Informing employers about the situation on the labor market. Information about the situation in the labor market. I. Recipients of public services

  • 03.04.2020

2. This federal state standard establishes the requirements that are mandatory for the implementation by state institutions of the employment service of informing about the situation on the labor market in the subject Russian Federation.

II. Requirements for the procedure for the provision of public services, for the composition, sequence and timing of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in the provision of public services, including the specifics of the implementation of administrative procedures in electronic form, and decision criteria

The procedure for informing about the public service

3. Informing about the state service and the procedure for its provision is carried out directly in the premises of state institutions of the public employment service, using the mass media, electronic or telephone connection information and telecommunications network "Internet" * (2), including the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services"*(3) and (or) regional portals of state and municipal services*(4), as well as through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services*(5) .

The procedure for the provision of public services

4. Public service is provided:

an indefinite circle of persons;

applicants: citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons*(6) , employers or their authorized representatives*(7) .

5. A public service is provided to an indefinite circle of persons by posting information on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the official websites of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, and state institutions of the employment service * (8), United portal and regional portal, in the state institution of the employment service, the MFC, the media.

Information on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation contains the following information:

1) the main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

levels of general and registered unemployment;

coefficient of tension in the labor market;

the number of citizens who are registered in order to find suitable work and as unemployed;

the need of employers for workers, including by type economic activity;

2) the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in comparison with the same period of the previous year;

3) a list of the most demanded professions (specialties) in the labor market of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, indicating the average wages;

4) other information and analytical materials characterizing the peculiarities of the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. The public service is provided to the applicant on the basis of his application for the provision of public services * (9) .

The statement contains:

surname, name, patronymic (last - if any)*(10) of a citizen, or the name of a legal entity, or surname, name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur;

list of requested additional information related to the situation on the labor market in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation * (11) ;

method of obtaining the requested information: by postal address (indicating the postal address), by e-mail address (indicating the e-mail address), by personal contact with the state institution of the employment service or the MFC (indicating the contact phone number for the applicant's preliminary appointment for a personal appointment ), through the Single Portal or Regional Portal*(12) ;

date of the application.

The application is certified by personal or simple electronic signature the applicant in accordance with the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036, N 27, Art. 3880; 2012, N 29, Art. 3988)*(13) .

7. Applicants are provided with the opportunity to choose the method of submitting an application to a state institution of the employment service or to the MFC: in person, by mail, using facsimile or in electronic form, including using single portal or regional portal.

8. When applicants apply in person to a public institution of the employment service, the public service is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

The waiting time in the queue should not exceed 15 minutes.

9. The provision of public services to applicants is carried out in specially equipped premises that provide unhindered access for applicants.

10. Applicants are provided with the opportunity to choose the method of obtaining the requested information. When the applicant chooses the method of obtaining, upon personal contact with the state institution of the employment service, the applicant is pre-registered and agreed with the applicant on the date and time of contacting the state institution of the employment service using telephone means.

The waiting time for the provision of public services in case of prior agreement on the date and time of the applicant's appeal should not exceed 5 minutes.

11. When applicants apply to the MFC, the provision of the public service of the MFC on the principle of "one window" at the place of stay is ensured in the manner and terms established by this federal state standard, or transfer of the application to the state institution of the employment service in accordance with the agreement between the MFC and the state institution of the employment service.

12. Public service is provided free of charge.

Criteria for making decisions on the provision of public services

13. The decision to provide a public service to an indefinite circle of persons is made when the deadline for updating information on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation comes up on the basis of data from the federal statistical observation according to the established forms.

14. The decision to provide public services to applicants is made if there is a completed application form on paper or in the form electronic document.

Composition, sequence of administrative procedures (actions) in the provision of public services

15. Public service includes the following administrative procedures (actions):

informing an indefinite circle of persons;

providing applicants with the requested information.

Informing an indefinite circle of persons

16. The public service in terms of informing an indefinite circle of persons includes the following administrative procedures (actions):

1) collection, generalization, analysis of statistical, informational and other materials on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

2) preparation of information on the situation on the labor market in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for its placement on the official websites of the employment service, on the Unified or regional portal, in the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, state institutions of the employment service , MFC, mass media;

3) posting information about the situation on the labor market in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the official websites of the employment service, on the Unified or regional portal, in the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, state institutions of the employment service, MFC, in mass media;

4) attaching information on the situation on the labor market in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to similar documents in accordance with the nomenclature of cases for office work.

Providing applicants with the requested information

17. The public service in terms of providing applicants with the requested information includes the following administrative procedures (actions):

1) entering information about the applicant in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment of the population on the basis of the application data;

2) collection, generalization, analysis of statistical, informational and other materials on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the preparation of the requested information according to the application;

3) preparation of the requested information;

4) sending the requested information to the applicant in accordance with the method of obtaining it indicated in the application;

5) entering information about the results of the provision of public services in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment.

Deadlines for the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in the provision of public services

18. Information on the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is posted on the official websites of the employment service bodies, on the Unified or regional portal, in the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, state institutions of the employment service, MFC, mass media at least once during a calendar month.

19. The maximum allowable time for the provision of public services upon personal application of the applicant should not exceed 15 minutes.

20. The maximum allowable period for the provision of public services in case of a written application, including an application in electronic form, should not exceed 15 days from the date of registration of the application.

The result of the provision of public services

21. The result of the provision of public services to an indefinite circle of persons is the placement of information on the situation on the labor market in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the official websites of the employment service, on the Unified or regional portal, in the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, public institutions of the employment service, the MFC, the media.

22. The result of the provision of public services to applicants is the sending of the requested information in accordance with the method of obtaining them specified in the application.

III. Requirements for the procedure and forms of control over the provision of public services

23. Control over the provision of public services is carried out in the following forms:

1) current control over the provision of public services;

2) control over the provision of state guarantees in the field of promoting employment of the population in terms of informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation * (14) .

The procedure for exercising current control over the provision of public services

24. Current control over the provision of public services is carried out by the director public institution employment service or an employee authorized by him.

25. Current control over the provision of public services is carried out by conducting inspections of compliance with and execution by employees of the state institution of the public employment service of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services, approved in accordance with the procedure established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210- Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, art. 4179; 2011, N 15, art. 2038; N 27, art. 3880; N 29, art. 4291; N 30 , item 4587; N 49, item 7061; 2012, N 31, item 4322) and the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, 1991, N 18, article 565; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 17, article 1915; 2011, N 49, article 7039; 2012, N 31, article 4322), the procedure for maintaining recipient registers and public services in the field of employment of the population (individuals and employers), including the procedure, terms and form for submitting information in them, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2010 N 972n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2010 N 19273), requirements for filling out, maintaining and storing forms of accounting documentation for recipients of public services and other documents regulating the activities for the provision of public services.

The procedure for exercising control over the provision of state guarantees in the field of promoting employment of the population

26. Control over the provision of state guarantees in the field of promoting employment of the population is carried out by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population, within the framework of the exercise of the authority to supervise and control the provision of state guarantees in the field of promoting employment of the population, with the exception of state guarantees in terms of social support for unemployed citizens.

27. Control over the provision of state guarantees in the field of promoting employment of the population is carried out by carrying out scheduled (unscheduled) field (documentary) inspections by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising powers in the field of promoting employment of the population.

  1. The main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg:
  • coefficient of tension in the labor market;
  • the number of citizens who are registered in order to find suitable work and as unemployed;

Information on the situation on the labor market is based on the data of federal statistical monitoring in accordance with established forms, analytical, statistical, socio-economic materials generated by the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Population of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) and the St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "Employment Center population of St. Petersburg "(hereinafter - St. Petersburg GAU "CZN").

Information about the situation on the labor market of St. Petersburg is published in the media, on Internet resources, information stands of bodies and institutions involved in the provision of public services, and in handouts of information materials (for example, brochures, booklets, etc.).

The public service is provided to an indefinite circle of persons by posting information on the situation in the labor market of St. Petersburg:

  • on the website of the Committee;
  • in the premises and on the website of St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN";
  • in the subdivisions of the St. Petersburg State Treasury Institution "Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services" (hereinafter referred to as the MFC);
  • in mass media.

Recipients of the public service have the right to repeatedly apply for information on the situation on the labor market in St. Petersburg.

It describes the traditional procedure for obtaining public services - without resorting to information and communication channels of the Internet. If you want to receive the service in electronic form - see .

Full name:

Informing about the situation in the labor market of St. Petersburg

The result of the service

Sending the requested information or issuing it upon personal application of the applicant (representative of the applicant) to the St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" or to the MFC, according to the method of obtaining them specified in the application. The result of the provision of the public service is taken into account in the state information system of St. Petersburg "Unified Automated Information system(hereinafter - UAIS).

Information on the situation in the labor market contains the following information:

  1. The main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg:
    • levels of general and registered unemployment;
    • coefficient of tension in the labor market;
    • the number of citizens who are registered in order to find suitable work and as unemployed;
    • employers' need for workers, including by type of economic activity.
  2. Dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg, in comparison with the same period of the previous year.
  3. List of the most demanded professions (specialties) in the labor market of St. Petersburg, indicating the average salary.
  4. Other information and analytical materials characterizing the peculiarities of the labor market of St. Petersburg.

Information about the situation in the labor market is based on the data of federal statistical observation according to the established forms, analytical, statistical, socio-economic materials, formed by the Committee and St. Petersburg GAU "CZN".

Service provision period

  1. With the personal appeal of the applicant - no more than 15 minutes.
  2. At the written request of the applicant - no more than 15 calendar days from the date of registration of the application.

Obtaining the result of the provision of public services - at the end of the admission.

At the reception in St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", the applicant's application for the provision of public services is automatically registered in the UAIS in the presence of the applicant.


Is free.


I. Recipients of the public service:

  1. Individuals (citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons).
  2. Legal persons.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs-employers.

II. Applicants applying for the provision of a public service:

  1. Recipients of the public service specified in paragraph I.
  2. Authorized representatives of recipients.


Procedure for the applicant

The procedure for the authorized organization

I. In the case of providing a public service to an indefinite circle of persons:

  1. Use the data of federal and regional statistical monitoring, departments of the Committee and St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN" and form information for publication in the media, on Internet resources, information stands of the Committee, St. booklets) taking into account the peculiarities of the source of information placement.
  2. Prepare information on the situation on the labor market on paper and in electronic form for posting it on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services on the Internet, the portal "Public Services in St. Petersburg", the official portal of the Administration of St. Petersburg, the website of the Committee on Labor and employment of the population of St. Petersburg, on the premises and on the website of the St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", in the media.
  3. For the preparation of information, specialists with knowledge in the field are involved information technologies, designers, editors, proofreaders and other professionals with knowledge in the field of psychology of information perception.
  4. Places prepared and properly formatted information on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services on the Internet, the portal "Public Services in St. Petersburg", the official portal of the Administration of St. Petersburg, the website of the Committee, on the premises and on the website of St. in the media, in informational handouts (for example, brochures, booklets, etc.) in agreement with the Chairman of the Committee, or the director of the St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", or with officials responsible for preparing information on the situation on the labor market.
  5. Attach prepared and properly executed information to similar documents in accordance with the nomenclature of cases for office work.

II. In the event that applicants are provided with the requested information in person:

An employee of St. Petersburg GAU "CZN":

  1. form .
  2. Records the fact of filing an application in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment in electronic form with the assignment of an individual identification number (registration account number).
  3. Uses information according to the data of federal and regional statistical monitoring, departments of the Committee and St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" and generates information for the preparation and provision of the requested information to the applicant in accordance with the method specified in the application.
  4. Prepares information on the situation on the labor market based on the collected data from federal, regional statistical observation, information from the departments of the Committee and St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", focused on the consumer, taking into account a targeted approach to the active perception of the information array by various categories of applicants.
  5. Informs the applicant in detail and in a polite manner about:
  • key indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg, incl. the levels of general and registered unemployment, the coefficient of tension in the labor market, the number of citizens who are registered in order to find suitable work and as unemployed, the needs of employers in workers, including by type of economic activity;
  • the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg, in comparison with the same period of the previous year;
  • a list of the most demanded professions (specialties) in the labor market of St. Petersburg, indicating the average salary;
  • analytical materials characterizing the peculiarities of the labor market of St. Petersburg.
  • If the questions asked by the applicant are not within the competence of the employee of St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", informs the applicant about his right to receive information from other sources or from bodies authorized to provide it.
  • When the applicant asks about the source of obtaining information about the situation on the labor market and its formation, he provides reliable information in a form and volume sufficient to identify the source of its receipt (except in cases of confidentiality of information about the source of information).
  • If the applicant wishes to receive Additional information, which is not directly related to information on the situation on the labor market, but related to issues of state policy in the field of promoting employment of the population, provides information on a possible source of information.
  • Informs the applicant about other opportunities to obtain information about the situation on the labor market (Internet resources and information stands of St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN", distributing information materials (for example, brochures, booklets, etc.)), as well as about the frequency of updating this information.
  • Informs the applicant about the activities carried out by the bodies and institutions involved in the provision of public services in the field of promoting employment of the population, aimed at realizing the rights of citizens to full, productive and freely chosen employment.
  • III. In the event of a written request by the applicant in the form postal item, including messages on e-mail, Fax:

    Specialist organizational work, information support and external relations of the Committee or an employee of St. Petersburg GAU "CZN":

    1. Checks the correctness of filling out the application form.
    2. Records the fact of filing an application in the call log.
    3. Considers the written request of the applicant, determines the information on the situation on the labor market necessary to prepare a response, based on an analysis of the state of the labor market, aggregate demand and the general need of the economy for hired labor, an aggregate supply that includes all hired labor from among the economically active population, certain categories population, tension in the labor market, the number, composition and structure of the unemployed population, the level of employment, the level of general and registered unemployment, the processes of internal and external migration, the attraction of foreign labor, the resettlement of compatriots living abroad, the cost of labor and indicators reflecting factors social and economic development of St. Petersburg.
    4. Within a period not exceeding 15 days from the date of registration of the appeal, prepares a response in a form that is understandable to the applicant, the content of which fully reflects the amount of information requested about the situation on the labor market.
    5. When preparing a response to a written request, he uses layouts of handouts (for example, brochures, booklets, etc.) in electronic form and in the form of printed (text, tabular) materials, illustrations for information on the situation on the labor market.
    6. In response to the written request of the applicant, he indicates his position, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a telephone number for information.
    7. If the specified appeal contains information about the unlawful act being prepared, being committed or committed, as well as about the person preparing it, committing or having committed it, sends the appeal to the state body in accordance with its competence.
    8. Does not respond to requests in the following cases:
    • if the written appeal does not indicate the name of the citizen who sent the appeal, or the postal address to which the response should be sent;
    • if the text of the written request of the applicant is not readable.
  • If the written appeal contains obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of the specialist, as well as members of his family, leaves the appeal unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and informs the applicant who sent the appeal about the inadmissibility of abuse of the right.
  • If the applicant's written appeal contains a question to which he was repeatedly given written answers on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals, and the appeal does not contain new arguments or circumstances, the head of the state body or body local government, an official or an authorized person has the right to decide on the groundlessness of the next appeal and the termination of correspondence with a citizen on this issue, provided that the specified appeal and previously sent appeals were sent to the same state body, local government or to the same official. O this decision the applicant who sent the appeal is notified.
  • Sends the requested information to the applicant according to the method of obtaining it specified in the application.
  • Attaches prepared and properly executed information to similar documents in accordance with the nomenclature of cases for office work.
  • In case of detection of misprints and (or) errors within 5 minutes from the moment of detection, makes the necessary corrections.
  • Enters the result of the provision of public services into the form of accounting documentation in electronic form.
  • The documents

    Documents submitted by the applicant

    I. Documents to be submitted:

    1. An identity document of the applicant.
    2. Form application.
    3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and (or) other document proving the identity of the applicant (for citizens of the Russian Federation).
    4. A document proving the identity and citizenship of a foreign citizen (for foreign citizens).
    5. Identification document of a stateless person (for stateless persons).
    6. Certificate of state registration a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur, or a peasant (farm) economy for employers.
    7. Recording sheet of the One state register a legal entity or the Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for an individual entrepreneur, a peasant (farm) economy).

    II. Additional documents (in case of application by the representative of the applicant):

    1. A power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for individuals).
    2. A power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certified by the seal of the applicant (if any) and signed by the head of the applicant or a person authorized by this head (for legal entities).
    3. A copy of the decision on the appointment or election or the order on the appointment of an individual to a position, in accordance with which such individual has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney.
    4. A copy of the agreement containing the powers of the representative, including the agreement between the representative and the represented, between the represented and a third party, or a copy of the decision of the meeting, unless otherwise provided by law or does not contradict the essence of the relationship.

    Documents issued to the applicant

    • Information about the situation on the labor market in St. Petersburg, sent according to the method of receipt specified in the application.

    Organizations involved in the provision of the service

    Organizations accepting documents

    Service decision makers

    Appeal procedure

    Applicants have the right to a pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal against decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) by the Committee, SPb GAU "CZN", officials, civil servants of the Committee, employees of SPb GAU "CZN", in the course of providing public services. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure does not exclude the possibility of appealing against decisions and actions (inaction) taken (carried out) in the course of the provision of public services, in judicial order. The pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal procedure is not mandatory for the applicant.

    The complainant may file a complaint, including in the following cases:

    • violation of the deadline for registering the applicant's request for the provision of public services;
    • violation of the term for the provision of public services;
    • requirement from the applicant of documents that are not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation by the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of public services;
    • refusal to accept documents, the provision of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg, for the provision of public services, from the applicant;
    • refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg;
    • requesting from the applicant, when providing a public service, a fee that is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of St. Petersburg;
    • refusal of the Committee, an official of the Committee, SPb GAU "CZN", an employee of SPb GAU "CZN", providing a public service, to correct misprints and errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of a public service, or violation of the deadline for such corrections.

    The complaint must contain:

    • the name of the Committee, an official of the Committee, a state civil servant of the Committee, St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CN", an employee of the St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CN", whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;
    • surname, name, patronymic (the last one - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or the name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as the contact phone number (numbers), e-mail address (s) (if any) ) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;
    • information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the Committee, an official of the Committee, a state civil servant of the Committee, St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CN" or an employee of St.
    • arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the Committee, an official of the Committee, a state civil servant of the Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" or an employee of St. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant's arguments, or copies thereof.

    If the complaint is filed through the representative of the applicant, a document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the applicant is also submitted. As a document confirming the authority to act on behalf of the applicant, the following can be submitted:

    • a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for individuals);
    • a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certified by the seal of the applicant and signed by the head of the applicant or a person authorized by this head (for legal entities);
    • a copy of the decision on the appointment or election or the order on the appointment of an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney.

    Complaints are accepted in St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" or in the Committee. The time for receiving complaints coincides with the time for the provision of public services. A written complaint may be sent by mail.

    In case of filing a complaint at a personal reception, the applicant shall submit a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    In electronic form, the complaint can be filed by the applicant through:

    When filing a complaint in electronic form, documents may be submitted in the form of electronic documents signed with an electronic signature, the form of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, while an identity document of the applicant is not required. The complaint is considered by the Chairman of the Committee, the Director of the St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN", or their deputies, who control and coordinate the activities of the information department and the St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN", respectively.

    In the event that, during or following the consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense provided for in Article 5.63 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, or elements of a crime, the official authorized to consider complaints shall immediately forward the relevant materials to the prosecution authorities.

    The applicant has the right to receive information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the appeal (complaint). The Committee (SPb GAU "CZN"), its officials, state civil servants of the Committee are obliged to provide the applicant with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the documents and materials related to the consideration of the complaint, if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if in these documents and materials does not contain information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law.

    A complaint received by the Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" is subject to registration no later than the next working day from the date of its receipt. The complaint is considered within 15 working days from the date of its registration.

    In the event of an appeal against the refusal of the Committee, SPb GAU "CZN", an official of the Committee, an employee of the SPb GAU "CN" in accepting documents from the applicant or in correcting misprints and errors, or in case of appealing against the violation of the deadline for such corrections - five working days from the date of registration complaints.

    If the decision on the complaint is not within the competence of the Committee or SPb GAU "CN", within three working days from the date of its registration, the Committee or SPb GAU "CN" sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection complaints. In this case, the period for considering a complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

    A complaint can be filed by the complainant through the MFC unit. Upon receipt of a complaint, the MFC ensures its transfer to the Committee or St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" in the manner and terms established by the agreement on interaction between the MFC and the Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" (hereinafter referred to as the agreement on interaction), but no later than the next working day from day of receipt of the complaint.

    The complaint filed by the applicant about the violation of the procedure for the provision of public services by the MFC is considered by the Committee, St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN", providing public services that have concluded an agreement on interaction. In this case, the period for considering a complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint in the Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN". Based on the results of the consideration of the complaint in accordance with part 7 of Article 11.2 federal law dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” The Committee, St. Petersburg GAU “CZN” makes a decision to satisfy the complaint or to refuse to satisfy it. Specified solution adopted in the form of an act of the Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN".

    Upon satisfaction of the complaint, the Committee and St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN" take comprehensive measures to eliminate the identified violations, including the issuance of the result of the public service to the applicant, no later than five working days from the date of the decision, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint shall be sent to the applicant no later than the day following the day the decision was made, in writing.

    In response to the results of the consideration of the complaint, it is indicated:

    • the name of the Committee, SPb GAU "CZN", position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of its official who made the decision on the complaint;
    • number, date, place of the decision, including information about the official whose decision or action (inaction) is being appealed;
    • surname, name, patronymic (if any) or name of the applicant;
    • grounds for making a decision in case of a complaint;
    • the decision made on the complaint;
    • if the complaint is found to be justified, the terms for eliminating the identified violations, including the term for providing the result of the public service;
    • information on the procedure for appealing the decision taken on the complaint.

    The response based on the results of the consideration of the complaint is signed by the official of the Committee authorized to consider the complaint, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN". At the request of the applicant, a response based on the results of the consideration of the complaint may be submitted no later than the day following the day the decision was made, in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the official authorized to consider the complaint and (or) the body authorized to consider the complaint, the type of which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

    Committee, St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" refuses to satisfy the complaint in the following cases:

    • the presence of a court decision that has entered into legal force, an arbitration court on a complaint about the same subject and on the same grounds;
    • filing a complaint by a person whose powers have not been confirmed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • the presence of a decision on the complaint, taken earlier in accordance with the requirements of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 16, 2012 No. 840, in relation to the same applicant and on the same subject of the complaint.

    The Committee and St. Petersburg GAU "CZN" have the right to leave the complaint unanswered in the following cases:

    • the presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive expressions, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
    • the inability to read the text of the complaint, the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and (or) the postal address of the applicant indicated in the complaint.

    If the text of the written appeal is not readable, no response to the appeal is given, and it is not subject to submission for consideration to a state body or official in accordance with their competence, which is reported to the citizen who sent the appeal within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal. if his name and postal address are legible.

    If the appeal is left unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it, the applicant who sent the appeal is informed about the reasons for leaving the appeal unanswered or about redirecting the appeal.

    Upon receipt of a written appeal that contains obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, the Committee has the right to leave the appeal unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and inform the citizen who sent the appeal about the inadmissibility of abuse right.

    Telephone number by which you can report a violation by an official of the Committee of the provisions of this Administrative Regulation: (812) 312‑92‑36 - reception of the Chairman of the Committee.

    Address for sending written applications: Galernaya st., 7, St. Petersburg, 190000, or for sending applications by e-mail: e-mail: [email protected]. Information about making an appointment for a personal appointment can be obtained by calling: (812) 312‑92‑36.

    Information and consulting assistance on the procedure for filing a complaint can be obtained by calling (812) 312-81-87 / Executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg and officials to whom the applicant's complaint can be addressed in a pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure:

    Committee: st. Galernaya, 7, 190000, [email protected], information about making an appointment for a personal appointment with the Chairman of the Committee or the Deputy Chairman of the Committee is provided by phone: (812) 312‑92‑36.

    If the subject of the applicant's complaint is the actions officials Committee - to the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (at the address: Birzhevaya Ploschad, 1, Moscow, 109012,, to the Governor of St. Petersburg, to the Government of St. and complaints of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg at the address: Smolny, St. Petersburg, 191060, [email protected]; phone: (812) 576‑70‑42).

    If the subject of the complaint is the actions of an MFC specialist, the complaint is sent to the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg: 191060, Smolny, Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg. email: [email protected], phone: (812) 576‑70‑42.

    If the subject of the complaint is the actions of the Portal operator, the complaint is sent to the Committee for Informatization and Communications: 191060, Smolny, Committee for Informatization and Communications, e-mail: [email protected], phone: (812) 576‑71‑23.

    If the subject of the complaint is the actions of an employee of the St. Petersburg GAU "CZN", the complaint is sent to the director of the St. Petersburg GAU "CZN": 190000, St. Petersburg, Galernaya street, 7, e-mail: [email protected], telephone (812) 571‑00‑41.

    The applicant has the right to file a complaint with the court if the complaint is denied or he has not received a response within a month from the date of its filing. Also, applicants have the right to appeal against decisions taken in the course of the provision of public services, actions (inaction) of officials of the Committee and specialists of St. Petersburg State Autonomous Institution "CZN" involved in the provision of public services directly to the court in the manner and within the time period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The decision made as a result of the consideration of the complaint by the Chairman of the Committee may be appealed to the court or to the higher state authorities of St. Petersburg: the Governor of St. Petersburg, the Government of St. Petersburg.

    Home > Public Report

    Informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

        Provision of public services to a certain and indefinite circle of persons.

    Provision of public services to a certain and indefinite circle of persons. The state service for informing about the situation on the labor market in the Kaliningrad region, rights and guarantees in the field of employment of the population and protection against unemployment is provided by the Agency and the Employment Center in accordance with regulations, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services for informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation" dated June 13, 2007 No. 415. Recipients of public services are: - citizens of the Russian Federation; - Foreign citizens; - stateless persons; - legal entities; - individual entrepreneurs. Public information is carried out in order to inform an unlimited circle of people about the situation on the labor market.

        Forms and methods of informing about the situation on the labor market in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Examples of good practices (informational events, printed editions, direct lines, telephones hotline”, modern technical means and etc.).

    In order to implement the Kaliningrad Regional Tripartite Agreement between the territorial organizations of trade unions, associations of employers and the Government of the Kaliningrad Region for 2011-2013, in 2011 its participants were sent operational information on the state of the labor market, statistical information on the promotion of employment of citizens of the Kaliningrad Region, monitoring, information on layoffs employees in connection with the liquidation of organizations or the reduction in the number or staff of employees, other information. In order to inform the population, employers about the state of the labor market, employment opportunities, professional training of unemployed citizens on the Internet resource, the Agency provided information materials. In ESCs subordinate to the Agency, up-to-date information was posted on their own Internet resources and in the relevant sections of administration websites municipalities. All centers have information stands with regularly updated information and reference materials on the situation on the labor market. In the premises of other bodies and institutions (departments of the Pension Fund, administrations of municipalities, military commissariats, etc.) 99 stands of the employment service were installed. Handouts in the form of booklets and information sheets, such as: "The secret of the right choice of profession", "Meeting with the employer", "Methodological recommendations for people with disabilities, job seekers”, “They meet by clothes ...”, “Psychological support for unemployed citizens”, “Personal subsidiary farms– solving the problem of employment in the countryside”, “Information for employers”, “The procedure for implementing measures to promote the employment of unemployed people with disabilities, parents raising children with disabilities, parents with many children”, “Where to start your business?”, “Help yourself…” , "Become the owner of your land", "The structure of the business plan", etc., was offered to citizens and employers during the "Round tables", pre-dismissal and group consultations at enterprises and organizations. A total of 344 types of information material have been published. The Agency's newspaper "Horizont" (circulation 3,000 copies) was published monthly, with publication of materials on the most significant events held by the Agency and the Center for Health Protection, and illustrative appendices to them. The permanent sections of the newspaper Officially, Anti-Crisis Measures, Situation on the Labor Market of the Kaliningrad Region, and Into the Future with Confidence published information about the situation on the labor market, employment opportunities and vocational training and retraining of citizens at risk dismissals, answers of lawyers to the most frequently asked questions. Announcements about the state of the bank of vacancies on the site "Work in Russia" were regularly posted in the newspaper "Horizont" in order to inform the population not only about regional vacancies (vacancies), but also outside the region. The Center for Public Health prepared materials for publication in regional newspapers. The circulation of regional newspapers is from 1,000 to 5,000 copies; an annual digest has been prepared based on the results of publications. In 2011, in addition to regional newspapers, articles were published in regional and federal media: “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kaliningrad”, “New Caravan”, “Fair”, “Work Today”, “Country Kaliningrad”, “Vacancies and Employment”, “ Kaliningradskaya Pravda, Russian newspaper". Performances were organized on radio (Baltic Plus, Mayak) and television (NTRK Kaskad, RTR-Kaliningrad). There were "hot lines" aimed at promptly facilitating employment of the population and providing social guarantees workers in the face of mass layoffs. At the enterprises of the region, in the CZN, consulting points continued to work to provide consulting services to citizens and employers on employment. In accordance with the order of Rostrud dated January 23, 2009 No. 17 “On the opening of the information portal “Work in Russia” and the implementation of the Administrative Regulations approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services for informing about the situation on the market labor in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation” dated June 13, 2007, No. 415, CZN weekly formed and sent for placement on the information portal of Rostrud “Work in Russia” material on the most significant events held. Information about the work of the employment service was posted on the website of the Government of the Kaliningrad region.

    As a result, in 2011 the employment service of the Kaliningrad region placed 575 publications in the media and organized 46 speeches on radio and television. In order to inform, there are 261 information stands, 29 information kiosks, 157 telephone communication facilities, 99 stands in the premises of other bodies and institutions directly in the premises of the employment service, 43 electronic information devices have been installed, 344 types of information materials (booklets, brochures, memos) have been published. , posters, etc.).

    Events dedicated to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the formation of the employment service of the population can serve as examples of positive experience: the book "The Employment Service of the Kaliningrad Region - 20 Years" was published; a press conference was held with the participation of the Agency, EPC, employers, international partners. In most EPCs, informational videos and printed publications about the work of the employment service were prepared. The meeting of the Commission on Employment and Social Policy of the Russian-Polish Council for Cooperation between the Kaliningrad Region and the Regions of the Republic of Poland, held in Olsztyn, was timed to coincide with the anniversary date.

    One of the positive examples is the holding of an Internet conference for users of the site “New Kaliningrad. ru”, within which the head of the Agency N.F. Valuykin.

    An exhibition was organized in the CZN of Guryevsk children's drawing on the topic: "Mom at work"; in the Central Health Center in Baltiysk, children's creativity called "Profession of my parents" is devoted to the topic of professional employment of parents.

        Suggestions for improving efficiency and accessibility information services employment services.

    In order to improve the quality of the provision and accessibility of the state service for informing about the situation on the labor market, as well as holding events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of the employment service of the Kaliningrad region, in the second half of 2011, a review competition was held among the Employment Center. The members of the commission checked the results of the activities of the EPC in terms of informing the population about the situation in the labor market of the region, including: compliance of the posted information with the requirements of the relevant Administrative Regulations on information stands in the premises of the EPC and in other organizations and institutions, the number of publications up-to-date information in local and regional media, on the Internet resources of the Central Health Center, on radio and television, in information kiosks. As a result of the competition, ETCs were identified, in which informing the population about the situation on the labor market is carried out in the best possible way and in comfortable conditions. Positive experience will be further generalized and disseminated in other health centers.

      Organization of job fairs and training jobs.

      1. Number of organized job fairs and training jobs. Dynamics of change in the number of participants of fairs (2010-2011).

    Every year, the employment service organizes job fairs and training jobs. In 2010, 150 job fairs were organized, the number of recipients of public services was 16,407 people. In the same period of 2011, 252 job fairs were held, the number of recipients of public services was 17,853 people.

        Conduct forms. Specialized job fairs for various categories of clients, industry fairs, mini-fairs, etc.

    Mini-fairs of vacancies and training jobs were systematically held. In 2011, 50 mini-fairs of vacancies and training jobs were organized and held, in which about 2,000 people took part. Booklets and brochures were published with information about the list of services provided by the employment service, about professions and specialties in demand.

        The practice of conducting job fairs and training jobs. Efficiency of conducting job fairs and training jobs. Examples of good practice: use of videoconferencing, interregional nature, questionnaires of participants, etc.

    Carrying out job fairs and training jobs makes it possible to directly contact employers, citizens who are looking for a job and are registered with the employment center.

    In December 2011, a job fair was held via videoconference with residents of the North Caucasian Federal District.

    The holding of job fairs and training jobs expands the opportunity for citizens who are looking for work and registered with the employment center to directly apply to employers for employment.

      Organization of professional orientation of citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training.

    Career guidance for the reporting period was carried out in the form of informing and vocational counseling of citizens in accordance with the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for the organization of vocational guidance for citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 1, 2007 No. 680. Informational group consultations were held before being sent to vocational training and providing services for starting their own business, as well as with students of institutions general education who wish to find a job in their free time. Individual career guidance consultations were carried out in order to identify professional interests, inclinations and abilities, form or correct individual professional plans and harmonize the level of professional aspirations with the capabilities of clients. For diagnostic work computer methods and programs were used. Various mass events, group consultations, job fairs and educational institutions, "Open Doors Day for School Graduates", "Graduate Week", "Career Guidance Week", "Career Guidance Month". The Agency conducted a monitoring to study the awareness of graduate students of general education institutions about the situation in the labor market and identify their intentions for the future. 6738 respondents took part in the survey. the main objective of the study was to study the quality of career guidance in general education institutions and the main expected trends in the behavior of 9th and 11th grade graduates in the labor market of our region during the spring-summer 2011. The results of the study made it possible to determine the level of career guidance in educational institutions general education, the main problems facing graduates of the 9th and 11th grades and outline ways to solve them. The Agency developed and issued in 2011 the following guidelines: - for unemployed citizens to open their own business. Self-employment helps to solve employment problems in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the economic and social aspect, not only through providing a person with a specific workplace, but also through a change in attitude to work, when a transition is made from passive-dependent expectations to active-creative work; - on vocational guidance work with students of general education institutions who help in professional activity professional consultants, psychologists working with students of general education institutions; - on profiling, which were developed with the aim of improving the work of the EPC with unemployed citizens (identifying the request of citizens, determining their motivation for employment and drawing up an individual strategy for working with each client). The number of citizens who received the state service for vocational guidance in 2011 decreased by 0.8% (by 272 people) compared to last year and amounted to 31,889 people. This is due to a decrease in the number of citizens who applied to the employment service for the provision of public services for vocational guidance. The planned indicators for 2011 for vocational guidance are 30,500 people, the achieved quantitative indicators are 31,889 people (104.5%).

        Accounting for the characteristics of various categories of citizens in the provision of career guidance services.

    When providing public services for vocational guidance, methods such as conversation, informing, questioning, testing, distribution of visual material in the form of brochures and booklets were used. The ESC specialists took into account the characteristics of various categories of citizens when providing career guidance services, namely: when providing assistance in professional self-determination, in choosing a field of activity, selecting vacancies, with a view to subsequent employment, in choosing vocational training and determining the profile group of an unemployed citizen.

        Examples of positive experience.

    The following employment centers can serve as an example of a positive experience in organizing vocational guidance for citizens: - The Employment Center of Kaliningrad conducted classes with graduates of the orphanage on the topic: "The World of Professions", with schoolchildren of the city on the topics: "The basis for choosing a profession", "Informing about the situation on the labor market and the demand for professions in the region”, “Strategy of behavior of a graduate of a general education institution in the labor market of the Kaliningrad region”, “I choose the profession of a worker”, with students of the Federal State Institution of the Baltic State Academy of the Fishing Fleet on the topic: “Public services provided by the Central Health Center of the city of Kaliningrad”. Kaliningrad” Specialists of the Health Center cooperated with the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights (participated in the work of the commission, carried out career guidance work with difficult teenagers, provided the necessary assistance to their parents); - Central Health Center of Krasnoznamensk conducted group consultations on the following topics: “Developing a strategy professional self-determination in the new economic conditions”, “Personal professional plan”, “Working professions in demand on the labor market”, “Overview of working professions”, as well as career guidance lessons with graduate students of general education institutions on the topics: “Informing about the world of professions and the market educational institutions”, “How a young person to succeed in the labor market”; - The Central Health Center of Slavsk held the following career guidance events: lectures for schoolchildren of the district on the topics: “Introduction to the world of professions”, “From school to life”, “One hundred professions - one of yours”, drawing competition “My future profession»; conversations with unemployed citizens, lectures on the topics: "Achieving the goal", "Find yourself a calling to your liking", "Start in the profession". Job fairs were regularly held, in which underage citizens were also involved.

        Proposals for improving activities in the direction.

    In order to improve the organization for the vocational guidance of citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training, it is necessary to constantly improve the professional level of specialists of the ESC, improve the quality of testing, including the purchase of new generation computers, the necessary methods and programs for ESC.

      Psychological support for unemployed citizens.

      1. Achieved quantitative indicators (2010-2011).

    Work on psychological support for unemployed citizens was carried out within the framework of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of state services for psychological support for unemployed citizens, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 27, 2007 No. 726. adaptation to conditions social environment(assistance in finding a positive vision of one's life prospects by increasing self-confidence and forming an active life position), increasing competitiveness in the labor market and implementing professional career. Psychological support was provided in individual and group form. The choice of forms and methods of providing psychological support depended on the category, gender, age, education and motive of the client's contact with the employment service. Group classes were held with elements business games, trainings and video trainings. The share of unemployed citizens who received the state psychological support service in 2011 in the total number of citizens registered as unemployed amounted to 25% and increased by 4% compared to 2010 (21%).

        Examples of the most effective forms of work in the provision of public services.

    The state psychological support service for unemployed citizens was provided in the form of group and individual counseling. When providing state services for psychological support to unemployed citizens in a group form (seminars, trainings), a variety of methodological methods of group work were used: discussions, role-playing games, Feedback, psycho-gymnastic exercises, testing. The most effective form of work in the provision of public services for psychological support to unemployed citizens was individual lessons, which included a conversation, practical work on self-analysis and self-assessment, testing (anxiety level, motivation for success, Luscher color test, Cattell personality questionnaire, methods for determining the type of temperament: Myers-Briggs and Keirsey, digital express test Neged and Ovcharov, Eysenck. According to the situation, tests from the series were used "Know Yourself" and "Entertaining Tests"; exercises to reduce the relevance of psychological problems and increase motivation to actively search for work). At the end of the lesson, the results were summed up, conclusions were drawn, recommendations were made and booklets were distributed.

      Appendix No. 17. Calculation financial resources for the implementation of measures to implement the program to promote voluntary resettlement of compatriots in the Kaliningrad region,