Import of baggage. How many identical goods will pass the customs. What can not be imported into Poland

  • 24.04.2020

very complex and frequently asked question for tourists who are going shopping in Europe, there is an issue with the import of things from abroad.
Perhaps some of you will be surprised, but according to Russian law, not all purchased items can be imported without paying special duties into the territory of Russia.
Amendments have been introduced in the customs legislation (according to the Protocol dated 10/19/2011 “On the introduction of amendments and additions to the agreement on the procedure for moving individuals goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and customs operations related to their release from 06/18/2010”)

The basic rule for importing things from Europe to Russia is as follows:
One person (regardless of age) can bring into the country purchased goods for personal use (excluding vehicles) total cost which does not exceed 10,000 euros and total weight which does not exceed 50 kg (thanks to the comments). Anything above is subject to a special duty - 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros / kg

What our customs considers personal goods:
Goods for personal use- goods intended for personal, family, household and other purposes not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity, the needs of individuals moving across the customs border in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage or in any other way.

Keep in mind:
According to changes in customs legislation:
The classification of goods transported by individuals across the customs border as goods for personal use is carried out by the customs authority using a risk management system based on:

  • statements of an individual about the goods being moved (orally or in writing using the passenger customs declaration) in the cases established by this Agreement;
  • the nature and quantity of goods;
  • frequency of crossing by an individual and (or) movement of goods across the customs border
If, under the guise of goods for personal use, goods imported for the purpose of their use in entrepreneurial activity are declared and released, then such goods are considered illegally moved across the customs border.

How do customs officers understand that these are purchased items, and not your own, worn and brought from Russia? After all, it may be that you travel with your favorite five bags, have 7 pairs of shoes just in case and cannot live without your entire wardrobe.

In this case, customs officers look at the following:

  • whether things have tags (if they do, then the thing is, by definition, new)
  • what things you are taking with you (if in size ranges, then most likely you are going to resell them, which means these will not be things for personal use)
  • whether things are tax free (VAT deductible). If you have issued tax free at the airport in Italy and received a VAT deduction, then even the absence of tags on things still proves that these things are new and only bought (all information about those who issued tax free and received money is transferred from European customs to Russian customs )
  • Well, the very last opportunity to determine the novelty of things is to make an examination. According to our laws, customs officers can confiscate things and conduct an examination within a month to determine the value of your things and their novelty.
What then to do in this case, if you still have more than the norm for the purchased items?

We will tell you what some tourists do in such situations:
(however, be aware that some methods are risky and illegal)

  • pay a fee
  • hope they don't get stopped at customs
  • declare imported items so that upon return, customs officers do not have questions about their own things (a laptop or their own fur coat)
  • take children with them to increase the rate of import of things
  • cut tags from things, give things a used and shabby look, throw away all branded packages
  • they dress simpler and poorer, so that no one stops and checks luggage at customs when leaving the airport (I even read on one forum that one tourist usually does not shave and drinks from the evening before the flight in order to have a rumpled look)
  • do not pack luggage in expensive branded bags that scream that their owner is leaving for shopping
  • not direct flights are booked, but flights with transfers through other European cities. The chances of checking the luggage of tourists from Milan or Rimini will be much higher than checking the luggage of tourists from Prague or Brussels
  • take tickets to Domodedovo airport, because they say that there are fewer checks there than at Sheremetyevo
  • put on themselves a large number of new things (especially fur coats, jewelry or watches)
  • do not pack luggage in wrapping bags or remove packaging when leaving the airport (so that there is no feeling that they have something expensive in their bags)
  • do not make tax free from the amount of things more than possible to import (tax free checks confirm that all things are new)
  • dress up as athletes, put luggage in covers from under the guitar, skis and baby carriages (well, here fantasy can roam)
However, if you wholesale buyer, then it’s better not to take risks and do not try to carry goods duty-free on an airplane (you definitely can’t wear all things, especially if these are shoes in size ranges).
There is a risk that your goods will be arrested, you will be forced to pay customs duties and a fine.
It is better for wholesale buyers to use the services of official transport companies who do the delivery and customs clearance of goods on their own. In this case, you pay for the services of the company and receive the customs-cleared cargo in your city without any problems.

P.S. thanks to changes in legislation, before the baggage allowance was only 65 thousand rubles

Your baggage and allowances, unaccompanied baggage

Report on thefts from passengers' suitcases at Sheremetyevo

Questions from our readers:

Question: Did I understand correctly that if I exceed the allowance, I have to pay for each kilogram in excess of the allowance, and not for the weight of the entire baggage? That is, in my case: Unaccompanied baggage 45 kg + baggage with me approx 10 kg = 35 kg duty-free and for 20 kg you have to pay 4 euros per kg? when filling out a passenger customs declaration, is it necessary to indicate exactly how much baggage I am carrying with me and will this be checked somewhere?

Answer: Be sure to declare the following baggage separately upon arrival. You will be noted how many goods you have already passed duty-free. Then you will only pay for exceeding 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros per kg.

Question: I read on your website that, as I have been absent from Russia for more than six months, I am entitled to a discount when paying for excess baggage imported. What documents are required confirming a stay of more than six months abroad? Are passport stamps enough? Between departure and arrival, six months and three days, is this enough for benefits? I send the heaviest unaccompanied baggage, a lot of books and dictionaries for further study, about 30-35 kg. All different and one copy, except for the two titles that I bring for classmates, these books are 9 each. Should I immediately indicate this in the list of things to be sent and what should I do if there are problems due to quantity? I am traveling from China, I send things 4 days before my departure, the total weight of the luggage (with me and unaccompanied) is about 60 kg.

Basic rules: procedure for import and export of goods by individuals

Answer: the benefit, as it were, is not big; everything that exceeds 35 kg or 65,000 rubles will be issued at 30% of the cost, and not 4 euros per kg, like the rest. Enough stamps in the passport. Do not forget to declare the following baggage separately upon arrival and certify the declaration at customs.

Question: I am a citizen of Russia. My parents are pensioners and live in Ukraine. This year they are moving to Russia for permanent residence. I want to transport their personal belongings in my car. At the same time, taking into account the state of health and age of my parents (75 years old), I want to send them by train, since a 1200 km road trip would be a very serious test for them. Please tell me what documents (power of attorney, certificates, etc.) I need to have with me when crossing the border so that there are no problems with the transportation of my parents' personal belongings (total weight - 200-300 kg, all used, including : clothes and shoes, bedding, computer, dishes, including silverware (teapot, spoons)?

Answer: the question is not very related to the rules of customs clearance. It is more domestic. When you carry 200-300 kg of things by car, they will not be released to you duty-free. You will not be able to prove that these are the things of parents who are traveling by train for permanent residence. It turns out that the ideal way is to send all this separately with the next baggage, also by railway. You will travel with your parents by train to help them declare the following baggage separately on their behalf. And then, with this declaration, certified by customs, go to receive luggage at the baggage office, where you will go through customs clearance.

Question: A passenger, a citizen of the Russian Federation, arrives in Helsinki and waits for luggage to go further by car to St. Petersburg. It turns out that the luggage was lost. What to do? The airline promises to send everything to St. Petersburg as soon as it finds it. Free, of course. Common world practice. You can even issue something like a certificate that the luggage has not been received. Then the passenger travels along the Helsinki-Petersburg highway and ends up in Valimaa (Torfyanovka). Actually, there are no problems with customs on the side of Valimaa, everything is customs points in single network. Problems start on our side, i.e. Torfyanovka. The passenger indicates unaccompanied baggage in his declaration, but cannot present an agreement for its transportation (check, receipt), which is natural, because. Lost luggage is shipped by airlines free of charge. The customs officer at Torfyanovka refuses to approve such a declaration, IMHO, quite rightly, because. there are no documents for its transportation. And where will they come from if it is not known, for example, whether luggage will be found at all! A few days later, if the luggage is found, it flies to Pulkovo. Here they demand to pay a fee of 4 euros per kg, because there are no documents that he is unaccompanied. Even if it's just dirty socks/shirts. They didn’t demand it before, now the FCS has a problem with payments - they demand it. What to do? Now passengers are forced to send suitcases from Pulkovo back to Helsinki and pick them up there. It's cheaper, often. Although there is a catch here - a month has not yet passed since the last border crossing, now they rightly demand payment at Torfyanovka.

Answer: You are speaking in a dramatic way. Customs officers are better than everyone used to think. Yes, there are smart ones. If you do not receive your baggage in Helsinki, you will receive an airline receipt in the "Lost & Found" service. At the entrance to Torfyanovka, make the declaration of the presence of RSD (separately the following baggage). Customs does not have the right to refuse to approve the declaration. Just fill it out in duplicate and ask customs to note or certify how much luggage you have. By the way, the contract for transportation is a ticket or a computer printout of it, if bought via the Internet, plus a boarding pass. In Pulkovo go to the same "Lost & Found" and get your luggage. They have no right to charge a fee if everything is done as I wrote.

Question: Hello! We live in Israel (family of 3 people). We are going to return to Russia. I want to send parcels up to 20 kg (used items) by Israel Post. I realized that we have a privilege ...

Answer: When moving, we can import duty-free goods (things) in the amount of 65,000 rubles or 35 kg (per 1 person), and the rest will be released under a duty of 30% of the cost ...

Question: 1. When filling out a declaration for the following baggage separately, is it necessary to present forms from the Israeli post office and describe in detail all the things that are there or say the approximate weight (5 parcels of 20 kg each).

2. ... The benefit is only for mail (official state) and is limited to 10,000 rubles per week. However, if the parcels arrive regularly, then the customs regards it as a commercial product and charges the duty in full .... What is the best way to send it? 1 parcel in 1-2 weeks or 5 at a time.

3. We are going to our parents. To whom should the parcels be sent? For us, but we are not registered there or for parents, and they do not have benefits.

Answer: You are confused in my opinion. Parcels are parcels, separately the following baggage is baggage. You write that you have a privilege. The question arises: what benefit? Your only benefit is that goods over the limit of 65,000 rubles or 35 kg will be released with payment of 30% clay, and not 4 euros per kg. Now "questions".

1. When filling out the declaration, it is enough to indicate the number of pieces of separately following baggage (OSB) (not parcels). OSB is sent by you to your own name, which is why it is called OSB. You will need a list of things for customs clearance of OSB.

2. If you decide to send your things by parcels, then, of course, it is better to do this less than once a week and send heterogeneous goods so that customs does not regard these shipments as commercial. After all, you can send it to different addresses, to different relatives.

3. Already, in my opinion, it is clear that you do not have benefits either. And how to send think for yourself. It is best to carry most of it with you in your accompanied luggage.

Question: I am a citizen of Russia, I have been living and working in the Czech Republic for a long time, temporarily registered in Russia. I collect cars and motorcycles until 1945. To replenish my collection, I want to bring several cars and motorcycles of 1927-37 release from the USA, in a container to Novorossiysk. Question. Will this cargo be considered unaccompanied baggage if I take off from the Czech Republic by plane, and what duties and taxes will I have to pay upon importation, if this cargo is registered with Rossvyazokhrankultura as cultural values, and also when crossing the border at Sheremetyevo airport the passenger card will be filled a customs declaration indicating separately the following baggage, the import of cultural property, and the number of the bill of lading, as well as which commodity nomenclature includes the components and spare parts of these cultural property.

Answer: declaration of OSB (separate following baggage) upon arrival at Sheremetyevo is mandatory. You must be indicated on the consignment note as the sender and recipient of the cargo, then this is unaccompanied baggage. But with payments, a complete mess. All these items: works of art, historical and cultural values, even when they are registered with Rossvyazokhrankultura, cause a completely different reaction in customs. The rules in this part are very contradictory, and customs officers, tortured by checks, rotations and accusations of shortfalls in payments, believe that it is better to take too much than not to get it. Only recently, from conversations with colleagues, I learned that the prosecutor's office adjusted for any shortfall (even by mistake) to start a negligent case and plant. So this is the advice. Based on photographs and documents, you receive a certificate from Rossvyazokhrankultura, then apply in writing or in person to the Federal Customs Service and seek a written response about the possibility of issuing these items duty-free, and only after that do you send collection vehicles to Russia. Yes, it is troublesome, but the passion of collecting does not tolerate fuss and ill-conceived decisions, otherwise the costs will become excessive.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich, thank you very much for your time, however, if I can disturb you again. Me April 30, 2008 those. More than a year has passed, a registered letter was sent to the Volgograd customs with attached photographs and a request to clarify the procedure for processing the import of these cultural property, so far I have not received an answer. Having studied the government decrees, the customs code, I ventured to bring it. The cargo is located on the territory of the Volgograd Customs. At Krasnoarmeisky T.P. that is, at the place of registration, Volgograd, they refuse to communicate with me. I sent a letter to the Volgograd Customs on April 30 by registered letter with a request to allow me to register on the territory of the Volgograd Customs, no answer. What to do, where to look for a fair decision for a Russian citizen, if the customs inspector is allowed to manipulate the law. Thank you.

Answer: You have a direct road to the Southern Customs Administration with a complaint. It is possible, of course, to reduce the time for resolving the issue. Write a complaint and go to the Volgograd Prosecutor's Office. By the way, by not responding to the letter for more than a month, the customs officers have already violated the law. Do not be afraid to complain, the main thing is more specific dates and names.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich. I carefully read the information on your website regarding the import of furniture, but there are still a few questions left: I plan to bring a bed from Germany, I am flying back on an Aeroflot flight. The cost of the bed, not including the calculated shipping cost (15 euros) and the weight according to the norms duty-free import pass, but Aeroflot accepts this baggage for transportation as cargo, as large-sized (2 boxes measuring 2000mm * 1000mm * 15mm) with payment of 15 euros per 1 kg of delivery cost. As a result, it turns out that in terms of weight I pass, and in terms of cost with delivery, the amount will be more than 65,000 rubles, but I am flying with my daughter (9 years old). Questions: Will this baggage be considered unaccompanied? Am I required to file a declaration and go through the red corridor? If you need to submit a declaration, then I will have to issue it for two (daughters 9 years old)? If the declaration cannot be made with the participation of the daughter, then the default fee will be calculated based on the cost with delivery? Will I be able to receive my furniture a few days after payment of the duty? Will I be charged VAT? I would appreciate a complete answer.

Answer: You need to go through the "red" corridor and declare separately the following luggage for you and your daughter. Fill out one declaration for two. Customs payments will be charged on the customs value including shipping. If you have one declaration for two, customs officers can take into account both your benefit and your daughter, but this is not necessary. There is a letter that does not allow this. The duty will be 30% of the customs value. You can pick up the bed immediately after payment of payments and completion of customs clearance.

Question: Will this baggage be considered unaccompanied (because I'm traveling with it)?
And if, according to Aeroflot, they do not give receipts for paying for the movement of cargo (only a regular baggage stub), on what basis will customs officers calculate the cost of delivery ??

Answer: I don't know if the baggage will go with you or will be sent later. If the luggage is accompanied, then the cost of shipping is not included in the price of the goods, as it is the cost of the ticket. In your case, it is possible to include the cost of delivery, since you pay separately for the delivery of the goods. The basis for this is the Customs Tariff Law. It gives the concept of the customs value of the goods, which includes not only its value, but also all the costs of its delivery to the Russian border.

Question: On July 4, my wife and I returned from Paris to Yekaterinburg by transfer via Moscow. At the Charles de Gaulle airport, we checked in our luggage (1 suitcase, weight 29 kg). At Sheremetyevo-2 Airport, through the transfer desk, we checked in for a flight to Yekaterinburg, then passport control, then along the "green corridor" customs control. At customs, our passports were checked and we were asked to show our luggage tag. After checking, there were no claims against us from the customs. After customs, we were transferred to the Sheremetyevo-1 terminal to board the plane to Yekaterinburg. Arriving in Yekaterinburg (a / p "Koltsovo"), we did not receive the luggage due to non-arrival, about which we were given a certificate. After waiting a few days, we turned to the representative of Aeroflot, whose planes we flew. After some time, an Aeroflot representative informed us that our suitcase was detained at customs at Sheremetyevo-2 due to the lack of a customs declaration and we can only receive it in person after the declaration has been drawn up. When passing through customs, we were not asked for a declaration and we had nothing to declare. Since the suitcase was detained by customs, Aeroflot disclaims all responsibility and offers us to fly to Moscow to collect the suitcase at our own expense. We are both pensioners and we don't have that kind of money at the moment. Please help us figure out who is right and who is wrong and how we should act in this situation. Thanks in advance.

Answer: the airline took your baggage and undertook to deliver it to you. They are the ones who are responsible for it. Probably you should have taken it to Sheremetyevo and changed to a domestic flight to go through customs. No one told you about this, so the fault lies entirely with the airline. Let them do what they want, but they are obliged to deliver it to you. I don't know if there is a customs office at Yekaterinburg airport. Complain and claim baggage from the airline. Started to carry. let them bring it.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich!!! Please tell me, is the weight of the suitcases included in those treasured 35 kg.? In fact, this is packaging for personal use goods. And can the customs officer demand that I weigh my clothes? Do you know who, specifically, the author of the proposal to reduce weight from 50kg. up to 35? Abydna, yes!!!

Answer: Your irony is justified, but does not make life easier. In general, in a decent society there are no weight norms, but our kind "shuttle traders" forced the customs to impose restrictions. Who owns the idea to change 50 kg to 35 kg, I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Soon the norms will be reduced and the rate of duty-free import will not be 65,000 (almost $2,000) rubles or 35 kg, but simply $600, which is quite reasonable and in line with international principles. In a decent society, the duty-free rate is usually in the range of $200-300. The customs officer can weigh the clothes you are wearing, but he is unlikely to, because in order to undress you, you need permission to conduct a personal search, and it is given only by the head of customs or his deputy.

Question: Good afternoon, Alexander Mikhailovich! I ask you to clarify the procedure for applying paragraph 2 of Art. 319 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This question is currently acute for me. Since crossing the checkpoint of Kostomuksha (Republic of Karelia) while transporting unaccompanied baggage - used furniture for a total cost of 100 euros and a total weight of 146.5 kg, customs officers decided to initiate a case on administrative offense in terms of non-declaring goods subject to mandatory declaration under Part 1 of Art. 16.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Although I repeatedly stated to customs officers that I filled out the PDD (paragraph 2.2 of the PDD), supporting documents were presented (paragraph 1 of article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and I use the benefit under paragraph 2 of Art. 319 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Help to understand - what to do?

Answer: I do not understand what article 319 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has to do with it. Help from afar, not knowing the circumstances of the case, is problematic. However, some things are obvious. Furniture weighing 146 kg cannot be valued at 100 euros. You underestimated the customs value and your problems are understandable. Generally ordinary citizens harmful to read the Customs Code. You pull from it what is beneficial to you, but do not read other articles. In addition, in addition to the Code, there are Government Decrees, Orders of the Federal Customs Service, etc. So the procedure for passing OSB (separately following baggage) is simple. When crossing the border, you had to indicate the presence of OSB in the declaration, the customs officer had to indicate how many goods you bring with you. If you do not have a declaration or you have imported the norm (65,000 rubles or 35 kg), then OSB is issued under a duty. Article 288 applies to goods imported in accompanied baggage, it has nothing to do with you. You underestimated the price. Here is the problem. Admit you're wrong and pay the toll. If you are sure that you are right, apply with a complaint to the higher customs authority North-Western Customs Administration, 191187, St. Petersburg, Kutuzova emb., 20, head of the North-West Customs Department Mikhail Yuryevich Prokofiev or to the Prosecutor's Office.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! I have been in the UK for 3 months. I return to Russia. Will a duty be collected from me and people, as a rule, if I send myself a parcel to Russia by mail weighing 20 kg with used personal belongings I want to send because I cannot lift weights. Thank you in advance for your response.

Answer: You can do this, but upon arrival, be sure to fill out a declaration in which you indicate separately the following baggage (OSB). Make sure that the customs officer has endorsed the presence of OSB with a personal stamp, and that you are not importing any goods. This will save you preferential duty-free import of goods in the amount of 65,000 rubles or 35 kg. Do not send luggage by mail, but through an airline company. On the other hand, ask the airline if they can help you so that your luggage will fly with you. Perhaps they will help you. Airports have trolleys, responsive.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich! Tell me, please, how can I be. I lived in Spain for 1.5 years, was married to a Spaniard, and then decided to return to live in my homeland (I have a residence permit in Spain and I did not refuse Russian citizenship, that is, it's just a return). I arrived at the Madrid airport on 10/03/08 (I flew with the Aeroflot airline) with three suitcases of personal used items (each 20 kg and the total cost of things does not exceed 65,000 rubles), mostly clothes, nothing big. And I received a surprise from Aeroflot, it turns out that you can take up to 25 kg for each person. That is, I took only one suitcase with me, and my husband sent two suitcases to me through a shipping company the next day, because we didn’t make it to the plane that day. Since I was completely unprepared for this situation and did not know about customs duties ah, when I arrived in Moscow, I didn’t fill out the passenger customs declaration out of ignorance. When my two suitcases were delivered to customs, they naturally had no inventory, they called me from customs and asked me to make an invoice. I made an invoice for 872 euro (40 kg), that is, much less than 65,000 rubles. But the customs officers tell me that I do not fall under this benefit, since my luggage cannot be counted- unaccompanied baggage, because I didn’t fill out a customs declaration, but I fall under clause 6 of the post. 718, but this paragraph clearly states that the transfer to the address of a person who does not cross the customs border, but I followed and can prove this with the help of a ticket, marks in the international passport, etc. They charged me a customs duty on my used items in the amount of about 20,000 rubles (almost the size of the customs value !!!) and also threatened to sue if I did not want to pick up the goods. Please help me to deal with this situation. Are customs officers right? Is it possible that if there is no customs declaration, I can’t prove in any way that my cargo is unaccompanied baggage? If the declaration is so necessary, can it be filled out now? Or is there some other way out? Thank you in advance for your reply.

Answer: Unfortunately for you, the customs officers are absolutely right. You do not have a declaration with the specified separately with the following baggage, indicates that you have imported goods within the duty-free limit. Everything that your husband sent to you is subject to release with payment of customs duty. For you, as absent from Russia for more than 6 months, there is only one benefit, if you brought everything with you, then the duty would be only 30%, and not 4 euros per kg. You get a freight shipment to your address, and the application of clause 6 of the Decree is completely legal. I advise you to pay the duty as soon as possible and pick up your things. Storage costs money. You can, of course, try to pity the employees and ask them to somehow reduce the amount of the fee, but this is only their good will and not the fact that they will violate the letter of the law. Yes, they understand the situation, but they must comply with the law. Don't be offended by them, legally they are right.

Question: Hello Alexander Mikhailovich! I permanently live in England, I am going to Russia, my question is how much luggage can I take with me duty-free. I read that this is 55 kg, 20 kg free flight and the rest to pay extra. But I see that you write in some answers 35 kg, are we talking about additional kg, which are in excess of 20 kg? I carry inexpensive things, bought mainly in the markets. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: Dear Elena! You are confusing the amount of free baggage allowance on a ticket and duty-free entry into the country. You can carry 20 kg free of charge on an airplane (30 kg in business class). Only items for personal use can be imported into Russia duty-free, but for an amount not exceeding 65,000 rubles and weighing no more than 35 kg. For those who permanently live in England and travel to Russia as a tourist or a visitor, you can import duty-free only what you will use on the trip and a small amount of gifts or souvenirs. I wish you success, Puchkov A.M.

Today Poland is one of the most popular countries for emigration. Poland is also on the way of tourists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, traveling by road to other European countries. Therefore, everyone who will go towards Poland or leave it needs to know about customs regulations ah personal luggage.

The customs service has compiled a list of permitted and prohibited items with which you can enter or leave the country. Those who travel by car or bus and are going to temporarily stay on the territory of Poland can import personal items and not pay customs duties if their total amount is up to 300 euros. If the amount of such things is more, this must be reported orally and tax must be paid. Import and export Money, equal to 10,000 euros or more, must be carried out through declaration - they must be certified in writing in the declaration in the "red corridor".

What are the rules for carrying luggage across the Polish border?

What can not be imported into Poland?

Import to EU countries food products animal origin (meat and dairy products) is regulated very strictly. It is forbidden to import protein foodstuffs into the territory of Poland, which is associated with the spread of diseases in animals. H and what quantity of edible meat and offal, dairy products (including pasta, pastries, processed vegetables if they contain meat or milk) may not be entered into the EU without a veterinary border inspection:

  • meat and its derivatives;
  • dairy;
  • cheese products;
  • canned food;
  • milk chocolate;
  • caviar (except for sturgeon caviar in a volume of not more than 125 grams in a closed jar).

Import restrictions also apply to:

  • firearms and cold steel,
  • psychotropic substances without a medical certificate for their use,
  • drugs,
  • explosives,
  • radioactive elements,
  • poisons.

What and how much can be imported into Poland?

According to customs regulations, the number of things imported into Poland may vary depending on the method of movement of passengers:

  • air or sea transport,
  • road, rail or otherwise.

1. Personal items.

You can cross the border of Poland with bags with a total weight of 50 kilograms per passenger. However, there are restrictions on the import of goods from Poland for Belarusians: if you travel more than once every 90 days (for example,), then the maximum weight of personal luggage can only reach 20 kilograms worth up to 300 euros.

You can take luggage with you to Poland that exceeds the established norms in some respects, but you must declare it in advance and pay customs duty for it. Things taken with you for personal use become "temporarily imported", so you will have to leave with them.

  • 430 euros - for travelers by air and sea transport;
  • 300 euros - for other travelers.

The non-commercial import mentioned above fulfills the following conditions:

  • happens sometimes;
  • it only covers goods for the own use of travelers or their families, or goods for gifts.

The above amounts do not include, respectively:

  • the value of personal baggage (e.g. used clothes, shoes, cosmetics, camera, camcorder, laptop, mobile phone) imported temporarily or imported after its temporary export;
  • the cost of medicines necessary to meet the personal needs of the traveler (in an amount not exceeding the smallest five packages);
  • fuel in a standard tank of any car and fuel in a portable container, the amount of which does not exceed 10 liters;
  • and the value of tobacco products, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages imported according to the standards below.

2. Tobacco products

Transportation of cigarettes is possible only by a passenger over 17 years old.

If a passenger is transporting tobacco products by air or water, then this can be done in the following volume (only one of several options):

  • cigarettes - 200 pieces or
  • cigars (cigars weighing no more than 3 g / piece) - 100 pieces or
  • cigars - 50 pieces or
  • smoking tobacco - 250 g;

If a passenger transports tobacco products by another mode of transport, they may be in the amount of:

  • cigarettes - 40 pieces or
  • cigars (cigars weighing no more than 3 g / piece) - 20 pieces or
  • cigars - 10 pieces or
  • tobacco for smoking - 50 g.

Thus, it is possible to transport more tobacco products if you cross the border by plane or by boat. If you are traveling by car, bus or train, you can take a maximum of 2 packs of cigarettes for yourself.

3. Alcoholic drinks

It is also possible to transport alcohol across the Polish border only if the passenger has reached the age of 17. Moreover, when transporting by water or by air this can be done with scope restrictions:

  • 1 liter for spirits with a total strength of 22% or
  • 1 liter of ethyl alcohol (80%) or
  • 2 liters of alcohol with a strength below 22%,
  • 4 liters of non-sparkling wine and
  • 16 liters of beer.

For example: the maximum amount you can bring into Poland is 0.5 liters of vodka and 1 liter of liquor up to 22%, plus 4 liters of still wine and 16 liters of beer.

Alcoholic beverages, if they are imported by a passenger over 17 years of age who lives in the border area or works in the border area or is a member of the crew of vehicles used for travel from the territory of a third country to the territory of the EU:

  • drinks stronger than 22%, or undenatured ethyl alcohol with an alcohol content of 80% or more - 0.5 liters or alcoholic beverages not stronger than 22% - 0.5 liters, and
  • still wines - 0.5 liters, and beer - 2 liters.

4. Jewelry and money

It is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 grams per passenger.

With money, the situation is a little different: without declaring, you can take with you the maximum amount in any currency up to 10,000 euros. Also, without declaring, it is possible to take as much money as corresponds to the minimum established for the specified purpose of departure.

If a person enters or leaves the EU and is carrying "cash" worth €10,000 or more (or the equivalent in another currency), they must report in writing and, upon request, present such "cash" to the competent authorities.

You must also declare:

  • bearer transferable securities, including traveler's checks, bills of exchange;
  • banknotes and coins (in Polish and foreign currency) that are not in circulation as a means of payment, but subject to official exchange for such a measure;
  • gold and platinum in its raw form, in bullion, in the form of coins minted after 1850, and semi-finished products, except those used in dental technology.

5. Food

As for food products, they also have special conditions for transportation, which are presented in the table. Among non-alcoholic drinks, you can take coffee (up to 500 grams) and tea (up to 100 grams).

Vegetables (except potatoes)
Fish, shrimps, mussels, oysters

Maximum Quantity (in kg)

Of course, there are cases when a passenger needs diet food (for example, based on fructose) - then you need to prepare a medical certificate in advance stating that you need to take such products and you can take them in a volume of up to two kilograms. We also allow the import of up to 2 kg of the total mass of the initial powdered milk, baby food and special food products required by medical indications, if these products do not require refrigeration before opening, are packaged brand names intended for direct sale to the final consumer and the packaging is intact, unless its contents are used.

For products intended for animal feed, only special animal feed required for medical reasons is allowed, provided that the amount of imported food does not exceed 2 kg, the imported goods do not require refrigeration before opening, the products are packaged products of the company intended for for direct sales to the end consumer and their packaging are not affected, unless its contents are currently in use.

All non-compliant products of animal origin are seized for destruction. and stored in special containers on the border.

6. Medicines and bioactive supplements

Non-potent medicines, in quantities intended for personal use, can be brought into the territory of Poland.
With regard to strong medicines (also for personal use), you can only bring in an appropriate certificate from a doctor (indicating the name of the hospital, the name of the doctor, the diagnosis and the list of medicines).
If such a certificate is not available, then the import of drugs containing psychotropic and narcotic substances is prohibited.

A traveler arriving Poland from abroad can only take medicines but for own use in the quantities necessary for the duration of the trip and stay abroad. For some medicines, such as injectable insulin, you must bring with you the appropriate document issued by your attending physician, who, with his signature, confirms the traveler's illness, the medications he is taking, and the need to use syringes, an applicator or other medical instruments. Ideally, this document should be translated into the language of the country where the traveler is going.

Sending "medical products" abroad and to Poland in postal items between people is prohibited.

7. Weapon

Polish legislation strictly regulates the rules of transportation different types weapons. Firearms and bladed weapons are not allowed to be taken with you. However, the restrictions do not apply if there is an appropriate permit from the state body and a declaration, and only for such types of weapons:

  • sports;
  • pneumatic;
  • hunting;
  • cartridges (up to 100 pieces);
  • gas bottle;
  • decorative weapons (daggers, knives, etc.).

Without the relevant documents, you can be allowed to cross the border only with kitchen knife(it does not fall under the category of edged weapons), but, as practice shows, this does not always work.

8. Plants and animals

You have the right to take up to five pets with you to Poland at once, but in the event that they have:

  • certificates of all vaccinations, including against rabies;
  • an international certificate indicating that they are healthy, or a passport issued by an authorized veterinarian;
  • a microchip with an electronic identifier (except for those animals that were marked with a tattoo before 07/03/2011).

You cannot bring live plants with you, but you can take up to 5 kg of fresh fruit, 50 cut flowers, a whole felled Christmas tree or up to 5 branches of a coniferous plant.

9. Fuel

You can bring fuel (gasoline, diesel) into Poland in the tank of a car and a little reserve in a tank.
Without duties and taxes in the quantity:

  • all fuel included in the fuel tank of the vehicle, not more than 200 liters in accordance with VAT rules;
  • fuel in portable tanks (canisters) - no more than 10 liters.
    In the case of buses, the standard is 200 liters. In trucks that can carry fuel, the standard is 600 liters.

10. Other

You can also import other goods with a total weight of up to 50 kg and a cost of up to 300 euros per passenger: furniture, auto parts and fuel, electrical and hand tools.

In case of importing more items than allowed, they must be declared in writing and paid a customs duty, which depends on the type and value of the goods.

For the transportation across the border of art objects that have high value, it is also worth taking care of purchasing required documents and licenses.

What can and cannot be exported from Poland?

Without paying taxes from Poland, you can export all goods and things that are intended for personal use, that is, they must be in a rational amount.

You also have the right to take out of Poland "temporarily imported things" - those that you brought, and in the same quantity without paying a fee. But you will have to pay tax if you want to take out the purchased equipment.

Despite the fact that you cannot take plants (as well as seedlings and seeds) with you to Poland, you can take them out of there within reasonable limits without a commercial purpose. But in this case, you need to get a phytosanitary certificate for the plant.

Step-by-step instructions for passing the Polish customs can be viewed on the official website:

Norms for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland 2019

As you know, Poland and Belarus border. Therefore, it is extremely important for residents of the neighboring country to know what and how much can be transported from Poland to Belarus, because they often cross the border for cheaper purchases. For Belarusians, the norms for transporting goods from Poland to Belarus have changed in 2019. If a customs service goods from the “prohibited list” are noticed among the baggage, it will be confiscated.

List of what cannot be imported into Belarus from Poland:

  • Pork and all products that contain it (sausages, lard, sausages).
  • Food for animals (including for pets, fish), which is not subject to heat treatment.
  • Products without labeling with all ingredients listed.
  • Plants in pots (optional).

The list of allowed goods is as follows in 2019:

  • poultry meat (chicken, duck, turkey, etc.) in labeled packaging;
  • kitchen Appliances and plumbing (1 item every three years);
  • motorcycles, tires and auto parts (up to 4 units every 2 years and with the provision of documents for a motorcycle or car);
  • Goods with a total weight not exceeding 25 kg and no more than 500 Euro(when moving by car) - if you drive less than 1 time in 3 months, weighing up to 20 kg up to 300 euro- if more than once every 3 months; and 10,000 euros (when crossing the border by air), vehicles (except for the car on which the crossing is carried out), ethyl alcohol (up to 3 liters) - this is what you need to declare when importing into the Republic of Belarus from Poland.

In the event that the rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland are not observed, the authorized bodies have the right to suspend the import of prohibited items, luggage in excess of 300 euros and undeclared funds. Depending on the degree of violation of the rules, the punishment may be in the form of confiscation of the transported item, a fine, or even deportation. Moreover, such sanctions are possible from customs authorities both Poland and Belarus.

Customs declaration forms and instructions for filling them out can be found here:

Do not forget also that when entering Poland you may be required to present.

Necessary services for travelers:
Tickets: Housing:
On the plane: Aviasales- the cheapest flights. skyscanner- compare prices of different airlines.


Without additional documents, both import and export of cash Russian and foreign currency, as well as traveler's and bank checks with a total amount of up to $10,000, are allowed. Import and export of cash, as well as traveler's and bank checks exceeding these norms, is possible only if the entire amount is declared. (According to the Agreement on the procedure for the movement of cash and (or) monetary instruments by individuals across the customs border of the Customs Union No. 51 dated July 5, 2010).

Cost and volume of allowed goods


Duty-free importation of goods and things not intended for production or commercial activities. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to import duty-free up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages (declared - up to 5 liters), up to 50 cigars or cigarillos, or 200 cigarettes, or 250 grams of tobacco, as well as goods and items for personal use: clothing, toiletries, jewelry, photo and film equipment, etc.

The value of imported goods when crossing air borders should not exceed 10,000 euros with a total weight of not more than 50 kg. The cost of imported goods when crossing other borders (rail, road, water) should not exceed 1,500 euros with a total weight of not more than 50 kg. (According to the protocol "On amendments and additions" dated October 19, 2011 to the "Agreement on the procedure for the movement by individuals of goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and the performance of customs operations related to their release" dated June 18, 2010).

If the total value and weight of goods exceeds the above norms (but not more than 650 thousand rubles and/or 200 kg), a single rate of customs duties and taxes is applied - 30% of the customs value of these goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg. If imported goods exceed the norm of 650,000 rubles and/or 200 kg, then they are subject to duties and fees provided for participants in foreign economic activity.

At the same time, food of animal origin is allowed to be imported no more than 5 kg and must be in factory packaging (according to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the EurAsEC dated June 18, 2010 No. 317 "On the application of veterinary and sanitary measures in customs union").


When crossing the border in your car, you can take out duty-free up to 20 liters of fuel, not counting the fuel contained in the tank.

Legislation Russian Federation does not impose restrictions on the export of alcohol and tobacco. However, you must take into account the relevant restrictions on the importation of alcohol and tobacco in the country of destination. For ethyl alcohol up to 5 liters, customs duties are applied at a single rate of 22 euros per 1 liter.

Goods for mandatory declaration

Precious metals and stones in any form and condition are subject to mandatory declaration (with the exception of personal jewelry and other household items); weapons, ammunition, explosive, radioactive, narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous and poisonous substances, as well as strong medicines; artistic and cultural values, as well as radio transmitting and receiving complexes with operating frequencies above 9 kHz. At the same time, works of art can be imported duty-free on the terms of a declaration and subsequent registration with the Ministry of Culture.

Prohibited Items


It is forbidden to import printed, film, photo and video products of a pornographic nature, as well as containing elements of official or state secrets, propaganda of fascism, racial, national and religious hatred; endangered objects of wild flora and fauna, their parts and products derived from them; vegetables and fruits without corresponding phytosanitary certificates ; as well as samples of military-style weapons and ammunition for it (a number of models of cold, pneumatic and gas weapons also fall under this category).


The export of weapons, ammunition, explosives and radioactive substances is prohibited; narcotic and psychotropic substances and medications, as well as potent drugs; poisonous and toxic substances; objects of art and antiques (the export of paintings, sculptures, icons, ancient coins, orders and medals requires a special permit from the Ministry of Culture, for commemorative coins made of precious metals - permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the export of commemorative and souvenir coins in circulation is not officially limited); items made of non-ferrous and precious metals worth more than $25,000; representatives of flora and fauna under state protection; fish and seafood (except for lobsters, lobsters, shrimps) in excess of 5 kg, as well as all types of sturgeon fish and their caviar in excess of 250 grams (factory packaging and a check from the store are required).

Electronic forms

Electronic forms of passenger customs declarations can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and, after filling out and printing them, present them at border control points. Forms are available in Russian, German, English and Finnish.

Going shopping abroad or returning from vacation with souvenirs for friends is a common practice for modern tourists. However, not many of them first study the customs rules of Russia. This document indicates things (and their quantity) that you can freely carry with you across the border, and you also need to declare or even pay a customs fee. The customs rules of Russia in 2019 have undergone changes.

From January 1, 2019, the amount for which you can import goods duty-free has been reduced by three times, and the allowable weight has been halved.

Today, without paying customs duties, it is possible to transport goods for personal use across the border in the amount equivalent to 500 EUR and weighing up to 25 kg.

The new customs rules apply only to those who cross the Russian border by car, train or ferry. Innovations are relevant for everyone. For air travelers, the old rules still apply.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

No trip is complete without the tourist having required amount of money. For everyone it is different. You can not declare your financial capabilities at the border and then have no problems if the import of foreign currency (the total amount of cash and traveller's checks) does not exceed 10,000 dollars. Moreover, the available funds can be in any currency, but should not exceed the specified threshold.

Import and export of any currency is allowed without additional documents, if the amount does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. Customs declaration can be filled in this case as desired.

If tourists have a need, the equivalent of which exceeds 10 thousand dollars, or to introduce similar funds, then this requires permission obtained from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Alcohol and tobacco

The import rules imply that these goods can only be transported by adults who are 18 years of age or older. The following restrictions apply for 2019:

  • without entering it into the declaration and, accordingly, without paying a fee. What kind of alcohol it will be is completely unimportant: for customs officers, beer, whiskey, wine and absinthe are completely equal;
  • 2 liters of alcohol can be carried in excess of the established duty-free limits, provided that they will be included in the declaration. For each liter, you will have to pay a customs fee separately - 10 euros each, that is, for two in excess of the norm - 20 euros. Purchased alcohol abroad or in the duty-free zone does not matter;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 100 cigarillos;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

The import of tobacco products is subject to mutual exclusion. You can choose one thing.

Scheme of checking a truck at customs

Violation of customs rules regarding the import of alcoholic products is punishable by the seizure of contraband goods, the initiation of administrative proceedings and the imposition of penalties. Moreover, the amount of the fine can range from half to double the cost of the goods.

Whether or not to seize goods that have crossed the border with violations will be decided individually in each specific case, as well as the amount of fines.

The rules for the export of alcoholic beverages from Russia do not provide for any restrictions. But these restrictions are very clearly spelled out in customs regulations other countries. That is, you can take out as much as you like, but it is unlikely that you will be able to import them into another country. In addition, customs officers may be interested in a large amount of alcohol, using an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It states that goods can be taken out of the country in the quantity necessary for personal use.

Duty-free import and export of things

In order to transport things across the Russian border and not fill out a declaration, and, accordingly, not pay a fee, all baggage must comply with three basic import rules:

  • Everything that you are going to transport across the border must be intended for you and your family personally. Including new goods, used items, clothes and equipment. That is, 10 new iPhones or other modern expensive gadgets will definitely interest a customs officer;
  • If the border is crossed by car, train or ferry, then the total weight of your luggage must not exceed 25 kg. Air travelers are allowed to carry up to 50 kg;
  • The total value of your baggage cannot exceed EUR 500 if you return to Russia by land, and . The calculation takes into account the cost in any currency, not exceeding the equivalent.

The exception is things that are brought into the territory of the Russian Federation by refugees and migrants.

But for this you need to have on hand confirmation of your social status. Also a special attitude to the things that you inherited. However, in order to smuggle them, it is necessary to provide customs controllers with documents confirming the fact of ownership.

The rules of duty-free import into the territory of the Russian Federation apply to works of art, but with one caveat. They must be declared, and after crossing the border, they must be registered with the regional Ministry of Culture.

Violation of customs rules entails administrative liability and payment of the imposed fine. In some cases, customs officers have the right to confiscate items that are prohibited from being brought into the country or that have not been properly declared.