Solarium requirements and operation. SanPiN rules. Is it necessary to obtain a license for solarium services What should be in a solarium for clients

  • 13.01.2021

In the cold period, when the lack of sunlight is felt more and more every day, the popularity of solariums and the use of cosmetics to create an artificial tan is increasing.

Before you start taking artificial tanning sessions and applying special cosmetics, you need to make sure that they are safe. The device and mode of operation of solariums is regulated by the sanitary rules SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, device, equipment, maintenance and mode of operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services."

Obtaining a license and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for the operation of solariums is not required. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities only notify the Department of Rospotrebnadzoa in the Saratov region about the start of their activities.

Solariums are subject to the following requirements.

Required area the room where the solarium cabin is installed, consists of the area occupied by the device itself (according to technical description), and undressing areas. The composition of the premises where the solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, should include work zone operator. When organizations provide other household and cosmetic services, the operator's area can be equipped in conjunction with the visitors' reception area. If solarium services are provided in automatic mode (without participation of the operator using a coin and / or card reader), then the operator's zone is not required.

The operator's zone is equipped with a solarium(s) remote control, which excludes unauthorized change of the session time by the client.

Finishing facilitiesthe solarium should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin that the visitor has come into contact with must be treated with disinfectants, past state registration. When using a vertical solarium, visitors should be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

Staff and visitors must have access to the washbasin and bathroom.

The room for the operation of solariums must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation, providing 3-4 times air exchange per hour. In the case of installing models equipped with their own ventilation system, it is allowed to organize a natural air flow into the room. It is necessary to carry out periodic cleaning of the ventilation openings inside the machine as it gets dirty.

Temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 °C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located should correspond to +18 - +24 °C.

Allowed use devices ultraviolet radiation (sunbeds) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination thereof. UV equipment UV-C is not allowed in solariums.

All devices (solariums) must have technical data sheets and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming the safety of the products used in the prescribed manner.

Lamp replacement must be carried out at the standard output of hours indicated in the technical passport of the lamps, with a mandatory note in the journal. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors to the solarium and located in a conspicuous place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Levels of physical factors affecting staff and visitors to solariums, and the permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation is regulated by sanitary rules.

The following information should be communicated to consumers:

About the need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;

On the need to mandatory use special glasses to avoid eye damage from UV rays;

On the mandatory determination of the exposure time (session) in order to avoid damage to the skin using a table describing human phototypes and other exposure conditions depending on them (a table describing human phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a conspicuous place);

On the impact of certain cosmetics and drugs on the change (increase or decrease) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and related restrictions;

About observing the 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;

Warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;

On the carcinogenic danger of ultraviolet radiation;

About the need to use cosmetic products for tanning in a solarium in order to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;

On the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;

About the list of diseases in which the adoption of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, oncological diseases, etc.).

Solariums are contraindicated:

Pregnant and lactating women

People with type I and II skin as they have an increased susceptibility to sunburn and an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

skin type 1 : People with such skin burn easily and severely and suffer from peeling and blistering, but do not tan. These people usually have very white skin, blue or green eyes, red hair, and may have freckles.

Skin Type II: This skin type is very similar to type 1, except that people with this skin type may get a slight tan. They can also easily get badly burned, and their skin is usually flaky. These people have brown or blue eyes, red or blonde hair, and freckles.

People who have a large number of nevi (birthmarks), a tendency to form freckles that have survived severe sunburn especially in childhood, or with a family history of malignant melanoma

People who have already had extensive skin damage from solar radiation, precancerous or malignant skin lesions.
People with a skin condition should consult their doctor before using a tanning bed.

When visiting the solarium be sure to use protective goggles. Better than those that are included in the tanning kit and are guaranteed to protect against ultraviolet rays. Contact lenses must be removed, because. the heat generated by the lamps can dry out contact lenses and cause eye irritation. It is also necessary to protect the most delicate areas of the skin.

Recommended halve the duration of the first session compared to a normal session in order to establish a skin reaction. If after the first session any adverse reaction is detected, further use of the solarium is not recommended. Regular exposure should not exceed 2 sessions per week, and there can be no more than 30 sessions per year. You can not sunbathe on the day of visiting the solarium.

When visiting solariums, it is advisable to use protective creams and other special perfume and cosmetic products. More on this in the next article in this section.

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes


Today we will talk about new Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms”, defining sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and mode of operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services (SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631-10).

It is unlikely that anyone will raise a hand to challenge the seriousness of the document, which is binding on all persons, both legal and natural (in the staff of enterprises), carrying out relevant activities in the field of consumer services. In addition, SanPiN is one of the main normative documents used by inspection bodies to control "beautiful" enterprises.

Every conscientious entrepreneur, to the best of his ability, is not opposed to bringing his enterprise into line with the newly presented standards, but for this it is necessary to understand these standards or have a source of explanation for some, at first glance, “abstractions” prescribed in the document.

As a representative of a company that has significant experience in the promotion and maintenance of professional equipment used in beauty salons, I will be very willing to act as a source of explanatory information and comment on some points of SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631-10 governing "Requirements for equipment and maintenance of solariums"(paragraph IV of this SanPiN).

Let's go in order.

P / p 4.1. “…UV-C equipment is not allowed in tanning beds”.

BUT absolutely correct requirement, which for decades has been one hundred percent fulfilled by all manufacturers of professional UV lamps intended for use in solariums. The chemical composition of the glass from which the bulbs of low-pressure lamps are made completely excludes the emission spectrum in the range of 200 - 280 nanometers (it is within this frequency range that UV-C is enclosed), and also blocks a significant part of the next frequency range of 280 - 315 nm, corresponding to UV-B radiation. The UV-A spectrum was determined in the range of 315-400 nm.

The remaining “admitted to the body” ultraviolet radiation is distributed between UV-A and UV-B rays by means of a phosphor deposited on the inside of the bulb in a strictly defined proportion, called the ultraviolet radiation coefficient. The most common coefficient is 2.3. (Recall the old Soviet film "Wedding in Malinovka", an episode in which Popandopulo "fairly" divided the "honestly stolen" property ... By analogy, UV-A in relation to UV-B plays a role similar to Popandopulo, that is, from 100 percent remaining after filtering out the UV radiation, honestly leaves 2.3% to ultraviolet "B", and appropriates the remaining 97.7% to itself.)

When using high-pressure lamps, it is MANDATORY to use special filters (tinted glass coated with a composition that includes cadmium). The filter completely excludes UV-C, as well as UV-B radiation. The use of high pressure lamps without such a filter, or with a filter that has visible physical damage in the form of scratches or cracks, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

P/n 4.5. "The operator's area is equipped with a solarium(s) remote control, which excludes unauthorized change of the session time by the client."

The remote control panel, in addition to the function specified in SanPiN, has a number of useful functions for the owner of the solarium:

Ease of setting the insolation time (compared to the built-in timers in a number of solarium models);

Control over the stages of the tanning procedure directly from the administrator's place in the "on-line" mode, regardless of the distance of the solarium from the reception;

Control of the worked time of lamps with an accuracy of up to a minute.

By the way, the Russified consoles that we are currently installing allow you to read the parameters according to the calendar installed in them for any selected interval of previously worked time, be it an hour, a day or a month. I think the benefits of this feature are obvious to the owners. Using the remote control, you can also take into account the consumed electricity and a number of other parameters;

P/n 4.6. “The room for the operation of solariums should be equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 3-4 air changes per hour. In the case of installing models equipped with their own ventilation system, it is allowed to organize a natural air flow into the room.

Using simple mathematical calculations, we find the volume of the room in which the solarium is installed (width x length x height = volume of cubic meters), multiply by 4, we get the performance of forced exhaust ventilation (cubic meters / hour). In accordance with the performance of exhaust ventilation, fresh air is supplied.

For models that have their own structurally separate system for the forced removal of hot air from the room, only supply ventilation is allowed through the natural penetration of a fresh air stream through the provided ventilation ducts.

However, when fulfilling this requirement, the following paragraph must also be observed.

P/n 4.7. “The air temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 0 C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located must correspond to +18 to +24 0 C.”

With good attendance of the solarium, this item of requirements almost automatically leads to the need to install air conditioning systems.

P/n 4.8. “Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard output of hours indicated in the technical passport of the lamps, with a mandatory note in the journal. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors to the solarium and located in a conspicuous place. Used lamps should be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For low-pressure UV lamps, according to the technical data sheet, the resource is from 800 to 1000 hours. However, in the conditions of the functioning of the domestic power system, which is characterized by drops and drops in the operating voltage of the network, the manufacturer's data should be adjusted down by 10-20 percent in order to maintain the quality of the service provided at the proper level.

In solariums, the use of ultraviolet radiation devices with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination is allowed.-

Equipment with an ultraviolet radiation range UV-C is not allowed in tanning beds.

All devices must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming their safety.

The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated by the formula S1 + S2, where S1 is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description), S2 is the undressing area in accordance with sanitary rules.

The room must be equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation, providing three to four air changes per hour. In the case of installing models with their own ventilation system, it is allowed to organize a natural air flow into the room.

The temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the technical documentation for the device, but not exceed +28°C. The air temperature in the room should be + 18-24 degrees.

Replacement of lamps is carried out at the standard output of hours indicated in the technical passport of the lamps, with a mandatory note in the journal. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors to the solarium and located in a conspicuous place.

Used lamps are sent to specialized organizations for disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The decoration of the solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin that the visitor has come into contact with must be treated with state-registered disinfectants.

When using a vertical solarium, visitors are given disposable towels (mats) on the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

Solarium visitors should:
- carefully read the instructions;
- consult with a doctor about the possibility of visiting a solarium;
- know the list of diseases in which the procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, oncological diseases);
- be aware of the carcinogenic hazards of UV radiation;
- respect the 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;
- in order to avoid skin damage, determine the time of the session according to the table describing human phototypes and other exposure conditions (the table should be available to visitors and located in a prominent place);
- use special goggles to protect your eyes from UV rays;
- be aware of the effect of certain cosmetics and drugs on the change (increase or decrease) in sensitivity to UV radiation and the limitations associated with this;
- use tanning cosmetics to avoid the adverse effects of UV radiation;
- be aware of the ban on visiting the solarium for people under 18 years of age.

Reason: SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631-10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and mode of operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services"

Rules for organizing a solarium

The act of replacing the lamps, or the lamp replacement log must be publicly available, the administrator is obliged to provide them, as well as a certificate for the lamps in the solarium. The timer, from which the solarium is usually turned on, is updated every time the lamps are changed, so it is possible to see how many minutes the lamps have burnt out. The average life of the lamps is 800 or 1000 hours depending on the manufacturer, but the efficiency of the lamps drops after 600 - 800 hours, so they need to be changed a little earlier. If this unspoken rule is not respected in a beauty salon, then at the end of the working hours, people no longer pay for a tan, but simply for the time spent in the booth. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of a beauty salon or a tanning studio. Of course, the equipment can be both modern with various additional options, and modest, but well preserved. It all depends on how employees treat the equipment, how often they do Maintenance(required at least once every six months).

First of all, you should pay attention to the cleanliness, knowledge of the administrator; it is worth asking how many lamps are in the solarium, what power, what brand, if the administrator does not know this and cannot choose the number of minutes of tanning himself, then most likely the solarium in this salon is mediocre and negligent. There must be documents and the administrator must answer at least in percentage terms how the lamp life has been exhausted.

3. Ventilation

In a room with a solarium there should be supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical stimulation. It is adjusted in such a way that the air in the room has time to update 3-4 times per hour. If ventilation is built into the solarium itself, natural ventilation of the room where it is located is permissible.

Evgenia Meyzer, director and founder of the network of tanning and beauty studios "Bronze Paradise":
Coming for the first time to a beauty salon or a tanning studio, first of all, you should look at the cleanliness of both the main room and the solarium booth. What is the condition of the solarium - are there any cracks in the glass, what does the floor look like inside the solarium and ventilation. If a horizontal solarium, then there should be a sign “disinfected”. This will mean that the employees of the beauty salon or tanning studio are attentive to the solarium and take care of the health of their guests.

It is allowed to use ultraviolet radiation devices (tanning beds) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of various types of ultraviolet lamps (high and low pressure) in any combination thereof.

Equipment with an ultraviolet radiation range UV-C is not allowed in tanning beds.

All devices (solariums) must have:

  • technical passports and instructions in Russian,
  • documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

Requirements for a solarium

The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated by the formula:

where S1 is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description),

S2 - undressing area of ​​at least 3 sq.m.

The composition of the premises where the solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, should include the operator's working area of ​​at least 6 sq.m. When organizations provide other household and cosmetic services, the operator's area can be equipped together with the visitors' reception area. If solarium services are provided in automatic mode (without participation of the operator using a coin and / or card reader), then the operator's zone is not required. Staff and visitors must have access to a washbasin and toilet facilities.

The operator's zone is equipped with a solarium(s) remote control, which excludes unauthorized change of the session time by the client.

The decoration of the solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

Solarium microclimate parameters

The room for the operation of solariums must be equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 3-4 air changes per hour. In the case of installing models equipped with their own ventilation system, it is allowed to organize a natural air flow into the room.

The temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28 C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located must correspond to +18-24 C.

Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard output of hours indicated in the technical passport of the lamps, with a mandatory note in the journal. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors to the solarium and located in a conspicuous place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Disinfection, hygiene standards

After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin that the visitor has come into contact with must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner. When using a vertical solarium, visitors should be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

It is necessary to carry out periodic cleaning of the ventilation openings inside the machine as it gets dirty.

The levels of physical factors affecting the personnel and visitors of solariums should not exceed the hygienic standards:

  • electromagnetic field strength not more than 25V/m;
  • electric field strength of industrial frequency current (50 Hz) - no more than 0.5 kV / m.

The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation for household products with irradiating action should not exceed 1.9 W / m in the range of 280-315 nm and 10 W m in the range of 315-400 nm. Radiation in the range of 200-280 nm is not allowed.

Mandatory information for visitors

The following information should be communicated to consumers:

  • about the need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;
  • about the need to mandatory use special glasses to avoid eye damage from UV rays;
  • on the mandatory determination, in order to avoid damage to the skin, of the exposure time (session) using a table describing human phototypes and other exposure conditions depending on them (a table describing human phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a conspicuous place);
  • about the impact of certain cosmetics and drugs on the change (increase or decrease) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and related restrictions;
  • about observing the 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;
  • a warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;
  • on the carcinogenic hazard of ultraviolet radiation;
  • about the need to use tanning cosmetics in a solarium to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • on the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;
  • about the list of diseases in which the adoption of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, oncological diseases).