Komsomol happy birthday posters. Competition of thematic wall newspapers “Komsomol members are restless hearts. II. Project Organizers

  • 02.05.2020

In connection with the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the Komsomol, a wall newspaper competition was held in the college. The theme of the competition is “Experience of Komsomol work with children and youth. On the participation of the public in the upbringing of youth.

It is known that the main feature of the Komsomol was that it was a youth organization that united in its ranks boys and girls from 14 to 28 years old. The main task of the Komsomol was the communist education of the younger generation. Education in word and deed is a path that was successfully implemented in the Komsomol organization.

Komsomol worked closely with other public organizations. Such forms of interaction were used as participation in the development labor collectives counter plans, plans for socio-economic development, the conclusion of agreements for creative collaboration between youth Komsomol brigades, etc. The role of the Komsomol was to strengthen the activity of youth organizations, develop their creativity and initiative in the country's activities aimed at improving the well-being of the people.

Young people who are now 15-20 years old hardly know the history of the Komsomol. Therefore, the objectives of the competition were the following:

  • to acquaint students with the history of the Komsomol;
  • develop creative potential students;
  • identify active and talented students.

The competition fulfilled the tasks assigned to it. Colorfully designed wall newspapers attracted the attention of both students and former Komsomol members.

6 groups took part in it. The jury assessed the compliance with the theme of the competition, the design and information content of the submitted works.

The winners were:

  • I place - gr.KS-19, KS-37;
  • II place - gr. TO-13;
  • III place - gr. P-314.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the contestants.






Head of Education Department

G. A. Tyurina


About the district research project dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol


G. Pavlovo

October 29, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the creation of the All-Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union. The history of the Komsomol is inextricably linked with the history of the country, is significant for glorious deeds, military and labor exploits, and is rich in its traditions. The Komsomol played an important role in the development of the economy, science, culture of the Soviet Union, in the defeat of German fascism, patriotic, labor, aesthetic and physical education of children and youth.

The 100th anniversary of the Komsomol is an excellent occasion to once again turn to the pages of its history, recall the bright leaders of the youth, thank the Komsomol members of that era for maintaining the continuity of generations, transferring invaluable experience and traditions of the youth movement.

I. Purpose and objectives of the Project


Involvement of children and youth in the study of the history of the Komsomol, acquaintance with its historical path and application of its experience in modern life.


Raising patriotism, pride in the historical past of the country, respect for people who made history;

Organization of search and research activities in educational institutions;

Expanding the horizons of students, creating conditions for the development of initiative, creativity.

II. Project Organizers

Department of Education of the Administration of the Pavlovsky Municipal District, MBU DO TsRTDYU Pavlovo

III. Project participants

Students of educational institutions of the Pavlovsky municipal district, members of student self-government bodies, children's public associations and councils of high school students, teachers of educational institutions

The project is implemented in two age groups:

12 - 14 years old;

15 - 17 years old.

IV. Project Implementation Timeline

The project is being implemented from January to September 2018.

Stage 1: January-March 2018 (school stage) is held in educational institutions of the Pavlovsky municipal district;

Stage 2: April - May 2018 (correspondence qualifying municipal stage) is held among the winners of the school stage. Each educational institution can submit for participation in the municipal stage no more than 5 works in each of the Project competitions in each age group participants.

Stage 3: September 2018 (full-time municipal stage). Presentation of the best competitive materials. Exhibition. Determining the winners of the Project.

5. 1. Competitions of the Project:

Competition of Komsomol symbols;

Research competition “Komsomol youth, you never knew peace!”;

Competition of thematic wall newspapers "Komsomol members - restless hearts";

Drawing competition "In everyday life of great construction projects";

Essay competition "Komsomol history of my family";

Competition of school thematic events (for teachers).

Competition of Komsomol symbols

Participants of the Competition must develop flat images or logos for the subsequent production of various souvenir products. A3 format. Possible as handmade and web design.

Works must be submitted to the correspondence qualifying municipal stage no later than February 24, 2018.

5.3. Competition of research works "Komsomol youth, you never knew peace!"

Participants of the Competition conduct research and draw it up as creative work(text) with copies of documents, photographs, revealing the content of the work. Photos are attachments to work, outside of the main text. Research work should be based on local material, that is, talk about the Komsomol members of the Pavlovsky municipal district, who took part in the great Komsomol construction projects, the development of virgin lands, etc. The study can be conducted both in relation to one person and a group of people.

Design requirements: no more than 5 A4 printed sheets in a Microsoft Word text editor, font 14 Times New Roman, paragraph tab stop on the left edge - 1.25 cm, alignment - in width, level - main text, interline value - single, subject to the following margin sizes: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm.

Photo requirements: PNG, JPG, JPEG format.

Criteria for evaluation:

Compliance of the content of the work with the subject of the Competition;

The presence of interesting content;

Availability of documents confirming the text, photographs;

Logical presentation;

Depth of research;

The quality of the work.

Competition of thematic wall newspapers "Komsomol members - restless hearts"

The competition accepts works made on one sheet of whatman paper in any technique (computer graphics, appliqué, drawing, photography, mixing techniques, etc.). The content of the wall newspaper should reflect the results of the search research activities of students based on local material, stories about Komsomol members of different generations, interesting episodes of their biography. The newspaper should be bright, beautiful, meaningful.

An exhibition will be made from the best wall newspapers presented at the municipal stage. A wall newspaper can be made by one participant or by a creative team.

Criteria for evaluation:

Relevance to the theme, content;

Availability of results of research activities based on local material;

An interesting approach to design, the use of illustrations, drawings, photographs;

October 29 is the birthday of the Komsomol (All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union), in other words, the day of the Komsomol movement.

Even having lost its former ideological meaning, this day remains a holiday for someone, because the Komsomol is a piece of times gone forever, this is the chapter of our history. The Komsomol left a mark on the fate of every Soviet boy and girl. And no matter what anyone said, he was a unifying force for youth.

Today, in honor of this date, we propose to plunge a little into the bygone Soviet era. And to do this with the help of immortal posters, which in many ways remain a symbol of the USSR and a model of poster art.

The Soviet socio-political poster inscribed a special page in the history of the development of this type of art. His distinguishing feature- close connection with ideology and history. Poster works by Russian artists were on public display for almost the entire 20th century. And they served, together with radio and newspapers, as a means of agitation.

On almost every corner, bright posters urged members of the Komsomol to love their Motherland, study, and work. They were supposed to evoke feelings of pride, joy and confidence in the future. Soviet poster has always been concise and expressive. One or two figures were usually placed on the sheet. The colors were bright and in their combination enhanced the expressiveness of the image.

Early in its history, the poster often replaced the newspaper. This art was accessible to the general public, its images were understandable to everyone. Short energetic text - the slogan that accompanied the image - was memorable and called for action. There was not a single major event in the life of the Soviet people, to which the poster would not respond.

1925: On the seventh anniversary of the October Revolution

1929: Komsomol members for shock sowing

Svarog V., 1931: Laborers and Komsomol members, on the tractor!

1932, Elkin V.: Let's fulfill the requirements of Comrade Voroshilov

1932, Ganf I.A.: Komsomol! master aviation technology

1934, Volkova M.S. : Komsomol - chief of parks of culture and recreation

1937, Buev, Jordanian: Komsomol member, help the children
good study and good rest

1939 Koretsky V.B.: Long live the Leninist-Stalinist Komsomol
chief of the navy of the USSR!

1939: Liberated woman - build socialism!

Poster of the pre-war years: We will pass the military exam perfectly!

1941, Alimova V.P.: Every member of the Komsomol must master
military profession!

1941, Kholodov I.F.: Komsomol members are always ahead!

1943, Serov V.A.: Long live the 25th anniversary of the Lenin-Stalin Komsomol!

1944: learn to shoot straight!

Poster of the war years: Every Komsomol member must master
military equipment of the defense of the USSR

Wartime poster: Be at the forefront of the fighters
against Nazi bloody dogs

1948, Karpovsky N.P.: Long live the Komsomol tribe!

Forward, to new successes in work and study!

1957, Dmitrieva G.S. : Motherland is calling. Komsomol, forward!

1958, Vigltanskaya N.P. : Always next to the communists
Komsomol of the Soviet country

1963: The party said: it is necessary,
Komsomol replied: yes!

Poster of the Brezhnev era: The party and the Komsomol have one goal - communism!

1970s: Step forward, Komsomol tribe!

1976: If the party says it is necessary,
Komsomol members will answer yes!

1980s: Komsomol won't let you down!