Organization of speech therapy work in a dow presentation. The use of computer presentations in the work of a speech therapist dow. The working area of ​​the teacher - speech therapist

  • 04.06.2020

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Organization of speech therapy work in kindergarten Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "CRR - Kindergarten No. 1", Troitsk

Selection and staffing of children with speech disorders in speech therapy groups kindergarten is carried out at meetings of medical-psychological-pedagogical commissions. The PMPK for the selection of children and the acquisition of groups with speech disorders is organized and works under the Department of Education of Troitsk. At the end of the PMPK meetings, based on the completed protocols, lists of children enrolled in speech groups are compiled. Based on the list in the Department of Education, vouchers and referrals to the indicated preschool institutions are issued. Selection and staffing of children with speech disorders

Conditions for the organization of speech therapy assistance in kindergarten. There are 5 speech therapy groups in our preschool educational institution

Parents do not always hear all the defects in the speech of the child. There is no such area of ​​human activity where speech would not be needed. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. Speech is an element of social adaptation. Pure speech removes restrictions in the chosen profession Parents believe that bad speech will pass by itself. Unfortunately this is not always the case. People with speech disorders often develop inferiority complexes. If a child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will also write, because he first pronounces what he is going to write. Why do I need a speech pathologist?

Interaction of speech-developing zones in kindergarten CHILD Music hall Sports hall Group Speech therapy room Psychologist's office Fine art studio

The duration of the school week is 5 days. Learning in the classroom is the main form of correctional and educational work with children The program provides for 3 types of classes: frontal subgroup individual Organization of speech therapy work

Individual lessons Tasks: to teach the child to master the correct articulation of each sound being studied and to automate it in various facilitated phonetic conditions, i.e. in isolation, in a syllable, in words.

The main goal of subgroup classes is to develop teamwork skills. The composition of the subgroups changes at the discretion of the speech therapist, depending on the dynamics of preschoolers in correcting pronunciation. Subgroup lessons

Frontal classes Frontal classes are held in the morning, their number depends on the period of study. Provides for learning the pronunciation of sounds and active use them in various forms of independent speech. At the same time, they provide a further expansion of the speech practice of children in the process of familiarization with the outside world. Provide the child with favorable conditions for familiarization with their native language.

Develop mental processes memory, attention, thinking. Enrich clarify and activate vocabulary by lexical topics. Work on mastering the grammatical means of the language. Develop phonemic processes: phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. Form the correct pronunciation. Develop connected speech. Tasks of remedial education

Interaction of a speech therapist and educator Planning work together with a speech therapist Evening speech therapy classes of the educator Presence of the educator in the evening classes of the speech therapist Corrective work of the educator on the speech of children in the process of classes in fine art and mathematics Classes for the development of speech Control of the educator over the speech of children in free time Enrichment of children's speech practice in the process regime moments Implementation of the educator of communication between the speech therapist and the parents Integrated relationship in the work of the speech therapist and the educator

One of the forms of the relationship between a speech therapist and parents is the individual notebooks of children. They start for every child. The speech therapist writes down the date of the lesson and its approximate content. Notebooks are decorated colorfully: a speech therapist, educators or parents stick pictures on assignment, write down poems or stories. On weekends, these notebooks are given to parents so that they repeat the task at home, and during the week, educators work on this notebook. Interaction with parents is the key to success

Of course, a kindergarten is not a school, and there cannot be a strict system of homework here. But there are a number of questions, by asking which you will find out the level of your child's ideas about the life around him. Moreover, the questions themselves are selected taking into account the age capabilities of the child and the knowledge that he must learn in kindergarten. The set of such questions on any topic we will call the task. Of course, these questions are not for everyone, but only for those children whose parents are not indifferent, i.e. parents who want to: Know what the child is studying in kindergarten, Help him or check him; Make up for missed due to illness; Help the child consolidate what has been learned; Understand the unlearned a year or two ago, Prepare the child for school. Remember: the child needs help, and failure to complete tasks for him! Tasks can be for the whole group or specifically for your child - most often to consolidate the set sounds. About tasks

Dear Parents! You are the child's first and most important teacher. Remember: For a child, you are a language and speech model. After all, children learn language by imitating, listening, observing. As a teacher of your own child, you will have to listen to him, talk to him, read to him. Good luck, success in the joint work of our beloved children!

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 of the combined type of the Kopeysky urban district Organization of speech therapy work in kindergarten Selection and recruitment of children with speech disorders Selection and recruitment of children with speech disorders in speech therapy groups of a kindergarten is carried out at meetings of medical, psychological and pedagogical commissions. The PMPK for the selection of children and the recruitment of groups with speech disorders is organized and operates under the Education Department of the KGO. At the end of the PMPK meetings, based on the completed protocols, lists of children enrolled in speech groups are compiled. Based on the list in the Department of Education, vouchers and referrals to the indicated preschool institutions are issued. Conditions for the organization of speech therapy assistance in kindergarten As a result of recruitment, two speech therapy groups function in the kindergarten. Why do I need a speech pathologist? Parents do not always hear all the defects in the speech of the child. There is no such area of ​​human activity where speech would not be needed. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. Speech is an element of social adaptation. Pure speech removes restrictions in the chosen profession Parents believe that bad speech will pass by itself. Unfortunately this is not always the case. People with speech disorders often develop inferiority complexes. If a child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will also write, because he first pronounces what he is going to write. The system of work of the correctional service MDOU d / s No. 8 MOU PPMS TsDiK KGO MEDICAL SERVICE MDOU d / s No. 8 SPECIALISTS MDOU d / s No. 8: music director, instructor in physical education CORRECTIONAL SERVICE MDOU d / s No. 8 TEACHERS of the correctional group , logopoint CHILDREN PARENTS PMPK MDOU d / s No. 8 METHODOLOGICAL SERVICE (senior educator) Interaction of speech developing zones in kindergarten Music hall Gym hall CHILD Group Speech therapy room Organization of speech therapy work The duration of the training week is 5 days. Learning in the classroom is the main form of correctional and educational work with children. The program provides for 3 types of classes: frontal subgroup individual Individual lessons in isolation, in a syllable, in words. Sub-group lessons The main goal of sub-group lessons is to develop teamwork skills. The composition of the subgroups changes at the discretion of the speech therapist, depending on the dynamics of preschoolers in correcting pronunciation. Frontal classes Frontal classes are held in the morning, their number depends on the period of study. They provide for the assimilation of the pronunciation of sounds and their active use in various forms of independent speech. At the same time, they provide a further expansion of the speech practice of children in the process of familiarization with the outside world. Provide the child with favorable conditions for familiarization with their native language. Tasks of correctional education To develop mental processes - memory, attention, thinking. Enrich clarify and activate vocabulary on lexical topics. Work on mastering the grammatical means of the language. Develop phonemic processes: phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. Form the correct pronunciation. Develop connected speech. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator Evening speech therapy classes of the educator The presence of the educator in the evening classes of the speech therapist Corrective work of the educator on the speech of children in the process of art and mathematics classes Planning work together with the speech therapist Integrated relationship in the work of the speech therapist and the educator Implementation of the educator of communication between the speech therapist and parents Classes for the development of speech Control educator for the speech of children in their free time Enriching the speech practice of children in the process of sensitive moments Interaction of a speech therapist and music director Visiting a speech therapist for specialist classes Consultations of a speech therapist for a specialist Speech therapist's recommendations for a music director Discussion of speech material for thematic holidays and concerts Interaction of a speech therapist and music director Assistance in preparation for the holidays Supervision of a specialist over the speech of children in the course of classes Interaction of a speech therapist and an instructor in physical education A visit by a speech therapist to a specialist's classes Selection of speech material for sports activities and holidays Consultations of a speech therapist for a specialist Relationship between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor Assistance in preparing for the holidays Interaction with parents is the key to success One of the forms of the relationship between a speech therapist and parents are individual children's notebooks. They start for every child. The speech therapist writes down the date of the lesson and its approximate content. Notebooks are decorated colorfully: a speech therapist, educators or parents stick pictures on assignment, write down poems or stories. On weekends, these notebooks are given to parents so that they repeat the task at home, and during the week, educators work on this notebook. About assignments Of course, a kindergarten is not a school, and there cannot be a strict system of homework here. But there are a number of questions, by asking which you will find out the level of your child's ideas about the life around him. Moreover, the questions themselves are selected taking into account the age capabilities of the child and the knowledge that he must learn in kindergarten. The set of such questions on any topic we will call the task. Of course, these questions are not for everyone, but only for those children whose parents are not indifferent, i.e. parents who want to: Know what the child is studying in kindergarten, Help him or check him; Make up for missed due to illness; Help the child consolidate what has been learned; Understand the unlearned a year or two ago, Prepare the child for school. Remember: the child needs help, and failure to complete tasks for him! Tasks can be for the whole group or specifically for your child - most often to consolidate the set sounds. Dear Parents! You are the child's first and most important teacher. Remember: For a child, you are a language and speech model. After all, children learn language by imitating, listening, observing. As a teacher of your own child, you will have to listen to him, talk to him, read to him. Good luck, success in the joint work of our beloved children! Thank you for your attention!

The selection and recruitment of children with speech disorders in the speech therapy groups of the kindergarten is carried out at meetings of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commissions. The PMPK for the selection of children and the recruitment of groups with speech disorders is organized and operates under the Education Department of the KGO. At the end of the PMPK meetings, based on the completed protocols, lists of children enrolled in speech groups are compiled. Based on the list in the Department of Education, vouchers and referrals to the indicated preschool institutions are issued. Selection and staffing of children with speech disorders

Parents do not always hear all the defects in the speech of the child. There is no such area of ​​human activity where speech would not be needed. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. Speech is an element of social adaptation. Pure speech removes restrictions in the chosen profession Parents believe that bad speech will pass by itself. Unfortunately this is not always the case. People with speech disorders often develop inferiority complexes. If a child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will also write, because he first pronounces what he is going to write. Why do I need a speech pathologist?

The system of work of the correctional service of MDOU d / s 8 MOU PMSTSDK KGO MEDICAL SERVICE MDOU d / s 8 CORRECTIONAL SERVICE MDOU d / s 8 PMPK MDOU d / s 8 SPECIALISTS MDOU d / s 8: music director, physical education instructor TEACHERS of the correctional group, logopoint METHODOLOGICAL SERVICE (senior educator) CHILDREN PARENTS METHODOLOGICAL SERVICE (senior educator)

Frontal classes Frontal classes are held in the morning, their number depends on the period of study. They provide for the assimilation of the pronunciation of sounds and their active use in various forms of independent speech. At the same time, they provide a further expansion of the speech practice of children in the process of familiarization with the outside world. Provide the child with favorable conditions for familiarization with their native language.

Develop mental processes memory, attention, thinking. Enrich clarify and activate vocabulary on lexical topics. Work on mastering the grammatical means of the language. Develop phonemic processes: phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. Form the correct pronunciation. Develop connected speech. Tasks of remedial education

Interaction of a speech therapist and educator Planning work together with a speech therapist Evening speech therapy classes of the educator Presence of the educator in the evening classes of a speech therapist Corrective work of the educator on the speech of children in the process of classes in fine art and mathematics Classes for the development of speech Control of the educator over the speech of children in their free time Enriching the speech practice of children in the process regime moments Implementation of the educator of communication between the speech therapist and parents Integrated relationship in the work of the speech therapist and the educator

Interaction between a speech therapist and a music director Recommendations of a speech therapist for a music director Assistance in preparing for the holidays Discussing speech material for thematic holidays and concerts Visiting a speech therapist to specialist classes Consulting a speech therapist for a specialist Control of a specialist over children's speech during classes

Interaction between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor Relationship between a speech therapist and a physical education instructor Visiting a speech therapist to a specialist's classes Consulting a speech therapist for a specialist Selection of speech material for physical culture leisure and holidays Assistance in preparing for the holidays

One of the forms of the relationship between a speech therapist and parents is the individual notebooks of children. They start for every child. The speech therapist writes down the date of the lesson and its approximate content. Notebooks are decorated colorfully: a speech therapist, educators or parents stick pictures on assignment, write down poems or stories. On weekends, these notebooks are given to parents so that they repeat the task at home, and during the week, educators work on this notebook. Interaction with parents is the key to success

Of course, a kindergarten is not a school, and there cannot be a strict system of homework here. But there are a number of questions, by asking which you will find out the level of your child's ideas about the life around him. Moreover, the questions themselves are selected taking into account the age capabilities of the child and the knowledge that he must learn in kindergarten. The set of such questions on any topic we will call the task. Of course, these questions are not for everyone, but only for those children whose parents are not indifferent, i.e. parents who want to: Know what the child is studying in kindergarten, Help him or check him; Make up for missed due to illness; Help the child consolidate what has been learned; Understand the unlearned a year or two ago, Prepare the child for school. Remember: the child needs help, and failure to complete tasks for him! Tasks can be for the whole group or specifically for your child - most often to consolidate the set sounds. About tasks

Dear Parents! You are the child's first and most important teacher. Remember: For a child, you are a language and speech model. After all, children learn language by imitating, listening, observing. As a teacher of your own child, you will have to listen to him, talk to him, read to him. Good luck, success in the joint work of our beloved children!

Alla Valerievna Likhovidova
Presentation "Office of a speech therapist of a preschool educational institution"

"Come to the office,

invites a speech therapist.

The door is open for children

come quickly!"


1) Zone of individual directly educational activities

2) Zone of subgroup directly educational activities

3) Area of ​​methodological support

4) Play area for children

5) Work zone teachers - speech therapist

6) Information area for parents


Equipment: a wall mirror with additional lighting, a school desk, chairs, a visual aid "Articulation gymnastics in pictures", etc.

Corrective tasks:

Development of phonemic hearing;

Improving articulatory motility;

Staging and automation of sounds, etc.

Use of innovative and health-saving technologies:

lapbook; thematic cases; Su-jok therapy; ICT;

Methodical equipment:

speech therapy probes;

Card index for automation and differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences, texts;

Complexes of articulation exercises in pictures, etc.


Equipment: desks, chairs, magnetic and demonstration boards, visual aid "Sound house".


Vocabulary development and

Lexico-grammatical categories;

Pronunciation corrections,

Phonemic hearing based on literacy training.


divided into blocks:





This zone presents program-methodical, reference and educational literature, a selection periodicals, as well as the documentation of a speech therapist teacher: plans, speech cards, PMPK directions, consultations for parents and educators, teaching aids and software and methodological support for GCD.


The working area consists of a desk, two chairs (for a teacher - a speech therapist and a parent, hanging shelves with the necessary aids. There is a computer with a set of training computer programs for kids.


The game zone is represented by manuals and didactic material for the development of fine motor skills, speech breathing, memory, and thinking.


This area is located next to the speech therapy room. It contains information for parents: various memos, game tasks for the development of speech motor skills, manual skills, etc., as well as materials on lexical and phonetic topics studied in GCD according to thematic planning.

"The speech therapist's office is like a pantry for a squirrel:

There are a lot of "reserves" here and we find them deftly.

We know exactly where the pictures are, where the toys are, where the turntables are.

And we always easily find rattles in boxes.

All week, it’s not too lazy to stir up “good” every day,

So that every day classes are held on "Hurrah!"

The speech therapist's office loves the kids!"

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"The main tasks of the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool educational institution" Performed by a speech therapist teacher of MDOU No. 44 "Druzhok" Nikitina Alesya Vladimirovna

Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child's readiness for schooling, a guarantee successful development diplomas and readings in the future: written speech formed on the basis of oral. If the violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes, etc., are not eliminated in time, in children preschool age there will be difficulties in communicating with others, and in the future, certain changes in the personality on the path of development "child - teenager - adult", when a person's insecurities will prevent him from learning and fully revealing his natural abilities and intellectual capabilities.

The main tasks of correctional and developmental activities are: creating a team of like-minded people, which included a speech therapist teacher, educators, music directors, and a physical education instructor. improving the professional level of all specialists; organization of a correctional and developmental environment that stimulates the speech and personal development of the child.

tasks To build a mechanism for interaction between specialists. Communicate closely with parents; Timely identify children with speech disorders; Create a spatial and speech environment in the preschool educational institution; Correct and prevent speech disorders in all activities.

Interaction of a speech therapist teacher with educators, music director, physical education instructor. The success of joint correctional and pedagogical work with children with speech disorders largely depends on the properly organized interaction of a speech therapist, educators, music director, physical education instructor. Each of them, solving their own tasks, certain educational programs and the provisions of the preschool educational institution, should take part in the formation and consolidation of correct speech skills in children, the development of the sensorimotor sphere, higher mental processes and health promotion. It is important that the speech therapist systematically inform the educators about the progress of children in speech development, and the educators of the groups would monitor the observance of a single speech mode in the classroom. The music director in his classes forms the tempo-rhythmic side of speech and contributes to the automation of sounds through specially selected chants and songs. At the request of a speech therapist, a physical education instructor conducts a set of exercises for muscle relaxation, which optimizes the process of sound production. The forms of work with narrow specialists are varied - these are consultations, seminars, open classes, logorhythm, assistance in the selection of appropriate methodological literature, organization of speech work with children, etc.

The interaction of a speech therapist teacher with parents The family is the first social community that lays the foundations personal qualities child. In the family, he acquires the initial experience of communication. In kindergarten, the child receives individual speech therapy assistance, so its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the degree of interest and participation of parents in correcting speech. Firstly, parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child, and secondly, parents have the opportunity to consolidate the skills they are developing daily in the process of everyday direct communication (on walks, excursions, while visiting the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country). Collaboration speech therapist with parents is an integral part of the entire pedagogical process and is carried out in the following forms: personal contact; participation in parent meetings; holding group consultations for parents on the organization of the correctional process, familiarization with specific techniques for setting sounds; individual consultations; filling out notebooks homework; conducting open classes; decoration of a corner for parents.

Purpose: to form the child's skills and abilities to accurately use speech sounds in all situations of communication. Tasks: 1. formation of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, through articulatory gymnastics. 2. air jet formation. 3. development of auditory attention. 4. development of sound analysis. 5. to achieve the correct pronunciation of sound in a coherent speech. Correction of sound pronunciation

Speech therapy massage articulatory; fingers; muscles of the face and neck. Goals: 1.Normalization of muscle tone. 2. Mediated stimulation of the speech area in the cerebral cortex. 3. Development of fine motor skills of hands and accuracy of pronunciation.

The development of fine motor skills It has been proven that the development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking. There are “active points” on the fingers and palms, the massage of which has a positive effect on the well-being of the child, improves brain function in general. Means for the development of fine motor skills: Massage balls-hedgehogs Plasticine. Groats, beads, buttons. Sand. Threads, braid, ropes, laces, fabrics. Pencils, counting sticks. Paper. Dolls. Water.

Visual gymnastics Goals: 1. Strengthening blood vessels. 2. Relaxation of the muscles of the eyes.

Development of general motor skills For the development of general motor skills in children with speech disorders, outdoor games are used that develop in children the ability to navigate in space, change the pace of movements, move rhythmically and deftly. These games are held at physical education classes, at hours of outdoor games, at music and choreographic classes. General and fine motor skills should be developed in parallel, offering the child exercises appropriate to his age and abilities. Using the example of simple exercises for the development of general motor skills - movements of the arms, legs, torso - you can teach him to listen and remember tasks, and then complete them.

Articulatory gymnastics The correct pronunciation of sounds is ensured due to the good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, lower jaw, and soft palate. Work on the development of the main movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus is carried out in the form of articulation gymnastics. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Conduct articulation gymnastics It is necessary every day for the skills developed in children to be consolidated.

Speech therapist tips for speech development 1. Do not try to speed up the natural speech development of the child. Don't overload it speech lessons. Games, exercises, speech material should be age-appropriate. 2. Do not imitate children's speech, do not abuse diminutive suffixes - all this inhibits speech development. 3. Timely eliminate the lack of speech of the child, trying to point out the inaccuracies and errors encountered in his speech, be careful, in no case laugh at the baby, the best thing is to tactfully correct this or that word if the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speak quietly , remind him: "You need to speak clearly, clearly, slowly." 4. Don't leave your child's questions unanswered. And don't forget to check: "Does he understand your answer?" if there is a tape recorder in the house, record the speech of the child. Such recordings will not only help in working on speech, but over time will be a good gift for a son or daughter. 5. Read books to your child as much as possible. fiction! The characters of the heroes must be drawn with facial expressions, voice, plasticity.

References 1. Maksakov A.I. The development of the correct speech of the child in the family. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. 115 p. 2. Ovchinnikova E. V. Organization of cooperation between a speech therapist and parents // Speech therapist, 2007, No. 6. P. 74-78. 3. Stepanova, O. L. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions / O. L. Stepanova, - M., 2007. 4. Arkhipova E.F. Early diagnosis and correction of developmental problems. The first year of a child's life // Library of the program From birth to school. Correctional work in the preschool educational institution. M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012 5. Correctional and pedagogical work in preschool institutions for children with speech disorders / Ed. Yu.F. Garkusha. - M.: Sekachev V.Yu., TC "Sphere", 2007. 6. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. Correction of speech disorders. preschool programs educational institutions compensatory type for children with speech disorders. –M.: Enlightenment, 2010 7. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Correctional education and upbringing of 5-year-old children with general underdevelopment of speech. - Moscow 1991

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