Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles "Harpsichord" - bmpd. Uninhabited underwater vehicles of the Harpsichord family It seems that a herd of similar robots has a shepherd

  • 31.10.2020

But to solve some problems, various remotely controlled systems with a complex necessary equipment.

Thus, for the study of the seabed and the study of bottom objects, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles. Systems of this class are being actively developed by domestic enterprises. AT last years several similar complexes were created by several organizations.

Two of them belong to a family called "Harpsichord".

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R"

The first representative of the new family was the apparatus "Harpsichord-1R". According to available data, the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle "Klavesin-1R" was developed by the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok). The aim of the project was to create a special tool suitable for performing various tasks at different depths. The development was carried out both in the interests of scientific organizations and for the relevant structures of the military department. The project provided for the possibility of studying the environment and individual objects using a set of onboard equipment. The device received automated system control with the ability to receive new commands from the control panel.

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" before launching into the water. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

Based on the requirements and expected features of the application, the authors of the project used some proven ideas and solutions. In particular, outwardly the product "Harpsichord-1R" resembles a torpedo of slightly increased dimensions. All main units are placed inside a cylindrical body. The head part of the apparatus is covered with a hemispherical fairing, in the stern there is a tapering unit, on which the so-called. propulsion complex. The length of the "Harpsichord-1R" is 5.8 m, the case diameter is 900 mm. The mass of the device in the air is 2.5 tons.

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" has a solid body that ensures the operation of all units at great depths. Design characteristics provide diving to depths of up to 6 km. The device is equipped with four electric motors located on the columns of the aft part of the hull. Each of them rotates its own propeller. Available power units allow speeds up to 1.5 m/s (2.9 knots). Batteries provide a range of up to 300 km.

The underwater vehicle received an automated software system management. In preparation for immersion in the automation of the product, a program is loaded, according to which work is carried out in the future. This provides for the possibility of correcting the loaded program. To do this, the control complex located on board the carrier vessel can use a hydroacoustic communication channel. After updating the program, the ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" can immediately proceed to the required actions.

Apparatus for testing. Photo

On board the underwater vehicle there is a set of various equipment designed to survey the surrounding objects and collect the necessary information. Side-scan sonars, an electromagnetic finder, a digital video camera with signal processing tools, an acoustic profiler, as well as temperature and electrical conductivity sensors of outboard water are mounted in different parts of the pressure hull.

The main means of observing the surrounding space, capable of operating in various conditions and used to detect various objects, is a side-scan hydroacoustic locator. It is possible to use the high-frequency and low-frequency modes of the station. The low frequency mode allows you to view a band 800 m wide. When using high frequency oscillations, the band width is reduced to 200 m.

Other onboard equipment allows you to make various measurements and determine the parameters environment. A bathymetric study of water bodies and their bottom, acoustic sounding of the bottom soil or video filming of detected objects can also be performed. With the help of onboard equipment, the Harpsichord-1R can both find and examine various objects located at the bottom. It is possible to study point and extended objects.

The control panel of the complex "Harpsichord-1R". Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

The operation of the underwater vehicle is controlled using a remote control located on board the carrier vessel. The equipment of the console allows for preliminary preparation before diving, including the introduction work program, control the operation of all systems, receive some data, as well as correct the set program and transmit updated instructions to the apparatus.

The ANPA project "Harpsichord-1R" was developed in the middle of the last decade, and was soon brought to the assembly of experimental equipment with its subsequent testing. Later prototype was used in various operations, the purpose of which was to conduct research or search for certain objects. It is known that during the tests the prototype dived in the Sea of ​​Japan, and also descended into the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench. Experimental operation was carried out in the regions of the Arctic. So, in 2007, the Harpsichord-1R apparatus became part of the scientific equipment used by the Arktika-2007 polar expedition. The nuclear icebreaker Rossiya became the carrier of the complex. Later, a new type of AUV was used in a search operation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The purpose of these works was to search for a sunken radioisotope source.

At the end of 2008, the domestic media published some details research work in the Arctic seas. The video camera of the apparatus allowed the operators to see various inhabitants of the seabed, some of which subsequently could not be identified even by specialists. However, the study of marine fauna was not the task of the operators of the complex.

An image of an object obtained using the Harpsichord-1R equipment. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

During the tests, the Harpsichord-1R complex confirmed the design characteristics, and in addition, improved some indicators. So, during one of the dives, a depth of 6083 m was reached. In 2008, the device passed state tests, according to the results of which it was recommended for full operation. According to various sources, to date, an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle has been used several times for various studies in different seas.

ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM"

Probably, based on the results of testing and operation of the Harpsichord-1R underwater vehicle, it was decided to create new system of this class, intended for operation by special structures of the navy. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense formed the requirements for the new AUV and chose the developer. On May 19, 2009, an agreement was signed between the military department and the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. By now new project was brought to the stage of testing at sea.

The second project of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle was named "Harpsichord-2R-PM". According to available data, new development has the same goals and objectives as its predecessor. At the same time, the AUV of the second model should differ in slightly increased dimensions and a different composition of onboard equipment. Due to this, it becomes possible to increase the efficiency of prospecting and research of the seabed.

General view of the ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Photo

There is some information about the design of the device "Harpsichord-2R-PM". According to these data, the main unit of the product is a rectangular frame designed to install all major systems. It is equipped with electronic equipment, power point, buoyancy blocks, etc. The stern also has a propulsion complex, consisting of four engines with propellers. Protection against water is carried out using a durable housing. The hull has a cylindrical shape with a streamlined bow and stern. On the upper surface of the hull, a protrusion-superstructure of great length and low height is provided.

The length of the AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM" reaches 6.5 m, the diameter of the hull is 1 m. The mass is approximately 3.7 tons. The speed parameters of the device, according to various sources, are approximately equal to the characteristics of its predecessor. At the same time, the cruising range was reduced to 50 km. The strength of the hull allows you to dive to a depth of 6 km. A few months ago it was reported that the device was already able to dive to a depth of 500 m.

The exact composition of the onboard equipment of the new underwater vehicle is unknown. Probably, it was decided to keep the general architecture of the previous project, but at the same time increase the efficiency of work by using the equipment of new models with improved characteristics. An increase in autonomy is also announced in comparison with the Harpsichord-1R AUV. Such data may indicate the preservation of existing management principles, due to which work should be carried out according to a pre-compiled program with the possibility of adjusting it at any time.

To date, experimental equipment of the type "Harpsichord-2R-PM" has been tested. The beginning of the checks was preceded by the appearance of some documents revealing the details of the project. In particular, in February of this year, the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT announced a request for proposals for insurance of a new type of experimental equipment. A month later, it was planned to choose a company that was to insure two experimental underwater vehicles. The document also indicated that the construction of equipment was carried out in St. Petersburg, and testing is planned in St. Petersburg and in the Crimea, on the Black Sea. The insured value of one AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM" was determined at 300 million rubles.

At the beginning of June 2016, the management of the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin spoke about the imminent completion of work on a new project. From the published data it followed that by now the prototypes have been tested and are being tested in the Black Sea. It was also noted that during this stage of testing, the Harpsichord-2R-PM will be able to reach a depth of about 500 m. Diving to great depths at the used Black Sea test site is simply impossible.

In the foreseeable future, industry and navy specialists will have to complete all necessary work project "Harpsichord-2R-PM". After that, the experimental equipment, having passed state tests, can be adopted by the navy. Previously, some information about a possible application appeared in the public domain. new technology. Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles will be included in the onboard equipment nuclear submarines, modernized under the project 949AM. In addition, they will become a regular tool for studying the situation of the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 "Podmoskovye" of project 09787.

The development of promising autonomous underwater vehicles makes it possible to provide the fleet and scientific organizations with new complexes capable of carrying out observation and reconnaissance in various regions of the World Ocean at different depths. The possibility of monitoring the situation with the help of hydroacoustic radars, as well as some other equipment, is provided. When approaching a minimum distance, new devices can use video cameras. An important advantage of new domestic developments is the possibility battery life without constant control from the carrier.

Estimated architecture of the device "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Figure

To date, one of the devices of the Harpsichord family has passed all the necessary tests and has been recommended for full operation. Two prototypes of the ANPA "Klavesin-2R-PM" are currently being tested, which in the future will determine their real future. If there are no serious problems and the right pace is maintained, the tests can be completed within the next few months. Thanks to this, in the near future the navy will be able to receive new special equipment that simplifies the solution of some special tasks. However, due to the specific purpose of the new technology, the details of its operation will remain a secret for a long time.

JSC " The Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering has announced a request for proposals for the insurance of two autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles Klavesin-2R-PM. The maximum price of the contract is 48 million rubles.

BUT Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle of the type "Harpsichord-1R" developedInstitute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS), 2007 (c) Free Press /

Devices "Harpsichord-2R-PM" will be insured for the time:

carrying out shipbuilding and installation works (St. Petersburg, Marata street, 90);

testing (St. Petersburg, the Republic of Crimea, the Black Sea);

transportation on the territory of Russia.

The contract should cover the risks of death and damage due to design errors, as well as during construction, launching, sea trials. The contract for the carriage of the vessel must be concluded "with responsibility for all risks". In addition, the risks of additional costs in the course of shipbuilding works will be insured. The insured value of one device is 300 million rubles.

Applications for participation in the request for proposals can be submitted until 24 February. The results are planned to be summed up on March 9, follows from the procurement documentation.

According to the attached tender documentation, ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM" is being created by the Central Design Bureau of MT "Rubin" in order to fulfill their obligations under the state contract No. 748/31/664PM-2009/27-09 dated May 19, 2009 with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

AUV includes a frame (bearing frame), its propulsion system, containers with equipment and batteries, additional equipment and buoyancy units;

AUV dimensions according to the project:

length - about 6 500 mm,

diameter - about 1,000 mm;

Weight in the air - about 3,700 kg,

The maximum range is about 50 km,

Diving depth - about 2000 m, (during testing in accordance with the depths of the test site in the Black Sea - about 500 m.).

bmpd's comment. BUT Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles (AUV) of the Harpsichord-2R type are being created by the Central Design Bureau of the Ministry of TransportationRubin together withInstitute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok), and, according to known information, are a further development of the AUV developed by the specified institute"Harpsichord-1R". According to previously published open tender documentation, AUV"Harpsichord-2R" will be part of the equipment complex of the modernized nuclear submarines of project 949AM and the converted nuclear submarine of special purpose of project 09787 BS-64 "Podmoskovye".

According to official dataIPMT FEB RAS, ANPA"Harpsichord-1R", also created by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense, is adeep-sea multi-purpose complex, equipped with modern means autonomous and hydroacoustic navigation and communications, a reconfigurable control system, target equipment for performing search and survey work, surveying and mapping the seabed. Passed experimental tests in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench, trial operation on the continental shelf in the Arctic and in the search for a sunken radioisotope source in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In 2007 ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" was used from the side of the nuclear icebreaker "Russia" in the polar expedition "Arktika-2007", and completed the State tests in 2008.

For ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" IPMT FEB RAS

To solve some problems, various remotely controlled systems with a set of necessary equipment can be used. Thus, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles can be used to study the seabed and study bottom objects. Systems of this class are being actively developed by domestic enterprises. In recent years, several similar complexes have been created by several organizations. Two of them belong to a family called "Harpsichord".

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R"

The first representative of the new family was the apparatus "Harpsichord-1R". According to available data, the autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle "Klavesin-1R" was developed by the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS, Vladivostok). The aim of the project was to create a special tool suitable for performing various tasks at different depths. The development was carried out both in the interests of scientific organizations and for the relevant structures of the military department. The project provided for the possibility of studying the environment and individual objects using a set of onboard equipment. The device received an automated control system with the ability to receive new commands from the control panel.

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" before launching into the water. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

Based on the requirements and expected features of the application, the authors of the project used some proven ideas and solutions. In particular, outwardly the product "Harpsichord-1R" resembles a torpedo of slightly increased dimensions. All main units are placed inside a cylindrical body. The head part of the apparatus is covered with a hemispherical fairing, in the stern there is a tapering unit, on which the so-called. propulsion complex. The length of the Harpsichord-1R is 5.8 m, the case diameter is 900 mm. The mass of the device in the air is 2.5 tons.

ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" has a solid body that ensures the operation of all units at great depths. Design characteristics provide diving to depths of up to 6 km. The device is equipped with four electric motors located on the columns of the aft part of the hull. Each of them rotates its own propeller. Available power units allow speeds up to 1.5 m/s (2.9 knots). Batteries provide a range of up to 300 km.

The underwater vehicle received an automated software control system. In preparation for immersion in the automation of the product, a program is loaded, according to which work is carried out in the future. This provides for the possibility of correcting the loaded program. To do this, the control complex located on board the carrier vessel can use a hydroacoustic communication channel. After updating the program, the ANPA "Harpsichord-1R" can immediately proceed to the required actions.

Apparatus for testing. Photo

On board the underwater vehicle there is a set of various equipment designed to survey the surrounding objects and collect the necessary information. Side-scan sonars, an electromagnetic finder, a digital video camera with signal processing tools, an acoustic profiler, as well as temperature and electrical conductivity sensors of outboard water are mounted in different parts of the pressure hull.

The main means of observing the surrounding space, capable of operating in various conditions and used to detect various objects, is a side-scan hydroacoustic locator. It is possible to use the high-frequency and low-frequency modes of the station. The low frequency mode allows you to view a band 800 m wide. When using high frequency oscillations, the band width is reduced to 200 m.

Other onboard equipment allows you to make various measurements and determine the parameters of the environment. A bathymetric study of water bodies and their bottom, acoustic sounding of the bottom soil or video filming of detected objects can also be performed. With the help of onboard equipment, the Harpsichord-1R can both find and examine various objects located at the bottom. It is possible to study point and extended objects.

The control panel of the complex "Harpsichord-1R". Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

The operation of the underwater vehicle is controlled using a remote control located on board the carrier vessel. The equipment of the console allows you to carry out preliminary preparations before diving, including entering a working program, controlling the operation of all systems, obtaining some data, as well as correcting a given program and transmitting updated instructions to the device.

The ANPA project "Harpsichord-1R" was developed in the middle of the last decade, and was soon brought to the assembly of experimental equipment with its subsequent testing. Later, the prototype was used in various operations, the purpose of which was to conduct research or search for certain objects. It is known that during the tests the prototype dived in the Sea of ​​Japan, and also descended into the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-sea trench. Experimental operation was carried out in the regions of the Arctic. So, in 2007, the Harpsichord-1R apparatus became part of the scientific equipment used by the Arktika-2007 polar expedition. The nuclear icebreaker Rossiya became the carrier of the complex. Later, a new type of AUV was used in a search operation in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The purpose of these works was to search for a sunken radioisotope source.

At the end of 2008, the domestic media published some details of research work in the Arctic seas. The video camera of the apparatus allowed the operators to see various inhabitants of the seabed, some of which subsequently could not be identified even by specialists. However, the study of marine fauna was not the task of the operators of the complex.

An image of an object obtained using the Harpsichord-1R equipment. Photo by IPMT FEB RAS /

During the tests, the Harpsichord-1R complex confirmed the design characteristics, and in addition, improved some indicators. So, during one of the dives, a depth of 6083 m was reached. In 2008, the device passed state tests, according to the results of which it was recommended for full operation. According to various sources, to date, an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle has been used several times for various studies in different seas.

ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM"

Probably, based on the results of testing and operation of the Harpsichord-1R underwater vehicle, it was decided to create a new system of this class, intended for operation by special structures of the navy. In 2009, the Ministry of Defense formed the requirements for the new AUV and chose the developer. On May 19, 2009, an agreement was signed between the military department and the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. To date, the new project has been brought to the stage of testing at sea.

The second project of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle was named "Harpsichord-2R-PM". According to reports, the new development has the same goals and objectives as its predecessor. At the same time, the AUV of the second model should differ in slightly increased dimensions and a different composition of onboard equipment. Due to this, it becomes possible to increase the efficiency of prospecting and research of the seabed.

General view of the ANPA "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Photo

There is some information about the design of the device "Harpsichord-2R-PM". According to these data, the main unit of the product is a rectangular frame designed to install all major systems. Electronic equipment, a power plant, buoyancy blocks, etc. are mounted on it. The stern also has a propulsion complex, consisting of four engines with propellers. Protection against water is carried out using a durable housing. The hull has a cylindrical shape with a streamlined bow and stern. On the upper surface of the hull, a protrusion-superstructure of great length and low height is provided.

The length of the AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM" reaches 6.5 m, the diameter of the hull is 1 m. The mass is approximately 3.7 tons. The speed parameters of the device, according to various sources, are approximately equal to the characteristics of its predecessor. At the same time, the cruising range was reduced to 50 km. The strength of the hull allows you to dive to a depth of 6 km. A few months ago it was reported that the device was already able to dive to a depth of 500 m.

The exact composition of the onboard equipment of the new underwater vehicle is unknown. Probably, it was decided to keep the general architecture of the previous project, but at the same time increase the efficiency of work by using the equipment of new models with improved characteristics. An increase in autonomy is also announced in comparison with the Harpsichord-1R AUV. Such data may indicate the preservation of existing management principles, due to which work should be carried out according to a pre-compiled program with the possibility of adjusting it at any time.

To date, experimental equipment of the type "Harpsichord-2R-PM" has been tested. The beginning of the checks was preceded by the appearance of some documents revealing the details of the project. In particular, in February of this year, the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT announced a request for proposals for insurance of a new type of experimental equipment. A month later, it was planned to choose a company that was to insure two experimental underwater vehicles. The document also indicated that the construction of equipment was carried out in St. Petersburg, and testing is planned in St. Petersburg and in the Crimea, on the Black Sea. The insured value of one AUV "Harpsichord-2R-PM" was determined at 300 million rubles.

At the beginning of June 2016, the management of the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin spoke about the imminent completion of work on a new project. From the published data it followed that by now the prototypes have been tested and are being tested in the Black Sea. It was also noted that during this stage of testing, the Harpsichord-2R-PM will be able to reach a depth of about 500 m. Diving to great depths at the used Black Sea test site is simply impossible.

In the foreseeable future, industry and navy specialists will have to complete all the necessary work on the Harpsichord-2R-PM project. After that, the experimental equipment, having passed state tests, can be adopted by the navy. Earlier, some information about the possible use of new technology appeared in the public domain. Autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles will be included in the onboard equipment of nuclear submarines being modernized under the 949AM project. In addition, they will become a regular tool for studying the situation of the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 "Podmoskovye" of project 09787.

The development of promising autonomous underwater vehicles makes it possible to provide the fleet and scientific organizations with new complexes capable of carrying out observation and reconnaissance in various regions of the World Ocean at different depths. The possibility of monitoring the situation with the help of hydroacoustic radars, as well as some other equipment, is provided. When approaching a minimum distance, new devices can use video cameras. An important advantage of new domestic developments is the possibility of autonomous operation without constant control from the carrier.

Estimated architecture of the device "Harpsichord-2R-PM". Figure

To date, one of the devices of the Harpsichord family has passed all the necessary tests and has been recommended for full operation. Two prototypes of the ANPA "Klavesin-2R-PM" are currently being tested, which in the future will determine their real future. If there are no serious problems and the right pace is maintained, the tests can be completed within the next few months. Thanks to this, in the near future the navy will be able to receive new special equipment that simplifies the solution of some special tasks. However, due to the specific purpose of the new technology, the details of its operation will remain a secret for a long time.

According to the websites:

Uninhabited underwater vehicle with autonomy support (AUV). A robotic complex designed for underwater work - servicing drilling rigs, studying the sea day, monitoring underwater communications lines, and sounding the soil. Possibility of military application is probable.


Harpsichord-2R-PM, Photo: Rubin Central Design Bureau, .


Brief characteristics

Length - 6.5 m, diameter - 1 m

weight - 3.7 tons

cruising range - up to 50 km underwater

there are discrepancies regarding the depth of diving (from "several hundred meters" to 2000 meters)

magnetic anomaly detector, temperature and conductivity sensors

diving depth - up to 6000 meters /; 2018.07.31


In 2018, it is said that "robots may enter service before the end of 2018", the source, however, is not credible. Two dives were made in the North Arctic Ocean, 7 hours (the current velocity was measured, topographic survey was in progress) and at 21 hours (soil samples were taken).
Another source reports that the first sample has been created, which has passed pool, pair tests of equipment. Tests are planned in the Black Sea. It is planned to release several such devices, they will differ slightly from each other, based on specific tasks /

For the summer of 2016, there is a prototype device.


2016.11.03 Projects of autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles of the Harpsichord family. /

2016.10.02 The Navy is considering the possibility of using the Harpsichord in the Northern Fleet. To "protect the Arctic continental shelf". As of September 2016, the apparatus is undergoing the final stage of testing in the Black Sea. It is expected that 1 vehicle will be handed over to the Navy at the beginning of 2017.

Autonomous. Underwater. Uninhabited. These are the official definitions for the new marine robot, which the military and specialists of the naval training ground near Feodosia in the Crimea have begun testing.

Submarine robot

The new autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle was named Harpsichord-2R. What it is is difficult to say because of the rather dense veil of secrecy erected around this robot. It is only reported that the device looks like a submarine. In terms of dimensions, it is as follows: 6.5 m in length, 1 m in diameter - more consistent with a torpedo. True, plump - almost twice as wide as the standard 533 mm. And weighing almost twice as much - about 3.7 tons.

These tons, according to scanty information from the military, are made up of different devices. There is a magnetic anomaly detector, therefore, the device is focused on the search for ships, mines, torpedoes and similar targets. There is a video camera. Everything is clear with her. There are temperature and electrical conductivity sensors - this is obviously for measuring the properties of water, which can also tell a lot about the enemy. It is officially reported that the device will be used for "prospecting, bottom mapping and soil probing."

It must be assumed that the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has already salivated in anticipation of such a powerful research tool ...

According to the sources of "Tsargrad" among circles close to the fleet, over time it is not at all excluded that devices like the "Harpsichord" can really be used for civil and scientific purposes. Especially with its ability to dive to a depth of up to two kilometers and a range of up to 50 km.

In the same way, however, it is possible that the robot can also be loaded with a warhead. Also, presumably, two times more explosive than 200-400 kg for a standard torpedo. Not to mention special ammunition. And this circumstance brings the Harpsichord closer to the Poseidon underwater robot, which is being developed as part of the Status-6 project. The very one that provides a reliable defense of Russia with an inevitable and irresistible threat of destroying the entire American fleet right in the harbors of Norfolk, San Diego and so on, and American decision-making centers right on the east coast.

It won't even be very difficult. Robots are issued from submarines. It is specified that nuclear submarines of Project 949AM Granit will become carriers of the Harpsichord-2R, and then they live autonomously, as they should. Stand alone and die. Not alone, of course. So we can assume for the "Harpsichords" and the presence of the function of target designators and gunners for their combat robotic colleagues.

It is assumed that these new robots may enter service before the end of 2018.

Unique Vladivostok apparatus

And this information - about such an early adoption, which means already final readiness - suggests that the "Harpsichord-2R" is military development civilian underwater robot "Harpsichord-1R". And a lot is known about him.

This device was created at the Institute of Marine Technology Problems (IPMT) of the Far Eastern Branch (FEB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And he became the first underwater robot to dive to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

In total, as the chairman of the presidium of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Valentin Sergienko, said, two dives were made. During the first, which lasted seven hours, the device studied the water area and the bottom, made measurements of the current speed and - attention - topographic survey. The second dive already lasted 21 hours, during which the robot took soil samples.

Judging by the "Harpsichord-1R", then his military counterpart has large reserves. Because the first can already work at a depth of up to six kilometers and be under water for up to 48 hours. There are no such devices in the world that can be compared in efficiency with the Harpsichord-1R, Far Eastern scientists assure.

It looks like a herd of similar robots has a shepherd

Recall that at one time Tsargrad posted a material where, with reference to the results of the conference of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement (DPF), it was said that they know how to make underwater robots in our country. But the work on this topic is not being carried out in a very coordinated and efficient manner.

And about the "Harpsichord-1R" in the material was said. The fact that this is not just some kind of manipulator, but a device that is endowed with artificial intelligence, communicates with the operator via a hydroacoustic communication channel, transmits a very clear, high-resolution picture of the seabed to the top.

It was also said that a device capable of reaching a depth of 12 km is being developed in the same IMPT. This is despite the fact that the deepest place in the World Ocean - the Mariana Trench - is 11,022 m deep.

And in total, 17 (!) Projects of robotic underwater vehicles and complexes of various classes and purposes are being developed. And this number is constantly growing. But this is where the main problem of domestic underwater robotics lies: there are brains, worse hands, but no organization at all. Rather, the organization must be built.

A very promising, especially in Russia, still rich in brains, herd of robotic divers is in great need of one competent shepherd,

- the conclusion was made in the material.

It seems that this conclusion was heeded.