Marketing education nima b clubbing. International qualification program NIMA Marketing-A-B. Handbooks, instructions, checklists

  • 13.11.2019

The choice of the training program and, accordingly, the institution, I chose quickly. I consulted with the coolest Ukrainian marketers, and they recommended NIMA. It was important for me to teach in Russian/Ukrainian. I was personally fired from the position that I dreamed of for several years (head of one of the three areas of the company) after graduating from NIMA :-) True, the next day I was appointed to the position of director of the company. Answering the question whether I justified the investment and whether I achieved the goal - the answer is “yes”. I recommend NIMA to those who want to develop "vertically" and earn decent money. Those who are merciless about their schedule, work schedule, set serious goals and move towards them.

Evgeny Velikanov

Artem Boyko

Studying on the NIMA Marketing-B program is one of the best short-term programs (as additional education) in marketing. This is an opportunity to get a decent level of knowledge without leaving Ukraine. In a fairly short time, the course allows you to get deep and, most importantly, close to practice knowledge in the marketing industry. The advantage of NIMA lies in the practicality of the knowledge that you get and in a good balance between theory and practice. A convenient schedule of classes (on weekends) allows you not to break away from work. Learning is very interesting and informative. Teachers are practicing businessmen and marketing directors who not only present theory, but share their experience. A large number of case studies contribute to the rapid consolidation of knowledge. A very friendly team gathered on our course, we all became friends and to this day we communicate and help each other in the field of marketing and share our professional experience.

Shcherbak Natalia

Project manager of Business Development at Delta Medical

I needed to expand my knowledge towards classic offline marketing. Among the criteria - a fast course of study in their native language and an international diploma. It was difficult to keep up the pace of learning, especially with studying additional materials. Self-preparation in this program is critical and there was not enough time for it.
Most of all I liked the "math" of the course. Not general phrases, but specific calculated parameters and methods. I rate the level of teaching as high. The main course was given extremely well.
The written exam was more difficult, although the presentation of the plan seemed like a mere formality, but turned out to be a rather difficult undertaking. My marketing company has been living according to the plan drawn up within the framework of NIMA for half a year now. So it's cardinal. I got exactly what I was looking for.

Eldar Nagorny

NIMA for me is trust in the training program, prestige and involvement with the European educational system. Ambition and thirst personal growth, possible prospects for work in Europe, as well as the need to understand marketing as a holistic science led me to NIMA. To be honest, it wasn't easy. In the financial module, as well as in the assimilation of a very large amount of material. It was quite difficult to combine work with the learning process without slowing down. But it was incredibly interesting! Especially - to observe and feel how my own potential is revealed in the learning process. The mentor in the face of Yuri Robul was cool. After training, concreteness and consistency in goals, causes and consequences appeared. The marketing strategy has received consistency, integration of all components of the marketing mix, and most importantly, a focus on financial indicators. An international diploma is a must have if you are ambitious, open to new things, progressive. Strong self-confidence, as in a specialist, pushes to new achievements and gives confidence. NIMA is an important part of my life. To get this invaluable experience and knowledge, I recommend to all friends and simply interesting people.

Olga Kuzmenko

Marketing Specialist of CANTIK EL & HENRYLAND GROUP

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to undergo training and certification under the International Qualification Program NIMA Marketing-A-B according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Who are NIMA programs designed for?

NIMA-A Level Program Marketing- operational level - designed for marketing professionals working at the operational level (for example, assistant to the marketing director), as well as for middle and senior managers employed in other areas (finance, accounting, etc.).

NIMA-B Level Program Marketing- managerial level - designed for professionals who are ready to learn an advanced course in marketing, develop the skills to develop and implement a marketing plan and be certified as a marketing manager.

NIMA and EQF International Qualification Standard

Netherlands Institute of Marketing (NIMA) established over 40 years ago. Today it is an institution with more than 35,000 members and conducts about 10,000 examinations per year in the field of marketing, sales, PR and marketing research worldwide. NIMA exams are administered and supervised by the Board of Examiners Foundation. Director of NIMA, Ms. Petra Claessen is Vice President of the European Marketing Confederation (EMC). NIMA is one of 11 EMC members with full voting rights.

NIMA the first and so far the only one educational institutions Europe, accredited by the EMC "Qualification in Marketing" (2006) for all its diplomas. NIMA certificates are recognized in all EU (27 countries) and EMK (17 countries) member countries and are mandatory for all professional marketers in the Netherlands.

NIMA participates in the development of common European standards in the field of marketing within the framework of the European Union Commission CERCOM project, plays an important role in the activities of EMC, which oversees marketing education in Europe.

Qualification Structure EQF (European Qualification Framework) developed by EMC and European Environment Higher education(European Higher Educational Area) within the framework of the Copenhagen process (part of the Bologna process for the unification of education systems). The essence of the EQF system is that each professional activity is divided into 8 universal qualification ranks. After passing the NIMA certification, each graduate receives a special EMC certificate, which assigns the appropriate qualification rank depending on the level of the program.

NIMA in the world and CIS

The NIMA diploma is recognized in all EU (27 countries) and EMK (17 countries) member countries. Behind recent years the NIMA certification system has been implemented in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. For each of these countries, NIMA adapts its programs (certification is conducted in the native language, cases of domestic enterprises are used).

Benefits of NIMA Programs

· the main result - a prestigious diploma + development strategy and marketing plan of the company.

adaptation to the requirements of the business environment in Belarus without downgrading international standards NIMA;

· state-of-the-art marketing tools and approaches, competency-based education: NIMA Marketing programs use new tools that have not yet been offered for use in Belarus, especially for building a marketing plan, for distribution and SWOT analysis;

· Acquisitions of neighboring countries and leading Western companies.

· SATIO provides further consulting support to the trainee in the implementation of the developed plan in the enterprise.

· highly qualified tutors, accredited by NIMA and ETCN;

· convenient format training for super busy people.

NIMA - maximum practical orientation

For companies, the value of the program lies in the fact that its participants apply their knowledge and skills gained during the classes directly into the working practice of the enterprise. Thus, companies, by investing in their employees, can immediately see the result of their investment in education.

The NIMA diploma opens the Belarusian business for the European consumer. And for domestic specialists it increases the value own companies, claiming that true career growth is the success of your company.

NIMA trainers

Officially accredited according to NIMA standards;

· are listed in the international database of trainers-consultants NIMA;

· professional practitioners from Belarus and Ukraine who know the specifics of CIS enterprises and their competitive environment;

· in their work they combine rich teaching experience (in leading universities of the country and abroad) with experience practical activities in business;

Program language

The educational process and exams are carried out in Russian. Wherein:

· European NIMA standards are not lowered due to the scientific development of the program specifically for Russian-speaking countries and the high qualification of trainers accredited by NIMA through ETCN;

double information load is excluded (new information + foreign language);

Significantly reduces preparation time, reduces stress in the classroom, which helps to increase self-esteem and increase the effectiveness of the learning process;

all trainees are on an equal footing (there is no possibility that a more experienced employee is behind younger or less experienced colleagues due to insufficient knowledge foreign language).

In Belarus, the exclusive official partner of the Netherlands Institute of Marketing

Thanks to professional European certification in Belarus, domestic companies expand partnership opportunities with European companies and receive not only specialists with a diploma recognized in Europe, but also professionals who have confirmed their level solely on the results practical work over the marketing objectives of the enterprise. The creation of a certification system on the territory of our country will allow Belarusian specialists to receive a qualification status recognized by both Belarusian and Western companies, which will significantly expand their circle of professional communication, provide in practice equal access to professional activity.

The NIMA program will help you become an international marketing specialist!

Group classes begin in October 2011.

To participate in the NIMA A and B professional certification program, you must

1. Pass on-line testing to determine the level of knowledge in marketing

2. Pass an interview at the office of the CSBT "SATIO"

3. Provide documents:

a copy of the passport;

a contract for training;

the application form of the program participant;

Leader of the marketing group "Completo" Representative of the Netherlands Institute of Marketing (NIMA) in Russia Curator of the Internet Marketing Workshop at the Guild of Marketers Awarded in 2015 with the Order of Merit
in marketing"
Experience since 1999 Implemented more than 400 projects

co-owner and Technical Director"Complete" Member of the Marketers Guild, an experienced search marketing and SEO specialist.
Since 2003, he has been actively involved in Internet marketing: search engine marketing, web analytics and consulting.

Speaker of industry conferences and client trainings. Expert on media advertising, targeted advertising and programmatic. Certified specialist: Yandex, Google, MyTarget, Vkontakte
etc. Yandex training expert and Google Teacher.

Director of Development at Ingate. Practice in marketing - 7 years. Experience in creating digital strategies. In 2018, he received Prometheus twice in the VK community. Lecturer and speaker of industry events — 45+ presentations at conferences: RIW, RIF + CIB, SPIK, Russian Marketing Week, Severe St. Petersburg SMM, Find your traffic, etc. MyTarget and VK training partner. Created two VK-targeted courses that have been certified and approved by social networks. Former Marketing Director of HiConversion and IQBuzz projects.

Head of Admitad Academy

Trainer and consultant for marketing and project development Creator and head of the training center "Marketing from the Basics". Head of copywriting agency. Managed the marketing department of TechnoNIKOL-Sever. Specialization: marketing for small businesses, micro-businesses, freelancers, private practitioners.

Jeanne Smotrych

Marketer, strategic marketing consultant, director of the innovative company LoyaltyPlant Ukraine More than 100 completed projects for companies such as Dima Borisov's Family of Restaurants, ilMolino, Casta, Zepter pizzerias, etc. Director of the International Academy of Marketing and Business, certified trainer of the Mobile marketing module of the course digital marketing manager
from DMI (Ireland) and the Program of the Netherlands Marketing Institute (Netherlands).

Head of Internet agency DEXTRA Marketing analyst with experience in managing large projects using digital marketing, experience in building sales systems and end-to-end analytics in B2B and B2C.

Completo Managing Partner, Production Manager Head of production department Completo. Developed 12 internet marketing strategies for companies such as Beeline b2b, Favorit-motors, Kitchens Maria, Buldoors and others. Created a unique system of its kind for generating regional dealer sites to collect traffic in the regions.

Since the beginning of 2017, he has been the Development Director of Lifehacker. Speaker of RIF+KIB, Dive in Marketing (DNBD), EMB2B, SMMcon, Stachka, 404, etc. conferences. Over 15 years of experience in media.

Russian entrepreneur, Internet expert, political strategist, business coach, head of the Sidorin Lab group of companies founder of Digital Guru, Reputation Guru, IT Management and Rospartne.

Email Marketing Specialist Email Project Manager Ex-head of the project "Academy of sales letters" of the Unisender service. Has experience in marketing management of large projects in e-commerce, building email marketing systems in B2B and B2C.

Analyst of the Telegram channel analytics service Author and administrator of thematic channels with a total audience of over 60 thousand people with three years of promotion practice in Telegram. Author of global studies of the Russian and Ukrainian audience of Telegram. Speaker of specialized marketing conferences (Severe St. Petersburg SMM, iFreshConf, Udmurt Marketing Conference, SMM Landing in Novosibirsk, Ural Marketing Forum, etc.). Until September 2018, he worked as the head of the content and analytics department at marketing agency Combot, in which he was responsible for the content in advertising campaigns Rocketbank, CarPrice and other brands.

Investment Director management company venture fund "RosnanoMedInvest" Professionally engaged in planning and developing marketing strategies for JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft, Lukoil, Renaissance Capital, UCB Pharma, Sminex LLC and others large companies in leadership positions.

Anton Bogatushin

Trainer, speaker of the largest marketing conferences, pros in online advertising and video marketing Launched 50 successful commercial projects for promotion on YouTube and social networks, including the service for creating sales videos Clients include 220 Volt, BeFree, Babadu, Kari, Bank Saint Petersburg, Rive Gauche, AliExpress, Umka Mall, GearBest, Kommersant Publishing House and others.

Blogosphere specialist, influencer marketing and reputation management consultant Personal specialization: working with bloggers and opinion leaders; conducting blog tours; creation and implementation of special projects and offline activities with the participation of bloggers; reputation management and work with brand ambassadors; development of concepts for events; trainings and seminars for employees of agencies and companies to work with the blogosphere.