Doctor of Business Administration in Project Management - Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Project Management. DBA - Doctor of Business Administration

  • 14.04.2020
Duration of training: 3 years
Training format: day off
Teaching language: Russian

Who is this program for?

Leaders modern business who have already achieved success in their activities, carried out successful projects those who have a penchant for research and wish to consolidate and strengthen their successes, significantly advance in their qualifications and obtain doctoral status business administration.

Issued documents

Diploma of the Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) on awarding the scientific and practical degree "Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)".

Program description

The Doctor of Business Administration is a scientific and practical degree awarded to business management practitioners who have completed the DBA preparation program and have prepared and successfully defended their own doctoral dissertation.

The DBA program is a program that allows you to generalize own experience management, identify modern management trends, analyze success factors and, on this basis, improve their own qualifications.

The DBA program has no time frame: it is a lifetime program. After its completion, all participants receive the privilege of lifelong participation in all activities held at the IBDA, that is, in individual classes and trainings on any of the programs, at seminars, conferences and meetings with experts and public figures.

The DBA program for each student is individual. In addition to the classes provided by the DBA program, each participant in the process of passing it, in accordance with his tasks and preferences, can choose any classes and entire courses of other programs. Each student in the process of preparing his own dissertation works in close contact with a personal mentor (coach). Individual consultations are carried out by specialized specialists, practitioners and management theorists. Classes at the DBA are in the nature of consultations and creative discussions. The program does not give students ready-made recipes, it offers methods that lead to success.

The DBA program is heavily focused on modern technologies knowledge management. AT modern world information openness leads to the fact that new explicit knowledge quickly spreads and quickly finds its application in business processes. This undermines the competitiveness of organizations that build their strategy on the use of predominantly new explicit knowledge. The proposed DBA program focuses on the use of tacit knowledge, which in the 21st century is becoming a sustainable success factor. This allows students of the program to independently determine the true factors of competitiveness in relation to their own projects and businesses. Graduates know how to turn knowledge into capital.

The total cost of the program is 1,650,000 rubles. Payment is made annually in 2 installments of 275,000 rubles each.

Academic plan:

The research part is the preparation and defense of a doctoral dissertation. Throughout the program, there are methodical seminars and individual consulting (continuous consultations of supervisors and experts on the preparation of a doctoral dissertation and publications on the topic of work), work in virtual groups, preparation of presentations and essays on topics related to the interests of each doctoral student.

The educational part is the development of new segments of modern practice and management theory within the framework of classes on key issues of management and business development.

The training part is the acquisition of new skills necessary for a modern leader in the process of special trainings carried out by experienced domestic and foreign trainers.

Entry requirements:

  • availability of higher education;
  • experience practical work at least 3 years;
  • the presence of students motivation for serious work on the program.

The Doctor of Business Administration is a scientific and practical degree awarded to business management practitioners who have completed a DBA training program and have prepared and successfully defended their own doctoral dissertation.

The DBA program is a program that allows you to summarize your own management experience, identify modern management trends, analyze success factors and, on this basis, improve your own skills.

Who is enrolled in the program?

Today's business leaders who have already achieved success in their activities, have completed successful projects, have a penchant for research and want to consolidate and strengthen their successes, advance significantly in their qualifications and receive the status of a Doctor of Business Administration.


    Graduates will be able to analyze the existing business model of the company and suggest ways to improve it.
    Graduates will have communication skills and will be able to present new ideas and projects orally and in writing.
    Graduates will form business projects taking into account the ethical, social and environmental aspects of business development.
    Graduates will be able to critically analyze business development problems, and will be able to propose effective solutions identified problems.

Program features

Program structure

Research part. Work on your own doctoral dissertation. The dissertation is prepared under the guidance of an experienced supervisor, with the participation of consultants. Research seminars are held as part of the program. At the seminars, the concepts of dissertations, the stages of their preparation and the methodology of work are discussed. At the end of the program, each dissertation is published (in a short version).

Teaching part. Classes in the classroom with leading scientists, successful businessmen and authoritative experts. They discuss the challenges of our time (VUCA environment, glocalization, digital revolution) and analyze possible answers (Agile, Kaizen, Lean Startup technologies, turquoise organizations, etc.). Discussions are held on the key ideas of modern authors on management (M. Imai, J. Kotter, F. Lalu, T. Peters, E. Rees, J. Sutherland, P. Senge, G. Hamel,). Students of the program participate in meetings with well-known experts Russian business and government controlled(G. Gef (Sberbank), I. Komarov (Roscosmos), O. Vasilyeva (Minobr), B. Shcherbakov (Dell), S. Turko (Alpina)), as well as within the framework of distant seminars with world-famous specialists (I. Adizes, N. Obolensky, K. de Vries).

Training part. Trainings are provided for leadership skills, critical thinking, conflict management, creative team formation, public speaking, and business etiquette. Individual coaching sessions are held.

Duration: 3 years

  • The DBA program has no time frame; it is a lifetime program. After its completion, all participants receive the privilege of lifelong participation in all activities held at the IBDA, that is, in individual classes and trainings on any of the programs, at seminars, conferences and meetings with experts and public figures.
  • The DBA program for each student is individual. In addition to the classes provided by the DBA program, each participant in the process of passing it, in accordance with his tasks and preferences, can choose any classes and entire courses of other programs. Each student in the process of preparing his own dissertation works in close contact with a personal mentor (coach). Individual consultations are carried out by specialized specialists, practitioners and management theorists. Classes at the DBA are in the nature of consultations and creative discussions. The program does not give students ready-made recipes, it offers methods that lead to success.
  • The DBA program exposes listeners to those trends modern management that are just making their way today. In the 21st century, one cannot hope for success with the application of traditional, or already widespread, management methods. It is necessary to aim at innovations in management, at identifying in its development those trends that are not yet obvious, those patterns that have not yet been fully formed. These trends are identified in the process of individual research of doctoral students and in the process of creative joint discussions of program participants and invited experts. Thus, the DBA program allows you to “catch” emerging trends. This approach enables graduates of the program to subsequently use high-end management technologies in their practice.

    The DBA program is heavily focused on modern knowledge management technologies. In the modern world, information openness leads to the fact that new explicit knowledge quickly spreads and quickly finds its application in business processes. This undermines the competitiveness of organizations that build their strategy on the use of predominantly new explicit knowledge. The proposed DBA program focuses on the use of tacit knowledge, which in the 21st century is becoming a sustainable success factor. This allows students of the program to independently determine the true factors of competitiveness in relation to their own projects and businesses. Graduates know how to turn knowledge into capital.

Academic plan

The DBA program allows students to summarize their own management experience, identify modern management trends, analyze success factors and, on this basis, improve their own skills.

Benefits of a DBA Program

DBA is heavily focused on modern knowledge management technologies. Graduates of the program know how to turn knowledge into capital. The program does not give listeners ready-made recipes, it offers methods that lead to success, revealing those trends in modern management that are only making their way today.

Participants upon completion receive the privilege of lifelong participation in all IBDA activities: trainings, seminars, conferences and meetings with experts and public figures.

Program graduates not only know about new effective methods management, not only master the technologies of their application, they become independent, self-sufficient, able to replicate their experience, act as mentors and consultants of any level. At the end of the program, they themselves become "gurus" in their field of activity, capable of solving large ambitious tasks.

Evidence of successful completion of the program

Evidence of successful completion of the program 396 862

DBA program results

  • Doctoral dissertation

    Doctoral dissertation defense.

  • New look at contemporary issues business and management.
  • Improved Leadership Skills
  • Diploma of the Presidential Academy

    Obtaining a diploma of the Presidential Academy on the qualification "Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)".






ProgramDBAcorresponds to doctoral level qualifications and is based on serious scientific and practical research. At the end of the program, its graduates are able to make a significant contribution to the improvement of interdisciplinary professional practice in the field of management, as well as to the knowledge system through the application and development theoretical foundations and methods of strategic management.

Unlike the program for the preparation of doctors and candidates of sciences, the programDBAemphasizes the innovative application of theories rather than the creation and testing of theories.

1. Basic principles

1.1. This document defines the main criteria for accreditation of the DBA program by the Russian Association of Business Education (RABE). In its preparation, the main principles of state policy were taken into account Russian Federation in the field of education, international criteria for assessing the quality of DBA programs, in particular by the International Association of MBAs (AMBA), features Russian market educational services.

1.2. These criteria provide the basic quality standards that the program must meet. At the same time, they do not exclude initiative and innovations that positively affect the quality of education.

1.3. The basis of the accreditation system is the full recognition of the independent right of the Educational Institution to implement the DBA program, as well as the recognition of the expediency on the part of students and employers in an objective and independent accreditation of the DBA program.

1.4. Accreditation involves an assessment of the quality of programs at the time of the program review and supports the philosophy of its development and the desire for continuous improvement. Institutions accredited with DBA programs are expected to maintain and demonstrate their contribution to the ongoing improvement of their educational programs throughout the accreditation period.

1.5. Assessors will base their decisions on a wide range of criteria, including the quality of the Institution offering the DBA program itself.

1.6. The DBA program is evaluated comprehensively. On programs that are held in the branches of the Educational Institution, an in-person check will be carried out to determine the conformity of the quality of education for students in different branches.

1.7. The key indicator for measuring the quality of a DBA program is the final dissertation (research project), which must demonstrate both the quality of theoretical research (doctorate level) and a significant practical contribution to management practice.

1.8. Only such DBA programs can be accredited, which have produced at least 10 DBA students who have successfully defended doctoral dissertations in the last 3 years.

1.9. Experience in the implementation of MBA programs, with rare exceptions, is a prerequisite for accreditation of the DBA program. In case of its absence, as an exception, the issue of accreditation of DBA programs may be considered if the Educational Institution has a successful experience in training scientific and pedagogical personnel - Doctor, Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Masters in Economics and Management.

2. educational institution

2.1 Evaluation of the quality of the DBA program involves a comprehensive assessment of the Institution offering this program. The school must have:

a) a clear mission statement, which is regularly reviewed, reflects strengths educational institution, as well as its recognition of the importance of research in the field of management;

b) a sound strategy for the development of scientific and practical activities and a policy of its consistent implementation and continuous improvement with the participation of members of the corporate community;

c) legal legitimacy, financial viability and institutional continuity;

d) a separate identity and a certain degree of autonomy (for example, from the University), in terms of decision-making on issues strategic development and resource support related to training, research and management of educational resources;

e) identification of the target audience, understanding the needs of the educational services market based on a constant study of the opinions of employers;

f) a well-developed customer orientation, as well as a clearly articulated and effective business community relationship policy regarding applied interdisciplinary research.

2.2 The institution must demonstrate satisfactory results from its internal and national audits and provide evidence that it successfully follows their recommendations.

2.3 The institution must demonstrate that the overall level of resource provision is consistent with that of a Doctor of Business Administration degree. Library, computer and especially research resources should be of a high standard and available at least in electronic format during extracurricular hours and on weekends. Access to industry standard hardware and software is essential, as is access to business databases and literature search tools.

2.4 The institution must be able to provide a clear rationale for the differences between DBA programs and Doctor/PhD and Executive MBA programs.

3. Teaching staff and scientific - practical guidance

3.1 The institution must provide a high-level research environment for the DBA program, and demonstrate the high quality of the teaching staff and the scientific leadership team. The evidence is past and current interdisciplinary research that has a direct impact on management practice, science and consulting activities. The vast majority of faculty in DBA programs should be actively involved in all of these activities.

3.2 Teachers providing teaching and research guidance in the DBA program must be appropriately qualified and able to teach at the Doctor of Business Administration level. It is expected that the majority of teachers have a Doctor's degree and the title of professor, serious research and scientific publications, demonstrating national and international achievements in all areas of scientific and practical activities, to be known in scientific and business circles.

3.3 The institution should have a sound faculty development program to ensure that faculty members consistently meet high standards. In addition, educators should have appropriate communities and structures for their professional development, including outside the educational institution.

3.4 The number of teaching staff should be such as to fully provide training at a qualitative level, taking into account the amount of scientific guidance and the number of students in the program. Much attention should be paid to the following factors:

a) there is a need for a sufficient number of key personnel, especially highly qualified managers, who must effectively manage the training in the DBA program;

b) Innovative approaches to teaching should be used that bring new forms of interaction between school and teacher / school and student into the traditional concept of education.

3.5 The educational institution should deal with the use of elements of collegiality and the integration of the teaching staff in the learning process and in the research environment of the school, including freelance teachers, teachers from other departments of the educational institution, employees of other educational institutions and practitioners.

3.6 The key is to provide quality academic guidance to DBA students by experienced academic staff. Each DBA student must be provided with a supervisor who demonstrates a thorough knowledge of all the latest scientific achievements and research results in the field, experience in scientific supervision of DBA or PhD work, and professional experience in the subject area explored by the listener. If necessary, the student can be provided with a second supervisor. Supervisors must be able to devote sufficient time to each assigned DBA student.

3.7 All supervisors must have a PhD and/or other credible evidence of academic and research excellence in the field.

3.8 Scientific guidance should include face-to-face contact with the trainee and all parties should be informed of this.

3.9 The relationship between supervisor and trainee, as well as the requirements for both parties, should be clearly defined, and how these obligations are fulfilled should be formally monitored. The supervisor and trainee should communicate formally at regular intervals and at fixed intervals. Informal meetings/communication should take place with greater regularity. The supervisor should provide an annual report on the student's progress.

3.10 The supervisor should ensure that the trainee receives constructive and effective feedback.

4. Program management and student engagement

4.1 A mechanism should be developed to ensure adequate feedback and responses to learner reactions to teaching and course content.

4.2 The roles associated with academic direction and administrative responsibilities for the program should be clearly defined, with specific individuals identified.

4.3 The educational institution must provide the quality and level of administrative support adequate to the number of students in the DBA program.

4.4 Mechanisms should be in place to ensure that trainees, especially international trainees, receive adequate care and support during their studies. There should be regular monitoring of the proportion of trainees who completed training, and there should be effective procedures related to the issues of assessing the quality of training of trainees.

4.5 It is assumed that there is a well-organized and active association of business education alumni (DBA, MBA, EMBA, etc.), which contributes to the formation of contacts, as well as opportunities for continuous learning among students and alumni.

4.6 If trainees were forced to interrupt their studies for a certain period of time, they should be provided with effective support in mastering the program

5. Listeners

5.1 The DBA program is designed for students with serious experience management activities and high research potential who want to make a significant contribution to the improvement of professional practice in the field of management through critical analysis and systematic application of relevant theories and research in professional practice. The DBA program is intended primarily for holders of an MBA or Master's degree in Management, Ph.D./Ph.D., who hold senior management positions in organizations.

5.2 The educational institution implementing the program must be confident that students are able to achieve the objectives of the program and the standards of study appropriate to the level of the awarded degree. The rigor of recruitment procedures and standards must be demonstrated, as well as proof that all student documents are thoroughly reviewed.

5.3 Students must have at least 7 years of managerial experience, preferably in senior management positions.

5.4 The rights and obligations of a DBA student as a researcher should be clearly defined and communicated to the student prior to admission to the DBA program.

5.5 If the DBA student is involved in teaching at the Institution, the necessary training and development opportunities must be provided.

6. Goals and results

6.1 The objectives of implementing DBA programs are to:

a) Contribute to the improvement of interdisciplinary professional practice in the field of management;

b) Give listeners necessary knowledge to conduct research in the field of business management;

c) Develop science through research in the field of business management;

d) Provide students with the necessary knowledge to solve real and unique business problems through the application of scientific knowledge, research and critical thinking.

6.2 In terms of knowledge and understanding, the trainee should develop:

a) deep knowledge (at doctoral level) and understanding of one or more areas of business and management;

b) the ability to create and then integrate new knowledge;

c) in-depth knowledge of research design, research methodologies and research organization;

d) understanding the role of the internal and/or external consultant;

e) the ability to defend the results and proposals based on the results of the study;

f) the ability to work in a dynamic environment, create innovation and manage change.

6.3 An employer may expect a program graduate to:

a) bring new and necessary knowledge to solve new managerial problems;

b) be able to present scientific research to both academic and non-academic audiences;

c) find innovative, creative solutions to problems for business implementation;

d) solve business problems based on new research, while understanding the role and limitations of using research to solve business problems;

e) use leadership thinking to effect change;

f) as part of the rotation of managerial personnel, demonstrate the ability to work in a dynamic organizational environment and various conditions .

6.4 In terms of overall educational outcomes, the practical contribution of research to business and innovative applications will be evaluated theoretical methods and approaches that add value to the graduate program and the employer organization.

7. Study structure and grading system

7.1 The DBA dissertation, based on research conducted during the program, is a key part of the work, and the basis for awarding the DBA degree. The dissertation should make a significant practical contribution to the professional field of management using theoretical foundations and methods.

7.2 Deadlines for writing and submitting a dissertation should be clearly defined

7.3 During training, regular feedback on the dissertation and reports on the results achieved in research activities should be provided.

8. Content of training

7.4 The DBA is a degree based primarily on research rather than discipline. However, learning modules should be practiced to systematize, broaden the range of knowledge and develop skills. At the same time, classroom studies should leave enough time for applied research and preparation of the final dissertation work.

7.5 Training in research methodology is an important part of the DBA. It should include: study design, data collection and analysis, application various methods research, management research projects and presentation of research results. Based on the results of mastering these issues, an objective certification should be carried out with an assessment of the level of development of students' competencies in these areas.

7.6 All courses in the DBA program must be taught and graded at the Doctor of Business Administration level and have clearly defined goals, objectives, and learning outcomes. The learning outcomes should clearly describe what the trainees should know and be able to do at the end of the course. They must be clear about how the Institution recognizes and evaluates intellectual, analytical, personal and business qualities, as well as the special knowledge received by the listener at the end of each training course.

7.7 Trainees should have the opportunity to develop personal and key competencies including communication, presentation, teamwork and should be supported in achieving these goals.

7.8 The marking scheme for each training course should reflect its objectives and specific characteristics.

7.9 The grading system should also be used to provide feedback to learners of further learning assistance.

8. Teaching methods

8.1 The DBA dissertation is the main form of certification for awarding the DBA degree. Evaluation criteria should be clear, understandable and accessible, and reflect doctoral level standards. The criteria should also reflect and evaluate the applied nature of the research results, Special attention should be given to assessing the expected impact of the study on management practice.

8.2 Evaluation of the dissertation should be carried out on the basis of a successful defense. Clear procedures for the work of the dissertation commission and decision-making on the award of the desired degree should be regulated.

8.3 The evaluation of the oral defense is carried out by a panel consisting of qualified examiners with a doctoral degree. At least one of the members of the commission must be external (not from this educational institution and actively engaged in research in the field in which the defense is being carried out). The examiners should be independent of each other and not previously involved in the process of conducting the study being assessed.

8.4 Effective mechanisms should be in place to ensure that a fair and consistent dissertation defense is carried out. Feedback procedures should be developed and consistently followed. Procedures for filing complaints and appeals should be clearly articulated and communicated to trainees well in advance.

8.5 The learning elements (courses) on the DBA program may include a variety of teaching and learning methods. Such methods include lectures, seminars, workshops, learning by doing, reading, individual and group projects, distance learning, computer-based training, and in-company training, which includes both formal classes and mentor-led in-company training. Interaction with employers should be encouraged. In this case, most of the training will be based on practice.

8.6 The educational institution must demonstrate that it does everything to ensure the independence, self-writing of work by students, and that the assessment standards comply with this. A strict plagiarism control and prevention policy should be introduced.

8.7 The policy for awarding intermediate qualifications for those who have not completed the DBA program (for example, MBA, MA) should be clearly regulated.

9. Form of study

9.1 Programs may be full-time, part-time, distance and "open", as well as a combination of several forms of study. Innovative approaches to program design and delivery are welcome as long as they improve learning opportunities and maintain course coherence and integrity. It is important that an educational institution be able to demonstrate the high quality of education, the involvement of students in a broad research community, regardless of the form of education in which they study.

9.2. Distance/open learning DBA programs must fully comply with these criteria, with particular attention to the effective fulfillment of the following conditions:

a) access to library and other research resources;

b) integration of a team of teachers and supervisors;

c) ensuring formal and informal interaction between the supervisory team and trainees;

d) interaction between trainees and other members of the research project community;

e) monitoring and maintaining student progress;

f) quality of conduct training courses, including research methods;

g) policies and procedures to ensure that student work is self-written and that standards for grading work are consistent and objective .

10. Duration of study

The duration of the DBA program must be general requirements doctoral studies. The minimum duration of study is at least 3 years. For persons who have the degree of candidate and doctor of science, training can be carried out according to an individual plan, the term and content of which is approved by the Academic Council of the educational institution.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a doctoral program for long-term professionals who want to enter the new level in business and management. Involves deepening in research activities.

This program typically enrolls 40-year-old professionals with 15 years of work experience* who already have MBA degree.

Varieties of DBAs

It is important to note that DBA is different from DBA, and there are several types of doctoral studies in management.

So, in some educational institutions DBA is not professional degree, and it can be entered without relevant work experience.

If we talk about programs for professionals, then 86%* of doctoral degrees in management are DBA, but there are also PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) or Doctor degrees (with a specialization in any one area of ​​business, for example, in organizational change, finance, strategic leadership, management).

DBA or PhD?

Despite the fact that the names of the qualifications "Doctor of Business Administration" (Doctor of Business Administration) and "Doctor of Science" (Doctor of Philosophy) are similar, they are, nevertheless, completely different programs with their own tasks, features and target audience. The table below summarizes the main differences and similarities between these areas of study.

1. Target audience Business professionals with many years of experience, usually with an MBA degree Usually master's degree graduates may not have much work experience
2. Student motivation Practical knowledge and skills for business, solving complex everyday problems Scientific career, mastering scientific methodology for research
3. Dissertation You can confidentially use your company data and conduct research on your own business Based on open scientific data or on statistics obtained by the student as a result of his own small study
4. Learning format
  • Part time
  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Full-time (according to FindAPhD, this is the most common training format among scholarship and grant holders)
5. Financing Payment is made either by the student or (in more rare cases) by the employing company There are many scholarships and grants, PhD can also theoretically be obtained at the expense of the employing company
6. Perspectives after training Entering a new level of personal and professional development, the possibility of conducting practical research for real business, teaching at business schools as a visiting lecturer or advising companies Professor position at a business school/university, publications in reputable scientific journals, theoretical studies, teaching
7. Degree recognition Recognition in the business community Wide recognition in the international academic community

However, do not forget that every rule has its exceptions, we have only listed the most significant features of DBA and PhD. So, for example, some DBA holders work full-time in business schools and universities, and PhDs can hold leadership positions in various companies.

In any case, the final choice is yours, but remember the main difference between DBA and PhD- the different focus of these programs, on practice and solving specific problems (DBA) or on fundamental theory and general conclusions (PhD).

Cost of education

Cost and duration of training different programs business doctoral studies in different educational institutions may vary depending on whether the school has international accreditations AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA. It is worth noting that such schools not only have a proven quality of education, but are also more selective in choosing applicants, so you need to carefully study their selection criteria for admission.

An interesting fact: the average professional DBA program lasts 3-4 years and costs about several tens of thousands of dollars or euros per year.

Interesting statistics*

  • North America accounts for 45% of all professional programs DBA, to the share of Europe - 33%.
  • Asia ranks third in the world in terms of the number of DBA programs offered.
  • 45% of the world's programs have a duration of 3 years, 42% - 2 years.
  • 12% of programs last more than 4 years.
  • Internationally accredited schools have more men than women.
  • Four out of five DBA students publish in scientific journals during training, but only a few of them - in the largest authoritative publications.
  • In the world there are 196 unique doctoral programs in the field of management developed by educational institutions independently and 259 DBA programs with a part-time form of employment (part-time).
  • 19 universities around the world offer joint programs with other educational institutions.
  • Salary growth after receiving a DBA degree can range from 11 to 19%. The largest increase in income is among specialists from the field of education. **

DBA program rankings

Surprisingly, but true: this moment no international organization ranks DBA programs. Therefore, it is rather problematic to compare different program options, but we have compiled a set of rules for those who are thinking of enrolling in these programs.

Firstly, accreditation. The most prestigious and reputable educational institutions specializing in business education have international quality marks AMBA, EQUIS, EPAS and AACSB.

  • AMBA designed for specific programs: Master's, MBA and DBA. Issued by the British Association of MBAs (AMBA).
  • EPAS– accreditation of business programs: undergraduate, graduate, MBA, PhD, DBA. Issued by the Program Accreditation System of the European Foundation for Management Development.
  • EQUIS– accreditation for educational institutions, issued by the Program Accreditation System of the European Foundation for Management Development.
  • AACSB also obtained by educational institutions. Accreditation is awarded by the American Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Secondly, teachers. Check out their biographies - education, work experience, professional achievements.

Thirdly, rankings of educational institutions. They reflect the reputation and overall level of a business school or university: citation scientific works, the number of laureates of prestigious awards, the percentage of foreign students, international connections, etc.

* According to the Global DBA Survey.
**According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Some business schools and universities


  • Australian Institute of Business
  • University of Southern Queensland


  • ESC Rennes
  • Grenoble Ecole de Management
  • Horizon University
  • International School of Management (American school)
  • SKEMA: Executive PhD in Project and Program Management
The system of business education assumes the presence of three levels: Bachelor (BBA), Master (MBA), Doctor (DBA).

The Doctor of Business Administration degree has been around in the West for several years.
There are several types of DBA programs in Europe.
1. Research. Corresponds to the PhD program, except that the DBA program has a practical focus and is focused on training top managers with business experience.
2. "Honorary". With the help of such a degree, a significant contribution to the development of a business school or management practice is consolidated.
3. Custom. Such programs involve solving a complex customer problem. The topic of the dissertation is proposed by a company that expects a quality result.
4. Educational. They are focused directly on the educational process to prepare leaders who think strategically and are able to make decisions in business.
5. Practical. Under such programs, applicants who have made a significant contribution to management are trained. The result of the training is a dissertation summarizing practical experience, including the development of new technologies and methods, or three articles in professional journals.

DBA program in Russia and abroad

In Russia, training programs for senior managers have appeared recently. Not all Russian higher business schools can afford training in MBA program not to mention the DBA program. Today, DBA programs are adequately implemented in the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Applicants for the DBA program must have sufficient business experience. The candidate must have at least 5 years of experience as a manager in a successful company. Often, the owners of large companies, top-level civil servants, and first-level managers are trained under the DBA program. Applicants with an MBA or PhD degree have an advantage in admission.

DBA Program Features

The DBA program differs from other business programs, first of all, by its practical orientation and academic character. fundamental education. The DBA program involves obtaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of applied economic disciplines. Students of the program study and analyze in depth the most pressing problems in business, strategic management, latest methods strategic management, features of innovation management, application of IT-technologies, international business. Students study a significant amount of information on their own.
Usually the form of education is part-time, but the student can choose for himself a more convenient form of education. The teachers are big businessmen, authors of famous books, luminaries in business teaching, scientists in the field of business. The DBA program is paid. Today it is one of the most expensive in the world. educational programs.
The duration of the DBA program is 1-5 years. Upon completion of the training, the DBA candidate writes and defends a dissertation that is related to his professional activity and has a practical focus.

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