How to choose a gathering collapse equipment for a car service. We open a section of the collapse of the collapse How much does it cost to open the collapse of the collapse

  • 03.05.2020

It is no secret to anyone that a car service is a profitable business and can bring real income.

In addition, this statement can be argued by the fact that a car in our life is an indispensable means of not just transportation, but a means without which many simply would not have time to manage their affairs.
To manage it normally, you need to be not only an experienced driver, but also at least a little bit, but a mechanic. Many car owners are able to perform such elementary operations as changing a candle or a light bulb on their own. A completely different matter is the repair carried out in the chassis of the car. This is a complex structure and without certain professional skills it is better not to meddle here. This article contains an idea that can bring very good money. As you already understood, we will talk about similarity collapse.

What are the benefits of wheel alignment adjustment? First of all, it is worth noting that this is a very common problem that both experienced drivers and beginners constantly face. This is because the suspension in a car is the most long-suffering part. Further, speaking of wheel alignment, you need to focus on the fact that if you do not carry out its regulation in time, then in the very near future you can simply be left without wheels. And this is not a joke at all, but the harsh truth of life, because due to incorrect wheel alignment, tire wear will increase, and the car owner will have to buy more and more new tires for the wheels. This will cost a much higher price than what could be paid for a good alignment adjustment.

It is also important that, with the right approach, the funds invested in a wheel alignment business can pay off very quickly, especially if you operate in a big city. At first glance, there are enough car services, and the creation of new ones will not arouse anyone's interest. But this opinion is wrong. Anyone who has personally encountered a car breakdown knows what is happening in already operating car services. Indeed, in almost every of them, workers do not sit idle, since the lists of customers standing in line for service are very large. You can travel dozens of car services and everywhere it will be the same. This fact once again confirms that the idea put forward here makes sense.

Let's move on to the costs that will need to be made. First, let's deal with the box in which the work will be done. For a box with an area of ​​50 square meters per month, you will have to pay about five thousand rubles. Another twenty-five thousand rubles, be prepared to pay for necessary equipment for break-up. Tools and materials will cost three to four thousand rubles. It is also necessary to immediately hire a locksmith, offering him, for example, half of the proceeds. Summing up, we can conclude that in order to open your own car service engaged in wheel alignment, you need about 35-40 thousand rubles.

Now you can estimate the profit. The work on adjusting the alignment is on average in the range from 200 to 800 rubles. It all depends on the fame of the company and the price of the equipment with which the adjustment was carried out. To begin with, it is worth offering services on the very minimum price, that is, two hundred rubles.
According to estimates, in an hour, you can adjust the wheel alignment of two cars. We multiply by an eight-hour working day and we end up with up to 3,200 rubles a day. Half of the amount will have to be given to the locksmith, but you will still have 1600 left. Very good. And if you multiply this number by the number of working days in a week, month... This, of course, in the presence of a flow of customers.
After a couple of months of hard work, all costs will pay off and it will be possible to work for yourself, and not for purchased equipment. Also, over time, the percentage paid to the locksmith can be reduced, and the cost of the services offered by the car service can be increased.
In this case, do not rush, do not commit rash acts and do not fuss. Success will come only to those who calculate their actions several moves ahead.

Own car service is quite profitable business, which will be in demand in any city. That is why the business plan of a car service will be very relevant, which will allow you to calculate the profitability of such activities.

The number of cars is increasing every year. Any car will sooner or later need to be repaired, and this, in turn, will provide your business with stable customers and profit.

A car service is a company whose main activity is aimed at servicing cars. Main activities: diagnostics, washing, engine repair, wheel alignment, tire fitting and other minor repairs.

Car service that provides a large number of services can bring profit from 100 thousand rubles per month.

The main benefits of implementing a car service project

This business is beneficial in that you can do it even without special knowledge. You just need to choose a good place for such activities, buy high-quality equipment, and properly organize such a business.

To attract customers, you need to spend money on advertising, it can be placed in newspapers, magazines, websites of your city. About how to spend marketing research can be read.

At proper organization business, a car service project can pay off in 6-12 months.

What needs to be done before writing a car service business plan?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the direction of activity. The concept of a car service is very broad and, depending on the imagination of the business organizer, may include: tire fitting, car wash, bodywork, engine and chassis repairs, minor repairs, incl. oil change, engine diagnostics, electrical repairs…

It makes no sense to implement all directions at once. You need to focus first on one thing, on the direction in which you are the most expert. Or the direction that is easiest to implement.

For example, to business with minimum investment may include tire fitting. Read about how to write a tire fitting business plan. It is also relatively easy to open a car wash, primarily because the work at the car wash does not require special staff qualifications. You can read about how a car wash business plan is in.

Also, at the initial stage, you can provide individual car repair services in the garage. But this is only if you are a car repair professional. By the way, this is a good job. Some professional masters earn from 30-50 thousand rubles additionally.

How to choose a car service room?

Car service can be placed in a modular type room (this design is easy and quick to assemble). The area of ​​the premises is from 30 to 100 m2. By sanitary standards the area of ​​the premises (excluding the area occupied by the equipment) must be at least 5 m2 per employee. Installation time - 2 - 3 weeks.

The car service room cannot be located in a residential building, and also closer than 50 meters from residential premises.

Ideal for placing a car service garage box in the immediate vicinity of the road, gas station, as well as auto shops.

Necessary equipment to include in a car service business plan

To organize a car wash:

- 2 mobile washing machines (cold wash - 50-100 thousand rubles, with heated water - 100-150 thousand rubles);

- a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the interior -10-20 thousand rubles;

- purification system (this system is necessary for the purification and circulation of water, it also saves water)

The total amount of investments in equipment when organizing a car wash will be from 200 to 350 thousand rubles (depending on whether you complete a one- or two-station car wash).

For the organization of service stations:

Post lifts 2 pcs. - about 100 thousand rubles x 2 pcs. = about 200 thousand rubles;

- a diagnostic complex that is connected to the on-board computer - 500 thousand rubles;

- milling and lathe- 180 thousand rubles;

- a set of locksmith tools

- welding machine;

In total, you will have to invest in service station equipment from 800 thousand to 1500 thousand rubles, depending on the scale of the business and the range of services provided.

To organize a tire fitting:

- Tire changer;

- balancing machine;

- compressor;

- capacity for washing tires;

- movable jack;

– consumables (including rubber bands, lubricants, weights…)

The total amount of starting investments for the implementation of the tire fitting business plan is in the range from 400 to 600 thousand rubles.

Other equipment:

— racks and counters, furniture;

- expendable materials

Total for the project implementation it is necessary from 200 thousand rubles to 2 million rubles

Possible risks when implementing a car service business plan

The biggest risk is the selection professional staff. The wider the specialization of employees, the more customers there will be. Therefore, people need to be selected very carefully, and deal with this issue already at the stage of writing a business plan.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the package of documents required when opening this type of activity. When opening a car service, there is no need to obtain a license. But before starting activities, it is necessary to obtain permission from the supervisory authorities.

The package of documents for organizing a car service includes:

  1. Contract for the sale or lease of premises;
  2. SES permission;
  3. Permission of fire authorities;
  4. Contracts with resource-supplying organizations (electricity, water);
  5. Waste disposal and waste disposal contracts.
To implement a car service business plan, you must:
  1. Believe in your idea, because only those people who do not give up at the first difficulties achieve results.
  2. have sufficient initial capital, or take a loan from a bank secured by property. About where to get start-up capital for business is possible.
  3. Choose a convenient place so that even visiting drivers can find their way to you (put signs, locate a car service near the main roads)
  4. Find a spacious room where several cars could be serviced at once. It is also desirable that in the selected room it was possible to provide Additional services(to open a cafe, a car shop).
  5. Buy high-quality equipment (you can rely on the experience of colleagues) so as not to buy too much or unnecessary.
  6. Decide on the areas of activity of a car service.
  7. Select conscientious and professional employees.

Car service business plan

Car service has always been a profitable business, in our time, when there is a car in almost every third family, this topic is more in demand than ever. In our country, a motorist should not only be able to drive a car, but also be a little auto mechanic.

It’s one thing to change candles, change a light bulb, almost every owner of an iron horse can do it, another thing is to repair the chassis, it’s better not to go into it yourself and trust the professionals. I propose new idea business
for the repair of running gear and the provision of wheel alignment services.

Why camber adjustment? First, it's mine
personal observation and a problem I encountered while being
motorist; secondly, any suspension repair inevitably leads
to adjust the alignment, and the suspension, unfortunately, is one
from the most painful places in almost any car;
thirdly, if the alignment is not adjusted in time,
you can be left without wheels in the truest sense of the word, because. on the
rubber will begin uneven wear, which will lead to the purchase
new tires for the car, which is disproportionately more
cost rather than timely adjustment

And one more important detail - relatively small
capital investments in the organization of such a business and
quick return on investment. We have a city of millions, and,
as I thought, there are a sufficient number of car services, but a couple
weeks of dealing with a serious repair of his car,
I realized that this is not so.

There is a queue at every service, even the elite ones.
car services engaged in the repair of expensive cars do not sit without
clients. Before you write this idea and put it on
general discussion, I deliberately traveled more than a dozen
car services and in each of them I was once again convinced that this
a profitable business, which in the near future I will turn into
reality, but in a more serious form than I have described here.

Costs: rental of a box with an area of ​​50 sq.m. = 5000 rubles,
wheel alignment equipment = 25,000 rubles, consumables
materials and tools = 3000-4000 rubles. We are hiring a locksmith
terms of 50% to 50% of the profit.
In total, about 35,000-40,000 rubles are needed to open a business.

Calculate profit:
The cost of adjusting the wheel alignment in our region
ranges from 200 to 800 rubles, depending on the steepness
company and equipment on which the adjustment is made.
Let's take the minimum cost of 200 rubles.

On average per hour
adjust two cars, total for an eight-hour working
bottom - 16 cars, for greater certainty we will take 10
cars per day, 10 times 200 rubles, we get 2000
rubles a day, we give half of this amount to the locksmith, total
clean we have 1000 rubles a day or 30,000 rubles a day

In two months of work, we more than pay back all the invested costs.
In addition, it is worth considering that the salary of a locksmith can be reduced to
30%, and increase the cost of work up to 250 - 300 rubles, the more
we will increase the profitability of the business.

This idea came to mind after I once again
repaired the suspension of his car and drove around half the city in
looking for a free razvalchik, but never found. In every
car service in line for 3-4 cars and not only for

In this case, as its potential customers is
consider the owners of our native Zhiguli and inexpensive
foreign cars, mainly of Japanese production, and such
for example, in our city, probably more than 70-80% of all
car owners. In addition, due to the annual increase
there will be no end-of-life car fleet, at least
car service, located in a good location, not far from the highway
will not be without work.

With luck, you can organize a network
such car services throughout the city with more expensive
equipment and for people with different levels prosperity.

Today, Russians operate predominantly used vehicles that need regular repairs. As a rule, it is carried out in specialized workshops. Detailed business plan car service center will help an entrepreneur open his own business, calculate expenses and incomes, performance indicators and determine the approximate opening time.

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Business Relevance

The business idea of ​​opening a car service is promising, since the vast majority of car owners prefer to use the services of organizations that carry out their repair and maintenance. People who buy a new car often go to private workshops rather than official dealer. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that service centers car dealerships unreasonably high price tags.


Car services are of several types:

  1. Repair services provided by individual craftsmen. Car maintenance takes place in or in a private house. There are a huge number of such specialists and their services for the consumer will be the least expensive. The quality of the work performed will not always be high, due to the lack of necessary conditions to perform a number of operations and the necessary equipment.
  2. Single car service. This is the most popular market segment. The main advantage of this business format is the perfect combination of service price and quality. As a result, the demand for their services is quite high.
  3. Specialized car services. Such establishments work with a focus on a particular brand of vehicle, which significantly reduces the number of their customers. The services provided are of high quality and are focused on a clear target group of motorists. The cost of the work performed is approximately 25 percent higher than that of single car services. Authorized repair shops are usually owned by car manufacturers or major authorized dealers.
  4. Network stations Maintenance. They have a branch network in certain regions or cover the entire territory of the country. On the this moment network car repair shops are not very common in Russia. The most famous are: “White Service”, “On Wheels. RU", "Bosch Auto Service", "Fit automaster", "TRAK CENTER", "Tuning & Service".
  5. Ready-made franchise business. You can take advantage of a franchise offer from FitService, BoschService or Wilgud.

The first two options for organizing a service require a smaller initial investment. However, they are experiencing serious competition from larger market players. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Choice of field of activity

The scope of activity of a car service may affect the repair of:

  • motorcycle equipment;
  • passenger cars;
  • minibuses;
  • trucks up to 30 tons;
  • agricultural machinery.

The entrepreneur will have to decide on the repair of which cars the service will specialize in. These can be vehicles from foreign manufacturers, domestic or both. According to statistics, the probability of breakdown of both types of machines is approximately the same.

Additional services

Basic and additional destinations car service works:

  • carwash;
  • diagnostics;
  • refueling and lubricating types of work;
  • installation of alarms and other protective systems;
  • repair of the motor, gearbox, power windows, bodywork, battery;
  • tuning;
  • clutch adjustment;
  • car glass installation, tinting;
  • painting;
  • welding work;
  • installation and dismantling of vehicle units;
  • troubleshooting in steering;
  • installation of musical equipment;
  • balancing, tire fitting and wheel alignment.

Covering one hundred percent of services in one workshop is almost impossible and irrational. Service owners advise at the initial stage of establishing a business to take several areas of activity as a basis and not get hung up on a particular brand of car. In most cases, the highest profits are received by those car services that have chosen a narrow specialization, compared with station wagons.

Market analysis and target audience

After analyzing the market, several trends can be identified:

  1. There are more than 50 thousand companies in Russia that provide services for the maintenance and repair of machines.
  2. Most of the Russian market (65%) is occupied by authorized services, followed by network, single and self-employed entrepreneurs have the smallest share (10%).
  3. According to Avstostat estimates, the vast majority of car repair shops are highly specialized enterprises (58%). Mostly these are tuning studios, car washes, body repair stations, engine repairs, electricians, etc.
  4. The growth in demand for car service is confirmed by statistics. In 2012, the market capacity was about 300 billion rubles, and in 2016 the milestone of 500 billion rubles was overcome. Demand is growing even in times of economic crisis, it is more profitable for consumers to fix an old car rather than buy a new one.
  5. The target audience is mainly the owners of passenger vehicles. However, the business can be focused on the repair of trucks and large special equipment. Approximately 60% of consumers are men between the ages of 18 and 60.
  6. The target audience for which the workshop will be oriented depends on its specialization.

Competitive advantages

The strengths of the opened car repair shop should be the following points:

  • high quality of services provided;
  • operational diagnostics and repair;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • attractive pricing policy;
  • providing a guarantee for the work performed;
  • the possibility of ordering auto parts through the service;
  • high qualification of masters;
  • performance of narrow-profile work;
  • advanced training of key workers;
  • respectful and friendly attitude to clients;
  • providing the client with the possibility of personal presence during car repair or waiting for the completion of operations performed in a specially equipped room;
  • pre-registration.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business

To properly organize a profitable auto technical center, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We carry out market analysis.
  2. We determine the business format and the range of services provided.
  3. We develop a detailed business plan.
  4. We open a company.
  5. We choose a room or place for its construction.
  6. In the case of a lease, we conclude a long-term lease of premises or land.
  7. We repair the premises, if necessary, we carry out redevelopment.
  8. We buy equipment, inventory and consumables.
  9. We select staff.
  10. We carry out activities to promote the service.

Business registration

For a workshop created "in the garage", an organizational form is suitable individual entrepreneur. And for a single, network or authorized service - the LLC form.

For the work of the company in the field of providing services for the diagnosis and repair of vehicles, the sale of spare parts, the following activity codes are indicated during registration:

  • 50.2 - "Maintenance and repair of vehicles";
  • 50.3 - "Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories";
  • 52.1 - " Retail in non-specialized stores;
  • 50.20.3 - "Provision of other types of vehicle maintenance services."

To open a service station from scratch, you must submit the following package of documents to the Tax Office:

  • statement;
  • company registration certificate;
  • documents confirming the compliance of the premises with fire and sanitary standards;
  • contract for the provision of heating, water supply and garbage disposal services;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a document confirming the entrepreneur's ownership of it;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the services provided with current standards;
  • at the next stage, the company must be registered with extra-budgetary funds and statistical bodies;

Room and location

Service space requirements:

  • availability of central water supply;
  • availability of central sewerage;
  • distance from residential buildings and reservoirs - at least 50 meters;
  • availability of electricity and heating;
  • inspection pit or the possibility of arranging it (otherwise, the purchase of lifting equipment will be required);
  • the area is calculated based on the standard: 5 square meters per worker (excluding space for equipment);
  • appearance;
  • availability of parking.

To open the most profitable and functional service, it is better to build the building yourself. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to find a suitable land plot which can be rented or bought. Last option is more preferable, since in this case you can be sure that the landlord will not drive the entrepreneur out of the area.

Requirements for the location of the auto repair shop:

  • convenient access roads;
  • high permeability;
  • the presence of a gas station nearby, garage cooperative, roads, car washes;
  • lack of direct competitors nearby.

The profitability of the business largely depends on the competent choice of the location of the car service station.

The area of ​​the building of a full-fledged car service is divided into the following zones:

  • reception;
  • room for customers to wait for their cars;
  • bathroom for clients;
  • office rooms;
  • workshops for maintenance, diagnostics and repair;
  • car wash area
  • tire fitting area;
  • tool warehouse;
  • warehouse of spare parts;
  • staff room (with shower and toilet).

Supplier selection

The activity of a vehicle service station is associated with the replacement of old parts and assemblies with new ones. Most services sell them, so the entrepreneur must carefully consider the process of choosing a reliable supplier of spare parts. They are pretty easy to find online. The use of specialized Internet services will save time on finding the required object and protect against the provision of irrelevant data.

Key criteria for choosing a supplier of automotive spare parts:

  • price;
  • delivery time;
  • product quality;
  • reputation of the supplier;
  • range.

Necessary equipment and furniture

Depending on the range of work performed by the auto repair shop, its equipment depends.

To succeed, at the initial stage of organizing a car service, you will need to invest from two to five million rubles. A well-equipped workshop inspires more trust among customers.

Required repair equipment:

Necessary office equipment, intangible assets and promotional materials:

Necessary furniture:

Lift for cars– 250,000 rubles Spray booth– 500,000 rubles Tire fitting equipment - 250,000 rubles Oil collection unit - 20,000 rubles Oil dispensing unit - 35,000 rubles Welding machine– 20 000 rubles

Video review modern equipment to equip a car service. Filmed by the Tandem + channel, Car service equipment.


The staff of a full-fledged car service includes the following specialists:

  • director;
  • account Manager;
  • Auto Mechanic;
  • an electrician;
  • welder;
  • painter;
  • locksmith;
  • a person engaged in tire fitting;
  • bodybuilder;
  • receptionist;
  • several people engaged in car washing;
  • cleaning woman.

In a small auto repair shop, it is better to hire universal workers who can perform various works at a fairly good level. The functions of an accountant can be performed by the entrepreneur himself or by a specialized firm.

Promotion and advertising

For auto repair shop the best advertisement is word of mouth marketing. It is an informal way of conveying verbal information about a service's service between consumers. But in order to this method promotion has earned, it is necessary to promote the business and form a good reputation.

An entrepreneur can monitor the wishes and preferences of consumers. And on the basis of the information received, try to improve and improve the work of the service.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor your competitors according to the following criteria:

  • service quality;
  • the range of services provided;
  • prices;
  • advantages and disadvantages.
  • banner;
  • signboard;
  • stretching;
  • portable advertising structure;
  • stand.

In addition, to promote the service, you should use:

  • Internet space;
  • radio;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • flyer;
  • leaflets.

On the Internet, a corporate website should be created, pages in in social networks and run your own YouTube channel.

To turn one-time customers into regular customers, you should introduce a loyalty program that provides discounts:

  • for future repairs
  • when applying on a birthday;
  • free car wash
  • bonus system, etc.

Key factors for customer retention:

  • modern equipment;
  • operational performance of work, on time;
  • high quality;
  • attentive attitude towards customers.


Private car service is controlled by:

  • Federal tax service(once a year);
  • the fire service;
  • environmental service (twice a year);
  • local administration (in case of lease of municipal land);
  • Police.

The service can be located on a municipal property, or it can have city-owned land adjacent to the workshop building. Thus, the administration has the right to exercise control over this site and conduct inspections.

The Ecology Service checks:

  • how waste is disposed of;
  • how used fuels and lubricants are stored;
  • cleanliness of clothes for locksmiths;
  • the presence of oil stains on the floor, etc.

Financial plan

All items of expenditure should be taken into account and their cost should be determined as accurately as possible. Samples with calculations can be found and downloaded free of charge on the Internet.

A car service business plan includes the following costs for organizing your business.

The initial investment in the vehicle repair business will be about 4 million rubles. This example of start-up costs is designed for the organization of a medium-sized car service.

Regular investments

Monthly car repair expenses.

Approximate opening times

It will take about five months to open a car repair station, provided that the premises are rented. In the case of construction, the opening date of the service will be delayed by about a year.

It will take about three months to resolve organizational issues, including:

  • company registration;
  • selection of premises and conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • preparation of the project of the premises;
  • obtaining permits from regulatory authorities.

While deciding organizational issues, you should simultaneously do the preparation of the room.


  • building renovation;
  • ordering and installation of equipment;
  • hiring employees;
  • purchase Supplies, inventory, tools, furniture and office equipment.

Marketing activities should begin two months before the date of the proposed opening of the service.

Pros and cons

Strengths of the auto repair business:

  • stable and high demand;
  • promising market;
  • high profitability;
  • a wide range of service areas.

Weaknesses of the auto repair business:

  • high competition;
  • to get started, you need a serious start-up capital;
  • paperwork during registration;
  • numerous checks.

Risks and payback

The main risks affecting the operating activities of a car repair shop:

  • the risk of hiring low-skilled personnel;
  • risk of loss professional specialists due to their departure to work for competitors;
  • increased competition from large networks with great financial capabilities and aimed at the same target audience;
  • a decrease in demand due to a decrease in incomes of the population.

In view of the large seed investment, their payback will take about three years. The actual return on investment depends on the accuracy of planning and implementation of business project activities.

Business ideas in the garage to open their own small production from scratch attract the attention of many Russians who want to start their own small production. In this regard, questions arise as to what can be done inside the iron horse stall in order to have a good income in the future.

Prospects for the garage business

It's no secret that a successful business was born in a garage. It was there that the first devices were assembled trademark Apple. Not so many years have passed since then, but today the corporation is valued at more than 600 billion dollars. According to analysts, this is not the limit: soon the capitalization may exceed 1 trillion. USD

Jobs' experience confirms the fact that a car park can become Starting point for successful business. It is enough just to insulate it and equip it for production needs. The main advantage of the garage business is the absence of the need to pay for the rental of premises, which is especially important in conditions of small start-up capital.

Popular ideas implemented in the garage: what kind of business to open

In addition to assembling computers, there are many other activities that can be done in a garage. Nine of the most promising of them are presented below.

Baguette production

One of the most simple ideas is the manufacture of frames for baguettes. All you need to get started is a desktop version of the baguette guillotine and a stapler. The equipment is inexpensive, and you can even master the specifics of the production of products on your own (see).

Installation of anti-theft systems

This type of business is attractive because it is directly related to the automotive theme, which means that the garage is the best fit for it. In addition, the installation of alarms on vehicles is in high demand. Before you start working, you need to get a qualification in this area. Master classes and similar forms of training in companies selling alarms and mechanical interlocks for gearboxes will help with this.

Production of metal products

From metal, you can make fences, stairs, gates, gates, window bars, furniture and much more. To do this, you need to equip a small forge: purchase a blacksmith press, a cutting wheel, a forge and a welding machine. Experts point out that in the long term the forge is the most profitable type of garage business. Costs at the start range from 50 thousand rubles, while the monthly income can reach 30 thousand rubles. You can start small .

Car repair and maintenance: a business with minimal investment

Making building materials with your own hands

A small workshop for the production of building materials can be placed in a garage. To produce, for example, you will need a vibrating machine, as well as a set of molds for pouring, impurities, gypsum and dyes.

To manufacture large materials, such as building blocks, you will need additional space to organize a warehouse.

If the garage is located separately from the house and there is enough free space in front of the entrance, you can engage in large-scale seasonal production in the summer: for example, make foam concrete blocks. Or produce all year round.

Wheel alignment services

As a rule, in large cities there is a shortage of points providing such services: having found a good master, the motorist has to stand in long lines. This is due to the fact that the number of cars is growing faster than this business is developing.

It’s good to be able to regulate the “camber” for a start own business not enough. Must be purchased good equipment, which will cost about 500 thousand rubles. In addition, the garage should be located in close proximity to a busy road and convenient access should be provided.

Making small furniture

Rumor has it that one of the largest Russian firms, engaged in the production of furniture, began its journey in an ordinary garage. This is not surprising: organizing a small furniture workshop in such conditions is not such a difficult task.

To begin with, you can produce armchairs or chairs, make. Even two people can handle a small amount of work. In the future, the business can be expanded. According to experts, furniture is one of the best niches for business start-ups. Production has good prospects: if you establish sales, then in 1.5 - 2 years you can reach new level and rent a full-fledged workshop for the manufacture of various pieces of furniture. Also, do not forget about the uniqueness of the business idea and the furniture produced. For example, or, immediately found their client. Why don't you offer your unique project furniture?

New: smart start-up

Despite the attractiveness of garage production, the innovative business is currently of the greatest interest. In an ordinary car box, there is enough space for the development of prototypes, which can then be presented to potential investors.

Start-up is associated primarily with computer technology: a variety of robots, computerized equipment, new software etc. However, depending on the field of interest of start-up entrepreneurs, the invention may also affect any other area, for example, medicine.

The success of a start-up is ensured by the investor, so you need to start looking for it as early as possible. You can post your developments at venture exhibitions, create your own website, visit specialized resources, etc.

Flexibility is the key to success.

Photo: a small mini-business for beginners

Any of the presented types of business can successfully develop in a garage, but one should not forget about such a factor as cyclicality. What is in demand today may be unprofitable tomorrow. The situation may change due to the loss of interest in the product or the emergence of a major competitor. That is why the garage entrepreneur must be flexible.

Production of euro pallets Production of building materials in a garage Founding your own startup