Standards of the state standardization system. Product standardization. Bodies and services of standardization of the Russian Federation

  • 07.04.2020

The standardization system and its goals

Standardization includes the activity of establishing production rules and product characteristics in order to voluntarily and reuse them.

Remark 1

The standardization system is focused on achieving efficiency in the field of circulation and production in order to increase competitiveness. The concept of the development of the national standardization system of our country was developed by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

The development of this concept is characterized by the requirement to update the previous version of the concept of the national standardization system of our country for the period up to 2010.

The concept was updated through understanding and fixing new tasks and goals that were formed by the national standardization system in the field of:

  • needs to intensify the economic development of the state,
  • technical and technological modernization,
  • improvement of the qualitative component of the life of society,
  • protection environment,
  • formation of integration processes,
  • formation of the Customs Union,
  • expanding activities of a foreign economic nature and activating processes that concentrate entry Russian Federation in the WTO.

The main objectives of the standardization system:

  • promote the social and economic development of the state,
  • promote the integration of the state into the international economy and world standardization systems as an equal partner,
  • improve the quality of life in society,
  • ensure the defense of the state and its security,
  • carry out technical re-equipment in industry,
  • improve the quality of products, provision of services and performance of work in order to increase the competitiveness of domestically produced goods.

Principles of the standardization system

In accordance with the principles of standardization and the use of documents, standardization should be carried out voluntarily. Mandatory application of documents in the field of standardization is provided for in relation to objects that provide comprehensive system standardization, successive activities in the field of standardization.

There are several principles of the standardization system, in particular, it is designed to:

  • ensure that the general characteristics, principles and rules that are established in the documentation of the national standardization system correspond to the current level of development of engineering, technology and science,
  • ensure compliance with the best domestic and foreign experience,
  • promote openness in the development of documentation of the national standardization system,
  • ensure participation in the development of certain information for all interested parties,
  • reach agreement on the development of national standards,
  • establish in standardization documents the requirements that can provide the ability to control objects,
  • unify the development and maintenance, updating and approval, cancellation and change, publication and use of documents in the field of standardization,
  • provide documents on standardization with technical regulations that are in force on the territory of the Russian Federation,
  • ensure consistent compliance of national standards with each other,
  • generate accessible information about documents in the field of standardization, taking into account the restrictions that are established by regulatory legal acts RF.

Documents of the standardization system include: documents of the national standardization system, the All-Russian classifier, enterprise standards, including TEU (technical specifications), different kinds documentation on standardization, establishing mandatory requirements in relation to the objects of standardization.

Standardization system of the Russian Federation

The standardization system in our country includes a set of organizational, legal, technical and economic measures that are carried out under the control of the national standardization body and focus on the formation and use of regulatory documents in the field of standardization.

The standardization system in our country is designed to protect the consumers of the state.

Definition 1

Standardization in general is the activity of setting rules and characteristics for voluntary use. The standardization system exists in order to increase the level of safety of the health and life of citizens, to protect property individuals, to ensure environmental safety, the safety of plant and animal life, and to promote the requirements of technical regulations.

With the help of the standardization system, competitiveness is increased, resources are used more rationally, technical and information compatibility is ensured, and scientific and technological progress is ensured.

In our country, a state standardization system has been formed. With the help of it, standardization work is united and streamlined throughout the state, at all levels of production and management at all levels of state standards.

It is also customary to distinguish between state or national standardization, international standardization.

State standardization includes a form of development and implementation of standardization, which is carried out under the clear guidance of state bodies in accordance with the unified state plan for standardization.

As for international standardization, it is carried out with the help of special organization certain states or groups of countries to ensure mutual trade, technical, scientific and cultural ties.

The standardization system includes various categories and types of standards. In accordance with the scope, it is customary to distinguish between standards: international, regional, state standards of the Russian Federation, industry standards, standards of enterprises or organizations.

Is product standardization.

Standard translated from English - this is the norm, measure, sample. The main task of standardization is the creation of a system of normative and technical documentation (NTD), which defines progressive requirements for products manufactured both for the needs National economy, population, national defense, and for export, as well as control over the correct use of this documentation.

Current system product standardization allows you to develop and maintain up to date:

  • unified technical language;
  • unified ranks of the most important specifications products (tolerances and fits, voltages, frequencies, etc.);
  • size ranges and standard designs of products for general machine-building applications (bearings, fasteners, cutting tool and etc.);
  • system of classifiers of technical and economic information;
  • reliable reference data on the properties of materials and substances.

Standardization is based on a number of principles:

  • repeatability- defines the circle of objects to which things, processes, relations are applicable, which have one common property - repetition either in time or in space;
  • variability- creation of a rational variety - provides a minimum of rational varieties of standard elements included in the standardized object;
  • consistency- defines the standard as an element of the system and leads to the creation of systems of standards interconnected by the internal essence of specific objects of standardization;
  • interchangeability- in relation to technology, it involves the assembly or replacement of identical parts manufactured at different times and at different points in space.

State standardization system

At present, the state standardization system of the Russian Federation (SSS) has been formed, which regulates the processes of building, presenting and distributing standards in the Russian Federation. GSS includes 5 fundamental standards:

  • GOST R 1.0-92. State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions;
  • GOST R 1.2-92. State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development of state standards;
  • GOST R 1.3-92. State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. The procedure for agreeing, approving and registering technical conditions;
  • GOST R 1.4-92. State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions;
  • GOST R 1.5-92. State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. General requirements to the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

State standards of the Russian Federation include:

  • mandatory requirements for the quality of products, works and services that ensure safety for life, health and property, environmental protection, mandatory requirements for safety and industrial sanitation;
  • mandatory requirements for compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • mandatory methods of control, quality requirements for products, works and services that ensure their safety for life, health of people and property, environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • parametric series and standard design of products;
  • basic consumer and operational properties of products, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation and storage, as well as disposal of products;
  • provisions that ensure technical unity in the development, production, operation of products and the provision of services, rules for drawing up technical documentation, tolerances and fit, general rules ensuring product quality, safety and rational use of all types of resources, terms, definitions and designations, metrological and other general technical rules and norms.

In Russian federation regulations according to standardization are divided into the following categories:

  • state standards of the Russian Federation (GOST RF);
  • industry standards (OST);
  • technical conditions (TU);
  • standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations, concerns, joint-stock companies, intersectoral, regional and other associations (STP);
  • standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering (unions, associations and other public associations) (ONE HUNDRED).

Depending on the object of standardization, its specifics and the content of the requirements developed for it, standards are divided into the following types:

  • fundamental standards;
  • standards for products, services;
  • process standards;
  • standards for methods of control, testing, measurement, analysis.

With the transition to the market, the very approach to the organization and use of the standards system has changed. The organization of work on standardization has become more democratic, is carried out on a voluntary basis (with the participation of all interested parties), and the application of standards is mostly advisory in nature. However, the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory implementation if it is related to the safety of life and health of people, their property, environmental protection, etc. Mandatory for use at enterprises and organizations in Russia are also the requirements of the standards that are included in contracts for the production and supply of designed products, and the requirements provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, there are the following regulatory documents on standardization:

State standards of the Russian Federation (GOST);

Industry standards (OST);

Specifications (TU);

Standards of enterprises and associations, associations, concerns;

Standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering unions, associations and other public organizations.

The state standardization system regulates the processes of construction, presentation, and distribution of standards in the Russian Federation and includes five fundamental standards:

1) GOST R 1.0-92 G.S.S. RF. Basic provisions;

2) GOST R 1.2-92 G.S.S. RF. The procedure for the development of state standards;

3) GOST 1.3-92 G.S.S. RF. The order of coordination, approval and registration specifications;

4) GOST R. 1.4-92 G.S.S. RF. Enterprise standards. General provisions;

5) GOST R. 1.5-92. G.S.S. RF. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

The existing system of standards pursues legal and socio-economic goals. First, the interests of the consumer and the state are protected by law in matters of product quality, environmental protection, safety of life and health of the population. Secondly, technical unity is guaranteed in the development, production, operation of products. Thirdly, the system of standards serves as a regulatory and technical basis for socio-economic programs and projects.

State standards also ensure the rational use of resources by optimizing all types of work carried out in the quality system, developing unification, interchangeability of products and processes. Important has a further development of complexity, which provides for the coverage of all stages of production, processes and services by a system of standards in order to ensure stable output of products of a predetermined level of quality.

Creation in Russia of a system of standards that meet the requirements market economy, allows:

Significantly expand the circle of customers and potential users of standards, significantly increase interest and change the motivation for their development, increasing attention to the problem of reducing production costs;

Turn standards into a practical tool in the struggle for the consumer market;

To stimulate, in the interests of consumers, the use of standards to increase competition between manufacturers for higher consumer properties of goods;

Turn standards into a product of democratic agreement (consensus) of stakeholders, which avoids dictate and ensures interest in the application and compliance with the requirements of the standards;

Create the necessary conditions competitiveness and successful work on the market.

Fundamentals of standardization

State standardization system
The concept of standardization covers a wide area social activities, which includes scientific, technical, economic, economic, legal, aesthetic, political aspects. In all countries, the development of the state economy, the increase in the efficiency of production, the improvement in the quality of products, and the growth of living standards are associated with the widespread use of various forms and methods of standardization. Properly set standardization contributes to the development of specialization and cooperation in production.
In Russia operates state standardization system (SSS), uniting and streamlining work on standardization throughout the country, at all levels of production and management based on a set of state standards.
Standardization– Establishment and application of rules to streamline activities with the participation of all interested parties. Standardization should ensure the fullest possible satisfaction of the interests of the producer and consumer, increase labor productivity, economical use of materials, energy, working time and guarantee safety in production and operation.
The objects of standardization are products, norms, rules, requirements, methods, terms, designations, etc., which have the prospect of repeated use in science, technology, industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, culture, healthcare, as well as international trade.
Distinguish state (national) standardization and international standardization.
State standardization- a form of development and implementation of standardization, carried out under the guidance of government agencies according to unified state standardization plans.
International standardization is carried out by special international organizations or a group of states in order to facilitate mutual trade, scientific, technical and cultural ties.
The norms established during standardization are drawn up in the form of normative and technical documentation for standardization - standards and specifications.
Standard- a regulatory and technical document that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization and approved by the competent authority. The standard can be developed both for items (products, raw materials, samples of substances), and for norms, rules, requirements for objects of an organizational, methodological and general technical nature of labor, the procedure for developing documents, safety standards, quality management systems, etc.
Specifications (TU)- a normative and technical document on standardization that establishes a set of requirements for specific types, brands, article numbers of products. Specifications are an integral part of the set of technical documentation for the products to which they apply.
Goals and objectives of standardization
the main objective State Standardization System (SSS)- with the help of standards that establish indicators, norms and requirements corresponding to the advanced level of domestic and foreign science, technology and production, to help ensure the proportional development of all sectors of the national economy of the country.
Other goals and objectives of standardization are:
1. Establish quality requirements finished products based on its standardization quality characteristics, as well as the characteristics of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components;
2. Development and establishment of a unified system of indicators of product quality, methods and means of control and testing, as well as the required level of reliability of products, taking into account their purpose and operating conditions;
3. Establishment of norms, requirements and methods in the field of design and production in order to ensure optimal quality and eliminate the irrational variety of types, brands and sizes of products;
4. Development of unification industrial products, increasing the level of interchangeability, efficiency of operation and repair of products;
5. Ensuring the unity and reliability of measurements, the creation of state standards for units of physical quantities;
6. Establishment of unified documentation systems;
7. Establishment of systems of standards in the field of ensuring labor safety, environmental protection and improving the use of natural resources.

Forms of standardization
Depending on the method of solving the main problem, there are several forms of standardization.
Simplification- a form of standardization, which consists in simply reducing the number of brands of semi-finished products, components, etc. used in the development of a product or in its production. up to a quantity that is technically and economically feasible, sufficient to produce products with the required quality indicators. Being the simplest form and the initial stage of more complex forms of standardization, simplification turns out to be economically beneficial, as it leads to a simplification of production, facilitates logistics, warehousing, and reporting.
Unification– rational reduction in the number of types, types and sizes of objects of the same functional purpose. The objects of unification are most often individual products, their components, parts, components, grades of materials, etc. Unification is carried out on the basis of analysis and study of design options for products, their applicability by bringing together products that are similar in purpose, design and size, their components parts and parts to a single standard (unified) design.
Currently, unification is the most common and effective form of standardization. The design of equipment, machines and mechanisms using unified elements allows not only to reduce the development time and reduce the cost of products, but also to increase their reliability, reduce the time technological preparation and development of production.
Typing- this is a kind of standardization, which consists in the development and establishment of standard solutions (constructive, technological, organizational, etc.) based on the most advanced methods and modes of operation. In relation to structures, typification consists in the fact that some constructive solution (existing or specially developed) is taken as the main one - the basic one for several products that are identical or close in functional purpose. The required range and product options are built on the basis of the basic design by introducing a number of minor changes and additions to it.
Aggregation- a method of creating new machines, devices and other equipment by assembling the final product from a limited set of standard and unified units and assemblies that have geometric and functional interchangeability.

Rules (PR) - a document that establishes mandatory general technical provisions, procedures, methods for performing work (GOST R 1.0).
Recommendations (R) - a document containing general technical provisions, procedures, methods of work that are voluntary for use.
Norm - a provision that establishes quantitative or qualitative categories that must be satisfied (ISOMEK2).
A regulation is a document containing mandatory legal regulations and accepted by the authorities.
Technical regulation - a regulation that establishes the characteristics of a product (service) or related processes and production methods (GOST 1.0).

Unified state systems of standards
On the basis of complex standardization in the Russian Federation, systems of standards have been developed, each of which covers a specific area of ​​activity carried out on a national scale or in certain sectors of the national economy.
Such systems include the State Standardization System (SSS), the Unified System design documentation(ESKD), the Unified System for Technological Preparation of Production (ESTPP), the Unified System for Technological Documentation (ESTD), the Unified System for Classifying and Coding Technical and Economic Information, the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI), the State System of Labor Safety Standards (GSSBT), etc. .
Let's consider some of them.
State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (GSS RF) began to take shape in 1992. Its basis is the fund of laws, by-laws, normative documents on standardization. The Fund presents a four - level system:

  • Technical legislation - legal basis GSS.
  • State standards, all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information.
  • Industry standards and standards of scientific, technical and engineering societies.
  • Enterprise standards and specifications.

The legislative base of the SSC is in its infancy.
Unified system for design documentation (ESKD). This system establishes for all organizations in the country the procedure for organizing design, uniform rules for the implementation and execution of drawings and maintaining a drawing economy, which simplifies design work, improves the quality and level of interchangeability of products and facilitates reading and understanding of drawings in different organizations. ESKD includes more than 200 standards.
Unified system of technological documentation (ESTD) is a set of state standards that establish:
forms of general-purpose documentation (route map of the technological process, summary specification, map of sketches, diagrams and adjustments, etc.);
rules for the design of technological processes and forms of documentation for the processes of casting, cutting and cutting blanks, mechanical and thermal processing, welding work, processes specific to the branches of radio engineering, electronics, etc.
There is a close relationship between ESTD and ESKD. These systems play an important role in improving production management, increasing its efficiency, in introducing automated control systems, etc.
State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (SSI) establishes general rules and regulations metrological support. The main objects of GSI standardization are:
units of physical quantities;
state standards and all-union verification charts;
methods and means of verification of measuring instruments;
nomenclature of normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;
measurement accuracy standards;
methods of expression and presentation of measurement results and indicators of measurement accuracy;
measurement technique;
methodology for assessing the reliability and presentation of data on the properties of substances and materials;
requirements for standard samples of the composition and properties of substances and materials;
organization and procedure for conducting state tests, verification and metrological certification measuring instruments, metrological examination of normative-technical, design, design and technological documentation, examination and certification of data on the properties of substances and materials;
terms and definitions in the field of metrology.

Standardization bodies and services - organizations, institutions, associations and their subdivisions, the main activity of which is the implementation of standardization work or the performance of certain standardization functions. Standards bodies are bodies recognized at some official level whose main function is to guide standardization work.

State management of standardization activities in Russia is carried out by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology (Gosstandart of Russia). Standardization activities are also carried out by other federal executive bodies within their competence. These bodies in their standards can establish mandatory requirements for the quality of products (works, services), create technical regulations.

To functions of Gosstandart relate:

  • acting as a customer for the development of state standards that establish fundamental and general technical requirements, mandatory requirements (requirements for product safety, environmental protection, product compatibility and interchangeability);
  • consideration and adoption of state standards, as well as other normative documents of intersectoral significance (instructions, guidelines, etc.), mandatory for ministries and other government bodies;
  • ensuring the unity and reliability of measurements in the country, strengthening and developing the state metrological service;
  • implementation of state supervision over the implementation and observance of the mandatory requirements of state standards for the state and use of measuring equipment;
  • management of work to improve the systems of standardization, metrology and certification;
  • participation in the work on international cooperation in the field of standardization and the use of their results;
  • publication and distribution of state standards and other normative documentation necessary for information support of standardization work;
  • improving the quality of domestic products and their competitiveness in the world market;
  • normative support of trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with other countries and the participation of the Russian Federation in the international division of labor;
  • ensuring the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in the development of international and regional standards.

Services standardization - specially created organizations and divisions for carrying out work on standardization at certain levels of government - state, regional, industry, enterprises (organizations).

Russian standardization services - research institutes of the State Standard of the Russian Federation and technical committees for standardization are created on the basis of organizations specializing in certain types of products (services) and having the highest scientific and technical potential in this area.

The State Standardization System (SSS) put into effect on January 1, 1993 regulates the processes of building, presenting and distributing standards in the Russian Federation. It provides for the democratization of standards development procedures and the elimination of monopoly in this area.

The GSS regulates the processes of building, presenting and disseminating standards in the Russian Federation and includes five fundamental standards:

GOST R 1.0-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions;

GOST R 1.2-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development of state standards;

GOST R 1.3-92 State system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for agreeing, approving and registering technical conditions;

GOST R 1.4-92 State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General provisions;

GOST R 1.5-92 State system of the Russian Federation. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

State standards of the Russian Federation include:

  • mandatory requirements for the quality of products, works and services that ensure the safety of life, health and property, environmental protection, mandatory requirements for safety and industrial sanitation;
  • mandatory requirements for compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • mandatory requirements for quality control of products, works and services that ensure their safety for life, health of people and property, environmental protection, compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • parametric series and standard design of products;
  • basic consumer and operational properties of products, requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation and storage, as well as product disposal;
  • provisions ensuring technical unity in the development, production, operation of products and the provision of services, rules for ensuring product quality, safety and rational use of all types of resources, terms, definitions and designations, metrological and other general technical rules and norms.

The standardization system of the Russian Federation should be harmonized with international, regional and national systems and provide:

  • protecting the interests of consumers and the state in matters of quality and range of products, services and processes, their safety for human life and health, environmental protection;
  • improving the quality of products in accordance with the development of science and technology, with the needs of the population and the national economy;
  • compatibility and interchangeability of products;
  • promoting economy of human and material resources, improvement economic indicators production;
  • creation of a regulatory and technical base for socio-economic programs and major projects;
  • elimination of technical barriers in production and trade, competitiveness of products on the world market and effective participation in the international division of labor;
  • safety of national economic facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies;
  • assistance in increasing defense capability and mobilization readiness.

Proper use of the possibilities of standardization in the enterprise can improve the efficiency of its functioning. At the same time, the main components economic effect in a particular enterprise are:

  • reduction in the cost of production of standard products;
  • an increase in the selling price of a product unit due to an increase in its quality;
  • an increase in product sales as a result of an increase in demand for better products;
  • reduction in the amount of necessary funds of the enterprise (both fixed and current) due to a reduction in the duration production cycle and more intensive use of equipment in the production of standard products.

basis state system standardization is a fund of laws, by-laws, normative documents on standardization, having four-tier system:
I. Technical legislation - the legal basis of the GSS. It represents a set of laws of the Russian Federation, by-laws on standardization (decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of federal executive bodies) used to state regulation quality of products, works and services.
II. State standards, all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information, are represented by state standards of the Russian Federation; interstate standards(GOSTs) put into effect by the resolution of the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) as state standards of the Russian Federation; state standards of the USSR (GOST); rules, norms and recommendations for standardization; all-Russian classifiers technical, economic and social information.
III. Industry standards and standards of scientific, technical and engineering societies are represented by standards, the scope of which is limited to a specific branch of the national economy - industry standards (OST) or the field of activity - standards of scientific, technical and engineering societies (STO). The OST category was introduced back in the 60s, the STO category was first introduced in 1992.
IV. Enterprise standards and technical specifications are presented by ND, the scope of which is limited by the organization (enterprise) - enterprise standards (STP) and technical specifications (TU).

Thus, the normative documents on standardization in force in the Russian Federation are divided into the following main categories:

  • state standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R;
  • all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information - OKTEI;
  • intersectoral standards of the Russian Federation - GOST;
  • industry standards - OST;
  • technical conditions - TU;
  • standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises - STP;
  • standards of scientific, technical and engineering societies - SRT.

The state and intersectoral levels are provided by the action of international and state standards developed at all stages life cycle products. They provide general regulation of all sectors of the country's economy for product quality management: quality terminology, quality assessment, recommendations for creating quality management systems (ISO 9004 series standard).

Industry standards - ESKD, ESTD, ESTPP (ESKD - unified system of design documentation, ESTD - unified system of technological documentation, ESTPP - unified system of technological preparation of production). Quality management in the industry is carried out according to state standards and standards of general specifications, as well as industry standards OST.

At the level of the enterprise, standardization takes into account the specifics of production: the type of product, series, features of technological processes, etc. These norms are fixed in the standards of enterprises.

The most numerous group among normative and technical documents on standardization is technical conditions (TU). TU is a regulatory and technical document that establishes a set of technical documentation and requirements for the relevant products. They regulate the relationship between manufacturers and consumers in matters of the quality of products during their manufacture, control, acceptance and delivery. Specifications are developed for products for which standards are not established. Technical specifications can clarify and detail the requirements of the standards.

According to experts, the use of standardization reduces the cost of engineering products by 10–20%, and the cost of maintaining a factory standardization service is only about 0.5% of the cost of production.

If the work on standardization at a particular enterprise is directly aimed at improving the quality of products, then the costs of their implementation are initially higher than the expected results. However, in the future for products high quality consumer demand is growing and it can be sold at much higher prices. Thus, the growth in sales revenues can not only compensate for the additional costs of improving the quality of the enterprise, but also provide higher profits in the future compared to that provided by the products produced earlier.

If the standardization work carried out at the enterprise does not change the quality of the products, then the costs of their implementation are directly covered by the savings in raw materials, materials, time, labor and financial resources received within the enterprise.

So, for example, carrying out work on the unification of raw materials and materials provides a reduction in their standard sizes in the stocks of the enterprise, a decrease in the level of the stocks themselves, a significant reduction in the required storage space, an improvement in logistics, savings working capital, acceleration of their turnover, etc., which in turn has a positive effect on reducing production costs and ensures the growth of the company's profits.

To the main tasks of the enterprise standardization service in general include:

  • maintenance (storage and updating) of the fund of normative and technical documentation of the enterprise;
  • development of technical specifications for manufactured products;
  • examination and approval of draft normative and technical documents received by the enterprise from outside;
  • development of the necessary enterprise standards.

If the enterprise standardization service functions as the base standardization organization in its sub-industry, then its primary responsibilities also include the following:

  • development of draft standards for products and methods for testing them for their sub-sector;
  • coordination of draft standards of related industries;
  • examination and approval of draft specifications developed by enterprises for products assigned to the base organization.

If the standardization service of an enterprise performs the functions of the parent organization for standardization in its industry, then the list of its responsibilities also includes the coordination of standardization work with policymakers, the State Standard of Russia and its organizations, other ministries and departments, relevant organizations in this industry.

Skillful use of standardization opportunities by business leaders can serve as a good prerequisite for creating more effective systems product quality management.