The beginning of a successful career as a sales manager. Career design: turning a manager into a boss. Skills, skills, personal and business qualities to work as a sales manager - who suits the profession

  • 16.04.2020

Sales is one of the most important components of any business. This is a drive and a serious responsibility. A sales professional is motivated for outstanding results, skillfully builds effective and long-term relationships with clients, and most importantly - he loves to sell! Portal Nizhny Novgorod finds out what is the situation on the labor market of sales managers, what is important in the work of a manager, and what is the secret successful sales.

How much do sales managers earn?

The Federal Employment Portal Nizhny Novgorod studied the labor market for sales managers. In May 2017, more than 500 vacancies were registered. There are only 6% of proposals for senior positions.

Most of all vacancies are for specialists without experience - 38.6%, and for specialists with experience up to 1 year - 26.3%. In 23.7% of vacancies, employers are looking for specialists with work experience from 1 to 3 years. Least of all vacancies for candidates with more than 5 years of work experience - 5.1%.

The average salary for the vacancy "sales manager" in Nizhny Novgorod is 46,000 rubles. The head of the sales department can claim an average salary of 56,000 rubles.

In May 2017, over 700 abstracts were published. Thus, competition for workplace is 1.3 resumes per 1 vacancy. Not many applicants are ready to apply for the position of "sales manager", because on the way to big money there are often many obstacles and difficulties.

Among applicants the largest number- these are specialists with experience up to 1 year - 49%. Slightly fewer specialists with 1-3 years of experience - 36%. Only 26% of experienced specialists with more than 5 years of experience. Applicants applying for managerial positions in sales - 12%. Least of all resumes of specialists without work experience - 11%.

The average age of applicants is 28-30 years. Among the applicants, 94% are women, of which the largest number are aged 25-40 - 47%. Applicants-women aged 18-25 years - 35%, over 40 years old - 18%.

Men among applicants for the position of sales manager - only 6%. Among them 18-25 years old - 10%, 25-40 years old - 67%, over 40 years old - 23%.

The main thing in sales is attention to the client

Artem Guchin, head of the sales department at the Hyundai dealership on Larina (AGAT Group), has been with the company since 2010.

Even while studying at the university, many friends worked in this field. Their successful experience helped me choose a profession. In September 2010, I started an internship at a Hyundai/Mitsubishi dealership on Moskovskoye Shosse. I had to learn a lot of information: technical device car, model range, equipment and prices, basics of work in 1C car dealer. At first it was not easy - I listened to the client more, presented the cars a little. Due to the fact that he was confused in the information, there were mistakes. But when I began to understand all the models, I began to speak more myself.

And here's what I noticed - it turns out that only 20% of all the characteristics of the chosen car are important to customers. The main thing is attention to the buyer and live communication.

It is important to listen without interrupting and ask the right questions so that, based on the information received, you can choose the car that really meets the wishes of the buyer.

Strong motivation is essential

I came to the company with specific goals - I clearly understood that I wanted a good apartment, a car, and go on vacation twice a year. And he did everything to achieve these goals. When there is no internal motivation and goals, it is difficult to set work tasks for yourself. For some it is enough to earn 20-30 thousand rubles a month, but in sales you can get up to 100 thousand rubles!

After completing the internship, in January 2011, I moved to a new dealership at Larina. That year I became the best sales manager of all dealerships three times.

In December 2011, I was certified by Hyundai as a sales consultant - this is a kind of exam, where the distributor assesses the level of the manager's competencies and their practical application, and a month later, already certified as a specialist, I became a senior manager of the sales department.

Sales are based on emotions!

Sales for me is first and foremost communication. I am sure that the sale should be based on emotions, on good mood- the client feels it. Important moments in the profession are a smile and a positive attitude towards life. In addition, the client must understand that he is a real professional who knows his product perfectly, and he can be trusted.

Almost three years later, I was invited to the position of head of the sales department of the dealer center on Rodionov. Helped internal motivation, focus on results and training in personnel reserve. I had to become a leader, that is, learn to accept management decisions, build work so as to achieve the set sales targets.

Artem likes to communicate with clients, because this is how he hones his sales skills over and over again. It turns out that clients are the same teachers.

Little you know - little you sell

I have a rule: "You know little - you sell little." To succeed in the profession of a sales manager, you need to thoroughly know your product, competitor products, but that's not all. A successful manager must understand the issues of lending, insurance and, of course, be a psychologist and be able to build communications with clients. It is important to maintain a conversation with clients on various topics, to find common interests, so the manager must have comprehensive knowledge.

Each sales manager has his own professional tricks, but the main thing is effective work with regular customers, maintaining an up-to-date database and regular calls. Someone comes to the salon without a clear idea about the future purchase. Someone knows exactly what he needs, but someone just wants to talk ... You need to understand everyone, which means you need to ask people questions correctly and listen. The more accurately we understand the client, the more likely it is that he will make a purchase decision.

Elena Isaikina, HR Manager, AGAT

The sales manager is a communicator and guide

A sales manager requires a set of specific competencies.

First of all, these are excellent communication skills and emotional flexibility. Candidate for this position must be able to communicate with different people, understand their motives in order to offer exactly the car (or any other product / service) that meets the expectations and needs of customers. At the same time, it must be a competent specialist who understands the product. In addition, attention to detail, compliance with standards and the ability to work with software products(for example, 1C and CRM). Finding such a person is not easy.

To grow in their field, a sales manager must be aware of up-to-date information: follow the news, study the offers of competitors, analyze them in order to operate this information in communicating with customers.

You also need to constantly develop your communication skills and horizons. Of course, you can and should read books, but it is obvious that every communication with a client is a step in the development of the art of communication.

Each company forms its own requirements for the position of a sales manager, but if a person came to an interview with a spark in his eyes and conquered with his energy and charisma, we take him to the team.

The word "manager" has become very common, but few people understand what it means.

This term refers to a profession that involves organizational and managerial activity. A manager is an employee who manages some basic direction of the company's development.

The essence of the profession

In Europe, a manager is usually a valuable mid- or top-level employee.

In Russia, a worker who is in no way a boss can also be considered a worker. For example, in our country, an advertising manager may not be a person who heads a department, but an ordinary employee who calls potential partners and offers them the company's services.

Hence there is confusion in terminology, which often confuses applicants and people changing professions.

To illustrate the real range of managerial specializations in the Russian Federation, we provide links to current employers' offers for hired managers.

See vacancy announcements addressed to managers for:

  • (administrative and economic department);
  • (foreign economic activity);

Please note that this list should not be considered exhaustive. It can go on and on.

Managers are also subdivided into specific areas. Manufacturers and selling companies are trying to look for specialists who have experience in the sale (purchase) of a strictly defined product (raw materials) - furniture and accessories, automotive parts, etc.

Managerial work in most cases boils down to:

  • establishing and maintaining valuable contacts (with consumers of the company's services, buyers of its goods or business partners);
  • development and implementation of strategic initiatives;
  • selection and motivation of personnel;
  • planning and monitoring the work of subordinates.

Requirements for the applicant

A hired manager needs to have versatile knowledge. As we mentioned above, non is required to navigate the specifics of the niche. However, the matter is not limited to this. The manager is supposed to know the basics of economics, the theory and practice of working with personnel, legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating business and commercial activity, the basics of office work and labor protection.

A good manager must be surprisingly stress-resistant: not every person can constantly be in the spotlight. It is useful for him to be able to speak beautifully and figuratively, to speak in public without hesitation.

Other equally valuable qualities of a manager are discipline, responsibility, and a penchant for analytical thinking.

Career prospects for a manager

In this profession, everything depends on the size of the company. The larger the company, the more positions available to the manager.

A manager who shows financial ability will eventually be able to become a financial director; from his colleague, who knows how to perfectly understand people and find talents, he will certainly turn out to be an intelligent head of the personnel department.

When choosing a place of work, an ambitious manager should get a job in international corporations even for the most humble position. Don't be afraid to start small.

Despite the fact that sales managers have long and firmly occupied the first places in the ratings of the demand for specialists in the labor market, few candidates are ready to join their ranks. Including because some consider this profession a “habitat for non-professionals”: ​​they say that “salesmen” are mainly those who have not been taken anywhere else, who are no longer good for anything. Is it really? Do employers really have no special requirements for candidates for sales managers?

"The Hero with a Thousand Faces"

Naturally, this opinion is erroneous. Sales managers need special knowledge, skills and abilities in the same way as many other professionals. A manager must be able to communicate, build a dialogue, competently present his company's product, calculate a future deal and predict the results of negotiations, work with customer objections. It is impossible to learn all this if you are by nature a closed person, a loner. And besides, they are not confident in themselves, inert. There is simply nothing to do in sales like that. Here you need to know how to find a common language with a variety of people: capricious, picky, with those who themselves do not know what they actually want. You must come to an understanding with those who are used to doing business with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, and with those whose work style is fire, pressure, onslaught. For the talent to "adapt" to the client, the sales manager is often called the "hero with a thousand faces."

- Our profession is for sociable, gambling, who know what acting courage is, believes Svetlana Sverchkova, advertising director of one of the major Moscow publications. After all, our whole life is a game, and sales is also a game. And you need to be able to enter into a role, thanks to which it will be easier to achieve mutual understanding with the client, to convince him to accept your proposals.

Flexibility must be combined with perseverance. Without this, he will not be able to complete any deal.

In addition, the manager must know his market well, the product that he sells. Today at a special price cool highly specialized professionals. If you have been successfully selling for a long time, for example, trucks, not the fact that you will be trusted to sell software or computers. After all, in order to show the product with its face, it is necessary to be aware of all its advantages and disadvantages, to know by heart the products of competitors and the needs of their customers.

Where to get knowledge?

The leaders of many companies believe that it is high time to start specialized training of sales managers in universities. But the car Russian education remains, as before, slow-moving, so no one knows yet when the first enrollment for a new specialty will be announced.

Under these conditions, to acquire the knowledge necessary for successful work, sales managers can, for example, in courses or participating in business training. They teach practical methods of conducting bilateral negotiations, product presentation and communication with customers. Such studies have an exclusively applied character. Coaches strive to ensure that managers do not just get new knowledge, but learn how to put it into practice, develop certain techniques necessary for work, and bring them to automatism.

Today, various training centers offer sales managers such trainings as "The Art of Sales", "Negotiation", "Leadership Skills" and so on. Look for addresses and phone numbers of courses and training companies in the "Education" section of our newspaper, on the Internet and in the "Where to go to study" magazine.

"The world is ruled by sales volume"

This motto of Western managers can be supplemented: sales volume rules both the world and wallets, in particular, the wallets of the sales managers themselves. Their earnings, as a rule, directly depend on the deals they make: earn money for the company get your percentage. So the greater the volume of sales, the richer not only the company, but also the seller. During the seasonal demand for the company's goods, the income of ordinary managers, together with a guaranteed part of their earnings, can reach $2,000.

Earnings grow not only with the growth of sales, but also with the promotion of a manager up the career ladder. The sales director of a large company, for example, might expect an official gross income of $8,000-10,000.

Demand is and will be

Labor market experts are confident that the demand for sales managers will be stable in the near future. But no one can predict how soon the attitude towards this profession in society will finally change. For too long we have been out of favor with the ability to sell, the readiness to serve people, for too many people think that such work is "beneath their dignity."

However, this situation must sooner or later change. The economic situation in our country today is such that the service sector is rapidly outpacing production and coming out on top. So if you are not afraid of working with people, the need to take the initiative does not bother you and you are ready not to “receive”, but to earn money (moreover, very good money compared to the salaries of employees of the same rank) - if you wish and try, you can become a specialist who will never be left without a job.

What does a sales manager need to be successful?
(according to employers)

  • 60% purposefulness, desire to work and earn
  • 25% professional skills
  • 15% personal qualities

Many do not take this profession seriously and perceive it as something of no value. It is believed that almost any person who can speak fluently can become a sales manager.

Let's see what kind of profession is actually a sales manager? First of all, this is a consultant, an assistant, a bit of a psychologist who knows how to make a favorable impression, an interlocutor who can keep up the conversation, a document management specialist, sometimes the manager's duties can be even wider.

The main task of the seller is not to sell, as it is not surprising, but to leave a positive impression on the client. Is it so easy these days? Many buyers are in a hurry, nervous, not happy with everything, do not know what they want, etc. Here, too, the seller needs serious endurance and stress resistance. In a word, like any other profession, you also need to study to be a sales manager. Study long and hard, of course, if you want to succeed in this profession. And it can and should be done! A salesperson is one of the most profitable professions, one of the oldest professions, it has always been and will be in demand, but you need to take it seriously and constantly improve your professionalism.

I can say with confidence that success in a profession, sales or any other, depends on three components: your desire to succeed (perseverance), knowledge and experience, and attitude to what you do.

If there is no desire to “climb up the mountain”, you won’t go, even if you know the road and you like the mountain, you just trample and decide that it’s normal. Another question is that if you really want to “climb up the mountain”, but you don’t know how, you have never done it. Here to help you - guides, books. If we talk about sales, then I mean that if there is no desire, you will not strive to sell more, to improve yourself. And if there is a desire, but there is no knowledge and experience, then this can be made up for by training - courses, trainings, books. One training session can shorten the process of your natural learning "in the fields" by several times. Why reinvent the wheel. Everything has already been invented, you just need to learn how to use it. The Internet opens up enormous opportunities in terms of learning. Attend 1 training a year, read a book a month, watch free videos lessons, etc. But of course, you need to understand that attending, participating in the training is significantly different from ordinary video viewing. Because live communication, participation gives experience, skills, and videos and books - only knowledge.

And last but not least, attitude. You can’t be successful in a profession if it doesn’t bring you pleasure, if you don’t like to sell, don’t like people, you think this profession shameful. Therefore, if this is so, then you need to either change your profession or radically reconsider your attitude towards it. Learn to appreciate it, see the value in your work!

So where do you start?

  1. Always learn. Observe clients, analyze why a person behaved this way, and not otherwise, why, he answered that way. And if you ask differently, would the answer change ..? Watch other sellers. Analyze yourself at the time of purchase and decision making. Read books on sales. Make it a rule to read 1 book a month, at least! Attend educational events and trainings.
  2. Communicate in a "supportive environment". If there are many colleagues and friends around you who are always whining, complaining, unhappy, then your emotional state will also decrease. The energy will be negative, and in general it will be small. And a salesperson without energy is just a talking head. Therefore, try to communicate with successful, positive people. Try to look like successful person- clothes, hairstyle, posture. This will add confidence in your abilities and customers will trust you more.
  3. Aim for results. Those. set yourself a goal to achieve something, be it a certain level of income, working in a certain company in a certain position, studying foreign language.. anything, as long as you understand what you are striving for. Believe in yourself and don't give up. If it doesn't work out right away, it will work out later. Even negative experience is also experience, it teaches, develops, tempers. And remember, only the one who does nothing fails.
  4. Make a profession a way of life, try, experiment different approaches, techniques. Implement them into your daily life. Expand your horizons. Learn time management, the basics of personal effectiveness, be interested in psychology. This will help you become a more complete person. And clients always like to communicate with successful and professional people. Remember, there was a saying - "First you work for your image, then the image works for you."

I know for sure that if there is a desire, then knowledge and experience are easy to acquire. And if you did not have a positive attitude towards the profession, then there would be no desire to change something, to learn something, which means that you would not have read this article to the end ..))) Once you have read it, it means that there is a desire and a positive attitude, and knowledge and experience are a matter of time.

Best Selling Books for Salespeople:

  • Sales genius. Tony Buzan
  • How to sell an elephant. Asya Barysheva
  • Sales Samurai. Kevin Hogan
  • Buyer hunt. Alexander Derevitsky
  • How to become a sales wizard. Jeffrey Fox
  • Non-verbal communication in sales. G. Gschwandtner
  • The art of selling for dummies. T. Hopkins
  • little book good advice for successful sales. B. Tracy
  • Effective Selling Methods by Brian Tracy
  • Become a sales master. Napoleon Hill
  • Sales champions. Ron Marks
  • Sales Master. Rick Page
  • 49 laws of sales. David Matson
  • Selling Secrets of Frank Bettger
  • Why are we buying? Paco Underhill
  • Clients for life. Paul Brown

Also a lot useful information: videos, recommendations, documents, books, you will find on my page

I will start the article with a story about myself. My name is Olga, for 10 years I have been working in senior positions in the field of personnel management, the last 5 of which I help people in matters of employment and career building.

Career is professional and job growth, development of a person inside the company and outside it (when moving to another place). And as my experience with clients shows, if a person plans his career, prepares the ground in advance for the fulfillment of his professional desires, he can get absolutely amazing results.

Last year, I was approached by Anton B for advice and assistance in career planning. He was a procurement specialist in a company that supplies oil and gas equipment. His personal goal was (a dream for the next year) to become the head of the purchasing department. Such a substantive and concrete dream. The question he wanted to discuss with me during the online consultation was: "How do I get promoted? What needs to be done for this?

Indeed, professional and career growth is a very relevant topic. Many are looking for an answer to the question: “How to get the coveted position of a department head in your own or another company with the experience of a specialist manager?” I see this when I review candidates' resumes during job openings. The sales assistant wants to become a store director, the sales manager sees himself commercial director, the estimator dreams of the position of the head of the estimate and contract department.

Now let's move to your apartment. Yes, here is such an unexpected twist in the topic! Imagine that you have decided to renovate your apartment. If you want to do everything right, then start with the design of the future housing. You can design a new image yourself or use the services of a professional designer.

Some time passes, and now you have a design project of your apartment in front of you. You see what you already have and what you will need to buy (materials, furniture, etc.).

When you have agreed on everything, then proceed to the next stage - the purchase of new materials. You evaluate your financial possibilities. You will buy something right away (for example, wall paint). For something you need more money and time (for example, a leather sofa).

The next thing you plan is the time it will take to repair work. Until the paint dries, you can’t hang a picture on the wall, whatever one may say!

Perhaps, according to the project, you will have to break some partitions, build new walls, rearrange something, nail, glue, paint, throw away old furniture, arrange new ones, etc. And this is also time and money.

And after some time (it can be days, weeks or months - depending on your finances, time and scope of alterations) you are already sitting on a new sofa in your brand new living room and looking at your transformed apartment with great pleasure. At this moment, you are happy inside your dream.

Why such long discussions about the apartment and the new living room? For clarity.

Moving from Purchasing to Department Manager is like moving from your old couch to your new couch.

So how do you move from the manager's chair to the boss's chair? Very simple. You need a career design backed up by a good action plan.

How to start career planning?

Let's evaluate the difference between a specialist and a leader. Thought?

I see the following differences:

  • the manager manages additional business processes that are not in the area of ​​responsibility of his subordinates. For example, analysis and preparation of the budget of the department, implementation of the sales plan. He is responsible not only for himself, but also for the entrusted unit;
  • the leader manages his subordinates. Those. engages in selection, adaptation, development, evaluation, motivation, etc.

Career growth is similar to a new apartment design. The principles and steps are similar both there and there.

Therefore, in order to realize your dream of becoming a leader, carefully study this plan and follow the steps that will lead you to the goal:

  • a list of duties that the person occupying it performs;
  • a list of tasks that he will solve;
  • a list of knowledge and skills that a 100% suitable person possesses.

Where to get this information?

Sources: job description by position (can be obtained from an acquaintance in the personnel department), the Internet, a conversation with a person who already holds a similar position, a heart-to-heart talk with a manager, if the opportunity arises.

Make a list of requirements for the position of your dreams from this.

My friend Anton had such a list (here is only part of the requirements):

  1. 25-45 years old higher education.
  2. 2 years experience in managing a purchasing department.
  3. Knowledge of logistics, procurement management, warehouse management.
  4. Experience in developing medium- and long-term strategies for procurement and work with suppliers.
  5. Experience in working with suppliers (including foreign ones), negotiating with them to obtain better conditions supplies.
  6. Knowledge of the rules for the preparation of primary documentation, contracts.
  7. Formation of assortment, price and purchasing policy.
  8. Knowledge of English (conversational level).
  9. Experienced PC user.
  10. Analytical mindset, organizational skills, stress tolerance, result orientation.
  1. Conduct an honest analysis of your experience, knowledge, skills. In the compiled list, mark each item with pluses and minuses (corresponds or does not correspond).
  2. Write down everything that you lack in order to fully qualify for the coveted position.

This new list is very important for career growth. It is necessary to transform it into a work plan to remove obstacles on the way to the coveted chair. Our hero Anton was missing items 2 and 8 from the resulting list: leadership experience and knowledge of the English language.

  1. Evaluate each missing item. This may be the lack of some knowledge, leadership experience, etc.

Target: get what you lack.

This will take time and various resources: material (money for education), technical (installing some kind of program), etc. It is also important to evaluate what you cannot get now. That is, it is necessary to really look at things. If you remember your apartment, then perhaps you want a sofa made of zebra, but in reality the situation and the wallet will be saved by a leather sofa with a zebra bedspread.

For example, ideally, for the desired position, you must have a higher financial education. But you already have a technical one, and to get a second higher education you need at least 3 more years. This does not mean that you need to say goodbye to the dream. Just set yourself a goal to take, for example, a three-month course "Finance for non-financiers." The second higher education, if you are interested in this area more deeply and you want to grow in it, leave it for longer planning.

An example of assessing your initial data and career planning:

What not enough How can I replenish, options Per how long When start When I will have
1.Employee management experience
  • Hire an intern (or couple) as an assistant and gain leadership experience
3 months February 1 (by this date I will agree on hiring an intern or assistant, I will select it myself, prepare a work plan with him) By April 30
  • Convince management of the need to hire an assistant
2. Knowledge of English (conversational level). In fact, entry level.
  • Go to an intensive English course
  • Practice several times a week with a tutor via Skype
  • Learn on your own
  • Attend a conversation club
  1. Prepare your plan. Believe me, a plan is what you need. The main requirement for it is that it must be, and be in writing (file, handwritten sheet). You must clearly understand what you will do, in what sequence (remember the paint and the picture?), when you start and when you get the result, who and what will help you with this.

Actions (What will be done and why?) Timing(when done?) Required Resources to perform this action (financial, human, production, etc.) What can help?
Start The ending
1. Gained experience in managing employees(option: selection, training and work with an intern at the position of an assistant manager). 01.02 30.04
  • Approval of the guide for the selection of an intern.
  • Assistance of the personnel service in the selection of a person, preparation of an adaptation program.
2. The level of knowledge of the English language has been increased from elementary to conversational(goal: communication with foreign suppliers and willingness to be interviewed in English).
01.04 30.06
  • Choice of English courses: 2 intensive courses of 5 weeks each.
  • Cost of education:
2* 45,000 rubles = 90,000 (postpone, take a loan).

Here is a simplified version of the plan.

Of course, both of these points can and should be broken down into more detailed actions. Each of these actions will have its own deadlines.

For example, in the second paragraph, first you collect information about courses, choose one thing, determine whether you now have money for education or need to save up some amount, or maybe you have to take a loan, etc.

The biggest problem for specialists is the lack of leadership experience.

This includes (remember):

  • experience in planning, analysis, budgeting processes for the entire department;
  • experience in the development and implementation of any business processes, standards, reporting;
  • setting goals and objectives for employees, their development, motivation, training, evaluation.

Such missing elements look very serious. But everything can be realized with a well-designed plan and your determination.

Tip 1. Options for gaining employee management experience:

  • ask for an assistant;
  • take interns;
  • get into the project;
  • volunteer project;
  • replace your leader for the duration of his sick leave or vacation (only so that he does not decide that you want to “hook him up” ...).
  1. The next step is to implement your plan. The transition from a lack of knowledge, skills and abilities to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Various courses, work in projects within the company, self-study, etc. will help you out.

Tip 2. If you can’t gain practical experience in something, get theoretical knowledge.

For example, if you have no experience in hiring a specialist, then the seminar "Effective Recruitment" will undoubtedly improve your resume and increase your chances.

What else can help you in promotion?

  • Your environment should know about your desire for career growth. Who exactly:
  • your manager, especially if he advocates the development of his employees;
  • employees of the personnel service, who, with open vacancies, consider not only external, but also internal candidates;
  • the job market through your professionally written resume;
  • your friends and acquaintances, acquaintances of friends, etc.
  • People of influence- this is the name of those employees of the company who can make decisions about promotion or influence it.

Find them and let them be by your side.

Find out how promotion decisions are made in your company and who is involved. If possible, talk to these people, find out by what criteria they evaluate candidates, what is important to them in the first place, second, what is not important ... Tell them about yourself, your experience, your results, plans for the development of the direction, department.

If the decision is made not in favor of some “own person” (this also happens) or based on personal sympathies, but in favor of professionalism, then the result that they will receive from your work is important for such people if they make a decision in your favor.

The story with Anton B. ended well for him, like in a good old fairy tale. Cinderella has become the prince's bride, and our manager has become the boss.

Having determined what he lacked, Anton fulfilled everything that we had planned for him with extraordinary perseverance.

He pulled up to an acceptable level English language, attending 2 intensives and studying with an online tutor. It took spring and summer.

Anton also took 3 interns in succession, who worked for 1 month each, helping him and giving the most valuable thing - experience in managing employees.

Six months later, after conducting reconnaissance in his company, he came to the conclusion that, unfortunately, there are no open managerial vacancies in the near future. Therefore, having entered the labor market and having new experience and knowledge, our hero received a coveted offer in a few weeks to head the purchasing department in an equipment supply company.

Career design is undoubtedly a very time-consuming and costly process. But the result you get is yours new position, a dream chair, your department, future conquered peaks in business - believe me, it's worth all your efforts!

P.S. The character of this story is an absolutely real person who did not suffer, but on the contrary, acquired what he dreamed of!

Gifts from the author: the book “How to write a sales resume in 1 day (step-by-step instructions with examples)”, a recording of the webinar “Express diagnostics of mom as a candidate in the labor market. How to find and get a job after maternity leave.

Article author: Olga Khizhnyakova,
HR Consultant,
author of the project “Job of your dreams! »
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