Is it profitable to open a business with wedding decorations. How to start a wedding business? Wedding salon: advantages and disadvantages of the idea

  • 16.04.2020

Wedding as a business is a relatively young direction in the service sector, but rapidly gaining momentum. Every year an increasing number of marriages are registered, and each time the newlyweds are less and less willing to spend time organizing a celebration. To do this, they turn to specialists who are ready to take on all the trouble. The wedding business today is in high demand, despite significant competition, minimal risks and low entry costs. Where to start and how to organize everything correctly - we will learn from the following business plan.


Where to begin wedding business- with a direction search. Today, newlyweds are interested in every little thing, so it is worth deciding what exactly the wedding agency will offer clients.

  • The first option is the organization of a wedding celebration and its support. The tasks of such an agency include finding those who are ready to provide wedding services for the newlyweds - photographers, presenters, car rental salons or decorations for the hall, and so on.
  • The second option is to provide these services yourself.

From the point of view of capital intensity, the first option is the least expensive. The organizer will only need to independently search for those companies whose services meet the budget and requirements of the newlyweds. We will consider this option in this business plan.


Like any business, the agency requires registration. It is enough to issue an IP to save on tax reporting. This type of activity does not require licensing.


The need for premises is always a question for the future organizer. On the one hand, it disposes customers and inspires confidence. On the other hand, these are additional costs, because the organizer will need furniture for receiving clients and decorating a pleasant interior. At the same time, no one forbids meeting with future newlyweds in a cafe.

If the entrepreneur has enough funds to rent and equip the premises, then you should look for an office in the center, in a place with good traffic. It is best to choose a location near potential partners - wedding fashion or accessories stores.

Services and partners

Clients need to have a clear list of standard services:

  • search for a venue for the celebration;
  • car rental;
  • selection of wedding dresses;
  • host and DJ services;
  • organization of video and photography.


It is important to find companies that provide the above services at reasonable prices, but with high quality. In the future, with constant cooperation, suppliers of goods and services will provide discounts. Good connections in the wedding business are the key to success. This will allow the organizer to work clearly and quickly.


The non-standard design of a wedding celebration and word of mouth is the best advertisement

In this business, it is important to build a reputation for yourself and gain customer support, as word of mouth is one of the most effective methods advertising for a wedding agency.

Worth paying attention to modern technologies because today a potential bride will search for information on the net before deciding to go anywhere in person. Own website or wedding portal, where, over time, they will begin to post information about themselves and partners - profitable investment. In the absence of sufficient capital to organize a high-quality Internet resource, it is recommended to start disseminating information in social networks. This will help and former clients if they were satisfied with the service.

Customers will be attracted by advertising in a printed wedding catalog, which is usually distributed to future newlyweds when applying to the registry office. Placement in colored gloss is not cheap, but it is guaranteed to give positive results. Mandatory costs - the production of business cards.

Costs and payback

The main costs in this business:

  • IP registration - from 5,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises - from 10,000 rubles;
  • advertising - about 30,000 rubles.

If necessary, you can avoid any costs by leaving only legal registration. The formation of the cost of the services of a wedding agency is calculated from the costs of the services of the counterparty, plus the "cheat" of the organizer. It is worth taking into account the prices for the services of competitors.

Experienced organizers advise not to advertise to the client information about discounts provided by contractors for their services. This is worth doing if the client himself asks for a reduction in costs. Thus, the organizer will make additional advertising for his services, showing himself as an experienced specialist in the wedding business. This will cause additional trust, and the bride will definitely recommend such a specialist to her friends in the future.

In the small business world, the idea of ​​decorating weddings is gaining immense popularity. After all, the work is not dusty and very pleasant, making money - creating a holiday.
Before you start organizing a business, you need to delve into your head to understand whether you have enough imagination and ideas, because they will be the basis successful business if you are going to work alone.

Where to look for a client?
It would seem that no one needs this service, because you can invest your strength in the organization and that's it. But no, there are a huge number of young people who are going to start a family, they want their wedding to be decorated at the highest level, and who, if not a professional, can make all their wishes come true?

So, what about the clients?
In order to get customers at the beginning of a business, you must not spare on advertising your services. Agree, because advertising is the engine of progress, in its modern form. Approach this matter responsibly, create a blog, post information in in social networks, print business cards with a contact phone number and information about your services and distribute them, leave business cards where there is a huge crowd of people and where they will be visible to the human eye. Further, when you already have your own customer base, the information will spread by itself, because in order to order such a service, people want to hear good feedback about the organizer, which means - everything is in your hands! Designed a wedding well - good fame will go about you, designed poorly - bad. Do not skimp on ideas, expand the boundaries of fantasy, approach the process creatively.

Like any other business, a wedding decoration business will require investments. Let's take a closer look at the design ideas, and based on this, we will calculate the investments.
For a beautiful design, you will need the following inventory: fresh flowers, Balloons, ribbons, silk fabric for decorating the room, beads, sequins, glue for decorating bottles, glasses, candles, this is an approximate list.
To beautifully decorate the hall, its walls and furniture will need fresh flowers. Flowers can be purchased at a wholesale price or you can grow your own, both options require investment.
On the one hand, it seems that growing flowers on your own will be more profitable, and it is, but you need to take into account the fact that you will need a place for growing, fertilizer, soil, watering, etc. In addition, in any case, you need a place to store live floristry, in summer period it is necessary to protect inventory from heat, in winter - from frost. You will need a cool room (such as a basement) and containers with heating and lighting.

Regarding balloons, they can be purchased at a wholesale price, as well as agree on filling some of them with helium. Also, to decorate the hall, you will need to purchase beautiful satin material, and if you use it carefully, you can use it several times, in addition, you can raise the price if you decorate the hall with new material or make a discount when you design already used. For a beautiful design of dishes, glasses, bottles, you will need beads, glue, sparkles, ribbons, all this can also be purchased in bulk. Further, it all depends on the imagination and creativity with which you must be armed if you want to promote profitable business. An important note, decorating the hall alone, you can save a decent amount, but there is a risk that you will not have time, so you always need to have someone in the wings, preferably a person from the family.

To decorate the hall with balloons, you will need skills, you can view information on the Internet, or you can take the appropriate courses, their price is not so high, and experience and skills are priceless. With the design of dishes, everything is easier, because the lessons of such a handmade can be viewed on the net.
More specifically about costs and investments.

If you promote a really profitable business, then you should do everything according to the rules and according to the law. Therefore registration is required. individual entrepreneur, as well as renting an office space, and decorating the office with the necessary furniture, this pleasure will incur costs in the amount of 150,000 rubles. You will also need a personal, corporate website, the development of which will cost 30,000-35,000 rubles.

If you are planning a wide business with staff, then the costs will be higher, wage for staff, plus tax payments - this is about 100,000 rubles, if you work alone, you will save on this. Well, monthly you will have to spend 20,000 rubles on advertising and 25,000 rubles on office rent. In general, the cost is 140,000 rubles per month. Moscow is taken as an example, if you do this business in smaller cities, then the waste will be an order of magnitude less.

Now we can talk about the profitability of such a project. Payment will depend on the number of services provided. And of course, each specific wedding banquet is individual in its own way, someone is chic, and someone saves.

On average, monthly revenue will be about 130,000 rubles. There is a pattern: more in summer, less in winter.
It should be noted that the initial costs will be only in the first month. Then the costs will pay off.

As for profit.
Having established a good chain, you can earn good money, the amount depends on many factors: the size of the hall, the number of guests, as well as the personal wishes of the newlyweds. One important thing to remember is that the competition in this business is very high, so you need to make every effort to create your own personal zest, to create something original and unique, because of which the client will choose you, and not another specialist. Having established your business, having worked on advertising, you will begin to enjoy the profits. And the relevance in the field of the wedding business was, is and will be very high.

Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that the business requires some investments and costs, but it is quite obvious that in this business the cost recovery will not be long in coming. Working alone, you can earn very good money, or you can create a family business.

Having stuffed your hand at weddings, feeling your own professionalism, you can think about expanding your business, start decorating banquet halls for birthdays, for corporate parties, for concerts, children's parties, the list of reasons for which people can arrange holidays is very large, and you have a lot of opportunities to earn , the main thing is to be on the alert, treat the work in good faith and with creativity, then customers will queue up for your services.
Lastly, I would like to point out the most important nuance for a successful business, it is best to start a business in small towns where there is less competition.

Useful tips.
In order to increase business income, expand the list of your services, expand promotional activities and try to work not only within your city, but also in other regions.
Set a goal for yourself personal business plan, get an office, get acquainted with possible competitors, compare your strengths and go ahead.

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In Russia, a huge number of marriages are registered every year. Do not talk about the fuss that accompanies the wedding. Future spouses want to do without unnecessary trouble and do everything so that the event is a success.

Today there are a lot of wedding agencies that take care of the entire organization of the holiday and offer to rent wedding decorations, outfits and other paraphernalia. By resorting to their services, many couples free themselves from problems, leaving the reins of government in the hands of professionals. How to start a wedding business from scratch will be discussed in this article.

First steps

To organize small business For weddings, certain financial investments are required. Their size depends on what services you plan to provide. If you make every effort, the project can bring tangible profits, even though this market segment has a high level of competition. Traditionally, the salon for the newlyweds provides services for organizing, accompanying and holding wedding celebrations. But in order for the business to be effective already at the first stage, everything should be carefully planned.

Project and business plan

Starting a wedding business, like any other type of activity, should be done with a competent project and business plan. If you have sufficient experience in this area, you can come up with a plan on your own, if not, then there are design bureaus that offer ready-made schemes for the economic development of production in the wedding industry. Experts estimate the success of this type of business as high, because the number of clients of the wedding salon increases from year to year, taking into account the seasonal adjustment.

Organizational and legal form

The next step in starting your own business is choosing organizational and legal form. You can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or open an LLC (company with limited liability). When starting a wedding business, it is preferable to choose the first option. With it, you can decently save on taxes and simplify accounting. In addition, the majority of bridal salon clients are individuals Therefore, it makes no sense to complicate your life with legal relations.

Business focus

Wedding agency services are quite extensive. Before starting your own business, think about what you want to offer the client. For example, you propose to create a salon for providing services to private individuals for weddings and accompanying the event with everything necessary. Or you want to open an atelier for renting outfits for the bride and groom.

If you stopped at last version, then it is necessary to focus on the chosen narrow direction. In this industry, you need to analyze the service market of your city, giving it an objective and complete description. Pay attention and evaluate all the pros and cons of competitors. Copy all the best that they have and in the future take into account the shortcomings of their work.

Jewelry and accessories for rent

Wedding decorations are another line of business under consideration. Many people, playing a wedding, believe that it is not worth saving on beauty, everything needs to be done so that the guests will remember their celebration for a long time. But at the same time, it should be understood that all the outfits and accessories purchased before the wedding at decent prices, most likely, will later just lie somewhere in the closet.

Well, if they can be sold and get back part of the money spent. Therefore, there is another line of business - the rental of wedding decorations. These can be dresses, shoes, various jewelry and additional accessories (fur coat, veil and hats, gloves, lace umbrella, etc.). In addition, the client can be offered the decoration of the halls: decorating the room with their own flowers, balls, chair covers, etc.

This will allow customers to significantly reduce the cost of organizing a celebration, and you - to make a profit. Moreover, the business of renting wedding jewelry and accessories does not require large financial costs, and the invested funds pay off almost for the first rent. True, it is important here to find good suppliers with prices that suit you.


Wedding decor as a business is a special area that requires a professional approach. Good combination of colors, fabrics, various ways draperies and subtleties of floral art - this is what turns an ordinary holiday into an unforgettable extravaganza of love and happiness. The decor is designed to create an atmosphere of celebration, which will be reflected in the furniture, the interior of the hall.

To do this, you will need experienced designers and florists who are able to choose harmonious compositions for the bride and her bridesmaids, arrange a bouquet and elegantly decorate a wedding procession. The client may be offered Additional services. For example, flower rain or decorating dishes and tables with fresh flowers.

Room selection

Having decided on the direction of the wedding business, move on to the next question. You have to find and arrange premises for the company. The best option is a long-term lease in a crowded and passable area of ​​the city.

When opening a salon with a full range of services (sale of outfits, organization of a banquet, car rental, photo and video services, work of a toastmaster, assistance of stylists and florists), choose a room with an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. m. This will allow you to arrange all the services with the convenience of the client. In addition, it will give your company weight in the eyes of buyers and create an additional reputation.

Before you open a company, you should carry out repairs and decoration of the premises, divide it into the necessary zones. Properly selected wedding style will allow you to express the direction of your company. In addition, in the hall you can arrange the sale of various commemorative accessories that are very often used at weddings and are kept by the newlyweds for many years.