Connecting a computer to the Internet through android. How to use the Internet from the phone to the computer via USB. Using third party software

  • 29.03.2020

Many users of Android devices know how to distribute the Internet from a smartphone to a computer via Wi-Fi. But what if you need the reverse procedure - to distribute the Internet from a PC to Android?

The solution is a regular USB cable. This is a very useful feature if you don't have WiFi router to use the Internet both on a personal computer and a mobile device.

What do you need to distribute the Internet from a PC to Android?

First, you need to root your Android smartphone. This is one of the main problems for novice users. However, superuser (Root) rights open up many additional features and capabilities, so sooner or later you will need to go through this procedure.

Also, you need to download and install the free Android Reverse Tethering utility on your computer. The utility uses ADB commands to share internet from PC to Android device via USB cable. You can download Android Reverse Tethering from this link.


Step 1: Connect your Android device to your computer with a USB cable. Enable USB debugging on your mobile device. How to do it? Read .

Step 2: Unzip the Android Reverse Tethering archive you downloaded earlier, and run the AndroidTool.exe file.

Step 3: In the utility window, select your smartphone from the "Select a device" field. In the next drop-down menu, select DNS, for example,

Step 4: Click on the Connect button to share internet from PC to Android. The utility will connect to your Android device and install the necessary apps on your phone. If an error occurs, run the utility again.

Step 5: After the necessary applications are installed on your Android device, you will be prompted to grant superuser access to the USB tunnel application. Click "Grant", then you will get access to the Internet.

If you get an error that there is no Internet connection, just click OK and continue to use the Internet on your Android device.

That's all you need to do to share internet from PC to Android via USB cable.

Smartphones entered our lives not so long ago, but during this time they managed to literally capture it. Unfortunately, some features of smart gadgets can only be unlocked if you have a high-speed Internet connection. BUT mobile operators they are in no hurry to build up a stable and high-quality coverage of the global web, and traffic prices can “bite”. Therefore, it is most reliable to connect your smartphone to the Internet through a personal computer.

Is it possible to distribute the Internet through a USB cable

Technologically, smartphones have already caught up with computers and laptops in their performance. Platform is the only difference. operating system and an active internet connection. Wi-Fi is not always available, and mobile operators cannot guarantee high-quality communication and access to global network everywhere. But it is necessary to solve issues and problems that have arisen on a mobile device, including such elementary tasks as:

  • download games, applications or documents;
  • find the necessary information;
  • update the operating system and applications for their correct operation;
  • use the device as a multimedia device: for watching movies, photos, presentations.

How to connect to the Internet smartphone based on Android

Android devices are the most common. They attract with their low cost and good performance, and their functionality is developed in all areas necessary for the user. Creating a local network using a USB cable connection with standard tools is also included in the system's capabilities. To distribute Internet traffic, you only need a gadget, a cord and a computer with an active Internet connection.

Setting up a connection on a smartphone

First you need to tweak some settings on your Android device. This is necessary to create the correct connection not only for the local network, but also for the Internet channel. You need to do the following:

  1. Open the smartphone settings, scroll down the list and in the "System" column, click "For Developers".

    Find and select "For Developers" in the smartphone settings

  2. In the "Debugging" column, check the "USB debugging" box.

    Check the box next to "USB Debugging"

  3. We return to the main settings. In the "Wireless networks" column, go to the "Advanced" item, depending on the system, it may have the name "More ...". The item will be at the bottom of the list, followed immediately by the "Device" column.

    Select the item "Advanced" in the main settings of the smartphone

  4. In the line "USB Internet" put a tick. After that, you can close the settings and connect the phone to the computer.

    Check the box "USB Internet"

On this preparatory work finished with a smartphone. We proceed to the order of actions on the computer.

Setting up a connection on a computer

So, the local network between smartphone and computer is created. It remains only to distribute the Internet within this network. To do this, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Press the key combination on the keyboard Win + R, in the window that opens, enter the control command and click OK.

    Type control in the Run window and click OK

  2. Switch the view to large or small icons, then select "Network and Sharing Center".

    You need to open the "Network and Sharing Center" section

  3. A new local connection has been created. In the column on the right, click the "Change adapter settings" button.
  4. Open the properties of the network that provides access to the Internet.

    Open the properties of the Internet traffic provider network

  5. Go to the "Access" tab, in the "Home network connection" filter, select the connection created with the phone, check the boxes "Allow ..." and save the changes by clicking OK.

    In the settings of the "Access" tab, check the boxes and save the changes

  6. In a similar way, through the context menu, open the properties of the local connection to the phone.

    Open the properties of the Internet traffic consumer network

  7. Select "IP version 4" and click "Properties".

    Open the properties of "IP version 4"

  8. Change the IP address and subnet mask settings:
    • IP address:;
    • subnet mask:

Video: how to connect the Internet to an Android smartphone via a USB cable

What to do if the Internet does not start

Sometimes there are cases when all the instructions are followed, but the traffic still does not go to the smartphone. Do not rush to get upset, most likely, the firewall service is operating on the PC. This is a kind of firewall that blocks questionable computer networks. Therefore, we correct the situation by disabling the firewall:

  1. Open the "Control Panel", select the item "Windows Defender Firewall".

    Select "Windows Defender Firewall" in the PC Control Panel

  2. On the right, click on the "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" button.

    Turn off the firewall for stable operation of computer networks

As a result, the blocking factor will be disabled and the network will work properly.

The firewall function can be taken over by your system's antivirus. In this case, you need to disable the firewall software-defender. It is recommended to do this before creating a local connection with the computer.

Can I connect my iPhone to the internet with a USB cable?

Unfortunately, Apple has not provided in its devices the ability to receive the Internet via a USB connection with a computer. The functionality of "apple" gadgets is not limited only to the reverse side: the iPhone can be used as a modem and distribute traffic to computers and other devices. They can only accept a connection to a router, as well as Internet communication channels of mobile operators.

It is not difficult to distribute the Internet via a USB cable to other devices. Unfortunately, if you own an iPhone, you will not be able to connect your phone to the Internet in this way. Follow the instructions and a stable communication channel with the World Wide Web is provided for you to use all the features and functions of your smartphone.

Hi all! Today we will consider such a question as connecting the Internet on a PC or laptop via an Android smartphone or tablet. If you need to access the World Wide Web directly from a PC or laptop, and you have a smartphone or tablet running Android OS at hand, then our article will tell you how to realize this need!
So, first we need to make sure that our mobile gadget already has Internet access. If you checked this possibility and made sure that the mobile Internet is working properly, then we set up the connection in one of the following ways:

1. Internet access via mobile Wi-Fi

If our computer has a Wi-Fi module, we can access the Internet by connecting to our smartphone, previously turned into a Wi-Fi point.

To do this, go to the settings of the gadget and find the item "Wi-Fi access point" there. I am sure that you will cope with this without problems, although the location of this item is different in different versions of the operating system. The most common location path is "Network" (or "Wireless") => "Tethering Mode".

By clicking on “Wi-Fi access point”, we will find a menu, and in it you need to select “Access point settings”, where you need to specify any network name, type of protection “WPA2 PSK” in the fields specially designated for this and come up with a password for your Wi -Fi. Next, save all the settings and turn on the Wi-Fi access point.

Separately, I want to clarify that even a seemingly harmless home wireless network must be encrypted and a complex password must be chosen using lower and upper case letters, as well as numbers. We strongly do not recommend that you specify password, qwerty123, 7777777 and other easy-to-guess passwords as a password, since in this case an attacker can easily guess it and not only use your Internet for free, but also gain access to your personal data.

The computer connects to a Wi-Fi access point as standard: first, turn on the search for Wi-Fi networks on the PC, then select our previously created network in the detected wifi hotspot and connect to it by entering a password, also invented by us earlier. After that, your computer can safely go online, because the Internet is available.

2. Use an Android gadget as a USB modem

To implement the following method, in addition to the Android device itself, we also need to have a USB cable, with which we will connect our gadget to the PC.

Action algorithm:

1. We connect the Android device to the USB connector of the computer.
2. On an Android device, we ignore the offer of the operating system to connect as a drive.
3. In the settings Android systems find and turn on the "USB modem" mode. Often, it can be found in the immediate vicinity of the "Wi-Fi Access Point" item from the first paragraph of this article.
4. On the screen of your PC, the installation of the found modem driver should begin.
5. We answer a couple of questions (let us connect, select the type of this network, and so on), after which we wait for the connection to finish. In the lower right corner of the screen, a notification should appear that our computer is connected to the Internet.

In case you are using an outdated version of Windows (XP or earlier), it is quite possible that the automatic driver installation will not occur. In this case, we will have to find and download the driver from the official site manufacturer of the Android device, and then install it on your computer on your own. We also advise you to pay attention to the fact that the driver may be on the disk, if one was included in the configuration of your Android gadget.

Note that using an Android device as a modem via a USB connector, Internet access from a computer can be carried out not only through a 3G or 4G module, but also via Wi-Fi, if your mobile gadget is already connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. This means that the Android device replaces not only the modem, but also a full-fledged Wi-Fi USB adapter.

If the computer does not see Android via USB, then it will not be possible to upload photos, videos or music, install applications not from the Play Market, or flash the device. And this is very bad, because the functionality of the phone is not fully disclosed due to some stupid mistake.

Someone may argue that you can flash a phone without a USB connection, and there is Wi-Fi, instant messengers, cloud storage, and e-mail for file transfer. But I can’t refuse a USB connection in any way, I constantly carry a cable with me and I consider this one of the most convenient ways to transfer data.

Checking the cable and port

Before you get into your phone settings, install drivers and curse the day you bought this Android, check the cable and USB port. I was somehow very surprised that the computer stopped detecting a smartphone that I had seen perfectly before. It turned out that the cat liked the cable, which chewed it. From this situation, I drew two conclusions: the wires must be put away in a box and inspected before connecting. The cat did not draw any conclusions. If there are no creases, bites, breaks or other mechanical damage on the wire, check the USB port. Try connecting to a different port or insert another device into the same port, such as a mouse.

If Windows XP is installed on the computer, then urgently look for the opportunity to switch to at least the "seven". But first you can just install MTP protocol so that XP learns to work with Android. The trick is that when the first version of Android appeared, Microsoft released Windows 7. Therefore, there is no MTP protocol in XP, and you have to install it separately. You can download MTP

If the computer detects any other device, and the phone categorically does not want to see it, then it's time to move the focus to Android settings and connection features. Yes, there is a possibility of mechanical damage to the microUSB connector on the phone, but I have not yet encountered this. If you have something broken, you will most likely notice it.

Most often, the inability to establish a connection between a computer and a phone is due to software errors. If none of the methods listed below resolve the issue, contact service center- it seems that the smartphone really needs to be repaired.

Android setup

I have come across two situations. The first phone required not only obtaining developer rights and enabling USB debugging, but also installing phone drivers on the computer. In the settings of the second smartphone, I did not find the parameters responsible for connecting via USB at all. They are not needed: the phone is perfectly detected by the computer, after which it prompts you to select the connection mode.

So, if you connected your smartphone, but nothing happened:

  1. open Android Settings.
  2. Go to section "About phone"(may be called "About Device").
  3. Find build number(models) and click on this item until a notification appears that you will soon become a developer. Usually n you have to press 7-10 times.

After you become a developer, a new section will appear in Android settings - "Developer Options". Inside it you will find a switch "USB Debugging", which needs to be translated into position "On".

Now try connecting your phone to your computer again. When connected, a mode selection window should appear on the smartphone screen. The default on older Android versions is "Charge only". If the window does not appear, slide it out of the notification shade.

To transfer files, you must select the media device (MTP) or mass storage mode. There will also be a PTP mode among the options, but it is only suitable for photos that can just as well be moved to MTP.

After selecting the appropriate mode in the "Computer" on Windows, a media device will appear, with the contents of which you can work. Depending on the features of the phone models and android versions internal memory and SD card can be displayed together or as separate drives. But it does not matter, the main thing is that they are displayed at all.

There are no other options in the Android settings that are responsible for connecting via USB, except for debugging. However, there are some features. For example, on Nexus smartphones, you need to unlock the screen protected by a password or pattern in order for the computer to access the contents of the memory.

Also, a USB connection cannot be established when tethering is enabled on Android. To check its status and disable it if necessary:

  1. open Settings.
  2. In chapter "Network and Connections" click "Additional settings" or "More".
  3. Enter modem mode and disable WLAN hotspot. If it is disabled, you don't need to do anything else.

Some manufacturers offer users special programs for managing smartphones on a computer, but you can establish a simple USB connection without this software. Utilities from manufacturers are needed not for the banal transfer of photos, but for more challenging tasks: update the phone software through a computer, device firmware, reset settings.

The reason that the computer does not see Android via USB may be incorrectly installed or just a crooked custom firmware. In addition, factory reset sometimes helps, but before doing it, do not forget to backup the data, as it will be deleted. The problem may disappear even after a normal reboot of the smartphone - keep this in mind.

Checking Energy Saver Settings

Windows tries to conserve energy so that the same laptops will last longer on battery. One savings factor is the automatic shutdown of the USB ports. Sometimes this results in external devices not connecting at all. To check these settings and troubleshoot:

I did not measure how much it affects the duration battery life ban on automatic shutdown of ports, but there is no noticeable difference. But problems with connecting external devices like Android phones are eliminated.

Driver installation

The first time you connect any device, Windows installs drivers for it. Often this process goes unnoticed and very quickly (as I did with the second phone), so you may not even know about the presence of smartphone software on your computer. But it is, and, therefore, it should work correctly.
  1. Connect your phone to your computer.
  2. open Device Manager. On Windows 10, the corresponding item is in the context menu called by right-clicking on "Start". In earlier Windows versions The manager can be found at Control panels in view mode "Badges".
  3. Check all USB controllers. If there is an exclamation mark next to one of them, then this indicates a problem with the software.

To make sure that the phone is marked in the Dispatcher, turn off USB cable. If the problematic controller disappears, then you have found the source of the problem. A smartphone without drivers can also be displayed in other sections: for example, among other or portable devices.

So, you've discovered that something strange is going on with your phone's drivers. What to do next?

  1. Connect your phone to display in Device Manager.
  2. Select it and delete it.
  3. Update the hardware configuration so that the computer can rediscover the phone and start installing the drivers.

You can not remove the device, but only update the driver. Right click on phone, select tab "Driver" and press "Update". Another option is to first, and then reinstall without touching the device itself.

In the search box, select automatic discovery. If you downloaded the phone driver from the official website, you can click "Search this computer" and specify the path to the downloaded software file.

If you have a Chinese smartphone, then there may be another problem with it - the inability to find a suitable driver on the Internet. Often they are posted on forums like, but if there is nothing, try installing a generic driver. It's called Universal Adb Driver and it's designed to provide the correct android work Debug Bridge and PC Synchronization Utilities Android devices. Versatility is not always good, but it is likely that in the case of a Chinese phone, you can simply access the contents of the memory.

Troubleshooting error code 19

If, when connecting the phone, the computer shows a message about the inability to start the device due to incomplete or corrupted settings, then you need to check the system registry. But be careful: deleting the wrong entries can cause Windows to stop working.

After removing the setting, restart your computer and try connecting your phone again.

Alternative ways to transfer files

If you are unable to resolve your USB connection issue and want to transfer files now, use one of the alternative methods.
  • Sync data via Google Drive. Android requires a Google account to function properly, so you definitely have access to cloud storage. You can transfer files through other services - DropBox, OneDrive. I use Yandex.Disk.
  • Transfer files via email, messengers or social networks. I often add small files to VKontakte's "Documents" and then download them to my computer.
  • Install the AirDroid application on your phone and access the memory through a browser on your computer.

You can think of other options. For example, create an FTP server on your phone or set up a remote connection via TeamViewer. So USB is not the only way out. But if a wired connection is not established, it is still worth looking into what is the reason and, if possible, fixing it.

More on the site:

Computer does not see Android via USB updated: February 7, 2018 by: Sergey

Mobile Internet is still quite expensive and slow way to connect to the World Wide Web. Therefore, using it as the main Internet connection for a desktop computer is rather inconvenient.

However, there are times when there is simply no other option. For example, during a trip on vacation or a breakdown of the main Internet provider. In such cases, you have to resort to using the mobile Internet. In this article, we will talk about how to connect a computer to the Internet via mobile phone.

The easiest way to connect a computer to the Internet via a mobile phone is to use the Hotspot feature. This feature is found in most modern smartphones.

After turning on the Hotspot function, your mobile phone will start working as , creating wifi network with access to the Internet. In order for the Internet to work on your computer through a mobile phone, it is enough to connect to this Wi-Fi network.

It should be noted that the use of the "Access Point" function has a number of disadvantages:

  • Not every mobile phone supports this function. As a rule, only advanced smartphones provide such an opportunity.
  • Using the hotspot feature drains your mobile phone's battery faster.
  • Using the "Access Point" function leads to an increased consumption of Internet traffic.
  • To connect to an access point, a Wi-Fi module must be installed on the computer.

Mobile phone as a modem

The second way to connect a computer to the Internet via a mobile phone is to use the mobile phone as a modem. In contrast to the "Access Point", this way Works with most modern mobile phones.

Because this connection method mobile internet quite complex, we will go through it step by step.

Step number 1. We connect the mobile phone to the computer.

Connect your mobile phone to your computer using a cable or . After connecting, install the program to synchronize your mobile phone with your computer. This can be Nokia Suite if you have a Nokia phone, or Samsung Kies if you have a Samsung phone. If your phone came with a CD with drivers, then install them as well.

After connecting and installing all the necessary programs, your mobile phone modem should appear in the Device Manager.

Step #2: Create a new Internet connection.

After you have connected your mobile phone to your computer, you can start creating a new Internet connection. To do this, open Control Panel –> Network and Internet –> Network and Sharing Center.

In the "Network and Sharing Center" window, click on the "Set up a new network connection" link.

After that, the "Setting up a network connection" window will open in front of you. Here you need to select the item "Setting up a telephone connection" and click on the "Next" button.

In the next window, you must specify the dialed number, username and password. This data will be used by the modem to connect to the Internet. To find out your dialed number, login and password, contact your mobile provider.

After entering all the data, click on the "Connect" button. If you did everything right, then your computer should be able to connect to the Internet.