Biogas plant with your own hands. Biogas plant - simple ideas for a private house. Drawings, schemes and projects of the best installations. All the pros and cons of installing at home. Water heating methods

  • 23.04.2020

Anyone can create biogas on their own. This does not require special knowledge and special skills in the field of renewable energy sources. If each person thinks about the world around him, the situation with the ecology on Earth will improve significantly.

Manure gas is a reality. It can indeed be obtained from manure, which in one way or another fertilizes the earth. But you can put it into circulation and get real gas.

To get gas from manure with your own hands at home, a farm biogas plant is used. You can extract natural gas using a digester right on the farm. This is how many farmers do it. For this, you do not need to purchase special fuel. Enough natural raw materials.

The bioreactor should include from 1 to 8-10 cubic meters. waste of private production, chicken manure. The production and processing of raw materials on a device with such a volume will be able to process more than 50 kg of manure. To make a biogas plant, you should find the drawings according to which the equipment is made, and you also need a diagram.

The operation of the installation is carried out in several stages:

  • Mixing of raw materials;
  • Heating;
  • Isolation of biogas.
  • A home-made installation will allow you to get gas from manure in a matter of time. It can be assembled independently, having diagrams and drawings. For the heat generator, you can choose boilers for heating water. To collect gas on the site you need a gas tank. It collects and stores gas.

    Remember that impurities and debris in the tank should be cleaned from time to time.

    You can get gas from manure using a biogas plant. It can be designed by hand. Determine the volume of processed raw materials, choose a suitable container in which the raw materials will be processed and mixed - this is how the production of gas saturated with methane in biofuel occurs.

    Making biogas at home

    There is a stereotype that biogas can only be obtained at specialized industries and farms. However, it is not. Today you can make biogas at home.

    Biogas is a collection of various gases that are created by the decomposition of organic matter. It is worth knowing that biogas is flammable. It ignites easily with a pure flame.

    We note the advantages of a biogas plant at home:

    1. Obtaining biogas without expensive equipment;
    2. Using your ;
    3. Natural and free raw materials in the form of manure or plants;
    4. Caring for the environment.

    Having a biogas plant at home is a profitable business for the owner of a summer cottage. To make such an installation, a small amount of funds is needed: two barrels of 200 liters each, a barrel of 50 liters, sewer pipes, a gas hose and a tap.

    As you can see, to do the installation yourself, you don’t even need to buy additional tools. Barrels, faucet, hoses and pipes can almost always be found on the farm of cottage owners. The gas generator is a concern for the environment, as well as your opportunity to use an alternative source of energy and fuel.

    Why do you need a biogas plant for farming

    Some farmers, summer residents, owners of private houses do not see the need to make a biogas plant. At first glance, it is. But then, when the owners see all the benefits, the question of the need for such an installation disappears.

    The first obvious reason to make a biogas plant on a farm is to get electricity, heating, which will allow you to pay less for electricity.

    Using your energy is cheaper than paying for its supply to the farm.

    Another main reason for the need to create an installation is the organization of a complete cycle of non-waste production. As a raw material for the device, we use manure or droppings. After processing, we get new gas.

    The third reason in favor of a biogas plant is the efficient processing and environmental impact.

    3 advantages of a biogas plant:

    • Getting energy to keep the family farm running;
    • Organization of the completed cycle;
    • Efficient use of raw materials.

    Having an installation on a farm is an indicator of your efficiency and concern for the world around you. Biogenerators save a huge amount of money by making production zero waste, efficient allocation of resources and raw materials, but also your complete self-sufficiency.

    A heat pump is easy to assemble with your own hands from old home equipment. The whole process is described in the following article:

    Question for an efficient economy: how to get methane correctly

    Methane is the main component of biogas. Biogas itself is a mixture of various gases. Among them, methane is the most important.

    Let's highlight the factors that affect the production of methane:

    • Environment;
    • Quality raw materials;
    • The frequency of mixing of raw materials in the installation tank.

    Mix the raw materials in the container with a pitchfork and at least once a day, ideally - six times.

    The production of methane is directly related to the production of biogas. The better you treat the process of obtaining biogas, the better you will get biogas at the output. To do this, you need to use only high-quality raw materials, monitor the place where the installation is located, and mix the contents of the tank. Then you will get methane correctly.

    DIY biogas plant (video)

    There are more and more supporters of preserving the environment in its original form. Without emissions and environmental pollution. Biogas plants solve this problem. In addition, the owner of the biogas plant personally receives direct monetary benefits from its use.

    The constant increase in the cost of traditional energy carriers is pushing home craftsmen to create home-made equipment that allows you to get biogas from waste with your own hands. With this approach to farming, it is possible not only to obtain cheap energy for heating the house and other needs, but also to establish the process of recycling organic waste and obtaining free fertilizers for subsequent application to the soil.

    Excess produced biogas, as well as fertilizers, can be sold at market value to interested consumers, turning into money what is literally “lying underfoot”. Large farmers can afford to buy pre-fabricated biogas plants. The cost of such equipment is quite high. However, the return on its operation corresponds to the investments made. Less powerful installations operating on the same principle can be assembled on their own from available materials and parts.

    This video shows a small plant that produces biogas from manure. The bioreactor is loaded with livestock waste products (100 kg/day).

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    What is biogas and how is it produced?

    Biogas is classified as an environmentally friendly fuel. In terms of its characteristics, biog is in many ways similar to natural gas produced on an industrial scale. The biogas production technology can be represented as follows:

    • in a special container called a bioreactor, the process of biomass processing takes place with the participation of anaerobic bacteria under conditions of airless fermentation for a certain period, the duration of which depends on the volume of loaded raw materials;
    • as a result, a mixture of gases is released, consisting of 60% of methane, 35% of carbon dioxide, 5% of other gaseous substances, among which there is hydrogen sulfide in a small amount; the resulting gas is constantly withdrawn from the bioreactor and, after cleaning, is sent for its intended use;
    • processed waste, which has become high-quality fertilizer, is periodically removed from the bioreactor and taken to the fields.
    In order to establish continuous production of biogas at home, one must own or have access to agricultural and livestock enterprises. It is economically profitable to engage in biogas production only if there is a source of free supply of manure and other organic animal waste.

    How to build a bioreactor on your own?

    To begin with, I would like to indicate what kind of structure can be built:

    Scheme of the simplest biogas plant, assembled on its own. Its design does not provide for the presence of heating and a mixing device. Legend: 1 - reactor (methane tank) for manure processing; 2 - bunker for loading raw materials; 3 - entrance hatch; 4 - water seal; 5 - pipe for unloading mining; 6 - biogas pipe

    To receive free biofuel on the site, it is necessary to choose a place for the construction of a reinforced concrete tank, which will serve as a bioreactor. At the base of this container, an opening is provided through which the waste material will be removed. This hole must be tightly closed, because the system works effectively only in sealed conditions.

    The size of a concrete tank is determined from the amount of organic waste that appears daily in a private courtyard or farm. Full-fledged operation of the bioreactor is possible if it is filled to two-thirds of the available volume.

    Organic waste is fed into the sealed container of the bioreactor, buried in the ground, which during the fermentation process contributes to the release of biogas

    With a small amount of waste, a reinforced concrete tank can be replaced with a metal container, for example, a barrel. P

    When choosing a container made of metal, pay attention to the presence welds and their strength. Remember to get a large number of biogas in small containers will not work. The output directly depends on the mass of organic waste processed in the reactor. So, to get 100 cubic meters of biogas, you need to process a ton of organic waste.

    How to ensure the activity of biomass?

    You can speed up the fermentation process of biomass by heating it. As a rule, in the southern regions such a problem does not arise. The ambient temperature is enough for the natural activation of fermentation processes. In regions with harsh climatic conditions in winter, without heating, it is generally impossible to operate a biogas plant. After all, the fermentation process starts at a temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsius.

    There are several ways to organize the heating of a biomass tank:

    • connect a coil located under the reactor to the heating system;
    • install electric heating elements at the base of the tank;
    • provide direct heating of the tank by using electric heaters.
    Bacteria that affect the production of methane are dormant in the raw material itself. Their activity increases at a certain temperature level. To ensure the normal course of the process will allow the installation automated system heating. Automation will turn on the heating equipment when the next cold batch enters the bioreactor, and then turn it off when the biomass warms up to a predetermined temperature level.

    Similar temperature control systems are installed in hot water boilers, so they can be purchased at stores specializing in the sale of gas equipment.

    Scheme of organizing the production of biogas at home. The diagram shows the entire cycle, starting from loading solid and liquid raw materials, and ending with the removal of biogas to consumers

    It is important to note that you can activate the production of biogas at home by mixing the biomass in the reactor. For this, a device is made that is structurally similar to a household mixer. The device can be set in motion by a shaft, which is led out through a hole located in the lid or walls of the tank.

    Correct removal of gas from the bioreactor

    The gas obtained during the fermentation of organics is removed through a special hole provided in the design of the upper part of the lid, which tightly closes the tank. To exclude the possibility of mixing biogas with air, it is necessary to ensure its removal through a water seal (hydraulic seal).

    It is possible to control the pressure of the gas mixture inside the bioreactor with the help of a lid, which should rise with an excess of gas, that is, play the role of a release valve. As a counterweight, you can use a regular weight. If the pressure is normal, then the generated gas will flow through the outlet pipe to the gas tank, being cleaned in water along the way.

    A self-made biogas plant can save on energy costs, which occupy a large share in determining the cost of agricultural products. A decrease in production costs will affect the increase in the profitability of a farm or a private farmstead. Now that you know how to get biogas from existing waste, it remains only to put the idea into practice. Many farmers have long since learned to make money from manure.

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! ©

    Farmers need fuel for heating systems, electricity generation and other daily needs. With energy prices rising steadily year after year, every homeowner or small business owner has at least once thought about how to produce biogas at home.

    Biogas plants are increasingly being used in farms saving money on heating

    A biogas plant for a private house allows you to organize the production of biogas right in your yard, which solves the problem of fuel. Since a significant percentage of villagers have skills in working with welding and plumbing tools, the question self-manufacturing installation for gas production looks logical. So you can save not only on work, but also on materials, if you use improvised means.

    What is biogas and how is it produced: production and production

    Biogas is a substance produced during the fermentation of organic waste that contains enough methane to be used as a fuel. When burned, biogas releases heat, which is enough to heat a house or refuel a car. An energy source is manure, which is readily available and cheap or completely free, if we are talking about a livestock enterprise or a large private farm.

    Biogas is an environmentally friendly biofuel that you can produce with your own hands, biological gas is related to natural gas. The gas is obtained as a result of the processing of waste by anaerobic bacteria. Fermentation takes place in the airless space of a container called a bioreactor. The rate of biogas production depends on the amount of waste loaded into the biogenerator. Under the action of bacteria, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide with some impurities of other gaseous substances is released from the raw material. The resulting gas is removed from the bioreactor, purified and used for own needs. The processed raw materials at the end of the process become fertilizer, which is used to improve soil fertility. Obtaining biogas is beneficial for livestock enterprises, which have access to free manure and other organic waste.

    Advantages of burning fuel from manure (fertilizer on the farm) for heating: electricity from methane

    The advantages of biogas as a fuel include:

    • Efficient and environmentally friendly recycling
    • Availability of feedstock for gas production in rural areas
    • Possibility to organize a closed cycle of non-waste production of gas and fertilizers from manure
    • Non-depleting self-replenishing source of raw materials

    How to build a bioreactor (installation) with your own hands

    Biogas plants that extract gas from manure can be easily assembled with your own hands on your own site. Before assembling a bioreactor for manure processing, it is worth drawing drawings and carefully studying all the nuances, because. A container containing a large amount of explosive gas can be a source of great danger if it is used incorrectly or if there are errors in the design of the installation.

    Biogas scheme

    The capacity of the bioreactor is calculated based on the amount of raw material that is used to produce methane. In order for the operating conditions to be optimal, the reactor vessel is filled with waste at least two-thirds. For these purposes, a deep hole is used. In order for the tightness to be high, the walls of the pit are reinforced with concrete or reinforced with plastic, sometimes concrete rings are installed in the pit. The surface of the walls is treated with moisture insulating solutions. Tightness - necessary condition for the efficient operation of the plant. The better the container is insulated, the higher the quality and quantity. In addition, the decay products of the waste are toxic and, if leaked, can be harmful to health.

    A stirrer is installed in the waste container. It is responsible for mixing the waste during fermentation, preventing uneven distribution of raw materials and the formation of a crust. Following the agitator, a drainage structure is mounted in the manure, which facilitates the removal of gas into the storage tank and prevents leakage. It is necessary to remove the gas for safety reasons, as well as to improve the quality of the fertilizers remaining in the reactor after processing is completed. A hole is made at the bottom of the reactor for. The hole is equipped with a tight cover so that the equipment remains airtight.

    How to ensure active fermentation of biomass at home using a generator and other equipment: waste processing, composition and extraction

    In order for the processing process in the bioreactor to proceed faster, heating is necessary. The ambient temperature is quite enough for manure processing to take place without outside help. But under adverse weather conditions, in the winter season, a mini-biogas plant needs an additional heat source, otherwise gas production becomes impossible. In order for bacteria to turn waste into gas, the temperature in the reactor must be above 38 degrees Celsius. It is not difficult to get biogas with your own hands, the main thing is to know certain manufacturing rules.

    The tank is heated using a coil, which is placed under the reactor, or by installing electric heaters for direct heating of the tank. , processing waste into gas, is already in the raw material. To activate microorganisms and start the biogas production process, the temperature in the tank must be sufficient for fermentation. To facilitate monitoring of compliance with temperature conditions, automatic heating is connected to the reactor. It heats the container when loading fuel into it to the desired temperature and turns off the heating when the desired mark on the thermometer is reached. The temperature control device for which is easy to find in a gas equipment store will cope with the role of an automatic heater.

    Temperature control module. It can be purchased at any hardware store.

    Correct removal of gas from the bioreactor: drawings, use of technology

    For easy removal of the resulting gas from the tank, biogas plants are equipped with a number of devices:

    1. Vertically arranged plastic pipes with a large number of holes to facilitate the separation of gas from the feedstock. The top of the pipe should protrude above the waste mass, allowing the gas to escape freely.
    2. A film laid over a container and forming a semblance of a greenhouse effect. It maintains the desired temperature inside the tank, and also prevents the gas from mixing with air.

      Sometimes the top of the container is covered with a dome made of concrete or other material. To prevent such a dome from flying away under the pressure of the resulting gas, it is carefully attached to the structure, tied with cables.

    3. A gas outlet pipe is placed in the upper part of the reactor. The pipe is equipped with a tight locking mechanism so as not to violate the tightness of the structure. The newly released biogas, entering the outlet pipe, is saturated with water vapor and contains many impurities. occurs by condensation: cooling to ambient temperature, water settles in the form of condensate on the walls of the pipe. To avoid corrosion, the discharge pipe is installed in such a way as to facilitate the removal of condensate through the separator.
    4. To rid the biogas of hydrogen sulfide impurities, a filter of specially treated activated carbon is installed on its way to the storage, in which the mixture is oxidized to sulfur and settles in the sorbent.


    A self-assembled biogas plant, processing manure into biogas at home, significantly reduces the cost of paying for heating and electricity. Such an installation will reduce the cost of providing a private house with heat, reduce the cost of farm products, thereby increasing the profitability of the economy. – the ability to turn waste into an energy source and an alternative to natural gas. Biogas is environmentally friendly and modern.

    Biogas is a gas produced by the fermentation of biomass. Hydrogen or methane can be obtained in this way. We are interested in methane as an alternative to natural gas. Methane is colorless and odorless and highly flammable. Given that the raw materials for biogas production are literally underfoot, the cost of such gas is significantly less than natural gas, and this can save a lot of money. Here are the numbers from Wikipedia "From a ton of large manure cattle it turns out 50-65 m³ of biogas with a methane content of 60%, 150-500 m³ of biogas from various kinds plants with methane content up to 70%. Maximum amount biogas - 1300 m³ with methane content up to 87% - can be obtained from fat.", "In practice, 300 to 500 liters of biogas are obtained from 1 kg of dry matter."

    Tools and materials:
    -Plastic capacity 750 liters;
    -Plastic capacity 500 liters;
    - Sanitary pipes and adapters;
    - Cement for PVC pipes;
    -Epoxy adhesive;
    -A hammer;
    - Open-end wrenches;
    -Gas fittings (detailed in step 7);

    Step One: Some More Theory
    Some time ago, the master made a prototype biogas plant.

    And he was bombarded with questions and requests to help with the assembly. As a result, even the state authorities became interested in the installation (the master lives in India).

    The next step the wizard had to make a more complete installation. Let's consider what it is.
    -Installation consists of a storage tank in which organic material is stored, and microorganisms, processing it, emit gas.
    -The resulting gas is collected in a reservoir known as a gas collector. In the floating type model, this tank floats in suspension and moves up and down depending on the amount of gas stored in it.
    - The guide tube helps the gas collector tank move up and down inside the storage tank.
    -Waste is fed through a supply pipe inside the storage tank.
    -Fully recycled slurry flows down through the outlet pipe. It can be harvested, diluted and used as plant fertilizer.
    - From the gas collector, gas is supplied through a pipe to consumption devices (gas stoves, water heaters, generators)

    Step two: choose a container
    To choose a container, you need to consider how much waste can be collected per day. According to the master, there is a rule where 5 kg of waste needs a capacity of 1000 liters. The master has about 3.5 - 4 kg. So the capacity is needed 700-800 liters. As a result, the master acquired a capacity of 750 liters.
    Installation with a floating type of gas collector, which means that you need to choose such a capacity that gas losses are minimal. For these purposes, a 500 liter tank came up. This 500 liter container will move inside the 750 liter one. The distance between the walls of the two containers is about 5 cm on each side. Containers must be chosen that will be resistant to sunlight and aggressive environments.

    Step Three: Tank Preparation
    Cuts off the top from a smaller tank. First, he makes a hole with a knife, then he cuts it with a hacksaw blade along the cut line.

    The upper part of the 750 liter container also needs to be cut off. The diameter of the cut part of the lid of the smaller tank + 4 cm.

    Step four: feed pipe
    An inlet pipe must be installed at the bottom of the larger tank. Through it, biofuel will be poured inside. The pipe has a diameter of 120 mm. Cuts a hole in the barrel. Sets the knee. On both sides fixes the connection with epoxy glue of the "cold welding" type.

    Step five: slurry drain pipe
    To collect the suspension, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 300 mm is installed in the upper part of the larger tank.

    Step six: guides
    As you already understood, a smaller one will “float” freely inside a large container. As the internal tank fills with gas, it will heat up and vice versa. For its free movement up and down, the master makes four guides. In the "ears" he makes cutouts for a 32 mm pipe. Fixes the pipe as shown in the photo. Pipe length 32 cm.

    4 guides made of 40 mm pipes are also attached to the inner tank.

    Step seven: gas fittings
    The gas supply is divided, as it were, into three sections: from the gas collector to the pipe, from the pipe to the cylinder, from the cylinder to the gas stove.
    The master needs three pipes of 2.5 m each with threaded ends, 2 taps, gaskets, threaded adapters, FUM - tape and brackets for fastening.

    To install gas fittings, the master makes a hole in the center in the upper part (the former lower, i.e. the 500 liter cylinder is turned upside down). Installs fittings, seals the junction with epoxy.

    Step Eight: Assembly
    Now you need to place the container on a flat, hard surface. The installation location should be as sunny as possible. The distance between the installation and the kitchen should be kept to a minimum.

    Installs smaller diameter tubes inside the guide tubes. Lengthens the pipe for draining excess suspension.

    Extends the inlet pipe. The connection is fixed with cement for PVC pipes.

    Installs a gas accumulator inside a large tank. Orients it along the guides.

    Step Nine: First Run
    For the initial start-up of a biogas plant of this size, about 80 kg of cow manure is needed for this volume. Manure is diluted with 300 liters of non-chlorinated water. The master also adds a special additive to accelerate the growth of bacteria. The supplement consists of concentrated juice of sugar cane, coconut and palm. Apparently it's some kind of yeast. Fills this mass through the inlet pipe. After filling, the inlet pipe must be flushed and a plug installed.

    After a couple of days, the gas accumulator will begin to rise up. This began the process of gas formation. As soon as the accumulator is full, the resulting gas must be vented. The first gas contains many impurities, and there was air in the accumulator.

    Step ten: fuel
    The gas formation process has been launched and now we need to figure out what can and cannot be used as fuel.
    So, suitable for fuel: rotten vegetables, vegetable and fruit peels, unusable dairy products, overcooked butter, cut weeds, livestock and poultry waste, etc. A lot of unusable waste of flora and fauna can be used in the installation. Pieces should be crushed as small as possible. This will speed up the recycling process.

    Do not use: onion and garlic peels, egg shells, bones, fibrous materials.

    Now let's look at the question of the amount of loaded fuel. As already mentioned, such a capacity requires 3.5 - 4 kg of fuel. Fuel processing takes from 30 to 50 days, depending on the type of fuel. Every day, adding 4 kg of fuel, within 30 days, about 750 g of gas will be produced from it daily. Overfilling the plant will result in excess fuel, acidity and a lack of bacteria. The master reminds that according to the rules, 5 kg of fuel is needed daily for 1000 liters of volume.
    Step Eleven: Plunger
    To facilitate the loading of fuel, the master made a plunger.

    A prudent owner dreams of cheap energy resources, efficient waste disposal and obtaining fertilizers. A do-it-yourself home biogas plant is an inexpensive way to make dreams come true.

    Self-assembly of such equipment will cost reasonable money, and the gas produced will be a good help in the household: it can be used for cooking, heating the house and other needs.

    Let's try to understand the specifics of this equipment, its advantages and disadvantages. And also whether it is possible to independently build a biogas plant and whether it will be effective.

    Biogas is formed as a result of the fermentation of a biological substrate. It is decomposed by hydrolytic, acid- and methane-forming bacteria. The mixture of gases produced by bacteria turns out to be combustible, because. contains a large percentage of methane.

    By its properties, it practically does not differ from natural gas, which is used for industrial and domestic needs.

    If desired, each home owner can purchase an industrial biogas plant, but it is expensive, and the investment pays off within 7-10 years. Therefore, it makes sense to make an effort and make a bioreactor with your own hands.

    Biogas is an environmentally friendly fuel, and the technology for its production does not have a significant impact on environment. Moreover, as a raw material for biogas, waste products that need to be disposed of are used.

    They are placed in a bioreactor where processing takes place:

    • for some time, the biomass is exposed to bacteria. The fermentation period depends on the volume of raw materials;
    • as a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, a combustible mixture of gases is released, which includes methane (60%), carbon dioxide (35%) and some other gases (5%). Also, during fermentation, potentially dangerous hydrogen sulfide is released in small quantities. It is poisonous, so it is highly undesirable for people to be exposed to it;
    • the mixture of gases from the bioreactor is cleaned and enters the gas tank, where it is stored until it is used for its intended purpose;
    • gas from a gas tank can be used in the same way as natural gas. He goes to household appliances– gas stoves, heating boilers, etc.;
    • decomposed biomass must be regularly removed from the fermenter. This is an additional effort, but the effort pays off. After fermentation, the raw material turns into high-quality fertilizer, which is used in fields and gardens.

    A biogas plant is beneficial for the owner of a private house only if he has constant access to waste from livestock farms. On average, out of 1 cubic meter. substrate can be obtained 70-80 cubic meters. biogas, but gas production is uneven and depends on many factors, incl. biomass temperature. This complicates the calculations.