Golden autumn exhibition opening hours

  • 25.10.2020

Exhibition-fair « gold autumn 2018" will be held in Moscow at VDNKh for four days - from 10 to 13 October. The traditional annual large-scale agricultural fair will be held for the 20th time and will occupy several sites at once. Almost 2,500 representatives of agriculture will take part in this event. The arrival of foreign guests is expected to exchange experience and demonstrate new agricultural equipment and machinery.

The exhibition-fair "Golden Autumn" is the pride of Russia, thanks to it, domestic achievements in agriculture and the best products will become known abroad.

The event takes place every year and attracts a large number of participants and guests. At the fair there is a unique opportunity for everyone to get acquainted with all the agricultural enterprises of the country, learn about modern production technologies, the latest developments, the best eco-farms and products from the farthest corners of Russia.

The exhibition-fair will be visited by both start-ups and companies that have gained popularity in the Russian Federation, whose activities are related to agriculture. Foreign manufacturers will also be represented.

Exhibition visitors will be able to appreciate latest developments and recent achievements in the agro-industrial complex, as well as modern equipment and equipment from 70 enterprises from 5 countries. This year at the fair there will be an opportunity to learn about the unique special project "Digital Farmer". The idea of ​​the project is as follows: a client purchases an animal for rearing in an online store and keeps it using a mobile application.

Japan will be a partner of the Golden Autumn Fair in 2018

At the exhibition "Golden Autumn" there will be a presentation of high quality domestic products that Russia is proud of: milk, meat, fruits, vegetables from different Russian manufacturers. At each of the many exhibition areas, you will be able to taste all kinds of dishes in the food courts.

The program of the fair includes presentations, lectures, entertainment events.

In 2018, Japan became a partner of Golden Autumn, which is why everyone has an excellent opportunity to get to know Japanese products such as soft drinks, cocoa, coffee, desserts, snacks, mineral water, chewing gum, sweets, crackers, rice cookies and others sweets that are not hazardous to health.

A ticket to the exhibition-fair can be obtained completely free of charge on the project website.

The Golden Autumn Festival has been taking place since September 28 on the streets of Moscow

Another event with the same name - "Golden Autumn 2018" - is already taking place on the streets of Moscow from September 28 and will last until October 7. This is a gastronomic festival where guests and residents of the capital can buy the best cheese, fish, meat and dairy products, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables from all over Russia.

In addition, visitors can try dishes of national cuisines, take part in culinary and creative master classes, listen to lectures, watch performances, concerts, take a walk on fresh air and overall good fun.

Trade pavilions can be seen in several districts of the capital. The venues are located on Yunosti Square (Zelenograd), Orekhovy Boulevard, Profsoyuznaya and Novy Arbat, Tverskaya and Manezhnaya Squares, as well as Revolution Square.

The sites are visible from afar: each of them is decorated with bright pumpkins and live plants.

As part of the Golden Autumn festival, there is a fish market on Revolution Square and a cheese market on Kuznetsky Most. From 11:00 to 21:00, you can buy seafood, a variety of fish and all kinds of cheese here.

Fish lovers can treat themselves to flounder, pink salmon, catfish, saury, halibut, mackerel, roach, pike, omul, smelt and a variety of canned fish.

In the cheese market, manufacturers offer pickled cheeses, with white and blue mold, soft, hard, semi-hard, camembert, stracciatella, cachotta, burratta, mozzarella and other types of cheese.


The autumn cycle of festivals "Moscow Seasons" was continued by the gastronomic festival "Golden Autumn". Since the end of September, the Golden Autumn fair has been held in the Russian capital.

This year the Festival takes place at 43 venues in Moscow, in all districts and parks. "Golden Autumn - 2018" runs from September 28 to October 7.

Where is the Golden Autumn fair in Moscow 2018 venues, opening hours: where and what you can buy

In accordance with the gastronomic program of the festival, trade in a wide range of food products and gifts of autumn in natural and processed form is organized at the venues and fairs of the festival: farm products, meat, fish delicacies, honey and beekeeping products, canned vegetables and fruits, as well as related products.

Visitors to city festival venues this autumn are expected to:

ON THE KUZNETSKY BRIDGE (Next to TSUM) Cheese market. Opening hours of the market: from 11:00 to 21:00 all days of the festival, from September 28 to October 7.
Hard, semi-hard and soft, fresh and ripened, blue and white cheeses, pickled cheeses... You will definitely find all your favorite varieties, and maybe choose something new for yourself. Cheese makers from all over the country will bring mozzarella, burratta, cachotta, stracciatella, scamorza, gorgonzola, camembert and dozens of other varieties of cheese to the capital.
In addition, on the shelves of the Cheese Market, you can find farm milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and butter.

ON MANEZHNOY SQUARE (Metro Ploshad Revolutsii and Okhotny Ryad): The venues of the Golden Autumn festival will be decorated with pumpkin and flower arrangements dedicated to everyone's favorite fairy tale stories. Designers use more than 100 tons of pumpkins and about 10 thousand live plants (some of them remained after the Flower Jam festival).
Art objects on the theme of the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" will appear on Manezhnaya Square - a four-meter " Balloon”, on which the dreamer James Goodwin once arrived in Fairyland, the impressive “Wizard's Castle” and a colorful pumpkin-flower field.

The fish market will be held between Manezhnaya Square and Revolution Square!
Opening hours of the market: from 11:00 to 21:00 all days of the festival, from September 28 to October 7.
Here you can buy a variety of fish and seafood from all over Russia and try ready-made fish dishes in a restaurant chalet.
And Murmansk will bring cod, haddock, flounder and catfish to the festival. FROM Far East- red fish: pink salmon and chum salmon, saury and smelt. Smoked fish lovers should try cold and hot smoked mackerel, halibut, omul, nelma, whitefish or vendace. Those who prefer dried fish will be offered pike, roach, bream and sabrefish. And for those who appreciate delicious food, but do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, we advise you to take a closer look at the variety of canned fish and semi-finished products (such as whitefish meatballs with vegetables or freshwater fish meatballs in tomato sauce).
Also at the Fish Market, you can buy the famous Olyutorskaya herring, as well as fresh red caviar and other delicacies.

Where is the Golden Autumn fair in Moscow 2018 venues, opening hours: The opening hours of the fair pavilions are approximately from 12.00 to 20.00

The Golden Autumn festival will last until October 7th. This year, it will cover five sites in the city center and five more in other counties. The festival will feature five inter-regional and ten regional fairs, as well as 101 weekend fairs. The festival will feature 21 agricultural markets and more than a thousand chain stores.

Locations of fairs and festivals in Moscow

Manezhnaya Square, possession 1a

Revolution Square (transition to Manezhnaya Square)

Revolution square

Revolution Square (square near the monument to Karl Marx)
Nikolskaya street

Rozhdestvenka street

Kuznetsky Most street, property 7 (square in front of the Central Department Store)

Kuznetsky Most street, property 6-3 (near the Bolshoy restaurant)

Kamergersky lane

Stoleshnikov lane, from the house 6-8

Stoleshnikov lane, from the house 10-14

Novopushkinsky Square

Pushkin Square

Tverskoy Boulevard, property 28 (near the "Armenia" store)

Tverskoy Boulevard, possession 19 (near the Yesenin monument)

Tverskoy Boulevard, property 2 (near the monument to Timiryazev)

Tverskaya Square

Bolotnaya area

Lavrushinsky lane

Klimentovsky lane, building 8

Arbat street, 19

Novy Arbat street, 15

Novy Arbat street, 19

Novy Arbat street, 13

SAO, Angarskiye Ponds

NEAD, Khachaturian street, property 13

Eastern Administrative District, Sokolnicheskaya Square

SEAD, Marshal Chuikov street, possession 3

Southern Administrative District, Orekhovy Boulevard, possession 14

SWAD, Vorontsovsky park

ZAO, Europe Square

SZAO, Skhodnenskaya street, possession 56 (near the shopping center "Kaleidoscope")

city ​​of Zelenograd, Yunosti square, possession 2

city ​​of Troitsk, Lilac Boulevard, possession 1

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The autumn cycle of festivals "Moscow Seasons" will be continued by the gastronomic festival "Golden Autumn".
In 2019, the Festival will be held at 43 venues in Moscow, in all districts and parks.

Attention! The same name, but another festival "Golden Autumn" takes place


Cheese Fair - on Kuznetsky, Fish Market - on Revolution Square ....

Great video for this year. First - a cheese fair at the Central Department Store, then - fairs near Red Square.

In accordance with the gastronomic program of the festival, a wide range of food products and gifts of autumn in natural and processed form will be organized at the venues and fairs of the festival: farm products, meat, fish delicacies, honey and beekeeping products, canned vegetables and fruits, as well as related products .

ON MANEZHNOY SQUARE (metro Ploshchad Revolyutsii and Okhotny Ryad): The venues of the Golden Autumn festival will be decorated with pumpkin and flower compositions dedicated to everyone's favorite fairy tale stories. Designers use more than 100 tons of pumpkins and about 10 thousand live plants (some of them remained after the Flower Jam festival).
Art objects on the theme of the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" will appear on Manezhnaya Square - a four-meter "balloon", on which the dreamer James Goodwin once arrived in the Magic Land, the impressive "Wizard's Castle" and a colorful pumpkin-flower field.

The fish market will be held between Manezhnaya Square and Revolution Square!
Opening hours of the market: from 11:00 to 21:00 all days of the festival.
Here you can buy a variety of fish and seafood from all over Russia and try ready-made fish dishes in a restaurant chalet.
And Murmansk will bring cod, haddock, flounder and catfish to the festival. From the Far East - red fish: pink salmon and chum salmon, saury and smelt. Smoked fish lovers should try cold and hot smoked mackerel, halibut, omul, nelma, whitefish or vendace. Those who prefer dried fish will be offered pike, roach, bream and sabrefish. And for those who appreciate delicious food, but do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, we advise you to take a closer look at the variety of canned fish and semi-finished products (such as whitefish meatballs with vegetables or freshwater fish meatballs in tomato sauce).
Also at the Fish Market, you can buy the famous Olyutorskaya herring, as well as fresh red caviar and other delicacies.

ON THE KUZNETSKY BRIDGE (Next to TSUM) Cheese market. Market hours: from 11:00 to 21:00

Hard, semi-hard and soft, fresh and ripened, blue and white cheeses, pickled cheeses... You will definitely find all your favorite varieties, and maybe choose something new for yourself. Cheese makers from all over the country will bring mozzarella, burratta, cachotta, stracciatella, scamorza, gorgonzola, camembert and dozens of other varieties of cheese to the capital.

From September 28 to October 2, the market will feature products of farmers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Altai Territory, Moscow, Lipetsk, Yaroslavl, Tver and Smolensk regions. And in the second half of the festival, from October 3 to October 7, in addition to cheese makers from Moscow Region, Lipetsk and Tver, we meet farmers from Tatarstan, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk and Ulyanovsk regions. In addition, on the shelves of the Cheese Market, you can find farm milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and butter.

ON TVERSKAYA SQUARE (opposite City Hall): The main theme of the venue of the gastronomic festival "Golden Autumn" on Tverskaya Square is near Moscow autumn garden- will be reflected in the design, creative program, and, of course, in the menu. Here you can take pictures against the backdrop of golden-red foliage, try delicious pastries (for example, pumpkin and carrot pies, charlotte, apple strudel, or pancakes with maple syrup) and warm up with fragrant Ivan tea or sea buckthorn tea with honey.
In the “Living Room” pavilion, children and adults can take needlework lessons every day: come make unusual home accessories, appliqués and decorations in the form of pumpkins and autumn leaves.

Channel Russia 24 talks about the festival from the site in Novokosino:

Traditionally, a cheese festival will be held within the framework of the festival., where Russian cheese makers will demonstrate the results of a three-year work on import substitution of the entire line of cheeses.

The main goal of the festival is to present achievements farms, enterprises of the food and processing industry, personal subsidiary farms from different regions.

Agriculture in Russia has recently become an advanced and competitive industry with sustainable growth rates and good prospects. This is stated in Vladimir Putin's welcome telegram to the participants of the Golden Autumn exhibition, which is taking place in the capital. Farmers from all over the country show the best they have managed to achieve. The exposition was visited today by Dmitry Medvedev. The premiere was shown technologies that until recently could only be imagined in science fiction films.

The creators call him a wasp. It buzzes much louder than an insect, but in the field it is indispensable. A gardening drone monitors the condition of plants and sprays fertilizer where a tractor and a person cannot pass.

“The drone is designed to replace a person where the fields are not convenient enough for manual processing. First of all, these are vineyards on the mountain slopes,” explained Alexander Toskin, a participant in the exhibition.

Such drones will begin to fly over the fields in the next five years. And this is already a common thing for agriculture - to control the health of an animal through a phone application. The cow swallows a safe sensor pill, and you can monitor changes in her body in real time.

“We constantly see online 24 hours 7 days a week how a cow drinks, how a cow feels when a cow has an upcoming calving,” said Yana Bogatyreva, a participant in the exhibition.

For bulls, such sensors are not yet used. But their owners already know for sure: these animals are champions in meat tenderness. It is not inferior to Australian marbled beef. Only produced in Bryansk.

The Astrakhan camel is also a record holder. It tolerates both 50-degree heat and 40-degree frost. And the camels of this breed are the largest in the world. Each gives at least 14 kilograms of extra soft wool and down. Of them, for example, they make clothes even for astronauts.

There are almost 1300 exhibitors from all over Russia at the exhibition. Farmers, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, fertilizers, feed and, of course, products. After the tasting, Dmitry Medvedev noted the quality of the products, which is growing every year - import substitution has worked. And a support program.

"In six years of federal budget we sent 1 trillion 200 billion rubles to the agro-industrial complex. This is an unprecedented amount of support that has never been Agriculture did not receive. We have allocated more than 250 billion rubles of federal funds for this year. We are currently working on the budget for 2019 and the next two years. This budget has not yet been adopted, but it is quite obvious, let's face it, that farmers will not be disappointed by this budget. We will keep all the tools, support measures, and funding that we currently have,” Dmitry Medvedev said.

Thanks to this support, an alternative to foreign agricultural machinery appears in our country. For example, a Russian grain cleaning machine is four times cheaper than a Danish counterpart. In addition, it is more suitable for Russian autumn.

“It allows you to work with waterlogged grain, which is very important for our country, where a large amount of land is in the zone of unfavorable agriculture. It removes straw and large impurities, and it aspirates the product, that is, it removes dust and light impurities,” said Vyacheslav Sikerin, an exhibitor.

At the twentieth exhibition "Golden Autumn" the focus is on exports. Last year, during the four days of the exhibition, foreigners signed agreements on the supply of Russian products totaling over three billion rubles. More are expected this time.