Entry in the work book about rewards. Making an entry in the work book about rewarding an employee. How is an entry in the work book about the award of an honorary diploma

  • 12.12.2019

Article 66 of the Labor Code of Russia states that information about his reward for successful work is entered in the employee's work book. Whether an employee is worthy of promotion or not, each employer decides for himself. When a positive decision is made, an entry is made in the work book about rewarding the employee.

What awards are included in the work book

Every member of the organization should be aware of these cases:

How to make an entry about the award in the work book

The correct entry is as follows:

  1. In column 3 of the section titled “Information about awards”, the full name of the organization must be indicated as the heading (if there is an abbreviated name of the organization, it must also be indicated).
  2. Column 1 should contain the serial number of the corresponding entry (numbering should be incremental throughout the entire labor activity employee).
  3. Column 2 must indicate the exact date of the award.
  4. In column 3, it is necessary to indicate by whom the employee was awarded, what award and for what achievements (that is, make an entry in the work book about the award).
  5. Column 4 should indicate the name of the document (order on awarding a certificate of honor or any other documents), on the basis of which the corresponding entry was made, indicating the date and number. Abbreviations cannot be used in entries.

When an entry is made about incentives in the work book

Per Good work the employer seeks to reward a diligent employee and uses incentives for this. This allows you to raise the prestige of conscientious work, especially when its deadlines are tight.

Encouragement should be received by an employee who constantly strives to increase labor efficiency, improve the quality of manufactured products, continuous and flawless work, and the use of innovative ideas in his work. The incentive may be:

  • gratitude announcement;
  • the issuance of an award;
  • delivery of valuable gifts;
  • awarding honorary diplomas;
  • entry in the Book or on the Board of Honor and other incentives, if they are provided for by the charter, regulations on discipline or rules affecting the internal labor schedule.

At the same time, the issuance of a cash bonus provided for by the system wages, is not mandatory in order to record the promotion in the work book. Cash bonuses can be represented by a certain amount or percentage of the employee's salary or the amount of work performed by him.

For outstanding service to the Motherland and society, an employee may be presented with a state award.

Assignment to the employee of the title of the best in the profession as an award in the work book

AT Labor Code opportunity to encourage the best workers awarding them the title of the best in the profession, but employers rarely use this opportunity. Indeed, in order to confer such a title, it will be necessary to hold a competition or a review of professional skills, for which it is necessary to form a competition commission, develop special criteria and indicators by which the title will be awarded, establish the timing, procedure and frequency of the competition.

But such an encouragement can be carried out without organizing a competition, based on a generalization of the achievements of all employees. To do this, surveys, observations and study of documentation are carried out.

The assignment of the title is carried out in front of everyone labor collective with the presentation of a certificate or diploma and a ribbon containing the appropriate inscription, or an organization badge made to order.

Possible wordings of the title: "Best locksmith", "Best chef" by profession. The chosen name should be indicated in normative act, which will be reflected in the recording of the award.

How to record rewards

Incentives, which must be entered in the work book, must be recorded in the "Information on Incentives". This includes records of incentives for labor successes and achievements in the enterprise, in public institution or organizations under Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are reflected in the charters and regulations on discipline, are fixed in the rules in accordance with the internal labor regulations.

A distinguished employee can be rewarded as follows:

  • give a valuable gift;
  • express gratitude to him
  • give out an award
  • present an honorary diploma;
  • enter in the Book of Honor;
    • put on the Leaderboard.

Other incentives are also possible, which are reflected in the current legislation. This includes incentives that employees received in other organizations for the assistance provided related to the implementation of a certain amount of work, as well as for discoveries made for which diplomas are issued, used innovative inventions and rationalization proposals.

Encouragement in labor is not noted if it is associated with benefits and benefits in the areas of social or housing services (for example, a ticket to a sanatorium or rest home, getting an apartment, etc.).

The procedure for recording awards is identical to the procedure for recording awards:

  • in column 3 of the section “Information on incentives”, the name of the enterprise is recorded as a heading;
  • below, in column 1, you should indicate the serial number of the record being performed (according to increasing numbering during the work of an employee of the organization);
  • in column 2 - the exact date of the promotion;
  • in column 3 it is necessary to write down by whom the employee was encouraged, for what achievements and with what kind of encouragement;
  • column 4 must indicate the document on the basis of which the corresponding entry was made (date, number and title of the document).

How to record correctly

When an employee receives a departmental award for merits in labor activity, an entry must be made in the book and in his personal card. A sufficient reason for this is the corresponding award order.

You need to know how to make an entry about the award in the work book when an employee receives a departmental award. In the employee's personal card, the corresponding entry should be reflected in section seven "Awards (incentives), honorary titles". It will need to indicate the name of the award, the number and date of the award order.

The employee did a good job and deserved thank you letter, entry in the work book. Sample such an encouraging mark in the labor does not have a rigid template. Such a record is not always an empty formality, but can be a real reflection of merit and a sincere expression of gratitude earned. Let's find out how to properly write down the thanks given to employees and what mistakes should be avoided in doing so.

What thanks are entered in the work book

When registering, it is important to understand:

  1. what exactly the employee is marked for;
  2. what are the reasons that prompted the authorities to encourage him.

Usually, the following reasons for appreciation for work are distinguished:

  • a significant increase in labor productivity;
  • successful participation in responsible events;
  • productive work on a large project;
  • making innovative proposals;
  • improving the quality and organization of labor activity;
  • mentoring, training young professionals.

Correct design

First of all, the employee of the personnel department should pay attention to the fact that thanks in work book must be executed in compliance with the norms and rules adopted in office work. Concerning both the actual order of making entries, and the specifics of the clerical lexicon. A work book is an official document of an employee. Accordingly, when making marks and entries in it, it is necessary to take into account existing standards.

What should be the format entering gratitude in the work book? Sample could be next. As a rule, a labor entry is accompanied by the name and date of the relevant order. They also give the reason for the award and its form. For example:

Note that when making an entry, the specific achievements of the employee should be taken into account.

Besides, gratitude is recorded in the work book and when the employee was simultaneously promoted for his achievements. The entry looks like this:

It is possible that the employee of the personnel department should discuss the text of the thank you note with the boss who signed the order to encourage the employee. So it is necessary that the employee noted by the management receive a record that can inspire him to further achievements. This can play a significant role in motivating employees.

Separate section

If it is needed declare thanks with entry in the work book, then please note that since 2003 a separate section has appeared in this form. In addition, when entering information about the promotion, be sure to write its reason. They also indicate data on awards, awarding honorary titles.

In the paragraph "Information on incentives (awards)" indicate:

  • company name (full and abbreviated);
  • record number;
  • date of award;
  • merit statement;
  • details of the order according to which the employee was awarded (required - date and number).

The employer has the right to make an entry about the award of the employee by the previous employer under the serial number following the number of the last available entry in the work book of the employee, based on a copy of the document confirming the fact of awarding the employee.

The procedure for maintaining and filling out work books is established by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), and Instructions for filling out work books , approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

According to paragraph 24 of the Rules, the following information about the award (encouragement) for labor merits is entered in the work book:

  • a) an award state awards, including on the assignment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;
  • b) awarding certificates of honor, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, produced by employers;
  • c) other types of incentives provided for by law Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, rules of internal work schedule statutes and regulations on discipline.

According to paragraph 4 of the Instructions, the procedure for entering information about the award is as follows: in column 3 of the section "Information about the award" of the work book, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any) are indicated in the form of a heading; below in column 1 is the serial number of the entry (numbering that increases throughout the entire period of the employee's labor activity); column 2 indicates the date of the award; column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award; column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

As you can see, when making an entry about the award in the work book, the date of making such an entry in the work book is not written. Only the date of the award and the date of the document on the basis of which this entry was made are entered. Neither the Rules nor the Instructions stipulate that award entries can only be made by the employer with whom the employee was in labor relations at the award. Obviously, when awarding an employee with state awards, an entry about this can be made in the work book by any of the employers, who, by virtue of the law, must maintain and store this document. The same approach, in our opinion, is also applicable in the case under consideration, when the award was made by the employer at the previous place of work. Since the requirement to make entries in the work book with the obligatory observance of the chronology of the employee's award has not been established, the award entry in this case can be made by the employer with whom the employee has an employment relationship for this moment, after recording a later award. Such an entry, in our opinion, can be made after the employee provides a copy of the document confirming the fact of the award, certified by the employer at the previous place of work, the name, date of issue and number of which should be indicated in column 4 of the section of the work book "Information about the award". This may be, for example, a copy of the order for awarding a certificate of honor, issued at the request of the employee on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Within the meaning of this rule, the employer must issue documents related to work within three working days as persons with whom he has valid employment contracts and those with whom employment contracts have already been terminated.

Thus, in the case under consideration, after the last entry of the section of the work book "Information about the award" in column 3, the full name, as well as the abbreviated (if any) name of the organization with which the employee is in labor relations at the time of making the entry, should be indicated in the form of a heading; below in column 1 is the serial number of the entry (numbering that increases throughout the entire period of the employee's labor activity); column 2 indicates the date of the award; column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award; column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made (its copies), with reference to its date and number.

What types of incentives to reflect in the labor

The labor contains information about the length of service, all key stages of a career: positions held, transfers, promotions, reductions, dismissals. The model form of the book includes a section " Information about incentives”, which reflects the thanks given and the awards received.

An entry in the work book about the award is made in accordance with the "Rules for maintaining and storing labor". They are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.0.2003 No. 225, and "Instructions for filling out labor", which is approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 No. 69 (hereinafter in the article "Rules" and "Instructions").

In accordance with the "Rules", not every reward or encouragement, tangible, intangible, is entered into the book.

Information about the award, which is entered in the work book

  1. on state and departmental awards;
  2. on awarding an honorary title of state standard;
  3. on awarding a certificate of honor, diploma, badges;
  4. about bonuses and other types of incentives.

Information about awards in the work book is not indicated if these are cash bonuses, which are provided for by the remuneration system, are paid to employees on a regular basis.

If one of the employees is assigned honorary title“The best in the profession”, a valuable gift was awarded for this, this fact is reflected in the labor. If we are talking about payments of a quarterly or semi-annual bonus, an entry in the book is not required.

Employment history. Making a cash award section

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On the basis of what information about awards is entered in the work book: sample

The employer independently determines the procedure for encouraging employees and fixes it in a local regulatory act. Information about awards is entered in the work book on the basis of an order for encouragement. If an official administrative document was not issued, it is not necessary to reflect the received encouragement in the book, since there are no grounds for this.

The administrative document indicates information about the employee, the name, surname, patronymic, position held, Personnel Number. In the substantive part, the type and motive of the encouragement are indicated, and specific achievements are briefly described for which the distinguished employee should be awarded.

The order is drawn up in the form T-11 (T-11a) or on a form developed by the organization independently. The order is issued on the basis of the representation of the incentive. With the order of the awarded employee, they are introduced against receipt.

The decision to award state, departmental awards is made by authorized higher authorities. A written application is submitted by the management of the organization in which the employee works. If the employee has insignia, awards, incentives, the relevant documents confirming the presence of such awards are attached to the application.

How to record an award

When rewarding an employee, the employer makes an entry about the promotion in the work book, a sample of which will be presented below, and in section VII of the personal card of the T-2 form. Information on incentives is included in the labor section "Information on awards", where it is necessary to complete all four columns:

  1. indicate the serial number of the entry;
  2. registration date in the format day, month, year;
  3. indicate the name of the employing organization and directly record the promotion;
  4. give a link to the document-base (to an order, order).

The entry must be made within one week after the release of the order of the head. This is entrusted to a personnel officer or an authorized specialist appointed by the head. Handwriting must be clear and neat when writing. It is acceptable to use black, purple, blue ink. Abbreviations are not allowed during registration.

When filling out the third column, laconic wording is used: “ Awarded for...», « Awarded for...”, indicate the reason for rewarding the employee. The name of the employer's organization is entered in full, in brackets give a short version of the name, if any. Referring to the fourth column to the document-base, it is necessary to indicate its type, for example, order, instruction, enter the registration number and date of direct execution.

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Mistakes to avoid when filling out the "Award Information" section

The most common omission is the complete absence of labor employee information about awards, insignia and occasional cash prizes. For example, gratitude in a work book, a sample will be presented below, they forget to add it to an employee's document. Often the supporting documents are not properly prepared. When issuing gratitude, they do not issue an order, on the basis of which they enter data into the section "Information on awards".

An entry in the work book about gratitude: a sample

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To reflect in the labor in full all information about all the awards and incentives received for the period of employment - this does not apply to the right, but to the obligation of the employer. This circumstance is especially important to take into account when it comes to state, departmental awards that provide an employee with social, material privileges:

  • pension supplement,
  • free public transport,
  • a number of benefits for medical, public services and so on.

An entry about the award in the work book is also important for those who plan to find a job in the future. When selecting applicants, many employers pay attention to the section in the book " Information about awards».

If the labor was lost or irrevocably damaged so that it cannot be restored, the employer, when issuing a duplicate, must restore all records of incentives on the basis of orders that were the basis for entering information into the book.

Often in the labor you can see the incorrect design of the records themselves. For example, the format of the date indicated in the second column is incorrectly entered, there is no link to the base document in the fourth column. The use of ready-made stamps may not be considered an error if the entry itself reflects all the necessary information, is certified by a signature with a transcript of the responsible person.

Cheat sheet: errors in the work book

The absolute leader among the mistakes made when filling out the section "Information about the award" is the introduction of information about the work. Such an entry should be displayed with the correct option in the previous section. Often the cause of such confusion is the inattention of the personnel officer. If any error is found, it should be quickly corrected by invalidating the previous entry. Such actions are required from the personnel officer in paragraph 1.2 of the "Instructions". It must be taken into account that when correcting incorrect entries, you cannot use corrective fluids, cross out, clean up incorrect entries made in the section " Information about the award».

Information about awards is entered in the work book on the basis of an order for encouragement. When filling out the section "Information about rewards" it is necessary to avoid mistakes. If they are found, the personnel officer must ensure the fastest possible correction.