Professional ethics of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. Introduction. Professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies Features of professional ethics of an internal affairs officer

  • 11.02.2021

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, based on the priority tasks of protecting life and health, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, maintaining public peace, law and order, based on fundamental human and professional moral values, the requirements of civic and official duty, embodying the expectations of society for attitude to the moral character of an employee, which gives the right to respect, trust and support for the activities of the Russian police on the part of the people, adopts the Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 1. Basic Provisions

Article 1. Purpose of the Code

1. The Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is a professional and moral guide addressed to the consciousness and conscience of an employee.

2. The Code, as a set of professional and ethical standards, defines for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation:

moral values, obligations and principles of service in the internal affairs bodies;

professional and ethical requirements for official and off-duty behavior, relationships in the service team;

professional and ethical standard of anti-corruption behavior.

3. This Code serves the purposes of:

establishing the moral and ethical foundations of official activities and professional behavior of an employee;

formation of unity of beliefs and views in the field of professional ethics and office etiquette, focused on the professional and ethical standard of behavior;

regulation of professional and ethical problems of relations between employees that arise in the process of their joint activities;

education of a highly moral personality of an employee, corresponding to the norms and principles of universal and professional morality.

4. According to its functional purpose, the Code:

serves as a methodological basis for the formation of professional morality in the internal affairs bodies;

orients the employee in situations of conflict and ethical uncertainty and other circumstances of moral choice;

contributes to the development of the employee's need to comply with professional and ethical standards of conduct;

acts as a means of public control over the moral character and professional behavior of the employee.

5. The Code was developed on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, taking into account the general principles of official behavior of civil servants.

The norms and requirements of the Code are consistent with the provisions of the Code officials law enforcement, as well as the European Code of Police Ethics.

6. Strict observance of the principles and norms of the Code is an important factor high-quality performance of operational and service tasks, a necessary condition for public trust and support for the activities of internal affairs bodies.

Article 2. Scope of the Code

1. Compliance with the principles, norms and rules of conduct established by the Code is the moral duty of every employee of the internal affairs bodies, regardless of their position and special rank.

2. Knowledge and implementation by an employee of the provisions of the Code is a mandatory criterion for assessing the quality of his professional activities, as well as the compliance of his moral character with the requirements established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3. A citizen of the Russian Federation serving in the internal affairs bodies or entering the service has the right, having studied the content of the Code, to accept its provisions for himself or refuse to serve in the internal affairs bodies.

Article 3. Responsibility for violation of the principles and norms of the Code

1. For violation of the professional and ethical principles and norms established by the Code, the employee bears moral responsibility to society, the service team and his conscience.

2. Along with moral responsibility, an employee who has committed a violation of professional and ethical principles, norms and committed an offense or disciplinary offense in connection with this shall bear disciplinary responsibility.

3. Violations by an employee of the professional and ethical principles and norms provided for by this Code are considered in the prescribed manner:

at general meetings of junior, middle and senior commanding staff;

at meetings of commissions of bodies, divisions, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on official discipline and professional ethics.

4. Based on the results of consideration of the issue of violation of professional and ethical principles and norms, an employee may be issued a public warning or public censure.

Chapter 2

in the internal affairs bodies

Article 4. Civic duty and moral values ​​of service in the internal affairs bodies.

1. Every citizen of the Russian Federation who joins the ranks of employees of the internal affairs bodies devotes his life to the fulfillment of the Duty of selfless service to the Fatherland and the defense of noble social ideals: freedom, democracy, the triumph of law and order.

2. The highest moral meaning of the official activity of an employee is the protection of a person, his life and health, honor and personal dignity, inalienable rights and freedoms.

3. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, realizing personal responsibility for the historical fate of the Fatherland, considers it his duty to protect and increase the fundamental moral values:

citizenship - as devotion to the Russian Federation, awareness of the unity of rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen;

statehood - as a statement of the idea of ​​a legal, democratic, strong, indivisible Russian state;

patriotism - as a deep and sublime feeling of love for the Motherland, loyalty to the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the chosen profession and official duty.

4. Moral values ​​form the basis of the morale of the employee, embodying the awareness of involvement in the noble cause of protecting law and order, the heroic history of the internal affairs bodies, the victories, achievements, and successes of previous generations.

Article 5. Professional duty, honor and dignity of an employee of the internal affairs bodies

1. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the main moral guidelines on the career path of a defender of law and order and, along with conscience, constitute the moral core of the personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

2. The employee's duty consists in the unconditional fulfillment of the obligations fixed by the Oath, laws and professional ethical standards obligations to ensure reliable protection of law and order, legality, public safety.

3. The honor of an employee is expressed in a well-deserved reputation, good name, personal authority and is manifested in fidelity to civic and official duty, given word and accepted moral obligations.

4. Dignity is inextricably linked with duty and honor, representing the unity of moral spirit and high moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in oneself and other people.

5. The banner of the internal affairs body serves as a symbol of honor and dignity, valor and glory, reminding the employee of the sacred duty of devotion to Russia, loyalty to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation.

6. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the most important criteria for the moral maturity of an employee and indicators of his readiness to perform operational tasks.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Ural Law Institute



Lecture course


ISBN 5-88437-098-9

Discussed at a meeting of the Department of Philosophy of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (minutes No. 9 of October 25, 2001).

Approved by the editorial and publishing council of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (minutes No. 33 of November 29, 2001).

© URI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2001

TOPIC 1. Morality as a subject of ethics .............................................. ..... 4
TOPIC 2. History of ethics............................................... ....................... 16
TOPIC 3. The main categories of ethics .............................................. .... 29
TOPIC 4. Morality and law .............................................. ...................... 42
TOPIC 5. Professional morality ............................................... .... 66
TOPIC 6. Regulatory and legal basis for the professional morality of police officers .............................................................. ............................................... 83
TOPIC 7. Ethics business communication and official etiquette of law enforcement officers .............................................. ......... 103
TOPIC 8. Moral aspects of the activities of employees of operational services and investigative units .............................................................. ....... 144
TOPIC 9. Problems of professional and moral deformation of police officers .............................................................. ...................................... 163


1. Introduction.

2. The concept of "morality", its origin, structure.

1. Introduction

The well-known words morality, morality, ethics are often used as synonyms or on a whim, depending on the consonance of the words in the sentence. If we take the history of the appearance of these terms, then it is known that etymologically the word ethics comes from ethos (Greek) and in translation means custom, temper, character. The Latin word mos is also translated as custom, temper. Cicero, focusing on the Greek translation, formed the adjective moralis (related to morals) from the word mos, and the term moralitas (morality) later arises from it. Therefore, as they write in some textbooks, according to the etymology, the meanings of the Greek ethica and Latin moralitas coincide and correspond to the Russian word morality.

However, within the framework of scientific knowledge, these terms have their own specific content and semantic load. This difference was comprehended and terminologically fixed by G. Hegel, in whom morality and morality act as two independent and historically replacing each other concepts.

Firstly, morality is fixed by tradition, the individual is included in it directly, as in the external world, morality is an expression of inner conviction, in it the reality is accepted by the individual to the extent that it has passed the test of critical thought.

Secondly, morality coincides with mores, actually practiced forms of behavior, morality follows from a negative attitude towards reality and is a subjective obligation.

Thirdly, morality can be defined as public morality, it expresses the point of view of the community (family, state, society), morality, on the contrary, is something like individual morality, it comes from the idea of ​​the intrinsic value of the human person.

In modern literature, along with the identification of these concepts, their differences are highlighted. Morality is understood as a form of social consciousness, in which moral requirements and ideas about what is due are fixed. Morality is the real-life forms and models of people's behavior and the relationship between them.

In understanding the term ethics, two approaches can be distinguished. The first, traditional, understands ethics as the science of morality. In the modern sense, ethics is a philosophical science about the essence, origin, development and structure of morality. An indication of its philosophical nature shows that morality and morality are comprehended from certain worldview positions.

The second approach is to understand ethics as a doctrine of morality. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that not every teaching is scientific. Scientificness is the highest form of knowledge, which implies the truth, evidence, verifiability of knowledge. In relation to ethics, this is not always possible to achieve. Ethics does not simply reflect morals and customs, but gives them critically - it carries out a value analysis. It is a way of understanding social life, included in the moral consciousness as the highest level. Scientific and ethical ideas about morality to some extent flow into the mass consciousness and have the opposite effect on the development of morality and morality.

Accordingly, two parts are distinguished in the structure of ethics: the theoretical one, which describes and explains morality, and the applied one, which teaches morality, i.e. instills certain moral ideas and principles.

Among the sections of ethics, professional ethics are distinguished. This concept is often used to refer to the moral code of people in a certain profession. Some authors share the concepts of "professional ethics" and "professional morality". The first is understood as a section of ethical science, and the second - morality, the totality of established norms of behavior and relations between people. The following definition of professional ethics is generally accepted as a system of norms and rules of behavior for a certain social group, in the professional activity of which the action of general ethical and professional norms of morality is specifically manifested; is a section of ethical doctrine that studies the features of the functioning of morality in various types professional activity. The term “professional ethics” is conditional, since it primarily means professional moral codes. However, the use of the term "professional ethics" is justified, as it emphasizes the need for thoughtful development of its norms. The term "professional morality" implies a certain spontaneity in the formation of such norms.

The existence of professional ethics is due to the historical division of labor, group interests, traditions and stereotypes of professional activity. Of course, moral problems and contradictions can arise in any kind of activity. However, it is possible to single out a special group of professions, which are subject to increased moral requirements. These are, first of all, professions, the object of which is a person. To consolidate these increased moral requirements for the subjects of professional activity, a “moral code” is created, enshrined in oaths, charters, regulations, etc. Usually, the ethics of a doctor, teacher, officer, journalist, etc. are singled out. In this regard, for representatives of these professions, it is important not only to know moral standards, but also to have a special ability to embody moral principles in the specific conditions of their activities. The norms of professional ethics are created under the direct influence of the organizations concerned. They contain a greater element of rational justification than in general morality, since the technologically expedient and intrinsically moral aspects of the activity of these professional groups coincide.

Professional morality is closely related to general morality. Any attempts to neglect this connection end either in the substitution of a certain moral code by non-moral guidelines (charters, instructions) or by abstract declarations. This connection is deep and necessary. General moral norms, principles more fundamentally, more significantly capture changes in public demands to the activities of specific professional groups. Therefore, it is they who, first of all, stimulate the generalization of moral practice and the emergence of new norms and prohibitions in professional morality. Main Feature norms of professional morality is their advisory nature.

A special place is occupied by the professional ethics of police officers, which is deontological in nature. This means that the moral requirements for police officers are strictly mandatory and are provided by administrative sanctions (for example, the Code of Honor, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, disciplinary charters that determine forms of behavior and communication).

The activities of police officers are of a state nature, as they are representatives of the authorities. Actions and decisions various departments bodies of internal affairs affect the fundamental rights and interests of citizens. Therefore, their activities must comply with the principles and norms of morality, the protection of authority state power and its representatives. The fulfillment of public duties requires from representatives of the authorities a heightened sense of duty and responsibility.

In democratic societies based on the principles of the rule of law, the police (militia) perform traditional functions: prevention, detection of crime and combating it, maintaining public peace, enforcing the law and public order and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens, providing assistance and services to the population.

As you know, one of the main differences between morality and other forms of social consciousness is that. That its norms are not strictly binding, provide the right to a wide choice and are sanctioned solely by the force of the influence of public opinion. But if this provision is estimated to apply to all citizens equally, then in relation to the requirements that apply to police officers, these conditions turn out to be ethical norms and acquire a strictly binding character and are provided with administrative sanctions. An example of this nature is the “Code of Honor for the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies of Russia”, which was approved by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs in 1993. Violation of this Code of Honor for an employee can have negative consequences - up to and including dismissal from the bodies on the basis of Art. 58 of the "Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies": for committing misconduct that is incompatible with the requirements for the personal, moral qualities of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, employees may be dismissed from service.

Among such deontological norms (deontological norms are specifically imperative in nature, fixed in official documents and provided with administrative (legal sanctions). Unlike the norms of ordinary ethics, they do not give the right to choose, they are imperative, insistent and obligatory), include the requirements of disciplinary charters and regulations that determine the forms of behavior and communication of law enforcement officials. In a generalized form, moral obligations and ethical requirements for an employee of the internal affairs bodies are as follows:

Treating a person as highest value, respect for rights, freedoms, interests and human dignity in accordance with international and Russian legal regulations and universal principles of morality.

Deep understanding of the social significance of their role and high professionalism, their responsibility to society and the state as an internal affairs officer, on which public safety, protection of life, health, legal protection of the population and citizens depend.

Reasonable and humane use rights granted by law to an internal affairs officer in strict accordance with the principles of social justice, civic, official and moral duty.

Integrity, courage, uncompromisingness, dedication in the fight against crime, objectivity and impartiality in decision-making.

Impeccability of personal behavior in the service and at home, honesty, incorruptibility, concern for professional honor - "honor - in the service", the public reputation of an internal affairs officer.

Avoid abuse official position, the facts of corruption, to prevent such phenomena in every possible way.

Selflessness and steadily by all legal measures to protect the innocent from iniquity and deceit, weak from intimidation, peaceful from violence and disorder, in extreme conditions not to leave defenseless women, the elderly and children, the sick and the disabled, not to allow connivance with evil and lawlessness.

Conscious discipline diligence, diligence and initiative, professional solidarity, mutual assistance, support, courage and moral and psychological readiness for action in non-standard, extreme conditions.

Continuous improvement of professional skills, knowledge in the field of work ethics, etiquette and tact, common culture, expansion of intellect, creative (creative) development of domestic and foreign experience necessary in the service.

The listed requirements give a fairly complete and deep idea of ​​the moral qualities that should be possessed not only by an employee of the internal affairs bodies, but also by all law enforcement officers who are able to show humanity, tolerance, justice, a sense of duty, courage, courage, endurance, disinterestedness, honesty, patriotism, impartiality, modesty, professionalism.

The police in the Russian Federation is a system of state executive bodies designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of people, property, the interests of society and the country from criminal and other unlawful encroachments and endowed with the right to use coercive measures. The police enters the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The service in the internal affairs bodies and the activities of the police are built in accordance with the principles of legality, humanism, respect and observance of human and civil rights, transparency, accountability and accountability of employees of the internal affairs bodies to the relevant state authorities and administration, observance of service discipline, fair remuneration for work, career advancement based on the results of work, taking into account the ability and qualifications.

The police, which is part of the system of internal affairs bodies, solves the tasks facing it in cooperation with other state bodies, public associations, labor collectives and citizens. Its tasks are:

Ensuring the personal safety of people; - prevention and suppression of atrocities, administrative offenses; - disclosure of crimes; - protection of public order and ensuring public safety; - providing assistance, within the limits established by the Law on the Police of the Russian Federation, to citizens, officials, enterprises, institutions, organizations and public associations in the exercise of their legitimate rights and interests. Other tasks for the police may be assigned only by law.

Employees of the Internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are citizens of the Russian Federation who hold the positions of ordinary and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies or personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who, in accordance with the established Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, are assigned special ranks of ordinary and commanding staff of internal affairs bodies. affairs.

1. Approve the attached Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. Heads of departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia*, heads of departments directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, ministers of internal affairs, heads of main departments, departments of internal affairs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments of internal affairs in transport, departments and departments of internal affairs in closed administrative-territorial formations, at especially important and sensitive facilities, logistics departments, educational, research and other institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to ensure that subordinate personnel study the Code of Professional Ethics of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and his compliance during service.

4. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

* In addition to the State Committee for Airborne Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

professional ethics of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation,

proceeding from the priority tasks of protecting life and health, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, maintaining public peace, law and order,

based on fundamental human and professional moral values, the requirements of civic and official duty,

embodying the expectations of society in relation to the moral character of the employee, which gives the right to respect, trust and support for the activities of the Russian police on the part of the people,

adopts the Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 1. Basic Provisions

Article 1. Purpose of the Code

1. The Code of Professional Ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation * (1) is a professional and moral guide addressed to the consciousness and conscience of an employee.

2. The Code, as a set of professional and ethical standards, defines for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation * (2):

moral values, obligations and principles of service in the internal affairs bodies;

professional and ethical requirements for official and off-duty behavior, relationships in the service team;

professional and ethical standard of anti-corruption behavior.

3. This Code serves the purposes of:

establishing the moral and ethical foundations of official activities and professional behavior of an employee;

formation of unity of beliefs and views in the field of professional ethics and office etiquette, focused on the professional and ethical standard of behavior;

regulation of professional and ethical problems of relations between employees arising in the course of their joint activities;

education of a highly moral personality of an employee, corresponding to the norms and principles of universal and professional morality.

4. According to its functional purpose, the Code:

serves as a methodological basis for the formation of professional morality in the internal affairs bodies;

orients the employee in situations of conflict and ethical uncertainty and other circumstances of moral choice;

contributes to the development of the employee's need to comply with professional and ethical standards of conduct;

acts as a means of public control over the moral character and professional behavior of the employee.

5. The Code was developed on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation * (3) taking into account the general principles of official behavior of civil servants * (4).

The norms and requirements of the Code are in line with the provisions of the Code of Law Enforcement Officials*(5) as well as the European Code of Police Ethics*(6).

6. Strict observance of the principles and norms of the Code is an important factor in the quality performance of operational and service tasks, a necessary condition for public trust and support for the activities of internal affairs bodies.

Article 2. Scope of the Code

1. Compliance with the principles, norms and rules of conduct established by the Code is the moral duty of every employee of the internal affairs bodies, regardless of their position and special rank.

2. Knowledge and implementation by an employee of the provisions of the Code is a mandatory criterion for assessing the quality of his professional activities, as well as the compliance of his moral character with the requirements established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3. A citizen of the Russian Federation serving in the internal affairs bodies or entering the service has the right, having studied the content of the Code, to accept its provisions for himself or refuse to serve in the internal affairs bodies.

Article 3. Responsibility for violation of the principles and norms of the Code

1. For violation of the professional and ethical principles and norms established by the Code, the employee bears moral responsibility to society, the service team and his conscience.

2. Along with moral responsibility, an employee who has committed a violation of professional and ethical principles, norms and committed an offense or disciplinary offense in connection with this shall bear disciplinary responsibility.

3. Violations by an employee of the professional and ethical principles and norms provided for by this Code are considered in the prescribed manner:

at general meetings of junior, middle and senior commanding staff;

at meetings of commissions of bodies, divisions, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on official discipline and professional ethics.

4. Based on the results of consideration of the issue of violation of professional and ethical principles and norms, an employee may be issued a public warning or public censure.

Chapter 2. Moral foundations of service in the internal affairs bodies

Article 4. Civic duty and moral values ​​of service in the internal affairs bodies

1. Every citizen of the Russian Federation who joins the ranks of employees of the internal affairs bodies devotes his life to the fulfillment of the Duty of selfless service to the Fatherland and the defense of noble social ideals: freedom, democracy, the triumph of law and order.

2. The highest moral meaning of the official activity of an employee is the protection of a person, his life and health, honor and personal dignity, inalienable rights and freedoms.

3. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, realizing personal responsibility for the historical fate of the Fatherland, considers it his duty to protect and increase the fundamental moral values:

citizenship - as devotion to the Russian Federation, awareness of the unity of rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen;

statehood - as a statement of the idea of ​​a legal, democratic, strong, indivisible Russian state;

patriotism - as a deep and sublime feeling of love for the Motherland, loyalty to the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation * (7), the chosen profession and official duty.

4. Moral values ​​form the basis of the morale of the employee, embodying the awareness of involvement in the noble cause of protecting law and order, the heroic history of the internal affairs bodies, the victories, achievements, and successes of previous generations.

Article 5. Professional duty, honor and dignity of an employee of the internal affairs bodies

1. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the main moral guidelines on the career path of a defender of law and order and, along with conscience, constitute the moral core of the personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

2. The employee's duty consists in the unconditional fulfillment of the obligations fixed by the Oath, laws and professional and ethical standards to ensure reliable protection of law and order, legality, and public safety.

3. The honor of an employee is expressed in a well-deserved reputation, good name, personal authority and is manifested in fidelity to civic and official duty, given word and accepted moral obligations.

4. Dignity is inextricably linked with duty and honor, representing the unity of moral spirit and high moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in oneself and other people.

5. The banner of the internal affairs body serves as a symbol of honor and dignity, valor and glory, reminding the employee of the sacred duty of devotion to Russia, loyalty to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation.

6. Professional duty, honor and dignity are the most important criteria for the moral maturity of an employee and indicators of his readiness to perform operational tasks.

Article 6

1. The moral principles of the service embody the unconditional requirements of professional and public morality for the activities of the internal affairs bodies.

2. The official activity of an employee of the internal affairs bodies is carried out in accordance with the moral principles:

humanism, proclaiming a person, his life and health as the highest values, the protection of which is the meaning and moral content of law enforcement;

legality, which determines the recognition by the employee of the rule of law, as well as its obligatory execution in official activities;

objectivity, expressed in impartiality and lack of bias in making official decisions;

justice, meaning the correspondence of the measure of punishment to the nature and gravity of the misconduct or offense;

collectivism and comradeship, manifested in relationships based on friendship, mutual assistance and support;

loyalty, which provides for loyalty to the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, respect and correctness for state and public institutions, civil servants;

neutrality towards political parties and movements, involving the refusal of the employee to participate in their activities in any form;

tolerance, which consists in a respectful, tolerant attitude towards people, taking into account socio-historical, religious, ethnic traditions and customs.

3. An employee must not, under any circumstances, change the moral principles of official activity that meet the requirements of the state and the expectations of society. Steady adherence to moral principles is a matter of honor and duty of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

Article 7

1. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, guided by the requirements of the Oath, official duty, professional honor and dignity, assumes the following moral obligations:

recognize the priority of state and official interests over personal ones in their activities;

serve as an example of strict and precise compliance with the requirements of laws and official discipline in professional activities and private life, remain honest and incorruptible, devoted to the interests of the service under any circumstances;

to be intolerant of any activity that offends human dignity causing pain and suffering, constituting torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

to be courageous and fearless in the face of danger when suppressing offenses, eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters, as well as in any situation that requires saving people's lives and health;

show firmness and intransigence in the fight against criminals, using only legal and highly moral means to achieve the set goals; in situations of moral choice, follow the ethical principle: a person is always a moral goal, but never a means;

be guided in professional activities and communication by the "golden rule" of morality: treat people, your comrades, colleagues the way you would like them to treat you;

preserve and increase the service traditions of the internal affairs bodies, including: courage and readiness for self-sacrifice, corporate solidarity, camaraderie and mutual assistance, respect and assistance to veterans, families of dead and injured employees.

2. The impeccable fulfillment of moral obligations ensures the moral right of an employee to public trust, respect, recognition and support of citizens.

Chapter 3. Professional and ethical rules of employee behavior

Article 8 General rules behavior

1. The behavior of an employee must always and under any circumstances be impeccable, comply with high standards of professionalism and moral and ethical principles of a law enforcement officer. Nothing should discredit the business reputation and authority of the employee.

2. The norms of professional ethics prescribe to the employee:

behave with self-respect, benevolently and openly, attentively and attentively, causing respect of citizens for the internal affairs bodies and readiness to cooperate with them;

constantly control their behavior, feelings and emotions, not allowing personal likes or dislikes, hostility, bad mood or friendly feelings to influence official decisions, be able to foresee the consequences of their actions and actions;

treat citizens equally correctly, regardless of their official or social status, not showing servility to the socially successful and disdain for people with low social status;

show respect and attention to seniors by rank or age, always be the first to greet: the younger - the elder, the subordinate - the boss, the man - the woman;

adhere to a business style of behavior based on self-discipline and expressed in professional competence, commitment, accuracy, accuracy, attentiveness, the ability to value one's own and other people's time;

in behavior with colleagues to show simplicity and modesty, the ability to sincerely rejoice at the success of colleagues, to contribute to the successful completion of difficult assignments, to be intolerant of bragging and boasting, envy and hostility.

3. A male employee in relation to women should show nobility, special courtesy, attention and tact, be helpful and polite in the service and in everyday life.

4. It behooves an employee to be an exemplary family man, to establish in the family an atmosphere of friendliness, kindness, sincerity, trust, to take care of the upbringing of children, the formation of high moral qualities in them.

5. An employee driving a car or other vehicle should:

strictly and accurately comply with the established rules for traffic safety and operation of transport as a means of increased danger;

be a model of compliance with traffic rules and driver courtesy;

take all measures to ensure traffic safety and reduce the risk when driving in an emergency situation due to business necessity.

6. The norms and rules of official etiquette require the employee to refrain from:

the use of drinks containing alcohol on the eve and during the performance of official duties;

organization of feasts in office premises, holidays, memorable dates, and participation in them;

the use of narcotic, narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations, with the exception of cases of official medical prescription;

tobacco smoking in in public places, educational and other public institutions, while on duty, as well as on the move and on the move;

participation in gambling, visits to casinos and other gambling establishments;


relationships and dubious connections with people who have a negative public reputation, a criminal past and present.

7. An employee must remember that immoral behavior, promiscuity and unscrupulousness in personal relationships, lack of self-discipline skills and licentiousness, talkativeness and lack of concentration cause irreparable damage to the reputation and authority of the internal affairs bodies.

Article 9

1. The rules of official conduct in the performance of operational tasks require the employee to:

work with full dedication during the entire working time, use the material and intangible resources at his disposal exclusively for official purposes;

use physical force, special means and firearms only when non-violent measures have proved to be ineffective or do not ensure the unconditional fulfillment of operational and service tasks;

strive to minimize moral harm during forceful detention, search, inspection, to prevent excessive harshness, mockery and bullying in relation to offenders (suspects);

show sensitivity and attention to victims and witnesses, especially to the elderly, women, children, people with physical disabilities, making their participation in the course of investigative actions as convenient as possible;

when conducting a search or seizure in a dwelling, not to allow a careless attitude to objects and personal belongings that are significant or valuable to citizens.

2. When unlawful acts are detected and suppressed, the employee must:

explain to the offender, if the situation allows, in a tactful and convincing manner, the reason for contacting him;

give orders authoritatively, briefly and clearly, excluding the possibility of erroneous or double understanding of them by the citizens whom they concern;

maintain self-control and dignity, control their emotional state, demonstrate confidence and calmness by their appearance and actions;

show emotional and psychological stability when provoking a conflict situation by offenders; not allowing himself to be drawn into the conflict, to take all possible measures to resolve and suppress it;

take all measures to establish psychological contact with eyewitnesses and witnesses, win them over, while remaining principled, resolute and authoritatively representing state power;

give explanations to the offender about the illegality of his actions without moralizing, benevolently, convincingly and clearly, with reference to the relevant requirements of regulatory legal acts;

refrain from harsh actions and harsh statements in relation to the offender in the presence of children, elderly people, trying not to injure their psyche.

3. When conducting a survey (interrogation), an employee should:

talk to the offender (suspect) in a calm manner, confidently and firmly, without exerting psychological pressure;

find the appropriate tone and the right words to relieve emotional stress, demonstrate to the suspect and the victim their impartiality;

to ensure a combination of activity and perseverance of the interrogator in obtaining truthful testimony with respect for the personality of the interrogated.

4. An employee of the internal affairs bodies performing operational and service tasks in special conditions of emergency caused by terrorist acts, natural disasters, catastrophes, epidemics, incidents and other extreme situations should:

show high moral and psychological stability, vigilance, activity, perseverance, perseverance in operational activities, maintain readiness for effective action in any situation;

observe and require others to maintain law and order, stop attempts of robbery, looting, theft state property and personal property of citizens;

act confidently and coolly in conditions of panic, group disobedience to government officials, riots;

to be as precautionary, sensitive and emotionally restrained as possible in dealing with people, especially those affected as a result of emergency circumstances.

5. When performing control and verification functions during inspections, control checks, targeted visits to bodies, divisions, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the employee is prescribed:

adequately represent the apparatus of a higher internal affairs body, showing exactingness, firmness, adherence to principles, combined with correctness, modesty, respect for the dignity of colleagues;

fairly, objectively and competently assess the activities of the audited body of internal affairs, excluding the influence of preconceived opinions and judgments;

to refrain from feasts, unacceptable courtesies, excesses in everyday life, veiled bribes in the form of gifts or offerings offered during the inspection.

6. The following are unacceptable for an employee:

haste in making decisions, neglect of procedural and moral standards, use of means that do not meet the requirements of the law, moral principles and norms;

provocative actions related to incitement, inducement, inducement in direct or indirect form to commit offenses;

disclosure of facts and circumstances of private life that became known in the course of investigative actions;

selective approach in taking measures against violators of the law, traffic rules;

indifference, inactivity and passivity in the prevention and suppression of offenses.

7. Restriction by an employee of the rights and freedoms of citizens is permissible on the basis and in the manner prescribed federal law. In situations related to the restriction of the rights and freedoms of a citizen, with the exception of actions in a state of emergency or necessary defense, the employee must explain to him the basis for such a restriction.

8. Extraordinary circumstances cannot justify violations of the law, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 10. Professional moral deformation and its prevention

1. The heads and employees of the internal affairs bodies must understand the essence of the phenomenon of professional moral deformation of the individual, imagine its danger and consequences.

2. Professional moral deformation is a negative change in the orientations and devaluation of moral values ​​among some employees under the influence of the conditions and experience of professional activity, manifested in a distorted attitude towards duty and discrediting the moral character of a police officer.

3. Professional moral deformation is expressed in:

legal nihilism, meaning disdain for the requirements of the law;

substitution of the true idea of ​​the moral meaning of official activity by an imaginary one;

supporting false corporate solidarity based on mutual responsibility;

a sense of infallibility and permissiveness, the desire to suppress the will of a person and submit to one's own;

painful suspicion and distrust of all people;

loss of sensitivity to human misfortune, indifference to grief;

systematic violation of professional and ethical standards of service in the internal affairs bodies;

indifference to the process and results of performance;

unscrupulousness in assessing violations of official discipline;

moral uncleanliness, following double moral standards;

individualism, selfishness, quarrelsomeness, pettiness, conflict, hostility and envy of the successes and achievements of colleagues;

the use of elements of the criminal subculture in official activities;

moral licentiousness, expressed in drunkenness, domestic decay, immoral acts.

4. The activity of managers in the prevention of professional moral deformation involves:

creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;

formation of an attitude towards conscious observance of professional and ethical principles and norms;

development of moral and psychological stability and business orientation of employees;

informing employees about the signs and consequences of negative personality changes in professional activities;

the development of professional immunity among employees to the negative effects of the criminal environment and criminal subculture;

education among employees of a high general and professional culture, aesthetic taste, development of amateur artistic creativity;

organization of outdoor activities with a partial or complete change in the socio-psychological background of communication.

Chapter 4

Article 11. Culture of speech

1. The culture of speech is important indicator professionalism of a police officer and is manifested in his ability to competently, intelligibly and accurately convey thoughts.

2. The culture of speech obliges the employee to adhere to the following speech norms:

clarity, providing accessibility and ease of communication;

literacy based on the use of generally accepted rules of the Russian literary language;

logic, which presupposes a sequence,

consistency and validity of the presentation of thoughts;

evidence, including the reliability and objectivity of information;

brevity, reflecting the brevity and clarity of speech;

relevance, meaning the necessity and importance of what was said in relation to a particular situation.

3. An employee must observe and uphold the purity of the Russian language. In the speech of an employee, it is unacceptable to use:

rude jokes and malicious irony;

inappropriate words and speech turns, including those of foreign origin;

statements that can be interpreted as insults to certain social or national groups;

harsh and cynical expressions of an offensive nature associated with a person's physical disabilities.

4. In the speech of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, the use of obscene language, foul language and expressions emphasizing a negative, contemptuous attitude towards people is excluded.

5. An employee who has studied criminal vocabulary for operational purposes should not use jargon and other elements of the criminal subculture in communication with colleagues and citizens.

6. In the case of official communication with citizens of various nationalities, the employee is recommended to use Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation.

Article 12

1. When communicating with people, an employee must be guided by the constitutional provision that every citizen has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of honor, dignity, and his good name.

2. The employee should:

start official communication with a greeting (putting a hand on a headdress, being in uniform), refraining from shaking hands; introduce yourself, giving your position, special rank, surname, briefly state the purpose and reason for the appeal, at the request of a citizen, present an official certificate;

state your comments and demands in a correct and convincing manner; if necessary, calmly, without irritation, repeat and explain the meaning of what was said;

listen to the explanations or questions of a citizen carefully, without interrupting the speaker, showing goodwill and respect for the interlocutor;

respectfully treat the elderly, veterans, the disabled, provide them with the necessary assistance;

be considerate and considerate to women and children.

3. When establishing the identity of a citizen or verification of documents related to the performance of official duties, an employee must:

ask in a tactful and polite manner to present the required documents;

invite the owner of the documents to remove foreign objects from them, if any;

check the documents quickly and carefully, if a more thorough check is necessary, explain to the citizen the reason for it, the timing and methods of conducting it;

thank the citizen for cooperating with the police at the end of the check and return of the documents.

4. When communicating with citizens, an employee must exercise restraint and be ready to:

to inadequate behavior on their part, including the manifestation of aggression and resistance;

to provide them with the necessary medical care;

to send people in need to a medical institution.

5. When communicating with citizens on the part of an employee, the following is unacceptable:

any kind of statements and actions of a discriminatory nature based on sex, age, race, nationality, language, citizenship, social, property or marital status, political or religious preferences;

arrogant tone, rudeness, arrogance, incorrectness of remarks, presentation of unlawful, undeserved accusations;

threats, offensive language or remarks;

disputes, discussions and actions that interfere with normal communication or provoke illegal behavior;

causeless, unreasonable checks of passports, migration cards and other documents.

6. The employee is advised not to take personally offensive and unfair remarks, inappropriate witticisms, ridicule expressed on the streets and in public places, not to be drawn into a conflict situation or scandal.

7. When using the phone, the employee should speak quietly and concisely, without creating inconvenience to others; turn off the mobile phone before the start of the business meeting; refrain from talking on the phone while in public transport.

Article 13

1. An employee of the internal affairs bodies must remember that every citizen who applied to the police, as a rule, encountered a nuisance or misfortune. The mood of the person and his opinion about the employee and the work of the police as a whole depend on how the employee meets and listens to the visitor, what kind of help he will provide.

2. When receiving visitors from the internal affairs bodies, the employee is recommended:

respond to the greeting of the visitor who entered the office, invite him to sit down;

show attentiveness, tact, goodwill, desire to help the visitor;

listen to the visitor's statement and understand the essence of the stated problem, ask clarifying questions in the correct form;

explain, if necessary, the requirements of the current legislation on the issue under consideration;

make a decision on the merits of the visitor's appeal;

inform the visitor about the procedure and terms for considering the appeal, as well as appealing the decision.

3. In case of conflict behavior on the part of the visitor, the employee must take measures in order to relieve the emotional stress of the citizen, and then calmly explain to him the procedure for resolving the issue.

4. An employee must not:

make the visitor wait unreasonably long for an appointment;

interrupt a visitor in a rude manner;

show irritation and discontent towards the visitor;

talk on the phone, ignoring the presence of the visitor.

Article 14. Peculiarities of communication with foreign citizens

1. The professionally competent behavior of an employee when communicating with foreign citizens helps to strengthen the international authority of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. An employee must take into account that, while in our country, foreign citizens:

address the employee as a representative of public authorities;

do not speak or have a poor command of the Russian language, which makes it difficult for the employee to correctly understand the appeals on their part;

not fully informed about the rules of conduct in public places;

represent a different culture and may not clearly understand local customs and traditions.

3. In dealing with foreign citizens, the employee must show patience, restraint, correctness and courtesy, readiness to provide assistance, if necessary, explain the rules of conduct on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. In case of a minor violation of public order by a foreign citizen, the employee should limit himself to explaining and warning about the inadmissibility of such actions.

Chapter 5

Article 15

1. The manager and employees are obliged to maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in the service team, expressed in a positive emotional and moral state, high morale of employees, their attitude to moral values ​​and the degree of motivational readiness to perform operational and service tasks.

2. A favorable moral and psychological climate in the service team is characterized by:

correct understanding by employees of the goals of the activities of the internal affairs bodies and their unit;

the ability and willingness to work together to achieve the goals;

the degree of comfort of work, the social well-being of the team;

the level of development of relationships based on honesty and integrity, combined with comradely mutual assistance and respect;

positive service traditions that unite the team.

3. In order to maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the employee should:

promote the establishment of business, friendly relationships in the team;

maintain an atmosphere of mutual exactingness and intolerance to violations of official discipline and the rule of law;

observe subordination, be executive, unquestioningly carry out orders and instructions, showing reasonable initiative, accurately and timely report to the management on their execution;

to have moral and psychological stability, self-restraint, to be responsible for one's actions and words;

provide all possible assistance to the leadership in mobilizing the personnel of the unit for the performance of operational and service tasks;

to take an active part in the work of public formations of employees, critically and fairly evaluating the misconduct of colleagues.

4. For an employee, actions that can harm the moral and psychological climate in the team are unacceptable, including:

discussion of orders, decisions and actions of senior commanders, implemented within their powers;

dissemination of rumors, gossip and other unverified information of a dubious nature;

biased and biased attitude towards colleagues;

fawning over superiors;

claims for special treatment and undeserved privileges;

promises, the fulfillment of which is in doubt;

manifestations of flattery, hypocrisy, importunity, lies and cunning;

exaggeration of their importance and professional capabilities.

Article 16. Professional and ethical requirements for the manager

1. The head of the internal affairs body must:

be an example of strict observance of the principles and norms of the Code;

remember the traditions, honor and duty of the Russian officers, the bearer and successor of which he is;

2. The status of the position occupied by the leader must be supported by his personal authority.

3. The true authority of a leader is created by his impeccable reputation, professional competence, service experience, exactingness and integrity, combined with a humane and respectful attitude towards subordinates.

4. The culture of professional behavior of a leader is determined by the degree of development of his intellect, the breadth of erudition, the breadth of interests, the level of education and upbringing.

5. The positive moral character of the leader is based on professional and moral qualities: honesty, decency, self-criticism, exactingness, goodwill, commitment, responsibility, adherence to principles, justice.

6. The requirements of professional ethics oblige the head:

observe the rights and freedoms of the employee as a person and citizen;

treat the employee as an individual, recognizing his right to have his own professional judgment;

show high demands, adherence to principles, combined with respect for personal dignity;

establish a fair, uniform workload for personnel;

help employees in word and deed, provide moral and psychological assistance and support, delve into requests and needs;

to use fully psychological and pedagogical approaches and methods in educational work with personnel;

inform the personnel about the emerging moral and psychological situation in the unit;

regulate relationships in the service team on the basis of the principles and norms of professional ethics;

to stop intrigues, rumors, gossip, manifestations of dishonesty, meanness, hypocrisy in the service team;

consider without delay the facts of violation of the norms and principles of professional ethics and take objective decisions on them;

make impartial, fair and objective decisions on social and domestic problems and issues of encouraging personnel;

organize the development and implementation of a set of measures to prevent conflicts;

address subordinates, calling them by a special rank and surname, or only by a special rank, adding in the latter case before the special rank the word "comrade", or by name and patronymic, and only with "you";

monitor compliance by employees with etiquette standards in the design and maintenance of office premises;

remain modest in needs and requests, both at work and at home.

7. If a subordinate finds himself in a difficult life situation, his boss is called upon to provide all possible assistance and support.

8. The leader has no moral right:

shift their responsibility to subordinates;

use the official position of the head for personal interests;

show formalism, arrogance, arrogance, rudeness, use physical assault in relation to subordinates;

create conditions for whistleblowing and denunciation in the team;

discuss with subordinates the actions of superiors;

borrow money from subordinate employees, accept gifts, using their dependent official position.

Article 17

1. Personal relations between employees outside the framework of official subordination are informal.

2. Personal relationships should not be the basis for promotion of an employee, his encouragement or punishment, resolving personnel, social issues.

3. Colleagues in the service should respectfully and attentively treat women employees working in a team, who, in turn, should not abuse their advantages.

4. Gross violations of professional and ethical principles and norms in the field of informal relations between employees include:

the use of friendly or family ties between a superior and a subordinate in order to resolve official issues in personal selfish interests;

establishment of relations of mutual responsibility and protectionism on a national basis and on the basis of community;

discrimination of employees on the basis of sex (gender), as a result of which preference is unreasonably given to one sex over another;

sexual harassment, coercion to have an intimate relationship, especially expressed in aggressive, offensive behavior that degrades the dignity of a woman or a man, and is accompanied by physical violence, psychological pressure, blackmail, threats;

demonstration of commitment to moral anti-values, such as the cult of money, power, strength; cynicism, vulgarity, depravity.

5. In order to prevent the negative impact of informal relations on the situation in the work team, the manager must:

monitor compliance by employees with professional and ethical restrictions and prohibitions, equally applicable to both men and women serving in the internal affairs bodies;

ensure the activities of employees in strict accordance with their job purpose;

to exclude familiarity and familiarity in communication with subordinates, to prevent the influence of informal relations on official decisions.

Chapter 6

Article 18. Appearance and dress code

1. A decent appearance of an employee ensures the moral right to self-respect, helps to strengthen the confidence of citizens in the internal affairs bodies, and influences the behavior and actions of people.

2. An employee of the internal affairs bodies should:

wear uniforms in accordance with established requirements, clean and tidy, well fitted and pressed;

maintain an exemplary appearance that commands respect from colleagues and citizens;

wear in holidays on uniforms state and departmental orders, medals and insignia, and in everyday situations - order strips;

demonstrate combat bearing, keep straight, with deployed shoulders, do not slouch, walk with a firm, energetic step;

stick to healthy lifestyle life, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene.

3. Employees in uniform at a meeting greet each other in accordance with the requirements of the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4. In the case of performing official duties in civilian clothes, it is allowed to wear a suit (dress) and shoes of a strict business style, of a soft color, emphasizing the accuracy and neatness of the employee.

5. An employee in uniform is not recommended to: visit markets, shops, restaurants, casinos and other shopping facilities and entertainment establishments, if this is not related to the performance of official duties, as well as carry bags, packages, boxes and other household items.

6. A male employee should always be neatly trimmed, carefully shaved, neatly and tastefully dressed, and may use perfumes sparingly.

9. An employee should not get tattoos, wear piercings, mix uniforms and civilian clothes, keep his hands in his pockets, walk in uncleaned and worn-out shoes, as well as in uniforms that have lost their proper appearance.

10. Wearing insignia, distinctions, honorary titles, uniforms by an employee public associations having a similar name or resemblance to state awards and titles, is unacceptable.

Article 19

1. An official certificate is a document confirming that an employee belongs to state authorities, his service in the internal affairs bodies.

2. The loss of an official certificate is a gross violation of not only official discipline, but also the norms of professional ethics. The loss of an official certificate due to negligence, its use for personal mercenary purposes, entails, in addition to being held accountable in the prescribed manner, public censure.

3. The employee considers unacceptable for himself:

transfer the service certificate to other persons, leave it as a pledge or for storage;

use (show) an official ID in interests not related to the performance of official tasks;

carry an official ID in purses, handbags and other places that do not ensure its safety.

Article 20

1. Official information is provided by an employee of the internal affairs bodies within the framework of official competence only upon official requests in the prescribed manner with the permission of the management.

2. When working with official information, an employee of the internal affairs bodies should:

exercise vigilance and punctuality in accordance with the requirements and norms of professional ethics;

treat with understanding the work of representatives of the media, with the permission of the management to assist them in the prescribed manner;

refrain from public statements, judgments and assessments regarding the activities of state bodies, their leaders.

3. An employee of the internal affairs bodies is not entitled to:

use for personal purposes informational resources at the disposal of the internal affairs bodies;

disclose confidential and other information that has become known to him in his service;

be interested in the content of official information about the work of colleagues, if this is not included in the scope of his duties.

Article 21

1. The design and maintenance of office premises must comply with the rules and norms of aesthetic culture, ensure the maintenance of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the service team, comfortable conditions for working and receiving visitors.

2. The color scheme of the interior of office premises should be designed in soft, calm colors. Service documentation, posters and other images are displayed on stands or within frames.

3. The employee must maintain internal order and cleanliness in the workplace. The atmosphere of the office should be formal and strict, at the same time cozy, making a favorable impression on colleagues and visitors and conducive to confidence.

4. An employee should not post posters, calendars, leaflets and other images or texts of cynical, low-grade content in the office, litter the workplace with papers and foreign objects.

objects of worship, antiques, antiques, luxury;

gifts, souvenirs, expensive writing instruments and other items made of expensive wood, precious stones and metals;

crockery, cutlery, tea accessories.

6. When placing certificates, thanks, diplomas and other evidence of personal merits and achievements of an employee in the office, it is recommended to observe modesty and a sense of proportion.

Chapter 7. Professional and ethical standard of anti-corruption behavior of an employee

Article 22. Corruption-dangerous behavior and its prevention

1. Corruption-hazardous behavior in relation to this Code is such an action or inaction of an employee that, in a situation of conflict of interest, creates prerequisites and conditions for him to obtain selfish benefits and (or) advantages both for himself and for other persons, organizations, institutions whose interests are directly or indirectly defended by an employee who illegally uses his official position.

2. Any situation in official activity that creates the possibility of violating the norms, restrictions and prohibitions established for an employee by the legislation of the Russian Federation is dangerous for corruption.

3. An employee, regardless of his official position, should take anti-corruption protection measures, which consist in preventing and resolutely overcoming corruption-threatening situations and their consequences.

4. Moral duty requires the employee to immediately report to the immediate superior on all cases of appeal to him by any persons in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses.

5. The need to develop the skills of anti-corruption behavior in an employee provides for the conscious imposition of moral obligations, restrictions and prohibitions.

6. The moral obligations of an employee of the internal affairs bodies do not allow him:

engage in entrepreneurial activities, be personally, as well as through affiliated persons, in any commercial organization;

build relationships of personal interest with persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities;

to provide patronage, to provide support to business entities in personal, selfish interests;

provide services that provide for monetary or other compensation, except as otherwise provided by applicable law;

create conditions for obtaining improper benefits, using their official position;

show interest and/or intervene in disputes individuals, business entities outside the framework established by law;

apply to colleagues with unlawful requests that violate the established procedure for preliminary investigation, inquiry, administrative proceedings, consideration of complaints and statements that can influence an official decision.

7. Moral cleanliness, incorruptibility of an employee, his devotion to the interests of the service, fidelity to official duty form the basis of the professional and ethical standard of anti-corruption behavior.

Article 23

1. The corruptly dangerous behavior of the leader is a malicious type of immoral behavior that discredits the internal affairs bodies.

2. Types of corruptly dangerous behavior of a leader are: protectionism, favoritism, nepotism (nepotism), as well as abuse of official position.

2.1. Protectionism is a system of patronage, career advancement, providing advantages on the grounds of kinship, community, personal devotion, friendly relations in order to obtain selfish benefits.

2.2. Favoritism is expressed in defiantly approaching one's favorites; ostentatious delegation of certain powers that do not correspond to the status; their undeserved promotion and promotion, rewarding; unjustified granting them access to tangible and intangible resources.

2.3. Nepotism (nepotism) is the moral patronage of the leader to his relatives and close people, in which promotion and appointment to positions in the internal affairs bodies are made on the basis of religious, caste, tribal affiliation, as well as personal devotion to the leader.

2.4. Abuse of power (official position) by an employee of the internal affairs bodies is the deliberate use of their official powers and advantages contrary to the interests of official duty, based on selfish personal interest.

3. Protectionism, favoritism, nepotism in the selection, placement, training, education of personnel, as well as other abuse of power (official position) on the part of the leader, are incompatible with the principles and norms of professional ethics.

4. Prevention of corruptly dangerous behavior of the head consists in:

deep and comprehensive study of the moral, psychological and business qualities of candidates for appointment to positions of leadership, taking into account their compliance with professional and ethical rules and standards at their former place of service;

studying with the leaders of all levels the moral foundations of service in the internal affairs bodies, professional and ethical rules and norms, developing their skills of anti-corruption behavior;

educating managers of personal responsibility for the state of service discipline, legality and anti-corruption protection of subordinate personnel;

prevention and timely resolution of situations of ethical conflicts, ethical uncertainty caused by double moral standards or ambiguity in the interpretation of orders, instructions.

Article 24. Ethical conflict and ethical uncertainty

1. An ethical conflict is a situation in which a contradiction arises between the norms of professional ethics and the circumstances that have developed in the course of official activity.

2. Ethical uncertainty arises when an employee cannot determine the degree of compliance of his behavior with the principles and norms of professional ethics.

3. An employee of the internal affairs bodies in the course of performing his official duties may find himself in a situation of ethical conflict or ethical uncertainty caused by:

temptation by any means to achieve the goal associated with selfish interests;

relations of a personal (family, domestic) nature that affect the results of official activity;

influence on an employee by other persons for selfish purposes through rumors, intrigues, blackmail and other forms of moral and physical pressure;

requests (requirements) of other persons aimed at ensuring that the employee acts in violation of his official duties.

4. In a situation of ethical conflict or ethical uncertainty, an employee is required to:

behave with dignity, act in strict accordance with one's own official duties, principles and norms of professional ethics;

avoid situations that provoke harm to his business reputation, the authority of the internal affairs bodies;

report on the circumstances of the conflict (uncertainty) to the immediate superior or, with his permission, contact the higher management;

apply to the Commission on Service Discipline and Professional Ethics if the manager cannot resolve the problem or is himself involved in a situation of ethical conflict or ethical uncertainty.

Article 25. Conflict of interest and its prevention

1. The professional and ethical content of the conflict of interest consists in the contradiction between official duty and personal selfish interest, which can cause moral harm to the high rank of an employee.

2. The personal selfish interest of an employee is recognized as the possibility of obtaining any form of benefit for him or other persons with whom he is connected by official or informal relations.

3. To prevent conflict, the norms of professional ethics prescribe to the employee:

report to the immediate superior about the conflict of interest that has arisen or about the threat of its occurrence;

stop questionable, compromising interpersonal relationships;

refuse possible improper benefit that caused the conflict of interest;

counteract corruption and expose corrupt officials of any level;

take measures to overcome the negative consequences of a conflict of interest.

4. An employee’s evasion from the obligation to provide information about income, property and property-related obligations, as well as his dishonesty, are essential condition the occurrence of a conflict of interest.

Article 26. Attitude towards improper benefit

1. Improper benefit of an employee of the internal affairs bodies is considered to be received by him as a result of corruption Money, tangible or intangible benefits, benefits not provided for by applicable law.

2. The basis for obtaining improper benefits is the employee's selfish motivation aimed at illegal personal enrichment or creating conditions for such.

3. In the event of an offer of an improper benefit, the employee should refuse it, report to the immediate superior in writing about the facts and circumstances of its offer, and in the future avoid any contacts directly or indirectly related to the improper benefit.

4. In the event that material resources that bring improper benefits cannot be either rejected or returned, the employee must take all measures to turn it into state revenue.

Article 27. Attitude towards gifts and other signs of attention

1. Receipt or delivery of gifts, rewards, prizes by employees, as well as the provision of various honors, services (hereinafter - gifts), except as otherwise provided by law, may create situations of ethical uncertainty, contribute to a conflict of interest.

2. By accepting or giving a gift, the value of which exceeds the limit established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the employee falls into real or imaginary dependence on the giver (recipient), which is contrary to the norms of the professional and ethical standard of anti-corruption behavior.

3. Generally accepted hospitality on the grounds of kinship, community, friendly relations and gifts received (given) in connection with this should not create a conflict of interest.

4. An employee may accept or give gifts if:

this is part of an official protocol event and takes place publicly, openly;

the situation does not raise doubts about honesty and disinterestedness;

the value of accepted (delivered) gifts does not exceed the limit established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Receiving or giving gifts in connection with the performance of official duties is possible if this is an official recognition of the personal achievements of an employee in the service.

6. An employee of the internal affairs bodies should not:

create prerequisites for the emergence of a situation of a provocative nature to receive a gift;

accept gifts for yourself, your family, relatives, as well as for persons or organizations with which the employee has or had a relationship, if this may affect his impartiality;

transfer gifts to other persons, if this is not related to the performance of his official duties;

act as an intermediary in the transfer of gifts for personal selfish interests.

Article 28. Protection of the interests of an employee

1. An employee of the internal affairs bodies, conscientiously performing job responsibilities may be subjected to threats, blackmail, insults and slander aimed at disrupting operational tasks.

2. Protecting an employee from unlawful actions of a discrediting nature is the moral duty of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3. The head of the body, subdivision, institution of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia must support and protect the employee in the event of his unfounded accusation.

4. An employee in the event of a false accusation of corruption or other illegal actions has the right to refute these accusations, including in court.

An employee who violates the principles and norms of professional ethics loses his good name and honor, discredits his unit and internal affairs bodies, and is deprived of the moral right to respect, support and trust from citizens, colleagues and colleagues.


*(4) Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2002 N 885 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2007 N 372 , item 1531).

*(5) Adopted by Resolution 34/169 at the 106th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 17, 1979.

*(7) Approved by Decree of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1992 N 4202-1 (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 2, Article 70; Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 52, item 5086; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 30, item 3613; 1999, N 29, item 3698; 2001, N 1 (part I), item 2; N 53 (p. I), item 5030; 2002, N 27, item 2620; N 30, item 3033; 2004, N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 14, item 1212; 2007, N 10, item 1151 ; N 49, item 6072).

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 N 1138 “On approval of the Code of professional ethics for an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”

The term "ethics" comes from the ancient Greek word "ethos" ("ethos"). Initially, ethos was understood as a habitual place of living together, a house, a human dwelling, an animal lair, a bird's nest. Subsequently, it began to predominantly denote the stable nature of a phenomenon, custom, disposition, character; thus, in one of the fragments of Heraclitus it is said that the ethos of man is his deity. Such a change in meaning is instructive: it expresses the connection between a person's social circle and his character. Starting from the word "ethos" in the meaning of character, Aristotle formed the adjective "ethical" in order to designate a special class of human qualities, which he called ethical virtues. Ethical virtues are properties of the character, temperament of a person, they are also called spiritual qualities. They differ, on the one hand, from the affects as properties of the body and, on the other hand, from the dianoetic virtues as properties of the mind. For example, fear is a natural affect, memory is a property of the mind, and moderation, courage, generosity are properties of character. To designate the totality of ethical virtues as a special subject area of ​​knowledge and to highlight this knowledge itself as a special science, Aristotle introduced the term "ethics".

Ethics is the science of the moral life of a person, which has absorbed the historical experience of the moral culture of many generations, the features of ethical traditions, and folk pedagogy.

Problems of professional ethics occupy a special place in the system of values ​​of any law enforcement officer. This is due to a number of objective reasons. Firstly, the fight against crime and other offenses is not only a legal but also a moral problem, since it is impossible to fight crime and its causes without strengthening the moral foundations of society, and without fighting crime it is impossible to ensure the full development and manifestation of moral factor in its constructive, constructive role.

Secondly, employees of the internal affairs bodies, as a rule, have to deal with not the best part of society, which, on the one hand, has a very adverse effect on their moral character and can, under certain conditions, lead to moral deformation, and on the other hand, work ethics obliges each employee to show tact, restraint, to influence morally the detainee, arrested, convicted. In addition, as practice and research show, the moral culture of employees of internal affairs bodies has a noticeable disciplinary, educational impact on citizens. It is also no secret that in the context of the democratization and humanization of society, the expansion of publicity about the activities of law enforcement agencies, the importance of the professional morality of their employees is noticeably increasing.

In the scientific sense of the word, ethics is a philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality in all its manifestations, i.e. as one of the forms of social consciousness, as moral relations and as moral practice, actions. However, in life, ethics is often understood as moral practice itself, certain moral qualities and norms of human behavior, moral rules, codes, commandments, customs, etc., having one or another specific manifestation. Therefore, there are such concepts as "ethics of behavior", "ethics of education", "ethics of family life", "ethics of political struggle", "labor ethics", "ethics of police service".

Professional ethics- this is an applied branch of the philosophical science of ethics, the object of study of which is morality: its essence, origin, functioning, as well as problems of morality in society.

Based on the foregoing, professional ethics can be considered either as a theory of professional morality, or as certain moral requirements for employees, due to the specifics of their profession. Morality would lose its functions as the most universal regulator of people's behavior and activities, if its requirements, norms were not so universal and generally valid in society. At the same time, in every society there are such professions, the labor of workers of which is most strictly "guarded" by morality, regulated by it. Among such professions, undoubtedly, are the professions of employees of internal affairs bodies.

The concept of “police ethics” has already firmly entered our lexicon, the “ethics of the fire service” and others have the same “right to life”. Insufficient attention to professional ethics (both in science and even more in practice) causes our society not only moral, but also material, and in some cases political damage, leads to a fall in the authority of the internal affairs bodies, a weakening of their ties with the population, a decrease in the efficiency of operational and service activities, and undermines the prestige of police professions.

Professional ethics includes certain categories of ethics and moral principles that underlie the activities of people of a particular profession, the moral qualities that they must possess, the moral standards governing their official activities, and a number of others. moral aspects professional activity. Professional ethics is characterized by such categories as "professional duty", "service dignity", "professional honor" is a uniform. Such ethical categories as "responsibility", "fairness", "humanism", "collectivism" and a number of others have a well-defined professional sound in the practice of internal affairs bodies.

As a rule, an employee determines his line of conduct, specific actions, attitude towards service and people, comparing them with his understanding of “personal and service dignity”, “professional duty and honor”. If his intended actions correspond to the employee's ideas of duty, honor, dignity, then he willingly fulfills his duties, acts proactively, and is not afraid to take responsibility, because he morally approves and encourages his actions.

At the same time, an employee cannot afford to commit acts that contradict his understanding of professional duty, dignity, and honor.

Professional dignity, on the one hand, reflects the attitude of other people towards this employee as a specialist, professional, and on the other hand, indicates a person’s attitude towards himself as an employee, about his awareness of his merits, professional qualities. Professional dignity is largely a consequence of a worthy profession, those. is determined by the social significance of this profession, its prestige, the prevailing public opinion. However, it is impossible not to take into account the personal, individual attitude of a person to his profession, which by no means always coincides with the objective position in society of people in this profession.

The professional dignity of an individual is closely related to her specific position in the service team, her personal merits and the corresponding measure of respect and honor, i.e. associated with the honor of the employee as a representative of this profession, a particular team, the entire police corps. The honor of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, on the one hand, acts as a result of his personal merits and merits as a citizen and as an employee, and on the other hand, it is a consequence of the merits to society, the people of all law enforcement officers, employees of all generations and services. Thus, putting on the shoulder straps of an employee of the internal affairs body, the employee, as it were, in advance receives a particle of honor and glory of the entire corps of worthy workers who stood guard over law and order. This, of course, imposes on each employee of the internal affairs bodies a special responsibility for maintaining his honor, not only as a specific person, but also as a representative of the entire rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies. It is no secret that both the population and society evaluate law enforcement officers not only as specific representatives of the authorities, but also in a generalized way, transferring the good or bad reputation of other employees of the internal affairs bodies to a person in uniform.

Professional honor requires an employee to maintain the reputation and authority of the professional group to which he belongs and to which he values ​​belonging. Therefore, honor is not only recognition of a person’s past merits and his current virtues and merits, but also a good incentive for his further moral improvement, a guarantee of success in his official activities. It is important to note that the honor of an employee of the internal affairs bodies is determined not by his official or financial position, special rank, education, but only by his personal qualities (moral, business, political, intellectual, and others) as a citizen, as an employee, as a representative of the internal affairs bodies. affairs.

Concern for the professional honor and service dignity of internal affairs officers encourages them to maintain the honor and dignity of all citizens and even persons suspected of committing crimes or deprived of liberty (but not deprived of civil rights and personal dignity). The Code of Honor of the rank and file of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation states: “An employee of the internal affairs bodies, being a public servant endowed with power, must treat a person as the highest value, humanely, generously and mercifully. Polite and considerate treatment of citizens is not a manifestation of weakness and is quite compatible with firmness.

As experience and scientific research show, the higher the employee's sense of personal and official dignity is developed, the more he values ​​his professional honor, the more significant it is social value if they are combined with high moral maturity, the culture of the employee, the necessary moral qualities.

The moral culture of an employee is closely related to the aesthetic culture, but if the first reflects the internal culture of the individual, then the second, as a rule, is considered as an external culture. There is no doubt that the internal culture of a person plays a decisive role in his activities and behavior. However, one should not underestimate the external culture, its influence on the internal culture. So, the uniform of an employee and even the style, quality of his particular (civilian) dress in themselves have an impact (and sometimes significant) on the behavior of the employee.

Service aesthetics includes the culture of work and speech of the employee, the ethics of service life and the appearance of the employee,

The term "aesthetics" (as well as "ethics") is used both in scientific and in its ordinary sense. If in the first case it represents the science of art, the aesthetic development of the world, then in the second it reflects real practice, the culture of everyday life, behavior, work.

The manner of communication with citizens and colleagues and the aesthetics of rituals, the literacy of official documents and the culture of employee behavior outside the office. It is no secret that the negligent execution of the protocol for the inspection of the scene or the detention of the offender often leads to the erroneous conclusion of the interrogating officer or investigator, and from the haughty expression on the face of the employee to the arrogant attitude towards people is only half a step. The set of requirements. a set of rules governing the behavior of employees in the service, their greeting, appearance, etc., is characterized by the concept of "service etiquette". The peculiarity of police etiquette lies in the fact that aesthetic requirements are not only closely related to moral standards, but, as a rule, are enshrined in normative documents and are therefore binding on all employees. The specificity of office etiquette lies in the fact that it is designed not only to satisfy the aesthetic needs of employees, but also to have an appropriate aesthetic impact on citizens. It is absurd, for example, to build the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate and, say, a children's theater according to a single architectural project, in the same way, the interior of the office of the head of the District Department of Internal Affairs should hardly resemble a living room or the office of a circus director. Strictness, rationalism, the absence of any frills, pomposity are mandatory requirements for buildings and office premises of the internal affairs bodies. The seriousness and responsibility of the functions performed by them must be fully consistent with the aesthetics of official life. Wall painting, lighting, soundproofing, the size of the office space, the convenience of furniture, the design of technical and other means are also necessary elements of official life, affecting not only the aesthetic well-being of employees, but largely determining the efficiency of their work.

The aesthetics of the work of employees of the internal affairs bodies is both professional knowledge, and the rational use of working time, and the use of an office phone and other equipment strictly for its intended purpose, this is, first of all, a culture of working with people, communication with employees and citizens.

Experienced employees are well aware that the goodwill, politeness, friendly look of the employee, tactical posing of questions dispose visitors to a frank conversation. And on the contrary, the gloomy look of the employee, his unwillingness ("forgetfulness") to offer the visitor a chair, the heavy air of the office and the wretchedness of his interior discourage the citizen from the desire to communicate, even if he himself voluntarily came to the internal affairs body to assist him. Of course, difficulties with the premises, their insufficient material and technical equipment is an objective and, unfortunately, apparently long-term factor that has an adverse effect on the work of employees. But this in no way explains and does not justify the forgetting by some employees of the elementary rules of official etiquette, which do not require either additional forces and means, or additional time, but which, as a rule, give a noticeable positive effect both in official activities and in team building.

Moral qualities act as stable elements of the moral consciousness and behavior (both professional and everyday) of investigators, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges. In order for criminal procedural relations to be truly moral, these persons must have certain moral qualities, be morally educated.

Investigators, prosecutors, lawyers, judges must be distinguished by deep respect for the law, fidelity to its letter and spirit, steadfastness and resistance to outside influence, independence in judgment and vigilance. They must be demanding of themselves and people, honest and incorruptible, modest and polite, courageous and resolute, hardworking.

It is difficult to find another profession, possessing which one would daily have to deal with such an abundance of the most diverse life situations, deeds, motives, human characters, And all this diversity must be dealt with promptly, comprehensively, completely and deeply. Investigator, prosecutor, lawyer, judge should be as restrained, tactful, correct, collected, cool-headed and calm in relation to every person-recidivist criminal and domestic squabbler, seasoned killer and ordinary brawler, victim and witness, woman and man, old man and teenager who have fallen into the realm of justice. And no matter how great the emotional and mental stress is, no matter how hard it is to restrain anger towards a bandit and a murderer, a rapist and a robber, a breakdown is unacceptable here, just as threats, rudeness, deceit, lies, no matter how good intentions and reasons they didn't explain.

Compliance with these moral requirements is a vivid manifestation of the necessary moral and psychological qualities of persons carrying out criminal proceedings. These moral qualities, being professionally necessary for investigators, prosecutors, judges and lawyers, most directly affect the strengthening and increasing the prestige of the preliminary investigation bodies, the prosecutor's office, the bar and the court, the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of criminal justice.

With regard to the service team, the requirements of etiquette can be reduced to the rules of behavior of the boss in relation to subordinates and the rules of behavior of an ordinary employee in relation to his boss (commander). Leadership rules include:

to teach, and not to teach subordinates and learn from them yourself;

inflame people, and not “burn” them with a shout, a rude word, tactlessness;

demand, not quibble;

lead people, not push them;

be self-possessed, not passively waiting;

be modest in judging oneself, but more generous in judging subordinates;

to be simple and accessible in communication, but not to be familiar;

be principled, not stubborn and a number of others.

Among the rules of behavior of a subordinate are the following:

respect the boss, not please him;

be polite, not flattering;

behave with dignity, but without arrogance;

be humble, not humble;

show initiative, not arbitrariness;

be truthful but tactful;

be executive, not obsequious, and some others.

These rules, having become familiar and stable, optimize the relationship between the boss and subordinates, have a positive effect on employees occupying the same official position, generally unite the team, and contribute to the successful solution of official tasks.

It should be noted that an important element of service aesthetics is the external culture of the employee, which covers the culture of his oral speech, manner of dressing, attitude to uniforms, form of address, greetings, etc. As polls of the population show, the accuracy, smartness, and youthfulness of the “man in uniform” cause citizens to respect the employees of the internal affairs bodies, and have an educative, disciplined influence on those around them. And, on the contrary, a sloppy employee (especially in uniform) causes a negative attitude of others towards himself, and sometimes even a feeling of disgust among individual citizens. At the same time, it should be noted that the attitude of an employee to uniforms is essentially an expression of his attitude to the service itself: for one, uniforms are “overalls”, overalls, for the other, it is a uniform associated with such a concept as “honor of uniform”.

Of course, legal aesthetics cannot require employees to be outwardly beautiful, stately, physically powerful, but it obliges them to respect the form, strictly observe the established requirements for discipline, politeness and salutation, encourages the employee to be attentive to his appearance, remember about their influence on those around them.

We can say that etiquette, legal aesthetics as a whole stand guard over the honor, personal dignity and authority of employees of internal affairs bodies and requires them to do the same in relation to citizens. Based on the “golden rule” of ethics: “Do not allow yourself what you consider unacceptable for others”, employees should be especially scrupulous not only in their appearance, but also in their speech, actions, in choosing means of restoring public order, suppressing illegal actions. At the same time, it is not uncommon for officers to address citizens (especially offenders) as “you”, resort to shouting, or even physically insulting detainees, and use foul language. The teacher A.S. was deeply right. Makarenko, calling abuse, uncensorship unvarnished, petty, poor and cheap muck, a sign of the wildest, most primitive culture.

Service etiquette requires employees to strictly observe the uniform and greetings, prohibits the wearing of non-statutory signs. He disapproves of everything that is deliberately used in order to stand out from others purely outwardly (wearing a beard, long hair or massive rings, chains, non-statutory tie clips, etc.). It is hardly possible to call love for uniforms the attempts of individual young employees to “improve” them somehow on their own. Rather, it is a manifestation of vanity, selfishness, the desire "not to be like everyone else." The latter could be welcomed if it were not reduced only to external signs of difference, without any connection with the intellectual, professional and moral qualities of a person, his inner virtues. By the way, among employees who are overly fond of their appearance, much more often there are those who, behind external gloss and decency, hide selfishness, disrespectful attitude towards people, indifference in work, and sometimes rudeness.

Thus, professional ethics in the internal organs and contains such rules of conduct that are moral in content, aesthetic in form and legal in the nature of their application. This is their vitality and stimulating role.