Marketing techniques. Goals, types, principles and methods of marketing. Selective selection of information

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    In marketing, general scientific methods are implemented that allow:

    accumulate, systematize and analyze both secondary (obtained from other researchers and sources) and primary (obtained independently or by special order) information about the market, and above all about consumers, competitors, channels for promoting and selling products, the state of the surrounding marketing environment, etc.;

    synthesize information, simulate situations, predict changes (including long-term ones), produce expert assessment the prospects of certain decisions and actions, including strategy and tactics;

    Experimentally obtain market estimates and look for optimal marketing solutions;

    · in accordance with the information received, change practices, plan and adjust marketing activities, manage the institution, market behavior, influence the perception of the institution and its products by other market entities.

    Marketing uses the information and methods of specific sciences and scientific disciplines, such as:

    statistics (primarily statistical data government agencies and public organizations) - to assess the capacity of the market and its segments, the magnitude and trends in demand, etc.;

    Macro- and microeconomic analysis - to assess the state and prospects for the development of the market, the capabilities of competitors, promotion and sales channels, the own capabilities of an educational institution and its partners;

    · sociology - to identify and analyze the positions of specific consumer groups and social strata (contact audiences) on issues of interest;

    Psychology and psychophysiology - for the same purposes, as well as to test and increase the effectiveness of advertising and other methods and methods of generating demand, influencing the perception of an educational institution by market entities, their decision-making in favor of choosing this institution and its educational institution;

    Mathematics - to serve the processes of achieving these goals;

    management theory - for the implementation of planning and forecasting, control, regulation, stimulation processes marketing work and all activities of an educational institution, as well as the behavior of market entities interacting with it.

    In marketing, specific methods and groups of methods for generating new ideas are also used (in relation to marketing objects, assortment renewal, pricing and price adaptation, content and organization of communications, promotion and sales of goods and services on the market), expert evaluation, content analysis (primarily media), etc.

    Most of the listed methods are methods used directly in the course of marketing research. Research accounts for a very significant portion (one-third to one-half) of all marketing activities and budgets. It is all the more important to plan them correctly.

    The marketing research scheme includes the following main stages:

    1. Identification of problems and formulation of research objectives. There are: search goals - helping to identify and concretize the problem, develop a hypothesis or options for solving the problem; descriptive goals - involving the understanding and assessment of the situation, individual marketing factors and their complexes; experimental goals that involve testing hypotheses, proposed options for solving problems.

    2. Selection of sources of information, including: secondary data (already existing information collected by other researchers and / or for other purposes), indicating sources and methods of obtaining information; primary data (information specially collected for this purpose), indicating the area, methods and subjects of information collection.

    3. Collection of information from previously identified sources, including conducting sociological, laboratory and market experiments.

    4. Analysis of the collected information: identification of the average values ​​of the variables of interest, the distribution of the frequency of events; determination of correlation coefficients of factors, events; determination of the dynamics and trends of changes in the factors of interest, etc.

    5. Presentation of the results obtained in the form of analytical reviews, tables, graphs, forecasts, decision-making models, recommendations, etc.

    The variety of methods and sciences involved in marketing can be depressing for non-professionals; however, for educational institutions of higher and additional education there are no particular problems here: almost all relevant academic disciplines present in curriculum and involve staffing.

    The main objects of research in marketing are:

    The nature of the market exchange of OS (specific objects of exchange and economic relations between its participants) and the quantitative parameters of the supply and demand of the educational institution (the boundaries of the market and its segments, their capacity, including in terms of the number of potential students and taking into account the duration of the provision of the educational institution), the environment marketing environment, tendencies of change of conjuncture of OS in the given market, in a segment of the market;

    · competitiveness of educational institutions, including general educational, professional, didactic, economic and other comparative qualitative indicators, incl. regulatory (specified by educational standards) and patent law;

    partners operating in the market of an educational institution (suppliers and intermediaries), real and potential consumers and competitors in relation to: the type of their economic (labor) activity, legal status, the nature of ownership and ownership of capital (investments) under the control of a given educational institution, the amount of involved and potential resources, established traditions, connections, behavior strategies;

    · possible strategies marketing, various options for tactical solutions to specific marketing problems and their interconnection.

    Marketing as a philosophical system of views of market participants on themselves, on partners and on the market itself may seem very general and abstract. Beginners are much more attracted to aspects of marketing as a strategy and especially tactics. market activity, its "instrumental component", recipe of actions. However, any tool, and even more so a recipe, can be applied correctly and to the right place, will lead to market success only if its use is not an accident and not a tribute to fashion, but a consequence of understanding and acceptance for oneself, mastering general principles, methods, ways of being and knowledge in the market. And this is marketing as a philosophy.

    Marketing as a philosophy, including the general orientation of market participants, principles of action and research methods, is implemented in its plans, programs and subprograms (for individual marketing functions), which in turn are long-term (for five or more years), medium and short-term (per year, broken down by quarters). In the environment of educational institutions, such work has not yet been carried out. Therefore, the leading principles of marketing have practically no effect on the behavior of the subjects of the OS market, and their actions turn out to be little linked to each other, contradictory and, as a result, ineffective.

    How to be? Where can you find specialists who can use a variety of methods and are able to practically implement the principles of marketing? There are no such specialists yet. But the marketing of educational institutions in this respect outperforms any other industry: in the collectives of educational institutions, especially in universities, highly qualified specialists of various profiles work. Combining their efforts among themselves and together with the students will help to achieve the desired results faster. After all, in an institution that conducts serious fundamental and diverse professional training, the decision a large number various marketing tasks is not difficult in terms of finding qualified performers. Yes, and a testing ground for testing hypotheses and solutions is also at hand - it will be provided by educational institution. However, our scientific and pedagogical staff, as a rule, clearly lacks real practice and the psychological attitude to participate in such work. Psychological fatigue and pessimism of the intellectual cadres have an effect. Moreover, it is necessary to create specialized marketing departments in universities. Services, marketing departments could act as responsible executors, customers and coordinators of marketing research and development, interacting with co-executors both in the university team (i.e. with faculties, departments, individual researchers and teachers) and beyond.

    Emphasizing the relevance of the concept of marketing in modern conditions management, the English marketer G. Harding notes: "For a true entrepreneur, faith in Marketing is like a lawyer's faith in the letter of the Law and a doctor's faith in the Hippocratic oath."

    Marketing- a complex socio-economic category that has many aspects:

    Organizational and technical;






    Because of this, there is no single definition of marketing in the economic literature. More than 2,000 of its definitions are known, for example:

    - marketing is the science of entrepreneurship (Japanese businessmen);

    - marketing is the ability and art to transform the needs and demands of consumers into specific forms and services (F. Kotler);

    - marketing is management process, aimed at identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer needs, focused on making a profit (London Institute of Marketing);

    - marketing is the process of planning and practical implementation of the development of ideas, goods and services, the formation of prices for them, the promotion of their sale and distribution for the implementation of an exchange that satisfies the goals of individuals and organizations (American Marketing Association);

    - marketing - a social process in which individual members of society and groups satisfy various needs and desires by exchanging goods and other values ​​​​with each other (D. Mittler);

    - marketing is market-oriented management (P.F. Drucker);

    - marketing is the process of planning and implementing the concept of price, entering the market and marketing ideas, goods and services in order to exchange and satisfy both customer needs and the achievement of enterprise goals (P.S. Zavyalov);

    – marketing is a management philosophy that leads to profit through customer satisfaction by focusing the entire company on a long-term and flexible definition of the scope business activity, market, target groups of consumers, main strategic goals (F. Banfer);

    - marketing is an integrated management function that transforms the needs of the buyer into the income of the enterprise (D.I. Barkan), etc.

    The purpose of management is determined by the management system (Table 1.1).

    AT market economy there is a marketing concept of management, as marketing becomes essential function enterprises.

    Table 1.1

    Goals of management depending on the management system

    There are five concepts in the history of marketing development (Table 1.2).

    Table 1.2

    Marketing Development Concepts

    The similarity presented in table. 1.2 concepts defined by three general provisions:

    – marketing is the philosophy of the market;

    - marketing is a management system, the totality of services of which fully assumes responsibility for the implementation of production and economic activities;

    - marketing is oriented thinking that ensures effective sales operations and is aimed at the consumer.

    Modern theoretical approaches to marketing are compared in table. 1.3.

    Table 1.3

    Modern theoretical approaches to marketing

    In modern conditions, marketing concepts are further developed:

    At the heart of the concept strategic marketing is a focus on consumers and competitors: meeting the needs of consumers and at the same time achieving superiority over competitors by creating a product with better consumer parameters or setting a lower price;

    At the heart of the concept socio-ethical (public) marketing lies the orientation to meet the needs of not only the individual, but the whole society as a whole, which is associated with modern environmental, raw materials, energy and other problems of mankind. There is an agreement between the profits of the enterprise, the needs of customers and the interests of society;

    At the heart of the concept relationship marketing (maximarketing) there is an orientation towards the maximum strengthening of individual relations with consumers on the basis of the widespread use of modern telecommunications;

    At the heart of the concept marketing in the information environment lies the focus on direct contact with consumers and ensuring a constant dialogue with them;

    At the heart of the concept territorial marketing there is an orientation towards the creation and maintenance of the prestige of the territory as a whole: ideas about the attractiveness of the natural, material, technical, financial, labor, organizational, social and other resources concentrated on it and about the wealth of opportunities for their implementation and reproduction;

    At the heart of the concept global marketing there is a focus on the internationalization of markets, on the perception of them not as separate market segments, but as a whole, where consumers are involved in the acquisition of well-known and proven brands.

    The management of efficiently operating Russian enterprises considers marketing as:

    - business philosophy;

    - "way of thinking";

    – management concept;

    – methodology of market activity;

    - "mode of action", including principles, functions, means, methods, organization management activities in market conditions.

    AT scope of marketing today includes:

    - products and service;

    – types of consumers: individual, enterprise or organization;

    - domestic and foreign markets;

    - market areas: commodity, monetary and financial, labor;

    business sectors: industry, Agriculture, trade, construction, transportation, education, etc.;

    – sides non-commercial activities(idea marketing, job marketing, etc.).

    typical marketing problems for modern Russian enterprises are:

    Inaccurate information;

    Inefficient planning;

    Sudden changes in the market situation;

    Intervention of the state, legal bodies;

    Unforeseen actions of competitors;

    Insufficient marketing funding;

    foreign trade problems;

    Low quality of goods;

    The presence of excess or insufficient capacity;

    Falling demand;

    Displacement of goods by competitors;

    Sales problems;

    Legal disputes with competitors, consumers, suppliers, intermediaries;

    Bankruptcy of buyers, suppliers, sales agents;

    Logistics problems;

    Change in market segmentation;

    Lack of qualified personnel;

    Environmental problems;

    Problems of consumption of goods, etc.

    The ranking of management problems based on the direct dependence of the magnitude of their risks on the urgency of the solution is given in Table. 1.4.

    Table 1.4

    Ranking of managerial problems

    * The magnitude of the risks is assessed on a 10-point scale in terms of the urgency of the problems being solved.

    1.2. Principles and functions of marketing

    The principles of marketing determine the general direction of the goals of the enterprise in the field of marketing.

    Marketing Principlesthe initial provisions of the market activity of the enterprise, providing for knowledge of the market, adaptation to the market and active influence on it.

    To basic principles of marketing relate:

    Consumer orientation;


    Flexibility and adaptability;

    Ensuring production strategy through market influences;

    Focus on the future;

    Program-targeted approach;

    The focus of the marketing activities of the enterprise to achieve the final practical result.

    The organization of marketing in an enterprise involves the use of marketing functions in the interaction of an enterprise with the market.

    Marketing Functionsa set of activities aimed at ensuring efficient operation enterprises (Fig. 1.1).

    Rice. 1.1. Marketing Functions

    Presented in fig. 1.1 marketing functions form groups of functions. Within each of them, a certain range of tasks is solved (Table 1.5).

    Table 1.5

    Tasks solved within marketing functions

    The set of functions is marketing process, providing conditions for successful work enterprises in the market (Fig. 1.2).

    Rice. 1.2. Organization of the marketing process

    For the organization of effective activity, it is necessary to consider the following functional communications of marketing at the enterprise:

    ? productionmarketing- the organization of labor, the use of materials and equipment, the creation of goods of the required quality and in the right quantities, at a reasonable price and within the agreed time frame. are taken into account production capacity enterprises, experience and knowledge of personnel, etc.;

    ? financemarketing– solution of financial issues, implementation of budgetary control, planning of standard costs and profits;

    ? supply and salesmarketing– control over the fulfillment of requests, the level and condition of commodity stocks, the purchase of materials, etc.;

    ? framesmarketing– selection and training of personnel in accordance with the tasks of market activity.

    1.3. Goals and methods of marketing

    Modern Marketing focuses on the fair remark of P. Drucker: "Marketing is the work of the company from the point of view of the client."

    The Essence of Marketing is most fully reflected in the following rule: "Produce and sell only what will certainly find a market, and do not try to force you to buy what you managed to produce."

    It is reflected in the marketing purposes presented in Fig. 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3. Marketing Goals

    Marketing objectives should be:




    Coordinated with the general goals and objectives of the enterprise;


    Oriented to certain terms of their achievement;

    Providing means of moral and material incentives for their implementation.

    The task of an enterprise operating on the principles of marketing and using its functions is to manage market demand and influence it. It is demand that underlies the marketing methods presented in Table. 1.6.

    Table 1.6

    Characteristics of marketing methods

    – determination of customer needs;

    – selection of priority consumer groups;

    – design of goods or a package of services;

    – Increasing the profitability of production.

    These methods solve the following marketing tasks:

    - determination of the most suitable market for the enterprise, corresponding to its resources;

    – ensuring that these resources are used prudently to develop, produce and sell goods and services at economically reasonable prices in order to attract the largest possible number of potential buyers.

    1.4. Marketing information support

    Information is needed to make any decision. The decision-making algorithm in marketing is shown in fig. 1.4.

    Rice. 1.4. Enlarged algorithm for making marketing decisions

    Prepared in accordance with fig. 1.4 the solution must contain information about the environment and marketing parameters.

    The company must respond appropriately to change. external and internal environment(Fig. 1.5).

    Rice. 1.5. Information about the external and internal environment, taken into account when developing marketing decisions

    Marketing parameters are divided into two groups:

    Controlled (managed and directed) parameters;

    Uncontrolled (beyond the capabilities of the enterprise) parameters.

    Marketing parameters are shown in fig. 1.6.

    Rice. 1.6. Marketing options

    1.5. Marketing Management

    Marketing Managementthe most important functional part of the overall enterprise management system, aimed at achieving consistency between the internal capabilities of the enterprise and the requirements of the external environment to ensure efficient operation.

    The tasks of an enterprise operating on the principles of marketing include:

    - subordination of controlled parameters in one's favor;

    - adaptation to uncontrolled parameters of their assortment, pricing policy, etc.

    Marketing management is considered in the following areas:

    activity management- management of the enterprise as an open system with the development of its communication links with the market. Responsibility for the adoption of the marketing concept of enterprise management lies with top management;

    function control- implementation of the principle "from the needs of production to the needs of the market" with a close relationship of all management functions - production, financial, personnel, etc. Responsibility for the functioning of the marketing system of the enterprise rests with the top management, marketing managers;

    demand management– creation and satisfaction of demand of potential buyers. Responsibility for the formation of an effective marketing mix (marketing efforts) as a mechanism for managing demand lies with the product manager for work on target market with some product, product group, product line.

    1.6. Organizational structures of marketing

    The organization of marketing essentially depends on the size of the enterprise and its managerial orientation:

    Large marketing-oriented companies create marketing departments with a fairly detailed structure and a large number of employees;

    Small businesses perform all types of marketing activities (product, communication, research, etc.) with the help of full-time marketing managers.

    Organization of marketing in small enterprises is possible in the following areas:

    –> assignment of marketing functions to one of the most trained employees of the enterprise;

    –> carrying out some marketing activities (advertising campaign, market research, etc.) in cooperation with other small businesses;

    –> invitation of consultants and experts to jointly solve some problems of the enterprise.

    The purpose of the sales department is to organize the management of the implementation process. The marketing department aims to organize the management of the dynamics of interaction between producers and consumers. The fundamental difference between the tasks of these departments is presented in Table. 1.7.

    Table 1.7

    Tasks of sales and marketing departments in the enterprise

    There are various organizational structures of marketing: traditional, or functional, a structure in which relationships are based on vertical connections "manager - subordinate"; on the basis commodity nomenclature, as well as regional, formed on a geographical basis (Fig. 1.7 a - c).

    Rice. 1.7b. Structure by product nomenclature

    Rice. 1.7v. Regional structure

    Desirable use divisional approach to management, when an enterprise operates in several markets, as a result of which independent “points of profit” (divisions, departments) are formed. A complex of market directions is being created, within which its own structure of the marketing service is formed.

    Comparative analysis of various organizational structures of marketing is presented in Table. 1.8.

    Table 1.8

    Comparative analysis of organizational structures of marketing

    The goals of the marketing department should be in harmony with the goals of other departments of the enterprise in order to contribute to the achievement of the overall goal of the enterprise (Table 1.9).

    Table 1.9

    Interaction of the marketing service with other enterprise services

    Marketing specialists occupy a special position in the enterprise, providing communication with external environment, market, consumers, intermediaries, etc. The requirements for such specialists are divided into three levels:

    1) availability necessary knowledge, skills and level of competence to perform functional tasks;

    2) availability of desirable knowledge, skills and competence level for analytical work;

    3) the availability of possible knowledge, skills and competence in the field of business awareness, which is associated with the prospects of economic, technical and social development enterprises.

    Any chosen by the enterprise organizational structure must meet the following requirements:

    Flexibility, mobility, adaptability;


    Correspondence of the scale, complexity of the structure of the marketing service with the profile of the enterprise, the nature of the goods it produces;

    Focus on end users;

    Giving service workers proper rights.

    To motivate the staff of the marketing service, it is possible to recommend the use of the 4C model (Fig. 1.8).

    Rice. 1.8. Personnel motivation model

    Each company must develop job descriptions for marketing staff. Key job responsibilities of a marketing manager include:

    Creation of a workable marketing team;

    Collection and evaluation of market information;

    Improving the concept of marketing and its strategy;

    Direct marketing planning and management;

    Preparation of cost estimates for marketing;

    Assessment of the competitiveness of the goods;

    Establishing a competitive price level;

    Direct market interaction;

    Organization of training in the field of marketing and sales;

    Control and improvement of the sales network;

    Planning after-sales services and warranty service;

    Search for new markets;

    Preparation of marketing plans for export;

    Implementation of marketing in all departments of the enterprise.

    Russian and foreign practice indicates that the effectiveness of marketing management increases when strategic and market management are combined (Table 1.10).

    Table 1.10

    Comparative characteristics of strategic and opportunistic enterprise management

    Situations for analysis

    1. A few years ago, one company offered the consumer a multifunctional product in which a system of several nozzles was used on the basis of a single compact electric motor. The product performed a number of household functions, including a mini-vacuum cleaner. The price was reasonable. Initially, demand grew, but soon buyers began to ignore the product and it was discontinued. Subsequently, on the basis of this product, a compact vacuum cleaner was created, mainly used by the hostess in the kitchen. The product was a great success in the market.

    Explain the situation. Please note that the first product contained about 8 functions, and cost only 3-4 times more than the second.

    2. Using the example of a specific enterprise, explain the differences in decision-making on enterprise management from the standpoint of production, sales and marketing concepts.

    3. Develop a list of questions that you would ask the leaders of the travel company, trading company when receiving a task, analyze how it is performed marketing function in each of these companies.

    4. Determine which marketing methods to use in the following situations:

    – it is planned to expand the use of frozen fruits and vegetables by Russian market;

    - a company producing sports simulators intends to expand sales volumes;

    - Novorossiysk company "Alex" is going to produce hang gliders.

    Marketing: Lecture Notes Loginova Elena Yurievna

    13. Methods of marketing activities

    In carrying out its activities and achieving its goals, the company can operate with several methods of marketing.

    1. The method of orientation to the product, service.

    Production good product(services, products) is only half of what a firm can do.

    The second half is bringing the product to the end consumer. And not just to convey information, but to make every effort so that the buyer appreciates and wants to buy it. All this is much more difficult to do if the product is fundamentally new, unparalleled. Consequently, approaches to marketing activities should be fundamentally new. After all, for a completely new product, those methods and methods that previously explored the market turn out to be unsuitable. Sometimes it can be very difficult to find out from consumers how much they need this new product, which they did not know before and did not feel the need for it. One of the main directions of the company should be not just the creation of a fundamentally new product (service), but the creation of such a product that could stand at the origins of the formation of a new industry. And only under this condition this method will be justified.

    2. Method of consumer orientation.

    This marketing method is preferred for small companies. The point of the consumer orientation method is to find a buyer, determine what product he needs, and satisfy this need. But finding a buyer is not enough. The main thing is to single out from the whole mass of goods only the goods that a given circle of consumers is ready and willing to buy. Being in search of that “only product”, it is best to rely on your own strength and meet personally with potential buyers, find out their tastes and preferences, wishes and needs.

    3. Integrated marketing.

    Since the industrial era, it has been believed that the cause always precedes the effect, that is, it is enough to find the cause and the result will not be long in coming. Thus, within the product-oriented marketing method, it is clear that the firm will not be able to sell what it does not already have. And until the moment the consumer learns about your product (service), you will incur large costs of money and time. Here the product is the root cause, and consumer demand is the consequence. All this was natural in the era of industrial development. But in our time, when the world of industries is not stable, the market for goods is not standard, it no longer works. As needs become more and more diverse and unlike each other, manufacturers must constantly offer the market more and more perfect products, seeking and inventing innovations and improvements, with the sole purpose of satisfying these needs more fully. And so the consumer is already becoming the root cause for companies. And as a result - the production of a new product that can satisfy the increased individualized needs of people.

    In today's world, obtaining one result can be so transformed that this result itself becomes the cause for obtaining another result.

    and essence this method is that both the product and the customer can be created at the same time.

    4. Marketing of open systems.

    The main difference between an open system and a closed one is exchange. An open system (like a living organism), in order to exist, must perform exchange processes with the external environment and other economic entities. The exchange can take place with different resources: material, labor, information, etc., otherwise it will not receive development and death is inevitable. Open systems marketing means the following:

    a) the transaction should bring profit to the company, and welfare to society;

    b) the company must adapt to the external environment;

    c) competition interferes with the successful development of the firm.

    In the process of an exchange in an open system, each party must receive some benefit, for which this exchange exists. Moreover, the value of the result obtained must be higher than that which was paid. But this is all purely subjective and depends on the individual value system of each of the participants.

    At the moment when the transaction is made, a certain value is created in society, a certain well-being, which was not there before. It is very difficult to determine the degree of satisfaction of all parties.

    In order for both parties to get the maximum benefit for themselves, they must at least be different from each other, and therefore the benefit of one party must be different from the benefit of the other side of the transaction. This is the main thing for creating a new level of prosperity in the world.

    People will never exchange exactly the same items: it would be foolish to pay for bread with exactly the same bread.

    And the whole history of mankind proves that money, wealth and property appear only where there are differences that interact with each other.

    From the book Marketing author Loginova Elena Yurievna

    8. The concept and structure of marketing activities The philosophy of marketing is quite elementary - the company must produce such a product for which demand is provided in advance and which will lead the company to the intended level of profitability and maximum profit.

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    Any enterprise is interested in the maximum level of liquidity of its products. But to have steadily growing sales in an ever-changing market is not easy. To withstand the onslaught of competition and timely respond to new trends, you need high-quality analytics.

    Why marketing research is relevant

    To begin with, it is worth noting the fact that given function(analytics, research) is one of the key tasks of the marketing department. At the same time, the research process itself should be understood as the collection of information related to the activities of the company. The data that was obtained should be evaluated within several key areas (promotion, product, buyers, price). The conclusions obtained as a result of such a study help to determine the most relevant direction for the development of the enterprise as a whole and its individual elements in particular. A competent and correct strategy is extremely important for the stable growth of the company.

    It should be understood that such a marketing analysis - these are not always time-consuming and complex studies, in the process of which significant resources are involved. Many medium and small firms can get fairly accurate analytics at a relatively low cost.

    Determination of goals

    Before gathering the information needed to qualitative analysis need to set specific goals. In other words, methods marketing analysis focused on specific tactical or strategic goals. The depth and scope of the research being conducted depends on which direction will be chosen as a guideline.

    The goals set determine the form of the analysis: it can be descriptive, used to develop predictions, or identify causal relationships. The result of such work is the formation of a hypothesis, which can be characterized as an assumption concerning the essence and ways of solving the phenomena considered.

    The working hypothesis should provide the following indicators:

    • testability of a reliable scientific assumption;
    • its predictability;
    • the ability to express key assumptions not only through logical conclusions, but also in the form of economic and mathematical constructions.

    Research program

    This term should be understood as a plan developed in order to get answers to the questions that the marketing analysis system includes. It allows you to link the material, time and other types of resources allocated for the implementation of the task.

    The research program (plan) makes it possible to establish a system of indicators and determine a set of tools, as well as the information needs that are needed to obtain it.

    Search for secondary information

    Marketing analysis involves the study of two types of data: secondary and primary.

    Secondary information refers to data that was previously collected for other purposes, but is still relevant in the format of the current study. As a key advantage of information of this type, one can determine their availability and low cost.

    But such material also has disadvantages: since this information was collected to solve a different problem, its content is not always relevant. In other words, secondary information often turns out to be incomplete, outdated, not directly related to the current purpose, and unreliable.

    When conducting a marketing analysis of an enterprise, the following sources can be used to obtain secondary data:

    • bulletins of various organizations;
    • mass media;
    • statistical collections;
    • websites of competing companies;
    • publications by consulting and research firms;
    • sectoral and thematic information resources;
    • internal reports of the enterprise conducting the study;
    • survey of company employees;
    • information received from consumers, etc.

    After collecting all the information of a secondary nature, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of them and identify those that are most relevant for solving the current problem. The work with secondary data is completed with the final report.

    Collection of primary information

    Regarding the topic of primary data, it is worth noting that marketing research includes the collection of information in this category when secondary information is insufficient. At the same time, it is necessary to be able to collect information of the primary type, since in the CIS conditions it is rather difficult to gain access to industry and company information. Moreover, professionals have to deal with the lack of culture and developed marketing infrastructure in the country. In addition, many companies have not had time to accumulate such valuable experience in the use of marketing strategies.

    Data collection methods

    In the process of searching for primary information, three main tools are used:

    1. Experiment method. In this case, the information that a full-fledged marketing analysis requires is obtained by evaluating cause-and-effect relationships. During the experiment, one or more variable parameters are changed, after which the effect of the change on another element is recorded. An experiment should be understood as a field study with a change in specific parameters in a real market, as well as an artificial simulation of a specific situation. The value of this technique lies in the fact that with its help it becomes possible to determine the reaction of various groups of people, including potential buyers, to specific factors and their subsequent changes.
    2. observation method. This method of obtaining data can be described as one of the most cost-effective and affordable ways to collect information. Its use is relevant in the case when the impact on the respondent should be minimal. The essence of the observation itself, within the framework of achieving the goal of marketing analysis, is reduced to a descriptive study of data, during which the actions of the respondent are recorded without direct contact with him.
    3. Interview. This method of obtaining up-to-date information is one of the most common and universal. In this case, the marketer contacts directly with the respondents, with the goal of finding out their mood, opinion and specific facts. The survey can be conducted through a questionnaire, telephone conversation or through personal contact.

    Qualitative Research

    Marketing analysis also implies a type of information gathering, during which answers to the questions "why" and "how" are given. In this case, information is collected regarding the behavior, attitudes and opinions of a specific small group of people. The collected data, as a rule, is not quantified, but allows you to get a clear understanding of the way of thinking of the representatives of the target audience of a particular manufacturer.

    This information is especially relevant when developing trademarks, advertising campaigns and a new line of products. Qualitative research also helps to study the image of enterprises in detail. The main methods of such data collection include protocol analysis, in-depth interviews and focus groups.

    In-Depth Interview

    Considering the conduct of marketing analysis, it is worth paying more attention to this type of communication. This term should be understood as a semi-structured conversation with the respondent, which has a form that stimulates him to give detailed answers to questions raised by the interviewer.

    A distinctive feature of this method of obtaining data is a free style of conversation on a topic that is relevant to the specialist conducting the study. In the process of such a conversation, a lot can be obtained from the respondent. useful information regarding his personal attitude to a particular brand, the reasons for buying a product and not only.