What is marketing in simple words: types and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan. Mission is inexplicable: how to tell a child who marketers are How to explain to a child what marketing is

  • 01.12.2019

Recently my son asked me: “Dad, what do you do at work?” Exhausted after a hard day, I wanted to respond with something as simple as: “I work where they draw all sorts of different things for things that people buy, like Cote d’Or chocolate packaging or Citroen car emblem.” But pride didn't let me get away with that stereotypical response, and instead I said, “I work for brands. I help make them stronger” You can guess what my son’s next question was: “Dad, what is a brand?”

Reflexively, the first thing that popped into my head was “A brand is how a company, organization or collection of some products and services is reflected in the hearts and minds target audience.” And I heard this sentence in English, not in my native French. Then I remembered that my son does not speak English. Although the same sentence does not become much more convincing in French: Une marque, c'est ce qu'une entreprise, institution ou collection de produits et services veut dire а la tкte et au coeur de sa (ses) cibles. This definition works for people familiar with marketing terminology, but it is very far from my son's understanding. After a few moments of awkward silence, I thought.

Father: It's not easy to explain. I need five minutes to think.

Son: Okay.

Less than 30 seconds later, my son interrupted me, “Dad, what should I do while you're thinking? I'm bored." It's not the first time I've been faced with the task of how-to-intellectually-occupy-my-son-for-five-minutes. I gave him my iPhone to play the final game of the Champions League between Barcelona and Chelsea in FIFA 12 for now.

Father: Okay. You can stop playing. Listen, a brand is like a person.

Son: Really? So I'm a brand?

Father: Let me finish. Take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following questions. First, how many people do you see every day? Secondly, how many of them do you remember? Thirdly, how many of them would you like to see more? Fourth, how many of them become your friends?

My son had barely written the answer to the last question when he muttered, “Wow, very, very little.”

Father: You see. It's the same with brands - you come across them every day in a huge number, but few of them you remember. Moreover, you remember only those that you love. In other words, good brands are like friends.

I didn't want to wonder if my son's silence meant "my dad is a hero" or "poor dad, he's lost his mind." So I continued.

Father: Now, I will read you something that I wrote, and you tell me whether you agree with it or not.

Father: My friends are each special in their own way. They are unique.

Son: I agree.

Father: My friends understand me better than anyone else.

Son: I agree.

Father: I respect my friends and trust them.

Son: I agree.

Father: I know almost everything about my friends.

Son: I agree.

Father: Good. Now take my sheet, replace all the words "my friends" with "my favorite brands" and read it to me.

Son: My favorite brands are each special in their own way. They are unique. My favorite brands understand me better than anyone else. I respect my favorite brands and trust them. I know almost everything about my favorite brands.

Father is a good lad. You just described the four pillars of any brand: difference, relevance, esteem and knowledge.

Son: Difficult somehow.

Father: Name your favorite brand.

Son: Well, for example Lego.

Father: Okay. Is Lego unique?

Son: Of course.

Father: Why?

Son: Well, they have the spaceship that Darth Vader used to chase Luke in the fourth episode of Star Wars. And you can also fold the parts in different ways to make many different spaceships.

Father: Are there other brands that sell Star Wars stuff?

Son: Yes, but only with Lego you can build a spaceship from Star Wars, and then take it and remake it into something else.

Father: So Lego lives up to your expectations?

Son: It's over. It's great to be able to build whatever you want. Also, if you have a lot of different Star Wars Lego sets like I do, you can stack pieces like Luke Skywalker's X-wing and Darth Vader's TIE-Fighter to build an even more powerful spaceship.

Father: There you go. How you realize the uniqueness of Lego is what we call difference. And their justification for your expectations is relevance.

Son: Understood.

Father: And between us, if you put all the Lego pieces in one box, then we call it a mess.

Son: But a mess is not a pillar, is it?

Father: You catch on quickly. Okay, let's continue. Do you believe what Lego tells you?

Son: Of course. I go to their website to play games and find instructions that I have lost. They also give very good advice on how best to design. They are the coolest.

Father: This is what we call esteem. You seem to know a lot about what they do.

Father: So we are done with the fourth pillar, knowledge.

Son: Good. Can I still play your iPhone now?

Father: Not yet. Tell me why last Christmas you only asked for Mega Bloks and no Lego boxes?

Son: I found out about Mega Bloks when I was playing the video game Halo Wars with my friends. And I really wanted Rocket Warthog and Pelican Dropship.

Father: More than any Star Wars ship?

Father: Sounds like you have a new Mega Bloks Halo Wars friend that you left your old Lego for?

Son: Sort of. He is cool.

Father: Who are your best friends now?

Son: I have several: Simon, Abel, and Elliott.

Father: Are these the same friends you had when you were younger?

Son: Not really. There used to be Felix.

Father: What happens to friends happens to brands. It goes something like this: Maybe a friend or brand isn't so unique anymore; maybe you met a more interesting person/brand (loss of difference). This friend/brand may not understand you the way they used to, and you have less and less in common (loss of relevance). Or you are no longer sure that you can respect this friend/brand and trust him (loss of esteem). This friend/brand can only become a name for you (loss of knowledge).

Son: It's sad, dad.

Father: Not necessarily. It just means that if you want to keep your friends, you must not only be special to them, but also pay attention to them. It's the same with brands. It's not easy! There will always be new brands that will want to outshine existing ones. In addition, people change, their tastes also change. C'est la vie! Brands must keep consumers interested and give them what they want.

Son: Is this your job?

Father: Exactly. I help brands find and hold on to what makes them unique and meaningful. When a brand has both of these qualities, it is truly powerful. My job is to help make brands stronger.

Son: And how do you do it?

Father: That's a story for another time. To be honest, all of this is easier said than done. But it's also very exciting.

Son: As exciting as the Champions League final between Barcelona and Chelsea in FIFA 12?

Father: Of course. Hold my iPhone

Request mmr gave reason to think. With what answer to this difficult question do I want to start the “new school year”? When helping companies and leaders transform themselves and their business, I often recommend starting with Purpose. This is an insidious exercise - often the answers lying on the surface are not at all about meanings. Profits, market share, employee engagement, customer satisfaction are results, not causes. But sincere answers about value to society, creating a better life for people, fulfilling needs and aspirations are a completely different matter.

Now my answer to the children may seem vague and too complicated. But it is very important to me: I help individuals and organizations make the world a better place. And if an adult asks, I will tell you more about the transformational model, design thinking, self-management and current organizational design, innovative business models, corporate (open) innovation systems, and so on. After all, every first of September we also go “to school” - to learn, try, make mistakes, develop and become better!

My child knows that my profession has two components. The first one that changes is the company and/or product I work with: bank cards, alcoholic drinks, tournaments computer games. I always tell him in detail about it. The second component - marketing - is unchanged: I study clients, introduce them, explain them, interest them, and sometimes make them fall in love with the product / company with which / which I am working at this moment.

Here you see your cool sneakers new balance? whole team talented people makes them so cool. And dad makes sure moms and dads across the country know where these super sneakers live, and every pair finds their favorite feet.

You, our whole family, many kids on the playground, that funny presenter who smiles at you all the time, and even the superhero football players of Dynamo (Kyiv), whom you love to watch with your dad so much - they all love these most magical sneakers. Everyone needs a little super strength!

To be successful, it is important for a person to know himself, the people around him, to be able to communicate and negotiate with them. When a person benefits other people, they reciprocate. It's the same with companies.

Marketers help companies (and the people within them) better understand themselves and their customers. Communicate, build relationships and benefit each other. And for this you have to do a lot of interesting things: write letters, print posters, shoot movies, make souvenirs, hold holidays, events and entire conferences. That is why working in marketing you simply do not have time to be bored :)

I would explain my work in marketing to my daughter using an example that she can understand.

Every morning, preparing breakfast, my wife and I try to guess what kind of porridge Alice wants today when she wakes up: buckwheat, wheat, or maybe rice? If we guess - Alice is happy. If we don’t guess and she gets upset, we tell her some interesting story / fairy tale about the benefits and importance of the porridge we offer, so that she wants to try it.

The same dad does at work in the bank, trying to figure out what to offer people to make them happy. Or by telling them stories and encouraging them to try something new and useful. He is helped in this by his friends who work with him as a team.

My job is to build vibrant stores that are convenient and pleasant to buy, and to make an online store that saves time. And it is also interesting to tell people how to equip a comfortable home, where it is always clean, how to easily and quickly create comfort, cook delicious food. How to conduct free time interesting with the help of new speakers, smartphones and tablets. And, of course, how to work effectively on laptops and other interesting devices.

Ken has a car, but he doesn't just drive Barbie around. She can call Ken through her smartphone and he will drive her to the haircut and shop in his car, but for money. Both Ken and Barbie have a special app on their smartphones that helps Barbie call Ken when she needs him. And dad helps to make this application popular, so that Barbie's girlfriends use it, and Ken's friends take them. The more Barbie friends travel, the more dad earns.

Alice, imagine a toy store. Presented? So, I'm a store manager. Only instead of toys I have Red Bull.

I help people who commission my work understand a few things.

What exactly do they do, and can it be done better.

Do other people need what they do, and will these people pay money.

How to make other people want to buy and use what my customers do.

How to tell a story about what my customers do.

Where to tell this story so that everyone can hear and understand it.

And I'm also writing a great book about a medieval monk, a plague, the Pope, knights and beautiful ladies.

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    Hello! In this article we will talk about marketing in simple words- what is it, why and how to apply it in the enterprise.

    Today you will learn:

    1. What relates to marketing, functions and types of marketing;
    2. What are the marketing strategies in the enterprise, and what does the marketing plan consist of;
    3. What is marketing in business and how to distinguish it from business to consumer;
    4. What is it and how not to confuse it with a financial pyramid;
    5. What is internet marketing and its benefits.

    The concept of marketing: goals and objectives

    There are at least 500 definitions of marketing. Often with such an abundance of definitions this concept, it is difficult to understand what relates to marketing.

    explaining in plain language, marketing is the activity of an organization aimed at making a profit by satisfying the needs of customers.

    In a broad sense, many marketers consider marketing as a business philosophy, i.e. the ability to study the market, the pricing system, predict and guess the preferences of customers, effectively communicate with them in order to satisfy the needs of consumers and, accordingly, make a profit for their enterprise.

    Based on the definition, it is logical that purpose of marketing in the enterprise is customer satisfaction.

    And the famous theorist economist Peter Drucker notes that the main objective marketing is to get to know the client so that the product or service can sell itself.

    To achieve the goal of the organization, marketing activities involve solving the following tasks:

    1. Detailed market research, in-depth analysis of customer preferences;
    2. Careful study of the pricing system in the market and development of the pricing policy of the organization;
    3. Analysis of competitors' activities;
    4. Creation of a range of goods and services of the organization;
    5. Release of goods and services corresponding to demand;
    6. Service maintenance;
    7. Marketing communications

    When solving marketing problems, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

    1. Studying the production capabilities of the enterprise;
    2. The process of planning methods and programs for marketing a product or service;
    3. Market segmentation;
    4. Constant updating of goods and services, ways of their marketing, improvement of technologies;
    5. Agile response of the organization to ever-changing demand.

    Marketing Functions

    Marketing performs a number of functions:

    1. Analytical;
    2. production;
    3. Function of command and control;
    4. Sales function (sales);
    5. Innovative.

    Analytic function involves the study of external and internal factors influencing the organization, the study of consumer tastes and the range of goods. It should be noted that it is necessary to analyze the internal environment of the organization in order to control the competitiveness in the market.

    production function includes the development and development of new technologies, the organization of the production of goods and services, the organization of the purchase of material and technical resources necessary for the enterprise. In addition, under production function refers to the management of the quality and competitiveness of the finished product or service, i.e., compliance with the quality of the product in accordance with established standards.

    Command and control function ensures the process of planning and forecasting at the enterprise, organization of the communication system, information support and risk management.

    Sales function includes pricing and commodity policy organization, provides a system of product distribution and expansion of demand.

    Innovative function in marketing plays the role of developing and creating a new product or service.

    To solve problems and achieve goals in marketing activities the following marketing methods should be applied:

    • Market research:
    • Interview;
    • observations;
    • Methods of demand formation and sales promotion;
    • Analytical methods:
    • Analysis external environment organizations;
    • Consumer analysis;
    • Analysis of existing products;
    • Planning the range of future products;
    • Development of pricing policy;
    • Information Methods:
    • Advertising;
    • Personal selling;
    • Propaganda;
    • Consultations.

    Thus, based on the definition, goals, objectives, functions and methods of marketing, we can conclude that the science of marketing is focused exclusively on the consumer and the satisfaction of his needs.

    Types of marketing

    According to demand distinguish between the types of marketing presented in table 1.

    Table 1. Types of marketing depending on demand

    Type of marketing

    State of demand A task

    How to solve the problem


    High Lower demand

    1. Raise the price

    conversion marketing

    Negative Create demand

    1. Development of a plan for promoting a product or service

    2. Re-release of goods

    3. Cost reduction

    promotional marketing

    Missing stimulate demand

    Reasons for lack of demand must be considered

    Developmental marketing

    Potential Make potential demand real

    1. Determine the needs of buyers

    2. Create a new product or service that meets these needs


    Decreases Restore demand

    Look for ways for a new revival of demand


    fluctuates stimulate demand

    1. Adjust the price (lower if necessary)

    2. Promotion of a product or service

    Supportive Marketing

    Corresponds to the offer stimulate demand

    Properly lead pricing policy, promote sales, conduct advertising, control costs

    Counter marketing

    Irrational Reduce demand to zero

    Stop product release

    • Demarketing - a type of marketing that is aimed at reducing demand. This situation is possible when demand significantly exceeds supply. To deter consumers, the organization raises the price of a product or service, refuses advertising and tries to reorient the client.

    A striking example is the use of demarketing during the cold season, when the demand for electricity increases many times over. Since this can adversely affect the entire power grid system, and very expensive equipment can fail, marketing workers develop programs to reduce demand or redirect it.

    • conversion marketing - a type of marketing aimed at creating demand. It is used in case of negative demand for a product or service. To do this, they develop a plan to promote a product or service, lower prices or re-release the product. To promote a product or service with negative demand, advertising and PR are used.
    • promotional marketing used when there is no demand. It is necessary to stimulate demand, taking into account the very reason for the lack of demand in the first place.

    There may be no demand for products if:

    • The product is not relevant in the market;
    • The product loses its value;
    • The market is not ready for the emergence of a new product or service;

    In order to interest the buyer and increase demand, the company uses tools such as a sharp decrease in the cost of a product or service, increased advertising activities, the use of trade marketing methods, etc.

    • Developmental marketing - a type of marketing in which potential demand must be turned into real. That is, it is necessary to determine the needs of buyers and create a new product or service that meets these needs.
    • Remarketing used in a situation where you need to revive demand. That is, the demand for products is falling and it needs to be restored by introducing new characteristics and features into a product or service. For example, Clear Vita ABE Anti-Dandruff Shampoo was first created with the new Zinc Pyrithione formula and the unique Vita ABE formula for both men and women. Subsequently, Clear experts proved that the scalp of men and women has a different structure, and released a line of shampoos Clear Men and Clear Woman.
    • Synchromarketing - a type of marketing in which it is necessary to stimulate demand, as it fluctuates. Synchromarketing aims to smooth out irregular demand through flexible pricing and various ways product promotion. This type of marketing is usually used in case of seasonal demand or any other cyclical fluctuations, as well as climatic factors that strongly affect demand. A striking example of the use of synchromarketing is the offer of various set meals and business lunches in cafes and restaurants during the day at a reduced price. Since there are much fewer visitors during the day than in the evening, therefore, daytime prices are lower than evening ones.
    • Supportive Marketing an organization uses when demand matches supply and needs to continue to stimulate demand for a product or service. To maintain demand at the proper level, it is necessary to correctly conduct a pricing policy, stimulate sales, conduct advertising, and control costs.
    • Counter marketing It is used when there is a constant irrational demand for products, which is contrary to the interests and well-being of the population. In such a situation, it is necessary to stop production and carry out anti-advertising. Counter marketing tools are used on products such as alcohol and tobacco products.

    Based on market coverage There are mass (undifferentiated), concentrated (target) and differentiated marketing.

    The concept of undifferentiated marketing involves a product designed for all market segments. Product differentiation is not carried out, products are sold at low prices.

    With concentrated marketing the situation is reversed. Goods or services are designed for a specific group of customers.

    When using differentiated marketing forces are directed to several market segments. But it is worth noting that a separate offer is created for each market segment. This type of marketing is considered more promising in relation to the previous two types.

    Marketing strategies and marketing plan

    There are 2 levels of marketing in an enterprise:

    • Tactical;
    • Strategic;

    Tactical, or otherwise, operational marketing implies the development short term plans to achieve the goals of the organization.

    Strategic Marketing is aimed at developing long-term prospects for the operation of the enterprise in the market. That is, the internal capabilities of the organization to influence the external environment of the market are evaluated.

    Marketing strategies are classified into the following groups:

    • Market expansion strategy;
    • Innovation strategy;
    • Diversification strategy;
    • reduction strategy.

    Market expansion strategy otherwise called the strategy of concentrated growth. That is, the company's strategy is aimed at horizontal development, conquering most of the market in the fight against competitors, improving existing products or services.

    Innovation strategy otherwise defined as an integrated growth strategy. That is, the organization's activities are aimed at vertical development - the creation of new goods and services that will have no analogues.

    Diversification strategy the organization chooses if the probability of "survival" in the market with a particular type of product or service is very low. Then the organization can produce a new product or service, but at the expense of existing resources.

    Reduction strategy is used for a long stay of the enterprise on the market for more efficient operation. The organization may reorganize or liquidate.

    Marketing strategies are also distinguished by market coverage:

    • Mass (undifferentiated) marketing strategy;
    • Differentiation strategy;
    • Individualization strategy;

    Mass Marketing Strategy directed to the whole market. Market advantage is achieved by reducing costs.

    Differentiation strategy focused on capturing most of the market segments. The advantage is achieved by improving the quality of products, creating a new design, etc.

    Consumer individualization strategy directed at only one segment of the market. The advantage is achieved by the originality of the product or service for a specific target group of customers.

    The development of a marketing strategy consists of seven stages:

    1. Market research;
    2. Assessment of the organization's capabilities;
    3. Assessment of competitors' capabilities;
    4. Setting goals for marketing strategy;
    5. Research of market segments and consumer interests;
    6. Positioning development;
    7. Held economic evaluation strategies.

    Stage 1. An analysis is made of macroeconomic indicators, the political, social and technological situation, as well as the influence of international factors.

    Stage 2. To assess the capabilities of an enterprise, economic analysis, marketing analysis, production capacity assessment, portfolio assessment and SWOT analysis.

    Stage 3. Includes an assessment of the organization's competitiveness. Strategies of competitors, strengths and weak sides ways to establish superiority over competitors.

    Stage 4. The next step is to set the goals of the marketing strategy.

    Stage 5. Includes customer needs research as well as methods and time to market.

    Stage 6. Specialists receive certain recommendations for managing the enterprise.

    Stage 7. An assessment and analysis of the economic strategy and control instruments is carried out.

    Summing up a little, we can conclude that the marketing strategy reflects a plan to achieve the goals of the company's activities, which evaluate production capabilities and financial budget of the organization.

    The marketing plan is inextricably linked with the marketing strategy of the enterprise, that is marketing plan implies a special document reflecting the goals and objectives of the organization's marketing, as well as marketing strategies that will be applied in practice.

    To concretize the marketing plan, a marketing program is drawn up, which will indicate who is doing what to do and how to do it.

    To implement a marketing plan, you must adhere to the following principles:

    • The principle of rolling planning;
    • The principle of differentiation;
    • The principle of multivariance;

    Rolling scheduling principle applied depending on the market situation. This principle involves the introduction of adjustments to the current plan. For example, a marketing plan is designed for 3 years, but the market situation changes quite often, so every year it is necessary to make amendments and adjustments to the plan in order to be competitive.

    Principle of differentiation suggests that an established product or service cannot be liked by everyone. Therefore, using this principle, it is possible to carry out a reorientation to serve any category of consumers selected according to certain criteria.

    The principle of multivariance provides for the development of several marketing plans at the same time for all possible situations.

    The structure of the marketing plan is as follows:

    • Define the mission of the organization;

    The mission of the organization involves identifying strengths in order to become successful in the market.

    • Compile a SWOT analysis of the enterprise;

    SWOT-analysis is a situational analysis that reflects the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities of an organization, as well as threats influenced by internal and external factors environment.

    • Set marketing goals and strategies;

    It is advisable to set goals and define strategies for each area separately.

    • Choice of market segments;

    In this block, when choosing market segments, the emphasis is on reducing costs and increasing sales efficiency through sales volume and prices.

    • Scheme for selling a product or service;

    Here it is necessary to highlight the distribution channels for products, whether they work effectively, in what quantity and how they are implemented in the organization.

    • Implementation tactics and methods of sales promotion (marketing);

    In this paragraph, it is necessary to determine the methods for the sale of goods or services that could be successfully used both in short term, as well as in the long term.

    • After-sales policy;

    Here we need to constantly improve the after-sales service system. It is necessary to compare the level of service with competitive enterprises, improve the skills of employees, monitor their communication skills. In addition, it is worth providing certain guarantees and Additional services to their customers and compare them with their competitors.

    • Conducting an advertising campaign;
    • Formation of marketing costs;

    When drawing up a marketing budget, it is necessary to take into account all planned expenses, incomes and highlight the projected net profit organizations.

    Thus, it should be concluded that the marketing plan is simply necessary for the successful organization of the enterprise. This is a kind of map that helps to navigate the economy as a whole, to efficient business and be competitive in the market, earning high profits.

    Marketing in business or B2B marketing

    Marketing in business or otherwise it is called marketingB2 B (business-to-business, business to business) is determined how business relationship between industrial enterprises in a market where goods and services are not for final consumption, but for business purposes.

    B2B marketing should not be confused with marketing B2 C(Business to Consumer, business for the consumer), which implies marketing relations in the market where goods and services are created for final consumption.

    Marketing in business has distinctive features and characteristic features:

    • Demand in business activities stems from consumer demand;
    • An organization purchases a product or service to achieve its stated objectives. That is, a business purchase is targeted rather than a consumer purchase. The client buys this or that product to satisfy himself. That is, a consumer purchase is emotional in nature;
    • Volume of purchased goods or services. The enterprise buys goods and services not by the piece, but by tens and hundreds of pieces, that is, it makes large purchases;
    • The risk of buying an enterprise is much higher than buying an ordinary consumer. The profit of the organization depends on it;
    • Business purchases are made by professionals in their field. The purchase decision is made by several experts in the field;
    • In B2B marketing, the seller knows the needs of the buyer better and interacts closely with him;
    • An enterprise that makes a business purchase hopes for further cooperation with the seller enterprise. Therefore, the provision of guarantees, service and installation play a significant role here.

    Network marketing

    Network marketing (MLM - multi-level marketing) is a technology for selling products from manufacturer to consumer, which is advisory in nature and is transmitted from person to person. At the same time, the so-called distributor can not only sell the product, but also attract new sales agents to the company.

    The business plan of an MLM company suggests that distributors:

    • Have you used this product yourself?
    • Selling a product to customers;
    • Involved other sales agents to create a network of business entrepreneurs.

    The manufacturer is responsible for organizing delivery. It ensures that the goods are received by the distributor at home. For the effective work of sales agents, master classes, seminars are provided to develop sales skills and achieve success in their business.

    For an entrepreneur network marketing is an attractive business because it does not require experience and a large initial capital investment.

    For the buyer network marketing also looks good, as truly responsible MLM companies provide quality products and a guarantee for them. In addition, before buying a product, the consumer receives all the necessary information about it and receives the product at home.

    Network marketing provides for active and passive income. The agent earns active income from the volume of sales. And passive income is created by creating and actively developing a subnet of distributors.

    Nevertheless, at least at first glance, network marketing is seen as an attractive business, in addition to advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages.

    Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of network marketing

    To attract a potential distributor to the MLM business, you can use the following methods:

    • Look for partners among your surroundings;
    • Look for partners among the environment of your friends and acquaintances;
    • to promote products;
    • Search for partners through social networks;
    • Meet new people and involve them in this type of business.

    When it comes to network marketing, then immediately there is an association with such a definition as a financial pyramid, the activity of which is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The main difference between network marketing and financial pyramids is that the profits of MLM companies are divided among distributors, taking into account the contribution of each. And the financial pyramid receives income due to the number of attracted people and their contribution to a non-existent product.

    In addition, network marketing can be distinguished from a financial pyramid by the presence of:

    • marketing plan;
    • The management and articles of association of the company;
    • the products themselves;
    • Learning systems.

    The financial pyramid does not have a specific marketing plan, it is very confusing and incomprehensible. The management of the company is anonymous and, moreover, there is no charter of the enterprise. There is no assortment of goods, there are only a couple of units of dubious products. Also, there is no training system or it costs a certain amount of money, for which cheap advertising brochures are issued.

    In network marketing, training of sales agents is provided for free, or for a nominal amount, training disks, books, or videos on the Internet are issued.

    Vivid examples of the successful development of network marketing are Amway, Avon, Oriflame, Faberlic and Mary Kay.

    Summing up a little, we can conclude that network marketing is aimed at promoting the product and rewarding the distributor for the work done, and the main purpose of the financial pyramid is to attract people and their financial investments.

    Internet Marketing

    Internet marketing is currently a relevant innovation for the promotion of goods and services.

    Internet Marketing is the application of traditional marketing activities on the Internet.

    Purpose of Internet Marketing– making a profit by increasing the number of visitors to the site or blog, who in the future will become buyers of certain goods and services.

    Tools to increase sales of goods and services and increase the number of site traffic are:

    Helps to create and strengthen relationships with a specific target group that subscribes to the newsletter.

    • Traffic arbitrage - buying and reselling traffic at a higher cost;

    Internet marketers are faced with the following tasks:

    • Promote products and services using;
    • Create interesting content for the target audience;
    • Process the received information;
    • Monitor the operation of the site;
    • Maintain the image of the company on the Internet;
    • Recruit specialists with a narrow focus to perform a specific job.

    Online marketing includes the following elements: product, price, promotion, place.

    Internet marketing involves strategies such as:

    • Viral marketing;
    • Integrated online marketing;

    Viral Marketing is the most complex yet most rewarding online marketing strategy. It is focused on creating such interesting information that everyone will view hundreds of times, constantly like and repost.

    Viral attraction of people is applied with the help of:

    • Use of videos;
    • Use of online games;
    • Use of the company's website;
    • Writing a provocative article that can cause resonance and will be discussed among users;

    Efficient work and success can be obtained as a result of a combination of viral marketing in in social networks with advertising.

    The main advantages of viral Internet marketing are simplicity and speed of action. In addition, viral Internet marketing is cost-effective, as it does not require special expenses. The Advertising Act does not apply to viral advertising. That is, there is no censorship, no restrictions, which makes internet marketing more free.

    Essential disadvantage of viral online marketing there is insufficient control over the process, and the feed material may be distorted.

    Integrated Internet Marketing implies a set of various resources and advertising channels to promote a product or service to the market.

    The structure of integrated Internet marketing is as follows:

    • Strengthening traditional marketing;
    • Processing of all market segments;
    • Advertising profit reports;
    • Sales control in branches;
    • Building a unified system for promoting a product or service;
    • Construction of telephony;
    • Sales training;

    Under publicityPR) refers to increasing brand awareness. This strategy should be used by all companies, regardless of position, as it helps to increase company revenues, attract potential customers, and the brand becomes recognizable and popular on the Internet.

    Having considered the goals, tools and strategies of Internet marketing, we can highlight its advantages:

    • Large coverage of the target audience;
    • Getting information at home;
    • Small advertising costs.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that marketing is a very interesting science for entrepreneurs. Knowing how a marketing plan is drawn up, when and where to apply a particular marketing strategy, you can stay competitive in the market for a long time, while making a good profit. And, having mastered Internet marketing, you can achieve even greater success in.

    Children hardly understand the value of money, because they receive it from their parents, and do not earn it. That is why it is so important to teach them financial literacy from a young age. Otherwise, in adulthood it will be much more difficult for them to manage their money. But when should you start teaching your child? How to explain to him correctly what is finance, credit or salary? It is important to introduce the concept of money gradually. Let's talk in this article about the financial lessons that parents should teach their children.

    3-4 years old: tell your child what money is and why it is needed

    This age is considered the best to start learning. Children 3-4 years old begin to count, so they will be able to understand what money is. You can collect coins or small paper bills for them. Teach your child to determine their value by appearance. And then ask them to count the money and sort it. Please note that children may have difficulty remembering coins at first. Practice with them more often so they learn the information faster.

    When the child begins to easily count coins and sort them, you can play with them in the store. Display toys, crafts, and sweets on display, but don't list a price. Give the child money and ask him to buy something. Let the kid give you a bill, and in return you give him the goods. With the help of such a game, you can easily explain to your child what money is and why they are needed. Also, kids will get acquainted with the basics of selling and buying.

    5-6 years old: tell your child about the value of money and the cost of goods

    Playing shop with a small child, you practically explain to him how to buy goods correctly. But at the age of 3-4 years, children may not yet fully understand the value of money. It is best to tell the child in more detail when he is 5-6 years old. Go back to the store game, but make it harder. Now set a price for each of the products. It is advisable to choose a specific number and write it on paper so that it is easier for the child to remember it. Ask your child to choose a product and pay for it. Do not forget to also tell him about the change and teach him how to count it. Once your child has mastered the basics of shopping, you can move on to the next step - practice in a real store.

    Take your child to the supermarket where you usually buy food or toys for him. Show in practice how much they cost. Tell your child that you only earn a certain amount at work. So you can't buy him whatever he wants. At the age of 5-6 years, it is worth accustoming a child to pocket money. Give him 100-150 rubles a week. At first, children do not realize their value, so they spend the entire amount during the first 2-3 days. Don't give them more money, even if they ask. Teach them to receive the amount only on Sundays. This will teach them to realize the value of money and properly manage it.

    7-8 years: explain to the child how to shop correctly, focusing on their needs

    Every parent knows that kids love to manipulate them while shopping. They constantly ask to buy something, and if they refuse, they begin to take offense, cry and scream. This behavior goes away with age. When a child is 7-8 years old, he begins to make more deliberate requests. Advertising has a huge impact on children. Therefore, parents should tell them about what needs and desires are. Explain to the children that advertising manipulates their minds and encourages them to buy things they don't need. Tell us about the basic products necessary for a person.

    Give your child money and don't be afraid to send him to the store. Teach first of all to choose important goods: milk, bread, meat products. Explain that he can also buy sweets and toys, but only if he has money left. The child must understand that he must first take care of meeting his basic needs. And only then can he spend the money as he sees fit.

    Ages 9-10: Teach your child how to save and talk about delayed gratification

    By the age of 9-10, the child should already be aware of the value of money and be able to make deliberate purchases. After that, you can tell him about the savings and savings. To do this, control how he spends his pocket money. Ask your child to leave a small amount at the end of the week. Post it together. Immediately indicate the goal for which the child should save. It could be a new bike, an expensive toy, or mobile phone. To interest the child, you can buy him a beautiful piggy bank.

    At this age, the child should be involved in the discussion of the family budget. Tell him about where you spend most of your salary. Explain what a utility bill, loan or mortgage is. Ask for his opinion before making big purchases and planning holidays.

    11-12 years old: tell your child about advertising

    When the child turns 11-12 years old, you can tell him in more detail about how advertising affects his mind. Explain how people are forced to use services on the Internet and social networks. As a rule, advertising there is veiled, so not all children immediately recognize it. Tell us how stars get paid to promote products. Learn to evaluate the quality of the goods according to the reviews of real buyers. Encourage your child to make purchases thoughtfully, offer to compare products from different manufacturers, focusing on their price and quality. Parents should ask why their child chose a particular product.

    13-14 years old: teach your child to be financially independent

    Many parents try to keep their children out of work during adolescence. But child psychologists do not agree with this decision. They believe that it is at this age that teenagers learn financial independence best. When the child turns 14, offer him to find a part-time job for the summer. He can deliver mail, put up advertisements, or arrange for a children's camp at the school. Offer to spend the received salary on something necessary. For example, on a bicycle, new clothes, a computer or a phone.

    During school year you can also encourage your child's financial independence. Offer to pay for overtime help around the house. For example, give out 100-200 rubles for cleaning the entire apartment, and not just his room.

    15-16 years old: pay attention to loans and bank cards

    At this age, you should explain to your child what a loan is. Tell them that the money is not given free of charge. They must be returned, while paying interest. To explain the essence of the loan, you can give the child a large amount to buy the thing he needs. Instead, offer to pay it in small installments throughout the year.

    17-18 years old: prepare your child for university

    When a child graduates from school, he should be able to manage money. Limit his budget before going to university, especially if he moves to another city. Of course, this news is unlikely to please him. But this time is perfect for developing financial independence in young people. If your child enters paid education, you can offer him to use his scholarship to pay off the monthly payment. Don't put too much pressure on your child. The monthly amount should be enough to meet basic needs: payment for food, travel and communications. If your child does not have enough money, offer him to get a job on his own. He can spend his salary as he sees fit.

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