How many cigarettes can be imported into Bulgaria. Customs regulations of Bulgaria for Russian passengers of international flights. Meeting with the hotel guide

  • 05.03.2020

Holidays in Bulgaria became popular with Russians during the existence of the Warsaw Pact, when political and economic ties between the countries were at their peak. Due to the warm climate, low prices and the habitual mentality of the Bulgarians was not interrupted by the tradition of trips to this state even with the collapse of the USSR. Another popular reason for such trips is the possibility of easily obtaining a residence permit in this EU country when purchasing real estate. To avoid problems on this journey, it is worth finding out the main customs regulations in Bulgaria in force in 2020.

General rules

Despite the fact that Bulgaria has been a full member of the European Union since 2007, as of 2020, the year has not yet ended. Nevertheless, the basic rules for entering the country coincide with the requirements of the Schengen countries.

To cross the Bulgarian border, you will need the following documents:

  • , which expires no earlier than 3 months before the end of the trip;
  • visa (a national visa of any category is suitable, any, as well as national ones, Romania or Croatia);
  • (coverage must be more than 30 thousand euros);
  • confirmation of hotel reservation or other evidence of accommodation availability for the duration of the trip;
  • supporting documents (from 50 €/day, but not less than 500 € per trip).

If you are traveling with your own vehicle, with animals, or carrying certain categories of cargo, other documents may be required.

The basic rules for entry into the country are governed by its national legislation and EU directives, and their observance is monitored by the national customs service.

How to pass the Bulgarian customs

According to the common procedure for crossing borders for the EU countries, established by the European Parliament Regulation No. 952/2013 and the European Parliament Regulation No. 2016/399, after passing through passport control, all guests of the country (with the exception of holders of a diplomatic passport) must go through customs control.

The organization of control at land border crossing points and at airports is somewhat different, so it is worth considering them separately.

As in other European countries, Bulgarian airports after passport control will meet you with two corridors: "green" and "red".

In addition to the color of the arrows and signs, they differ in purpose - if you do not have luggage with you, which must be declared, then you can follow the “green” corridor, where customs control is carried out selectively, and not for all tourists.

If you have a large amount of money or other goods subject to declaration, then you need to follow the “red” corridor and fill out the declaration without fail.

It will be easier to navigate the differences in the corridors than in other EU countries, because all the inscriptions on them are made in Bulgarian, which is very close to Russian.

Please note that the choice of a "green" pass is considered an oral statement that both the luggage and the tourist's hand luggage do not contain items subject to declaration.

Therefore, if, as a result of a subsequent check, it turns out that you still had such items with you, then, in addition to paying the appropriate fee, you will additionally have to pay a fine.

In some cases, instead of a fine, confiscation of the relevant goods is assigned (this is the measure most often used in Bulgaria) and even criminal prosecution (usually in the case of smuggling valuables in large quantities or trying to transport prohibited items).

Passing control on the car

There are no “corridors” at ordinary checkpoints, so you will have to go through control in any case. If you are still driving your own or rented car, then in addition to the above mandatory documents, you will need:

  • (Russian law new sample issued after 2011, or IDP);
  • technical passport of the vehicle;
  • international insurance policy of the Green Card standard.

If you have rented a car, you will need a rental agreement. If you are traveling by proxy, then do not forget to take it with you.

Directly at the checkpoint or at the nearest gas station, you need to pay the toll, which is 5 euros, and stick the received vignette (rovineta) on the windshield of the car. If you travel around the country without this vignette, you will have to pay a fine of 300 euros.

Also, the car must have a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, an emergency stop sign, a tow rope and a reflective vest. Of course, the car must be in good technical condition. A certificate of the level of CO in the exhaust is also desirable.

It is convenient to check the workload of checkpoints on the website of the country's border police.

Carriage of luggage across the border of Bulgaria

All goods, according to the possibility of their import and export from Bulgaria, are divided into permitted, restricted and prohibited. Therefore, when packing your bags before a Black Sea trip, you should find out the rules for transporting various goods.

If you did not find the position you are interested in in the sections below, it is worth checking the official website of the Bulgarian customs.

Permitted loads

Please complete the sociological survey!

Foreign citizens who do not have EU passports have the right to duty-free transportation of such goods:

  • no more than 200 cigarettes (importer must be at least 17 years old);
  • up to 500 grams of coffee;
  • no more than 100 g of tea;
  • up to 50 ml of perfume or up to 250 ml of cologne;
  • personal items (clothes, phone, laptop, etc.);
  • other goods total cost up to 100 €.

The allowance for carrying alcohol without paying fees is 1 liter of strong (above 22 degrees) alcohol or 2 liters of wine. Of course, only tourists over the age of 16 can take advantage of this opportunity.

Please note that all the indicated limits are valid only for the first trip to the country within a calendar month. If you come more often, then next time the rates will be only 20% of those indicated.

For persons under 16 years of age, the limits are also smaller and amount to 50% of those given.

For any goods over 100 euros, you will have to pay 20% VAT and a duty of 5% of the value.

Separately, it is worth clarifying which of the products can be imported into Bulgaria:

  • concentrates and extracts from meat;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • vegetable and fruit preserves;
  • sweets;
  • baking;
  • products from raw materials that do not contain meat and fish, technically processed by 50% or more;
  • infant formula (when traveling with a child);
  • any medically prescribed products (with a certificate from the attending physician with a certified translation into English).

Basic rules for importing animals into Bulgaria:

  • tourists can only bring pets;
  • you need an international veterinary passport indicating the required vaccinations, and you definitely need a rabies vaccination made no later than a month and no earlier than a year before the trip;
  • there must be an EU certificate that the animal is healthy;
  • pet must be microchipped.

Sometimes you may need additional help from the main veterinarian your city, that in the last 6 months you have had rabies cases in locality was not fixed.

If a pet less than 3 months old is imported, instead of being vaccinated against rabies, a certificate will be required that from the moment of birth the animal was kept at home without going outside.

Prohibited goods

In order to avoid problems at customs, it is worthwhile to figure out what cannot be imported into Bulgaria from Russia and other countries.

The list of items prohibited from being imported in any quantities without appropriate permits is quite standard for any European country and includes:

  • weapons (except for hunting with the relevant certificates) and ammunition for it;
  • hazardous substances (explosives, poisons, sources of ionizing radiation);
  • narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • medicines (other than those required for medical indications);
  • rare species of animals and plants;
  • items of high historical, cultural or artistic value;
  • meat or dairy products (except as noted above);
  • products containing more than 5% cocoa.

Separately, it is worth clarifying the question of which medicines cannot be brought into Bulgaria. The country's legislation restricts the import of medicines whose active substances are classified as narcotic. Most often, problems arise with the import of drugs containing codeine and ephedrine (pentalgin, Nurofen, Codelac, Bronholitin), and so on. They must be taken with a prescription with the seal of the clinic and the signature of the doctor, and their number should not exceed 20 tablets. All medicines are transported in original packaging and with instructions for use.

It is better to carry medicines that you are unlikely to need in the cabin in your luggage. It makes sense to take with you only emergency drugs like asthma inhalers in hand luggage. Just keep in mind that any liquid must be packaged in containers with a volume of less than 100 ml, otherwise you will not be allowed to take it on board.

Export restrictions

Of course, you can take out of the country everything that you legally brought into it, as well as any goods you legally acquired.

The export of currency from Bulgaria is carried out according to the following rules:

  • the amount up to 8 thousand leva (4 thousand euros) may not be declared;
  • the amount over 4000 € or its equivalent in foreign currency is subject to declaration;
  • in order to export an amount exceeding BGN 25,000 (€12,800), you must additionally obtain a certificate of no debts from tax service countries.

Fans of the famous Bulgarian wines and rakia should find out how much alcohol can be taken out of Bulgaria. You can take up to 1 liter of strong alcohol (more than 22 degrees), up to 2 liters of any wine or up to 16 liters of beer with you as a keepsake.

There is also a restriction on the export of cigarettes - there must be no more than 40 pieces.

Goods prohibited for export

The export from the country of the same items that are forbidden to be imported into it (weapons, drugs, poisons, and so on) is completely prohibited. Particularly strict control over attempts to take out items cultural heritage, so that when exporting any works of art, you must have documents substantiating their origin.

In theory, the export of any number of goods allowed for export is not prohibited. In practice, if your expenses clearly exceed the amount declared at the time of entry, customs officers may have a question whether you filled out the entry declaration honestly.

Rules for declaring values

According to the requirements of the EU Regulation of October 26, 2005 No. 1889/2005, if you are traveling with an amount of cash or traveler's checks exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 euros, you are required to declare it when crossing the border. To do this, you must definitely choose the “red” corridor at the airport.

At the same time, the declaration is filled out only when crossing the border of the European Union for the first time during the trip.

Other baggage categories requiring mandatory declaration:

  • photo and video equipment;
  • jewelry.

Without declaring, you can spend jewelry in the following limits:

  • up to 37 g of coins, scrap, sand and other semi-finished products made of gold and platinum;
  • up to 60 g of gold and platinum jewelry;
  • up to 300 g of silver in any form;
  • any gemstones as part of other jewelry.

Not to pay customs duties several times when traveling from Bulgaria to EU countries and vice versa, be sure to keep receipts for all goods purchased in the EU during the trip, as well as a receipt from your entry declaration.

Please note that the reaction of a customs officer to found undeclared items will depend on the context. If you manage to convince him that the violation happened by accident (forgot to declare the purchased clothes), then most likely the case will be limited to confiscation. If items not specified in the declaration are transported secretly (in secret compartments or other items), then in the end you can get a fine or even become a defendant in a criminal case.

How to fill out a declaration

After going to the “red” corridor of the airport or answering yes to the question of the customs officer about whether you are carrying something that needs to be declared, you will receive a document called “Cash Declaration Form Money» according to the form model No. 3MF-1479/2012. Please note that on the back of it there is an instruction for filling out, including in Russian.

The most important requirement is that only one character (number or letter) must be entered in each cell. Only the white fields of the form are to be filled in - the gray fields will be filled in by customs officers.

Tax Free system

Like many other European countries, Bulgaria has a system that allows you to get back up to 20% of the cost of certain goods purchased during the trip. Arranged Tax Free in Bulgaria as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to find a store that is a member of the system (you can recognize them by the Tax Free logo near the entrance).
  2. Next, you need to make a purchase for an amount exceeding 1000 leva, while each position in the receipt must be above 50 leva.
  3. When paying, you must show your passport to the store employee and ask him to fill out a tax-free receipt. Give him all the information he asks for, and make sure that all of it is correctly entered into the document.
  4. Do not unpack your purchases before leaving the country. Passing customs control before boarding the plane, present the purchased goods to the employee, tax-free check for them, cash receipt and your passport.
  5. After getting a stamp on the tax-free check from him, find a refund point, which is usually also located at the airport (the easiest to find them in Sofia, Burgas and Varna).
  6. The employee of the point of return must present the same documents as at customs.
  7. As a result, you will receive compensation for the goods you purchased, and it is possible to receive both in cash and in the form of a transfer to a card.

You must stamp the tax-free check no later than 3 months from the date of purchase. It is possible to issue a return and receive money within six months after the purchase of goods.

If you did not have time to receive a refund in Bulgaria, you can do it at one of the banks authorized for such operations in Russia, namely:

  • pchrb,
  • smp Bank,


Knowledgeable travelers, especially those who have traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia, Seychelles or Fiji, often worry about whether it is possible to export shells from Bulgaria. In contrast to these countries, the Bulgarian coastal ecosystem is not unique to the region, and Red Data Book mollusk species are not found in it. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the export of shells collected on the snow-white beaches of the Black Sea state.

Many pet lovers are afraid to leave their pets alone or with friends/relatives on long trips. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what rules for transporting cats to Bulgaria are valid in 2019:

  • an international veterinary passport is required;
  • the passport must contain all necessary vaccinations, including a rabies vaccination, made no later than a month and no earlier than 6 months before crossing the border;
  • you need a certificate of the absence of diseases from the state veterinary clinic, issued no earlier than two weeks before the trip.

Please note that when applying for a certificate, you first need to obtain a Form 1 veterinary certificate at a veterinary clinic, and then contact the Rosselkhoznadzor department and obtain an international veterinary certificate (Form 5a) and its annex (EC certificate).

The same goes for other pets. And do not forget that if you are traveling by car with a dog, then the pet must be microchipped (with the chip data entered in the veterinary passport and vice versa), and everything must be on the car Required documents. In this case, the dog must be vaccinated against rabies no earlier than a year before the trip.

Since Bulgaria is famous not only for beaches and wine, but also for sweet fruits grown on farms, many tourists are wondering if it is possible to export fruits from this country. Yes: unlike animal products and liquids, there are no restrictions or prohibitions on the export of fruits and vegetables. Just do not forget about the restrictions on the weight and size of luggage and hand luggage when boarding a plane.


Customs regulations In Bulgaria, in fact, they differ little from those characteristic of any other European country. The main thing is not to take prohibited things like weapons and drugs with you and not to forget to declare large sums of money and valuables. If you are traveling by your own car or taking your pets with you, do not forget to complete all the necessary documents in due time.

And remember that before you travel, you should visit the official website of the customs service and check if the basic rules for crossing the border have changed.

  1. Check the information about your flight on the information board and go to the check-in counters, the numbers of which are indicated on the board. Please present your passport and ticket when checking in.
  2. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the exit number and the time for boarding the aircraft (in the boarding pass, the exit is indicated by the word GATE, the time is TIME).
  3. After checking in and announcing the start of boarding, you must go to the appropriate areas for international flights.

Passengers of international flights go through customs, passport control, as well as security control, after which they await the departure of the flight in the sterile zone of the gallery of international airlines. Passport and boarding pass are presented at the checkpoint.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to pass phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for conducting pre-flight and post-flight inspections

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for conducting pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation July 25, 2007 No. 104 forbidden to carry on board the aircraft by passengers in the checked baggage and in the belongings of the passengers, the following hazardous substances and items:

Permitted to carry on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, in compliance with the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in checked baggage in the cargo and baggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to baggage during the flight:
    • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cleavers, scimitars, broadswords, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, hunting knives, knives with ejected blades, with locking locks, imitators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a blade (blade) length over 60 mm; alcoholic beverages containing more than 24% but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of not more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail- no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of not more than 24% by volume;
    • aerosols intended for use for sports or domestic purposes, the outlet valves of which are protected by caps from spontaneous release of contents in containers with a capacity of not more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - not more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;
  • in things carried by passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
    • mercury blood pressure monitor in a standard case - one per passenger;
    • barometer or mercury manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the seal of the sender;
    • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable products - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • non-hazardous liquids, gels and aerosols: in containers with a capacity of not more than 100 ml (or an equivalent capacity in other volume units), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of not more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml will not be accepted for carriage even if the container is only partially filled. Transportation exceptions are for medicines, baby food and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased at duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft must be packed in a securely sealed (sealed) plastic bag that allows identification of the contents of the package during the flight and has reliable confirmation that this purchase was made at airport duty-free shops or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel. Keep your proof of purchase. Do not open the package either before boarding the cabin or during the flight.

The administration of the airport, airline, operator has the right to decide on the introduction additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which it is prohibited to carry the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without latch) travel, penknives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Flight time

The flight to Bulgaria is about 2.5 hours.

Upon arrival at the airport

  1. Go through passport control (a foreign passport with a visa is presented, sometimes a return ticket and a voucher are requested).
  2. Get your baggage. The monitors above the baggage belts indicate the flight from which baggage will be issued on this belt.
  3. At the exit from the customs area in the arrivals hall you will be met by a representative of TEZ TOUR. After presenting the voucher, he will give you the number of your transfer bus.
  4. Go to the parking lot to board the bus. The departure of the bus occurs after the collection of all tourists.
  5. Listen carefully to the information that the escort will provide on the way to the hotel. He will also inform you about the time of the informational meeting with the TEZ TOUR guide.

Airport codes:

VAR — Varna
BOJ - Burgas
PDV - Plovdiv

In a hotel

The procedure for accommodation varies depending on the hotel, but, as a rule, it looks like this:

  • Present at the reception (reception) your passport and voucher (1 copy). After that, the hotel employee can:
    • ask you to fill out a registration card in English;
    • ask you for a passport to make a photocopy of it (check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  • Check-in at most hotels takes place from 14:00 - 15:00. If you wish to check in earlier than the indicated time, you must pre-book the room one day before the date of your arrival. In case of problems with accommodation, please contact a company representative.
  • After checking into your room, check the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to what services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on a table or bedside table).

Meeting with the hotel guide

The time of the informational meeting with the hotel guide will be communicated to you by the escort on the way to the hotel. At the appointed time, we invite you to come to a meeting with the hotel guide of the TEZ TOUR company, who will be waiting for you in the hotel lobby. Take your passport, voucher, air ticket for the return flight with you to the meeting.

For all questions and problems, please contact the hotel guide or the hotel reception. Guide coordinates (photo, name, mobile phone) and the hours when the guide is directly at the hotel are indicated on the TEZ TOUR information stand in the hotel lobby.

The day before the flight home

  1. Go to reception, check if you have unpaid bills for Additional services(use of mini-bar, telephone, etc.). If you have debts, pay them off.
  2. In the evening, go to the TEZ TOUR information stand and check the time of departure and departure from the hotel, you can also find this information on the last page in the TEZ TOUR corporate folder at the hotel reception. To do this, you need to know the number of the return flight on which you are departing.

Departure from the hotel

On the day of departure, you must vacate the room before 12.00, hand over the keys and cards for towels.

You can leave your luggage in the hotel's storage room.

In order to avoid various complications, please do not be late and come to the transfer at the specified time.

Arrival at the airport of Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, Sofia for departure

  1. Go to the check-in counter, where your flight number is indicated (counter numbers will be indicated on the flight board).
  2. Check in for the flight (present your passport and ticket).
  3. Drop off your luggage at the check-in desk.
  4. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number (GATE) and the time to board the aircraft (TIME)
  5. Go through passport control (present your passport and boarding pass).
  6. Go to the departure hall, where you will be waiting for the boarding announcement.

Useful information

Medical service

All medical care in Bulgaria is paid, but if you have an insurance policy, the service is provided free of charge or with subsequent reimbursement of expenses according to the insurance policy (see the leaflet attached to the insurance policy). In the event of an insured event, you must contact insurance company by phone numbers specified in the insurance policy. Only with the direct notification of the insurance company and coordination by it of your actions will free (or with subsequent reimbursement of expenses) service be provided.

first aid kit

Before the trip, form and take a first aid kit with you, which will help you with minor ailments, save you time looking for medicines and get rid of communication problems on foreign language in addition, many drugs can different countries bear different names.


The monetary unit of Bulgaria is the Bulgarian lev. The euro exchange rate is the Bulgarian lev fixed (1 euro=1.95583 BGN at the rate of the Bulgarian Central Bank). The dollar exchange rate is unstable. You can exchange currency at exchange offices and banks. Bank branches are usually open on weekdays from 8.30 to 17:00. In exchange offices, the exchange rate can be very unfavorable, it is worth consulting with a guide.

Never change money with your hands! In resorts, as well as in cities, near exchange offices you can meet people who will offer you a better rate, most likely they will give you counterfeit or no longer valid banknotes.

International credit cards are accepted in almost all banks, as well as in most hotels, restaurants and shopping centers.

The shops

There is no hourly work schedule in shops; during the tourist season, many shops are open until late at night.

AT small shops and it is possible to bargain in the markets.


The most popular souvenir in Bulgaria is rose oil in a wooden bottle. The world-famous Bulgarian oil-bearing rose, carefully grown in the Rose Valley, is one of the national symbols of the country. In general, tourists can buy everything related to roses: cosmetics, perfumes, jams, etc.

Bulgaria produces excellent quality wines. Another popular drink is the Bulgarian vodka "rakia". It is quite inexpensive and is presented in a large assortment. Still very popular: ceramics, silver self made and sea souvenirs, magnets with views of Bulgaria.

The cuisine of this country cannot be imagined without spices. Especially for tourists, beautifully designed small transparent jars with "sharena salt" are sold - salt mixed with all kinds of seasonings. Knowledgeable tourists bring kimon seasoning from Bulgaria. This spice goes well with meat, fish and vegetables.

Bulgarian cuisine

The Bulgarian national cuisine is original and varied, it is famous for its abundance of vegetables, delicious meat, hearty snacks and fragrant soups, and is famous for its dairy and sour-milk products. At various times, Greek and Turkish cuisines have had a great influence on the cuisine of Bulgaria.

Many Bulgarian dishes are cooked on a skar (on a metal grill), such as kebapcheta (fried minced meat sausages), kyufteta (meatballs) and shish (shish kebab). Famous dishes are kebab (meat on a spit), gyuvech (stew with potatoes and vegetables), kavarma (meat dish with mushrooms, onions and potatoes), kashkaval pane (breaded soft homemade cheese), chushka byurek (bell peppers fried in egg , stuffed with cheese and tomatoes), Shopska salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, onions, seasoned with grated cheese, vegetable oil, vinegar, spices).

Bulgarian cooks successfully combine vegetables with fish, meat, flour, egg and dairy products. Tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet and hot peppers, zucchini, eggplant, beans - this is not a complete list of vegetables that are grown and cooked in Bulgaria and which largely characterize the national cuisine. Vegetables are stewed in pots with cheese, stuffed, baked and, of course, vegetable salads are prepared.

The cold Bulgarian soup "tarator" is also very unusual (finely chopped cucumbers, dill, garlic and walnuts are filled with diluted Bulgarian "sour milk"). And you can have a snack with a banitsa - a puff pastry pie with cheese. Banitsa is usually eaten with the famous Bulgarian sour milk And, of course, in a country where many different varieties of grapes are grown, there is always excellent wine on the table.


The bus is the most popular means of transportation within Bulgaria. The average ticket price in the city is 1 Bulgarian lev (0.5 euro), a long route is more expensive, up to 3-4 levs.

The scheme of movement and the schedule of buses on the South Black Sea coast(Elenite - Sunny Beach - Nessebar), you can.

Car rental. You can only rent a car if you have a driver's license. All cars have hull insurance. The minimum rental period is one day, the mileage is not limited. Make sure the car is fully insured, including headlights and glass. Gasoline is purchased independently. In the event of an accident, do not move the car until the arrival of the police. It is necessary to urgently report the incident to the representative of TEZ TOUR and the company where the car was taken, as the police may not speak Russian or English, and you will not have the opportunity to explain your version of the incident.

Don't forget to have your driver's license, passport and car rental documents with you, as police checks are possible.


To travel to Bulgaria, you need to apply for a Bulgarian visa in advance.

Citizens of Russia can visit Bulgaria for the same period with a valid Schengen visa only if it is double or multiple entry. With a single-entry Schengen visa, entry into Bulgaria is no longer allowed.
Citizens of the Russian Federation can enter the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria on a valid visa of Cyprus, Romania and Croatia for a period of stay, which is limited by the period specified in the visa, within the period of its validity and a certain number of entries, but not more than 90 days within 180 days. Holders of Bulgarian visas under the same conditions can enter the territory of Cyprus and Romania. You can only enter Croatia with a double-entry and multiple-entry visa.


The time is 2 hours behind Moscow in winter and 1 hour in summer.


To store valuables and documents, tourists should use the safe. For valuables and documents left unattended in the room or on the territory of the hotel, the administration is not responsible.


The tip system applies to waiters in bars and restaurants, maids in hotels, porters, guides. Tipping is optional, but if the client is satisfied with the service, tipping is a sign of good taste. Almost always, the average tip is 10% of the bill. In hotels, in taxis, they do not give tea, but the meter readings are rounded up.


Baby cot - on request, free of charge in most hotels. There are hotels where baby cot comes for an additional fee. Payment - 1-8 euros per day.

Most hotels offer one extra bed (cot, pull-out couch or armchair) for DBL+EXB accommodation.


In Bulgaria, all beaches are public. Umbrellas and sun loungers are available for a fee. Some hotels offer free use of umbrellas and sun loungers on the beach. Keep in mind that their number is limited!

Mains voltage

Mains voltage 220 V.


90% of the local population are Orthodox Christians, about 9% are Muslims, about 1% are Protestants, Catholics and Jews.


You can export from Russia without issuing a bank certificate until 3000$ per person. If you take out up to 10,000 euro per person, the amount must be declared and the passage is through the red corridor; if more than 10,000 euro per person, then you must have bank documents with you.

At the airport in Bulgaria, be sure to include in the declaration all electronic equipment, antiques and jewelry (their presence can be checked upon departure).

Duty-free import is allowed: 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of strong alcohol, 2 liters of wine, perfume - 50 ml in uncorked bottles, food within the limits of personal needs.

It is forbidden to import drugs, medicines containing a large dose narcotic substances and weapons.

  • it is recommended to use mineral water bought in the shops and bars of the hotel;
  • jewelry, money and documents are recommended to be stored in a safe located in the room or at the reception desk;
  • it is recommended to hand over the room key at the hotel reception. If you lose your key, please notify the hotel immediately.


Telephone communication in Bulgaria is very good and relatively inexpensive. You can call from the hotel, but it is more expensive than from the post office. Post offices are open from 8.30 to 17.00, telephone call centers - until midnight. Mail identification marks - black on yellow POST.

Cell phones work great in Bulgaria. In Bulgaria 3 mobile operator(M-Tel, Globul, Vivacom). It makes sense to buy a local SIM card for a few euros. The price of a conversation with Russia M-tel (Prima card) - 2.50 euro / min, Globul (B-connect, Frog) - 0.60 euro / min., Viva Com (Viva International) - 0.10 euro / min.

Russia can be contacted using the code 007 + area code + subscriber's phone number.

To call Bulgaria, dial 00 - 359 - area code or 8 - 10 - 359 - area code.

Useful Phones

If you have any questions during your stay in Bulgaria, please contact your guide, whose mobile phone is placed on the information stand (folder).

Phones of TEZ TOUR tourist support service in Bulgaria

For any questions regarding your holiday in Bulgaria, you can contact the Russian-speaking representatives of the TEZ TOUR company.

In case of any emergency, please contact the support service by phone: +359 2 492 3611 (call center)

Region Varna (Obzor, St. Constantine and Helena, Sunny Day, Golden Sands, Kranevo, Albena, Balchik):
+359 892 279 667
+359 894 445 646
Email: [email protected]

Burgas region (Sozopol, Sarafovo, Pomorie, Ravda, Nessebar, Sunny Beach, St. Vlas, Elenite):
+359 892 279 592
+359 894 445 623
Email: [email protected]

Ski resorts Bansko and Borovets:
+359 894 445 623

24/7 telephone in Russia

If you have problems dialing the support number, please report it to the 24-hour telephone 8-800-700-7878 (calls from any regions of Russia are free).

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The procedure for passing the Bulgarian customs is set in accordance with European standards. You will not meet long queues during customs inspection. However, the procedure for passing customs control is carried out according to strict standards.

In order for you not to have any problems with the documents and rules of its crossing when passing through customs at the Bulgarian border, you just need to contact our consultants who will answer all your questions related to the rules for passing the customs of this Balkan state. To do this, you just need to leave your phone number in the form below and you will be contacted.

Bulgarian customs requirements

Bulgaria, like all sovereign states, has its own requirements for foreign citizens when crossing the state border. Below we will consider what can and cannot be imported into this country.

"Green" and "Red" customs corridors in Bulgaria

At the Bulgarian customs, in principle, as well as at the customs of many other states, there are two passage corridors - the Green Corridor and the Red Corridor.

The first passage corridor is intended for those citizens entering the country who do not have goods subject to declaration.

If, when entering Bulgaria, you bring with you goods that, according to Bulgarian law, must be declared, then you must use the Red Corridor.

Rules for importing currency into Bulgaria

When traveling to Bulgaria, you must remember that you have a completely legal opportunity to take any amount of money with you, only on one condition that the amount over $100,000 (euros and levs in a transfer equivalent at the current exchange rate) must be declared in writing . Everything that you have with you less than this amount, you can simply voice it and go through customs control calmly along the Green Corridor.

Goods prohibited for import into Bulgaria

The rules for crossing the Bulgarian border provide for a list of goods that are prohibited from being imported into the country. You cannot import into Bulgaria:

Narcotic and potent psychotropic drugs;

Toxic substances;



Medications, other than those prescribed for you by medical prescriptions;

Rare species of animals and plants;

Historical and artistic values;

Dairy and meat products, only those that are not intended for health reasons.

Goods that do not need to be declared when entering Bulgaria

The following goods can be imported into Bulgaria without filling out a declaration:

The rules for importing goods into Bulgaria are not very demanding on smokers, so it is allowed to import cigarettes into the country, but not more than 200 pieces;

You can enter alcoholic drinks, but their quantity is limited to two liters of wine and one liter of spirits;

If you are addicted to a certain type of coffee, you can take it in an amount of no more than 500 grams;

Tea is a simple business, it is sold everywhere, and the quality is almost the same, so Bulgarian laws allow you to import no more than 100 grams of tea, buy it on the spot;

Not a single girl or woman can do without her favorite fragrance, therefore, the rules for importing into Bulgaria do not prohibit taking a bottle of perfume with a capacity of not more than 50 ml;

The male sex was also not deprived of attention and was allowed to import cologne, but not more than 250 ml;

You can also take infant formula or other food with you, only those that are prescribed for medical reasons, while all relevant documents confirming this fact must be properly executed.

With these goods you can use the "Green Corridor" at the customs of Bulgaria.

Goods to be declared when entering Bulgaria

Goods that will be exported in the same quantity from the country must be declared, these are:

Your favorite jewelry, without which you cannot do without even on vacation;

Video equipment, where without it, but how to capture it as a keepsake, but do not forget to take it back, otherwise there will be problems at customs;

Photo equipment, well, probably, without it, certainly not one tourist can imagine himself.

If, during your vacation, something from the list of declared goods was stolen from you, although this is very rare in Bulgaria, then it is better to inform the police about this so that there are no problems at customs when you return home and get the appropriate document.

Rules for bringing pets into the country

Many who want to go to Bulgaria have their pets, with whom, even during the holidays, they don’t want to part at all. In this case, you need to worry in advance and issue an international veterinary passport for your beloved animal and perform the chipping procedure - this is the insertion of a chip under the skin of the animal, the data of which must be entered in the passport.

What can not be exported from Bulgaria?

In principle, there are no special restrictions on the export of goods from Bulgaria. The most important thing is that you do not export goods for an amount that will be more than declared upon import, since this will immediately raise a lot of questions about how you managed to relax and not spend anything. In principle, this also applies to the amount equivalent to imported.

Also, cultural, historical and archaeological values ​​cannot be exported from the country.

To cross the border of Bulgaria, a foreign passport is required, the validity of which expires at least 3 calendar months from the date of departure from Bulgaria. You also need a Schengen visa. You can get acquainted with the conditions for obtaining a visa on the websites of diplomatic missions, the addresses of which are given here.

- 2 liters of wine or fruit liqueur, or tincture with an ethyl alcohol content of not more than 22%, or 3 liters of beer and an additional 1 liter of other alcoholic beverages;

When entering from the territory of the EU countries, there are no restrictions on the amount of currency. If your journey started from a country outside the EU, and the amount of funds exceeds 10,000 euros, a declaration will be required.

Representatives of flora or fauna must be presented to quarantine service employees. The certificate of vaccination against rabies of your pet must be received not earlier than twelve months and not less than one month before the moment of crossing the Bulgarian border. Pet insurance is required - it must be obtained no later than 5 days before entering Bulgaria.

To cross the border with Bulgaria by car, you must have an international driver's license, a technical passport for the vehicle and an international insurance policy for car owners "green card".

Baggage rules on flights

For tickets issued on/after May 2, Bulgaria Air introduces new rules for free baggage allowance depending on the weight and size of the baggage.

This group includes passengers with chronic illnesses who have recently had surgery or a serious illness. For such passengers, Bulgaria Air requires a written permission from a doctor certifying the fact that the passenger is fit to fly. Also, in some cases, the passenger is required to give a written waiver of claims related to the deterioration of health during the flight.

The flight of women at the 28th week of pregnancy is not recommended. Bulgaria Air does not accept women who are 34 weeks pregnant.
Healthy newborns are not accepted for travel within seven days of birth.

Passengers aged 0-2 years old are considered infants and cannot travel alone. An adult passenger can only accompany one infant. The responsibility for the infant lies with the accompanying adult.

An unaccompanied child is a passenger 12 years of age or older traveling alone or with an escort provided by the airline.

Bulgaria Air provides flights for unaccompanied children under the following conditions:
Children aged 5 to 12;
Children aged 3 years but under 5 years old can travel if accompanied by Bulgaria Air for a fee. One accompanying person can accompany up to two children from the same family. In this case, the price of transportation will be the same as for one child.
Children must have all the necessary documents with them: passport, visa, medical certificate of the country of departure and arrival

On March 1, 2009, the European Union (EU) introduced regulation No. 206/2009, which prohibits the import of dairy and meat products into the territory of the EU countries in baggage and hand luggage in the aircraft cabin.

Currently, at airports located in the Russian Federation, there are restrictions on the carriage of liquids, gels and aerosols in the hand luggage of air passengers.

This restriction applies to: water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfume; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; the contents of the cans, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpastes; mixtures of liquid and solid substances; ink; any other similar substance.

Passengers are only allowed to carry a small amount of the substances listed above on board the aircraft, but only if they are packed in containers with a volume not exceeding 100 ml. At the same time, these containers must be placed in a transparent plastic bag with a volume of not more than 1 liter, and each passenger is allowed to carry only one such bag as hand luggage. You can bring these bags from home, but they must be equipped with a special "zipper" (see the attached poster below).

  • baby food necessary for the child during the flight;
  • medicines necessary during the flight (however, when going through security, be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to prove the need for these items and substances during the flight);
  • items that do not meet these requirements must be left at the airport in the luggage room.

It is still allowed to purchase drinks and perfumes at duty-free shops located at airports, after ticket and passport control checks, and on board aircraft of the airline.

Any purchased liquids and gels must be packaged and sealed in a Duty Free store or on board the aircraft, if necessary. The packaging seal is valid for 24 hours.


Customs regulations in Bulgaria

You can import into Bulgaria an unlimited amount of its national currency - the lev, or foreign currency. What Can You Carry in the Baggage of an Airplane to Bulgaria, Luggage?
If the amount of import does not exceed 10,000 euros or their equivalent in foreign currency, the Green Corridor is open to you.
If there is more money, they must be entered into the customs currency declaration and presented to the customs officer in the Red Corridor.

Bulgaria has a relatively low threshold for the duty-free movement of other goods.
Travelers over the age of 16 can bring into the country without paying duties goods purchased abroad for an amount not exceeding 100 euros.
Those under the age of 16 - 50 euros. For those who cross the border back and forth (more than once a month), the norm duty-free import and even less - 20 euros.
Leva not spent can be exchanged before leaving the country. To do this, you must submit a certificate of the initial exchange from the exchange office.

When importing, jewelry, photos, cinema and video equipment are declared, which then must be exported from the country.
According to the customs legislation of Bulgaria, you can import and export from the country precious metals and stones for personal use in the following sizes.

gold and platinum (including coins) in raw or semi-finished form up to 37 gr.
bijouterie and accessories from gold alloys up to 60 gr.
silver and accessories from its alloys (including coins) up to 300 gr.

cigarettes - up to 200 pieces;
tobacco products - up to 250 grams;
wine - up to 2 liters;
spirits - up to 1 liter;
coffee - up to 500 grams;
tea - up to 100 grams;
perfume - 50 ml;
cologne or other perfume products - up to 250 ml.

If the value of goods not intended for sale that you bring with you to Bulgaria is between 100 euros and 1500 euros, you must pay a duty of 5% of the value of the goods. In addition, they are subject to 20% VAT.

Moreover, this rule is individual, that is, the available goods cannot be divided among family members. It must be understood that this does not apply to personal items.

weapons and ammunition;
potent psychotropic medications;
toxic substances;
protected species of animals and plants;
objects of historical, artistic or other value.

plants and animals, as well as their derivatives, included in the Convention international trade as endangered species of flora and fauna;
- firearms for hunting and sporting purposes and ammunition for it;
— nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radiation sources;
- medicines approved for use in the country with a valid expiration date;
– live wild animals, genetic materials, hunting trophies;
- cultural monuments made of precious metals and precious stones.

with the amount, again, up to 8,000 levs (5,300 dollars), you can safely go through the Green Corridor;
if you have from 8,000 to 25,000 leva, you must fill out customs declaration and go through the "Red Corridor";
and if the amount of cash on departure exceeds 25,000 leva (17,000 dollars), then the Bulgarian customs will have every reason to demand confirmation of the legality of the acquisition of these funds.

There will be no problems if you declared cash upon entry and kept the declaration until departure. If you export an amount exceeding the previously declared, you will need a certificate from tax authorities that you have no tax debt to the Bulgarian government.

You should always remember that by going to the Green Corridor, you thereby declare that you do not have goods subject to declaration. Leva, foreign currency, jewelry, and jewelry not properly declared are subject to confiscation in favor of the state.

Bulgarian customs being structural unit Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria in last years became a significant source of replenishment of the treasury (7.909 billion leva - about 4.05 billion euros in 2012). The fact is that the customs of Bulgaria adheres to two simple rules: to confiscate and fine (in general, "customs takes the good"). And although the share of violators of customs rules in Bulgaria who arrived in the country by air in 2012 amounted to only 10.1% of the total number of "smugglers", in the total economical effect is very tangible. Basically, air passengers come across elementary things that lead to confiscation and fines (money in clothes in luggage - illegal transportation of currency; the same if you do not correctly fill out the declaration "Model No. 3MF-1479/2012 Cash declaration form"; absence exit declaration; absence of a certificate of purchase of local currency; absence of a certificate from the Directorate of the "National Agency for Incomings" when trying to take out of the country the amount of 30,000 leva; food subject to confiscation (meat, dairy products and cocoa) not presented to the customs officer in time; products from animals and plants and the like). In general, these are not weapons, drugs and explosives at all, but quite understandable violations for which fairly effective punishments are provided (confiscation and a fine). Enough interesting fact in the customs regulations of Bulgaria is the difference in the duty-free allowance between air travelers and travelers arriving in Bulgaria by other means of transport.
  • Import and export of currency.
  • Customs fees in Bulgaria.

Import and export of currency.

We fill in the declaration "Model No. 3MF-1479/2012 Cash declaration form". The form is in Russian with instructions for filling it out on the back. All white fields are filled in by the declarant in capital letters in dark ink (where necessary, one letter/number in each cell); gray fields completed by the competent authorities.
The obligation to declare cash when entering and leaving the European Union is part of the EU's strategy to prevent money laundering and combat terrorist financing. In the Republic of Bulgaria, cash transported within the EU is subject to declaration in accordance with the Currency Law. You must complete this form if you are entering or leaving the European Union with cash in the amount of EUR 10,000 or more (or the equivalent in other currencies) [Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005, Article 3( one)]. When transporting cash across the border of the Republic of Bulgaria to or from the EU Member States, it is declared upon request from customs authorities the above amount (art. 11b of the Currency Law).
According to Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005, it is necessary to declare:
a) negotiable credit and monetary documents to the bearer, incl. bearer monetary instruments such as traveler's checks, negotiable instruments (including cheques, bills of exchange and money orders) issued to the bearer, endorsed without restrictions, issued to a fictitious recipient, or in any other form that implies the transfer of ownership by delivery, as well as incomplete documents (including checks, bills of exchange and payment orders) signed, but without indicating the name of the recipient;
b) currency (banknotes and coins in circulation as a medium of exchange).
When transporting cash in the amount of BGN 30,000 or more, or their equivalent in another currency, to third countries, persons provide a Certificate from the relevant territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency that they do not have overdue debts.
In the Republic of Bulgaria, declaration is required when transporting precious metals and precious stones and products from and from them, while to or from EU Member States, declaration is carried out upon request from the customs authorities. When transporting precious metal products that are movable cultural property across the border of the country to third countries or to EU Member States, declaration is mandatory.
The indication of false, inaccurate or incomplete information is considered a failure to fulfill the above obligation and entails the imposition of fines on the signatory or the detention / confiscation of cash by the competent authorities in accordance with Art. 18(1), Art. 18a (1) and Art. 20 of the Currency Law and Articles 3 (1) and 9 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005. Information and personal data are registered and processed by the competent authorities [Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005, Article 5(1)] and may be made available to the services referred to in Article 22 of Directive 2005/60/EC. Data processing is carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

Which goods are subject to mandatory declaration at the customs of Bulgaria?

When passing customs control, it is necessary to enter in the customs declaration:
  • Precious metals, precious stones and articles containing them or made from them must be declared if the following limits are exceeded:
  • 37 g of gold and platinum in the form of scrap, sand and semi-finished products, as well as coins.
  • 60 g of jewelry and accessories made of gold and platinum.
  • 300 g of silver, raw or semi-finished, coins, jewelry and accessories.
  • Gemstones embedded in jewelry and accessories.
  • items prohibited for export.
  • goods not intended for personal use.
  • goods imported from outside the EU, the quantity of which exceeds the amount established for exemption from customs duties (tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, medicines and other duty-free goods).
  • goods subject to import bans or restrictions.
In case of doubt, you must declare all goods. When entering Bulgaria from Russia and transporting goods purchased in the EU countries, it is necessary to keep the receipt in order not to pay customs duties and taxes again. If you want to transport these goods to another EU country, you will still have to declare them at customs when entering the EU.

What can be imported into Bulgaria with exemption from customs duties?

Through the customs of Bulgaria, air passengers from Russia are allowed duty-free import of:
  • Tobacco products (passenger must be 17 years of age or older): 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grams of smoking tobacco.
  • Alcoholic beverages (passenger must be 17 years of age or older): 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 22% or 2 liters of alcoholic beverages and aperitifs, champagne or sparkling wine and liqueurs, with a strength of up to 22%. Additionally, you can spend 4 liters of wine (not carbonated) or 16 liters of beer.
  • Any items not prohibited for transportation (including perfumes, coffee and tea) with a total value of up to 430 euros.
  • Medicines in the amount necessary for personal use.

Prohibitions and restrictions on import to Bulgaria.

According to Regulation (EC) No. 1523/2007, which entered into force in Bulgaria on January 1, 2009, both the import and export from the country of products containing cat and dog hair is completely prohibited.
According to Regulation (EC) No 206/2009 of March 5, 2009, it is forbidden to bring into Bulgaria: animals, plants, food products containing animal meat, animal fats, dairy products, products containing more than 5% cocoa.
It is advisable to make a request before the trip to customs service and the National Veterinary Service on the currently valid rules for importation into the territory of Bulgaria.