Small dysgraphia speech therapy notebooks. ♥Ogloblina I.Yu. "Speech therapy notebook for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia in younger students." Approximate word search

  • 04.06.2020

Writing disorders, or dysgraphia, is a complex specific underdevelopment, the elimination of which requires the intervention of a specialist. However, it is not always possible to use speech therapy assistance. This material will help to overcome the violation of the letter in a short time, subject to daily 30-minute classes.


The most favorable age for teaching a child to read and write is 5-6 years. At this time, the child is inquisitive, strives to learn new things, easily and directly remembers what he heard and saw, and actively imitates. All this can be used in teaching literacy.

In the classroom for the automation of delivered sounds, as well as to improve phonemic representations in in large numbers visual material is required. Pictures for the sound Ш in speech therapy will help to work out hissing sounds with enthusiasm.

The proposed remedial course consists of 11 speech therapy sessions. These classes include entertaining and health-saving techniques and technologies. Special attention the proposed classes are given to kinesiology and visual-spatial exercises. The system of work proposed by the author has been tested for several years at the speech therapy center of a general education school and gives good dynamics in the correction of optical dysgraphia in junior schoolchildren.

This manual will help the school teacher-speech therapist to find competent answers to many topical questions: perspective and scheduling correctional work with children with various speech disorders; maintenance of reporting documentation, taking into account the latest modern requirements

Explanatory note.

The majority of first-graders of the correctional school have impaired visual-spatial perception, insufficiently formed visual-motor coordination, and, above all, fine differentiated movements of the fingers and hands. There are various visual disorders (optic nerve atrophy, strabismus, progressive visual impairment). 85% of first graders do not attend preschool institutions. This, in turn, affects learning to read and write, leading to specific optical errors. With optical dysgraphia, the following types of writing disorders are observed:

a) distorted reproduction of letters in a letter (incorrect reproduction of the spatial relationship of letter elements, mirror spelling of letters, missing elements, extra elements);

b) replacement and mixing of graphically similar letters.

Most often, either letters are mixed that differ in one element (P-T, L-M, I-Sh), or letters consisting of identical or similar elements, but differently located in space (V-D, E-S).

One of the manifestations of optical dysgraphia is mirror writing: mirror writing of letters, writing from left to right, which can be observed in left-handed people with organic brain damage. Optical dysgraphia and dyslexia are persistent and do not go away on their own without special work.

Tasks in the workbook are aimed at consolidating concepts (up, down, left, right, front, back). The children are offered dynamic exercises with pronunciation, where these concepts are fixed on their own movements. Also included are tasks with drawing elements (drawing the outlines of familiar objects), dictations for drawing, games, finding a sample in the proposed rows, laying out figures from sticks.

This notebook can be used by speech therapists and teachers primary school during the propaedeutic period of literacy training to prevent optical disorders.

Lesson 1.

a) Hands up (clap hands).

Hands down (stomp your foot).

b) Be careful!

Lesson 2.

a) Perform the exercise with the Human.

) Draw a string near the balloons.



Way down

Lesson 3.

1. Dynamic exercises

Carefully, carefully cross the street! (students walk)

Be sure to look both to the right and to the left. (show by hand)

2. "Visiting Kolobok."

Draw pens; first left, then right.

3. Draw a line inside the track. (from left to right).

Lesson 4.

The beetle flew into our class,

Buzzed and sang -zh-zh-zh-

3. At the lessons of manual labor, prepare a kolobok from cardboard.

Lesson 5.

1. Fizminutka (learn by heart).

The beetle flew into our class,

Buzzed and sang -zh-zh-zh-

Here he flew to the left (point with your hand)

Everyone looked to the left (look to the left)

The beetle wants to sit on the nose (point to the nose with the index finger)

We won’t let him sit down (to wave away imagining a beetle).

Beetle, here is the right palm (show)

Sit on it for a while (shake with the finger of your left hand)

Beetle, here is the left palm (show)

Sit on it for a while (shake with the finger of your right hand).

2. Continue:

Lesson 6.

1. Physical minutes (see the beginning - lesson number 5).

The beetle flew up (raise both hands)

And sat on the ceiling

We got up on our toes

But we didn't get the beetle.

. Find the pattern in the suggested row (underline).

Lesson 7.

1. The game "Merry Gingerbread Man".

Team: a) up; b) down.

2-3 movements

Lesson 8.

1. The game "Merry Bun".

(4-5 moves)

2. How are the houses different?

Lesson 9.

1. The game "Merry Gingerbread Man".

(5-6 movements).

2. Find a sample in the proposed row (underline).

3. Continue the row.

Lesson 10.

1. The game "Merry Gingerbread Man"

(6-7 movements).

2. Draw toys, shade the car.

Ball Cube Machine Boat

Lesson 11.

1. The game "Merry Gingerbread Man"

(8-10 movements).

2. Laying out figures from sticks with fixing attention on which direction it is directed, where its elements are located, and in what quantity.

Lesson 12.

1. Color the triangles so that the left triangle is red, the center is blue, and the right triangle is yellow.

2. Draw a line in the middle of the track without lifting the pencil from the sheet.

3. Laying out figurines from sticks

(in which direction it is directed, where its elements are located,

how much)

Lesson 13.

2. Continue the path of the dog.

Lesson 14.

. Guide the bunny through the maze without lifting the pencil from the sheet.

2. Shade the flags: on the right - in red. Yellow in the center, green on the left.

Lesson 15.

1. Find a sample in the proposed row (underline).

2. Continue the path of the raindrops.

. Draw a Christmas tree, the sun, a house.

Lesson 16.

1. Guide the boy with the scooter through the maze without lifting the pencil.

2. find the sample in the proposed row (underline).

3. The game "Merry Gingerbread Man".

8-10 moves.

Lesson 17.

1. Prepare a chip for the game "Colorful House"

(rearrange the chip on command).

1 - top window

2 - bottom window

3 - in the center (in the middle)


2. Continue the path of the ball.

Lesson 18.

1. Prepare a chip (with the image of any animal) for the game "Be attentive". Move the chip on command:

2. Find a sample in the proposed row (underline).

Lesson 19.

1. Draw straight lines so that each drop falls into a puddle.

. Laying out figures from sticks (glasses).

3. The game "Be careful"

4-5 moves.

Lesson 20.

1. Continue the path of the frog.

2. The game "Be careful"

5-6 movements.

3. Find a sample in the proposed row (underline).

Ogloblina I.Yu. "Speech therapy notebook for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia in younger students."
R.I. Lalaev "Dyslexia. Dysgraphia".
I.N. Sadovnikova "Dysgraphia, dyslexia: technology of overcoming".


Is it possible to effectively help children with dyslexia and dysgraphia?.. Who is able to teach a child to read and write? Mom and dad are unlikely to succeed, they need the help of a specialist - a qualified speech therapist. With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly find it difficult to read and write. The guys are at odds with the Russian language, although they do well in mathematics and other subjects where, it would seem, more intelligence is required.

Persistent violation of reading psychoneurologists call dyslexia, writing - dysgraphia. Often, both types of disorders are observed in the same child, while no one finds signs of mental retardation in him.

Slava, 10 years old preschool age characterized by motor disinhibition, restlessness, stubbornness. A little later than the prescribed time, he began to speak (individual words - at 1 year and 3 months, phrasal speech - at 2.5 years). At the age of 9 months, he was seriously poisoned by his grandmother's heart medicines, and spent a long time in the hospital.

According to his parents, he was prepared for school, and for my mother a complete surprise was the teacher's report about the gross mistakes in writing that Slava made, and his poor reading. The math was better. Now the boy is in the 3rd grade, often runs away from Russian language lessons, has become deceitful, dodgy, reaching out to bad guys. Reflecting on Slava's poor performance, the teacher suggested that he had a developmental delay.

A survey conducted in the clinic showed that the mental development of the child corresponds to the age norm. With tasks that require reflection, understanding the hidden meaning of the story or generalization of concepts, the boy copes successfully.

The speech therapist drew attention to slow reading with many errors. Slava could not read the text with omissions of individual syllables. The boy writes extremely carelessly, his graphic skills (handwriting) are not well developed. He makes many mistakes: he writes words together or mistakenly separates certain letters. One can see constant substitutions of letters according to phonetic and graphic features. The boy replaces sounds that are close in sound (“З” and “С”, “Ж” - “Ш”) or letters similar in outline (“P” - “T”, “B” - “V”, etc.).

Slava was prescribed a course of medication. A speech therapist worked with him constantly. And after two months, the boy's writing improved significantly, he began to read faster and with fewer errors.


Dyslexia is 3 to 4 times more common in boys than in girls. About 5-8 percent of schoolchildren are dyslexic. There is a genetic predisposition to the presence of this defect, as this disorder is observed in several members in separate families. Reading impairment often becomes apparent by grade 2. Sometimes dyslexia compensates over time, but in some cases it remains at an older age.

Children with dyslexia make mistakes when reading: they skip sounds, add unnecessary ones, distort the sound of words, their reading speed is low, they change letters in places, sometimes they skip the initial syllables of words ... Often the ability to clearly perceive certain sounds by ear and use them in own speech, reading and writing. At the same time, the possibility of distinguishing close sounds is violated: “B–P”, “D–T”, “K–G”, “S–Z”, “Zh–Sh”. Therefore, such children are very reluctant to complete tasks in the Russian language: retelling, reading, presentation - all these types of work are not given to them.

Parents should be wary and suspect that the child’s speech is not all right, with such errors.

The baby interchanges sounds.

It's one thing if instead of the word "hat" he says "fapka" or somehow distorts the word in another way - this is just the inability to pronounce the sound "sh". And it’s completely different if he not only says “sapka” instead of “hat”, but also “shobaka” instead of “dog”. This means that he does not hear, does not distinguish between the sounds "s" and "sh", and therefore interchanges them.

Such errors do not self-correct. Therefore, do not wait for the baby to grow up, and even if he is two years old and he has just started talking, take him to a speech therapist.

The child swallows syllables or, conversely, adds extra ones.

And at two and even three years old he is allowed to distort words almost beyond recognition, but even in the "author's version" the word must consist of the correct number of syllables.

The same "hat" can be "shaka", "sapa", "paka", but not "shap" or "shapaka".

Children can drop or add consonants, but not vowels. After all, vowels are the basis of the word, the same rhythm. And a violation of the syllabic structure is a signal that the child does not hear the rhythm of the word. Although with normal development, this function is formed by two to two and a half years.

The child is more than three and a half years old, but he speaks sluggishly, as if chewing on words. And in this case, you will have to contact a speech therapist for special exercises.

Just like if he speaks through his nose. Such "pronons" is not always associated with overgrown adenoids. Place a spoon or mirror up to the child's nose and let him say something. From breathing, the mirror may fog up a little, but if it fogs up a lot, it means that the stream of air goes through the nose, and our speech involves mouth breathing, except for the pronunciation of the sounds "m", "n".

By the age of five, a child should be able to correctly coordinate words in gender and number, and no later than six years old - in case. He must be able to form and modify words, make sentences, use prepositions correctly and not confuse them.


Children with dysgraphia lower grades schools have difficulty mastering writing: their dictations, their exercises, contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, they don't use punctuation, they have terrible handwriting. In middle and high school, children try to use short phrases with a limited set of words when writing, but they make gross mistakes in writing these words. Often, children refuse to attend Russian language classes or complete written assignments. They develop a sense of their own inferiority, depression, in the team they are isolated. Adults with this defect are not able to compose a greeting card or a short letter, they try to find a job where you do not have to write anything.

In children with dysgraphia, individual letters are incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse similar letters: “Z” and “E”, “P” and “L” (soft sign).

They may not pay attention to the extra stick in the letter “Sh” or the “hook” in the letter “Sh”. Such children write slowly, unevenly; if they are not in good shape, not in the mood, then the handwriting is completely upset.

To understand the mechanism of development of dyslexia, I will start from afar. It is known that we have at least three types of hearing. The first hearing is physical. It allows us to distinguish the noise of leaves and rain, summer thunder, the buzzing of a bee, the squeak of a mosquito, as well as urban sounds: the rumble of an airliner, the clatter of train wheels, the rustle of car tires ... The second variety is ear for music. Thanks to him, we can enjoy the melody of our favorite song and the beautiful music of great composers. Finally, the third type is speech hearing. You can have a good musical and very unimportant speech ear. The latter allows you to understand speech, to capture the subtlest shades of what was said, to distinguish one sound from another. In case of insufficiency of speech hearing, similar consonances are not distinguished, addressed speech is perceived distorted.

If a child has impaired speech hearing, then, of course, it is very difficult for him to learn to read and write. Indeed, how can he read if he does not clearly hear sounding speech? He is also unable to master the letter, because he does not know what sound this or that letter stands for. The task is further complicated by the fact that the child must correctly capture a certain sound and present it as a sign (letter) in the fast flow of speech he perceives. Therefore, teaching literacy to a child with defective speech hearing is a difficult pedagogical problem.

And you need to learn, because the distortion of one or two sounds changes the meaning of the word. Compare, for example, the words “daughter-point”, “coal-corner”, “stick-beam”, “cup-Sasha”. Replacing a dull sound with a sonorous one, a hard one with a soft one, a hissing one with a whistling one, gives the word a new content.

Along with speech (phonemic) hearing, people have a special vision for letters. It turns out that just seeing the world around us (light, trees, people, various objects) is not enough to master writing. It is necessary to have a vision for the letters, allowing you to remember and reproduce their outlines.

This means that for full-fledged learning, a child must have satisfactory intellectual development, speech hearing and special vision for letters. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully master reading and writing. It is no coincidence that psychoneurologists and speech therapists, when meeting with a poorly performing schoolchild, carefully study the content of his notebooks, handwriting, and the features of his speech. Often, a child's poor academic performance is explained not by the state of his intellect, but by the presence of specific reading and writing disorders, which are discussed in this article. Of course, only a specialist can recognize such disorders. What area of ​​the brain is “responsible” for writing and reading? It turns out that the center of speech in most people is in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain “manages” object symbols, visual images. Therefore, peoples whose writing is represented by hieroglyphs (for example, the Chinese) have a better developed right half of the brain. Writing and reading among the inhabitants of China, unlike the Europeans, will suffer from malfunctions on the right (for example, with a brain hemorrhage).

The anatomical features of the central nervous system explain the facts known to doctors of good drawing abilities in dysgraphics. Such a child hardly masters the letter, but receives commendable reviews from the drawing teacher. This is as it should be, because in this child the more “ancient”, automated area of ​​the right hemisphere is not altered in any way. Disagreements with the Russian language do not prevent these children from “explaining themselves” with the help of a drawing (as in ancient times - through images on rocks, birch bark, and clay products).

Speech therapists sometimes pay attention to the "mirror" nature of the letters of patients. At the same time, the letters are turned upside down - as in the image in the mirror. Example: "C" and "Z" open to the left; “Ch” and “R” are written in the opposite direction with the prominent part... Mirror writing is observed in various disorders, but the doctor looks for obvious or hidden left-handedness in such a phenomenon. He searches and often finds: mirror flips of letters are a characteristic feature of left-handed people.

Is it possible to effectively help children with dyslexia and dysgraphia?

Yes, such children are quite capable of mastering reading and writing if they persevere. Some will need years of study, others months. The essence of the lessons is the training of speech hearing and letter vision.

Mom and dad are unlikely to succeed, they need the help of a specialist - a qualified speech therapist.

Classes are held according to a certain system: various speech games are used, a split or magnetic alphabet for folding words, highlighting the grammatical elements of words. The child must learn how certain sounds are pronounced and what letter this sound corresponds to when writing. Usually, a speech therapist resorts to oppositions, “practicing” how hard pronunciation differs from soft, deaf - from voiced ... Training is carried out by repeating words, dictation, selecting words according to given sounds, analyzing the sound-letter composition of words. It is clear that they use visual material that helps to remember the outlines of the letters: “O” resembles a hoop, “F” - a beetle, “C” - a crescent ... You should not strive to increase the speed of reading and writing - the child must thoroughly “feel” individual sounds ( letters). Reading technique is the next stage of hard work.

A psychoneurologist can help speech therapy classes by recommending certain stimulating drugs that improve memory and brain metabolism. The main thing to remember is that dyslexia and dysgraphia are conditions that require the close cooperation of a doctor, speech therapist and parents to determine.

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The speech therapy notebook provides practical material for conducting remedial classes with students elementary school aimed at overcoming specific difficulties in mastering writing and coherent speech.
Tasks and exercises are aimed at improving phonemic hearing, developing the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and word synthesis, forming the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, enriching vocabulary, and developing the ability to put stress in words. The material of the manual is divided into topics that cover all areas of correctional work with children with general underdevelopment of speech.
The notebook is addressed to primary school children, speech therapists involved with them, and may be useful to defectologist teachers of integrated classes, as well as primary school teachers when conducting extracurricular activities In Russian.

Replace one consonant letter in words to make a new word.
Korzh, nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, mink, wedge, light, log, frame, point, laziness, oak, rye, game, faith, ear, owl, saw, bow, fruit, moon, pain, role, pelican, day, barrel.

Read the titles of the stories. Correct one letter in the names of fairy tales so that fairy tales you know are obtained.
"Bird Ball", "Fox and Cauldron", "Regiment and Seven Kids", "Golden cabin", "Box", "Ryaba Crust", "Misha and the Bears", "Sivka-Birka", "Cap", " Whale and fox.

Crossing out the letters
Let's add a letter
Let's change the letter
Find a word within a word
Playing with syllables
Find similar words
Insert numbers
Two words - one
Logopedic arithmetic
Words are anagrams
Two new words from one
One word out of two
Speech therapy examples
Draw words
Beginning and the end
Be careful
Reading without vowels
Speech development
Let's put the emphasis
Do not confuse the letters b and d

Free download e-book in convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Logopedic notebook for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia in younger students, Ogloblin I.Yu., 2015 -, fast and free download.

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