How to start organizing joint purchases. How to organize joint purchases in Vkontakte - what is needed for this? Working principle of joint buying

  • 21.11.2019

If you are looking for a comfortable way to make money without leaving your own home, then working as an organizer of joint purchases using the Internet is what you need. Moreover, you will also get the opportunity to buy various goods for yourself at low prices.

What is the meaning of such earnings?

Joint purchases are a great opportunity to save a lot of money by skipping the retail sales period, where the largest price increase occurs. In everyday life, the abbreviation JV is also often used, as a result, do not get lost when you meet a similar letter combination. Joint purchases are carried out by a group of people who want to buy identical goods or, for example, products from one manufacturer at wholesale prices. Often it is in such situations that the question arises: “Why not organize Joint purchases? , as well as: "How to become an organizer of joint purchases?".

For example, it is possible to purchase 50 units of goods at a cost significantly less than the market value. Such a big purchase is useless for one person, but if you find another 20-30 people who want it, then there will be a prospect to profitably purchase the right thing.

What do you need to do to become an organizer?

Most likely, you have a question about how to become an organizer of joint purchases. We tell.

Initially, you need to decide how exactly you will work: you can engage in this type of activity as an individual or legal entity. An organizer of joint purchases working in this area can tell you in detail about this. The reviews are such that it is better to register as legal entity. In this case, you need to register and get everything required documents, and register with tax service. But there are also advantages to the second option:

Your opportunities will increase as some contractors do not work with individuals.

Customer confidence in such organizers is much higher.

All disputes are resolved in judicial order and the opportunity to win increases.

Then you will need to select the Internet source through which you will work. For example, you can use a web page, a forum thread, or your own website. It is convenient to be the organizer of joint purchases using the Internet, because there is no need to coordinate your own actions with the moderator. However, the circle of clients is significantly narrowed.

The Forum is the most famous shopping area. You need to create your own theme and submit it for review. It is possible that the theme will be paid, and you will need to transfer part of your own money to the moderator.

To date, there are sites for organizing purchases. This method is probably the most correct. If the site has proven itself well, then a trust is formed between the organizer and the client, which insures against various risks. After you have registered on the site or made your own topic on the forum, you can start shopping. If the thought “I want to become an organizer of joint purchases” has not yet disappeared, read on.

Advantages in organizing a joint venture

The advantages in this case are obvious, and the main advantage is precisely in the cost. You can buy the necessary goods at a ridiculous price. However, the organizer of the purchase acquires another bonus - a financial reward for personal work.

This can be a regular percentage of the transaction price or a discount provided by the seller. In the first episode, it is possible to set a commission equal to the required share of the order value. As a rule, the price of the work does not exceed 20 percent. When a contractor offers a discount to the organizer for purchasing a large number of goods, you can pocket the difference in cost.

Risks in organizing your activities

You need to know that before becoming a joint purchase organizer, you need to assess the risks involved. As a rule, they are directly related to the order through the global web and the delivery of goods. Customers do not see the products live, therefore, when purchasing them, they may be waiting unpleasant surprises. Plus, there may be inconsistencies in scales, colors and properties.

Well, and one more subject, on which the triumph of the acquisition depends - this is the carrier. If the transportation is delayed, then the organizer of the joint venture almost always hears reproaches.

What can you buy?

You need to offer products that are used in great demand.
Most popular goods are considered:

Household and household trifles (this includes everything else towels, small appliances, dishes);

Children's products;

Clothing and footwear;

With clothes and shoes you need to be careful, there is a big risk and a very serious one. The downside is that those who offer shoes at low wholesale prices are often forced to buy them in sizes. This means that you will need to order the same shoes in all existing sizes. This option is not suitable for everyone.

Warn customers that you are not personally responsible for the quality, size, shades of goods and transportation.

Before collecting orders, study all the data about the contractor. It will not be superfluous to find reviews about it. Phone the seller himself and ask him for comparative information. You also need to find out in detail about the possibility of returning the marriage and the terms of delivery.

Work only on advance payment from customers. It would be nice to open a separate card account to which you need to credit funds for purchases.

Clearly and diligently write down all information about orders, so as not to get lost during the sorting of goods.

You can give an order only upon presentation of a passport and, as a rule, a receipt for payment.

Coordinate the place and time of receipt of goods absolutely with all participants in the joint venture.

The most important thing is not to forget that joint purchases are entrepreneurial activity, which is maintained by the organizer of joint purchases. Taxation, in this case, is an integral part, which is regulated by the current legislation.

I would like to clarify one more important point. Before you start doing this business, you need to analyze many points. What is important is not how to become an organizer of joint purchases, but why you want to become one.

I started buying more than two years ago, as I left for maternity leave and salary We simply did not have enough money for our husband. I set myself the goal of earning money at home, there was no one to leave the baby with, all relatives lived more than 1,000 km away.

On the Internet, I saw a lot of job offers from home with an awesome salary PER WEEK (!). The photo of those who offered you this job was more than tempting, the person in the photo showed you his earned bunch of money, and assured that he gets it almost without straining, just like that (!) Any normal person understands that no one will just fall off him a bunch of money. And so it was imposed a passive sale, up to the point that you buy it yourself, if someone didn’t manage to get it .... Something I digressed, more to the point ..

After all these pyramid schemes, I found a joint purchase site. I looked through the offered goods by orgs and was surprised at their low cost. Also on the site they offered not only participation, but also to become this very organizer. I wanted to try and found out that in addition to the fact that I would take % for myself, I would have to dump 5% to the administrator of this site, and then I was wedged, from what it was ... I would sing to the tune of an incomprehensible personality that I was in the eye I didn’t see it, I’ll do all the work myself, and give him% just for the fact that he is. Plus, they began to let me down, what can be indicated, what is not, what% can be set, and what is not, and I decided that I would not go into slavery, and created my page in classmates.

I honestly did not expect success. I did not understand how a person completely unknown to me would give money for a product without any guarantee that it was not a scam. I wouldn't give it myself. But I did not give up and looked for more and more "Friends" who, with caution, but agreed to participate in the purchase. At first, purchases were recruited very hard. Due to lack of experience, I got into various stupid situations, for example, I asked to send the goods by the Transport Company, which charged me 7,500 rubles for delivery (if I had chosen another shopping mall, the delivery would have cost 1,800 rubles). I didn’t put extra costs on the participants, but admitted my defeat and paid from my own. I asked the participants at what time and on what days and where it would be convenient for them to pick up their order. And she brought out the average, according to which it was convenient for people to pick up. They liked it + they recognized me in person + things really were not worth the money spent, because by store standards, they were much more expensive. And it went on....

If you want to make money on purchases, then get ready for hard work.

1. Eternal negotiations both with participants and suppliers. People are sooo different, there are pleasant, cheerful easy people, and vice versa, eternally dissatisfied, bitchy, demanding to the smallest detail, which is not realistic at all to please. Suppliers of really high-quality and interesting things, in most cases, cannot stand SPshnikov. They have no trade without SPshnikov, and annoying + demanding organizers strain them. Hence the difficult negotiations.

2. Constant attachment to the computer. Very little time is left for the family and, accordingly, for solving pressing problems. It is necessary to constantly stir up interest among potential participants, with new purchases, but not by any, but of really high quality. To do this, you need to turn the Internet to search for reviews of real people on the planned new purchase. It costs a participant 1-2 times to get a low-quality thing and you will lose all the client.

3. Need to be careful both to the numbers in its summary table of orders, and to the participants. Somewhere to help choose a model, choose the size as accurately as possible. Give as much information as possible in the answer to the question you are asked. If you answer a person dryly and unequivocally, he will never contact you again. If you are not attentive to the collection of orders and set the amount for payment more than necessary, because you yourself miscalculated, if you mix up the orders and give at least two people not what they ordered, you will also lose trust and, accordingly, the client.

Perhaps these three criteria in the work of the joint venture are the most important (key). Observing them throughout my work, I acquired quite a few participants who, without waiting for the STOP, could transfer money for the order to the card, as they were confident in my reliability that even if the purchase did not take place, I would return the money at their request to the same day.

In a month, my earnings ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 (in the new year).

For all the time of work, a defective product has never arrived.

Of the minuses I can note:

1. Resort by color. Everyone wants to get the goods from the picture. But no one wants to understand that we buy from factories, and there are only WHOLESALE sales, respectively, a crazy amount of manufactured items are sold per day, respectively, the fabrics from which these same items are sewn change at a breakneck pace, and from the moment of the photo session, the colors may change. As a rule, everything wholesale customers they want exactly the color that is in the photo, as a rule, it is this color that is first of all sorted out.

2. Lack of fitting. The biggest downside.

The purchase participant in the photo sees a slender girl of size 42. Everything sits on it so beautifully and nicely that a person forgets the features of his figure and his size. He turns off all his common sense and orders (!), having received, he is indignant that they sent him some wrong dress (thing).

There was also such a situation when a participant, having taken his measurements BY THE EYE (!), chooses a size for himself, as he considers correct, and a thing arrives, according to this participant, small. After my request not to count for the work and still take the meter tape in hand and already determine the actual size, he begins to apologize, as he begins to understand that the mistake is not at all the manufacturer, but himself.

I advise everyone involved in the purchase of things to mentally engage in this very thing. Soberly assess all your figure flaws and choose the thing that can partially hide them, and not fit them and show them to the whole world. This is a very important factor!

3. Long wait. As a rule, from the moment the purchase is opened, until it is collected, it takes at least 2 weeks + 2-7 days to assemble the order at the factory + 2-3 days to send it from the factory to the shopping mall + delivery from 5 to 14 days. Not everyone wants to wait. You always want to give money and immediately get what you paid for. I consider this a minus.

In general, I fully agree that through the joint venture is cheaper than in retail stores. Buying things through purchases for more than a year, I somehow decided to go to retail store of his city, and I'm sorry ofigela from the prices. Tired of permanent job I really wanted to quit the org, but when I saw the prices in stores, I realized that I was not ready to do it yet. Even if I order a dress for 1200 rubles and it turns out to be too big for me, then if I go to a hotel with a payment for 500 rubles for sewing. I will still pay less than what I would give with a fitting in a retail store.

In SP, the main thing is to find YOUR reliable org, with which you only run the risk of not getting into the color and very rarely in size due to the small size of the thing (orgs are required to keep track of this important aspect).

Happy shopping everyone!!!

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money on joint purchases.

  • How much can you earn: from 18 thousand rubles per month.
  • Minimum Requirements: self-organization, a small amount of money at the beginning.
  • Is it worth doing: if taken seriously, as a full-fledged business .

General information on earnings on joint purchases

Joint shopping is quite a popular thing among women. They negotiate, buy wholesale lots of goods, which are much cheaper than in stores, and a responsible person delivers all the goods to their addresses.

The person who monitors the work of the entire procurement chain is called the organizer. On his shoulders:

  • supplier search;
  • ordering goods;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • distribution of goods between customers.

He also works with the audience: answers questions, consults, solves various problems. That is, the organizer does a colossal job, for which, of course, he should receive money. And here it turns out that joint purchases can not only save, but also earn.

So, some girls first try to buy goods together, and then decide to become organizers, seeing how much you can earn in this area. Incomes are not huge, but they exactly correspond to a full-fledged salary in the regions.

Products in the following categories are in demand:

  • women's clothing and footwear;
  • children's clothing and footwear (from birth to eight - ten years);
  • toys;
  • knitwear for the whole family;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • household chemicals and hygiene products;
  • men's clothing and footwear;
  • outerwear for the whole family;
  • bijouterie and accessories;
  • leather goods.

These are the most hot goods on which you can. And you can also make a profit from other categories of goods, only it should be understood that it will be much more difficult to gain an audience for them, and even more so regular customers.

Now let's move on to step by step instructions: how to make money on purchases.

How to organize earnings on purchases: step by step instructions

This business is mainly run by girls. This is primarily due to the fact that the main joint purchases are girls, and it is easier for them to communicate with each other. Let's figure out how to organize your business.

Decide on a trading platform

There are two options: special sites or social networks. Sites are often created in the form of forums, where in each separate branch it is proposed to organize joint purchases, product categories, terms and all related information are displayed. Simple, functional, but it is much more difficult for a beginner to advance on the forums: very high, which is concentrated in one place.

Social media is a more interesting option for beginners. There are two options: Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte. In classmates, the audience is more mature, therefore, pays more, Vkontakte is more lively and prone to spending money. Judging by the reviews, Vkontakte brings more opportunities than Odnoklassniki.

Competitor analysis

In fact, this is a very important step. Here you can find reliable suppliers, design and layout options, as well as analyze the work of the group itself. If you are a beginner, such an analysis will help you start earning. You do everything like a competitor, look, ask friends to look, improve and achieve great results.

Create a group

After you have seen the strong and weak sides competitors, you can safely create a group, choose a name, design and make the first posts. Describe what kind of group, what it was made for, etc.

Choose a product, suppliers, upload photos and descriptions

You can work with companies that have more well-known competitors. This is a reliable option, stable, with a minimum of pitfalls. Or you can choose companies yourself at your own peril and risk. An unreliable supplier is a guarantee of losing money. The quality of the product is also very important here. If they bring defective goods- the responsibility will fall on your shoulders.

At first, try to work with suppliers who have a small limit on wholesale, in the region of 5 - 10 thousand rubles. So, with a minimum of people you will work at the most favorable prices.

We attract potential audience

Here you will have to work very well for the first time: communicate with friends, on forums, in social network groups and use all the opportunities to gather as many people as possible for the first 1-3 purchases.

With due diligence, literally in a week you can find people to order the first batch. You can make it free (i.e. all the time costs fall on your shoulders): this will allow you to get the first reviews, several regular customers and make a name for yourself. Remember that in this business, reputation is everything. If you do something wrong once and do not compensate for the costs, they will stop working with you and dissuade potential customers.

Reception, processing of applications and the full functioning of the group

This is also a rather difficult stage. Get ready for the fact that your personal will be packed, and if you leave your phone, it will also be bursting with calls. You will get used to such a rhythm relatively soon, so try to clearly distinguish working time and rest.

The first purchase without investments will not work. Most likely, you will have to order for your money, and then send out cash on delivery. It is unlikely that someone will entrust their money to a stranger without a reputation and reviews.

Profit calculation

Usually organizers of joint purchases receive a profit of 10 - 30% of the total order amount. At the first stages, many write that they received 5-6 thousand a month if they had the opportunity to attract acquaintances from their city. The first period, as always, is the most non-monetary.

But after the suppliers are found, regular customers are collected, you can get an income of 18 - 30 thousand rubles a month in ordinary months and up to 60 thousand rubles - on holidays. Quite a good salary increase by region.

As you can see, becoming an organizer of joint purchases and getting money from it is not as easy as it seems. You need to find a supplier, take on all the costs of raising funds, concluding an agreement with a supplier, paying for and distributing goods. You will have to work 5-8 hours a day, answer messages, calls, contact suppliers, look for goods, etc.

This is a full-fledged business that not everyone can master. Let's look at the minimum skills that will be required in order to organize earnings on joint purchases.

Minimum requirements for earning on purchases

Your reputation is your everything. If people trust you, there will be customers and stable income. If people do not trust, they will spread bad information about you very quickly, and you will be left without orders. And creating a new page, doing everything anew is not a very easy job.

Another very important skill is responsibility. You must take responsibility for your mistakes. Ordered the wrong product - kept it, returned the money. Made a mistake in the calculations - returned the money. For any minor inaccuracy, you will have to shell out money from your pocket. Yes, the ability to double-check and make fewer mistakes comes with experience, but first be prepared for this.

And the last point follows from the previous one - readiness for risks. As with any business, you work with real people. You may well be brought a low-quality product, and a color mismatch occurs in every second batch from small suppliers. Supplier errors are very difficult to fix, especially at first.

If you are well versed in what you are buying, this is your big plus. An organizer who can give advice, suggest quality and choose goods is in great demand. That is why at first work only with the products that you have used or know a lot about it.

In general, this is a rather interesting option for earning money for those who want to try their hand at mediation, sales and working with people. For many, this is nothing more than entertainment during the decree, but for some people, such earnings remain the main income. Therefore, if you want to try it, go ahead, make the first trial purchase, see if it is yours or not, and then decide whether it is worth doing it.


As already mentioned in the announcement of the article, you can really organize earnings on joint purchases only if you treat this activity as a full-fledged business. Build a supplier base, help customers choose products, carefully monitor their operations and make mistakes to a minimum - then you can earn normal amounts and reach a good monthly income.

Joint purchases (SP) is an opportunity to purchase goods at a wholesale price. For this purpose, buyers are combined into one group. It is collected by the organizer, who receives a certain percentage for joint purchases. Many active women are trying to learn how to become an organizer, especially during the maternity leave.

Joint purchases - scheme

Although it is also beneficial for members to purchase items through the JV, highest profit received by the organizers. They make a markup on goods 5-25%. The cheaper the product, the higher the markup.

The general scheme of interaction between the organizer and the participants looks like this:

  • opening a procurement and providing full information about it;
  • the participant selects a product and informs the organizer about it, who enters the order into the general list;
  • after collection required amount requests, the organizer announces “STOP” and sends information about the product and the amount to be paid to those who ordered;
  • participants confirm the correctness of the order;
  • the organizer checks the availability of goods with the supplier and, if necessary, offers the participant alternative options;
  • the date and place of collection of money is announced;
  • the collected amount is used to pay the invoice from the supplier;
  • after sending the order, the organizer regularly reports information about the movement of goods on the forum;
  • after receiving the goods from the transport company, the products are sorted;
  • the organizer appoints the time and place of the meeting where the order is handed over to the JV participants.

How co-ops work

Before reaching this stage of the joint buying group, the organizer will have to solve many problems. But this process is quite simple, and with gaining experience, everything will take a minimum of time. Entrepreneurial organizers are able to run more than 10 joint ventures at the same time.

Joint purchase platform

The first thing to decide is a platform for the relationship between the participant and the organizer. There are several options to choose from:

  1. Special site for JV.
  2. Groups in social networks.
  3. Creating your own website.

Today there are many sites for which joint purchases are the main activity. They are easy to find by entering the appropriate query in the search box and indicating the organizer's city of residence. This method is more suitable for residents of large settlements.

How to organize joint purchases in contact or classmates is to open your own group. It will have to be actively promoted and promoted. Decent earnings are brought by communities with at least 5,000 members.

Internet platform for joint purchases

Every year there is more and more competition in the joint venture, so the tool that will be able to distinguish the organizer from others favorably will be the creation of your own website. This option provides many possibilities. Among them are full automation of the process, payment for the order with electronic money, etc.

For successful work site needs to be set up correctly. For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • a beautiful and convenient form for submitting a proposal for a joint venture;
  • Availability detailed description and photos of the product;
  • specifying information about the minimum order amount;
  • the availability of the end date of the purchase and the terms of delivery;
  • drawing up a table with the dimensions of the goods.

How to determine the type of product?

Product selection is important task. Not all product categories will be equally in demand. The most popular are:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • Products for children.

Here, as in any category of goods, marriage can come across. The rules for its replacement must be obtained from the supplier in advance. It is desirable to be able to navigate in the chosen direction, as participants will ask questions about the goods.

You can try to search for a suitable product using the surfing method. It is necessary to add as many goods to the site as possible, which can be purchased in bulk from various suppliers. Another way to shop online and find a product is to browse the SP groups on social networks and select products that have at least 15 orders, and then add them to yourself.

Supplier cooperation

After selecting a particular product, you need to find out the size of the minimum lot and its cost. The organizer must contact the supplier using contact information indicated on the website. It can be a letter with a proposal for cooperation on email or a phone call.

It happens that the desired product is on the site with retail. Then you can call the company and try to find out the contacts of the wholesale supplier. If they did not agree to disclose information, they use the help of a search engine.

If you plan to purchase goods from foreign sites, then first you need to ask them about delivery to Russia. Some companies work with our country through an intermediary. Then you will have to study all the information about it - reviews, duration of activity, payment amount, etc.

When concluding an agreement with some companies, it may be necessary to have an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Then all documents are scanned and provided to the manager. If there is no IP, then some suppliers may slightly increase the cost of the lot or increase its minimum size.

How to find buyers

The main task of a novice organizer is to earn the trust of buyers. While there is no positive reputation, you will have to work hard to form a client base. The main thing is not to wait, but to act, as there are many options for searching:

  • forums;
  • topics in the SP groups;
  • electronic bulletin boards;
  • printed publications;
  • banner advertising on websites;
  • poles in the streets;
  • email newsletters, etc.

Most often, relevant topics are created on popular forums. It is advisable to coordinate this with the administration. It’s good if the organizer has a high rating there and the trust of visitors has already been formed.

You should not try to lure buyers with spam, as it will only alienate them. You need to do regular advertising. In the text of the topic, you need to briefly indicate all the important information about the joint venture:

  • city;
  • name of the product and company;
  • the size of the commission;
  • redemption date.

It is recommended to look for buyers among the residents of your city or nearby settlements. Usually, goods in the joint venture are picked up on their own. But if the buyer is willing to pay for shipping to the address, then this option is also suitable, especially if this is a large order.

Joint purchases: how to become an organizer - features

Usually, before making money on joint purchases, a new JV organizer makes the first transactions for personal funds without prepayment. In this case, payment messages are sent after receiving the order. Money is received in cash when the product is transferred or on a card before or after distribution. If someone refuses the goods or payment after the “STOP” command, the organizer has the right to blacklist him.

The specific size of the organizational fee is calculated by the organizer in individually. In doing so, it takes into account the following points:

  • the amount of time devoted to the purchase;
  • the number of orders;
  • possible risks;
  • financial expenses for telephone conversations, fuel, internet.

The amount of the fee increases if you had to use an intermediary for the delivery. In the future, an advance payment of 100 or 50% is taken from the participants. In the latter case, a 50% organizational fee is also taken into account, and the remaining half of the total amount is paid upon receipt of the goods.

What is required for legal activity?

How to organize joint purchases for regular legal activities - register an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes, according to the chosen taxation system. If the purchase was carried out once, then the income is declared and personal income tax is paid.

If in the case of rare small purchases, the chances of attracting tax authorities are low, then large volumes may be of interest to them. The joint venture is easily traced on the Internet. The bank may also be suspicious of transactions on cards that are actively used to collect money.

The organizer is engaged in trade or provides intermediary services. OKVED codes selected based on the nature of the activity. The taxation system is chosen by the simplified tax system or OSNO.

Possible risks

The organizer may have problems due to the fault of the supplier. If, for example, he sends a product of the wrong color or size, then you will need to agree with him on the return or arrange an annex in the joint venture group. The organizer will place unsuitable goods at the purchase price for sale. After the purchase, the money is returned to the participant.

They can refuse the goods even after receiving the parcel, which fully corresponds to the order. On closer inspection, it is sometimes slightly different than what the participant imagined. According to the law on consumer protection, this action is legal. Interest in buying can reduce the long delivery time. The optimal time is 7 - 14 days. Otherwise, the disappointed participant may also refuse the goods.

It is recommended to increase the minimum lot size. This will protect the organizer from a situation where at the very last moment one or more participants change their mind about the purchase. As a result, this will postpone the date of receipt of the order, and those who have already paid for it will be outraged.

Helpful Hints:

But, as in any business, a lot here depends on your skills, acumen, commercial streak and the ability to search profitable offer and convince people. Well, luck will not be superfluous!

joint purchase(joint purchase, collective purchase) is the principle of organizing purchases directly from the manufacturer or supplier at wholesale prices by an organized group of people. The purchase can also take place using the Internet in a store in another country or at an online auction.

Organizer joint purchase is an intermediary between the supplier and buyers. He can be like individual, and trading company specializing in joint purchases. It is the intermediary who looks for suppliers, selects the assortment and deals with organizational work— collection of pre-orders, payments from buyers. Also organizes the delivery and collection of goods.

The profit of the organizer, the so-called organizational percentage or a fee, usually 10-20% of the purchase price of the purchase. The organizer includes the fee in the price for buyers. Also, the supplier may pay an additional percentage for the sale of a large consignment of goods. Depending on the arrangements, the organizer can pay for the party from own funds and then he makes a profit from the sale of each unit of goods, or the organizer pays for a consignment of goods after collecting the required amount, in this case, if the required amount is not collected, the organizer will have to spend time on a refund or organize another joint purchase. The final price for the buyer consists of the cost of the supplier, the organizational fee, as well as the cost of delivering the goods to the buyer.

Most joint purchases are organized using the Internet through special sites or groups in social networks.

Regular organization of joint purchases is commercial activities and requires the organization of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.

For those who wish to take up this work, it is necessary to find wholesale suppliers with whom it is convenient to work and create groups in one or more social networks. Everything, it remains only to offer our services to everyone who wants to purchase a quality product at low prices and earn on the difference in cost.

circuit diagram joint purchase work

The main attractive point of a group purchase is the low cost of the product for the end buyer, even taking into account the cost of its delivery. This happens due to the purchase of a consignment of goods at a wholesale price and a fixed margin of the organizer. From the side of the buyer, a joint purchase looks like this:

  1. Organizer using a forum, own site or group in social network opens a purchase. He indicates the conditions of purchase, lays out the price list of those goods, on the batch of which he agreed with the supplier. Everyone can get acquainted with the offer and choose the necessary product.
  2. Procurement participants, future buyers make pre-orders or applications.
  3. When collecting applications for the total amount necessary for the purchase of a consignment of goods from the supplier, the organizer announces stop purchases. The organized list of orders is sent by the organizer to the supplier for the final formation of the invoice, the coordination of the batch and others. organizational moments. Before the purchase stop, buyers can change their orders or cancel them, after the stop, changes or refusals are not accepted.
  4. After receiving the invoice, the organizer announces the deadlines and fundraising. Usually money is received by bank transfer, less often in cash at an agreed collection point.
  5. After collecting money, the organizer pays for the purchase, receives the goods through transport company, sorts it for further transfer to buyers and performs other organizational actions.
  6. The organizer announces the place of distribution of the paid goods.

The organizer covers all his actions and key stages with the help of a forum or constant communication in a group.

How to start your first co-buying organization

It is best to start with clothes, children's toys and all sorts of gadgets. They are the most popular. There is another way to determine the product and suppliers. You need to study several similar resources in your city, look at a product that has been ordered more than ten or fifteen times, and then take it on sale, starting to work with specific suppliers. You can find "your person" who will deliver the goods through the mail.

Be careful when choosing a supplier, read reviews, study sales statistics and wholesale growth. There are a large number of various scammers on the Internet who take money, but do not send the goods to the address. By the way, some suppliers can be involved in advising clients. Practice shows that if the issue of consulting is thought out in the system of joint purchases, then there will be more customers and higher incomes.

Pros and cons of joint purchases

When organizing joint purchases, it is necessary to remember the advantages and disadvantages of running this form of business. This will help you to correctly compose your marketing promotion strategy.

  • low cost of goods, due to the exclusion of many additional margin factors (rental of premises, VAT, etc.);
  • a wider choice of goods is achieved by working with a large number of suppliers; it is not uncommon for group purchases to buy something that is not sold in city stores.

Disadvantages usually stem from the form of cooperation:

  • Long waiting times for goods. They can reach several weeks;
  • The supplier may send goods that differ in quality, color or size (so-called regrading).
Secrets of successful work in group purchases

Another point worth paying attention to is reviews and gifts. It is human nature not to trust the new. Therefore, ask your friends and first customers to leave feedback on the work and the mechanism of joint purchase. The more reviews (of course, positive), the more new customers. When it comes to gifts, don't be stingy. Add a small gift from yourself to each parcel, indulge regular customers with more significant gifts. This will provide good feedback and an influx of regular customers.

Think over a system of reorders - this is not very difficult, but profitable, since so many customers decide to order at the time of closing a joint purchase. If the product is in demand, then the earnings will be very decent (up to $ 500 per month).

You just need to start working, and the skills and abilities will come with time.