To be successful you need to. How to be a successful person? Don't be afraid to present new ideas

  • 27.05.2020

Good Habits- the foundation of wealth. They distinguish a successful wealthy person from a loser. In the latter, bad habits prevail. Think about what's stopping you? Awareness is the first step to change.

In his book, Tom Corley suggests taking a sheet of paper and dividing it into two parts. In the left column, list your negative habits, and in the right column, list how you can change them. For example, yes.

Work on following each item from the list on the right for 30 days (), and you will be surprised how your life will change.

2. Set goals regularly

Successful people are driven by their goals. There are always unconquered peaks in front of them. They plan their day in detail.

If you want to succeed too, think ahead. Set yourself goals for the day, week, month and. But a goal without a plan is like a boat without oars. Develop an algorithm that will help you achieve your goals. Take responsibility for your actions and inactions.

3. Identify Root Causes

If you know why you want to achieve wealth and success, you will get there faster. Setting goals is important. But even more important is why you chose this particular goal. Why is success so important to you? Is this your deepest inner need, or perhaps the fear of disappointing your parents? Why do you strive to earn a lot of money? Is this your mission as the head of the family, or is it a fashion imposed from the outside? Think about it.

4. Get Things Done

The truth is as old as the world: do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Everyone has fears “What if it doesn’t work out?”, “It’s too difficult,” and so on. But successful people overcome them and bring important things to the end, no matter what it takes.

Tom Corley says that for wealthy people this happens automatically. As soon as there was a temptation to put something off until later, the “Do it now!” light bulb lights up in my head. Repeat these words to yourself, no matter how boring and difficult the task.

5. Do the maximum and even a little more

To do something, if only quickly and if only they fell behind - the approach of losers. Successful and wealthy people always do even a little more than what is required of them. If you have to stay at work for this - no problem! Putting in more effort is easy!

Little note. To be given to work at 200%, it must not just suit. She must be dearly loved. So find something to your liking.

6. Work on relationships with people

Successful people are by no means egocentric. Their focus is always on other people. Some even set aside special days for meetings with friends and partners.

Networking should not be underestimated. Successful people constantly expand their network of contacts and provide small gratuitous services to acquaintances.

The wider the circle of your acquaintances, the more names and positions you have to keep in mind. To avoid confusion, use special .

7. Talk less, listen more

"God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less" - reads folk wisdom. When you listen, you learn. Listen carefully to what people say, it will help you out more than once.

8. Find a soul mate

It is difficult to say how fair the saying "Tell me who your friend is ..." is, but the environment affects a person - this is a fact. Do you want to become rich and successful? Try to make friends with someone who has already succeeded, or just find someone with whom your plans for life coincide. You will be able to share experiences and cheer each other up in difficult moments.

9. Find a mentor

Not everything can be learned from books. Therefore, many successful people have mentors whom they observe and consult with. By adopting the experience of an already accomplished person, you can progress twice as fast. In addition, communication with him disciplines you.

10. Save

Corley writes that successful people invest 10 to 20% of their income. This is one of the most effective ways to save money. Other secrets the richest people planets for capital increase, read.

11. Live within your means

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends wisely. Often a person puts himself in a financially difficult position when he begins to live beyond his means. Do you need an expensive foreign car on credit if you live paycheck to paycheck?

Organize your spending and do it if you want to change your life.

12. Keep improving

Successful people are constantly working on themselves. Read a lot and learn new things all the time. But most importantly, they do not waste time on something that does not bring them closer to the goal.

One of the highest paid business coaches in America, Brandon Burchard, that we spend too much time on useless activities, as a result, we feel an acute shortage of time. This is true. Time is too valuable a resource. And spend it on something that does not bear fruit in terms of welfare ( computer games, controversy in in social networks etc.) is a crime.

Self-improvement is like a needle and thread: the baggage of knowledge and skills that trails behind you moves you forward. Work on yourself every day. It is not easy, but the wider the horizon, the more chances to be realized.

13. Read daily

At least 30 minutes a day. Reading in the modern world - competitive advantage. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you will achieve.

It will help to introduce reading into your daily routine.

14. Constantly improve your skills

Progress is getting better at what you do every day. Improve your professional skills and expand your knowledge base daily. Eventually you will become an expert. And they are well paid, they are respected. So stay on course until you succeed.

15. Give yourself a "digital holiday"

Dedicate such days to yourself (some courses or maybe a movie), walks (you can even go on a mini-trip) and communicate with loved ones (they may miss you).

16. Keep track of your health

The rich and successful tend to exercise and eat right. And to lead healthy lifestyle life is as natural to them as taking a shower in the morning. It's simple: physical activity and a balanced diet give them the energy to achieve business goals. Are you taking care of yourself?

17. Develop a sense of proportion

To know the measure means to live in balance and harmony. Be moderate in everything: work, food, physical activity, alcohol consumption, Internet surfing and so on.

Harmonious people attract others. It is easier for them to find business partners, persuade investors and move up the career ladder.

18. Be an optimist

Remember the saying “Optimists spin the globe, and pessimists run alongside and shout:“ Where is this world heading to? ”? The world belongs to enthusiastic and energetic optimists. These people seek (and find) the good in the environment and see opportunities even in difficulties.

The information field is crammed with negativity. Know how to filter information and cut off what can unsettle you. Instead, fill the feed with things that will educate and develop you.

19. Manage your thoughts

Dominating your thinking and emotions is the destiny of successful people, not wizards.

Replaying negative scenarios in your head is unlikely to succeed. Fear and doubt inevitably lead to failure. Say “stop” to yourself when you catch yourself having bad thoughts. Successful people are constantly busy creating, and they simply have no time to cultivate negativity.

20. Conquer your fears

Being afraid is okay. Every person is afraid of something or worries about something. Only losers allow their fears to lead them, and successful people over anxieties.

Write down on a piece of paper the fears that are hindering your success and think about how you can overcome them.

21. Don't give up

Difficulties on the way to the goal are inevitable. But no matter how hard it is, don't give up. In order not to give up on the way to your goal, even in the most difficult moments, there is at least.

Setbacks may force you to correct course, but they should not stop you from moving forward.

Success doesn't come to everyone. Many die without having achieved anything in life to be proud of. Why is this happening? It's not that many simply don't know how to set goals, but that they can't achieve them.

In life? This is a difficult question. You can not just take and give a formula that will immediately lead anyone who has become familiar with the cherished heights. Success is hard to come by. Is it worth trying? Costs.

How to be successful?

First of all, we note that you need to constantly do something. Only the one who knows how to force himself to work wins. It does not matter whether our activity brings results right now - what is much more important is that we are doing it, feeling that it is it that can take us to the mountains. Did she bring any results? Wrong - you got experience. It doesn't always matter if it's good or bad. Sometimes it's more meaningful that you didn't waste time thinking about how bad things were for you. Remember that sooner or later luck will smile.

Anyone who thinks about how to become successful person must learn to set goals. The bottom line is that without a goal we become empty, nothing fills us. It is the goal that makes us act, think, develop. It is worth noting that it is best to set distant goals. Why? Yes, because, chasing small goals, a person quickly fades away. Having set a distant goal, he will move forward, achieving side goals, but without feeling the inner emptiness.

How to become It is necessary to decide why you should become one at all. Think about the fact that many people live perfectly well in cramped apartments on a small salary. Why don't you like this life? We recommend making a list. Also make a list of why you don't want to live like everyone else, and a list of your thoughts about what will happen to you and your family if you don't put in your best efforts to fulfill yourself.

How to become a successful person? You must be constantly learning. Remember that there is no limit to education. People learn even at sixty. Many who claim that success can be achieved without studying are only partly right. Knowledge is something that no one can take away from you. Learn, be one step ahead of everyone else, look for new options for your tasks.

How to become a successful person? Learn to value your time. This is not about forgetting about the rest, but about the fact that it is time to stop doing what is of no use. Your vacation should help you relax. Shake yourself emotionally, gain new impressions. Why communicate with those who pull to the bottom? There is no point in such communication. Many people not only pull themselves to the bottom, but also try to drag others along with them. Sever all relations with such subjects. You should be surrounded only by successful people, only those who are able to inspire, teach, support.

Learn to accept failure appropriately. There is no such person who would never lose. Remember that in the future, when you already come to success, you will remember all the failures only as what made you who you are. The moment will come when you will be able to sincerely thank all those who stood in your way, weaved intrigues, plotted. It is thanks to these people that we become stronger, smarter, more prudent. They don't break us, they only make us stronger. This needs to be considered and understood. Many problems immediately seem less serious.

Appreciate the experience of those who have achieved a lot. Refuse to invent any bicycles. Step on a confident trail and success will come sooner or later. Think only about the good, that everything will work out.

It remains only to wish patience. Learn it. Perhaps this will be one of the most difficult stages on the path to success and cherished happiness.

Greetings, dear readers! Recently, a lot of seminars, trainings, presentations, online courses have appeared that tell how to succeed from scratch without money. Most of the time they are devoted to motivation. “Believe in yourself!”, “Don't give up!”, “Think like a successful person!” say business coaches. I will reveal a terrible secret - only those who conduct them become successful after these trainings. After all, pleasure is not free. Therefore, I decided to think with you and develop instructions on how to become a successful person. Absolutely free.

Before embarking on active steps to achieve success, it would be nice to define what “success” means to you, there is a separate article about this on the site. Someone will consider themselves successful if they become a leader large corporation, the other - when he earns 200,000 rubles a month, working remotely on a tropical island, the third - when he wins sports competitions from a yard tournament to the Olympic Games, etc. In general, everyone has their own picture of a successful life in their head.

Right now, pick up a piece of paper, a pen and describe your idea of ​​​​success. Do you want to create a happy and friendly family? Or maybe you dream of getting out of poverty and earning a million? Or buy a home and a premium car? Travel around the world at least 5 times a year? Try to describe everything in as much detail as possible. And be sure to think about whether you will feel happy when you achieve the success that you write about.

I propose to call success the implementation of your ideas and plans that will help you become happy, an article on this topic may also interest you.

  • these people were very fond of the work they were doing;
  • they have certain qualities that have helped them succeed.

Qualities and characteristics of a successful person

Based on numerous surveys, an image of a successful person was compiled. The main signs of success people consider:

  • ability to position correctly life goals and reach them;
  • confidence in their strengths and abilities;
  • Availability high paying job that brings satisfaction;
  • well-groomed appearance, sports figure, stylish clothes and shoes;
  • the ability to successfully combine work and family;
  • recognition and respect in society;
  • developed leadership qualities.

Now let's talk about what qualities a person should have in order to meet the signs of success.

  1. purposefulness. The one who has a global goal in life that he is striving for has a much better chance of success than the one who does not know what he wants.
  2. industriousness. A successful person works hard to achieve a certain result. Work gives him pleasure, because it brings him closer to the desired goal. That is why he does not stop, even if he becomes afraid, or he does not have sufficient knowledge, or suddenly laziness has piled on.
  3. Patience. True success does not come suddenly. It is the result of long and hard work. Only a weak person, not getting what he wants quickly, is ready to give up everything and give up his goal.
  4. Enterprise. A person gets on the path to success when he begins to look for opportunities instead of a thousand excuses. He does not give in to difficulties, but looks for ways to overcome them.
  5. Fortitude. There are always many mistakes and falls on the way to success. A strong personality will not break. Such a person will get up on his feet every time and persistently move towards the goal. Mistakes become his experience. He won't repeat them again. And falling will make the character even stronger.

Do you have all these qualities? If not, then it's time to start working on yourself. With a great desire, a person is able to develop the necessary qualities in himself and become better - we have already described the methods. And if you already have all these qualities, then what prevents you from achieving success?

What's stopping you from being successful

Here are the main reasons that prevent you from becoming successful.

  1. Fear. All people are afraid of something. It's scary to change the usual way of life, it's scary to get rejected, it's scary to burn out. There are many fears around us. The only difference is that fear will not be able to stop a successful person, but a loser will easily slow down at the very beginning of the journey. So do what you fear. Each subsequent step will be more and more confident.
  2. Failure to manage time properly. A person is called successful also because he has time for everything. He competently assigns tasks and allocates his time efficiently. This skill is called time management. A huge number of books are devoted to this topic. And this must be learned.
  3. procrastination. Let's imagine that 2 people perform the same actions. But one of them has already become successful, and the other is not yet. Why? Because the first one started doing it earlier, and the second postponed the matter for later. Procrastination is a state in which a person constantly puts off doing things. important tasks. For example, he tells himself that he will start playing sports on Monday. And so on ad infinitum. A successful person starts moving towards his goal instantly.
  4. Looking for excuses and excuses instead of opportunities. Do you know why most losers have low income? Because they blame everyone around from the boss to the president of the country for this. They are victims of circumstances that do not control their lives. To succeed, you need to take responsibility for your life and look for opportunities to make it better.
  5. Environment. When you are surrounded by alcoholics, losers and pessimists, it is difficult to set yourself up to achieve results. They will pull you back. You will have to break ties with such people and concentrate on achieving the goal. There are many examples when a girl left a guy who did not aspire to anything and became a successful businesswoman. Or vice versa, a man broke up with his wife, who did not believe in him, and turned from a failed ex-husband into a wealthy businessman.
  6. Lack of intrinsic motivation. External motivation in the form of money, fame, recognition is not able to bring to true success. As well as the desire to succeed only out of envy. Successful people are motivated from within. They literally burn with their idea, the desire to realize it. Last but not least, they think about the external attributes of success. This is possible only when you have found something to your liking.

When a person realizes himself as a loser and wants to stop being one, then first of all he needs to radically change his thinking. Namely, get rid of the properties described above.

Find a job you love

You must enjoy your work. If about 80 percent of the total working time you experience joy, then this is your business. The remaining 20 percent will be routine. Nowhere without her.

When you work only for money, without love for what you do, you will quickly burn out. Remember that money is just extrinsic motivation and it is not enough. In the pursuit of wealth, a person risks losing his life. Rich people work very hard. Many of them, in their declining years, admit that they are very tired of such a frantic rhythm and loneliness. After all, they did not have time to enjoy life, the results of their work and start a strong family.

In the pursuit of purely material goods, some people choose illegal or unethical ways to earn money. Guys become pick-up artists and "bred" girls for money. Girls register on webcam sites and communicate in video chats with foreigners, showing off their bodies. Older women become scammers, deceiving gullible citizens. All this will not make them successful and truly happy.

Finding the right occupation can take several years. To narrow down the circle of searches, I advise you to first decide on the area that you like, and then choose the type of activity and develop in this direction.

  • Work on the Internet. This is a great option for those who prefer to work from home. Recently, there are more and more freelancers, and their earnings are not inferior to the income of office workers. You can try to become a blogger, streamer, YouTuber, video blogger, copywriter, digital marketer, etc. To start, you just need to take paid courses from a person who has already achieved success in the chosen field. By the way, many young mothers, as a change, start their own blog about children, which then becomes popular.

  • Creation. For those who cannot imagine their life without creativity, it is best to develop in this direction. A great love for work and a desire to create will certainly lead to success. A person can become a popular artist, photographer, designer, fashion model, writer, architect, musician, rapper, actor or actress, etc.

  • Beauty sphere. This area is dominated by girls. In a few months, you can learn to become a make-up artist, manicurist, lash maker, cosmetologist, browist, hairdresser, etc. The competition in this industry is high and at first it will not be easy, especially without much experience and practice. However, over time, you will be able to develop your base regular customers. Moreover, women will always take care of themselves. Even in times of economic crisis.

  • Finance. This area is interesting because it allows you to earn without providing any services and without producing goods. However, there is a risk of losing money here. Traders earn on the difference in exchange rates, stocks, binary options through a broker. Cappers - people who are well versed in sports - bet on sports, trying to predict the outcome. Those who place bets are also called bettors. The investor simply invests his money in a project that, according to his forecast, will be successful and bring profit. To become successful, you need to have deep knowledge in the field of finance and be able to analyze large amounts of information.

  • Direct sales. If you are charming, love and know how to communicate with people and have the gift of persuasion, then you should become a salesperson. You can try yourself as a realtor and give people valuable real estate advice. There are other options to become a sales manager, a sales representative and eventually grow up to a supervisor, an insurance agent, a store consultant, a travel agent. And also to do network business, which originated in America over 70 years ago. Even an ordinary market stall clerk can be successful and people will only go to him.

  • Traditional professions. This includes those specialties for which at least a secondary education is required. professional education, but more often higher. For example, if you want to become a school teacher, a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, a lawyer, a psychologist, a cook, a programmer, etc. Of course, to become financially independent and successful in these professions, you will have to work hard. Teachers earn extra money as tutors, among doctors the highest salaries are for dentists and surgeons. For people who are dedicated to their work, success is first and foremost a vocation.

These are the main areas in which most people are realized. Those who have management skills and sufficient experience make a career, becoming heads of departments, directors of companies, entrepreneurs.

Students start their labor activity most often from the professions of animators, promoters or waiters. This not only gives them a certain income, but also helps them develop the skill of communicating with people, which will be very useful in the future.

Choose what you like and develop in this direction. If you love bees, you have every chance of becoming a successful beekeeper. A successful person concentrates on one thing and becomes the best in it. The main thing is to set a global goal, make a plan and move towards the result.

keep practicing

To be successful, you need to work hard and practice your craft. No matter how extensive theoretical knowledge you have, only putting it into practice will lead you to the desired result. Apparently, this is why losers become more successful than excellent students. What did the smartest student in your class achieve?

By the way, I advise you to watch an interesting video on this topic.

Try to develop the habit of dedicating a certain amount of time each day to the task. At this time, you should be as focused as possible on the execution of scheduled tasks. Nothing should be distracting.

Be sure to get yourself a diary and a planner in which you will make a to-do list. And cross off tasks as you complete them. So you will clearly see the amount of work done.

Improve yourself

The best at what they do are those who constantly hone their skills and learn new tools at work. So be sure to do the following:

  • read books, but not only on the topic of business, but, for example, on psychology, in order to learn how to better establish contact with customers;
  • attend trainings and seminars;
  • take courses, including professional development.

Whatever you work as a lawyer, fitness trainer, model, logistician transport company, politician, recruiter, educator, TV presenter, journalist, etc. - never stop learning.


Your favorite business will bring big money only if your product or service is in demand. Think about what problem your project will help solve for people. But do not give up the idea even if it is socially significant, and not commercial project which does not promise big profit. By giving to others, you end up with more.

Assemble a team

It is extremely difficult to achieve success alone. All successful people have a team of like-minded people, in which everyone is united by a common goal and each person performs certain tasks. To lead people, you need to have good leadership and managerial skills. All this can be brought up in yourself. After all, leaders are not born, but made.

To learn from your mistakes

On the way to success, mistakes and failures are inevitable. Learn from experience, analyze and draw the right conclusions so as not to repeat mistakes. It was just the first try. Thomas Edison, for example, did not at all consider the failed attempts at the invention of the incandescent lamp to be failures. On the contrary, he perceived them as steps towards success. By the way, he did more than 11,000 experiments before he made the light bulb burn.


No matter how scary it may sound, but success depends only on you. It doesn’t matter if you are a brutal man or a fragile lady, an adult or a teenage schoolboy, live in Russia or abroad, in Moscow or a remote village. Even if you are a Cancer according to your zodiac sign, this is all insignificant. On the way to your dream, no obstacles should stop you. Look for ways to overcome them and move forward. Rise after another failure and do not stop.

Whatever area you choose for yourself (tourism, trade, medicine, music, etc.), if you sincerely and unconditionally love your business, you will definitely achieve success.

What do you think? Why does someone manage to become successful, while someone remains a loser? Write in the comments! Let's discuss!

Most people associate their sense of harmony and comfort with how effectively they advance their abilities and skills in life. To be a successful person, you need to fulfill yourself, be able to use your talents in professional field and in everyday life.

Let's take a look at a few tips that will get you closer to success.

1. By setting clear goals, you can become a resilient person and gain self-confidence.

It is hundreds of times easier to achieve your goal when you know exactly what you want to receive. Set goals for the week, month, year.

2. Always value your personal time.

What kind of people become successful and find solutions in business and tasks? Only those who plan their steps daily, important meetings. They will never allow themselves to waste precious hours on idle chatter, games on a computer or console, on a useless discussion on social networks.

3. Learn and develop.

Spend your free time indulging in what you like. Find a hobby that brings exceptional benefits and personal growth.

In addition, you can spend your leisure time richly by attending various development courses or trainings - both in your own country and abroad. They will provide you with a lot of new useful information that you can put into practice.

4. Maintain a well-groomed, tidy appearance.

Most attention should be paid to the hair and how it will be styled; suit with shoes - they should always be clean and tidy.

If you have money and live in a big city, visiting a stylist is the best solution. The specialist will be able to suggest what exactly suits you, and what things or accessories should be removed from the wardrobe.

5. Watch your body.

Taking care of your health has become a habit modern man. Sign up for a fitness club, attend classes several times a week.

30 days after regular intense exercise, you can show off your toned and slender body to your friends. Working with a mentor, you can achieve results that will stay with you for a long time.

Do not forget about proper nutrition. Eliminate from your diet junk and fatty foods that negatively affect your body. Eat more natural products: fruits, vegetables, greens, meat. Drink plenty of water, but don't forget to occasionally allow yourself something tasty.

6. Find a companion.

Psychologists say that when a person starts a new business, he sometimes needs a mentor who has great vitality and professional experience. This method helps to gain a lot of useful information, learn about small nuances or pitfalls in any field.

7. Find yourself a community of like-minded people.

Communicate constantly, share ideas and thoughts with people who are engaged in the same kind of activity. They will be ready to provide maximum support or give practical advice. Such comrades in common interests are often found among friends, on public transport, at work, on thematic forums, and so on.

How to become a successful woman from scratch

Modern society has given girls many rights and freedoms that were limited until recently. Now they are increasingly perceived as strong and independent individuals with effective skills and abilities.

Today, a woman is able to work on an equal footing with men, be self-confident and achieve career and financial goals.

Useful methods for developing success:

  1. Engage in self-education - this will come in handy in any situation, whether you are a housewife wife or a business woman.
  2. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - they build a strong base of experience.
  3. Develop the talents that nature has given.
  4. Every time you reach your goal, you get better.
  5. Be persistent and persistent.
  6. Improve your communication skills.
  7. Talk positively about yourself.

How to become a successful man

In order for a strong and self-confident man to grow up from young guys, you need to develop some qualities in him:

  1. Express thoughts in a structured way.
  2. Show courage not only with actions, but also with words.
  3. Always provide assistance.
  4. Keep ego and ambition in check.
  5. Exclude modesty from behavior.
  6. Avoid provocation.
  7. Be able to speak correctly.
  8. Get rid of arrogance.

What qualities should a successful person have?

Many people quite often wonder what traits are important for successful career? We have compiled a list of the most useless habits that should be deleted from your life in order to achieve results.

Successful person:

  • does not make the same mistakes over and over again;
  • does not allow ambition to take over;
  • excludes the occurrence of dependence;
  • does not find time for gossip or idle chatter;
  • does not wait for handouts from the family or higher powers;
  • takes risks and, moreover, never loses heart.

How to become a successful businessman and financially independent entrepreneur

Many people now dream of becoming a worthy leader of their company. But this can be difficult to achieve for various reasons. For example, due to the lack of an inner core or the inability to set clear goals for yourself, and then achieve them.

Beginners in this business are interested in the question: “How to start acting in business?”, So listen to the recommendations:

  1. Set yourself specific goals not only at work, but also in life.
  2. Growing your business comes with certain risks – you need to be resilient and prepared for all challenges.
  3. Conduct a detailed analysis of your actions, their consequences.
  4. Study the target audience.
  5. Learn to communicate.

Remember the most important rule - in any situation, always remain a worthy person.

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People today have begun to attach much more importance to success. However, many complain that years pass, and nothing changes in their lives. They dream of financial independence, a beautiful house, own business, beautiful "second half" and so on.

Why do some people succeed in life, while others become chronic losers? It all depends on how a person is configured - positively or negatively. How to become a successful person? Read 13 tips.

Set clear goals

Appreciate the time

Plan business, important meetings. It's hard to remember everything, so write it down in a diary. Successful people do not waste time on empty talk, computer games and social networking about nothing.

Get yourself motivated

Take a close look at the house you live in. Ask yourself the question: “Would you like to live like this?” Of course, most will say no. Thus, you get to change the reality around you.

This is very important, because on the way to you you will often doubt whether you need all this at all?

You must be absolutely sure that you want change for the better. If you do not care, then continue to live as you lived before.

As you know, the poor work from dawn to dusk, receiving a pittance for their hard work. Wealth does not come to those who work hard, but to those who think and act correctly.