Entertainment speech therapist in the preparatory group. Entertainment scenario "Speech therapy KVN" in the preparatory group with parents. stop - City of Writers

  • 01.04.2020

Scenario speech therapy entertainment "We will repeat the sounds, we will play chess!"

Tasks. Improve diction, the ability to clearly pronounce corrected sounds, polysyllabic words with a confluence of consonants. To learn to perceive chess positively through game exercises and poems. Expand the horizons, enrich the vocabulary of children. Develop logical and associative thinking, attention and memory. Continue to learn to navigate on the plane and on the chessboard. Develop the ability to organize free time solve problems together, acting as a team.
Preliminary work. Correction of disturbed hissing and sonorous sounds, automation of isolated sounds, in syllables, words, sentences, verses. Learning poems about chess. Familiarization with the game - chess, examining and memorizing the chessboard, pieces, placement rules. Leading - speech therapist or educator, teacher, any teacher. Invitation of parents and teachers of educational institution.
Materials and equipment. 2 tables according to the height of children (on the podium). 2 sets of chess. A wonderful bag.

Entertainment progress

Leading. All in squares - white, black
Wooden plank,
And the rows of chiseled figures -
Wooden troops.
People move them, while away the evenings,
Children play chess
Genius game!

Guys, you and I are already familiar with this amazing game, we examined chess pieces, memorized the rules for their placement and movement. And about this - the verses that we will now hear.
1 child. On the cap - a sharp peak,
My role is enviable:
I'm taller than everyone, I'm taller
Of course I am the king.

2 child.
Standing next to the king
But not to be confused with the elephant,
And you can't compare with a rook
Super strong queen.

3 child.
It's very hard to go wrong:
The hat is sharp on us
We stand side by side, do not sit down
And with the queen, and with the king - bishops.

4 child.
We are eared and maned,
Boldly jumping through the fire.
Well guess, don't brag
Yes, of course it's a horse.

5 child.
Look carefully here
The tower is round
And loopholes through the battlements.
Along the edges of the board - rooks -
We stand like towers.
Leading.- And what figure do we need to talk about?

6 child Who does not like to jump and jump, Who is used to walking without haste
And takes it obliquely?
Well, of course, these are ... pawns.

7 child.
The pawn is a little soldier
Brave and courageous
She is a two-cell move
Does once.
Leading. All the children tried their best and read the poems well. Now look at our chess pieces before they have taken their place on the chessboard. Please name the figures in order, and now the first and last figure; previous and next. The children are called.

Game with chess pieces "What has changed".

Leading. I suggest you remember exactly how the figures stand and turn away. (The game is played several times, options: swap the figures, remove, add, do not change anything.) Turning around, the children notice the changes and say it. Child: -I noticed that the rook and bishop have changed places.
presenter. Now the pawns will help us split into 2 teams. I invite everyone to come up to me and get a chess piece from our "wonderful bag". (There are only black and white pawns in the bag). And now all the guys with white pawns are going to the "White Pawn" team, the guys with black pawns are going to the "Black Pawns" team.

Competition game "Which team will arrange the pieces correctly"

presenter. I suggest that the teams come to the tables on which you have to arrange the pieces on the chessboards in accordance with the rules of this game.
To play and win
You need to know the board for "five"!
Place the board correctly
Always look at the corners
So that at the right corner
The cage was white!
- One, two, three - start! Which team can do it faster? At in large numbers wishing the game is held 2 times. Guests present help determine the winner.

The game "Recognize the chess piece by touch!"

presenter. I suggest everyone play the next game together, guests can also participate. We get up in a big round dance, while holding our hands behind our backs. Everyone receives one of the chess pieces in the palm of his hand, without seeing it, he examines it tactilely, trying to guess what exactly he got. In the same sequence in which they received the figures, the players make assumptions: - I think that in my hands - ... (name of the figure). Only after uttering, that is, pronouncing a complex sentence, the participants in the game check themselves visually - they look at their figure.
presenter. - Guys, did you like our entertainment? What was especially memorable? Children's answers. And I want to finish with the words - One, two, three, four!
Let's live in harmony and peace!
Let's have fun playing:
In checkers, chess, lotto -
No one will quarrel with us!

Averbakh I., Beilin M. "Journey to the chess kingdom" M., Terra-Sport, 2000. Vesela Inna, Veseli Jiri "Chess Primer" M., Krugozor, 1994. Grishin V., Ilyin E., "Chess ABC" M., "Children's Literature" 1980. Podgaets O. "Walking through the white and black fields" Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type No. 22 "Ivushka" in the village of Priyutovo of the municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


speech entertainment with children with ONR-IIIur.

preparatory speech therapy group

"In the Land of Correct Speech"

Prepared by: speech pathologist

S.S. Timirgaleeva

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Correctional and educational:
- to systematize the knowledge of children on the topics studied.
- consolidate children's knowledge of the units of speech: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter,

vowel sound, consonant sound;
- to consolidate the skills of correct sound pronunciation;

Improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis;
- improve the skills of inflection and word formation;
- exercise in working with a deformed proposal;
- develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Correctional and educational:

To create a positive emotional mood in children;
- to educate in children independence, activity, self-confidence.

Pictures of fairy-tale characters; manuals for speech games “Collect pictures”, “Magic tables”, “Scattered words”, “Vases and flowers”, “Sound streams”; two trays, models of vegetables and fruits.

Carrying out algorithm:

1. Organizing time :

Speech therapist: - Guys, do you know what speech is? Speech is the ability to speak.
-What is our speech?

Children: (children's answers).
Speech therapist: We talk to each other through sentences.
-How do you get offers?
Children : Syllables are formed from sounds; syllables are assembled into words, and sentences are made from words.
Speech therapist: - Today I invite you to the country of correct speech. I have lived in this country for many years. And every day there are more and more inhabitants in it, because everyone wants to speak correctly and beautifully. This country is magical, but it has cities with the most common names.

2. Surprise moment(Pinocchio runs to the music) .

- Hello guys! I heard you are going on a trip. I also love to travel. I love different adventures. I once ran away from Papa Carlo and ended up in the country of Fools. That was terribly inter-r-resno!
Speech therapist:

- Wait, Pinocchio, but today the guys and I are going on a trip not to the country of Fools, but to the country of Correct speech.
- Yes, yes, I heard something about such a country. But I don't know much about her...
Speech therapist:

- Don't worry, Pinocchio! Do you want us to take you with us, and you will learn a lot about your native speech?
Pinocchio :
- Of course I want!
Speech therapist:

- Excellent! On the journey, you will find difficult tasks, interesting meetings and, of course, perky games.
- So, guys, are you ready to go on a trip?

Children: (Yes)
Speech therapist: Let's check your readiness!

3. Didactic game"Warm-up for the mind":

Speech therapist:

Guess the word. It begins with the sound [s] or [s].
- Tall, slender coniferous tree? (pine)
- The most talkative bird? (magpie)
- Night-bird? (owl)
- The number following the number six? (seven)
- Highly useful bird with a yellow chest? (magpie)
- The color of the sea? (blue)
- Mustachioed fish? (som)
What do we see when we sleep? (dream)
- An insect resembling a helicopter? (dragonfly)
Speech therapist: Well done boys! You answered all questions correctly. You can go on a trip. The children take their places on the chairs.

1st stop - Zvukovograd.

4. Visiting Soundmaster

Speech therapist:

Guys, Sound Knower loves to play with sounds and has prepared a game for you.

Didactic game "Collect the pictures in your boxes."

Speech therapist:

Guys, we need to distribute items that start with a vowel sound in a red box, and with a consonant sound in a blue one.
Children: (distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done boys! Next stop …

2 stop - Bukvograd.

5. Visiting Bukvoeshka(a picture of a fairy tale character is displayed) .

Speech therapist:

Letter Girl wants to check how well you know the letters. He came up with unusual riddles for you.

Didactic game "Guess the word"
- Look closely at the picture. What does the hedgehog carry in the basket? What is the bear carrying in the bag?

Speech therapist:

In fact, you cannot accurately answer this question. Since the hedgehog's basket is closed with a handkerchief, and the bear's bag is tied.
- Now I will reveal these secrets to you! Magic tables will help me with this.

Speech therapist:

- If you want to know
What's in the basket, what's in the bag?
Cross out the letters
Those that you meet in two.
And the remaining letters
In a word, you quickly put
And then you can find out
What is hidden inside.

Children: (read "apples" and "mushrooms").

Speech therapist:
Well done!

3 stop - Settlement Slogovoy.

6. Visiting Malvina(a picture of a fairy tale character is displayed).

Speech therapist:
- Look, Malvina meets us. At her school, she teaches everyone to read words.

But, a mischievous wind came up and rearranged all the syllables in the words. Let's collect

scattered words.
Didactic game "Scattered words".

Speech therapist:

- These syllables are a disaster!
Scattered in all directions
"mo-we-whether" and "na-we-ba"
What is the miracle of the word here?
Find the place of the syllable
Collect syllables into a word.
- To make the task easier to complete, there are hint pictures on the board.

Read the syllables and name the fruits.

Children: (perform task).
Speech therapist: Let's continue the walk.

4 stop.

7. Visiting Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist:
- Look, Little Red Riding Hood has prepared a present for you. whole basket

The game "Vases and Flowers":
Speech therapist:

Look, the flowers are of unprecedented beauty.
At the flowers in the middle - pictures are drawn (shows).
Vases are also not simple.
Syllabic schemes everywhere (places vases).
We will take flowers with you
And we'll smash it into vases.
It can be easy, just be careful.
And, of course, not immediately
Take flowers and put in a vase:
Name the picture by syllables
And by the way, choose a scheme.

Children: (name the picture, determine the number of syllables and put the flower in a vase)

5 stop.

8. Sound trickle.

Speech therapist:

The guys, while we were picking flowers, did not notice how they approached the sound stream
- The brook runs, murmurs, the task tells us.
Didactic game "Collect the shells":
Speech therapist:

Guys, collect shells with pictures, where the sound L is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (I invite 3 children to complete the task).
- Well done boys. And now we will play with the stream.

9. Musical game "Streams-lakes", music by E. Tilicheeva.

6 stop.

10. City of Artists.

Speech therapist:

Look, we are met by the artist Tube. Tube loves to fantasize and drew an unusual, mysterious animal.

Didactic game "Mysterious animal":

Speech therapist:
- Do you guys think such an animal exists?

Children: (No)

Speech therapist:

Look and tell me what animal it looks like? Whose head? Whose ears? Whose body? Whose tail? Whose paws?
Speech therapist: Well done, children, solved the riddles of the Tube. And it's time for us to move on.

7th stop - Poetov street.

11. Visiting Tsvetik.

Speech therapist:

We are met by the poet Tsvetik.
Come on, kids, don't yawn!
Change the word quickly!

    A pine tree grew on the shore - and next to it ... (pines)
    A beautiful star is burning - and next to it ... (stars)
    It became a red-red tomato - and next to it ... (tomatoes)
    Here is one gnome, here is a second gnome - and together it is ... (gnomes).

Speech therapist:

Well done boys!
Speech therapist: Guys, let's show Tsvetik how we learned to read poetry, loudly and expressively.
Children: (read poems about spring).
Speech therapist: It's time to move on.

8th stop - Sports Lane.

12. Meeting with Sportacus.
sportacus : Attention, friends! I announce the relay!

I invite 2 teams of 5 people. Teams are built in a column.

On a signal, each player of the team runs to the table, on which vegetables and fruits are laid out. The 1st team chooses everything that is needed for compote, and the 2nd team chooses everything that is needed for borscht (children lay fruits and vegetables on different trays).
-Well done! Completed the task of Sportacus!

9 stop - City of Writers

13. Meeting with Berilyak.

Speech therapist:

He came up with a game for you.
Didactic game "Is it right?"(working with a deformed sentence)
Speech therapist:

Berilyaka will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.
- Came in the spring. (Spring has come).
- Shine bright sun. (The bright sun shone.)
- A bird came from the south. (Birds flew in from the south).
- She began to build nests and hatch chicks. (They began to build nests and hatch chicks).
Speech therapist:

- Well done boys!

14. Reflection.

Speech therapist:
- And our journey through the "Country of Correct Speech" has come to an end.

Each of us learned something new today, and each showed his knowledge and skills.

What did you like the most about our trip?

What heroes do you remember and why?

Who was more accurate in their answers?

Children: (children's answers).

Thanks guys, I've learned a lot from you. You are so smart, agile, skillful.
I really don't want to leave you, but I have to go.

Oh, I completely forgot! I brought you my favorite Golden Key sweets, help yourself!

(Pinocchio treats the children and leaves to the music.)


- Summarize and systematize the program material;

To form phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis, divide words into syllables.

To consolidate the lexical and grammatical structure of speech: (the formation of diminutive suffixes for nouns, the formation of relative adjectives;

Develop speech activity, intonational expressiveness and diction of speech;

Develop verbal-logical thinking, auditory memory, attention;

- Involve parents in active cooperation;

To increase parental competence in the knowledge and skills necessary for the correction of speech disorders;

Create an emotional high spirits, a sense of joy from the holiday.

Preliminary work: memorization of verses.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, multimedia presentation, Stuffed Toys Little Red Riding Hood, Dunno, Pinocchio, Kolobok, emblems with the names of teams, a letter with questions, a scoring board for teams, cards with printed tongue twisters for parents.

The course of the holiday.

1. Slide. Good afternoon, dear adults! We will spend our holiday in the form of a speech competition between two teams. So let's say hello to our teams. (Children enter to the musical accompaniment and take their seats.) Team of Curiosities and Know-It-Alls.

Competition "judging" jury as part of : ( presentation of the jury members).

Our adventures begin, and in order to get into the country of "Talkers", you need to say the magic words:

We always speak beautifully

Bold and slow!

Clearly, clearly speaking

Because we are not in a hurry!

2. slide ( Little Red Riding Hood music plays.) Our first guest, you probably guessed, is Little Red Riding Hood. She brought us the first task. There are so many questions in this letter, let's answer them. You have learned and know so much.

The team that quickly and clearly answers all questions will win. Parents are allowed to help, but only after the team responds.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Name the baby horse? (foal)

2. How many sounds are in the word fluff? (3 sounds)

3. There are solid sounds, but vice versa? (soft)

4. What is more - birds or wings?

5. Name 5 pet birds? (duck, goose, chicken, rooster, turkey)

6. Correct the offer. Grandmother is younger than mother.

7. (owl, dove, bear, tit)

8. How many syllables in a word bel-cha-ta?

9. Cranberry jam? (cranberry)

10. What is the second sound in the word spider? (a)

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. Name a baby pig? (piggy)

2. How many sounds are in the word horse? (3 sounds)

3. There are dull sounds, but vice versa? (voiced)

4. What is more in the forest - trees or leaves?

5. Name 5 wintering birds? (tit, dove, sparrow, crow, bullfinch).

6. Correct the sentence: dad is older than grandfather.

7. Name who is superfluous and why? (table, sofa, bus, bed)

8. How many syllables in a word cat?

9. Blueberry jam? (blueberry)

10. What is the second sound in the word night? (about)

Questions for parents:

1. An organ without which it is impossible to speak? (language)

2. Remove the syllable from the middle of the word PLYWOOD. What word came out? (headlight)

3. Swap the syllables in the word pine. What word came out? (pump)

4. Guess the riddle. And sing - does not sing

And fly - does not fly.

Why then

Is he considered a bird? (Ostrich)

5. Itself is motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow).

6. Lena Petrova has a dog Sharik in Moscow. How many words will we capitalize? (5 words)

7. What is the difference between letters and sounds.

(Jury members collect chips from children to summarize.)

3. Slide. The game "Call it affectionately"(with musical accompaniment)

Speech therapist. Guys, a bun rolled up to us for the holiday. When the music is playing, we pass the “kolobok” in a circle to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has a bun in his hands, he calls the word "affectionately."

Wardrobe-locker winter-zimushka skirt-

Table-table chair-armchair nest-

Chair-stool puddle-puddle ring-

We start the engine at the plane (rrrr...) and flew to their seats...

(children pronounce sound r-r-r..., putting their hands to the sides, "land" on their chairs - "airfields")

4.Slide ( Pinocchio's music is playing.) Our third guest is Pinocchio. (Audio recording sounds)“Today at school I was asked to learn a verse, but I don’t know which one. Help me please". Of course we will help. Our children have prepared beautiful poems. Here, listen. (Reading poetry).

5. Fizminutka from Pinocchio.

Pinocchio stretched.

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Spread your hands to the sides

The ball was apparently not found.

To get us the ball

Gotta get on your toes

Stretch harder,

Get the ball and smile.

6.(The music from the cartoon "Dunno on the Moon" plays.) Our third guest is Dunno.

Hello Dunno! (Audio recording sounds) Dunno: “Now I will be Know-it-all, I don’t want to be Dunno. I learned to pronounce words correctly, so correctly and distinctly that everyone could understand. Now I'm not talking about detectives, but cones.

What a great guy you are! And the guys know how to say the right words.

Next game "Say it right." If I get the word right, clap your hands.

Words for the team "The Curiosity":

shanky-funky-syanky- sled-hanky

Slap-shyapa-flap - hat

Ftarufka - shtarushka - staluska - stayuska - old woman

chicken - chick- chick - chick - chick

Words for the team "The Know-It-All":

Mayba, kaiba, fiba , washer, taiba.

Myska, myfka , mouse, toe

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, pyesyos.

Animals, shvelyata, zelata, svelyat

7. Task for parents. And our parents will show you how they pronounce tongue twisters correctly.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry

Let's sit down on a hillock, say tongue twisters. Patter from the first hillock.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked and did not catch.

The doctor handed the grumbler valerian

Tell me about shopping.

About what about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping

About my shopping.

Shura sewed a chic fur coat.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese.

Wez ship caramel

The ship ran aground

And sailors three weeks

They ate caramel aground.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Valerik ate a dumpling, and Vanyushka a cheesecake.

Greek rode across the river

He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river

Threw the Greek hand into the river

Cancer by the hand of the Greek tsap

The summary of the holiday. Our holiday has come to an end. Guys, what fairy tale characters come to visit us? While the jury is summing up let's once again remind ourselves and the guests how we will speak.

So let your speech always be bright, expressive, competent and, of course, beautiful.

MDOU d / s No. 4 "Teremok", Kozmodemyansk, Republic of Mari El

Target: Activate parents, draw their attention to those correctional and pedagogical tasks that are carried out in work with children, making the upbringing of the child in the family and in kindergarten more consistent and efficient.


  • involvement of parents joint activities with children in preschool conditions;
  • strengthening parent-child relationships;
  • contribute to the development of mutual understanding, a friendly attitude towards each other;
  • to help the formation of moral ideas about intra-family relations, to unite children and parents.

Location: music room.

Members: teachers, children and parents.

Equipment: Hall decoration; hourglass; colour pencils; tasks on cards; audio recordings of children's songs; caps with letters for each child; letters on cards magician costume; letters for a magician; size 8x5cm; pictures to identify the first letter in a word; letters cut from a knife, fixed on a stick; sticks-2 pcs; waste material (paper clips, colored stones, buttons, coins, seeds, shoelaces, beans, beans) laid out in advance in sockets, separately for each child; handkerchiefs for blindfolding; 2 easels; 2 posters with houses depicted on them with a fence, a window, etc.; two tables; two containers with a dry pool, plastic letters hidden in the pool; the game "Mr. Twister", consisting of 2 fields, a card-tablet for the game, with pointers of arms and legs, letters; cot for play-dramatization; souvenirs for guests, reminders for parents.

Organizing time:

Language is both old and forever new!

And it's so beautiful

In the vast sea - the sea of ​​words

Bathe daily!

A. Shibaev

Speech therapist: Dear mothers, colleagues, dear children!

Today we have a holiday of letters. Different letters: large and small, familiar and not yet familiar. And although the letter looks just like a dot, a dot, two hooks, each of them merges like a stream into a huge sea of ​​words. And in kindergarten we swim in this sea really every hour. So, meet!

Main part:

The song "ABVGDeika" sounds

Children run into the hall to the music, perform the Primer Dance, the children have caps with letters on their heads. At the end of the dance, the children sit in their places with their mothers.

Speech therapist: Today at the holiday we will play different games with letters, learn how to memorize them, and teach our mothers to play such games at home with their own children. Misha K.'s mother, Albina Olegovna, is invited here, she offers the first game.

The game "Find as many letters as possible in the picture"

Mom explains that letters are hidden on the cards in the drawings, they need to be found and written out.

Comments:(Hereinafter, mom explains in the text) the outline of any object shown in the figure can be drawn in the form of letters. At home - we take a simple coloring book, enter the letters in the drawing you like and find them together with the child. The game contributes to the development of attention, memorization of letters.

The next game is offered to us by Vitya Egorova's mother - Tatyana Leonidovna.

The game "Find and finish the letters."

Children have pictures with unfinished letters on their tables. It rained, some of the letters were washed away, help the bunny find all the letters, you have to guess, add the letter.

Comments: on any sheet of paper, anywhere, at a holiday and on the road, you can write any letters, but not completely, for example: A - without a stick, O - in the form of a half, etc. The game develops attention, observation.

Game "Collect any letter."

See what you see on the table in the trays.

Children list: shoelaces, coins, corks, paper clips, pebbles, beads, sand, beans, watermelon seeds, etc. That's right, well done! “Well, don’t yawn, my friend, quickly collect the letter!”

Comments: At home, we often come across various necessary and unnecessary items: buttons, old coins, shoelaces, etc. To keep your child busy, invite him to lay out letters, numbers, etc. from these items. This game develops attention, imagination.

Game: "Letters come to life"

Styopa's mother G. - Anna Vladimirovna explains: according to a prearranged signal (the appearance of a letter), the children perform the corresponding movement: O - jump up, I - sit down, U - stroke our tummy.

Comments: through this game we learn mindfulness, develop memory, memorize letters.

Speech therapist: Now, guys, guess the riddle.

Who gets out of the hat

A hare to everyone's surprise?

Who gives it to us

A circus show? (Sergey Chertkov)

Children: This is a magician.

caregiver: - Attention attention!

The main magician of the country Terem Teremkovich is in the circus arena!

To the sounds of fanfare, a magician appears.

Focus demonstration:

1) Letters appear from a magic hat, children name and guess them. For example: "T" plate, "I" needle, etc.;

Then, on the contrary, a picture appears, the children must name with what letter the word in the picture begins. For example: Doll - the letter "K", phone - the letter "T", etc.;

2) "Identify by touch." Blindfolded, children go out and by touch determine one of the letters suspended on a stick.

Comments: Every object has its own name. It is necessary to determine the first letter in the word, the last letter, etc. (if desired, you can arrange a few more small tricks).

Educator: And now our children will perform ditties about letters.

Chastushki (children perform)

1. There is no corner in this letter,

The letter O is always round.

She lay down to sleep, crushed her sides,

And now it has become oval.

2. I lost my ponytail,

Felt on the floor.

Seryozhka came running

And put his foot up.

3. I got a hammer

He knocked down a letter from the planks.

How many boards are there? Three.

Got the letter I.

4. Letter Y, letter Y

I baked myself pancakes.

And while baking pancakes,

The sides bulged.

5. The letter P in the gym,

They called it a crossbar.

Hey buddy don't be lazy

Come and pull up.

6. Here are the frogs on the path

Jumping outstretched legs.

I saw the letter K

Shouted: Kwa, Kwa, Kwa!

7. The alphabet fell from the stove

And lost all the letters.

Here come the boys

And all the letters were chosen.

8. Fairy tale magic house,

The alphabet is the mistress in it.

He lives amicably in that house.

Glorious letter people.

After the performance of ditties, the children stand still, they are given letters on cardboard, they form a circle, put the letters on the floor in a circle.

Game "Musical letter" , it is conducted by the mother of Yaroslav O. - Daria Yurievna.

Children move in circles to the music, as the music stops, the children stop, take a letter, call it and come up with a word for this letter. For example: the letter "A" the word apricot, etc.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 Swallow" of the city district of Sudak

Preparatory speech therapy group 2016-2017 academic year.

Educators: Terekhova T.V. Ryshanovskaya A.S.

Musical director Merkulova L.A. 09.10.2016









Mushrooms. The purpose of the event: to consolidate knowledge about autumn, autumn months, vegetables, fruits. Develop expressiveness of speech, singing skills, rhythm in musical and dance compositions. evoke an emotional mood.

Props: Waltz leaves. Mushroom heads. Suit for Autumn, umbrellas, multi-colored canvases, fly agaric hats, two scarves for the game. Headbands for the scene (hare, fox, bear, sparrow, bump, cloak, umbrella)

To the tune “Autumn has come”, the children come in and line up in a semicircle.

1- Child.

Spring is red with flowers, winter is with white snows,

Summer - the sun and mushrooms, and autumn - life and sheaves.

Do not scold autumn, wait for autumn to visit,

Autumn is glorious, deciduous.

2 - Child.

Autumn quietly entered the city as an invisible

And she brought the magic palette with her to the city.


Autumn lowered her brushes, and looks around:

She gave us a bright, kind, colorful holiday.

The song "Autumn has come"

4- Child

Autumn, autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit

With abundant bread, with high sheaves,

With leaf fall and rain, with a migratory crane.

Autumn us to your ballinvited today.So that no one is lateAutumn asked. Common dance with leaves

Enter Autumn:

How well you are having fun!Hello, friends.On an autumn day, on a wonderful daygladI see you.I am golden autumnbow to you, my friends!Been dreaming for a long timeabout meeting you.Leading

Tell me, Princess Autumn,

To all the guys, where is your home?

How to get to him

With friends we will find?

Autumn:My palace stands in the forest, there you will meet a fox,

Shaggy Mishenka, Mustachioed Hare.

Autumn forest, like a tower, miracles lurk in it,

He will open all the secrets, I will twist only with an umbrella.

Autumn. come on, my umbrella , spin, septyabrinka appear!

(A girl comes out to the music)

September.Guys, I'm September. I am the mistress of September

And for all good friends I have gifts:

From autumn I brought the forest mushrooms to everyone.

Leading.How many mushrooms are in your basket!

Come on my umbrella , spin, you turn into a mushroom!

(Autumn twists an umbrella, turns the guys into mushrooms (puts on headbands))

Mushroom dance (couples)

Guys, do you know how to pick mushrooms?(YES)Then go to the clearing.

THE GAME "COLLECT THE MUSHROOMS"(With eyes closed) Children depict mushrooms. Two girls - mushroom pickers, blindfolded, among the mushrooms there are fly agarics. On a signal, mushroom pickers pick mushrooms, if they approach the edible ones, everyone shouts - take it, if they go to the fly agaric, do not take it. They, at the signal of the leader, begin to catch and pick mushrooms. Who made a mistake leaves the game

Autumn: And now it's time for the second month.

Come on my umbrella , spin, Oktyabrinka, show up!

October appears.

In October, in October there is a lot of work in the yard:

We need to clean up the vegetables and stock up on supplies.

Winter is coming, soon it will be cold.


Autumn is the best timehelp kids!Harvest us to collectand solve riddles.Autumnriddles:

red, juicy,tasty, durable.He grows, does not grieve,friendly with cucumbers.Why so fardidn't break...(tomato)

Who is this green?Delicious fresh and salty?A very strong fellow, you guessed it?(cucumber)

The orange spine is hidden, only an inch is visible from above.
And if you pick it up deftly - And in your hands ...(carrot)

The young lady sat down in the garden, dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing a tub for her and half a bag of coarse salt. (cabbage)

Game "Cabbage - radish"The guys, together with the leader, raise their hands up to the word “cabbage” (cabbage grows above the ground, lower their hands to the word “radish” (radish grows in the ground). Then the leader confuses the children

Autumn: It's time for the 3rd autumn month. Come on my umbrella , spin, november show up!

November.Cold rain pours and pours, frost on the trees,

First snow and thin ice. The puddles were covered.

AUTUMN : Come on, my umbrella , spin, fairy tale, show your children!

Song about the rain (with bells)

SCENES "Under the umbrella"

Sounds like rain music. The Hare appears.

HARE : (mournfully): It gets colder every day, very chilly in the rain.

I'm trembling all over, all wet, like an aspen leaf.

I would like a house, but drier - there I would warm my paws, ears! Apchi!

Leading:It opened up very nicely here.umbrella in the hands of our Katya ...

KATIA: Get under umbrella , baby, you will warm your paws - you will run away!

Fox is running.

FOX : Your umbrella is so wonderful , the three of us will not be cramped?

KATIA : To us, Chanterelle, hurry up, dry your fluffy tail.

The Bear is coming.

BEAR : Good afternoon to you! Here is Mishka! I treat you all with a bump.

Can I get under umbrella fit , nose and ears to warm?

FOX : Your height is very great! Do you remember my lush tail!

KATIA : Enough space forumbrella , we are not cramped four.

The bear comes underumbrella . Sparrow is flying.

Leading:Here the sparrow flies, barely audibleHe speaks :

SPARROW : I flew in the rain, looking for grains everywhere,

The wings are heavy, I can barely fly!

KATIA : To us, sparrows, fly, there is enough space for all five.

Rain music sounds, animals catch droplets on their palms. The music stops.

KATIA : The rain has stopped!(closesumbrella )

HARE : Well, then I jumped!(jumps into a chair)

FOX : Goodbye, I have to go, there, in the forest, my hole!(leaves)

BEAR : Well, it's time for me to go, I'll go to sleep in my lair! (leaves

SPARROW : Then I flew too, goodbye, friends! (flies away

KATIA (waving to the animals): Goodbye, animals! I'll run to the guys

THE GAME "jump over puddles with an umbrella"

A cloud shed tears, scattered puddles everywhere!(spread the puddles)

Leading: After autumn rain, we will cheer everyone up

Now we will pick up colored scarves - these will be our magic colors and try to draw them autumn . What colors did you choose?

Children's answers : Yellow, red, green.

Dance with canvases.« Autumn colors of the rainbow» (children performmusically- rhythmic composition

Autumn. I love you all, children, and thank you from the bottom of my heart…

BUT umbrella is mine ... he , magic , guys,

He autumn can work wonders! giftslook forward to autumn

Close your eyes honestly and firmly!(preparing a surprise moment)

Now help, open your eyes, gifts fromAutumn you receive !

Opens umbrella - there are sweets hanging or a basket of fruit.

Autumn distributes treats .


Well, now it's time to say goodbye, because I have a lot to do!

I wish you all health, goodbye, friends!

Leading. Thank you Autumn for the gifts
And for your arrival so bright!
Together we wave goodbye
Goodbye Autumn, goodbye!

Photo for memory, everyone leaves.