We are starting a quad bike rental business. Idea for tourist centers. ATV rental is an interesting and profitable business with low competition Opening procedure and basic costs

  • 11.10.2021

This business has long become popular both in Ukraine and in Russia. Its effectiveness has been tested by hundreds of entrepreneurs. In this article, I would like to consider the main nuances of starting an ATV rental business.

General representations

In order to start, you will first need to register as an entrepreneur. It will be enough for you to register as an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system.

After all the documents are ready, you need to take care of the place for the provision of services, as well as a room for storing equipment.

The ideal option would be if you live in a resort town. It can be located near the sea, then ATV rides can be carried out in the fields located not far from it. The views are simply breathtaking and the customers will be happy. The second option is walking in a flattering area. Pine forest is perfect for such trips.

If you live in a big city, then delivering equipment to the nearest forest should not be a problem, the main thing is the demand for this service. To store equipment, you will need a garage with a size of 50 sq.m. and more, it all depends on how many "devices" you will be purchasing.

From the staff you will need an instructor, you can take on the role of an accountant. Organize a percentage payment system, so your employee will be interested in attracting as many customers as possible.

The cost of starting a business

It is clear that the main issue that interests start-up entrepreneurs is the amount of initial investment. So, let's try to figure out what's what.

1.) Purchase of 4 used ATVs - $ 25,000 - $ 30,000. The cost of new ones will be around $ 50,000. We are talking about really reliable Yamaha, BRP, Honda, etc. The cost of Chinese models is several times less. But we would advise you to choose a reliable transport.

2.) Purchase of protective accessories: 8 helmets (about $800), chest protection gear - (8 pieces about - $2600), 4 pairs of protective gloves ($400), 8 pairs of elbow pads ($920).

3.) Paperwork - about $300.

4.) Employee salary - 10 - 15% of the profit.

5.) Renting a garage for storing equipment - $ 400 / month.

6.) Repair and maintenance costs - $50 - $100/month.

It is also necessary to add the cost of fuel for ATVs and the delivery of equipment to the place of walks.

Total total costs will be in the region - $ 35,500.

How much can you earn?

On average, the cost of an hour of travel on an ATV is about $50. Subtracting the cost of fuel (about 5l / 100km.) And the salary of an employee 10% - 15%, you can get about $ 25 net for one hour of ATV rental. Considering that the working day will be about 5 hours, and you have about 4 vehicles available, you can earn about $500 per day.

Underwater rocks

This type of business is characterized by its own nuances, below we will describe the main ones.

2.) Allow only sober citizens to walk. Often in resort towns you can see how tipsy people want to use this service. Do not, under any circumstances, let them do this. After all, you are responsible for your customers.

3.) Mandatory safety precautions before providing services. The ideal option would be to sign a document that the client is fully responsible for their health and is aware of the dangers of the service.

4.) Trips with an instructor, at least you need someone to monitor the condition and adequacy of the drivers.

5.) Turn off the motor with a key fob and speed limiter. This is also one of the mandatory points that should be worked out.

6.) As an option, you can take something as a pledge in case of damage to your property.

What to offer the client?

As with starting a snowmobile business, you need to develop a series of routes that you will drive. Don't concentrate on one track, whoever you had will never want to re-ride, but with new, exciting tracks, with jumps, difficult sections and other obstacles, they will be a great solution for regular customers.

Create a website, as well as a paper booklet with walking maps. This will help your customers make a faster decision, and also indicate the prices for services in the booklet.

Additional services

Often your visitors will be with children around 10-16 years old. In this case, you can offer children's ATVs for rent, they are cheaper (used about $ 300), and the cost of a ride on it will be about $ 20 - $ 25.

Purchasing children's ATVs will be a great step towards expanding your business.

ATV rental is a business with a quick payback. Since this type of service appeared in our country not so long ago, the competition in the market is quite weak and you can make good money with just a few ATVs. But you need to take into account the fact that any business related to extreme sports is accompanied by high costs.

You must understand that you can, of course, open an ATV rental at any time of the year, but it is better to develop a plan in such a way as to do it in the spring.

Depending on the climatic zone in which you live, this business can be purely seasonal - late spring-early autumn. But even if winter does not spoil you with snow, it is worth considering that people are much more willing to spend time outdoors in the warm season. By the way, as an option for expanding your business, you should consider purchasing snowmobiles to avoid downtime in the winter. The payback of rental directly depends on the location. In resort areas, rental will pay for itself in a season, in other places it will take about a year.

What is a business plan and why is it needed?

Before deciding to open an ATV rental, you need to thoroughly study this type of activity. And the best way not to overlook anything would be writing a business plan. Describing point by point all the subtleties of the case, you yourself realize whether this type of activity suits you personally and whether you are ready for possible costs and problems.

A business plan is an accurate and specific description of a business project. If you are looking to invest from outside, you simply cannot do without a business plan. All data that will be presented in your business plan must be accurate and verified. It is better to check all the information personally to be sure of its veracity. The main idea must be clearly defined. We choose the language of presentation as concise as possible.

Since you are writing a business plan not only for yourself, but also for potential investors, take Special attention the first and last paragraphs of the plan. People will start reading your plan with one of these parts, and if they are not interested in it, your project will not be considered further.

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How is a business plan built?

Every business plan is written certain scheme. It is universal for anyone and should reveal all the prospects of this direction.

  • general description of the project;

This paragraph should show the relevance of this type of business, describe potential consumer your services and have brief analysis market competition. Also, do not forget about your development prospects.

  • legal issues;

At this point, you need to indicate which of the types entrepreneurial activity you choose and why.

  • financial aspect;

One of the most difficult points, since you have to calculate not only the expected income, but also all regular expenses. The main thing is to describe how much money is needed to open such a business, without missing any of the expense items.

  • risks;

At this point, it is necessary not only to describe the possible risks, but also to prescribe ways to solve possible problems.

  • conclusion;

At the end, you draw final conclusions, which should be logically based on all of the above.

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The main points of the project description

The first thing you learn is competition. Although it is not high in this business, it still exists, especially in recreation areas, since here the popularity of rental is much higher.

Pay special attention to the list of services provided. you can offer routes of different lengths for beginners and professionals. True connoisseurs of such a holiday are willing to pay 15%, sometimes 20% more for the opportunity to ride in rainy weather. It is worth considering the options for VIP services. Each non-standard idea will increase the popularity of your rental.

Describe the potential consumer of your services. This item will be of particular relevance in the development of advertising.

Registration of an object of entrepreneurial activity. Two registration options are suitable for ATV rental - IP (individual entrepreneur) and LLC (company with limited liability). The choice of one of the registration forms will determine your rights and obligations as an entrepreneur, the details of reporting and the percentage of tax.

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Project financial planning

Initial costs:

  • purchase of equipment. At the first stage, if you want to save money, you can try to buy used ATVs. But in this case, they need to be examined by a person who is well versed in this type of technique. Otherwise, you may face many problems with repairs in the future;
  • rent or purchase of premises for storage of equipment;
  • land lease for the route;
  • paperwork. It may be necessary to consult a lawyer;
  • purchase of sets of equipment (according to the number of ATVs) - a helmet, protection for knees, elbows, chest and gloves;
  • inspection and registration in Gostekhnadzor.

Monthly costs:

  • rent (if the premises are not purchased) and utility bills;
  • fuel;
  • salary for instructors and mechanics;
  • spare parts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the advertising of your business. ATV rental requires a fairly active advertising campaign. you can use the different ways available to you to promote your project: from handing out flyers to billboards on the roads. One of the very effective ways to advertise this business is to promote it in in social networks. If finances allow, you can also open a website that will be a presentation of your business. Do not forget that this type of recreation is preferred by tourists, pay attention to the possibility of concluding an agreement with travel companies. You will need advertising not only at the first stage, develop a plan for a regular advertising campaign.

It is worth remembering that in any business there is one more item - unforeseen expenses. For this section of the budget, it is worth laying at least 30% of the total amount of expenses, both initial and monthly.

Today active sports recreation for children is becoming more and more popular. The little fans of outdoor activities especially like quad biking. With a fairly minimal investment, this business project can bring a good income to its owner.

How to start implementing a business idea for renting children's ATVs?

First of all, you must find a place where quad biking will take place. To start a business project, it is better to choose the spring season. Consider whether your business will be seasonal or year-round. To rent children's ATVs in the cold season, you need to find a ski area in the shopping center.

Look for profitable offer for the sale of children's ATVs. Some stores offer a discount when purchasing several pieces of equipment at the same time. It is better to purchase new ATVs, which are covered by warranty service.

You will also need a place to accommodate ATVs. Its area should allow you to freely accommodate your ATVs.

Consider advertising your business. This is where the Internet comes to the rescue. Advertising in social networks, on specialized platforms for offering services (“Avito”), thematic forums will be able to attract a large flow of customers. You can also attract customers by distributing advertising booklets on the streets.

How to register a children's ATV rental business?

First you need to get the status legal entity-IP.
Then it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for the site where children's ATV rides will take place.

All children's ATVs must have a safety certificate.

What equipment will you need to rent children's ATVs?

To keep your ATV rental service running and responsive necessary requirements safety, it must have the following equipment:

  • ATVs;
  • Sets of sets of protective equipment. Their number should be equal to the number of ATVs.
  • A set of keys for minor repairs;

If your rental of children's ATVs provides additional services, then the list necessary equipment can be expanded.

We are hiring staff.

For the normal operation of ATV rental, you will need to hire an employee who will control the process of riding kids on ATVs.
Administrative and accounting activities are the responsibility of the business owner.

Investments and payback of such a project.

Investments in the opening of the rental of children's ATVs are about 50,000 rubles. With good traffic of the people in the place of renting children's ATVs, investments pay off within 1-1.5 months, after which the rental of children's ATVs begins to bring a stable profit.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

2 800 000 ₽

Starting investments

240 000 ₽

7 500 - 10 000 ₽

ATV revenue

24 months

Payback period

There are not so few people who like to mix dirt and ride in remote corners of nature, which is why such a business as ATV rental has appeared. What do you need to know and keep in mind when organizing it?

ATV rental and excursions on four-wheeled vehicles have long gained popularity in the countries of Southeast Asia, but in Russia this type of business is not yet so popular. This is due to the prevailing stereotype that renting this kind of transport is not the cheapest and safest pleasure, and there is nowhere to carry tourists. In today's material, we will try to dispel this myth, and at the same time figure out how profitable the ATV business can be in the conditions of the Russian regions.

There are not so few people who like to mix dirt on the off-road and climb into such corners of nature where a human foot rarely sets foot. However, many are confused by the prospect of scratching the paintwork of an SUV, and simply getting bogged down in places where help will have to wait a long time. It is for such trips that ATV rental was created - the capabilities of four-wheeled motor vehicles often exceed the potential of most off-road vehicles, and a skillfully organized route will allow you not to think about the vicissitudes of rough terrain and enjoy the trip.

Purchase of ATVs

The main expense item when starting this type of business, of course, will be the purchase of ATVs. When choosing copies for a rental fleet, we recommend that you follow the "golden mean" - do not take the cheapest Chinese models and at the same time do not rush into the premium segment.

The best option can become powerful enough and at the same time affordable for Yamaha or a high-quality brand from the Celestial Empire CF Moto.

At the same time, do not forget about the legal aspects. The fact is that the client formally does not have the right to "saddle" an ATV without the appropriate category. And if, for example, some people still have “motorcycle” rights of category “A”, then not everyone can boast of having a tractor driver-mechanic certificate. With a category "A" driver's license obtained after 2000, you can only ride ATVs with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic centimeters. However, in practice, driving ATVs takes place away from public roads, and therefore many turn a blind eye to this. The only actual risk that the client bears is the responsibility for his own health and the health of the passenger.

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Models with an engine capacity of up to 50 "cubes", although they have certain indulgences from the point of view of legislation, in the realities of Russian off-road are unlikely to be interesting for rental. Their power, sufficient for comfortable movement, is enough only for a child. But for adults, modifications with engines of 500-600 cubic centimeters will be optimal. Such devices will more than pull both a passenger and various belongings that you want to take with you - since numerous tuning kits allow you to equip ATVs with hanging trunks for every taste and budget.

Such ATVs belong to the tourist class - unlike more powerful charged versions, they allow you to tirelessly overcome kilometers for several hours even without special physical training.

As for the cost of ATVs, worthy options in good condition can be found in the region of 500 thousand rubles.

Taking into account the fact that an instructor must be present in the column, it is recommended to purchase at least 5 pieces of equipment. Thus, the total cost of the purchase will be about 2,500,000 rubles.

Safety first

The stability of ATVs, combined with a good supply of power under the throttle, many are unaccustomed to enter into a state of euphoria. Therefore, it is not uncommon for customers, “having gotten a taste for it”, begin to drive too dangerously. In some situations, this can result in serious injury. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take care of the safety of customers by purchasing high-quality helmets in the amount of 10 pieces (do not forget that everyone has different sizes, and many will certainly take a passenger with them). A necessary attribute will also be protection of the chest, elbows and knees.

Good helmets and protection are not cheap, so be prepared to spend at least another 200-300 thousand rubles. In any case, taking care of the safety of your customers will pay off handsomely.

Without fail, before trips, it is necessary to conduct a briefing - and not only in terms of the nuances of controlling an ATV, but also in safety. This will help you avoid trouble in the future.

Most rental companies try to make ATV trips in columns, and it is imperative that an instructor who knows the area well rides in front. The presence of a representative of your company will also allow you to avoid careless and even dangerous handling of equipment - no one has canceled the need for control.

Business registration

By and large, in order to open your ATV rental business, it will be enough just to register as a sole trader. However, some companies, in the hope of further cooperation with large corporate clients, open an LLC. The code according to the OKVED classifier is the following: 77.39.1 Rental and leasing of other land vehicles and equipment.

Licensing for rental and excursions on ATVs is not required - here you are not a motorcycle school, which we talked about a little earlier.

Building a route

Many entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business on ATVs complain that the region is not the most suitable for them. And therefore, they say, there is nowhere to conduct excursions, and there are few places for “rides”. In fact, you can choose a scenic route in almost every corner of Russia, and for this it is not necessary to be based in the Crimea or Sochi.

The optimal duration of the route for an excursion on ATVs is twenty to thirty kilometers. This distance will be enough to slowly enjoy the surroundings and make a couple of halts along the way. According to the experience of entrepreneurs from this area, usually the tour lasts about 5 hours - this is enough to get new impressions and not feel exhausted at the end of the trip.

If there are water obstacles on the way, great. Such obstacles will only encourage the participants, as well as demonstrate the good off-road capabilities of your equipment. The main thing is to decide in advance on the ford and not deviate from the previously planned route.


As we said earlier, almost no route can do without instructors who can organize a trip. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have two such employees who can alternately take out groups of tourists. As a rule, instructors work in shifts, and their wage consists of a symbolic salary and piecework payment (usually about 10% of the amount of revenue for the trip).

The instructor should not only be a good guide, but also have a good understanding of the technique. Situations arise different and often minor repairs of the ATV in the "field" conditions may be necessary. Such a character trait as the ability to maintain discipline in the column will also come in handy - in order, if necessary, to tactfully "siege" overly desperate clients.

Your team will also need an administrator manager. This is an employee who will receive calls, promote business on the Web and look for new customers.

Marketing and Sales

At the start, when few people know about your service, it is important to organize competent business promotion online and offline.

    Promotion in social networks. First of all, you can cover social networks - posts from events held will certainly be interesting target audience interested in active recreation. In the priority of "Instagram" - it is the numerous photos from the events held that will allow you to demonstrate all the colors and emotions from excursions on the "quads". Advertising in thematic groups on tourism in the region, bike rental and hiking trips will not be superfluous - this is where your target client “lives” in the first place.

    Contextual advertising. Many are looking for options to travel on quad bikes and in search engines- for this, it is enough to use the Yandex.Wordstat system and understand how many people and for what requests were looking for this service in your and neighboring regions.

    Calling. In addition to private clients, your regular customers can also be corporate clients. In KPI, a manager can register calling customers, especially on the eve of holidays and vacations. Surely you will find those who want to hold non-banal corporate parties and team building in the fresh air.

    Partnership. Many travel agencies can become your partners, which for a certain percentage will be able to sell excursions on four-wheeled vehicles to their visitors. Recently, weekend tours have been gaining more and more popularity - and as an option to “unwind this weekend”, quad bike rides will come in handy.

    Thematic events. Another way to promote is to attend themed off-road sporting events. Several times a season, rally competitions are held in almost every region, in which prepared off-road vehicles, cross-country motorcycles and related equipment participate. If you agree with the organizers and make a stand with an exposition of ATVs and related advertising (pillar, banner, leaflets), you can get a stream of new customers in the coming weeks.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In the future, with the growth of the popularity of your company, word of mouth works well - in such a service sector as rental and excursions on ATVs, a large percentage of customers turn to them based on the recommendations of acquaintances and friends. To stimulate demand, a discount system is well suited here, giving the right to receive discounts for repeat orders.

Snowmobiles - an alternative for the winter?

Since we have touched on the topic of equipment for outdoor activities, it is worth mentioning one more option - snowmobile rental. Unlike ATV trips, this type of business is more demanding on the region and time of year. Opening the direction of snowmobiles is justified only in those regions where winter actually costs half a year or more - otherwise the business will not reach the payback threshold for a long time. At the same time, snowmobiles are much more expensive to repair and maintain than ATVs.

An interesting point is that there is also a demand for ATVs in winter. The presence of all-wheel drive allows you to easily overcome snowdrifts and drifts - someone prefers to go on ATVs with a company for winter fishing, someone just gets out of the city to breathe fresh air. The main thing to keep in mind during such outings is that the equipment is not so light - the dry weight of the same 600 cc CF Moto is 357 kg. Add to this the weight of the rider and his passenger, additional equipment - and you get almost half a ton of weight. Not the best option for risky trips on ice - only last season there were several cases when an ATV with riders fell through the ice.

How to minimize risks

Even with an instructor, it is far from always possible to keep track of the technique. In the process of inaccurate operation, damage and breakdowns may occur due to the fault of customers. Therefore, it is recommended to take a certain deposit before renting equipment - usually this is an amount of about 3000-5000 rubles, which should be enough to cover minor damage, dents and other troubles received through the fault of negligent customers.

Storage and transportation

ATVs are unpretentious vehicles and ordinary garage boxes will be enough to store equipment. If the property does not have a room that could accommodate such a number of "four-wheelers", you can rent it. Pluses will be the availability of heating and lighting for basic maintenance.

It must be remembered that according to the current rules traffic Russian Federation, ATVs cannot be driven on public roads. According to the classification, they fall into the segment of agricultural machinery.

And therefore, even if your instructors have an open category, you will not be able to get to an off-road sortie on your own.

For the transportation of ATVs, trailers are suitable that can be towed by a regular a car or crossover. Another option may be to use a van - in this case, it will be possible to transport several pieces of equipment at once.

Financial indicators

The amount of initial investment in a business usually does not exceed three million rubles. Let's take a closer look at the upcoming costs.

    Purchase of the equipment itself: 2,500,000 rubles.

    Purchase of helmets and equipment for clients: 300,000 rubles.

Fixed monthly costs will consist of the following components:

    Salary for instructors (2 people): 60,000 rubles;

    Administrator salary: 30,000 rubles;

    Rent of boxes for storage of ATVs: 20,000 rubles;

Now about the pleasant, that is, about the income from the business.

    Average cost of renting an ATV varies between 1500-2000 rubles per hour.

    Minimum rental period is usually 3 hours, and many customers book a 5-hour trip.

    ATV revenue. 7,500-10,000 rubles from one ATV.

    Revenue per trip. Usually, at least 3 pieces of equipment are involved in the trip (not counting the instructor), which generates an average of 30,000 rubles per trip.

    Revenue per month. Even if you make one trip a day, you can earn about 60,000 rubles over the weekend during the season - this is 240,000 rubles of revenue per month. In the summer months, trips are made more often - 3-4 times a week, and in the off-season (for example, in autumn) the demand comes to naught.

    Payback. The average payback period of the project is about 2 years.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Finally, we will suggest another version of the idea associated with this business - the creation of an online platform for renting out your ATVs to those who wish. Agree, for many owners of such equipment, most of the time it is simply idle. What is not a reason to offer others to make money on this, while expanding the fleet of their business due to this?

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