Which company is better to buy vending equipment. What are vending machines? How best to accept payments in vending

  • 27.11.2020

Every day, vending machines are replenished with new types, and existing types are supplemented with new options. With the help of machines, you can sell almost everything that a person can sell. The only difference is that trading can be carried out at any time of the day and on any day of the week without the need for rest and expensive rent.

Despite the growing popularity, vending machines are much less common in Russia and the CIS countries than in foreign countries. Accordingly, the variety of such machines is much smaller. Basically it is traditional equipment. The most common types of trading machines are:

  • - equipment for the sale of hot drinks, coffee;
  • food vending machines;
  • equipment selling non-food products;
  • devices capable of providing certain services;
  • vending machines providing entertainment services.

In countries such as Japan, such machines are used to sell a wide variety of goods and services, including the sale of jewelry, fresh meat, fish, perfumes and even bread. Some machines are capable of doing a manicure, as well as counting payment from a client based on his fingerprints.

Most popular in our country coffee vending machines and other hot drinks (tea, cocoa, hot chocolate). For the preparation of the drink, both coffee beans and soluble components can be used. There are also machines with an additional module connected, thanks to which the machine can sell not only hot, but also cold drinks to customers.

vending machines can be of various sizes, these are small desktop coffee machines (the sale range of which is limited to 4-6 drinks), and outdoor equipment, the menu of which can consist of 20-25 different drinks.

Vending equipment for the sale of food products

Such devices include equipment intended for the sale of beverages, snacks and hot food. These can be vending machines for soft drinks that sell ready-made drinks in packages or make them directly for each client.

The category of devices of this type includes, first of all, machines for the sale of sparkling water, which can be made with the addition of various syrups. Sales volume directly depends on the quality of these syrups, since only high-quality drinks will help attract regular customers. Moreover, the sale of carbonated water is a domestic feature, known to customers since the Soviet Union, while the preparation and sale of a variety of freshly squeezed juices is one of the foreign inventions. Such machines are adapted for the preparation of fortified and fruit drinks, sports or oxygen cocktails.

Snack equipment is adapted for the sale of chips, crackers, chocolates, seeds and other snack products. This is the simplest equipment when no additional modules are required, for example, for cooling or cooking products. According to statistics, the payback period for snack machines is longer than for coffee machines. Therefore, it is best to install them in tandem with equipment for the sale of hot drinks and coffee.

Food vending machines are a group of equipment that can cook or reheat food. Moreover, dishes can be very diverse, for example, pizza, pies, sandwiches, or full-fledged first or second courses. For such devices, it is mandatory to have a module for cooking or heating food. A feature of such equipment should be considered the need for regular and timely downloading of data from vending machines.

These vending machines also include equipment adapted for the sale of fruits, various kinds sushi, etc.

Vending machines for the sale of piece goods

For the sale of non-food products, both special devices and equipment designed for the sale of snacks can be used. As the products sold, you can use a wide variety of products, ranging from perfumes to hygiene products, napkins.

At the same time, for the sale of certain groups of goods, there are specially equipped vending machines adapted for the sale of a particular product. Flowers or books, newspapers, toys placed in special capsules, etc. can be traded for such equipment. Ticket vending machines are not uncommon in major cities. All metro stations in the capital are equipped with such devices.

Devices providing services

Vending equipment designed to provide certain services has both certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the absence of the need for regular loading of goods (although many types of such machines still require replenishment of consumables), and the minus should be considered the fact that such devices are less in demand among consumers.

Examples of vending machines of this type should be considered:

  • photo booths that allow you to take pictures and print finished photos in a matter of minutes;
  • copiers, which differ from a traditional copier by the presence of a bill acceptor;
  • telescopes that are in demand in places visited by tourists when they are offered sightseeing with the help of equipped devices from the territory of observation platforms;
  • massage chairs are also a type of vending equipment.

There are many other various vending machines that provide certain services to consumers, selling certain goods. Anyone who wants to build a vending business has plenty to choose from.

Good day, dear readers of the RichPro.ru business magazine! This article will discuss about vending , what vending machines are, how to start a vending business With minimum investment and what is the best way to start a novice entrepreneur.

From this article, you will learn:

  • What type of business is called vending;
  • What types of vending machines exist and where you can buy vending equipment;
  • How to start a vending business with a minimum investment;
  • What are the features of this business and how to start your own business.

Also in the publication you will find step-by-step instructions for starting your own business based on vending, answers to frequently asked questions on the subject of the article.

The information presented will be useful to study for everyone who is looking for an interesting way to make money. Don't forget that any business does not tolerate delay . Therefore, you should start reading the article right now.

About what vending is, what vending machines exist, how to start a vending business and where it is better to buy vending machines - read in this article

So, what does the concept of vending include?

Vending (vending from English. vend - sell (through vending machines)) - sale of various goods and services through special (vending) machines.

Such machines were invented a long time ago, but right now the method of earning money with the help of vending machines has become the most relevant. It is explained very simply– the pace of modern life is constantly growing, technology is steadily developing.

Today, unhurried tea parties in offices in the middle of the day have become a rarity. Most employees, in order to save working time, sacrifice a full meal, preferring quick snacks .

In such situation snack vending machines, drinks and coffee become very in demand. That is why there are more and more vending machines - they are installed in educational and medical institutions, in shops, sports complexes, at railway stations and other crowded places.

Anyone can engage in vending, it is enough to have money to purchase a vending machine. Also important choose a device that will be in demand in a particular place.

by the most in great demand use the following machines:

  • vending machines selling soft drinks;
  • tea and coffee machines;
  • apparatus for trading in small piece goods;
  • vending machines through which you can buy snacks ( for example, chips, chocolate, etc.);
  • payment terminals;
  • musical instruments;
  • slot machines.

Profit in vending is not limited by anything, provided that the type of device is chosen correctly, as well as the passable place for installation.

By the way, in Russia this type of entrepreneurship is rather uncommon. Yes, in Japan one device accounts for approximately 25 person, and in our country - on 2 000 human.

However, do not think that vending will be a way to get rich instantly. As in any business, there is competition and taxes.

Naturally, vending has a number of features - both positive and negative.

1.1. Benefits (+ ) vending

Among the advantages of such a business are the following:

  1. High level of liquidity - if necessary, the machine, together with the business, is easy to implement.
  2. Devices are easy to manage their maintenance usually does not cause problems.
  3. Vending allows you to save huge amounts on hiring workers - one specialist is enough to service a large number of machines.
  4. A large number of free niches.
  5. Ease of design – no need to issue licenses and certificates.
  6. Relatively cheap rent as the device occupies a small area.
  7. Machines can work around the clock without days off, unlike people.
  8. There is a possibility combine this business with catering .

Despite the large number of advantages of vending, it also has a number of disadvantages.

1.2. Disadvantages of (− ) vending business

The disadvantages include:

  1. It is unprofitable to start a business by purchasing only one device. In this case, the payback period will be very long. Experts do not recommend believing the claims that the machine can start making a profit within a few months. In fact, payback is achieved at a minimum in a year.
  2. Often, owners of vending machines are faced with acts of vandalism. Most often, vending machines placed on the street.
  3. Requires a lot of effort from the owner. Some people think that vending is a passive business. However, this is not so - such a statement is fundamentally wrong. In any case, a businessman will have to perform a series of actions - purchase, install and configure equipment, register a business. Subsequently, the devices will have to be serviced.

The main types of vending machines (devices): vending machine for food products, non-food items, provision of services, game (entertainment) devices

2. What are vending machines - TOP-4 most popular types 📑

Vending machines are different. In such a situation, choosing a machine that will bring maximum profit can be difficult.

View 1. Grocery vending machine

The devices through which products are blown are the most popular. The human need for food is constantly manifested, so food products are invariably in high demand.

By organizing a business selling products through vending machines, important choose the right place for its installation. A stable income is usually brought by devices installed in shopping and entertainment centers, educational institutions, offices, underground, gyms, at railway stations.

A novice businessman must remember that before buying a vending machine for the sale of products, you should decide on the place of its installation.

There are a large number of grocery vending machines. However, among them are the most popular ones.

The most popular grocery vending machines include:

  • coffee machines most often used to start vending;
  • devices for the sale of snacks, i.e. chocolate, sandwiches and other small foods;
  • soda water vending machines appeared in Soviet times last years they become popular again;
  • popcorn machines are in demand in shopping and entertainment centers, as well as cinemas;
  • pizza machines - vending machines that prepare pizza from products that the buyer chooses, they have appeared recently, but are very promising;
  • ice cream machines may soon replace the usual kiosks.

There are several disadvantages of vending machines for food products:

  1. high level of competition;
  2. the need for constant analysis of demand;
  3. equipment maintenance costs;
  4. it is important to supplement the range of goods sold, to monitor the absence of delay.

View 2. Devices for the sale of non-food products

There are much fewer vending machines selling piece non-food items than those that sell food. That's why competition in this business is significantly lower↓. However, it will take much more effort to get enough profit.

Important choose the right product, target audience, as well as a place to install the machine.

Among non-food vending machines, the most popular are:

  • toy vending machines popular where there is a high traffic of a children's audience;
  • devices that sell tickets;
  • devices selling contact lenses, as well as all kinds of means for caring for them;
  • vending machines through which hygiene products are sold.

In addition, you can find unique vending machines selling unusual goods. Among them are electronic and traditional cigarettes, books, spare parts.

View 3. Service vending machines

Vending machines for the provision of services have a significant advantage They don't need to be loaded all the time. Therefore, the maintenance of such machines is significantly easier.

The most popular are the following devices for the sale of services:

  1. payment terminals allow you to pay for all kinds of services - loans, rent, cellular communication And so on;
  2. information machines usually installed in tourist centers, as well as large cities, many of them are connected to the Internet;
  3. photo booths allow you to take a picture and print pictures in a few minutes;
  4. ready photo printing machines allow you to download and print photos from various media, as well as from social networks.

View 4. Slot and entertainment machines

Vending machines are a separate type of vending. It can be musical instruments, lotto terminals, as well as toy pulling games. Traditional slot machines.

Entertaining vending usually brings maximum profit if the devices are installed in places with the greatest concentration of young people. It is this category of the population that is the target audience of such machines.

For ease of perception, we will summarize all types of vending machines in a table, and also briefly describe what goods are sold through them.

Table of different types of vending machines and the products they offer:

Step-by-step instructions on how to start a vending business - 5 easy steps

3. How to Start a Vending Business in 5 Steps – A Step by Step Guide for Aspiring Entrepreneurs 📝

When the money is found, it's time to proceed directly to the start of the business. To minimize the number of errors, as well as speed up the process, it is useful to use step by step instructions developed by experts.

Step 1. Idea development

First of all, you should choose what type of vending the businessman wants to do. Based on this information, it is determined the target audience for which the installed equipment will be designed.

Most of the machines are intended for young people whose age is did not reach40 years. They are busy at work during the day, and spend the evenings in entertainment facilities. Many startups have already been launched on the basis of vending equipment (, we wrote in one of the previous materials).

Do not forget that most of the success in vending depends on the successful machine installation locations . First of all, it is worth evaluating the possibility of renting in the most passable places.

The most attractive places to install vending machines are:

Worth considering! Novice businessmen who cannot opt ​​for any type of apparatus can be advised to start with coffee and tea machines . At the same time, install one unit of such equipment impractical. Therefore, it is worth buying immediately 2 -3 machine.

By the way, you can increase profits if you put next to the coffee vending machine for various snacks and snacks .

For the business to be maximum successful, serious work will have to be done before installing the machine. It should include the following steps:

  1. analysis of demand for goods planned for sale through the device;
  2. assessment of the presence of competitors;
  3. study of the infrastructure in the area of ​​the planned installation of the machine;
  4. price analysis.

It would also be useful to find out how much profit can be obtained from similar devices.

When deciding to organize a business selling drinks through a vending machine, it is important to take into account factor seasonality . So, in winter, the sale of hot drinks through the vending machine increases about on the 40% .

If such a device is installed in an educational institution, in the summer the profit will fallalmost to 0 . Therefore, for a hot period, you will have to look for another way use the equipment. A suitable option is to transfer it to the venue of mass events.

Step 2. Development of a business plan

The most important step in organizing any business is drawing up a clear plan. At the same time, you should know which expenses will have to bear.

The table below shows a similar calculation using the example of vending a coffee machine.

Table of expenses when organizing a business using a coffee vending machine:

In this way , opening a business, you have to spend from80 000 before200 000 rubles just to buy a vending machine. These one-time costs largely determined by the type of device chosen.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that more expensive equipment allows you to simultaneously sell more types of goods. Naturally, this way you can increase your income.

In addition to one-time expenses, vending also involves monthly . For a business on coffee machines, their size will be about 60,000 rubles every 30 days. It is important to understand that these calculations are approximate.

In addition to the type of vending that the entrepreneur chooses, the costs are influenced by:

  • region of operation;
  • machine location;
  • solvency of persons constituting the target audience.

Let's continue with the coffee machine example. When installing equipment in countryside the cost of production should be made lower than in cities. In educational institutions, the price of a cup of coffee should be lower than in an elite sports complex.

When purchasing several machines, you should agree in advance on the lease within the same district of the city. In this case, the cost transport costs required to service the equipment will be lower. Important when buying a vending machine, check the availability service center in the installation city.

You should buy devices that are intuitive to operate. An overly complicated interface can scare off those who have never bought anything through such machines before. This means that the number of customers can significantly decrease↓.

Here is a useful and detailed article on where you can also download samples with calculations.

Step 3. Legalization of the vending business

The procedure for registering a vending business usually does not cause difficulties. This is especially true for those who have already undergone a similar procedure.

In legal as well as accounting terms, the organization and conduct of business is easier to carry out as individual entrepreneur (IP). We wrote about it in a separate article.

It is also possible if a large number of hired personnel is planned.

It is important to decide in advance on the tax regime. For vending in calculations, you can use: imputed income, and . We also described about it in a separate publication.

Step 4. Acquisition and installation of equipment

When purchasing vending machines, it is important to carefully study the offers of suppliers.

When buying vending machines, there are a number of nuances to consider.

When choosing a supplier of vending machines, you should consider:

  • cost of equipment;
  • maintenance level;
  • Availability service centers in the locality.

It would be useful to study the reviews of the owners of the devices, talk with businessmen in your city.

It is from the competent choice of a vending machine that profit largely depends.

It's important to know! Some large firms in order to attract customers bear the costs for the installation of equipment, as well as the supply of the necessary raw materials and Supplies.

The entrepreneur must keep in mind that any machine requires connection to the mains. In addition, in some cases it will be necessary to agree on the possibility of connecting equipment with plumbing.

Step 5. Search for a specialist who will service the vending machines

When the equipment is installed, configured and tested, you should find a specialist who will carry out its maintenance.

Some beginners, wanting to save money, try to carry out such work on their own. Often, such a decision malfunctions machine guns, breakdowns and other troubles. That's why better hire a specialist who is well versed in such work to serve.

You should also take into account that later, when expanding the network of vending machines, the businessman will not have time to independently serve them all. The entrepreneur must be engaged in updating the assortment, bookkeeping, advertising. It is better to entrust the work on servicing the devices to a specialist..

Thus, if an entrepreneur starting a vending business follows the instructions above, he will have problems organizing a business will not arise .

Well-known companies where you can buy vending equipment: coffee machine, snack machine and others

4. Where to buy a coffee machine and other vending equipment - an overview of the TOP-7 companies selling vending machines 📊

There are a huge number of suppliers offering vending machines on the market. In such a situation, it can be difficult to figure out which of them is better to cooperate with.

In order not to spend a lot of time on analysis and comparison proposals different firms, it is worth using the ratings compiled by experts.

Below is TOP-7 companies selling vending equipment.

1. Express Vending

The presented company is engaged in the purchase, sale and installation of various equipment for vending.

It is enough for a businessman who decided to make money on vending machines to conclude treaty with Express Vending and pay for the services of the company.

The specialists of the organization in question offer the following services:

  • selection of the type of vending equipment, as well as the range of products offered;
  • coordination of the installation site of the device;
  • installation, connection, start-up, testing of equipment;
  • regular maintenance of machines.

In addition, Express Vending can purchase equipment and even a vending network if a businessman decides to "switch" to another business.

2. Shiba Vending

Siba Vending operates on the market of Russia and Ukraine since 1999. Today, this company is engaged in the supply of vending equipment, as well as consumables for it.

Siba Vending specialists help entrepreneurs in business organization, teach them how to work with equipment.

Cooperating with the company in question, the businessman receives the following benefits:

  1. high quality service;
  2. a wide range of vending machines (snack, coffee machines and others);
  3. attractive payment terms;
  4. repair and maintenance of both purchased and leased equipment;
  5. ready-made developments and schemes for business, including franchises (We recommend reading the article - in simple words ");
  6. quality ingredients at affordable prices.

3. Super Vend Boutique

Super Vend Boutique is one of largest companies engaged in the sale of equipment for vending.

The organization sells automatic machines from leading foreign manufacturers throughout Russia.

In addition to directly selling equipment, SuperVendBoutique is engaged in:

  • sale of raw materials and consumables;
  • sale of spare parts for equipment;
  • maintenance and repair of machines.

The specialists of the company in question help in choosing the vending equipment suitable for the purposes of a particular business.

Here you can buy both used and completely new machines. At the same time, each client in SuperVendBoutique has an individual approach.

4. ART-Vending

ART-Vending operates on the market more 10 years. During the time that has passed since the founding of the company, it has managed to grow to a large network.

Here you can buy everything for the vending business:

  • new machines from popular manufacturers;
  • used devices, the performance of which has been tested by the best specialists;
  • raw materials and related products for doing business;
  • spare parts for machines.

ART-Vending is perfect for those entrepreneurs who decide to start selling through machines, but do not know how to serve them.

The company offers the following additional services:

  1. delivery, as well as connection of purchased devices;
  2. complete set of additional devices;
  3. repair;
  4. installation and service;
  5. redemption, as well as acceptance for commission sale of used machines.

5. Super Vending

SuperVending is the first vending equipment and consumables store in our country with a huge exhibition hall with an area of more 400 000 .

Here you will be offered:

  • a wide range of machines of various modifications and brands;
  • raw materials and consumables;
  • optional equipment;
  • services;
  • places for the installation of machines.

At SuperVending, you can buy a coffee machine, a snack machine, fresh juice, lenses, photography and printing services. buy coffee machine for business

6. Babylon Vending

The presented group of companies operates on the Russian market since 2007 and is the exclusive representative of the Spanish equipment produced JOFEMAR S.A. .

Babylon-Vending organizes the delivery of ordered machines. In the company's store you can always buy spare parts, as well as raw materials and consumables.

Among the advantages of Babylon-Vending are the following:

  1. unique prices for equipment manufactured by Jofemar;
  2. fast delivery of devices;
  3. warranty for all equipment;
  4. high quality service;
  5. high speed technical support;
  6. the opportunity to purchase spare parts, as well as raw materials and ingredients from the warehouse.

7. Aristocrat Vending

Company more 10 years is engaged in the production of ingredients necessary for the organization of sales through specialized machines. Aristocrat Vending has representative offices in many Russian cities ( Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and others).

Here is a huge range of necessary raw materials and consumables for business organization.

The company is constantly expanding the already rich list of products. Aristocrat Vending maintains an ideal combination of high quality and reasonable prices.

Having carefully studied the offers of the presented companies, any novice businessman will be able to buy quality vending equipment for your business. It is important to contact each of them in order to compare offers and choose the best.

3 ways to open your vending business with minimal costs

5. How to open a vending machine business with minimal investment - 3 proven ways 📋

The vending business is becoming more and more popular. This, combined with the lack of market saturation, leads to the fact that many entrepreneurs want to purchase specialized vending machines.

However due to the high cost of vending equipment, not all businessmen have enough funds to purchase it.

Specialists have developed 3 easy ways, which will help minimize the costs of organizing a vending business.

Method 1. Purchase of used equipment (second-hand)

Acquisition of new equipment for vending is not within the power of every novice businessman, so the purchase of used devices is a very relevant topic.

There are 2 options to make a purchase:

  • Option 1. Purchase from one of the vending companies. Such machines can cost almost 2 times cheaper. At the same time, companies test machines and make their pre-sale preparation.
  • Option 2. Buy equipment from private person. The price in this case may be even lower, but no guarantees will be given to the businessman.

Method 2. Purchase of equipment on the terms of a partnership agreement

Some vending companies offer businessmen to purchase equipment on a partnership basis.

It's important to know! The partnership agreement assumes that the supplier provides the entrepreneur with vending machines, in return for which he receives a certain percentage of profit.

Subsequently, after a number of agreed conditions are met, it is possible to re-register the equipment as a property.

Method 3. Vending equipment rental

With a minimum of funds, you can take equipment for vending for rent . Another affordable optionleasing or financial lease (automatic machines are leased with subsequent redemption). About that, we wrote in another publication - we advise you to read it.

Both cases allow you to start a business practically without investments. It is enough to have funds to open a business and the first rent payment.

But it's worth keeping in mind that the period during which the payback will be achieved is longer when renting equipment.

6. The main features of the vending business: documents, OKVED codes 📚

An important feature of any business is view code economic activity . It must be indicated when submitting documents for registration. Codes are determined by All-Russian classifier types of economic activity (OKVED).

This is where the difficulty comes in.– specialized codes for vending not provided. You have to choose from those values ​​that are as close as possible to what type of vending will be carried out.

Table of OKVED codes, by type of activity, as close as possible to the main types of vending business:

A businessman should be aware that the following documents will be required to conduct vending activities:

  • technical passport of the equipment used;
  • machine manufacturer's warranty certificates;
  • certificates of conformity for ingredients used in vending.

5 tips for installing coffee (vending) machines for budding entrepreneurs

7. How to start a vending businessman - 5 tips from an expert 💎

Businessmen who wish to start a vending activity should take into account not only its features. It is important to understand that opening and developing your own business requires full dedication, you will have to spend a huge amount of time and make a lot of effort.

Professionals give some advice that will help novice businessmen organize vending without any problems.

Advice 1. You should choose the right direction of vending

A businessman must choose a direction of activity that is as clear as possible to him.

If an entrepreneur does not understand anything about the product that he decided to sell, it will be difficult for him to build an activity.

Tip 2. It’s worth starting with the installation of several machines at once

If you start a vending business with 1 or 2 machines, payback will have to wait very for a long time.

That is why you should install several devices at once. In this case, the scope of activities can be expanded fairly quickly.

Tip 3. You should not think that vending is a passive income

Some believe that by installing a vending machine, they will start rowing money with a shovel.

In fact, this business requires a lot of effort from the entrepreneur. You will have to understand the basics of machine maintenance, conduct a thorough analysis of the market situation, etc.

Tip 4. It is important to have a detailed business plan

It is not necessary immediately after the appearance of the idea to run to buy a machine. Any entrepreneurial activity requires careful preparation, which should begin with calculations.

Important analyze the proposed arrived , as well as demand for the products to be sold. After that, an approximate payback period .

Based on the data obtained, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to assess how ready he is for such a business.

Tip 5. You should not choose a product for vending, the market of which is oversaturated

Today, there are a huge number of coffee machines installed. The only chance to make a profit in this area is to install the device in a new office or mall before competitors.

Analyzing demand, it is worth considering which product is not enough on the market, which product can attract maximum buyers.

Vending provides excellent opportunities for businessmen.

Today, the Russian market is not fully saturated with vending machines for various goods. Therefore, everyone an entrepreneur has a chance to find his own niche and win the trust of customers.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) 🔔

Business based on vending in Russia is gaining momentum, its popularity is growing steadily.

Therefore, entrepreneurs increasingly have various questions about organizing such a business. We traditionally tried to answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Where is it better to install vending machines?

New entrepreneurs often ask the question, Where is the best place to install a vending machine?. This question is of particular concern to those who correctly understand that BEFORE buying equipment should find a place where it will work.

It is important to understand that the place for installing vending machines must be selected in accordance with the products being sold.

The table below shows the most successful locations for placing vending machines, depending on the goods being sold.

Table the best places installation of vending equipment for the sale of various goods:

Goods for sale through a vending machine The best place to install equipment
Coffee Railway and bus stations


car washes



Chewing gum
Schools Higher education institutions
Sparkling water Cold drinks Trade- entertainment centers

Higher education institutions

Sport halls

Fitness centers

Press Printed products Metro Auto and railway stations
hot food Higher education institutions

technical schools


Question 2. How to choose a vending machine to be successful?

Every businessman wants his activity to bring maximum profit. At the same time, I want the income to be constant. However, any popular business is characterized by competition.

Expert advice for successful business using vending machines:

  1. It is important to find a crowded place to install equipment. Even the most fashionable device will not bring the desired profit if it is placed in a room with a lack of sufficient traffic.
  2. The vending machine must have an attractive appearance. Most buyers are unlikely to want to use the machine if it is dirty or worn. Most likely, such a machine will not inspire confidence in them. At the same time, the bright design will surely attract attention.
  3. Innovation is an important element of vending activity. Some unique function can become the advantage of the machine. If the new device attracts attention and seems convenient to customers, part of the competitors' profits will go to its owners.
  4. Equipment should be as simple as possible to use. The purchase of goods through the machine should be clear to buyers - literally by pressing a few buttons. More complex shopping patterns can alienate customers, especially the elderly.
  5. It is necessary to choose a place for installing the machine taking into account the target audience. The category of goods sold should correspond to the population group that most often visits the area near the device.
  6. It is important to choose a unique trade direction. The most popular vending machines attract a large number of entrepreneurs. Fighting competition can be quite difficult. It is much easier to find a unique, yet uncommon type of machine.

Following these tips will help you achieve success from the vending business.

Question 3. When will the vending machine pay off? What is the real payback of vending machines?

Vending usually does not require huge investments to start a business.

Most machines pay for themselves in about 12 months.

However, the period of entry into profit has a significant impact equipment installation site . Successful rentals in shopping malls, cinemas, gyms and other walkable establishments can significantlycut payback period.

9. Conclusion + related video 🎥

The vending business is becoming more and more popular today. Meanwhile, in Russia it is still underdeveloped.

Therefore, every entrepreneur there is a chance to earn on sales through vending machines a significant profit. However, this will require considerable effort and adherence to certain algorithms.

Questions for readers!

What type of vending machine would you choose for your business? What perspective do you see in this area of ​​business?

The RichPro.ru team hopes that our article has helped you understand how best to build a vending business. We wish you success in any endeavors and great profits.

If you have any questions on the topic, then ask them in the comments below. We will be grateful if you rate the material and share your ideas on the topic!

Traditionally, the Russian vending market is dominated by European-made coffee machines of several brands. The trend has been traced since the beginning of the emergence of Russian vending - after all, it was from European vending machines, from imports, that the market was born.

Russian market players have studied these brands of automatic machines well, created a good technical base, arranged supplies of spare parts, technical centers operate, whose employees are familiar with these brands of automatic machines and work directly with them. And what is not unimportant - the presence of these brands (companies of sellers) on the market has been around for decades.

The machines are annually demonstrated at exhibitions, updated versions are released, sellers offer a range of services - the sale of coffee machines, the sale of ingredients and utensils for vending.

Russian vending operators are cautious about the emergence of any new brands of coffee machines on the market, even if they are European machines, preferring old, proven brands. And those brands that have been on the market for many years have proven themselves well. Entering the Russian market with a new brand is quite difficult, not because the market is quite saturated, but because vending operators themselves are wary and often ignore new offers, preferring to work “traditionally”.

Rating of European-made coffee machines

Brand of the Italian concern N&W. Nekta coffee vending machines were one of the first to become available to individual entrepreneurs (then, in the 90s, coffee machines were mainly available only with the purchase of a franchise). Nekta became one of the very first brands of vending machines in Russia and quickly gained popularity.

And now Nekta coffee machines are one of the most popular, due to a developed network of sellers, a long presence in the market and good quality equipment.

The brand of the Italian company of the same name also stood at the origins of the market. Functional, high quality. Saeko coffee machines belong to the premium segment.

Rheavendors coffee machines is a brand of coffee machines from the Italian Rheavendors Group. About 50 different models of vending machines (including snack ones) are offered for sale. Riavendors machines were at the origins of the market, and then most of the machines from this manufacturer were distributed under the Nescafe franchise.

Brand of the Spanish company Jofemar. They appeared a little later, where in the early 2000s, and gained their popularity not only due to quality, but also because they cost a little cheaper than other brands, since they were assembled at the dealer's plant in Kaliningrad.

The Italian company Bianchi, also a very well-known brand of automatic machines, although now the “ardor” for it has cooled down a bit, but the brand has a stable presence on the market and continues to sell, although not in such quantities as before. Biachi machines, like Saeko, are classified as premium models.

But of course, in addition to them, there are other brands of coffee machines that are not as “heard of” as the examples given above, they appeared on a wide sale later, somewhere after the 2000s: Westomatic coffee machines, German Sielaff coffee machines, German Spengler coffee machines, American Automatik Products coffee machines (AutomatikProducts brand belongs to Crane Merchandising Systems), Italian FAS coffee machines.

Separately, I would like to note the Spanish coffee machines Azkoyen, the company of the same name. Azcoen coffee machines were also one of the first popular brands on the market, but, unfortunately, their sales in Russia were stopped for some time, then resumed through a new dealer, but it is quite difficult to make a forecast today about this brand. It is known for sure that the old players are good, they know and remember this brand, it was valued for its special “anti-vandal” properties.

Also previously present and now present, but not to the same extent, is the popular brand of coffee machines from GPE Vendors. She is also known and appreciated by the old players of the vending market.

Rating of coffee machines made in China and Korea

Here, it is probably worth noting only two brands of coffee machines, which, according to rumors, appeared even earlier than European machines. These are, the Korean company Samsung Electronics and the VISTA coffee machines of the Korean company S M COIN, production capacity which are located in China.

Venson coffee machines are very popular among entrepreneurs operating in the economy segment. Many of them fundamentally refuse to work with the "Europeans", noting that Wenson is no worse.

Vista coffee machines also belong to the “economy” segment and the company had to go through a difficult path until the equipment was brought to perfection.

But, nevertheless, these brands have been present for a long time and sales are ongoing in Russia, although vendors that work with the "Koreans" stand apart from the "Europeans", a slightly different focus of work. There are more problems with Korean assault rifles, but they also cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

The rest of the Chinese-Korean brands probably cannot be in the rating of coffee machines, since they periodically pop up on the market and also disappear. There are many different ones. Someone from a company of sellers often brings in a batch of Chinese machine guns, so that they will never be brought back later. It often happens that Chinese machines simply change their name. But these are the usual realities of the Korean-Chinese market.

Rating of Russian-made coffee machines

In this niche, precisely in terms of getting into the rating, and we evaluate, first of all, by the time of presence and sales, only one manufacturer has proven itself so far - the Unicum company. Coffee machines of this brand have been on the market for more than 5 years. The Unicum production complex is one of the largest enterprises in Eastern Europe, the plant is located in St. Petersburg and, according to the company, can produce more than 20,000 units of vending equipment per year.

Of course, among Russian companies there are coffee machines of their own production, but so far none of them has declared itself as widely as Unicum. For example, there is a Russian brand of eVend coffee machines, the EPS group of companies, the company has its own developments and production since 2002. These machines have their fans.

In recent years, a number of other Russian manufacturers coffee machines, however, as noted above, no one has entered the “wide” sales yet. Therefore, it is not possible for us to compare these companies.


Vending and its popularity

Every year there are new directions for business development. The world of innovation does not stand still, and our life becomes better and much easier. Through numerous developments, we can and own efforts. Today we will talk about such a direction of business as vending, and find out how it makes our life easier.

Have you ever paid for cellular communications through a terminal in a shopping center? Surely you bought coffee in plastic cups, which is prepared in a few seconds in a special machine? If your answer is yes, then you know what vending is!

Vending - These are special devices that allow you to sell goods and even provide services without workers.

The development is aimed at people who are used to doing everything on the go. Today, life is built in such a way that we are constantly in a hurry somewhere. The vending machines help us to buy the right products along the way, without wasting time waiting in the queues of stores.

This direction appeared at the end of the 19th century in the West and in America. In Russia, the business started in the 90s. In our country, there are more than 2,000 people per vending machine.

For comparison, in Japan, there are just over 20 people per service device! This suggests that Russia is extremely underdeveloped.

For the most part, we sell coffee and cell phone bills through vending machines. In the West, there are entire electronic boutiques where you can buy anything from liquor to technology.

Despite the underdevelopment of machines in our country, it is already making itself felt, and its methods sometimes go beyond the law. To start your vending business, you need to come up with something special, which has no analogues yet. Otherwise, it is unlikely to pay off, and the owner will suffer losses.

Such problems often affect beginners in this business, who choose a deliberately failed option (with the same coffee machines, the vending market for which is oversaturated), lose interest in their own idea, curtailing their activities.

Today we will tell you which direction of vending to choose in order to avoid possible failures, and how to consolidate your position in this market.

What are vending machines

Today, there are many directions for the development of trade through specialized machines. Many believe that they are the future. Shops in our current understanding will someday become a thing of the past. They will be replaced by e-commerce and vending.

Each year is marked by new developments in terms of the device of machines. They have new functions that replace a person. For example, one of the recent innovations is online consultation.

On the touch screen of the device, after pressing a few buttons, a video with a consultant will appear, who will inform you about the possibilities of the machines and tell you how to use them. This is especially true for older people, for whom slot machines are something of a fantasy.

All existing machines can be divided into 4 types:

  • Selling food. Their diversity is impressive. You can buy everything from chocolate bars to freshly prepared pizza, and you can choose the ingredients for the latter according to your taste. It is convenient for a snack on the road, as well as for those who eat at the office or do not like to cook at home. The machine will warm up your lunch and pack it in an environmentally friendly container;
  • Selling merchandise. For example, you can buy a tie if you forgot it at home, an umbrella, scarves, and even personal hygiene products. Prices for goods in most cases can compete with store prices, and therefore are in demand;
  • Providing services. You have probably seen massage chairs in shopping malls that relax your back muscles for a small fee. These are express services that you can get while shopping. In our country, vending services are still an unoccupied area, and therefore future entrepreneurs have great chances to find their own niche;
  • Slot machines. Recently, the demand for them has gone up again. This includes karaoke machines installed in various establishments. For a fee, the device will play any melody.

In each of the above types of vending, there are many subgroups. For example, food vending machines offer both ready-made products in factory packaging (chocolate, chewing gum, baby puree, etc.), as well as freshly prepared dishes (mashed potatoes, spaghetti, etc.).

Selling piece goods is the most acceptable option for beginners. Food tends to spoil, which means that such a machine will need to be monitored quite often. In addition, an unsold product with an expired shelf life is a loss.

Selling children's toys, stationery, appliances, you do not often have to look inside the machine to fill it with new goods.

Services in vending - This is a fairly new and most difficult direction. For example, few people entrust their own hands for manicure to an electronic machine. Most people deal with experienced professionals with whom they have known each other for several years. Moreover, the low cost of vending services is also unlikely to attract customers.

Slot machines have one important feature. If the previous three groups of devices can be placed in almost any shopping center, institution or on the street, then gaming machines have placement restrictions. In addition, this area has not so many areas for development, and today most of them are already occupied.

Step-by-step instructions for those who want to get into vending

Starting your own business on the example of vending is not so difficult. You don't need to beautify. It acts as an automaton that occupies a minimum of space, and you can place it anywhere.

To start a business based on vending, you need to go through several steps:

  • First, decide on the niche you want to fill.. You must choose the actual direction for your own business. Look for it among those that are most understandable to you. Beginners should not open a business in those niches that are already saturated. It is better to look for something new and interesting that will attract a certain category of consumers and will quickly generate income. Here it is important to pay attention to such indicators as the size of the settlement, the demand for goods, the prices of competitors;
  • Development of a vending project. , which will include all the detailed calculations. Among the mandatory should be calculations of payback periods, monthly income, expenses for goods, rental and repair of equipment. Here you also need to take into account the cost of the device (it varies from 30,000 rubles to 1,000,000 rubles) and service personnel(which will repair the damage). The number of placed machines is also a lot important factor;
  • Registering a business at the official level. You need to register your own activities in accordance with the law. Most often vending. To do this, collect all Required documents and go to the tax office at the place of registration. Do not forget . Within 5 days from the date of application, your business will be registered. Only after that you can start spending money on purchases for further activities;
  • Purchase of the machine and goods. Equipment that is not always required can be purchased in the city of residence, especially if it is a small town. In this case, you will have to order a machine from a supplier located in another city and wait for delivery. For the purchase of goods, it is better to use wholesale offers so that the cost of the margin justifies itself;
  • Equipment installation. You need to decide on the installation site of the machine at the planning stage. This is the most important factor on which your future profit depends. It is necessary to analyze different points and compare rental prices. Choose the most accessible places with an acceptable cost. Conclude a lease agreement, bring the device to the point and do not forget to connect it to the electronic network;
  • . Some start-up entrepreneurs often try to repair and load equipment on their own, and this is a big mistake. If there is only one machine (and this is extremely unprofitable), then you can deal with technical issues without outside help. If you have installed several devices, then you cannot do without an employee. Find a qualified person who has experience with such machines. In the event of a breakdown, he will quickly find the source of the problem and restore work. Today, the management of many machines is available online. At home or somewhere away from the device, you can control the remaining products and possible problems.

Each stage has its own nuances. It all depends on your desire, goals, and, of course, the amount Money, which you are ready to invest at the initial stage.

The choice of direction largely determines the essence of all subsequent steps, and therefore this issue must be approached responsibly. Today, the sale of food products through vending machines is the best vending for Russia, and therefore it is worth taking a closer look at this area.

Which vending machine will be successful

Any entrepreneur wants his business to bring a high stable income. However, at the initial pores, you will have to work hard to make the most of it. Competition is dizzying for sellers of identical products, who can sometimes take unpredictable actions.

To avoid their tricks and pay attention potential consumers specifically on your machines, you need to know some of the secrets of this area. We will share them with you.

So, in order for your vending to flourish, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The machine must be located in a public place. Having placed even the most trendy product in a blind passage, it is unlikely that you will be able to get at least some profit;
  • The category of goods must correspond to the population group to which the sale is directed.. For example, placing a tie vending machine in a children's clinic is clearly;
  • The machine must be attractive in appearance. If it is bright, interesting, then they definitely will not pass by it. It is better to come up with a catchy design, eye-catching graphics. Then your device will become noticeable;
  • Choose a technique that is easy to use. Buying should be easy: in a couple of button presses. More intricate actions will lead to the reluctance of customers to use the machine. It should be understandable for any age and different categories of the population;
  • Innovations are the engine of not only progress, but also vending. If your machine has some unique features, this is a big plus. The main thing is that buyers are interested in them. If such functions seem convenient to them, then competitors will lose a share of the profit that will go to you;
  • Choose an interesting direction for vending. Battered niches are not your option. Find something special. The development of vending areas is a very promising occupation, because through the devices you can trade anything. There are still a lot of empty niches, which means you have a chance to stand out and take your business to the next level.

One of the main conditions when doing vending is to choose the direction in which you understand. This is the basis of your future activity. Such a business will be understandable and interesting, which means that you will make every effort to develop it.

TOP-20 vending machines

Vending business is an opportunity to show your creative nature by discovering something new. Modern society(especially young people and middle-aged citizens) easily adapt to the ever-changing realities of life. Vending is just something that can demonstrate new items quite often, satisfying the demand for everything unusual.

Choosing a direction for vending is not an easy task. There are plenty of untapped niches that are open to new entrepreneurs. We have selected for you 20 directions for vending machines that will definitely interest consumers with their novelty and convenience. Maybe one of them will be the start of your big business.

The best vending machines:

  1. Coffee machines. This type of vending will always be profitable. It has long established itself in the market;
  2. Vending for the sale of heated food. In America, for example, they practice the sale of warm eggs, which in in large numbers buy office workers for a snack at work. Today it is not fashionable to dine in full mode with the first and second courses. There are so many things to do that you want to eat something in a hurry, but you can do without harmful fast food. Warmed food is a ready-made hearty lunch, which will take no more than 10 minutes;
  3. Sale of liquor. In Russia, this niche is free. In the West, alcohol has long been sold through vending machines. The sale is built not only on bottles, but also on cups with some kind of drink. Abroad, there are devices with a breathalyzer. Drinking customers will not be able to purchase an alcoholic drink. And for those who, in the middle of a walk, wanted to drink a glass of martini, the machine will fulfill such a desire for a moderate fee;
  4. Tie vending machine. It is in high demand in America. It is relevant for those who often forget their tie at home, or some event is planned ahead, and there is no time for shopping;
  5. Printing photos from social networks. For example, Instagram photos are especially popular among young people. Machines that allow you to get a ready-made photo card in a matter of seconds are located in the West on every corner. For Russia it is new idea, which can bring a lot of income, taking into account the growth in the popularity of social networks;
  6. Sale of live crabs. Japan is the initiator of such trade. In this country, crabs are used in 90% of dishes, and therefore their purchase is carried out daily;
  7. pantyhose machine. An essential item for any woman. They are torn at the most inopportune moment, and there is no time to look for them in stores. Such vending will be profitable if the machine is located in a large office building;
  8. Vending on medical consumables and personal care products. Many people find it unpleasant to be in the queues of pharmacies for the next purchase. The machine helps to purchase the right product quickly, and besides, without extraneous attention;
  9. Sleepbox machine. Actual idea for airports and train stations. It is a small room, no more than 4 square meters. m., where you can sleep while waiting for the flight;
  10. Sale of adult magazines. This is a hit shopping in Japan. In order not to blush in front of sellers and buyers standing behind you, you can make a purchase in the machine;
  11. Automatic machine with meat products and semi-finished products. Here you can also sell sausages, and smoked meats, and even canned food;
  12. French fries vending. A great idea for those who want to eat when there are no fast food outlets nearby. In such machines, potatoes are cooked in a matter of seconds. You can choose the sauce for it;
  13. Sale of cakes. Mini cakes, cupcakes and even pancakes with sweet filling - all this is the object of desire for many sweet teeth. Goodies that can be bought along the way are a great option to have a snack or take edibles for tea in case of unexpected arrival of guests;
  14. Lampomat. The sale of light bulbs will be relevant for many, many years to come. Going to the store to replace a burnt out light bulb is a waste of time, and technology can replace such burdensome trips;
  15. Machines for forgetful parents. It sells baby nipples, diapers, wet wipes and other useful things that moms and dads need;
  16. Sale of sushi and rolls. Russians liked Japanese cuisine, and therefore such vending is very relevant today, just like in the Land of the Rising Sun;
  17. Automatic with comfortable shoes . This is a great option for women who visit clubs and dance bars in heels. After long dances, the question arises of more comfortable shoes that can be changed right now and at a low price;
  18. Vending first medical care . Sale of bandages, adhesive plasters and various medicines. It will be useful for those who rubbed corns in new shoes or got injured on the street. Such a machine makes it possible to treat the wound and continue the walk;
  19. Bread trade. An excellent option for machines that will definitely be in demand. Bread in Russia is bought daily in huge quantities, and therefore vending in this area is a profitable business;
  20. Vending in the form of an aquarium. In Russia, it has already appeared in many shopping centers. Attracts the attention of parents with children. To feed the inhabitants of the aquarium, you need to pay a fee and press a couple of keys.

There can be many more ideas for vending. The main thing is to hook the consumer, find an approach to him, and then the profit will appear.

We place vending machines correctly

As you already understood, vending will bring high income only if the machines are located in a good place. For these purposes, it is necessary to proceed from the category of goods and the contingent corresponding to them.

Sales, customer demand and all your further activities depend on the location of the equipment. It is important to understand that the right choice of location will set the direction for the business, allow you to move on, develop and give ideas for new developments.

Competitors in vending can be not only the same owners of vending machines, but also various shopping centers, shops, etc. If you sell fast food using a fast food machine, you should not place it next to a cafe fast food. So you definitely won't make money.

It is better to place such a machine at the station, at the airport or in such shopping centers where the presence of small cafes is minimal. A device located in a university or school will also be in demand.

Everything that is aimed at the attention of children is best installed in children's shopping centers or near large children's parks and playgrounds. Children's slot machines are also installed here, which often attract the attention of parents.

Selling coffee or tea is a hot topic for office buildings. There will definitely be lovers of such drinks here, and demand will only grow.

When placing the machine, you need to pay Special attention patency of the place. If you have chosen a shopping center, then the appropriate option is to exit it. Most often, there is a coffee machine or soft drinks machine. The device should not interfere in the aisle, it should be placed so that it is convenient for any visitor to use it.

Beginners usually place machines near those that competitors have already installed. It is important here to choose the right pricing policy and pay attention to the variety of goods so that the consumer is interested in the new machine.

Often, machines are installed even on the street. It is important to understand that cheap devices are not suitable for such purposes. The equipment must be of high quality and have anti-vandal protection. Otherwise, you can lose a business in which a lot of money has been invested overnight.

If you decide to start a business with vending, you need to take into account all the nuances of this direction. Your own business is not an easy task: you need to make a lot of efforts so that the process “goes on”. We want to give you some advice so that you have fewer questions and difficulties on the first steps towards developing your own vending business.

Tips for vending newbies:

  • Choose the direction you like. You should not engage in the sale of equipment through vending, if it brings high profits, but you do not understand anything about it. Business should be clear even at first, and in order not to complicate your task, find something familiar;
  • Install several machines at once. One or two devices will pay off for too long. During this time, you will not earn profit. If there are several machines, then literally in the first year you will be able to expand the boundaries of your business;
  • Do not believe those who say that vending is simple business, doing which you can sit back. Vending machines are complex structures that are a dark forest for beginners in this field. It also requires drawing up a detailed one, and if something goes wrong, then you can incur big losses;
  • Do not sell products whose niche is already full. Coffee, soft drinks. Their trade is relevant only in new shopping centers or offices (if you manage to agree with the owner of the building before other competitors). Choose a new area that will be of interest to buyers;
  • Do not rush "in the pool with your head". Vending, like any other business, requires careful calculations. If you have some kind of stunning idea - do not run immediately to buy a machine. Analyze the possible profit and payback period, weigh all the pros and cons. Cold calculation and knowledge of the matter are important here. Otherwise, you risk, and then be disappointed in consumer demand. Put yourself in the shoes of consumers and understand what is important to them, not to you as a business owner.

Vending provides interesting opportunities for business development. This niche in Russia is at the beginning of its formation. Any novice entrepreneur, if desired, will be able to occupy his own niche and win the trust of the buyer.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


Regardless of macro- and microeconomic factors, the vending business - the sale of services, industrial goods or food products through special machines, is gaining wide popularity among the enterprising part of the population. Naturally, questions arise, which machine is better to purchase, what is the profitability of this equipment, and so on. Well, let's answer these and other important questions related to the successful conduct of business on machines that offer the population certain goods, as well as services.

One of the advantages of this drink is the ability to unite almost all people! That is, selling coffee is appropriate in the office, shopping center or just on the street near the metro! Taking into account the fact that such a machine can offer more than a dozen drink options without the intervention of a bartender, it is able to give a few pleasant moments to a person during labor day or travel.

Thanks to this feature of the drink, analysts recommend starting a vending business with the purchase and installation of these particular machines in the following places in the city:

  • Shopping or business centers.
  • Waiting rooms - airports, railway stations, bus stations.
  • Various financial institutions - banks, foyer tax service and so on.
  • General education school, higher educational institutions.
  • Mail.
  • Cinemas, theaters, entertainment centers.

Attention! There are actually many options for placing coffee machines. However, it is advisable to install them still indoors, since the successful operation of the unit requires a temperature range from -40C to +400C!

experience or marketing research can give exact figures regarding the expected profit. Yet the most elementary calculations can show a clear picture of the potential profit. A coffee machine will cost its owner from 1,500 to 5,000 North American rubles - it all depends on the versatility of the model and the ability to purchase used equipment. From 150 to 200 of the same North American rubles per month will be required to load the coffee machine. The same amount of money must be spent to buy hot chocolate and tea.

The average power machine gives out about 40 - 120 cups of aromatic drink daily, the cost of which is from 10 rubles. Even such average indicators bring profit to the entrepreneur in the amount of 12,000 rubles per month! Let's add here the sale of portions of coffee with additives, which are a priori more expensive than a regular drink, and bring this amount up to 20,000 rubles! Let's take away the rent of the area, taxes, maintenance of the unit and the cost of ingredients - the net profit will be about 5-6 thousand rubles per machine per month. Full payback occurs within 1 - 2 years.

Relatively new for Russian open spaces, the business of snack machines - units equipped with refrigeration units and selling small-packed products, as well as drinks in bottles, cans, tetra-packs, is steadily gaining popularity.

Fact! The ancestor of a modern vending machine was found by archaeologists during excavations in China. The age of the device has been dated to several thousand years and was intended to sell pencils!

Aggregates can be divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor -powerful machines that got their name due to the principle of product supply (conveyor-elevator delivery). They are universal, as they can be loaded with various types of small-packed products of any size and shape, as well as in fragile packaging.
  2. Spiral - these snack machines are characterized by the fact that the purchased products are moved immediately to the tray, and from there to the buyer. The size and shape of the goods do not matter, and an elevator is provided for fragile packages.
  3. Cellular . The name of the machine speaks for itself. The buyer takes the purchased products from the cell of the unit. With the help of such equipment, it is possible to sell large-sized products - fruits, vegetables, offal, cakes, and so on.
  4. Mini snacks . This type machines are characterized by small size. Accordingly, it is not intended for large downloads of a particular product. It is good to use in tandem, for example, with a coffee machine. The unit can be mounted on a wall, placed on a bar or on the floor.

The cost of snack machines depends on the manufacturer, volume, type. For example, one of the most reliable in this segment universal anti-vandal machine SM6367 from VendShop will cost 174 thousand rubles, and a floor-standing snack unit from North American manufacturers is offered at a price of 327 thousand rubles. Naturally, used units will cost less. By the way, the service life of the units is 10 years. With proper maintenance, this period can be extended to 20 years! Therefore, it is advisable to hire an operator who will monitor technical condition machines.

Attention! The secret to the success of a vending machine business - snack machines are no exception - is the correct placement of equipment. These should be places with a high level of patency of the population (potential buyers) - shopping and entertainment centers, metro stations and railway stations, underground passages, offices, educational institutions, and so on. Having chosen the optimal place, the snack machine will pay off within six months!

Vision problems are observed in almost every second person. For many reasons, visually impaired people prefer contact lenses. Therefore, a vending machine for the sale of lenses is a relevant startup for those who are taking their first steps in entrepreneurship and do not operate with impressive capital. The cost of such machines varies from 150 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the brand of the model.

Payback - within 5 - 8 months, subject to the successful location of the equipment:

  • Gyms and sports complexes.
  • Polyclinics.
  • Educational institutions and so on.

Lenses are a commodity that can be attributed to expensive products. An infrared sensor installed in the vending machines controls sales - if the goods, for some reason, were not issued to the buyer, then the amount of money will not be debited from the client's credit card. If, for one reason or another, the products are not in demand for a long time, the unit can always be converted for the sale of another product.

The profitability of a lens vending machine can be calculated by simple mathematical operations. The average cost of one lens with an extra charge of 300 - 400 rubles is 600 "wooden". Monthly through such an automatic outlet 100 lenses are being sold - a vending machine installed where the level of human traffic is high can increase this figure by several times. So, we multiply 400 by 100 and get 40,000 rubles per month from one unit! Of these, we subtract 10,000 rubles for renting the area occupied by the machine, tax, maintenance and get 30,000 rubles of net income!

Soda water vending machine

In terms of cost-benefit ratio, the good old "soda" vending machine business is considered profitable. The cost of machines is in the range from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

  1. The cost of one glass of simple "soda" is 10 rubles. Taking into account the sale of 50 cups per day, we get 15,000 rubles per month.
  2. The cost of one glass of water with syrup is 20 rubles. Taking into account the sale of 150 cups a day (“soda” with syrup sold better even in Soviet times), we get 90,000 rubles a month.
  3. We subtract the monthly costs for ingredients - bottles of water and syrup, tax, rent for the area occupied by the machine, transportation costs, electricity, maintenance. As a result, we get a figure of approximately 65 thousand rubles.

Thus, payback occurs within 4 - 5 months. Naturally, the above figures are the costs and profits from one machine! Machines should be installed in places where the level of traffic is at least 2,000 people per day, then in the winter period the sale will be at least 100-150 cups of "soda" per day.

Fact! This direction in the business of vending machines is quite free - the demand is not satisfied with the proposals. Even in Moscow, only half a thousand of such units were installed, while under the Union in Zlatoglavaya there were 10,000 vending machines selling the famous “soda” for 3 kopecks with syrup and 1 kopeck for a glass with ordinary gas water.

Ice cream vending machines

The sale of cold treats through vending machines is a relatively young vending trend that is steadily gaining popularity. The unusual process of serving ice cream with a pump arm, which can be observed through the transparent front wall of the machine, is a real show, especially fascinating for children!

The vending machine sells ready-made ice cream in the following form:

  • In horns.
  • In briquettes.
  • Eskimo on sticks.
  • Cold ice.

Depending on the brand of the model, the capacity of the unit can reach up to 500 portions and over 10 types of cold treats! The average price of ice cream vending machines ranges from 150 thousand rubles.

Fact! In the event of a blackout, enhanced product freezing keeps the goods in the machine usable for 12 hours!

Another one positive characteristic such units - the occupied area is only 1 m2, which allows you to install machines in a wide variety of places.

For example, where the flow of people exceeds 2,000 people per day:

  • Railway, air and bus stations.
  • Shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Educational establishments.
  • Cinemas, museums and so on.

The relatively small dimensions of such machines also contribute to a reduction in the rent for a trading place, which, even in the most passing place, will not exceed 10 thousand rubles a month. With an average cost of 50 rubles per serving, you can count on 30 sales per day (the machine works around the clock). Accordingly, the monthly revenue will be 45,000 rubles. Of this amount, 35% or 15,000 rubles is the net profit of the entrepreneur.

Based on these figures, we get - the machine will pay off within 10 months.

Photo kiosk as a business

A metal case with a built-in computer for viewing photographic images, a printer for printing, connectors for connecting various digital media, a bill acceptor and a device for issuing a check - a photo kiosk, the cost of which varies depending on the model within 4-9 thousand North American dollars. Recharge feature mobile phone, as in terminals, allows the owner of the machine to have additional income.

The main functions of the photo kiosk include:

  1. Recording of this or that information on a digital medium.
  2. Editing photographic images.
  3. Photo printing.
  4. Acceptance of money for payment mobile communications and Internet providers.

Like the terminals that accept payments for various services, the photo kiosk has an Internet connection, which allows its owner to control the operation of the unit from a distance - the number of transactions made by the machine, the consumption of materials, ink, receipt tape, and so on.

The demand for such machines is observed in megacities, as well as in resort cities, where tourists are in a hurry to quickly get a photo of a memorable place and similar images.

Photo kiosks are usually installed in the following places:

  • Shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Hotels, hotels.
  • Restaurants.

The payback period and profitability of a photo kiosk can be seen on following example- for example, the cost of the machine is 5,000 conventional units. The average photo print rate per month is 1,500 images. The cost of one image is 32 cents, while the cost price is 15 cents.

Accordingly, we multiply 17 cents by 1,500 photos and receive an income of 255 North American rubles per month. To this amount, you need to add another 300 dollars - a percentage of replenishing the account of mobile devices and paying for the Internet. As a result, we have the figure of 555 dollars, from which we subtract the cost of renting a retail space (1.5 m2), taxes, raw materials, which in total will be 50 conventional units. The remaining $500 is net profit, showing that the payback of the photo kiosk comes within 10 months.

Such vending units are very popular on popular tourist routes - for a small fee, a traveler receives a souvenir coin packed in a plastic bag with the emblem of the city, sights and the like. Moreover, the process itself resembles a kind of game, which captures tourists even more! They are installed in places where the flow of people is at least 2,000 people per day - airport and bus stations, railway stations, shopping and entertainment centers, recreation parks, and so on.

Vending machines for the sale of souvenir coins have four chutes, where minted coins of 4 types are placed. Each chute holds 30 souvenir coins.

  1. The cost of the machine varies within 60,000 rubles.
  2. The cost of a souvenir coin is 40 rubles.
  3. Souvenirs are sold at 100 rubles apiece.

By obvious calculations, we see that the payback of such a unit comes in 1 - 2 months!

Kvass vending machines

The cold season is over. There are hot days ahead and unbearable thirst, a priori arising in people who want to drink a glass of another traditional refreshing drink! Therefore, vending machines for the sale of kvass - great idea to start entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, with a competent approach, investments will pay off within 4-5 months (summer season), and if you make an effort, you can go to net profit! The next season will bring only profit!

Based on the figures below, it is easy to calculate the profitability of the vending business for kvass:

  1. The cost of the unit is from 140,000 rubles.
  2. The capacity of the machine is 100 liters of kvass, which it serves to customers from standard kegs of 20 or 50 liters.
  3. Taking into account the use of 200 ml cups, a single filling of the machine is enough for 500 portions of the drink. The unit holds 600 cups.

Through simple calculations, we see the payback and profitability of this business. Even with the condition of the cost of renting a trading platform for a machine, tax, and so on.

The temperature of the drink is maintained at a constant level by a special cooling element installed in the machine. In addition, it is possible to offer potential buyers both carbonated and traditional kvass, significantly expanding the clientele. You can install a remote control system on the unit and monitor the operation of the machine from a distance - using SMS alerts.

Regarding the location of the machine, here are recommendations, as for all vending machines, next to the flow of people. If this is some trading floor- it is better to give preference to a store with glass doors or large windows so that the machine, which can be painted in catchy bright colors, is clearly visible from the outside.

The main attraction of shoe shine vending is relatively small start-up capital. The cost of the machine ranges from 700 to 1,500 North American "evergreen", depending on which model. There are units that are more expensive, but it makes no sense to purchase them, at least in the early stages of the business.

  1. Business, shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Buildings of administrative and state importance.
  3. All kinds of stations.

Payback occurs within 1 - 2 months. Of course, it all depends on where the unit is installed. However, this applies to any vending machine. Can be hung on the wall or placed on the floor. Most machines are designed for cleaning leather or suede shoes, but there are combined models.

Before you start organizing this type of business, you should study the features locality, solvency of the population. Vending machines for charging mobile devices are recommended to be placed in cities with a population of at least 500,000 people. They should be installed, like all vending machines, in places with the greatest flow of people and the ability to connect to the power grid - stations of all types, as well as gas stations. The minimum starting capital is from 35,000 rubles, where 30,000 rubles will be the cost of a simple machine with 6 connectors.

The principle of operation is simple:

  1. The client plugs his mobile device, laptop, multimedia player, and the like into the appropriate connector.
  2. Pay for the required time.
  3. After the beep, he turns off his device.

Depending on the solvency of the population, the cost of 10 minutes of charging can vary from 10 to 50 rubles. With a good location of the machine and active promotional activities he can give from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles a month. If we take the minimum figure, then minus the cost of renting retail space, tax, maintenance, the entrepreneur's net income will be 9-10 thousand rubles a month. Thus, payback occurs within 4 - 5 months.

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