The mode of operation of the janitor in the dow. Janitor job description. Job Responsibilities of a Janitor

  • 11.05.2020

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description of a janitor in a kindergarten was developed on the basis of professional standard « Worker for complex cleaning of the territory related to common property in an apartment building", approved. order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated December 21, 2015 No. 1075n, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others regulations regulating labor Relations between employee and employer.

1.2. This job description of a janitor in a preschool educational institution establishes functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibilities of an employee who educational institution janitor position.

1.3. A person not younger than 18 years of age, who has a basic general education and who have completed short-term training or instruction, with no work experience requirements.

1.4. The kindergarten janitor is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the head of the preschool educational institution without presenting requirements for education and work experience, and reports directly to the head, as well as the head of the kindergarten.

1.5. The janitor reports directly to the head of the kindergarten, performs his duties under the guidance of the head of administrative and economic work.

1.6. The janitor undergoes a mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examination (examination), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Conducts introductory training on labor protection and fire safety and on-the-job training.

1.7. For the period of vacation and temporary disability of the janitor, his duties may be assigned to other employees of junior service personnel. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order of the head of the preschool educational institution, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.8. In his work, the employee is guided by the job description of the janitor of the preschool educational institution, resolutions of local authorities on sanitation, landscaping, external maintenance of buildings and structures, and public order; cleaning rules; rules for the safe use of detergents and disinfectants; rules for the operation of sanitary equipment; general rules and norms of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as the Charter of the General educational institution, Internal labor regulations, local legal acts, orders and orders of the head of the kindergarten.

1.9. The DOW janitor should know:

  • sanitary and hygienic standards for maintaining the territory of a preschool educational institution;
  • requirements for the sanitary condition of the territory;
  • a standard set of inventory, mechanization, personal protection and Supplies to perform work;
  • requirements for labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety in the performance of work;
  • the layout and boundaries of the cleaning of the assigned territory;
  • protection standards environment;
  • procedure for cleaning the territory;
  • instructions and technological recommendations for cleaning work;
  • devices and rules for the operation of tools, inventory, devices used in the work;
  • rules for the use of anti-icing materials;
  • the principle of operation of storm sewers;
  • rules for cleaning from snow, ice and icicles, elements, enclosing structures of the kindergarten building;
  • requirements for the sanitary maintenance of technical kindergartens;
  • requirements for illumination of the territory;
  • safety rules when performing cleaning work;
  • rules for the use of detergents and norms for handling them;
  • Rules of the internal labor schedule of a preschool educational institution;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • rules for the use of fire protection equipment;
  • the procedure for notifying the head of administrative and economic work about all the shortcomings found during work;
  • the procedure for actions in an emergency situation that threatens the life and health of children and adults;
  • addresses and phone numbers: the head of the preschool educational institution, the head of the AHR, the police department, the local district police inspector, ambulance, fire department, the nearest institution to provide medical care, pharmacies, etc.

1.10. A janitor in a preschool educational institution should be able to:

  • determine the volumes and types of upcoming work on servicing the elements of external improvement of the territory;
  • determine the timing and intensity of watering flower beds, lawns and green spaces;
  • use small-scale mechanization in the maintenance of elements of external improvement of the territory:
  • select detergent compositions for washing and disinfection of urns installed in the local area;
  • determine the performance of storm water trays and wells;
  • comply with the requirements of technical documentation that determines the frequency and level of quality of work performed;
  • evaluate the quality of work performed;
  • comply with the requirements of labor protection, fire, environmental safety in the field of professional activity;
  • to determine the volumes and types of forthcoming works on the maintenance of hard surfaces of the territory in winter conditions;
  • prepare cleaning equipment, inventory and small-scale mechanization for work in winter conditions;
  • determine the location of the covers of sewer, fire wells;
  • use the methods of cleaning the territory from snow and ice;
  • determine the volume and types of upcoming related work in the technical premises of the kindergarten;
  • determine the range of equipment used and the amount of consumables;
  • use the methods of cleaning from snow, ice and icicles of building envelopes;
  • comply with the requirements of technical documentation that determines the frequency and level of quality of work performed.

1.11. The janitor must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, be trained and have the skills to provide first aid to victims.

2. Job Responsibilities

The janitor in the preschool educational institution performs the following duties:

2.1. In accordance with labor function carrying out works on cleaning hard surfaces of the territory in summer conditions:

  • prepares the workplace for work in summer conditions;
  • cleans the territory of the preschool educational institution assigned to him, cleans the sidewalks and the area adjacent to the kindergarten;
  • performs wet cleaning of sidewalks, paved areas, blind areas, utility and container areas from dust, small household waste and leaves, including the use of small-scale mechanization;
  • carries out the collection, transportation and loading of estimates into garbage containers;
  • brings materials and equipment necessary for cleaning (cleaning equipment, watering hoses, etc.);
  • performs watering of green spaces in the assigned territory;
  • carries out inspection and cleaning of storm gratings to ensure their performance;
  • performs cleaning of channels and trays for water flow into hatches and receiving wells.

2.2. In accordance with the labor function of carrying out work on cleaning hard surfaces of the territory of the kindergarten in winter conditions:

  • trains workplace for work in winter conditions;
  • clears passages for the movement of people during heavy snowfall;
  • carries out chipping off ice from sidewalks, blind areas, utility and container sites;
  • removes and stores snow and chipped ice in a specially designated place;
  • carries out sprinkling of sidewalks, roadsides, blind areas, utility and container sites, anti-icing compounds;
  • cleans the covers of sewer, fire wells from snow and ice;
  • carries out loading of snow and chipped ice into vehicles for removal from the territory of the kindergarten.

2.3. In accordance with the labor function of the implementation of related work in technical premises:

  • prepares a workplace for the production of related work;
  • cleans basements and attics;
  • clears snow and ice from the outer steps of the entrance to the basement;
  • carries out sprinkling of the steps of the entrance to the basement with anti-icing compounds;
  • removes snow, ice and icicles from the roof, awnings and lanterns of the building;
  • turns on and off the lighting in the service area;
  • reports to the emergency dispatch service information about damage to intra-yard pipelines (heat supply, water supply, sewerage).

2.4. Checks the condition of the territory and makes sure that all wells are closed with covers, there are no sharp objects sticking out of the ground (wire, fittings, broken glass, etc.) on the site.

2.5. Clears fire wells for free access to them at any time.

2.6. Cleans trash bins daily and periodically rinses and disinfects them.

2.7. The janitor observes:

  • for the timely cleaning of garbage containers;
  • for the serviceability and safety of all outdoor equipment of the kindergarten building and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signboards, etc.);
  • for the preservation of green spaces and fences.

2.8. Carries out timely, but not less than two-fold mowing of grass in summer period in the assigned territory.

2.9. Hangs out flags on the facade of the kindergarten building in national holidays and also removes and stores them.

2.10. Protects dangerous areas and reports this to the head of administrative and economic work.

2.11. Participates in rounds of the territory of the kindergarten.

2.12. Upon detection of damage or theft of property, violations of public order, immediately inform the administration of the preschool educational institution, and in emergency cases directly to the police.

2.13. The janitor strictly observes the job description of the janitor, developed taking into account the professional standard, instructions for labor protection and fire safety.

2.14. If a smell of gas is detected or a pipeline break (water supply, sewerage, heating, etc.) calls the appropriate specialized emergency team.

2.15. Upon detection of a fire, immediately notifies the fire brigade by phone 01 (101) and the administration of the preschool educational institution.

2.16. Provides assistance to persons affected by accidents with immediate reporting of the incident to medical institution and the administration of the preschool educational institution.

3. Rights

The janitor in the preschool educational institution has the right:

3.1. To receive inventory and allocate space for its storage.

3.2. To receive uniforms according to established standards.

3.3. To suppress obvious violations by pupils of the rules of labor protection, sanitation and fire safety on the territory of the kindergarten.

3.4. Make suggestions for improving the work of the janitor and Maintenance DOW.

3.5. Receive from the head of administrative and economic work and use information materials and legal documents that are necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.6. On defense professional honor and self-worth.

3.7. To get acquainted with complaints, reports and other documents that contain an assessment of the work of the janitor, to give explanations on them.

3.8. For a confidential official investigation, except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.9. The janitor in the preschool educational institution also has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter, the Collective Agreement and the Internal Labor Regulations of the educational institution.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For non-performance (improper performance) without good reasons the job description of the janitor, the Labor contract, the Internal Labor Regulations, the legal orders and instructions of the administration of the preschool educational institution and other local regulations, the janitor shall bear disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules, the janitor is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in the cases provided for by the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For the guilty infliction of damage to the preschool educational institution or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance or non-performance of their official duties, the janitor shall be liable in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and (or) civil RF legislation.

4.4. For the use, including a single one, of methods of education related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the child, the janitor is relieved of his position in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. For not promptly taking measures, including timely notification of management, to eliminate violations of labor protection, safety in the performance of various works on the territory of the kindergarten assigned to him, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the life of pupils.

5. Relationships. Relations by position

5.1. Works in the mode of a normalized working day according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a 40-hour working week, approved by the head of the preschool educational institution on the proposal of the head of administrative and economic work;

5.2. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the head of the preschool educational institution and the head of the AHR, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

5.3. He is instructed on the rules of sanitation and hygiene, the rules of cleaning, the safe use of disinfectants, as well as labor protection and fire safety under the guidance of the head of administrative and economic work.

5.4. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with employees of a preschool educational institution.

6. The procedure for approving and changing the job description

6.1. Amendments and additions to the current job description are made in the same manner in which the job description is adopted.

6.2. Job description comes into force from the moment of its approval and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description.

6.3. The fact that the janitor is familiar with this job description is confirmed by a signature in a copy of the job description kept by the employer, as well as in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a janitor job description, a sample of 2017 - 2018. A person can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for education and work experience. The job description should contain a detailed, detailed description of everything that a housing and communal services janitor should do at his workplace.

The job structure of the janitor of the housing and communal services is as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • official duties;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility.

It is important for the employer to know that there can be no requirements for the degree of education or experience for the applicant for this job position. What are the duties of a janitor of housing and communal services? The main job responsibilities are as follows:

  • cleaning of the assigned territory;
  • cleaning sidewalks and paths from snow, ice, as well as sprinkling them with sand;
  • maintenance in the working (cleaned) condition of drainage trays, channels, as well as fire pits;
  • emptying urns from garbage, with periodic washing;
  • sweep and remove leaves in autumn;
  • caring for green spaces - watering, loosening, trimming, etc .;
  • in spring and summer, water sidewalks, paths, pavements;
  • maintaining the cleanliness of entrances, stairs, as well as maintaining the integrity and inviolability of all common property.

The janitor reports to the master of housing and communal services and the manager, he can receive tasks directly from them, and if it is necessary to urgently eliminate the consequences of a fire, water flood or other accident, he will be redirected to the place where his help is needed.

It is this employee who is obliged to report to the management about the disorder he noticed, and has the right to suggest ways to fix the problem.

The janitor must also comply with the norms and rules adopted for all housing and communal services workers - to prevent absenteeism, non-compliance with the orders of the management, comply with the requirements of safety and labor protection, fire and sanitary norms.

Janitor job description. Sample #1


(name of institution)

00.00.201_ #00

  1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines job duties, rights and responsibilities janitor _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Institution name

1.2. The janitor is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise and is subordinate to __________________________.

1.3. The janitor must know:

- requirements and norms of the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to the household;

Environmental protection requirements;

— requirements for the sanitary maintenance of territories;

- layout and boundaries of cleaning of the assigned territory;

- rules for cleaning the territory;

- properties of detergents and rules for their safe use;

- rules for the operation of service devices and equipment used in work and their arrangement;

- rules for the use of anti-icing materials;

- telephone numbers and addresses of the nearest police station, services of operational organizations, local district police inspector, fire department, ambulance, nearest medical care institution, children's room, pharmacy, etc .;

- safety rules when performing cleaning work;

- the procedure for notifying your supervisor of all shortcomings discovered during work;

- internal labor regulations;

— norms and rules of labor protection, personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

- Rules for the use of fire protection equipment.

  1. Job Responsibilities

The janitor must:

2.1. inspect working area and make sure that all wells are closed with covers, the trenches of the pit are fenced, and there are no sharp objects sticking out of the ground (fittings, wire, broken large glass, etc.) on the territory.

2.2. Undergo regular medical check-ups.

2.3. Check for portable fences.

2.4. Wear a high-visibility vest before cleaning in a traffic area.

2.5. Bring (bring up) the equipment and materials necessary for cleaning (watering hoses, sand, etc.).

2.6. Conduct training in occupational health and safety.

2.7. Clean up assigned area.

2.8. Install portable fences painted in bright colors on the cleaned areas in the area of ​​traffic.

2.9. Secure hazardous areas and report this to your supervisor.

2.10. Render first aid victims of injury, sudden illness or poisoning and, if necessary, organize their delivery to a healthcare facility.

2.11. Calls a specialized emergency team when it detects a smell of gas or a break in pipelines (sewerage, water supply, heating, etc.).

2.12. Report violations to the police department.

2.13. Notify your supervisor of any situation that threatens the health and life of people, of every accident that occurs in the service area.

2.14. Clean the bins installed on the territory as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the places where they are installed.

2.15. Take measures to prevent violations of the order and crimes in the serviced area.

2.16. Clean and disinfect urns as they become soiled.

2.17. Carry out preventive inspection, removal of garbage from the garbage chambers and their cleaning.

2.18. Paint urns as needed (but at least once a year).

2.19. Clean the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells.

2.20. Turn on and off the lighting in the serviced area.

2.21. Dig and clean grooves and trays for water flow.

2.22. Clean the territory, sidewalks and driveways from dust, snow and small household debris with preliminary moistening of the territory.

2.23. Perform preventive inspection of storm water wells according to established schedules (but at least once a quarter).

2.24. To carry out watering of green spaces and their fences in the assigned territory.

2.25. Ensure the safety of equipment and the operation of watering taps for watering and washing from hoses.

2.26. Carry out activities to prepare cleaning equipment and inventory for work in the winter.

2.27. Break ice and remove snow and ice formations.

2.28. Sprinkle the area with sand.

2.29. Sweep the area, clear it of ice and snow.

2.30. Remove ice and snow from fire wells for free access to them.

2.31. Clearing ditches for the flow of melt water to the receiving wells and hatches of the storm network.

2.32. Remove and stack snow in places that do not impede the free movement of pedestrians and the passage of vehicles.

2.33. Treat stairways of bridge structures and sidewalks with anti-icing materials.

2.34. Sanitize buckets and tanks for food waste and garbage after cleaning them in compliance with the established concentration of disinfectant solutions.

2.35. Clear passages for pedestrians during heavy snowfall (more than 1 cm/hour).

2.36. Perform other cleaning work.

  1. Rights

The janitor has the right:

3.1. Make suggestions aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.

3.2. Receive from the management of the enterprise information that is necessary for the implementation of their work.

3.3. Demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their duties.

  1. A responsibility

Janitor is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties, which are provided for by this job description within the framework determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For legal violations that are committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the framework defined by the current criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material harm to the employer within the framework determined by the current civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the structural unit: _____________ __________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Acquainted with the instructions

one copy received by:_____________ __________________

(signature), (surname, initials)

Janitor job description. Sample #2


Director __________________________________________/_______________/

Street cleaner

  1. General provisions

1.1. The main task of the janitor is to clean the sites and areas (territories) of the serviced object.

1.2. The janitor reports directly to the manager of the Production Department, or the facility manager of the department for working with large and regional facilities, or the supervisor responsible for the operation of the facility.

1.3. The janitor is appointed and dismissed in the manner prescribed by the company, by order of the General Director.

1.4. The janitor must know the sanitary rules for the maintenance of the streets, the safety rules when performing cleaning work.

1.5. In his work, the janitor is guided by the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the Company's charter, the Internal Labor Regulations, orders (instructions) of the General Director, the Quality Policy and internal regulatory documents.

  1. Functional responsibilities

The janitor performs the following functions:

2.1. Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, sections and squares (territories) of the serviced facility: timely removal of snow and chipped ice from sidewalks along the facades of buildings and structures, yard areas, including the entrance to the yard, utility sites at the installation sites of containers for collecting household waste, roadsides, outdoor stairs to the basement of the facility, treating them with sand or a mixture of sand and salt, raking and throwing snow (in winter from October 15 to April 15);

2.2. Cleaning the covers of sewer, fire and gas wells (from snow, ice and debris) for free access to them at any time (permanently);

2.3. Snow removal of roofs, awnings and lanterns (architectural), as well as chipping icicles (in winter);

2.4. Loading snow into special vehicles for subsequent removal from the territory of the serviced facility (in winter);

2.5. Cleaning the entire territory of the facility (including lawns and flower beds) from debris and leaves (permanently);

2.6. Mowing grass and ornamental shrubs on the lawns of the facility manually or with the help of machines and devices (during the summer period from April 15 to October 15);

2.7. Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for the flow of melt water to hatches and receiving wells (during the summer period);

2.8. Watering all outdoor areas of the serviced facility, incl. lawns, flower beds and green spaces;

2.9. Cleaning and sanitizing urns, waste bins (containers), installing them in their places, cleaning their places of installation (permanently);

2.10 Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard waste bins (containers), the serviceability and safety of all outdoor equipment, property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signboards, signs, etc.), the safety of green spaces and their fences;

2.11. Removal of pollution from lanterns (architectural and street), signboards and indexes (constantly as required).

2.12. Garage and car park cleaning on site:

  • cleaning the floor and removing stubborn dirt (including oil stains) from the floor (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust and stubborn dirt from moisture-resistant walls (constantly as needed);
  • removal of local pollution from the inside of windows (constantly as needed);
  • removal of dust from switches, fire sensors, electrical outlets, fire extinguishers and communication pipes (constantly as needed).
  1. Rights

3.1. The janitor does not have the right to represent on behalf of the company.

3.2. The janitor has the right:

  • to receive in a timely manner from the economic department the consumables, equipment, inventory, and other means of labor necessary for work related to the field of its activity;
  • make proposals to the immediate supervisor on the rational use of consumables and other means of labor;
  • demand the provision of normal working conditions (premises, workplace);
  • using the Instructions, orders, instructions, Rules and other documents approved by the General Director, regulating the work of the janitor;

inform the management of the company about the existing shortcomings in the maintenance of facilities.

  1. A responsibility

The caretaker is responsible:

4.1. For poor-quality and untimely performance of the tasks and duties provided for by this Instruction.

4.2. For non-use and / or misuse of the rights granted by this Instruction.

4.3. For non-compliance with the Instructions, orders, orders, Rules and other documents regulating the work of the janitor.

4.4. For non-compliance with safety and fire safety.

4.5. For damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of company property and a serviced facility.

4.6. For rude attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and visitors of the serviced facility and company.

4.7. For untidy appearance, lack of uniform and badge when performing their duties.

4.8. For extradition confidential information about the firm and clients, or gathering information by infiltrating computer network serviced object or viewing its documentation.

  1. Interaction with subdivisions (departments), officials

The janitor interacts with all functional divisions (departments) and officials of the company within his competence.

Familiarized with the instruction _______________________________

Janitor job description. Sample #3

___________________________________ (initials, surname)
______________________________________________ (name of company)
» » ______________ 20__ N_________
This job description has been developed and approved for
basis employment contract With __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom this job description is drawn up) and in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

  1. General provisions
    1.1. The janitor belongs to the category of workers.
    1.2. The janitor is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the head of the enterprise and reports directly to
    1.3. The janitor must know:
    - norms and requirements for the state of external improvement of the territory adjacent to home ownership and environmental protection;
    — requirements for the sanitary maintenance of territories;
    - layout and boundaries of cleaning of the assigned territory;
    - procedure for cleaning the territory;
    — instructions and technological recommendations for harvesting;
    - properties of detergents and rules for their safe use;
    - devices and rules for the operation of service equipment and devices used in the work;
    - rules for the use of anti-icing materials;
    - addresses and telephone numbers: services of operational organizations, the nearest police station, local district police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care institution, pharmacy, children's room, etc.;
    - safety rules when performing cleaning work;
    - the procedure for notifying your immediate supervisor of all shortcomings discovered during work;
    - internal labor regulations;
    — rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
    - Rules for the use of fire protection equipment.

    2. Job responsibilities
    The janitor performs the following duties:
    2.1. Undertakes regular medical check-ups.
    2.2. Inspects the working area and makes sure that all wells are closed with covers, pits and trenches are fenced, and there are no sharp objects sticking out of the ground (wire, fittings, broken large glass, etc.) on the territory.
    2.3. Checks for portable fences.
    2.4. Brings (brings) the materials and equipment necessary for cleaning (sand, watering hoses, etc.).
    2.5. Before starting cleaning in the traffic area, puts on a signal vest.
    2.6. Passes in accordance with the established procedure briefing on labor protection and industrial sanitation.
    2.7. Puts on the cleaned areas in the traffic area from the side of a possible collision at a specified distance from the workplace, portable fences painted in bright colors.
    2.8. Performs cleaning of the territory assigned to him;
    2.9. Protects dangerous areas and reports this to his immediate supervisor.
    2.10. If a smell of gas is detected or pipelines (water supply, sewerage, heating, etc.) break, it calls the appropriate specialized emergency team.
    2.11. Provides first (pre-medical) assistance to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness and, if necessary, organizes their delivery to a healthcare facility.
    2.12. Takes measures to prevent crimes and violations of order in the service area, reports violations to the police department.
    2.13. Notifies his immediate supervisor of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of every accident that occurred in the service area.
    2.14. Cleans the bins installed on the territory as they are filled (but at least twice a day) and the places where they are installed.
    2.15. Cleans and disinfects urns as they become soiled.
    2.16. Paints urns as needed (but at least once a year).
    2.17. Cleans covers of sewer, gas and fire wells.
    2.18. Carries out preventive inspection, removal of debris from the garbage collection chambers and their cleaning.
    2.19. Turns on and off the lighting in the serviced area.
    2.20. Cleans the territory, driveways and sidewalks from snow, dust and small household debris with preliminary moistening of the territory.
    2.21. Digs and cleans grooves and trays for water flow.
    2.22. Performs preventive inspection of storm water wells according to established schedules (but at least once a quarter).
    2.23. Ensures the safety of equipment and operation of watering taps for washing and watering from hoses.
    2.24. Produces watering of green spaces and their fences in the assigned territory.
    2.25. Carries out activities to prepare inventory and cleaning equipment for work in the winter.
    2.26. Sweeps the territory, clears it of snow and ice.
    2.27. Breaks ice and removes snow and ice formations.
    2.28. Sprinkle the area with sand.
    2.29. Removes and stores snow in places that do not interfere with the free passage of vehicles and pedestrians.
    2.30. It cleans fire wells from snow and ice for free access to them.
    2.31. Clears ditches for the flow of melt water to manholes and receiving wells of the storm network.
    2.32. Treats sidewalks and stairways of bridge structures with anti-icing materials, clears passages for pedestrians during heavy snowfall (more than 1 cm / hour).
    2.33. Performs sanitization of cisterns and buckets for food waste and garbage after their cleaning, observing the established concentration of disinfectant solutions.
    2.34. Performs other cleaning tasks.

    3. Rights
    The janitor has the right:
    3.1. Receive from the management of the enterprise the information necessary for the implementation of their work.
    3.2. Make suggestions aimed at improving the organization and quality of their work.
    3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties.

    4. Responsibility
    The caretaker is responsible for:
    4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4.3. For committing offenses in the course of their activities, depending on the nature and consequences - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The job description was developed in accordance with ________________ (name, number and date of the document)
    Head of structural unit (initials, surname)
    » » _____________ 20__


Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)
» » ________________ 20__

I am familiar with the instruction: (initials, surname)
» » _____________20__

Janitor job description. Sample #4

Job title: Street cleaner
Subdivision: _________________________
1. General Provisions:


  • The janitor is directly subordinate to ……………………
  • The janitor follows instructions …………………………………………….

(instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Janitor replaces………………………………………………………………………
  • Janitor replaces …………………………………………………………………….

Recruitment and dismissal:
The janitor is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

  1. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • resolution of the Council of People's Deputies of Working People on sanitation, improvement, external maintenance of buildings and protection of public order
  • addresses and phone numbers: police station, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care facility, pharmacy, children's room, etc.
  1. Job responsibilities:
  • Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, sites and areas adjacent to the serviced household.
  • Timely cleaning of sidewalks, pavements and paths from snow and ice, sprinkling them with sand.
  • Cleaning fire wells for free access to them at any time.
  • Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for water flow.
  • Flushing street bins and periodically cleaning them of debris.
  • Watering yards, pavements and sidewalks.
  • Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard dustbins, public toilets and their sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness in stairwells and other common areas outside the apartment for the serviceability and safety of all outdoor house equipment and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signboards etc.
  • e) for the safety of green spaces and their fences; for the safety of cellars, sheds, warehouses, and in the absence of tenants and their apartments.
  • Hanging flags on the facades of houses, as well as removing and storing them.
  • Timely ignition and extinguishing of lanterns in the service area.
  • Checking in and out of residents.
  • Report violations to the building manager, district inspector or police station.
  • Participation in bypasses of the territories of home ownership, conducted by the police.
  • Taking measures to prevent crimes and violations of the order; immediate reporting of the crime committed to the police station; guarding traces of the crime before the arrival of the police? assistance to persons affected by accidents, the elderly, the sick, children, etc.
  1. Rights
  • The janitor has the right to give instructions to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to control the execution production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • The janitor has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities and the activities of employees subordinate to him.
  • The janitor has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The janitor has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The janitor has the right to propose for consideration by the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The janitor has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished employees, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The janitor has the right to report to the head of all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
  1. A responsibility
  • The janitor is responsible for improper performance or non-performance of his job duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissing him from office, the Janitor is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The janitor is liable for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The janitor is responsible for complying with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The janitor is responsible for following the rules internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.

This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials


Head of the legal department:

(signature) surname, initials

Familiarized with the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

Territory cleaning standards

Heavy physical load in the performance of official duties as a housing and communal services janitor should be limited to the area that this employee can master.

The norms for cleaning the territory for the janitor of housing and communal services are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  1. Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 9, 1999 N 139.
  2. Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003.
  3. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1996 N 38.

It turned out that the standards labor activity cleaner housing and communal services - this is a whole science.

For example, sidewalks are divided into classes, depending on the congestion of the road:

  • 1st class, if no more than 50 people pass in both directions in 1 hour;
  • 2nd class, when the intensity of pedestrian traffic is in the range from 50 to 100 people. in hour;
  • 3rd grade - more than 100 people will pass within 1 hour.

Sidewalks crowded with people are difficult to clean without interfering with pedestrians, it is more convenient to sweep and water them early in the morning or late in the evening, while the area of ​​​​a different intensity class needs different cleaning frequencies.

Since the work of the janitor was still manual, the norm of the area to be cleaned is still taken to be 500 m2 - precisely to be cleaned, and not the total.

Salary level

Despite the fact that the work of a cleaner is hard, public, that is, in plain sight and regardless of weather conditions, the salary level of this category of housing and communal services leaves much to be desired.

So, in 2016 in Moscow, the salary of a janitor was no more than 15-16 thousand rubles, and in the periphery it did not exceed 8 thousand rubles. per month.

It is the level of wages that keeps people from wanting to become janitors. In addition, short-sighted managers often demand that the janitor be on the territory assigned to him from 8-00 to 17-00.

Those employers who allow the janitor to share his working time for morning and evening hours.

In this case, even before the mass exit of residents to work, leaves, snow can be removed from sidewalks and paths, which is more pleasant for people and prevents the snow from compacting, making cleaning difficult. Those public service workers who make our yards cleaner, and our common property more well-groomed and intact, should be treated with more respect than we are used to, and their hard and thankless work should be appreciated at its true worth.

The rights of the janitor are as follows:

  • obtain the necessary tools and materials for work;
  • require the provision of premises for the storage of materials and tools, as well as the creation of normal working conditions;
  • submit proposals to management the best organization labor, improvement of their labor activity;
  • demand familiarization with the housing and communal services documents relating to his duties and rights, as well as the terms of payment and bonuses.

With regard to liability, the janitor must be held accountable for failure to perform his duties, as well as if he commits an offense of any kind. The cleaner will be liable according to the law even if his actions cause material harm to the enterprise.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a janitor job description, a sample of 2019/2020. A person can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for education and work experience. Do not forget, each instruction of the janitor is issued on hand against receipt.

It provides typical information about the knowledge that a janitor should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The janitor belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person is accepted as a janitor without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

3. The janitor must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge:

- instructions, regulations, orders and other acts on sanitation, landscaping, external maintenance of buildings and public order;

- addresses and phone numbers: police department, local police inspector, ambulance, fire department, nearest medical care facility, pharmacy, children's room, etc.

b) general knowledge organization employee:

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

- requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

- production signaling.

4. In his activities, the janitor is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and orders of _________ organization, ( CEO, director, leader)

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

5. The janitor reports directly to __________ (a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (section, workshop) and the director of the organization)

6. During the absence of the janitor (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by _________ of the organization (position of the head) on the proposal of _________ (position) in the prescribed manner, which acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the assigned duties on him.

2. Duties of a janitor

The duties of a janitor are:

a) Special (professional) duties:

— Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, sites and areas adjacent to the serviced household.

- Timely cleaning of sidewalks, pavements and paths from snow and ice, sprinkling them with sand.

— Cleaning of fire wells for free access to them at any time.

— Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for water flow.

— Flushing of street ballot boxes and their periodic cleaning of garbage.

— Watering yards, pavements and sidewalks.

– Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard dustbins, public toilets and their sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness in stairwells and other common areas outside the apartment for the serviceability and safety of all outdoor house equipment and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signboards, etc.), for the safety of green spaces and their fences; for the safety of cellars, sheds, warehouses, and in the absence of tenants and their apartments.

- Hanging flags on the facades of houses, as well as removing and storing them.

- Timely ignition and extinguishing of lanterns in the service area.

- Checking in and out of residents.

- Reporting violations to the house manager, district inspector or to the police station.

- Participation in the detours of the territories of households, conducted by the police.

– Taking measures to prevent crimes and violations of the order; immediate reporting of the crime committed to the police station; protection of the traces of the crime until the arrival of the police; assistance to persons affected by accidents, the elderly, the sick, children, etc.

b) General labor duties of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

– Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

– Performing work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as keeping them in good condition.

- Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. The rights of the janitor

The janitor has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management consideration:

- to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction;

— on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility employees who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations, criteria for assessing the quality of performance job duties.

3. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Janitor's responsibility

The janitor is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their labor duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Janitor job description - sample 2019/2020. Duties of a janitor, rights of a janitor, responsibility of a janitor.

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The job description is a local document that should be in every enterprise. This document contains all the main job responsibilities of one or another employee, depending on the position he occupies, his professional qualities and the specifics of the work performed.

Before hiring and signing an employment contract with the applicant, the employer must let him familiarize himself with his job description. If you do not follow this procedure, then the employer will not be able to bring the employee to disciplinary liability for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instruction is developed by the personnel officer together with the specialists of the legal department. It is approved by the employer or hired manager, if he is endowed with such authority. The document must bear the main seal of the employer.

General provisions

In accordance with the standard rules in the section general provisions The job description for a janitor should include the following information:

  1. Information regarding the employee's belonging to a particular category of employees. By general rules, the janitor belongs to the category of workers.
  2. Information about the procedure and features of the employment of this employee for the relevant position. Here, the employer should apply the standard rules labor law. The documentary basis for the employment of a janitor will be an official order of the head of the organization or another authorized person.
  3. Information about what kind of knowledge a janitor should have for the high-quality performance of tasks assigned to him professional functions. The main ones include the following:
    • instructions, as well as local orders and other similar documents that contain information directly related to the professional activities of the janitor;
    • all addresses and telephone numbers of organizations that may be required by the janitor during work. These include: local police departments, ambulances, fire departments, pharmacies, etc.;
    • general rules labor protection, as well as fire and other safety;
    • the sanitary and hygienic standards in force in our country, which must be strictly observed by the janitor in his work;
    • the main requirements that were established in the organization regarding the quality performance by the janitor of his direct professional obligations.
  4. Information about what legal acts and other provisions the janitor should be guided by during his work. The main ones include:
    • current legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • The charter of the company in which the janitor is employed;
    • orders and instructions that were issued by the head of the organization or other persons with the necessary authority;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • provisions of the current job description.
  5. Information about who the janitor will report to during the performance of their respective duties. In most cases, such persons are: the head of the organization, his deputy, the head of production, the senior in the shift, etc.
  6. Information about who will be assigned the duties of a janitor if he is temporarily absent from his workplace, for example, due to being on sick leave, on a business trip, etc. The full name and the title of the position of the employee who will be entrusted with the relevant powers are indicated here. The name of a particular employee is officially approved. To do this, the director of the organization issues a written order.

Duties of a janitor

The janitor refers to the worker and service personnel. It does not require education or special skills. You also don't need experience in this position.

Janitor duties include:

  • cleaning of the assigned area. The site itself includes sidewalks, roads, near-access areas, children's and utility playgrounds, lawns and front gardens. The janitor must clean all the territory assigned to him;
  • cleaning the area from leaves, snow, household waste and other debris. Snow is removed and thrown away only in winter. The rest of the time the area is swept;
  • in winter, if necessary, treatment of the territory with sand or salt;
  • constant cleaning of snow and foliage covers of sewer manholes, as well as fire and gas wells. This is necessary for workers to access them;
  • snow removal of roofs, awnings and architectural lanterns;
  • chipped icicles on the roofs of entrances;
  • loading of the removed snow into special trucks for their further export to special territories;
  • cleaning the entire territory, including flower beds and lawns, from foliage and debris;
  • cutting ornamental shrubs and grass in the appropriate season;
  • digging grooves for the flow of melt water into sewer manholes in the appropriate season;
  • in the summer, watering all lawns, flower beds and front gardens that are located on the assigned territory;
  • full cleaning of urns and their subsequent sanitization;
  • cleaning dirt from street and architectural lamps;
  • cleaning dirt from stands and banners as needed and in the degree of availability;
  • control over the timely cleaning of garbage containers;
  • control over the serviceability of all equipment necessary for it to work;
  • timely notification of the head of the breakdown or replacement of household equipment;
  • compliance with safety regulations and labor protection standards;
  • compliance with internal regulations and labor discipline.

The duties of a janitor may be somewhat wider or narrower. For example, he must be able to cut grass and bushes with special machines.

List of janitor's rights

After official employment, the janitor will have the following rights:

  1. The right to receive from the employer all necessary conditions for the subsequent fulfillment of professional obligations. In accordance with the established rules, the head of the organization will be obliged to provide his subordinate with all the necessary items for cleaning, including various protective equipment etc.
  2. Opportunity to make proposals for their subsequent consideration by management:
    • to improve the established procedure for the performance of professional functions by the janitor. Such proposals may consist of a wide variety of changes, for example, the purchase of more modern equipment, safe materials, etc.;
    • on bringing to disciplinary or other types of responsibility those persons who violate the labor discipline established at the enterprise. Upon receipt of such information, the employer will be obliged to make a competent consideration of the information provided. After this procedure, he will need to make an appropriate decision about further actions.
  3. The right to receive monetary compensation for their own work. The exact amount of salary, as well as other supplements, if any, should always be fixed in the relevant section of the employment contract. It also indicates certain dates on which the employee must receive the due cash. In accordance with existing rules extradition wages should take place at least twice a month. That is why, in most cases, employers first give their employees an advance, and only then - the rest of the wages.
  4. The possibility of presenting official requirements and claims to the authorities. The need for this may arise in connection with a variety of circumstances. The most common of them include: delay in wages by the employer, wrongful dismissal, refusal to provide mandatory and regular leave, etc. An employee can fix all his claims in writing by making an official appeal addressed to the head of the organization.
  5. The right to familiarize with the content of all documents that are directly related to the issue of the janitor's work in this organization. This includes, for example, both general legislative acts and local documents that have been developed and adopted within the company.
  6. The right to apply to various authorized organizations in order to obtain qualified legal assistance in resolving a conflict that has arisen with the employer. Such organizations may be, for example, the Labor Inspectorate or a judicial institution. Absolutely every employee who believes that his interests have been violated by certain actions on the part of the employer has the legal right to apply there.
  7. Other rights that are guaranteed to the employee by the current norms in the field of labor legislation. This may include, for example, regular receipt of paid leave, compensation for being on sick leave, etc.

Janitor's responsibility

In the event of the commission of certain violations, the janitor, as well as other employees, may be assigned a certain responsibility. The most common violations include the following:

  1. Improper performance or complete failure to fulfill the professional obligations assigned to the employee. This also includes the unreasonable refusal of an employee to perform his labor tasks.
  2. Various violations that were committed by an employee in the workplace.
  3. Material damage, which was caused to the employer by theft or serious damage to his property.

Depending on the severity of the violation committed, as well as on other additional factors and circumstances of the case, the following types of liability may be established for the guilty employee:

  1. Disciplinary. It, undoubtedly, can be called the most common form of punishment, which is most often applied to modern employees. The current legislative norms established only three official types of disciplinary liability: reprimand, reprimand and dismissal. Each of them can be applied to an employee only if important conditions are met. In particular, the employer must have all the necessary evidence that the violation was actually committed by a particular employee. Otherwise, the entire procedure for establishing this or that punishment can easily be declared invalid.
  2. Material. This type of liability can be applied to a subordinate only if he caused certain property damage to his employer by his actions or inaction. In such a situation, the employee will be required to provide his manager with appropriate monetary compensation as compensation for the losses incurred.
    The establishment of liability can also be carried out by the employer only if he has all the indisputable evidence of the guilt of a particular employee. Only in this case, the employee can really be obliged to provide monetary compensation to his manager.
  3. administrative or criminal. The establishment of these types of liability can be carried out exclusively by authorized authorities. For example, a criminal sanction may be imposed on an employee only in judicial order, at the request of the person concerned. Such measures are usually applied when a truly serious violation has been committed by an employee. Punishment can be expressed in the establishment of a fine on a large scale, the appointment of corrective labor and even imprisonment for a certain period.


You can download a sample janitor job description in .doc format

The job description of the janitor regulates labor relations. The document contains the rights, functional duties, types of responsibility of the employee, the procedure for his subordination, employment and dismissal, requirements for experience, education.

Below standard form can be used in the development of the job description of the janitor of an educational institution (at school), at an enterprise, for cleaning the local area.

A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the organization.

Sample job description for janitor

I. General provisions

1. The janitor belongs to the category of "workers".

2. The janitor reports directly to the head of the administrative department of the organization.

3. A person who has at least a full secondary education and experience in similar work for at least one year is appointed to the position of a janitor.

4. The appointment or dismissal of a janitor is made by order of the general director of the organization on the proposal of the head of the administrative and economic department.

5. During the absence of the janitor, his responsibility, rights, functional duties are transferred to another official assigned in due course.

6. The janitor is guided in his activities by:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the organization;
  • this job description;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • internal labor regulations, other governing acts of the organization.

7. The janitor must know:

  • requirements for sanitary standards for the maintenance of territories;
  • landscaping requirements;
  • environmental protection standards;
  • procedure for cleaning the territory;
  • rules for the use of detergents and norms for handling them;
  • the limits of cleaning the assigned territory;
  • instructions, recommendations for cleaning work;
  • devices and rules of use auxiliary equipment and tools;
  • rules for the use of anti-icing agents;
  • norms business communication, etiquette;
  • safety regulations for cleaning work;
  • addresses, telephone numbers of operational services, the nearest police station, fire department, ambulance, other emergency services;
  • rules for informing your immediate supervisor about the progress and results of work;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • norms, rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene;
  • the procedure for using fire protection equipment.

II. Duties of a janitor

The caretaker performs the following duties:

1. Removes a fixed territory.

2. Inspects the working area, checks the wells for lids, fencing pits, trenches, the absence of sharp objects (wire, fittings, broken glass).

3. Checks for portable fences.

4. Passes periodic medical examinations.

5. Puts on a signal vest, places portable fences before starting cleaning within the traffic.

6. Moves materials and equipment necessary for cleaning.

7. Is instructed on labor protection, industrial sanitation.

8. Calls emergency services when there are signs of gas leakage, pipeline rupture.

9. Informs the immediate supervisor about a situation that threatens life, health, about every incident in the cleaning area.

10. Cleans and disinfects urns, places of their installation.

11. Cleans covers of gas, sewer, fire wells.

12. Inspects containers, removes debris from them.

13. Turns on and off the lighting in the assigned area.

14. Cleans grooves, water drain trays.

15. Cleans the territory, driveways and sidewalks from snow, small household debris.

16. Inspects storm water wells according to established schedules.

17. Prepares inventory, equipment for work in the winter.

18. Irrigates green spaces.

19. Sprinkles the area with sand after snow falls.

20. Removes ice and snow, collects them in designated areas.

21. Apply anti-icing agents to sidewalks, stairways, clear passages for pedestrians during periods of heavy snowfall (more than 1 cm/hour).

22. Treats food waste and garbage containers with disinfectants.

III. Rights

The janitor has the right:

1. Communicate with staff structural divisions labor organizations.

2. Receive information about management decisions related to the activities of the administrative and economic department.

3. To put forward proposals to the management to improve their work and the activities of the organization.

4. Not to exercise their powers in the event of a danger to life or health.

5. Receive the necessary information to perform their job duties.

6. Make independent decisions within their competence.

7. Put forward proposals to the management that relate to the activities of the organization.

8. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of their duties, the safety of material assets, documents, equipment.

9. Notify the immediate supervisor of the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization. Send proposals for their elimination.

IV. A responsibility

The janitor is responsible for:

1. Illegal handling of personal data, disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets.

2. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Unauthorized management representation of the interests of the organization.

4. Providing management, visitors, clients with knowingly false information.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

6. Violation of the requirements of labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards, safety regulations.

7. Violation of the norms of business communication, etiquette.

8. The consequences of their actions, independent decisions.

9. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state, contractors.