How to ask for a schematic diagram from the service center. Goals, objectives and ways to create the future business

  • 14.07.2020

The presence of a manufacturer's certificate guarantees quality repair your air conditioner.

Service Center (SC) - an organization that provides services for service support and maintenance of machinery, equipment and other products. The activities of service centers include pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs.

Authorization - granting a certain person (organization) the right to perform certain actions. With regard to the service center for the repair of equipment, this is the granting by the manufacturer of the right to carry out warranty repairs and service maintenance of the products. The granting of such powers can be carried out either directly from the manufacturer or through a distributor.

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Authorized service center SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS company, installer of air conditioners SAMSUNG.
UNITED ELEMENTS GROUP warranty service center for equipment repair Daikin, PIONEER, HITACHI, DANTHERM, CAREL.

Authorization from the manufacturer

To obtain authorization, the SC must fulfill a number of requirements. Firstly, the company must have a staff of employees with special education and specialized courses, confirmed by certificates. Secondly, it is the availability of equipment and tools for diagnostics, adjustment and repair.

Compliance with these requirements is the minimum and mandatory condition under which the service center is entitled to apply for authorization. And only if the service center passes an audit according to the manufacturer's criteria and proves its ability to repair at a level that meets the requirements of European standards and manufacturers, it is given the right to service and repair the manufacturer's equipment.

Each manufacturer has a number of specific requirements. Therefore, authorization is obtained for each manufacturer separately. During the entire period of authorization, the manufacturer controls the key parameters of the ASC. If the authorized SC does not comply with their requirements, then it loses authorization.

In most cases, to verify authorization, it is enough to ask for confirmation of the authorization of a particular manufacturer. Certificates are issued, as a rule, for a period of one year. They must be renewed or renewed every following year. Another way to check authorization is the availability of information about this service center on the manufacturer's website. Or, for example, in the list of workshops indicated in the warranty card.

Authorization gives the right to carry out warranty repairs and Maintenance

Authorized SC engineers are trained by the manufacturer. All this guarantees a quality repair in accordance with all the requirements of the manufacturer. And also using only original spare parts. That is, by contacting an authorized service center for warranty or paid repairs, you can be sure that your product is being repaired using equipment recommended by the manufacturer using proprietary materials and technologies.

The price of paid repairs in an authorized SC is usually lower than in a handicraft workshop. Because well-established production technologies can reduce the cost of work. Direct supplies from the manufacturer of spare parts, of course, exclude unnecessary intermediary markups.

The consequences of the past crisis still affect the purchasing power of the population of our country. Consumers even now prefer not to buy new expensive household and industrial appliances, but to get by with the use of the old one. But old equipment has such a feature as failure, it often breaks down and is repaired. Consequently, there is a growing demand for authorized service centers to repair this equipment.

Hence the conclusion: your own authorized service center is a promising option for a profitable business. In order to understand how to open a service center, we will consider what actions will need to be taken step by step for this, how to form a business plan for the structure and activities of the service center.

A service center is an enterprise that provides services for the repair, maintenance and service support of industrial and household appliances, production equipment and other miscellaneous products. In addition, the scope of services of authorized service centers (ASC) includes such activities as the implementation of pre-sales, warranty and after-sales repairs of equipment.

Goals, objectives and ways to create the future business

Before you open your service center, first of all you need to decide which equipment will be repaired by the SC. Will it be an authorized SC that has a narrow specialization and is engaged in servicing one specific type equipment, or planned to open big company providing a wide range of services. In order to occupy a successful and profitable niche in the services market, you will need a thorough study of the market, an analysis of the ways of doing business of all kinds of competitors and, based on the analysis, competent calculation and planning of your own entrepreneurial actions.

Then you need to correctly and competently assess your capabilities and choose one of three ways to start your business: from scratch, buying an existing ASC, acquiring a franchise. Opening your service center, starting from scratch, is, of course, the most difficult path. Here it would be nice to have some professional connections to help and support in establishing a business. The purchase of an already functioning and operating enterprise, because there is already a base of attracted customers, a reputation, a trained staff of employees and workers. It is worth noting that opening a service center by acquiring a franchise does not give much more chances to start. successful business than other ways of becoming a business.

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Registration and licensing of the service center

, including the opening of authorized service centers, begins with the registration of the enterprise. For this, it is necessary to register the company with the tax office located at the place of residence, and after you have officially registered as a legal entity, you need to take care of ordering stamps and the seal of the organization. Then you will definitely need to open a bank account to carry out cashless transactions with other legal entities. You will also need to issue a license for the right to conduct activities that your company will be engaged in, purchase or rent premises and also document this premises.

It should be noted that a license does not need to be obtained for every type of activity. For example, if authorized service centers are engaged in the repair of garden equipment, a license is not required. But the maintenance of medical equipment is subject to licensing.

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Why do you need a service center authorization?

If it is planned to carry out warranty or post-warranty repair of equipment in the service center being opened, it must be authorized and have legal law for this type of activity. The authorized service center can be contacted by the buyer of equipment that failed during the warranty period. ASC in this case carries out free repairs or replaces faulty equipment.

Most manufacturers of any equipment do not have the opportunity to locate their service centers in the vicinity. In this case, manufacturers enter into an agreement with an authorized service center to repair their branded equipment. In order for the service center to meet the requirements of the manufacturer and be able to fully function, it must have its own collection point, an equipped repair shop, and vehicles adapted for transporting bulky cargo.

All current issues that arise during the warranty repair process are directly resolved by the service center. The manufacturer is interested in the prompt and high-quality repair of its products and therefore supplies its branded parts and components for replacement free of charge, replaces equipment that is no longer subject to repair, and pays for repair work.

The service center, for its part, must also diligently treat its duties in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. Repair shops must be equipped with high-tech equipment in order to carry out high-quality repairs. Personnel must be qualified professionals who must be neat, tidy and courteous.

The authorization of the service center is confirmed by the manufacturer with a special certificate. Between both parties is individual contract, on the basis of which the equipment is repaired by the service center. In addition, even at the initial stage of the service center, it is necessary to establish partnerships with several suppliers of parts and spare parts for the repaired equipment. This is necessary to speed up the repair period of equipment and avoid possible interruptions in the supply of spare parts. After all, the timing of the repair depends on the speed of delivery of the necessary part.

Different manufacturers have different workshop requirements. The more a brand cares about its image, the more requirements. Some of the requirements are clear to us from our point of view, some seem absurd to us. Manufacturer requirements may vary from year to year. May change if new director came to the brand for service. And so on. In any case, such workshops are considered as applicants, which are equipped with some kind of minimal equipment: computers, oscilloscopes, generators, testers, meters, soldering equipment and so on. The size of the room, the entrance group, on which floor the entrance group is located affect. And so on. Authorization is divided not only by brands, but also by product categories. For example, if some special equipment for warranty repair is not purchased cell phones(for $ 100,000, for example) then you will not receive authorization for the right to warranty repairs from.

Although maybe you will need this equipment in 5 cases out of 100.

If geographically it turns out that in a region, region or autonomy with a population of up to 3,000,000 - 4,000,000 people, the capital is located exactly in the middle and half of these 3 -4 million people live in it, and it already has an authorized service center or even 2-3 of them in the city for one brand, then there is a high probability that somewhere in another city of the region the brand will not want to create another ASC.

In addition to obtaining authorization, many brands have the concept of maintaining it. In other words, if there are 2-3 service centers from one brand in the region and one of them makes less than 30 warranty repairs per month, and the other 2 make 200 repairs together.

Then, at the end of the calendar year, before the renewal of the Cooperation Agreement, the brand will refuse to renew the authorization for such an ASC.

Delivery of service manuals. Forums for official use. Delivery of spare parts in a short time.

Cons: almost all brands supply spare parts, as a rule, at prohibitively high prices.
Which are simply not suitable for paid repairs.

And scrolling the money of service centers in time in the interests of the brand. In other words, you order, for example, a complete deck with a laser for warranty repair of the device.

Such a deck in a regular store costs a collection of 800 rubles. And it's available right away. The brand will deliver it to you within 10 days, on an advance payment for 2500 rubles.

Which you will put in the repaired device and give out to the client. Then, at the end of the reporting period (at the end of the month), you will send a report for the past month to the brand, and he will return your money 2500 rubles + for work, say 500 rubles Total 3000 rubles only by the end of the third month, that is, 90 days after you really sent money 2500r per item.

Hence the moral.

And if you have free funds (finance) for such things?

The more authorizations you get, the more free titi-miti you should have. There are some brands that give authorization for simplified requirements, and most repairs offer to make parts purchased through their channels. And in case of complex repairs, such brands are issued at the request of REFERENCES or ACTS to ensure that the defective product remains in the ASC for future warranty repairs, and the HELP or ACT can be exchanged by the client in the store for a new product, in turn, SPAVKA or ACT will go through the chain of intermediaries from store to wholesaler, wholesaler to dealer, dealer to distributor to receive compensation from the manufacturer of the brand.

There are brands that send spare parts without prepayment for storage in order to carry out warranty repairs. And it is necessary once every half a year or once a year to submit reports on the reconciliation of the RESIDUALS of the details previously received in response to storage.

It is from such brands that you need to look for authorization. Although it is not clear why the store requires authorization. This is absolute nonsense. In a big city there can be 3-4 service centers for one brand. Of which one center does warranty repairs very poorly or does not do it at all for months.

The reason is not at all clear.

The second one does it quickly, but sucks. And 2 others do it normally and quickly, since they have a lot of experience and know how to correctly select analogues for spare parts instead of those that the factory supplied. Plus the experience of the masters.

Brand policy changes from year to year. All the time they conduct experiments on regional ASCs.

They also have changes. One company is responsible for everything, both for the sale of goods and for their service. Then they create a separate subsidiary for service maintenance. In the first option, the brand is interested in reducing the number of warranty repairs in general and considers this the main condition. In the second case, the interests of the subsidiary do not really coincide with the interests of the manufacturer, since the subsidiary receives its salary from the manufacturer. And she is not really interested in reducing the number of warranty repairs. Therefore, a subsidiary company, seeing that some regional center in any region reports for 30 warranty repairs per month, and the remaining 2 centers for 200 warranty repairs, the first ASC castrates so as not to spoil the overall reporting to the manufacturer (to the brand).

In general, a dissertation can be defended on this topic.

Analyzing the questions coming to the editors, we drew attention to the fact that most representatives of service centers would be interested to know how to obtain authorization from a particular manufacturer of equipment. Our team decided to make up for the lack of information that had arisen, and first of all we talked with Sergey Sokolan, Director of the Department for Control and Development of the LG Electronics Service Network in Russia.

- Tell me, how is the network of LG service centers organized in Russia?

The Department of control and development of the service network successfully functions in the company. He has access to all actual information about LG service centers, which promptly comes from inspectors who monitor the quality of repairs, the level of service and necessary quantity authorized services in the territory entrusted to them - in a separate federal district. They also constantly process consumer feedback and perform a variety of other tasks.

How is the process of collecting feedback going?

When a client contacts a service center, they are required to ask for contact details and a phone number, and after the repair, call center operators call them and find out opinions about the services provided. It happens that the consumer himself calls us. But this, as a rule, happens in those cases when he wants to clarify something or complain. We immediately respond and solve the problem. For example, a client calls and says that the repair of equipment has been delayed: the service does not provide any specific information, but he is worried and wants to clarify when the necessary part will be delivered. We fix the request and immediately involve our inspectors in solving the problem.

- Let's move on to the main question. How can a service center get LG authorization?

He must contact us and send a request for authorization, after which the service center will receive a questionnaire in which it is necessary to describe in detail its infrastructure, services provided, technical capabilities and other information. After that, we assess the situation and either give the opportunity to sign a contract with us, or postpone cooperation if there are already a sufficient number of authorized service centers in the city. At the same time, it is a mistake to believe that the chances of obtaining authorization are small. In big cities, we try to distribute authorizations by product: one service with suitable conditions will repair mobile phones, the other will accept only large-sized household appliances. If the city is small, and the applicant service has everything necessary to carry out a quality repair, then we will most likely provide an authorization, since it is important for us to provide a dense service coverage; make authorized centers available to the client without the need to travel to another city.
In addition, we constantly evaluate the technical level of the staff, how engineers carry out repairs. To do this, we have created a special training academy, or, as we call it, a training academy.

- I just wanted to ask. You approved the possibility of obtaining authorization. What's next? Does the service center send its engineers to you for training?

Exactly. Just to begin with, we conduct a test that determines the level of professionalism of service engineers. Our academy sends assignments to candidates, they complete them, we check, see what they can already do, and accept final decision on the issuance of authorization and training. At this stage, the so-called "basement" masters are usually eliminated, who can harm the company's image with their work. By the way, if the application came from a major service, then we can send our inspector there to check.

- Let's talk about training. Does it take place only in Moscow, at the academy itself, or is it possible to take an online course without leaving the city?

Of course, such a possibility exists. And we also practice field sessions, conduct training locally. For example, in the Far Eastern Federal District, several applications for authorization from different settlements. In this case, we choose the city where all the engineers come, decide on the technical center where we will conduct training, rent a room in it and send our trainers there, which is very convenient.
And one more important point. Apart from technical training, we improve and develop the communication skills of an engineer that will be required when working with a client. After all, it is one thing when a person is engaged in repairs, being all the time in the workshop, and managers take orders, it is quite another when an engineer goes to the house, where he needs to communicate face-to-face with the client and behave in a certain way. If an authorized service engineer does not have these skills, it will negatively affect the quality of service and the relationship of the client to the brand. Therefore, we have a special department in the training academy, where teachers give lectures to engineers and conduct seminars.

Our standard period of validity for all contracts is one year.

- What after? Services either confirm it or not?

Yes, after the expiration of the term, we either renew the authorization or not.

- That is, engineers go to refresher courses and retake the exam?

No. If we see that the service center coped with the load, and there were no complaints about its work from the clients whom we call monthly to determine the level of satisfaction with the service, the timing of the work and the number of repeated repairs, then why not extend its authorization ? Ultimately, we are fighting for the quality of the services provided, and not for the number of authorized service centers.

At the end of the conversation, our correspondent received an offer to visit the LG training academy, which, of course, he did not refuse, so in the near future we .

EUROBUSINESS company is an authorized service center of SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS, Installer of SAMSUNG air conditioners.

Authorization from the manufacturer

Authorization - granting a certain person (organization) the right to perform certain actions. With regard to the service center (SC) for the repair of equipment, this is the granting by the manufacturer (directly or through a distributor) of the right to carry out warranty and post-warranty repairs and maintenance of the products that he produces.

To obtain authorization, the SC must fulfill a number of requirements: the availability of equipment and tools for diagnostics, adjustment and repair, a staff of specialists with special education and certificates who have completed specialized courses. Compliance with these requirements is the minimum and mandatory condition under which the service center is entitled to apply for authorization. And only if the service center passes an audit according to the manufacturer's criteria and proves its ability to repair at a level that meets the requirements of European standards and manufacturers, it is given the right to service and repair the manufacturer's equipment. At the same time, each manufacturer has a number of its own special requirements, and authorization is obtained for each manufacturer separately. During the entire period of authorization, the manufacturer controls the key parameters of the ASC, and if the authorized SC does not fulfill them, then it loses authorization.

To verify authorization, in most cases it is enough to ask for certificates confirming the authorization of a particular manufacturer. Such certificates are issued for a period of one year and each following year they must be confirmed and received again. Another way to check this is the availability of information about this service center on the manufacturer's website or in the warranty card.

Authorization gives the right to perform warranty repairs and maintenance

Authorized SC engineers are trained by the manufacturer. All this guarantees a quality repair in accordance with all the requirements of the manufacturer and using original spare parts. Thus, when contacting an authorized service center for warranty or paid repairs, you can be sure that your product is being repaired using equipment recommended by the manufacturer using proprietary materials and technologies.

The price of paid repairs in an authorized repair center is often lower than in a handicraft workshop, since well-established production technologies reduce the cost of work, and direct deliveries from the manufacturer of spare parts eliminate unnecessary markups of intermediary companies from which other "workshops" are bought.



Samsung Service

Authorized Samsung Service centers provide exclusive quality services for servicing SAMSUNG products. Only the best service centers in the city can have the Service Plaza status. In such a center, you can get competent technical advice on the operation of equipment, learn about the intricacies of settings, familiarize yourself with and purchase Samsung products and accessories.

Work in Samsung SERVICE CENTERS is carried out as soon as possible, and in most cases - in the presence of the client. Engineers of such service centers provide consultations, carry out warranty and paid repairs various kinds Samsung appliances, including air conditioners, Cell phones, mp3 players, photo and video cameras, laptops and other devices.

The distinctive features of the branded Samsung Service Centers are the repair of exclusively Samsung equipment, a high level of service, an express repair service for the client, a special stand for demonstrating Samsung's new products.

Samsung specialists regularly monitor the performance of authorized service centers, focusing on Special attention quality of customer service, as well as the timing of repairs and customer satisfaction.

Samsung Service brand centers are already open in many Russian cities: Moscow, Ufa, Kazan, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Smolensk, Kemerovo, Vladivostok.

SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS official website -

Strategic partnership

Strategic for us is the partnership with Samsung Electronics Russia Company, which has set itself the global task of becoming the best service company in Russia. Samsung Russia Service (SERK LLC) is a division of Samsung Electronics, engaged in servicing branded equipment.

EUROBUSINESS Official Authorized Service Center is authorized by SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Co. Ltd. carry out warranty repairs and maintenance of air conditioners in Moscow and the region. The company employs specialists who have completed an internship in the Moscow training center manufacturer (SAMSUNG Technical Education Center) and received the appropriate certification.

Distributor or Dealer