Presentation on the topic "Sound Automation" C. Presentation on the topic "Sound Automation" C Presentation on the automation of sound with

  • 04.06.2020

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Sound automation [s] in words For older children up to school age.

Tasks: - strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. - to consolidate the skill of correct speech breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth) - automate the correct pronunciation of the sound at the beginning of the word. - learn to change words according to cases (genitive p.) - learn to agree on numerals and nouns. - develop logical thinking. - develop visual attention.

Smiling puppy, showing teeth. I can do it too, look now.

My lips - a tube, turned into a pipe. I can blow loudly: doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

I'll clean the kitchen with a brush, clean it up. To the right - to the left I bend the bristles. I won't leave a speck.

That's the slide, what a miracle. The tongue arched elastically, The tip rests against the teeth, The sides rise upwards.

With the nose - inhale, and exhale with the mouth, blowing on the boat. Our handsome man will swim, Mom for a gift.

Look and tell me what the sponges do when they pronounce the sound “s”? lips are smiling. a small gap between the teeth. - the tongue is bent in a slide. - the air jet is cold. (makes a sound, bringing the palm to the mouth) - the sound is deaf (put the back of the hand to the neck) - there is this sound, hard like a nut or soft like cotton wool.

Third wheel.

Find a clue. Four legs, one hat. It is necessary if the family will have dinner.

Boldly floats in the sky, Overtaking birds flight. The man controls it. What is this?

The giant lifts a heavy load to the clouds. And if it becomes stuffy, he will pour himself out of the shower.

Guess who we are? On a clear day, we sit at home. If it rains, we have a job: Stomp, spank in the swamps.

I stand on four legs, I can't walk at all. When you get tired of walking, you can sit down and rest.

Two wheels, one board, its structure is light. It has no seat and no frames. He runs down the road by himself.

Finish the offer. For breakfast at Sony's...

In the spring it shines brightly on the street ...

The children sat down to dinner for ....

In the arms of my mother...

A mustachioed swimmer swims in the river ...

Who is absent?

What is missing?

Who is absent?

What is missing?

Count the items.

Count the planes.

Count the dogs.

Count the sweaters.


Presentation: automation of sound [s] at the beginning of a word.

For older preschool children.

Prepared by the teacher - speech therapist Filippova E. Yu.

GBDOU d / s No. 16.

Slide number 2.


- strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

Strengthen the skill of correct speech breathing (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Automate the correct pronunciation of a sound at the beginning of a word.

Learn to change words by case (genitive p.)

Learn to agree on numbers and nouns.

Develop logical thinking.

Develop visual attention.

Slide number 3 - 6.

Articulation gymnastics, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, to fix the correct articulation pattern of the automated sound.

Slide number 3: exercise "Fence". Lips smile, teeth open. Hold count up to 10. Preliminary work: reading a poem.

smiling puppy,

Show teeth.

I can do that too

Look, now.

Instructions: “Smile and show your teeth like a puppy in a poem. Imagine that your teeth have turned into a fence. Keep the fence closed while I count."

Slide number 4: exercise "Tubule". The lips are pulled forward. Hold count up to 10. Preliminary work: reading a poem.

My lips are a tube

Turned into a pipe.

Loudly I can blow:

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

Instruction: “pull your lips forward so that your lips turn into a tube” or “imagine that you will play the pipe, for this you need to strongly stretch your lips forward.” "Hold the pipe while I count"

Slide 5: Brush your teeth. Mouth open, lips smiling. Drive the tip of the tongue along the outer and inner parts of the upper and lower teeth (along the entire jaw arch). Preliminary work: reading a poem.

I'll clean the kitchen with a brush,

I'll clean it up.

To the right - to the left I bend the bristles,

I won't leave a speck.

Instruction: “Imagine that your tongue is a toothbrush and you need to brush your teeth properly. You need to drive the tip of your tongue first over the upper, then over the lower teeth. Left to right, then right to left.”

Slide number 6: exercise "Slide". The wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the "body" of the tongue rises up. It is performed in several approaches, counting up to 10. Preliminary work: reading a poem.

This is such a hill, what a miracle.

The tongue was bent out,

The tip rests on the teeth,

The sides rise up.

Instruction: “Strongly press the tip of the tongue into the lower teeth and lift it, imagine that your tongue has turned into a hill. Hold her while I count."

Slide number 7-8.

Breath work. Development of a centrally directed air jet, differentiation of inhalation and exhalation (inhalation through the nose - exhalation through the mouth). Exercise "Ship".

Slide number 7.

Preliminary work: reading a poem.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth

We blow on the ship.

Our handsome man will swim,

Mom for a gift.

Instructions: “Take a deep breath through your nose, exhale slowly through the tube. If you do everything right, our boat will sail"

Slide number 8.

The child performs the exercise according to the instructions. Further, if he does everything correctly, the teacher clicks on the slide and the boat begins to move slowly (“sail”). Then the exercise can be repeated or go to the next slide.

Slide number 9.

Refinement of sound characteristics [s]. The child is presented with a series of pictures indicating the characteristics of the sound.

Instruction: “Look at the pictures and remember how the sound [s] differs from others. Explain what these pictures mean


Lips are smiling, there is a small gap between the teeth (picture "lips")

The tongue arches in a slide (picture "slide")

The air, when pronouncing the sound, is cold (picture "cloud"). In this case, the child can check himself: he makes a sound and brings his hand to his mouth.

The sound is deaf (picture "bell"). The child makes a sound and puts the back of his hand to his throat.

The sound can be hard and soft (pictures "nut" and "cotton wool")

Slide number 10. Repetition of the correct pronunciation of an isolated sound.

Note: The utterance can be long or short.

Instruction: “Make the sound [s] while the sand is pouring in the clock” or “Make the sound while the sand in the clock is pouring from top to bottom. Then start over"

Slide number 11 - 34. Direct automation of sound at the beginning of a word.

Slide number 11 - 13. Game: "The third extra"

The child is invited to find an extra picture and explain why it is superfluous. At the same time, with the right choice of picture, the teacher offers the child to click on it. The picture starts flashing.

Instruction: “Look at the pictures and say: what (who) is superfluous (superfluous) here. Check yourself, click on the picture. If it blinks, then you're right."

Slide number 11.

Description: pictures - tomato, cucumber, plum.

An approximate answer of the child: an extra plum, because it is a fruit, and a tomato and a cucumber are vegetables.

Slide number 12.

Description: pictures - bear, dog, hare.

An approximate answer of the child: an extra dog is a domestic animal, and a hare and a bear are wild animals.

Slide number 13.

Description: pictures - jumpsuit, fur coat, sundress.

An approximate answer of the child: an extra sundress, because these are summer clothes, and a fur coat and overalls are winter.

Slide number 14-19. Game Find the answer.

The child is offered several slides with pictures, among which there are answers to riddles read by the teacher. Slides are shown without text. If the child answers correctly, he is invited to click on the picture, which starts to rotate.

Slide number 14.


Four legs, one hat.

Need if the family starts to dine (Answer: table)

Slide number 15.


Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight.

A person controls it, what is it (Answer: an airplane)

Slide number 16.


The giant lifts a heavy load to the clouds,

And if it becomes stuffy, it will pour itself out of the shower (Answer: elephant)

Slide number 17.


Guess who we are? On a clear day, we sit at home.

If it rains, we have a job: stomp, spank in the swamps (Answer: boots)

Slide number 18.


I stand on four legs, I can't walk at all.

When you get tired of walking, you can sit down and rest (Answer: chair)

Slide number 19.


Two wheels, one board, its structure is light.

It has no seat and no frames. He rushes along the road himself (Answer: scooter)

Slide #20-24. The game complete the sentence.

The teacher reads the beginning of the sentence to the child, which he finishes using the pictures on the slides.

Slide number 20.

Description: for breakfast at Sonya ... (picture "cheese")

Slide number 21.

Description: in the spring it shines brightly on the street ... (picture "sun")

Slide number 22.

Description: the children sat down to dine at ... (picture "table")

Slide number 23.

Description: in the hands of mom ... (picture "bag")

Slide number 24.

Description: a mustachioed swimmer swims in the river ... (picture "catfish")

Slide number 25 - 28. The game "What (whom) is not?"

The child is offered a series of slides on which four pictures are located. The teacher or child clicks on the slide, after which one picture disappears. The child must answer the question: “What (who) is gone?” or “What (who) is not?”. The selection of pictures can be carried out taking into account the lexical topic.

Note: the task can be performed in two versions.

1. The child is asked to remember all the pictures, and then close his eyes. The teacher independently removes one picture and asks the child to name it from memory.

2. The child himself presses the screen, after which the picture is removed and the child answers the question “what (who) is not?”

Slide number 25.

Description: pictures - catfish, pig, elephant.

It is carried out according to the second option. The child is invited to first name all the proposed pictures, then click on each picture in turn and answer the question: “Who is not there?”

Slide number 26.

Description: chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe. Lexical topic: furniture.

Slide number 27.

Description: goat, sheep, cat, dog. Lexical topic: pets.

Slide number 28.

Description: car, plane, tram, train. Lexical topic: transport.

Slide number 29 - 31. The game "Count the objects (from one to five)."

The child is offered a series of slides depicting identical objects (animals) that he needs to count.

Slide number 29.

Instruction: "look at the screen and count how many chairs are on it, like this one chair, two chairs ..."

Slide number 30.

Instruction: "look at the screen and count how many tables there are on it"

Slide number 31.

Instruction: "look at the screen and count how many dogs are on it"

Slide number 32 - 34. The game "We consider, we do not miss"

Slide number 32.

Instruction: "Count only the planes that are in the picture"

Slide number 33.

Instruction: "Count all the dogs"

Slide number 34.

Instruction: "Count only the sweaters."

Speech therapy games: a workbook for correcting shortcomings in the pronunciation of sound. - M .: "Iris - Press", 2007. 2. Baskakina I.V. Whistle and Zvinelochka. Speech therapy games: a workbook for correcting the shortcomings of the pronunciation of the sound "Sh". - M .: "Iris - Press", 2007. 3.Volina V.V. Holiday of the Primer / V.V. Volin. - M .: "AST - PRESS", 1997. 4. Konovalenko V.V. Home notebook No. 1,2 for fixing the pronunciation of the sounds "З", "С": a guide for speech therapists, parents and children. - M .: Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2007. 5. Kravchenko I.A. Games and exercises with sounds and letters: a guide for educators and parents. - M .: Publishing house "Gnome - Press", 1999. 6. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: a guide for speech therapists and parents / I.S. Lopukhin - St. Petersburg: "Delta", 1997. 7. Rybina A.F. Correction of sound pronunciation in children: speech material for preschool and younger school age / A.F. Rybin. - Volgograd: "Teacher", 2003. 8. Sokolova N.V. Logopedic notebook. Differentiation of sounds in the speech of a preschooler. - M .: "School Press", 2006. 9. Tkachenko T.A. Correctly pronounce the sound "C": "Z": speech therapy album, Yekaterinburg "Publishing House Litur", 2007. Template made in Adobe Photoshop1

A series of presentations for automation of sound C for individual and subgroup lessons for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren having ONR, FFNR and FNR. For the presentations, we used speech material from L.N. Smirnova's manual "Playing with Sounds", pictures from different sites.



A series of presentations for individual and subgroup lessons on consolidating pronunciation and automating the sound [С] - [Ш] for preschoolers and younger students with FNR, FFNR and ONR.

Automation of sound in words

1. We learn sound C - Automation of sound in words at the beginning, middle and end of a word. The game

"The Fourth Extra"

bowl, sock, fox, chair (in this word [C] sound at the beginning of a word)

Airplane, scooter, dump truck, apricot (in this word [C] sound at the end of a word)

2. Speak words in threes - Automation of sound in words at the beginning, middle and end of a word. We pay attention to changes in the meanings of the word when replacing one or two letters.

3. Repeat the words - Singular and plural masculine feminine, neuter nouns.

4. What does not happen - The genitive case of masculine, feminine, neuter nouns.

5. The preposition is nearby. - instrumental case

Automation of sound in sentences and phrases.

6. What do we have and what do you have.

7. What is next to what.

8. What the subject is made of - the formation of qualitative and relative adjectives.

Automation of sound in nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

9. Wonderful handbag + Game "The fourth extra"

Sausage , cheese, cheese, sugar. (in this word[C] sound in the middle of a word)

Sausage, a piece of beans, salt. (in this word [C] sound at the beginning of a word)

10. Repeat tongue twisters

11. Repeat tongue twisters


1.L.N.Smirnova WE PLAY WITH SOUNDS. Speech didactic material.A guide for speech therapistsdefectologists and educatorsMoscow MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS 2004. Compiled by: Bakhareva I. N.

2. Pictures from different sites.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for sound automation [sh] in the story "Fur Coat for Fluff"

By reinforcing the given sound with the help of a presentation, you can quickly achieve the desired result, since the child will be interested not only in hearing the story about Pushka, but also in seeing it with his own eyes....

A series of presentations on the automation of sound C for preschool and junior schoolchildren.

A series of presentations for automating sound C for individual and subgroup classes for preschoolers and younger students with OHP, FFNR and FNR. For the presentations, speech material from...

Game forms of automation of sounds in older preschoolers.

The work of a speech therapist requires the use of gaming techniques to an even greater extent than in ordinary educational activities. Children with disabilities speech development usually intellectually healthy, then...

Nadezhda Lapteva
Presentation game "Automation of sound [С] in words"

Tasks: practice correct pronunciation sound"with" in words; to consolidate the ability to determine the availability of space sound in"with" in words; develop visual-figurative thinking, visual and auditory memory.

Tell me, do you like to draw?

What do you prefer to draw?

But I have the game, where the artist painted pictures, what do you want to know?

To find out, you need to hold the pump to the circle by saying for a long time sound"FROM".

2nd slide - the child says sound"C" when the pump stops, the child re-inflates and continues until it reaches its destination.

3rd slide - Barash the artist appears.

Look who came to us? Did you recognize him? - Barash.

Of course, Barash. Let's see what he drew.

The picture opens one at a time, the child calls it, highlighting for a long time sound S-S-S-S-S . For example: sssanki, ssbag, sssig, sssobaka. Then the speech therapist clarifies where it is sound"FROM". Do the same for all pictures.

7th slide - Barash thanks the child for being with him played.

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Presentation Description Presentation Sound Automation From Slide

Automation of the sound "s" in syllables and words. Goal: Clearly pronounce the sound "s" in syllables and words, the development of phonemic hearing, auditory attention, fine motor skills. Raising a neat attitude to school supplies.

1. Gymnastics and massage for the organs of articulation, vision, hearing. 1. Articulatory gymnastics for the tongue. (brush your teeth, lock your tongue, slide). 2. Massage of the organs of vision and hearing. With index fingers we draw along the eyebrows, we make circular movements. We massage the ears with the index and thumb.

2. Syllabic exercises. Highlight one syllable. Pump-ssss. Sa-so-su su-so-sa so-sa-su as-os-us-is Sa-sa-sa- we have about. SA So-co-compose a stake. CO Su-su-su-eating delicious Soup Sa-so -SU, co-su-SA, su-sa-SO SU, SA, CO, -sa-as, su-us, so-os, sy-ys, si-is. Which syllable is different and why?

3. Riddles Guess riddles. Sound-letter analysis of words and sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis of words. 1. Without wings, but they fly, grow in spring, and fall off in autumn. The fields are empty, the earth gets wet, the rain pours when it happens?

4. The game "Parrot" Explain the meaning of the words. Sing the first sound. SA-sa-garden, himself, fat, sled, kindergarten, Su-su-su-soup, pike perch, bag, So-so-juice, sleep, salt, soda, Sy-sy-sy-son, cheese, full Garden is… Salt is… Bag is…

Name the pictures. Find the "s" sound in words. What's this? Call them in one word.

6. Gymnastics for fine motor skills - piano - print words - climb the rope - braid - write in the air

7. Work in a notebook What does the letter "C" look like? - a slice of cheese, half a donut We write syllables and words. Slide number 4. Sa-sam, co-sleep, sy-son, sous-soup, si-power. Write 3 words on the topic "Autumn"

Lesson results. What did you learn? What new did you learn? Say the sound "s", in syllables, in words. And now my friend, the bell rang!