Department of International Economic Relations. Information about the Department of International Economic Relations

  • 07.04.2020

The Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations (IER and FEC) counts its history from the moment of creation in 1931 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) of the Institute of Foreign Trade, which in 1942-43. was transferred to Moscow and in 1958 merged with MGIMO. In different periods of time, the department was headed by well-known experts in the field of international economic relations: prof. G.S. Lopatin (1954–1958); Hero of socialist labor, laureate of the State Prize prof. N.N. Lyubimov (1958–1975). From 1975 to 1979 The department was headed by prof. L.N. Karpov, prof. E.E. Obminsky, prof. V.D.Schetinin. From 1979 to 2006, the department was headed by Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Liventsev. Since August 2006, the head of the department is Irina Nikolaevna Platonova.

During the existence of the department within the framework of the Institute of Foreign Trade, it was called the "Department international trade and foreign trade of the USSR" and included as components such courses as "Organization and technique of foreign trade operations" (supervisor - Professor M.G. Shereshevsky), the course "Transport operations in foreign trade" (supervisor - associate professor G.A. Maslov, who educational process with responsible leadership work in the Ministry of Marine Fleet), the course "Conjuncture of world commodity markets(supervisor - Professor F. G. Piskoppel, author of the first domestic textbook on the method of researching commodity markets). It was headed by a well-known specialist in the field of international monetary and credit relations - Professor G.S. Lopatin.

Since 1958, after the merger of the Institute of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR and MGIMO, the department became a subdivision of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. It was headed by an outstanding economist of our country, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the few Heroes of Socialist Labor in the field of economics - Professor N.N. Lyubimov. His name is associated with the further formation and development of the department and the subject of "International Economic Relations". Already in 1957, the first edition of the domestic textbook of international economic relations appeared under the editorship of Professor N.N. Lyubimov. The members of the group of authors included young capable researchers, who later became the pride of the national economic science - professors S.M. Menshikov, E.P. Pletnev and V.D. Shchetinin.

The next stage in the history of the Department of International Economic Relations and WES dates back to 1979, when it received its modern name. Then, on the basis of one department, three independent divisions arose: 1) the Department of International Economic Relations and WES, 2) the Department of Organization and Management foreign trade(today - Department of Management and Marketing) 3) Department of International transportation(later the Department of International Transport Operations and Logistics). G.A. Maslov was the acting head of the Department of International Transportation after its establishment. From 1983 to 2003 the department was headed by Professor D.S.Nikolaev. In 2003–2013 she was again included in the Department of International Economic Relations and WES.

From 1979 to 2006, the department was headed by Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Liventsev, who was awarded the title of Honored Scientist in 1997. Under his leadership, the scientific activities of the department were actively expanded, a number of textbooks and monographs were published, which became the basis for studying the main directions of the IER.

Currently, the Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations is the leading department of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, which trains qualified specialists of all levels (bachelor, master, candidate and doctor of economic sciences) in international economic relations. Taught within the Department of International Economic Relations training courses enable students to master skills research work, analysis current trends development of international economic cooperation. The Department of Economics and Economics works at the economic faculties of MGIMO-University (faculties of International Economic Relations, MBDA, FPEK, MIEP), at non-economic departments (faculties of the Moscow Region, FP).

The department has a long period of cooperation with the UNCTAD Virtual Institute and the WTO. The project coordinator is Associate Professor Abramova A.V. As part of the cooperation program, videoconferences of UNCTAD and WIPO experts are regularly held, as well as study internships for students of the Faculty of International Economic Relations in international organizations in Geneva (UNCTAD, WTO, ITC).

Teachers of the department take part in the preparation of UNCTAD reports and in joint scientific research with foreign universities, WTO experts give lectures and master classes.

Teachers of the department actively participate in Russian and international conferences.

Last update - January 2017
Responsible for the information provided - senior lecturer. Maksakova M.A.

The Department of World Economy was established in December 2006, and in September 2007 it was renamed the Department of International Economic Relations. The need to create a department was associated with the urgent need to focus on one department all training courses that reflect the realities of international economic relations today, Russia's place in the changing world economy, features state regulation and organization of foreign trade activities in Russia.

When conducting training sessions, teachers of the department actively used various forms and methods of conducting classes, forms of monitoring students' knowledge during intermediate and final testing, oral and written surveys, solving situational problems and cases. This became possible thanks to the initiative of one of the founders of the department, Associate Professor I.Yu. Sergeeva.

The teaching staff of the department is in close contact with the Customs Cooperation Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Eurasian Economic Commission, with which they solve many topical scientific and methodological issues.

Since January 11, 2016, the Department of International Economic Relations has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Tkachenko Marina Fedorovna.

The Department of International Economic Relations is structural unit Faculty of Economics of the Russian Customs Academy. The department is graduating in the direction 38.03.01 "Economics", focus (profile) "World Economy", in the direction 38.04.01 "Economics", focus (profile) "External economic activity and international Business". Previously, graduation was carried out in the specialty "world economy".

The Department of International Economic Relations performs the following tasks:

in educational work:

o Ensuring level compliance educational activities and preparation of students of the Academy to the requirements established by the Federal State Educational Standards, State Educational Standards and Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.

o Ensuring the high quality of preparation of economic classes, conducting training sessions at a high scientific and methodological level.

o Increasing the level of responsibility of the teaching staff for the quality of training students.

oRefining, developing and selling educational programs higher education disciplines of the department in the areas of training "Economics", "Management", "Commodity Science", specialty "Customs", in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367.

o Increasing the level of qualification of the teaching staff.

oIntroduction into the educational process of innovative educational technologies and interactive forms of learning using a set of automation tools for the educational process (KSA OP RTA), specialized software(AAT, TEC).

in educational and methodical work:

o Improving the educational and methodological support of the educational process of the disciplines of the department that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education.

o Introduction into the educational process of methods of problem-based, research learning, new educational technologies aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the organization learning activities and independent work of students.

oStudy, generalization and implementation in the educational process of advanced pedagogical experience of the best teachers-methodologists, mastering by the teaching staff innovative technologies teaching of academic disciplines.

oImproving the quality of developed educational and teaching materials.

In research work:

o Participation of the teaching staff in research activities and contractual research.

o High-quality and timely training of postgraduate students.

o Timely and high-quality development of research work assigned to the department and the use of the results of scientific research to improve the content and methods of conducting training sessions, increase the efficiency of the educational process.

o Development of scientific creativity among students, by involving in the work of a scientific student circle at the department, participation of students in university and interuniversity conferences.

oUsing access to electronic resources and information and reference system of the academy, in educational work and independent work students.

o Publication of research results in Russian periodicals, included in the List of leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals, including those included in international citation databases.

In educational work:

oStrengthening and maintaining the best traditions that exist in the staff of the Academy, the department, aimed at educating students and employees.

oFormation of high moral relations in the team and the creation of a normal psychological climate in the department.

oDeveloping a sense of responsibility for the fulfillment of assigned tasks among the teaching staff and students.

o Increasing the level of pedagogical culture of teachers, their professional skills.

o Organization and conduct of educational and preventive work on the prevention of offenses.

oFormation healthy lifestyle life and responsible behavior of the teaching staff of the department.

o Increasing moral and legal culture for teaching staff and students.

o Organization and conduct of educational work to prevent corruption among the teaching staff of the department.

Yuri Georgievich head of department
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Academician of the AES of Ukraine and the International Academy of Regional Sciences

The Department of International Economic Relations and the specialty "International Economics" were among the first in Ukraine, in September 1991. .

The formation of the newest departments and specialties in ONEU was due to the objective needs of the existence of our country as an independent subject of international economic relations.

Thanks to this, the activity of the department from the very beginning was focused on training personnel that meet international standards, capable of solving the problems of developing Ukraine's foreign economic relations at the modern level, both at the micro and macro levels.

The head of the Department of International Economic Relations is Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Ukraine and the International Academy of Regional Sciences Yuriy

Georgievich Kozak, a talented scientist and capable organizer, founded the department and the specialty "International Economics". In the development of the department and specialty, he was assisted by Doctor of Economics, prof. IN AND. Kasatkina, Doctor of Economics, prof. M.A. Levitsky, Doctor of Economics, prof. I.Yu. Sivachenko, Doctor of Economics, prof. V.M. Osipov, Ph.D., Assoc. S.V. Lyalikov, PhD in Economics, Assoc. A.V. Voronova, Ph.D., Assoc. V.V.Kovalevskiy, associate professor N.S. Logvinova, PhD in Economics, Assoc. I.A. Ukhanov.

Under the guidance of Professor Yu.G. Kozak for the first time in independent Ukraine was created national system scientific and methodological support for the training of specialists at the bachelor's and master's level in the specialty "International Economics".

International relations

The department has creative connections with well-known world centers, such as:

  • University of California (USA)
  • University of the Bundeswehr (Germany);
  • University of New South Wales (Australia)
  • Varna University of Economics (Bulgaria)
  • Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives (Belarus);
  • International Independent University of Moldova (Moldova);
  • Texas A&M University (USA)
  • Jagiellonian University (Poland, Krakow)
  • Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)
  • Moldavian State University(Moldova)
  • University of Houston (USA)
  • University of Economics (Poland, Krakow)
  • Olsztyn University (Poland);
  • University of Economics (Poland, Katowice)
  • Tbilisi State University (Georgia)

Natalya Andreevna
laboratory assistant

The research activity of the department takes place within the framework of the scientific school "Development of foreign economic relations in modern world economic systems."

The founder of the scientific school is a full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, the International Academy of Regional Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor Kozak Yu.G.

Professor Yu.G. Kozak completed an internship at the University of New South Wales and an internship at the University of the Bundeswehr. Continuous professional development allowed Professor Yu.G. Kozak to receive the status of a member of the DUNCAN Council for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Australia, as well as the status of an honorary member of IME (International Mercantile Enterprises, USA), consultant of the Main Department of Foreign Economic Relations and European Integration of the Regional State Administration.

Within the framework of the scientific school, the staff of the department today works in the following areas:
  1. Foreign economic activity: regional aspect;
  2. Institutional levers for improving the foreign economic activity of the region;
  3. Investment and innovative development of European countries in the context of the formation of their international competitiveness.

The founder of these areas of scientific research is Doctor of Economics, Professor Kozak Yu.G.

In the first direction, scientific research is carried out:
  1. Doctor of Economics, prof. Kozak Yu.G., Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Voronova O.V. "The Interplay of Endogenous and Exogenous Approaches to the Study of Economic Regionalism".
  2. Doctor of Economics, prof. Kozak Yu.G. "Improving the efficiency of the region's foreign economic activity by creating sea port clusters and introducing cluster models."
  3. Doctor of Economics, prof. Osipov V.N., Ph.D., teacher Ermakova A.A. "Improving the international competitiveness of the coastal regions of Ukraine based on the cluster model".
  4. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Lyalikov S.V. "Innovative Models regional development: theoretical and methodological aspect".
  5. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Korolenko N.V. " Regional policy attract foreign investment to Ukraine in the context of international integration”.
In the second direction, scientific research is carried out:
  1. Ph.D., Art. off Pritula N.V. " Theoretical basis interaction of local and regional authorities with Regional Development Agencies”
  2. Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Korolenko N.V. "The Importance of Regional Institutions in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment".
  3. Doctor of Economics, prof. Kozak Yu.G., Ph.D., Assoc. Baranovskaya M.I. "Export development agencies as an institutional form for improving the region's foreign economic activity."
In the third direction, scientific research is carried out:
  1. Doctor of Economics, prof. Kozak Yu.G. "Development economic theory innovation".
  2. Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Ukhanova I.A., Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Baranovskaya M.I. "Concepts of international competitiveness and their evolution".
  3. Ph.D., Art. off Kochevoi M.M. "Economic and monetary policy of the EU countries".
  4. Candidate of Economics, Assoc. Ukhanova I.A., off. Zborovskaya A.S. “Development of technopark structures as modern facility provision of regional innovation and investment policy”.
Based on the results of scientific research, 17 monographs were published:
  • Foreign economic activity: enterprise-region. - Kyiv, TsUL, 2016 - 290 p.
  • Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: recommendations based on the experience of Eastern European countries. - Kyiv, SE "IEPNANU", 2015 - 104 p.
  • Foreign economic activity of the region: institutional levers of improvement. - Odessa, Interprint, 2014
  • Institutional mechanisms of capitalization of the economy of the regions of the Ukrainian Black Sea region. — Odessa, Interprint, 2014.
  • New world economic order and global challenges for Ukraine. - Ternopil: TNEU, 2014
  • Clusters in the economy of Ukraine. - Khmelnitsky: KhNU, 2014 - 108 p.
  • Development and functioning of technoparks: world experience and specifics in Ukraine. Odessa, Atlant, 2012. - 112 p.
  • Foreign economic activity of enterprises: modern features functioning and development analysis. "Atlant", Odessa, 2012. - 182 p.
  • Innovative development of the states of the European Union Part 3. Improvement of the innovative development of the states of the European Union. ONEU, Odessa. - 2012. - 57 p.
  • Strategy for the development of the industrial complex for the region. - Odessa: IPREEI NAS of Ukraine, 2012.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the coastal regions of Ukraine based on the cluster model. IPREEI NAS of Ukraine, Odessa, 2011. - 200 p.
  • Innovative development of the states of the European Union: Part 2 “Analysis of innovation in the development of the states of the European Union in the context of the formation of their international competitiveness.
  • Odessa, OSEU. - 2011. - 86 p.
  • Managing the competitiveness of products of the metallurgical industry. - Odessa: "Even" 2011.
  • Innovative development of the EU states. Odessa, ONEU 2010.
  • Innovative development of the states of the European Union: part 1 " Methodological foundations studies of the country's innovative development” Odessa, OSEU. - 2010. - 84 p.
  • Cluster form of territorial-production organization. - Odessa: "Favorite", 2010
  • Economic renewal of the region: analysis of situations and solutions. Odessa: IPREEI NAS of Ukraine, 2008.

Based on the results of scientific research, the following textbooks and teaching aids have been published. Latest editions Departments of International Economic Relations

Tutorials and tutorials:
  • Foreign economic activity. Study guide. / Under the editorship of Yu.G. Kozak. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2016 - 375 p.
  • International trade. Textbook. 5th edition, revised. and additional / Ed. Cossack Yu.G. / Kozak Yu.G,
  • Pritula N.V., Osipov V.N., nomadic M.M. etc. - Kyiv-Katowice-Krakow: TsUL, 2015 - 272 p.
  • International finance. Study guide. 5th ed. revised and additional .. / ed. Kozak Yu. G. - Kyiv - Katowice .: Center for Educational Literature, 2014. - 348 p.
  • Foreign economic activity of the region. Textbook / edited by Kozak Yu.G., Ermakova A.A. - Odessa: ONEU, 2014.
  • World economy: in questions and answers. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions/ Ed. Cossack Yu.G. / Kozak Yu.G., Logvinova N.S., Batanova T.V. - Odessa: ONEU, 2014
  • World economy (Gospodarka światowa) / ed. Kozak Yu. G. - Kyiv-Katowice - Center for Educational Literature, 2013 - 212 p.
  • International Economic Relations: Theory and Politics: Textbook. Second ed. revised and additional / Ed. Yu. G. Kozak / Yu. G. Kozak, N. S. Logvinova, R. V.V. Kovalevsky, I. A. Ukhanova, E. V.
  • Voronova, A. V. Zakharchenko and others. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2013. - 360 p.
    International marketing / Kozak Yu.G., Voronova E.V., Ukhanova I.A. etc. - Kyiv-Katowice, TsUL, 2014 - 294 p.
  • International Economics: textbook / ed. Yu. G. Kozak - fourth ed. revised and additional — M.: TsUL, 2012. — 608 p.
  • International trade. Textbook. / Ed. SOUTH. Kozak. - 4th ed. revised and additional — M.: TsUL, 2011. — 512 p.
  • International economy. Textbook for students. higher textbook bookmark; 3rd ed. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2009. - 560 p.
  • International economy. In 2 volumes. - V.1 International microeconomics. Proc. allowance Fourth ed. — M.: TsUL, 2013. — 302 p.
  • International economy. In 2 volumes. - T.2. International macroeconomics. Tutorial. Fourth ed. — M.: TsUL, 2013. — 308 p.
  • International agribusiness. - M., TsUL, 2013. - 306 p.
  • International marketing: in questions and answers / ed. Cossack Yu.G., Baranovskoy M.I., Smycheka S. - Kyiv, TsUL, 2013. - 302 p.
  • International economic relations. Textbook - Kyiv, TsUL, 2012. - 400 p.
  • Basics of economic theory. Proc. allowance. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2012. - 264 p.
  • Foreign economic activity of enterprises. Proc. allowance. Edition 4th. - M .: Education of Ukraine, 2012, 2012 - 248 p.
  • International microeconomics. Proc. allowance. Issue 3, revised. and additional — M.: TsUL, 2012. — 368 p.
  • International macroeconomics. Proc. allowance. Ed. 3rd, revised. and additional — M.: TsUL, 2012. — 400 p.
  • International strategies for economic development studies. allowance. Ed. 3rd, revised. and additional - M .: Os-Vita Ukraine, 2011 - 288 p.
  • International organizations. Credit-Modular Course: 3rd ed. revised and additional Proc. allowance. / Ed. Kozak Yu. G., Kovalevsky V. V., Logvinova N. S., M .: TsUL, 2011. - 344 p.
  • Transnational corporations: features of investment activity: 2nd ed. revised and additional Proc. allowance. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2011. - 472 p.
  • International finance. Credit-Modular Course: 4th ed. revised and additional Proc. allowance. / Ed.
  • Kozak Yu. G., Logvinova N. S., Baranovskoy M. I. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2011. - 288 p.
  • International commercial transactions and settlements: legal regulation. Proc. allowance / Edited by Kozak Yu. G., Logvinova N. S. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010, - 648 p.
  • Management of the international competitiveness of enterprises: Credit-modular course: Proc. allowance. / Ed. I. E. Sivachenko, Yu. G. Kozak, N. S. Logvinova. 3rd ed. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 312 p.
  • World economy: Proc. allowance. / Ed. Kozak Yu.G., Kovalevsky V.V., Logvinova N.S. - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 328 p.
  • Foreign economic activity of enterprises: credit-module course: textbook / ed. SOUTH. Kozak. - 3rd ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 288 p.
  • International strategies for economic development: textbook. settlement; 2nd ed. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2009. - 356 p.
  • International trade. Tutorial. / Ed. Yu. G. Kozak - according to the 3rd revised. and additional M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2009. - 668s.
  • International strategies for economic development. Textbook for foreign students. / Ed. Yu. G. Kozak - Odessa: OGUE, 2008. - 254 p.
  • International Economics: Proc. allowance. Edition 2nd revised. and additional M .: Center for Educational Literature, 2008. - 1118 p.
  • International finance. Textbook for foreign students. / Ed. Yu. G. Kozak - Odessa: OGUE, 2008. - 384 p.
  • Credit-modular course in international economics: Proc. settlement — M.: TsUL, 2008. — 296 p.
  • International agribusiness: Proc. allowance. Ed. 2nd. - Kyiv: TsUL, 2008. - 266 p.
Textbooks and teaching aids published abroad:
  • International trade: training manual / edited by Yuriy Kozak, Temur Shengelia - Tbilisi: Publishing House "Universal", 2016 - 258 p.
  • Podstawy zagranicznej działalności gospodarczej.-Wydanie piąte, poprawione I uzupełnione. / rod redakcją prof. Jurija Kozaka, prof. Tadeusza Sporka - Kijów - Katowice: Centrum literatury naukowej, 2016 - 325 rubles.
  • World Economy: training manual, 3rd. edition, revised and enlarged / edited by Yuriy Kozak, Tadeusz Sporek - Kyiv-Katowice: CUL, 2016 - 290 p.
  • Introduction to International Marketing:Questions & Answers: training manual / edited by Y. Kozak, A Gribincea - Chisinau: Print-Caro, 2016 - 279 p.
  • World Economy and International Economic Relations: training manual / edited by Y. Kozak, T. Shengelia – Tbilisi: PH “UNIVERSAL”, 2016- 223 p.
  • international finance. — Edited by Yuriy Kozak, Temur Shengelia. – Tbilisi: Publishing House „Universal“, 2015- 286 p
  • International marketing.- Edited by Yuriy Kozak, Sławomir Smyczek - Kiev-Katowice: CUL, 2015.- 321 p.
  • International Marketing: textbook / Y. Kozak, E. Voronova, V. Osipov, M. Kochevoy - Kiev-Katowice: CUL, 2015 - 279 p
  • International Marketing: textbook / Y. Kozak, E. Voronova, V. Osipov -Tbilisi: Publishing House "Universal", 2015 - 354 p.
  • International Marketing: textbook / Y. Kozak, E. Voronova, I. Ukhanova, V. Osipov, V. Kovalevskiy - Chisinau: CEP-USM, 2015 - 280 p.
  • International Marketing: textbook / edited by Y. Kozak, S. Lebedeva - Gomel, 2015 - 279 p.
  • International Finance: textbook / Y. Kozak, E. Voronova, N. Prytula, A. Zborovska, - Kiev-Katowice: CUL, 2015 - 287 p.
  • International Finance: textbook / edited by Y. Kozak, Temur Shengelia - Tbilisi: Publishing House "Universal", 2015 - 340 p.
  • International Finance: textbook / Y. Kozak, A Gribincea. - Chisinau: CEP-USM, 2015 - 274 p.
  • Essentials of international economics: questions & answers: textbook / Y. Kozak, T. Sporek. - K.-Katowice: CUL, 2014. - 223 p.
  • Marketing International/ Edited by Y. Kozak, A Gribincea-Chisinau: CEP-USM, 2014 - 169 p.
  • Introduction to International Economics: Questions & Answers: textbook / Y. Kozak, T. Shengelia, Voronova, E., Ukhanova, I. [ and other ] / edited by Y. Kozak , Temur Shengelia. - Tbilisi: Publishing House "Universal", 2014. - 217 p.
  • International economicrelations / editedby Y. Kozak, T. Sporek/ Kozak, Y., Voronova, E., Ukhanova, I. . - K.-Katowice: CUL, 2014. - 214 p.
  • International Economic Relations/ edited by Y. Kozak, A Gribincea.– Chisinau: CEP-USM, 2014. — 168 p.
  • An Introduction to International Economics: Questions & Answers Answers: textbook / Y. Kozak, T.Sporek, Voronova, E., Ukhanova, I. [ and other ] / edited by Y. Kozak , A Gribincea.– Chisinau: CEP-USM , 2014. - 221 p.
  • An Introduction to International Economic Relations/ edited by Y. Kozak,TemurShengelia. Tbilisi: Publishing House "Universal", 2014 - 224 p.
  • Economia mondială / Iu.Kozak (Ukraina), A.Gribincea (Moldova), N.Logvinova (Ukraina), etc. — Support de curs. CEP USM CHIŞINĂU, 2012. - 503 p.
  • International economy. Textbook / ed. SOUTH. Kozak, T.Kh. Shengelia. - 5th ed., Tbilisi. – Kyiv, TsUL-TGU, 2012
  • International economics: textbook. allowance - Minsk, Grevtsova publishing house, 2011. - 368 p.
  • Economy foreign countries: studies. allowance / Ed. Yu.G.Kozak, S.N.Lebedeva. – Minsk, Higher School, 2009.- 431 p.

Nadezhda Vildyaeva
CFO of NETPEAK agency (Odessa, Ukraine)

Natalia Melnichenko
Leading Manager of the Foreign Economic Activity Department of Levada Companies (Odessa, Ukraine)

Anna Suruzhy Leading Manager of the Purchasing Department of Aristo Pharme GmbH (Berlin, Germany)

Kira Leontiev
Marketing manager for the sale of the KVINT plant (Tiraspol, Transnistria)

Victoria Kodzhebash
Employee international company"Global University System" (London, UK)

Irina Kravets
Studying at Shanghai Financial Economic University (Shanghai, North Korea)

Daria Virchenko
Data Quality Analyst at Certent Inc. (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Daria Alyabyeva
Investment Assignment Manager at State Steet Corporation (Krakow, Poland)

Makarenko Irina Igorevna

“Over the years of studying at the MEO specialty, I have learned to think globally and critically, which allows me to find myself in almost any field of activity. From the first year we were taught to be ambitious and purposeful, to be able to search for information and use it, to achieve our goals and not give in to difficulties. In the future, all this helped me grow as a specialist in international economic relations and find my place in life and labor activity ».


  • August 2002 - August 2004 - teaching activity (Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov; Odessa College of Finance and Economics).
  • June 2003 - January 2004 - Chief Specialist Department of Tourism Office youth policy, family and tourism, Odessa City Council.
  • September 2004 - February 2007 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Organization, Planning and Regulation of the Economy, Odessa State University of Economics.
  • February 2007 - August 2007 - Attache of the Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
  • August 2007 - February 2008 - Third Secretary of the Department for Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
  • August 2008 - November 2008 - Advisor to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine.
  • November 2008 - July 2009 - Deputy Head of the Service of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Head of the group of advisers.
  • July 2009 - December 2010 - Second Secretary of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union in Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium.
  • December 2010 - present - Permanent Secretariat of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea from Pollution (Bucharest Convention) in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • September 1997 - June 2001 - Student Dean of the Faculty.
  • June 2000 - June 2001 - Student mayor of Odessa.
  • May 2000 - September 2001 - Odessa Regional Committee of Youth Organizations, head of the international relations department.
  • July 2003 - present - chairman of the youth public organization"Young scientists of the city of Odessa".
AWARDS, AWARDS, honorary titles
  • 2000-2001 - Scholarship of the President of Ukraine.
  • 2003 - 2006 - Academic Advisor of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine.
  • 2006 - present - Corresponding Member of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine.
  • September 2007 is a valuable gift from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine based on the results of the preparation and holding of a meeting of heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine in Odessa.
  • May 2007 - an award from the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine for assistance in restoring navigation on the Ukrainian DSH "Danube - Black Sea".
  • August 2008 - Gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine on the occasion of Independence Day.
Bondaruk Elena Viktorovna

June 2010 - Faculty of International Economics, full-time department, "International Economics" - Master (honours).

  • Since July 2010 - Lead Analyst of the Marketing Department of the Global ABC Corporation.
  • Since 2014 — Analyst at the Administration of the President of Ukraine
  • Since 2015 - works in the analytical group of Corestone Corporation
  • 2009 - finalist of the III All-Ukrainian youth competition "The latest intellect of Ukraine" in the nomination "Competition social projects" (International charitable foundation"Ukraine-3000", Kyiv).
  • 2009 - finalist of the competition "Innovations in the development of NGOs: IT and the Internet" (PH International with the support of Microsoft Corporation, Kyiv).
  • 2009 - winner of the project "Top 100 youth leaders of Odessa" (Youth organization "Democratic Alliance" with the support of the Department of Youth and Family Policy of the Odessa City Council, Odessa).
  • 2010 - winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the direction of "World Economy and International Economic Relations", DonNUET, Donetsk.
Bazilevich Denis Sergeevich

“When choosing a specialty, I used my own interests to find exactly the area that would interest me throughout my life. For me, the sphere of interest was international relations, law, world economic relations and foreign languages, political and economic relations between the countries of the world. The department made it possible to gain versatile knowledge in the field of economics, finance, business, trade and regional relations, which allowed me to realize myself in a wide range of professional environments.”

June 2001 – Odessa State Economic University, Master of International Economic Relations.


  • September 2002 - March 2004 - Adviser to the People's Deputy, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Public Debt, Borrowing and Investments of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Maistryshyn.
  • March 2005 to January 2006 - Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State of Ukraine (until September 2005) - Chief Consultant of the Service of Advisors and Scientific Advisers of the President of Ukraine of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine. Civil servant of the 2nd category, 5th rank.
  • January 2006 to December 2006 - Head of the Sector for Cooperation with the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the Service for Liaison with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine.
  • December 2006 to June 2007 - Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Department for Interaction with Government Committees, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the Service for Liaison with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine.
  • January - August 2008 - Legislative Assistant to US Congressman Tim Voltz (Democrat from Minnesota).
  • November 2008 - to date - Manager of Relations with the Executive Authorities of the Parliamentary Assistance Program II.
  • Since May 2010 - Director of the Institute of Professional Lobbying and Advocacy
  • From September to December 2003 - an internship at the University of Liverpool named after John Moores, UK.
  • June-July 2005 - Scholarship of the President of Ukraine for an internship under the "Eurasian Business Leadership Program" at the University of Cambridge (UK), certificate.
  • June-July 2006 - scholarship to participate in the program. John Smith (Great Britain), attending academic courses in Edinburgh and London, internships in government structures (Office of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Strategic Department under the Prime Minister, State Treasury, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Institute of International Affairs), certificate.
  • August 2007 - August 2008 - Elected as the only European participant in the Fulbright / American Political Science Association internship program in the US Congress with previous academic training at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University (Washington, USA) (course "Congress and Foreign Policy"), Center for the Study of the Institutions of Congress and the President of the United States of America University.
Olga Anatolyevna Ermakova

Olga Anatolyevna Ermakova graduated with honors from the Odessa National Economic University and received a master's degree in International Economics in 2007 in 2010. She completed her postgraduate studies at the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, specialty 08.00.05 - Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy and defended her PhD thesis. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Laureate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Award for the most talented young scientist in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments in 2015.

Ermakova A.A. works as a senior researcher at the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is the scientific secretary of the department of interregional economic development of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, successfully combining his activities with teaching as an associate professor at the Department of International Economic Relations of the Odessa National Economic University. Over the years, she taught such training courses as "International Economics", "Foreign Economic Activity of the Region: Institutional Leverage for Improvement", "International Economic Activity of Ukraine", "Foreign Economic Activity of an Enterprise", "Economies of Foreign Countries", "International Organizations", " Global Economics”, “International Agribusiness”, “European Integration”.

Within its professional activity took part as a responsible executor of a number of budgetary and contractual research works, as well as in the development of strategic plans for increasing the competitiveness and economic development of the city of Odessa, the Odessa agglomeration and the Danube subregion, strategies for the socio-economic development of 14 villages of the Limansky district of the Odessa region. Conducted research commissioned by domestic metallurgical and machine-building plants in areas of increasing the competitiveness of their products. Served as an expert international projects, has repeatedly undergone internships abroad, at the Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky" and the Technical University of Gabrovo.

Author of more than 100 scientific papers, including the monographs “Increasing the competitiveness of the coastal regions of Ukraine based on the cluster model” and “Foreign economic activity of the region: institutional levers for improvement”, 4 study guides in co-authorship, articles in Japan, Syria, Bulgaria, Poland and Moldova, as well as publications in the Scopus scientometric database.

She was awarded the honorary badge of the Odessa mayor "Gratitude", diplomas of the Southern scientific center National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation of the Odessa region, Odessa Regional State Administration, scholarship holder of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, scholarship holder of the President of Ukraine.