Scene for mother's day from preschool boys. Scenario for Mother's Day "Who lives in the Magic World?". Satirical instructive sketch for Mother's Day "Caring Son"

  • 13.11.2019

The scene about moms is useful for teachers who work with different age groups children. Such a production will be an excellent addition to the scenario of any holidays to which parents are invited. And a scene about mom on Mother's Day is an absolutely necessary element of a holiday for adults and children.

Where to begin?

In order for the skits for children about mom to go with a bang and the production to take place, you need to perform several preparatory steps:

  1. Write a script. At the same time, the scene should logically continue or end the theme started by other actions in the general scenario. It is worth registering not only the words of the actors, but also their actions and emotions (“suitable”, “angry”, “nodding”). This will help, both to show the plot more realistically, and to the children themselves to understand the meaning of what is happening.
  2. Choose an artist for each role. From a pedagogical point of view, it is necessary to choose children not only on the basis of their acting inclinations, but also on personal desire. If the child himself shows a desire to play, it is better to give him this opportunity. Moreover, all mothers want to see their baby involved, even if his game is not as lively as others.
  3. Prepare attributes. This may not necessarily be complex costumes and scenery. Even with simple pieces of furniture and clothing, the scene will turn out to be much more natural.

Mother's day sketch about mom

"Mothers Day".

Characters: mother, father, son, daughter.

The action takes place in the morning in the apartment. Children (son and daughter) come to the door of the parents' bedroom and listen.

Son : "Mom and dad don't want to wake up and feed us today."

Daughter : "Let's cook breakfast ourselves. At the same time, we'll clean up the apartment. After all, today is a holiday."

The children go to the kitchen. On the way, the sister whispers in her brother's ear: "We can also make a surprise and decorate the cabinets in the kitchen!"

They take out a vacuum cleaner, paint in a can. The vacuum cleaner is heavy, they try to handle it and inadvertently spill paint on the floor. They decide to give up on this and start cooking. They try to knead the dough, it sticks to hands, stains clothes, flour is scattered on the floor.

Suddenly they hear the sound of footsteps.

Daughter : "Someone is coming!"

Son: "If only it wasn't mom! We didn't have time again!"

The door opens and dad enters. He says in amazement: "What's going on here? Do you want me to punish you?!"

Son: "Daddy, don't be angry. We wanted to surprise mom!"

Dad clutches his head (forgot about the holiday).

Dad: "That's bad luck! But I didn't even buy flowers, it completely flew out of my head! So, let's go together, for one or two!"

Everyone gets down to business. Dad cleans up the mess, helps paint flowers on the cabinet, bakes the pies, and goes back to sleep tired. After a while, mom wakes up and goes into the kitchen to the children.

Mom (surprised): "My God, what a beauty! So clean, beautiful, but it smells like something!"

Children (in chorus): "Mommy, happy holiday!"

Mom hugs the children, then sighs and says: "What a pity that dad does not see this."

Such a scene about mothers is suitable for the participation of younger kids school age. In this case, older children or the teacher herself can play father and mother.

Funny scenes about mom


Characters: mother, son.

Mom comes into the apartment with heavy bags, tired.

Son: "Mom, how many times do I have to tell you: don't carry such heavy bags!"

Mother : "Yes, I wouldn't do it with pleasure, son..."

Son: "You can go to the store several times, it will be easier."

This scene for moms is suitable for high school.


Characters: mother, son.

Morning, mother wakes up son.

Mom: "Son, wake up! You'll be late for school."

Son: "Mom, I won't go! Again this nasty Sidorov will get into a fight!"

Mom: "If you don't get up now, you'll miss the first lesson."

Son: "It's okay. But Sidorov won't throw papers at me at the lesson."

Mom: "Son, you can't be late!"

Son: "Can you put footboards on people?"

Mom: "Vanya, but you shouldn't miss school. You're ... the director!"

Funny scenes about mom and the fact that she remains her for a child of any age can be supplemented with this one.

Scene about mothers for high school students

Scenes about mom for high school students can be more "adult" and modern. They are often put not only on Mother's Day, but also on March 8 or proms.

"Mom and Computer"

Characters: mother, daughter.

Mom enters the room where her daughter is sitting at the computer.

Mom: "Daughter, will you free your computer soon? I wanted to upload a photo to Odnoklassniki."

Daughter (reluctantly turns and replies with displeasure): "If not for long, then sit down."

Mom goes to the system unit and tries to put a photo into the drive.

Daughter: "Mom, what are you doing?! We need an electronic version of the photo! Do you have it on a flash drive?"

Mom: "Is that the thing that looks like a matchbox?"

Daughter: "Yes, she is. And to enter the site, you need a username and password."

Mom: "What's that?"

Daughter: "Words and numbers without which you cannot enter."

Mom (takes out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket): "I found it, I'll do it now."

Daughter: "Let me help, it will be faster."

The daughter tries to take a note from her mother's hands, but she tries to hide the written password and starts poking the keyboard with one finger, entering it.

Daughter: "Oh, okay, if you don't want me to help, I'll come back later when you're done."

The daughter leaves the room. Mom quickly puts on her headphones, enters the game and speaks over the network: “This is Amphibian. Anaconda, do you hear me? Ready? Did you get to the computer too? Hurry up and join and hide from them! I'll take it upon myself! Done! They will know ours!"

Scene about mother and son

A scene about mother and son can be both funny and sad. The following is a staging option for mothers of high school students.

"Mom and son at the disco."

Characters: mother, son, girl, extras (small).

The place of action is a disco. Music is playing, teenagers are dancing. In the center of the dance floor, a guy walks up to a girl.

Guy: "Hey babe! Shall we get out of here and go for a walk?"

Girl: "Hi! I would be glad, but I need to go home already - my mother forbade me to return after 11."

Guy: "Ha ha! Do your ancestors still tell you what time to come? Maybe they still take you by the hand and take you on dates?" (laughs).

Suddenly, someone grabs the guy by the ear with his hand.

Guy: "Mom? What are you doing here?!"

Mom: "What are you doing here? You have a test tomorrow! Quickly home!"

Mom drags her son behind her. He followed the girl: "Pretty woman, I'm sorry, I ..."

Mom: "Home, I said!"

Scene about mother and daughter

The next scene is about mother and daughter and that parents remain indispensable at any age.

"Three Moms"

Characters: daughter, mother, grandmother.

A girl sits in the middle of the room and plays with a doll. He tells her: “Again, you, daughter, behaved badly. Again, you didn’t listen to your mother (points to himself). Again, I didn’t finish my porridge!” (shakes his head).

Mom enters the room and says to her daughter: “Daughter, why aren’t you listening to your mother again (points to himself)? Why didn’t you learn your lessons, didn’t pack your briefcase?

The girl walks away. A grandmother enters the room and says to her mother (her daughter): “Natasha, why should I, your old mother (points to herself), do everything for you? I didn’t wash the dishes, I didn’t clean the table! I also scolded the child! help her bathe!"

Scene about mom and dad

"Mother and father".

Characters: Mom and Dad.

Mother and father are sitting on the couch and talking.

Mom: "Valera, tell me how our Kostya studies?"

Father: "Don't you know how he studies?"

Mother: "Mathematics - two, languages ​​- two, literature - two! Our son is a loser!"

Father: "Wait! Why do you go to this school then? You attend all the meetings, you make repairs in the classroom, but our son still gets bad grades."

Mother: "Listen, why all the complaints against me? You are our son's class teacher! Can't you agree with the teachers to work with Kostya?"

Father: "Again, I have to do everything? Is it okay that you are the principal of the school ?!"

Scene about mother teacher


Characters: mother and son.

Mom talks with her son at home.

Mom: "Vanya, remember how I promised you that I would buy videos if you study well?"

Son: "I remember, mother."

Mom: "Do you remember how I promised that you would have good marks if you behave diligently in class?"

Son: "I remember..."

Mom: "So why didn't you keep any of your promises?"

Son: "Why should I keep my promises, Nadezhda Alexandrovna, if you don't keep your word?"

A touching scene for moms

This touching scene about mom is quite short and is performed mainly by the presenter. The meaning of what is happening depends on its text.

"Gift for Mom"

Characters: presenter, boy, seller.

On the stage - an impromptu flower shop. There are flowers in large vases, among which there are roses. All the time, while the presenter is reading the text, the boy chooses flowers, the seller silently comments something to him, shows him.

Presenter: "On the eve of my mother's holiday, a little boy stood in a flower shop. He stood for a very long time, carefully choosing a flower. He pricked himself on a rose, but restrained himself and did not cry. Courageous boy. "Who do you choose a flower for?" ", - the boy answered almost in a whisper. He took out of his pocket all the change that he had previously collected in a piggy bank, and gave it away. "Is it her birthday today?" The seller asked again. "No," the boy replied. - Mom is in the hospital. Soon I will have a brother, and until he can congratulate her, I will do it myself. And then she'll be a mother twice and get twice as many gifts for Mother's Day."

In order for the scene about moms to be as interesting and fun as possible, you need to take care of some nuances. For example, it is better to distribute roles in accordance with the nature of the children themselves who will play them. So the performance will be more alive.

Even if it is not possible to equip the stage with scenery, it can be transformed with the help of improvised means. For example, a rug, a couple of indoor flowers, a tablecloth on the table, etc. will help to imitate an apartment. The images of children should also differ in appearance. For example, to make it clear that a grandmother is on stage, she needs to put on a scarf, mom at home - a bathrobe or apron, dad - slippers, and so on. It is also desirable to select children according to their height. It is clear that a taller child will be more convincing in the role of an adult, and vice versa.

Do not forget that the younger the children, the more time they will need to rehearse. If you follow these simple (even obvious) rules, the holiday will be unforgettable.

How, have you forgotten that in November our whole country celebrates Mother's Day? Then rather remember and show children's scenes for Mother's Day. Funny, on the most relevant topics of the day - such scenes will be remembered, and adults will laugh heartily at their children. We offer you several scenes, and you can take all or the ones you like the most. Also you can put short sketches for 3-4 people to be more compact.

Scene 1 - how I help my mother.
A girl sits at a desk in a room. Textbooks, notebooks and pens are on the table.

Then her phone rings, the girl picks up the phone and starts talking:
- yes, hello.
- what? No, I won't go down the street!
- Yes, we were asked to write an essay.
- Yes, the theme is - how I help my mother.
- Do I know how I can help her?
- to ask her? No.
- Okay, let's write.

Puts down the phone. Walks around the table
- So how can I help my mother? How?

Mom enters the room
Daughter, have you already done your homework?

Not yet, mom. (and sits at the table)

Mom starts sweeping under the table.

- Mom, I'm doing my homework, and you're bothering me!

- I'll just sweep up and go!

Mom starts dusting the table.

Mom goes to the table, on which her daughter's things are scattered.

- oh, what a dirty dress, wash it immediately!

Oops, I forgot what I'm cooking. Now the soup will be digested! (and runs away)

- this is my talent, I also cook!

All this the girl wrote down in a notebook, as if she were writing an essay. Then he raises the notebook higher, looks into it and says:
- yes, helping mom is a whole science! This is where talent is needed!

See how this scene can be played differently:

Scene 2 - mini scenes with children.

Mini scene - taught at school!
A joyful child runs into the room to his mother and shouts:
- Mom, today we wanted to write!

- well done! And what did you write?

The child is sad and annoyed:
So we haven't learned to read yet...

Mini scene - months of the year.

Come on, we taught?

- let's!

- yan...

- var!

- well done! Feb…

- Ral!

- smart girl! And now himself.

- Art, rel, ah, june, july, dense, tyabr, tyabr, yabr, kabr!

A scene - again a deuce or children are making a movie.
And this scene is suitable for children in kindergarten and for students of all grades. After all, it can be played in different ways. Main idea!

Now you can please your mothers with wonderful scenes for Mother's Day!

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario for mother's day for children 5-7 years old. during celebratory event children start an argument about who is better boys or girls and prove to their mothers that they are the most wonderful sons and daughters.

Target: harmonization of parent-child relations


  1. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and their mothers from the joint celebration of Mother's Day.
  2. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.
  3. Contribute to the creation and maintenance of family traditions.
  4. Contribute to the creation of a positive microclimate in the group.
  5. Raise love and respect for the dearest person - mom.
  6. Contribute to the development of the ability to expressively perform poems: use natural intonations, logical pauses, stress, convey your attitude to the content.
  7. To develop smooth voice leading, expressiveness in singing, dancing.
  1. Presentation "Mom dear"
  2. The song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova).
  3. Congratulatory roll call Dance "Quarrel"
  4. Game "Tell me a word"
  5. Game "Say kindly"
  6. The song "What girls are made of"
  7. Attraction "How attentive you are" My mother has (eyes, dress, hair clips ...).
  8. Attraction "Disassemble with your eyes closed, someone needs something" (items for girls and boys)
  9. Poems "Mom's helpers"
  10. Attraction "Make a sandwich"
  11. Attraction "Who Has the Longest Potato Peeling"
  12. Attraction "Venikoball"
  13. Chastushki.
  14. Dance "Washing"
  15. Song "Lullaby for Mom"
  16. A story for moms.
  17. The song "Mom for a mammoth"
  18. Congratulations from dads.
  19. The song "Girls - boys, such naughty ones"
  20. Dance with hearts "Good gentle mother". We give hearts (balloons heart)
  21. Dance "Dance teacher"

Materials and equipment.

multimedia equipment. Presentation "Mom dear". Handkerchiefs, items that girls, boys need 5 pieces each, products for a sandwich, 4 potatoes, knives, a broom, napkins, masks of a hare, a hare, a titmouse, a hedgehog, cats, a guitar, flowers, 3 canvases, 12 hearts - flashlights, a tape recorder, musical accompaniment.

Event progress

Parents are greeted by the presentation "Mom dear".

Group reading of the verse by E. Serova “There is turmoil and noise in the kindergarten” (Appendix No. 1)

The song “I love you so much, mom” sounds (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova). (Appendix No. 2)

Educator: Today we are glad to welcome in this hall our dear guests, the sweetest, beloved and only ones, our mothers. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity.

Poem by Sergei Ostorovoy “There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked through the ages!” (Appendix No. 3)


Mom - this means tenderness, this is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity, This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story, It's the morning dawn

Mom - a hint in difficult times, This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the greenery of summer, This is snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light, Mom means LIFE!

Presentation "My mother is the best" (photo of mothers with children)

Children(collective reading):

Everything in the garden makes noise, sings - Mother's Day is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss: What will we give mothers?

Monkey dads will say: -We will buy bananas for moms!
So that we cook banana compote all year round.

Dads-hamsters will say: - We will buy hooks for moms!
To day-to-day to night
We knitted sweaters!

They will say, daddy bears will say:
- Buy-buy mothers covers!
We will buy jars, roots.
Let moms cook jam!

Well, a bunny on the edge rushes into the distance, spreading its ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why donate hooks?
Oh, you bears, hamsters!
For moms to rest
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's love moms!
Let's give them flowers! (give flowers)

Children are built in two rows (girls, boys - start a quarrel).

Dance "Quarrel" to the melody of the song. “I was offended” by the author of the words - Lisits Regina, composer - Igor Kornelyuk (Appendix No. 4)

Educator: What is it, what happened. What quarrel happened?

Boy and girl: Rather, solve our dispute, if you can prove who in the world is cuter than a daughter or son.

Educator: Of course, we understand that the age of questions has come. But this one is very complex. And only our mothers can answer it. Let's arrange competitions, and our moms will be a strict and impartial jury. Instead of points and ratings, we will present our participants with applause.

Educator: As a warm-up, I suggest you play a game.

Game "Tell me a word"

In the mornings, mothers take their children to (kindergarten).

We declare firmly, directly: the best in the world. (mother).

I'll put the portrait in a frame, I'll admire it. (mommy).

Mom will kiss on the cheek for a little night. (daughter).

Eat your mother's pancake, grow up soon. (son).

Mom has doves, her only one. (son).

There are many mothers in the world, they love them with all their hearts. (children).

And now let's play with moms: I start, and you finish the phrase!

There is no sweeter friend than your own. (mother).

Warm in the sun, mother. (good).

Mother's caress of the end. (does not know).

The birds are happy about spring, and the child. (mothers).

Do you love mom? And kind words for her say? Whoever says more will win.

Game "Say kindly"

Educator: You are all so different: funny, kind, mischievous, affectionate.

New task "Who will sing whom"

The song "And what are girls only made of"

Educator: New task

The game "How attentive are you"

My mother has (eyes, dress, hairpins).

Attraction "Disassemble with closed eyes to whom, what is needed"

(items for girls and boys)

Educator: Do you help your mom at home? But as? We will check now. We will do everything to make them happy.

Poems "Mom's helpers"

(Appendix No. 5)


We invite dads "Make a sandwich",
"Who Has the Longest Potato Peel"


Here they are - mother's helpers.
But in fact, everything is not so bad. Let's check.

Attraction "Venikoball"


Moms and dads listen carefully
Prepared palms. Clap for sure

(Appendix No. 6)

Educator: Do you know how to wash? And teach your mothers?

Dance "Washing"

We washed, swept, cooked soup, did not get bored.

It's time to relax and take a nap

Vanya: They light the lanterns before going to bed, sit down and talk to me before going to bed.

The whole evening you were not with me, You have all the affairs and affairs.

I don't stand over your soul. I'm still waiting and silent as a big one.

Sit down and talk to me before bed.

Let's look at the lights together.

Song "Lullaby for Mom"

I woke up early in the morning. Mom is still sleeping. Even the sun, yawning, quietly dozes in golden clouds.

Chorus: Bye, bye, I sing a lullaby for my beloved mother.

I want to give you a new day on Earth, mommy.

The breeze knocks on your window like a white apple tree.

The birds sang for you. Dear mother, my sunshine.

Educator: While mom is resting. A fairy tale will enter her house.

Music "Visiting a fairy tale".

A story for moms.

Hare, Hare, Titmouse, Hedgehog, Cat.
in some kingdom. In a dark state.
There is a Christmas tree in the forest, a prickly needle.
Like a hare lived under the tree. The bunny was not friends with his mother.
The bunny offended the mother. "I'm not friends with you," he said.

("Stop it, Zainka don't shawl")

Mom wiped her tears and went into the dense forest.
The bunny had a lot of fun, jumping, running and spinning.

("There, hustle there, hustle And we don't need anyone")

But in the forest, in the night forest, it became scary to be alone.

"Oh oh oh. Mommy Where. You are scary to me. I want to eat. I'm cold.

I cried for a long time, I went to look for Mommy.

Titmouse, little one, have you seen my mother?

I flew through the forest, I didn’t see your mother. Come to my thread. Fly faster, baby.

I can not fly.

Then look for another mother.

The hare wandered for a long time. All wet, and all tired.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, friend. Have you seen my mommy?

I live under a bush, come into my hole. I give you my fur coat.

The hare approached the hedgehog, wanted to hide under its thorns. Yes, he stumbled. Painfully

Oh oh oh

What happened to you.

A fur coat like a Christmas tree, needles on the shoulders. It hurts the bunny's paws. I'll rush off without looking back.

I looked out the window, and there was a mother cat.

The cat sings a song. Affectionately and tenderly.

He strokes his belly with his paw, like a snow feather bed.

Oh oh oh.

Cat - What's wrong with you? What are you sad bunny.

Mom, I really offended. How to have fun here.

What to do. How to say? Where can we find mom?

Children, or maybe together we will sing a song “Mom for a mammoth”, and you parents sing along.

Song "Mom for a mammoth"

Bunny falls asleep

A rabbit appears.

How is my bunny. How is my little one?

Stop hare, don't cry What happened, tell me.

Bunny, son, I have. Only without a quarrel we do not live a day.

Disobedient and pugnacious. Still, he's my favorite.

Got angry and drove away. I came and he disappeared.

Here I go looking for him. Maybe he met a fox?

Or a bad wolf. He's been gone for so long.

Cat - And you are a bunny, look if your bunny is sleeping under our Christmas tree.

Cat - Wait, don't wake up.

Hide yourself behind the Christmas tree and listen to him.

(wakes up the bunny)

Bunny, get up. It's time to look for mom.

Of course, I'm happy to. Yes, just where. Offended her greatly. She left.

Zainka, and you will still offend her.

I won't, I won't. Offend mother bunny.

I will, I will, respect and hug my mother bunny.

I will try very hard to help her and not to fight.

(mother comes out from behind the tree).

Mommy, forgive me.

Zainka, mommy loves you very much and forgives you.

This is how our story ends happily.

And you promise to protect your mother. Will you help her? To love, kiss, hug and speak affectionate words? Moms, are your kids the most wonderful?

So far, our strict but very cordial jury is summing up our competitions.

We would like to hear a few words from those. Who also loves our moms, from your dads.

Congratulations from dads.

Dear moms, well, who won. Who is better, girls or boys?

The song "Girls - boys, such naughty ones."

Dance with hearts "Good gentle mother."

We give hearts (balloons heart)

Moms are gentle, moms are sweet.
The best, very happy.
Children congratulate you on the holiday.
They only wish good things in life.
Don't get sick, don't get old
Sing, love and be beautiful. Happy holiday.
We invite you to a common dance.

Material Description: I bring to your attention a holiday script for older children preschool age(5-6 years), dedicated to Mother's Day. This holiday reinforces family foundations, supports the traditions of caring for the mother. The script will help music directors, educators of senior and preparatory groups spend a holiday in your kindergarten. Some poems, songs, dramatizations and games can be used in the March 8 matinee.

Scenario of the concert "I have only one Mom", dedicated to Mother's Day

Integration educational areas: Socialization, Cognition, Communication, Reading fiction.

Target: Raise a sense of love and respect for their mothers.


1. To educate children in a kind, attentive attitude towards their mother, the desire to help her, to please her.

2. Contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.

3. Develop artistry and creativity.

4. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children and a positive emotional atmosphere.

Preliminary work:

Drawings-portraits of mothers;

Wall newspaper;

Handmade gifts for moms

Photos of mothers with children for the final slide show.


Fake bed;

Portable blackboard or flipchart

For contests:

Swaddle Baby: 2 dolls, 2 diapers, 2 undershirts, 2 diapers, 2 bonnets, 2 ribbons (blue and pink)

“Sew on a button”: 2 pieces of fabric, 2 large buttons, thread, 2 needles, scissors

“Dress up and comb your mom”: jewelry, shawls, hair clips, beads, etc.

Technical means:

Slideshow projector;

Music Center

Holiday progress:

A wall newspaper is attached to the wall in the music hall, dedicated to the Day Mothers. Also on the wall is a gallery of children's drawings-portraits of their mothers.

The music is playing and the children are entering the room. become a semicircle.

The hall is darkened, in the center there is a fake bed, a girl with a doll “sleeps” in it, a night light is on, illuminating the center of the hall. The bed is rocked by “Mom” in a scarf (music director), sings a lullaby a” cappella. After the first verse, he gets up, takes off his scarf, puts it on his "daughter", and leaves. The girl gets up, ties her "mother's" handkerchief, shakes the crib, puts the doll down and continues to sing the same song.

Musical director: Every mother in the world loves her child, gives him all of herself without a trace, rejoices in success, together, even more acutely experiences defeat. When a child becomes an adult, he also eventually has children. Daughters become mothers, sons become fathers. And they already love their child as much as they once did in childhood, they also give warmth and affection. Then their children grow up, and they already become parents ... And this chain of life is never interrupted! So it was and so it will always be! And today our holiday is dedicated to all mothers, mothers of mothers and expectant mothers ... to all women who pass this chain from generation to generation without breaking it, but on the contrary, preserving all the most valuable! (The props are blown away, the lights are on)

The song "The Most Good" is performed (music by V. Ivannikov, lyrics by O. Fadeeva)

After the song, the children sit on the chairs to lose.

1 leader:

Let me congratulate you

Leave joy in your soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away with adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day!

2 Lead: Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the mother woman. Family holiday! autumn holiday! From the bottom of our hearts we give poems and songs to you!

1 leader:

Let the dawns be radiant, clear

Ringing rise above you.

All the purest, clearest, best

Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

2 leading: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is MOM! This is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world! Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more our love for mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

1 leader: And the guys, of course, have prepared poems for you, dear mothers!

1 child:

mother's day across the country

Today they celebrate

One thing in the world is clear to me -

I love mom!

She is my favorite

There is nothing stronger in the world!

She has comfort, she has family,

I love her for it!

2 child:

Mommy, my mommy!

You are so close, your own.

Happy mother's day, I congratulate you!

I wish you happiness and health!

Always be young

And of course next to me

I know mom won't betray

And give his hand!

3 child:

Mommy, dear mother,

Happy Mother's Day to you

I congratulate you today

Sincerely, dearly loving.

Clearly you are the best

My dear man!

May it be long and joyful

Mom's and grandmother's age!

4 child:

The golden sun rolled down,

The gentle sun turned into a mother,

Dear mother, smile

Come to me quickly!

5 child:

Mom is like a sorceress if she smiles

Every wish comes true for her

Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten.

Our new day, a fun day begins immediately.

6 child:

Mom is sad because of us,

Mom will regret and forgive

Mother! There is light in this word!

There is no better word "MAMA"!

The song flows like a stream.

Mom, we're singing!

The song "About Mom" ​​is performed (music and lyrics by E. Alexandrova)

All children in chorus:

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! There is no better word!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The best on earth!

MAMA gives fairy tales, a smile and laughter!

They sit down. Slides are projected onto the screen.

1 presenter: Dear friends, let's turn our eyes to the screen and listen to one parable. (The soundtrack of the song “Mom is the first word” sounds music by J. Bourgeois, words by Y. Entin.

2 host: The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand it? I don't know his language, do I?

The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

No matter. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM!

Three girls come out

1 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Just get greener!

2 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Revealed among the fields!

3 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the night!

(Grigore Vieru)

1 Lead:

If drama happens

Who will help? - (ALL) It's MOM!!!

2 leading: Guys, now let's play a little. We will arrange a competition "The most affectionate." You need to take turns saying affectionate and tender words about your mother, and not repeat yourself.

GAME "The most affectionate"

1 Lead: And now I will ask you to give answers to riddles about objects that can be called mother's helpers.

These are balls on a string.

Don't you want to try on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box ... (Beads)

In my mother's ears sparkle,

Playing with the colors of the rainbow

Silver drops crumbs

Jewelry - ... (Earrings)

Its edge is called fields,

It is all decorated with flowers.

Headwear is a mystery

After all, our mother has ... (Hat)

Name the dishes

The handle stuck to the circle

Damn bake it - is nonsense.

This is ... (frying pan)

He has water in his belly.

She churned with warmth.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly ... (kettle)

The dust will find and swallow it in an instant,

Cleans up for you.

Long hose, like a trunk-nose,

The carpet is cleaning ... (vacuum cleaner)

Ironing dresses and shirts

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household,

His name is ... (iron)

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. This year it is celebrated for the 18th time. So far, the holiday has not gained the popularity it deserves, which is a pity, because the holiday is very important, and undoubtedly useful. Important because this is a “legitimate” reason to express your gratitude to your dearest person. And the benefit of this day is to once again remind the child that not only his holidays are important in life, and gifts should not only be received, but also given with pleasure. Fortunately, children preschool institutions Don't forget about Mother's Day. But it would be nice if the family found time to congratulate their beloved mother.

Proposed script for Mother's Day "Who lives in the magical world?" will help, without special preparation, to arrange a home holiday or a celebration for mothers in kindergarten and in primary school. But, of course, specially prepared concert numbers, dances, poems, songs or just decorate the program.

Members: children, parents, teachers. Dad is the leader. (For home party: family, family friends with children)


The room can be decorated traditionally: balls, serpentine ribbons. And especially for mothers: a gallery of portraits of mothers painted by children. (For a home holiday, you can rummage through mom's archive and find portraits of mom that the children drew in different ages). You can make a photo exhibition (photo newspaper), providing photographs with appropriate captions: mother with her mother: mother - daughter; mother is small; mother is a schoolgirl; mother - mother, etc.


stickers - small stickers that can be glued on the hand, or on the child's face (some people love it very much) when he wins the competition

paper lanterns with "floating" candles (lanterns must be made from oiled paper, then they will not light up)

gnome costumes, or caps

Two - three hats for the contest "It's all about the hat"

Festive table:

Cookies that children and caregivers will bake the day before (for a home party - you can organize festive table, but with the condition that his children and dad are satisfied)

Music records

Introduction to the scenario "Who lives in the Wizarding World?"

Leading: Do you love holidays? I am very! A holiday is always fun, bright, a holiday is good mood and gifts, a holiday is a time when you can give up important things, and just rejoice from the bottom of your heart. And tell me, please, what holidays do you know?

An auction game is held, the winner is the one who has the last word.

Leading: And what is your favorite holiday?

As a rule, children name their birthday and New Year.

Leading: Yes, New Year is a holiday that everyone loves and always. As for other holidays, very often favorite holidays change with age. The kid will remember the New Year, the older child will remember his birthday, and in a family with children, for sure, the child’s birthday will be among the favorite days. But there is another very important holiday that children also love. Usually adult children. After our today fabulous day I think you will love it too. Does anyone know what holiday this is?

(Guests answer)

Now I will ask you, my dear children, to tell me what kind of mother she is.

Rehearse in advance who will speak and what. Words should be short, with a single characteristic. For example:

Katya: my mother is the most beautiful

Misha: my mom is very funny

Lisa: my mom is a very good cook, her cakes are yummy!

Denis: my mother sings very well!

The host can sometimes comment, something like this: Well, then we will all ask to visit you on some holiday.

Or we will definitely ask Denis's mother to sing at our holiday ...

Leading: Oh, what wonderful mothers you all have! They are smart, and beautiful, and they can do everything, and they do everything. Do you understand who lives next to you? It's simple - good Fairies, real Sorceresses!

Z learns the beginning from the composition "Good Tale"

Leading: I'll tell you a little secret, guys, real sorceresses don't have days off. Even on holidays, our Fairies, our mothers are busy: they prepare gifts and a festive table, come up with various amusements and amuse guests, and after the holiday they put the kids to bed, clean everything and go to bed only late at night to wake up the very first and smile at you. But it's not fair! Let's give our kind, beloved sorceresses a gift: arrange a real holiday for them! And let's start with a good song.

Karaoke "Mommy dear, my mother!"

Leading: And now a question for mothers: tell me, please, do real sorceresses have children - ordinary boys and girls? Obedient and capricious, diligent and restless?

It turns out that our dear Fairies, behind your affairs and worries, you did not at all discern the abilities of your children. So for you, I have a secret that is worth revealing: your children are also wizards, only they are still small.

At this time, you can turn off the light and leave only burning luminous lanterns. Not the ones that the children did, but additional ones, especially for this moment. It can be Christmas tree garlands, and aroma lamps, and just candles in sleeves placed on tables and window sills. Children, on the other hand, put on their "gnome" caps.

Leading: See what glorious helpers you have. They still do not know how much, they are only mastering the secrets of magical sciences. But today, I think they will surprise you.

Another question for moms, what magical tools do gnomes have? With what help do they create their little miracles?

The correct answer is caps and flashlights, the one who gives the correct answer gets a sticker. But it may happen that the enumeration of various magical items begins. For example: walking boots, magic wand, pipe, etc. In this case, the host can arrange an additional auction. And then name the correct answers.

Competition "It's all in the hat"

Leading: So, we found out that the main magical tools of the gnomes are lanterns and hats. Well, everything is more or less clear with flashlights, but what can you do with a hat?

Now I will show you one of the possibilities of a magic hat. So tell me, who loves candy the most?

A child or adult is invited to eat candy.

Leading: Now with the help of magic words, we will return the candy to this Magic Hat. Come on, let's all say "Crex, fex, pex!"

Everyone repeats the magic words three times, after which the host puts a hat on the head of the sweet tooth.

Leading: Woo-a-la! Candy in a hat!

Sometimes the audience does not always understand the meaning of the joke, explain to them that the candy is in the sweet tooth, and the sweet tooth is in the hat, therefore, the candy is in the hat.

Leading: And now I ask everyone to come to me. We will conduct another test for this hat. More specifically, for several hats.

The host suggests forming two or three (as far as the room allows) teams of mothers and children. Teams line up in the back of the head to each other, in front of the kids, and behind the mother. At a distance of 4-5 meters in front of them is the Leader.

Leading: Now we will have a hat relay race. I explain the rules:

Hats are put on the heads of the first team members, standing behind them, take off their hat and put on their heads, those following them take off their hats and put on themselves ... The last one takes his hat and runs up to me. The fastest team wins.

You can put two or three chairs in front of the teams at a distance, then the hat will need to be put on the chair of your team.

Leading: Reade set Go!

All members of the winning team receive prize stickers.

Leading: Just look at what friendly, cheerful and dexterous teams gathered at our holiday! Sorry, on your holiday, our dear mothers, our good Fairies. And now we will ask you, our wise Sorceresses, to conduct a master class for your young colleagues - gnomes.

There are competitions for mothers.

Contests for moms

1. "Cinderella"


* for each participant two empty containers and one each with a mixture of red and white beans.

The facilitator invites the participants to sort out white and red beans as quickly as possible. The participant who divides the contents of the bowl into two parts faster and better is declared the winner.

The smartest one gets a sticker.

2. "Who milks more?"

Individual or team championship. In the second case, the leader will need assistants, to have time to quickly prepare the "cows".


* rubber gloves (according to the number of participants), filled with water, in the “fingers” of which small holes are made;

* basins , in which "milk" will be collected

Moms are invited to "milk the cow." The role of the cow will be performed by a rubber glove. The winner is the one that can milk milk faster and more.

The winner gets a sticker.

3. "Nimble brooms"

Team championship. Fairy moms form two teams (if adults are not enough, you can attract gnomes - children)


* twigs for brooms according to the number of participants minus one

* two ropes for tying brooms

*two scoops

* small garbage: candy wrappers, small pieces of paper

*two chairs

Participants have to quickly sweep the floor. But before cleaning up, the teams will have to make their own brooms. Teams line up at the back of the head at the starting position.

In front of each team at a distance of several steps is a chair on which are several twigs (according to the number of team players minus one) and a rope. Candy wrappers or small pieces of paper are scattered behind the chairs. The chairs have scoops.

At the command of the leader, the players, starting from the last number, run up to the chair in turn, take the twig and give it to the first number. When all the twigs are collected, the first number runs to the chair, ties the broom and gives it to the last number. He again runs to a chair with a broom, and collects garbage in a scoop. The fastest win. As a reward - a sticker for everyone.

Leading: Well, now, while we are all here at the arena, let's have a general dance animation or, if it's completely grown-up, then a flash mob. Listen to the music, don't forget to change the rhythm, follow your Fairies, repeat the movements.

Dance Flash Mob Sounds.mp3

While mothers and children are dancing (it is better for them to come up with and rehearse movements in advance), the organizers of the holiday are preparing a festive tea party. Of course, the tables must be set in advance, but you still need to turn on the kettle, and it won’t hurt to check everything on the spot.

The host's assistant (or better, several, it can be dads or moms, with whom you need to agree in advance) light candles in lanterns that the children have made.

Leading: I don't even know which team was the best. You all danced so well that even I could not stand still. Moreover, I could not determine the winner, and therefore all dancers receive award stickers.

Mothers sit down, and children remain in the center of the hall.

Leading: However, we still have one unresolved issue. We figured out the hats, but why do the gnomes need flashlights? Do not know? They will show you now!

Children take their paper lanterns, approach their mothers.

Leading: Children need flashlights to find miracles in life, to light the way, to give light to people, and to share joy.

Children at this time lead their mothers to the tea table.

Tea party (banquet)

Leading: Here are the cookies, our dear Sorceresses, our beloved mothers, the children themselves baked for this holiday. So our little gnomes are growing up, growing before our eyes!

During tea drinking, you can make riddles, show several concert numbers prepared by children and mothers, or play.

Magic ending

Leading: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's congratulate our mothers again. And yet, my wonderful little wizards, let's always remember that grown-up fairies get tired too, that fairies also love kind words, that your kind, still small hands are already capable of creating a miracle.

Karaoke "Song about Mom"

After the first verse, the children bring their mothers to the window. There are funny lights on the site. They illuminate the paths that lead to the most lit gazebo. In this gazebo - gifts for mothers, prepared by children.

Leading: Before we say goodbye, I want to ask everyone one last question. There are a lot of fairy tales in the world, but, no matter how hard I tried, I could only find one about my mother. Maybe because our mothers themselves work miracles, and in fact they themselves are fairy tales. Tales dedicated to you, children! Nevertheless, the question remains. What fairy tale, in which the main character is Mom, can you remember?

The children answer. The correct answer is "Wolf and seven kids".

The song "Mom is the first word" from the movie "Mom"