode according to a given program or using a hydroacoustic communication channel.

This device proved its high efficiency: it was engaged in research of the deep-water shelf of the Russian sector of the Arctic, where it obtained information for the UN, proving that the Lomonosov Ridge belongs to the Russian shelf.

The second Harpsichord model, of course, should be ahead of the prototype in terms of performance, but exact data has not yet been made public. There was even strange information that the diving depth would be reduced from 6 km to 2 km. However, the Rubin Central Design Bureau will not limit itself to one Harpsichord 2R-PM, the general director of the design bureau Igor Vilnit shares his plans:

“On our own initiative, we are working on the creation of a series of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles built on a modular basis.”

Igor Vilnit

It is very likely that the designers decided to divide the vehicles by diving depths: 2 km and 6 km is a fundamental difference, and it is more logical to divide production taking into account modularity: much fewer deep-sea vehicles are required than devices for studying the shelf.

In the near future, Rubin Central Design Bureau intends to develop a family of deep-sea uninhabited vehicles that will greatly facilitate the construction and subsequent operation of drilling complexes in the Arctic. In fact, according to Igor Valnit, they will be included in the standard complex of under-ice-underwater drilling:

It is planned that the submersibles being developed as part of the project will carry out search and survey work on the ground and in the ocean, necessary for the construction of the drilling complex, as well as ensure safety during its operation.

Igor Vilnit

With research opportunities, everything is more or less clear. But taking into account modern realities, a natural question arises: is it possible to use the Harpsichord for military purposes?

It is clear that it can be used to search for all sorts of "surprises" on the seabed, for sabotage on underwater engineering structures, for reconnaissance of enemy naval bases, and much more. At the same time, the declared range of 300 km is very arbitrary: "Caliber" in the export version, we also do not fly very far. In addition, the range can be associated with control: one thing is the transmission of commands through hydroacoustic communication in real time, the other is programmed actions such as “swim up there and lie quietly there, transmitting data.”

Tests of the latest unmanned robotic complex "Harpsichord-2" began at the sea test site in the Crimea. The complex has already received the official military index 2P52, which means a high degree readiness for adoption. In the future, the Feodosia test site will be used to test marine robotic systems. According to experts, its return to service will allow faster testing and commissioning new technology for the Navy.

As Izvestia was told at the Main Command of the Navy, the 2R52 underwater robotic complex (also known as Harpsichord-2) is being tested at the Feodosia naval training ground. A special experimental vessel of project 20360OS Viktor Cherokov, recently transferred to the Black Sea Fleet, is participating in the tests.

"Harpsichord-2R" is the second generation of the family of domestic autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (AUVs). It is larger and more massive than its predecessor, Harpsichord-1, which resembles a torpedo in appearance and dimensions.

Outwardly, the ANPA 2Р52 looks like a miniature submarine about 7 m long and about 1 m in diameter. It has a small ledge on top. The mass of the apparatus is about 4 tons. The immersion depth is up to 6000 m. It is believed that by increasing the size, it was possible to increase its autonomy. Also, "Harpsichord-2" carries more modern and advanced equipment than the first model.

Special nuclear submarines will be used to deliver the ANPA 2R52 to the work site. New drones should be included in the equipment of the upgraded nuclear submarines of project 949AM and the converted special-purpose nuclear submarine of project 09787 BS-64 Podmoskovye.

In a given area, the drone is separated from the carrier and starts working according to a pre-compiled program. Its estimated range is up to 50 km. If necessary, the operator can give the underwater robot new tasks. "Harpsichord-2" can carry a variety of equipment - sonars, electromagnetic sensors, video cameras.

"Harpsichord-2" is a multi-purpose device capable of solving a wide range of tasks in the interests of the Navy, said Alexander Mozgovoy, an independent naval expert.

This complex can explore the bottom at great depths, which allows you to search for and collect various items, such as ammunition fragments, the expert explained. - Also, "Harpsichords" are capable of conducting reconnaissance of the underwater situation, collecting data on the bottom topography in the interests of ship groups or other robotic systems.

To test the new Harpsichord, a section of the Crimean coast with unique hydrological properties near Feodosia is being used. In the area of ​​an extinct volcano that has gone under water, a complex bottom landscape with great depths has formed. Combat firing and naval exercises of ships and submarines of the Black Sea Fleet are also held here.

As Alexander Mozgovoy explained, it is Crimea that is likely to become the main place for testing new Russian robotic systems and other equipment for the Navy.

The climate and weather conditions in the area make it possible to carry out work almost all year round, which significantly speeds up testing, the expert noted. - Special vessels are already based there, there is the necessary equipment.

In the Soviet Union, the Feodosia training ground was the main site for testing weapons for the Navy. New torpedoes, depth charges, etc. were tested there. In addition, sea trials of promising submarines were carried out. Currently, active work is underway to turn Feodosia into the main platform for testing naval weapons and other systems. As Izvestia wrote earlier, special vessels, such as the Seliger or Viktor Cherokov, have already been transferred there. The equipment of the latter includes a remotely controlled underwater vehicle, as well as mechanisms for raising parts of exploding torpedoes and fragments of hit targets from the bottom. The newest autonomous weather station "Periscope" installed on board monitors the weather along the route of the vessel and generates short-term forecasts.

JSC " The Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering has announced a request for proposals for the insurance of two autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles Klavesin-2R-PM. The maximum price of the contract is 48 million rubles.

BUT Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle of the type "Harpsichord-1R" developedInstitute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS), 2007 (c) Free Press / svpressa.ru

Devices "Harpsichord-2R-PM" will be insured for the time:

carrying out shipbuilding and installation works (St. Petersburg, Marata street, 90);

testing (St. Petersburg, the Republic of Crimea, the Black Sea);

transportation on the territory of Russia.

The contract should cover the risks of death and damage due to design errors, as well as during construction, launching, sea trials. The contract for the carriage of the vessel must be concluded "with responsibility for all risks". In addition, the risks of additional costs in the course of shipbuilding works will be insured. The insured value of one device is 300 million rubles.

Applications for participation in the request for proposals can be submitted until 24 February. The results are planned to be summed up on March 9, follows from the procurement documentation.

According to the attached tender documentation, ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM" is being created by the Central Design Bureau of MT "Rubin" in order to fulfill their obligations under the state contract No. 748/31/664PM-2009/27-09 dated May 19, 2009 with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

AUV includes a frame (bearing frame), its propulsion system, containers with equipment and batteries, additional equipment and buoyancy units;

AUV dimensions according to the project:

length - about 6 500 mm,

diameter - about 1,000 mm;

Weight in the air - about 3,700 kg,

The maximum range is about 50 km,

Diving depth - about 2000 m, (during testing in accordance with the depths of the test site in the Black Sea - about 500 m.).

bmpd's comment. BUT Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (AUV) of the Harpsichord-2R type are being created by the Central Design Bureau of the Ministry of TransportationRubin together withInstitute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok), and, according to known information, are a further development of the AUV developed by the specified institute"Harpsichord-1R". According to previously published open tender documentation, AUV"Harpsichord-2R" will be part of the equipment complex of the modernized nuclear submarines of project 949AM and the converted nuclear submarine of special purpose of project 09787 BS-64 "Podmoskovye".

According to official dataIPMT FEB RAS, ANPA"Harpsichord-1R", also created by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense, is adeep-sea multi-purpose complex, equipped with modern means autonomous and hydroacoustic navigation and communications, a reconfigurable control system, target equipment for performing search and survey work, surveying and mapping the seabed. Passed experimental tests in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench, trial operation on the continental shelf in the Arctic and in the search for a sunken radioisotope source in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In 2007 ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" was used from the side of the nuclear icebreaker "Russia" in the polar expedition "Arktika-2007", and completed the State tests in 2008.

For ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" IPMT FEB RAS