The content and objectives of personnel policy. Personnel policy of the organization. Fundamental principles for the formation of personnel policy

  • 08.05.2020

Personnel policy enterprises defines the main approaches and methods of personnel management in a particular company. For the formation of the main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise, as a rule, the personnel department and the top management of the company are responsible. The priority goal of the organization's personnel policy is to answer the question: what principles and specific tools will the company use in the field of personnel management.

Often the scope of personnel policy includes such processes as:

  • Remuneration, system of remuneration and penalties
  • Formation of a personnel reserve
  • Rotation and internal promotion of staff
  • End of employment relationship

Factors influencing the formation of the main directions of the company's personnel policy.

There are a number of external and internal factors, which are taken into account when forming the personnel policy of the enterprise.

External factors

Legal field. First of all, any personnel policy of an enterprise should not contradict the laws of the country in which it is applied. So, for example, in Russian Federation labor Code very clearly and strictly regulates the procedure for hiring, remuneration and dismissal of employees. Therefore, when developing a personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities, practices and limitations of the current legislation. This can be a significant problem for companies that operate in different legal environments (different industries, regions, countries). Such international companies and large corporations, the HR department faces the dilemma of balancing global versus local approaches. On the one hand, the temptation to create a single set of personnel policies is great, on the other hand, the application and implementation of these policies encounters difficulties associated with the nuances of local legislation or accepted market practices.

For example, with a global approach to the development of the main directions of the company's personnel policy, there is an understandable desire to develop consolidated rules that will be applied regardless of the specifics and geography of the business. This allows the personnel department to form a unified approach to certain issues of personnel management, which in turn creates the basis for a common corporate culture, greatly facilitates the task of personnel movement within the company and increases the degree of objectivity. The complexity of this approach lies in the fact that the practical implementation of global personnel principles and technologies may encounter the impossibility of their implementation within the framework of local legislation. A striking example of this is the need to adapt policies to some extent personnel directions, how:

  • Policy on equal gender or national rights and non-discrimination on any grounds

Labor market. Not unimportant factor in setting priorities in the formation of the main directions of personnel policy of enterprises are current trends in the labor market. Any company, entering the market, enters the struggle for personnel. In this war for talent, each company chooses its own strategy. Someone tries to keep up with trends in the labor market. Someone is trying to stand out. Someone is always on the catch-up positions. But the market and the expectations of employees often dictate their own requirements for the content of the personnel policy of enterprises. Therefore, it is so important for the personnel department in the development and implementation of the main directions of personnel policy to have a good idea of ​​​​what competitors are doing and to be aware of new methods and tools in the field of personnel management.

Technology. Recently, the influence of scientific and technological progress on the company's personnel processes has been more and more felt. Automation of production and office activities, digital reality is changing approaches in the field of personnel management every day, which in turn is reflected in personnel policies and procedures. A vivid example of this is the process of automation of personnel workflow, algorithmization of the process of selection and evaluation of personnel. The introduction of online portals provides opportunities for employees and managers to implement HR policies and procedures through digital applications without the direct involvement of HR employees.

Cultural differences and peculiarities. The main success in the formation of personnel policies and processes of the organization is measured by their ultimate effectiveness. And this seriously depends on how cultural differences and peculiarities were taken into account in the development of documents and approaches. As they say, what is good for a Russian is death for a German.

Internal factors

Goals and business model of the enterprise. The main objectives of the personnel policy of the enterprise should be directly related to the overall goals of the business and the chosen business model. After all, the human resource of the company is mobilized in order to ensure the achievement of these goals within the framework of a given business model. Therefore, the policies and procedures created by the HR department, in particular, are designed to explain to managers how they should act in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of employees.

Corporate culture. The definition of the main directions and content of personnel policy is also influenced by the corporate culture of the organization and the chosen leadership style. What may be encouraged in one company may be a reason for dismissal in another. In personnel policies and procedures, the company gets the opportunity to codify its norms and clearly explain to employees the norms of what is acceptable.

Also, in practice, examples are not uncommon when the personal qualities and preferences of a leader can be reflected in practices in the field of personnel management.

Tools for implementing the company's personnel policy

The main directions of personnel policy can be fixed in different ways:

  • Oral agreement within the framework of the company's traditions (example: it is customary for an enterprise to issue bonuses to employees by March 8 or February 23).
  • Written in the form of personnel policies and procedures (example: various regulations - selection, adaptation, training and development, rotation, remuneration and motivation, etc.).

The tools for implementing the personnel policy of an enterprise can be:

  • System of fines and rewards
  • and staff promotion
  • The system of values ​​and norms adopted within the corporate culture
  • Philosophy of leadership and .

The main areas and directions of the company's personnel policy

As a rule, in most large and medium-sized companies, the following areas of personnel management are regulated and prescribed in one form or another:

Selection selection and recruitment

Policies and procedures in this area usually cover the following issues:

  1. How is an employee searched for an open vacancy?
  2. What methods of selection, interviewing and testing are applied to applicants?
  3. Who and in what terms makes the final decision on hiring a candidate?
  4. How is feedback built with candidates?
  5. What is the recruitment process for a job candidate?

Additional policies in this area are:

  • (referral program).
  • Policy for equal rights and opportunities in recruitment (non-discrimination regulation).

At the stage of registration of an employee, some companies include in the set of personnel documents:

Policy on the verification of the candidate's personal data (the so-called background check)

Employee Liability Documents

Introduction and adaptation of new employees

The main directions of the personnel approach in this direction, as a rule, are fixed in. Additionally, the processes of training, instruction and provision during a trial period can be prescribed.

Personnel training and development

The set of personnel policies in this area describes the processes and approaches of the company in the following areas:

Additionally, the processes of formation and distribution of the budget for training, the procedure for selecting contractors for the provision of training and training services, assessing the quality and effectiveness of training can be regulated.

Assessment and certification of personnel

The main directions of personnel policy in the field of assessment or certification of personnel are reflected in the following regulatory documents:

  • The main directions for improving the personnel policy of the enterprise

    Changing market conditions and new trends in the field of personnel management require companies to constantly improve their approaches to managing their human capital. What can be the sources of improvement of the personnel policy of the enterprise:

    • changes in labor market conditions
    • emergence of new technologies
    • a significant generation change in the management of the enterprise
    • change of business owner
    • various forms of restructuring and reorganization
    • new methods in the field of personnel management
    • feedback from company staff.

    I would like to talk about the latter separately. The involvement of the company's personnel in the optimization of the organization's business processes is not an easy task, but in case of success, it promises a lot of benefits for both top management and the team. This statement is especially relevant in the issue of personnel approaches. If the company's personnel policy is aimed at creating a comfortable working atmosphere and increasing productivity, then the team should be given the opportunity to express their opinion and wishes on how the personnel policy is implemented. Affordable feedback, the HR department can obtain valuable information about how policies and procedures work in the field, which areas of personnel policy require adjustments and improvements.

    Feedback from employees can be implemented in the form of:

    • opportunities to express their suggestions to the HR department through internal forums and mail portals
    • publication of draft new policies and procedures in the public domain for discussion and suggestions from the team
    • invitation of team representatives to take part in the development of certain aspects of personnel policy
    • regular employee surveys.

    All these measures will create a two-way dialogue between the top management of the company and the team, increase the degree of involvement of employees in enterprise management issues and provide a better level of support and understanding to the personnel of the principles and main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise.

1. The concept of personnel policy

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.

Personnel policy - the main direction in the work with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented personnel service enterprises. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The main object of the personnel policy of the enterprise is the personnel (personnel). The personnel of the enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel is the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production, constantly improving them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

The target task of personnel policy can be solved in different ways, and the choice of alternative options is quite wide:

Dismiss employees or keep; If you save, which way is better:

a) transfer to reduced forms of employment;

b) use at unusual works, at other objects;

c) send them to long-term retraining, etc.

• train workers themselves or look for those who already have the necessary training;

recruit from outside or retrain workers to be released from the enterprise;

Recruit additional workers or get by with the existing number, provided that it is used more rationally, etc.

When choosing personnel policy factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:

production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

the financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by it;

quantitative and quality characteristics the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

· the situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor supply by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);

The demand for labor from competitors, the emerging level wages;

• the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

· requirements labor law, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

General requirements to personnel policy in modern conditions come down to the following:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development strategy of the enterprise. In this respect, it represents the staffing of the implementation of this strategy.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since certain employee expectations are associated with stability, on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation. Stable should be those aspects of it that are focused on taking into account the interests of the personnel and are related to organizational culture enterprises.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, the personnel policy should be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

Thus, the personnel policy is aimed at creating such a system of work with personnel, which would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation.

Alternatives are possible in the implementation of personnel policy. It can be fast, decisive (in some ways at first, perhaps not very humane in relation to employees), based on a formal approach, the priority of production interests, or, conversely, based on taking into account how its implementation will affect the labor collective, what social costs this may lead to for him.

The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring, but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise in relation to the training, development of personnel, ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While personnel policy is associated with the choice of long-term targets, the current personnel work solution oriented personnel issues. Between them there should, of course, be a relationship, which usually happens between the strategy and tactics of achieving the goal.

Personnel policy is both general in nature, when it concerns the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, and private, selective, when it focuses on solving specific problems (within individual structural divisions, functional or professional groups of workers, categories of personnel).

Personnel policy forms:

Requirements for the labor force at the stage of its hiring (to education, gender, age, length of service, level special training etc.);

· Attitude towards “investment” in the labor force, to the purposeful influence on the development of certain aspects of the employed labor force;

· Attitude to the stabilization of the team (total or a certain part of it);

· Attitude to the nature of the training of new workers at the enterprise, its depth and breadth, as well as to the retraining of personnel;

· Attitude to the internal movement of personnel, etc.

Personnel policy properties:

1. Link to strategy

2. Focus on long-term planning.

3. The importance of the role of personnel.

4. A range of interrelated functions and procedures for working with personnel.

Personnel policy should create not only favorable working conditions, but provide the opportunity for promotion and the necessary degree of confidence in the future. Therefore, the main task of the personnel policy of the enterprise is to ensure that in the daily personnel work the interests of all categories of employees and social groups labor collective.

Personnel management within the enterprise has strategic and operational aspects. The organization of personnel management is developed on the basis of the concept of enterprise development, which consists of three parts:


· financial and economic;

social (personnel policy).

The personnel policy defines the goals related to the attitude of the enterprise to the external environment (labor market, relationships with government bodies), as well as goals related to the attitude of the enterprise towards its staff. Personnel policy is carried out by strategic and operational management systems. The tasks of the personnel strategy include:

Raising the prestige of the enterprise;

research of the atmosphere inside the enterprise;

· analysis of prospects for the development of labor force potentials;

generalization and prevention of the reasons for dismissal from work.

The day-to-day implementation of the personnel strategy, as well as at the same time assisting the management in carrying out the tasks of managing the enterprise, lie in the operational area of ​​personnel management.

Personnel policy of the enterprise is a holistic HR strategy that integrates the various forms of HR work, the style of its implementation in the organization and plans for the use of the workforce.

The personnel policy should increase the capabilities of the enterprise, respond to the changing requirements of technology and the market in the near future.

Personnel policy is an integral part of the whole management activities and production policy of the organization. It aims to create a cohesive, responsible, highly developed and highly productive workforce.

In education, as in a specific industry National economy cadres play a crucial role. “Cadres decide everything”, but cadres can also be the main reason for failures. There are four key problems in the management of the teaching staff of the university. These are age, qualification and job structures and remuneration. Each of these problems requires control by the administration and the development of principles for solving, prospective and current management.

The effectiveness of the educational process, the prestige and prospects of the university depend on the state of the teaching staff of the university. The age composition of the staff determines the continuity of knowledge in the scientific and pedagogical school, the activity of mastering new areas of knowledge. It should be borne in mind that the age of teachers should not and cannot be a goal in personnel policy. Moreover, the teaching and research experience of a university employee appears after 10-15 years of work, and the retention of the most outstanding professors and associate professors is a guarantee of high scientific and pedagogical prestige. However, any department, faculty and university as a whole should plan the internal process of self-reproduction of personnel and take the necessary measures to cultivate and attract the most qualified specialists.

As a rule, the basic principles of personnel policy are developed by the Academic Council and the administration of the university, but in reality, the selection of personnel is carried out by each department independently.

2. Criteria for assessing personnel policy

For complete analysispersonnel policy of any enterprise it is necessary to allocate evaluation criteria.

1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel;

2. The level of staff turnover;

3. Flexibility of the policy pursued;

4. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production, etc.

For convenience of analysis, the quantitative composition of the organization is usually divided into three categories: leading, managerial and service, men and women, pensioners and persons under 18 years of age, working and on vacation (for example, to care for a child, without maintenance and etc.), as well as for those working in the central office or branches, etc. The qualitative composition, in turn, of the organization is usually divided into employees with higher, secondary specialized, secondary, etc. education, and also includes work experience, advanced training by employees, and other factors.

The level of staff turnover is one of the most revealing criteria for the personnel policy of an enterprise.

Of course, staff turnover can be seen as both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First, the worker's capabilities are expanded, and his ability to adapt increases. Secondly, the staff of the enterprise is “refreshing”, there is an influx of new people, and, consequently, new ideas.

The flexibility of personnel policy is assessed based on its characteristics: stability or dynamism. Personnel policy should be dynamically rebuilt under the influence of changing conditions and circumstances.

The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee is considered in comparison with the degree of consideration of the interests of production. Examines the presence or absence of an individual approach to the employees of the enterprise.

3. Improvement of personnel policy

For improvement personnel policy the following activities are usually carried out.

Consistency in the selection of personnel is being strengthened and the whole spectrum is covered by this work: from hiring to leaving an employee. The nomination procedure is being improved: information about vacancies, candidates, responsibility of recommenders, regulation of the right to nominate candidates, procedures for discussion, appointment and induction. If we take each of these moments separately, they seem not very significant. But taken together, they allow us to raise all the work of recruiting to a new level.

In order to ensure the stable operation of the organization, planning its development, long-term planning of the personnel policy of the enterprise is very important.

In most companies, human resources departments or human resource management are more accustomed to planning the number of employees in enterprises. Their main task is to ensure that the enterprise or organization has as many employees as there should be in accordance with the staffing tables.

It is desirable to analyze the factors external environment to make sure that there is an offer of certain professions for staffing by such employees, which are not yet in the staff of the organization.

As a result of the forecast of supply and demand for labor resources, any organization can find out the number of people it needs, their level of qualification and the placement of personnel.

As a result, a coordinated personnel policy can be developed, including systems for recruiting, training, improving and remunerating personnel, as well as a policy of relations between the administration and employees. This strategic plan can be broken down into specific use programs labor resources.

The concept of workforce planning is simple. But its implementation is difficult. The corporate strategy does not always develop smoothly, because the equipment is not always available on time, or it does not fulfill the tasks that were predicted. Sometimes there is a greater than expected turnover of personnel in some areas of production and regions. The planned recruitment is not ongoing. Step-by-step training is calculated with errors, potential handouts are discredited. As a result, the plans are not fulfilled. However, the existence of a plan at least instills a sense of perspective, and systematic monitoring and monitoring of its implementation can help correct deviations from the strategic direction.

A workforce plan is developed to calculate the number of employees an organization will need and professional structure which will be needed during this period. Decisions should also be made on the sources of potential recruitment, and contacts established and maintained to ensure that the needs of the organization and potential rewards for work, monetary or moral, are known to the future composition of employees. Since companies employ people of various skill levels and need the most various specialties, the recruitment network should be sufficiently broad and diverse. Local schools are a good source for recruiting junior employees, and many companies maintain useful contacts with them to participate in training contracts for schoolchildren. Majority large companies also take part in annual meetings with graduates of higher educational institutions to provide them with information about career opportunities. Sources for recruiting more qualified executives are diverse, including job centers, special recruitment agencies and consultants, and executive recruitment consultants. It is very important to create a reserve for the recruitment of highly qualified personnel in order to attract high-class specialists to vacant vacancies. If this happens, the recruitment errors become less significant.

The pool of personnel is usually internal and external. An external personnel reserve is usually maintained at the level of external sources (eg graduates of educational institutions, etc.). When selecting a candidate from among them, his business, moral and other qualities are first studied, then the candidate is invited for an interview and, depending on the results, a decision is made to hire the candidate.

The internal reserve is characterized by the fact that the support of the necessary candidates for vacant or planned to vacate positions (for example, an employee’s retirement or maternity leave) is carried out in dynamics within the organization itself. Based on questionnaires with personal data and a series of interviews with applicants for the position, an employee of the appropriate level is selected. Business qualities employees are already known, because he is already working in this organization and there is no such need for study, as is typical for an external source of reserve. Also, for a faster introduction to the course of the work performed by an employee, he is usually selected at the initial stage of selection by the immediate supervisor of this unit or some kind of curator this direction activities. This allows the employee who has taken this post to more quickly adapt to his new duties without losing the quality of work.

Personnel policy is considered to be a fundamental and very important component of the corporate culture of all modern enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership. The prosperity of the company and each of its personnel depends on the literacy of its construction and effective application.

Concept definition

Personnel policy is a set of ideas and tasks applicable to the personnel of a particular organization. The purpose of such management is to bring the motives and values ​​of each worker in line with the company's strategy.

In a word, such a managerial apparatus is aimed at improving the useful return on the work of personnel.

Correlation between the concepts of "personnel policy" and "personnel management"

Despite the fact that personnel policy is directly related to the management of the personnel of an enterprise, these definitions are not exactly the same. Personnel policy is just a tool for personnel management. The latter carries a broader connotation.

Personnel management is called both science and labor activity, which are aimed at studying and applying knowledge related to filling the company with only effective personnel.

Formation of personnel policy

One of the primary tasks of creating a managerial apparatus is to establish potential resources in the employee management system. Further, the directions of work with personnel are clearly established, which are subject to adjustment in accordance with the action of the corporate strategy.

The formation of a successful strategy depends on external and internal circumstances.

The circumstances of the external environment are factors that do not depend on the behavior of the enterprise. The organization must adapt to these factors, taking them into account when forming a strategy, in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources of its coverage.

These circumstances are the following:

  1. The state of the labor market. This group of factors includes the demographic situation, the strategy in the field of education, the influence of trade unions.
  2. Economic development.
  3. Scientific and technological progress - the state of the labor market, opportunities for training and advanced training.
  4. Regulatory environment - current legislation in the field of labor and its protection, employment, social security, and so on.

Circumstances of the internal environment are considered to be causes that affect the corporate environment, but are amenable to measures taken by the organization.

These circumstances include:

  1. The tasks of the enterprise, on the basis of which a management strategy is developed.
  2. Management style (clear centralization or decentralization).
  3. Financial support (to finance actions related to personnel policy).
  4. Leadership style.

Directions of personnel policy

The directions of the administrative apparatus are closely related to the orientation of the work of personnel officers in a particular company. In a word, directions management strategy enterprises correspond to the tasks of the personnel management system in force in it.

The main directions are:

  1. Enterprise staff management. The basis of this direction is the equal achievement of both personal and general organizational goals. In this regard, the goal is to find compromises between the views of the administration and employees.
  2. Selection and quality use of personnel. The tasks of this area include the effective selection of personnel in accordance with the stated requirements. Candidates are checked for aptitude, knowledge, experience, individual habits and inclinations.
  3. Creation and training of labor resources for senior positions - selection of candidates on the basis of competition, thorough preparation, examination, regular assessment of the quality of personnel.
  4. Evaluation of personnel - carrying out certification, development of a set of indicators characterizing the employee and his work.
  5. Improvement of employees. The principle of the direction is to improve the skills of employees.
  6. Motivation and incentive - the right combination of rewards and penalties.

Personnel policy tools

HR policy tools include the following:

  • daily work with personnel;
  • making plans for the future;
  • employee management;
  • development and implementation of activities aimed at the development of the state;
  • development of measures aimed at solving social problems;
  • definition of the system of rewards for employees.

Correctly applying such tools, the behavior of employees is corrected and the efficiency of their work increases.

Development stages

The stages of developing a personnel strategy include the following:

  1. Detailed study of the situation and forecasting the improvement of the company. Setting the strategic goals of the enterprise.
  2. Development of the basic principles of the personnel apparatus, establishment of priority tasks.
  3. Official approval of the personnel apparatus.
  4. Promotion of the management system, communication of information about the developed activities to employees, collection of proposals.
  5. Grade financial resources to implement the established type of strategy.
  6. Planning of operational procedures - identifying the future need for personnel, forecasting the number of employees, creating a state, moving personnel within the company.
  7. Implementation of the chosen methods: personnel development programs, staffing, adaptation of employees, team building, formation of a corporate spirit.
  8. Evaluation of the conducted personnel policy and identification of shortcomings.

Types of personnel policy

Distinguish different types personnel policy, depending on two areas:

  • scope of management strategy;
  • degree of openness.

According to the volume of management strategy, it is divided into the following types:

  • active;
  • passive;
  • preventive;
  • reactive.

Let's look at each of these types in more detail:

  1. A passive strategy is the behavior of an organization that does not have an established action plan for personnel. All the work of personnel officers is to eliminate adverse consequences. In this case, the enterprise does not forecast the need for staff, does not have the basic tools of a management strategy.
  2. A management with a reactive type of strategy is engaged in monitoring the signs of an unfavorable situation in working with employees, the circumstances and the state of development of crisis and conflict situations, and the lack of motivation of employees. The management is engaged in the prevention of a crisis, and in the event of a crisis, its elimination, identifying the causes of personnel problems.
  3. The preventive view consists in the existence of an explained monitoring of development, but the lack of opportunities to eliminate unfavorable situations. The services of such firms have both the means of diagnosing employees and the development forecast for the medium term.
  4. An active strategy consists in the existence of both a forecast and means for regulating the situation. The services are engaged in the development of anti-crisis programs, regular monitoring of the situation and adjustment of the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of personnel policy.

Active personnel policy is divided into two subgroups:

  1. Rational- is a set of high-quality diagnoses and reasonable forecasts for the development of the enterprise. Such a strategy has the means to influence the situation, as well as to predict it for the short, medium and long term.
  2. adventurous- unlike the rational one, such a policy does not develop a qualitative forecast, however, it does everything to influence the situation.

Based on the degree of openness, there are two types of policies:

  1. open- different transparency for potential staff. In an organization with open type Recruitment is underway for both grassroots and leadership positions. The enterprise employs people "from the outside", provided that they have all the necessary requirements.
  2. Closed- differs in that it fills the existing vacant positions by moving personnel up the career ladder from the lowest level to the highest.

Goals of personnel policy

  1. Strict observance of the norms and rules developed by the legislation in the sphere of labor.
  2. Filling the staff of the enterprise with high-quality and efficient personnel in accordance with the stated requirements.
  3. Reasonable use of recruited personnel.
  4. Formation of a friendly and cohesive atmosphere within the company.
  5. Staff performance support.
  6. Establishment of criteria for recruitment, training and advanced training.
  7. Carrying out activities to develop and improve the skills of employees.
  8. Establishing the effectiveness of ongoing activities.

Criteria for evaluation

In order to conduct a full analysis of the existing management strategy at the enterprise, it is necessary to develop the following evaluation criteria:

  • qualitative and quantitative filling of the organization with staff;
  • the degree of employee turnover;
  • the degree of flexibility of the strategy used;
  • taking into account the opinions and interests of employees.

To quickly and easily conduct a quantitative analysis, all employees are conditionally divided into three groups:

  • leading;
  • manager;
  • performing.

There are also groups: male and female, employees of retirement age and minors who are on vacation or at the workplace, employed in the central department or branches.

To conduct a qualitative analysis, employees are distinguished by the level of education, work experience, qualifications, and so on.

The degree of staff turnover is considered the most valuable indicator by which the success of adaptation measures, the "freshness" of the existing team is assessed.

In order to assess the flexibility of a strategy, its characteristics are studied: stability or dynamism. A successful HR strategy must have development, that is, dynamics in order to adapt to existing external factors.

Improvement of personnel policy

In order to improve the work of personnel, several activities are carried out:

  1. Strengthening the system in the selection of employees. Optimization of the nomination procedure - information about vacancies, candidates, the procedure for selecting candidates, their appointment and induction.
  2. Planning for the long term - allows you to achieve stabilization of the enterprise as a whole.
  3. Monitoring and study of environmental factors.
  4. Forecasting supply and demand in the labor market.
  5. Optimization of employee training and development systems, relationships within the team, as well as between managers and subordinates.
  6. Improving systems of motivation and remuneration.
  7. Formation of a reserve of labor resources.

The main object of the entire personnel policy is the personnel or employees of the enterprise. They are considered the main and decisive factor of production, the main productive power. Based on this, it can be said with certainty that successful work personnel officers and their competent policy is the main factor in the development and prosperity of the entire organization.

Personnel policy (CP) - determines the general line and principles of the installation in working with personnel for the long term, it is formed by the state, the administration of the enterprise and finds concrete expression in the form of administrative and moral standards behavior of employees in the enterprise.
Personnel policy (CP) - the general direction of personnel work, a set of methods, principles, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, to create a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account the organization's development strategy and its personnel management strategy.
Personnel policy - a system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, principles that determine the main areas of work with personnel, its forms and methods.
KP is reflected in the following documents:
1. Charter
2. Philosophy
3. Collective agreement
4. Internal rules work schedule
5. Employee contract
6. Pay Regulations
7. Regulations on personnel certification
Philosophy of the organization - a set of moral and administrative norms and rules for the relationship of personnel subordinate to the achievement of the global goal of the organization.
Internal labor regulations - normative document regulating the hiring and dismissal of employees, working time organization of labor, the procedure for resolving labor disputes, receiving social benefits, rewards and punishments.
Collective agreement – agreement between the administration, the trade union committee and labor collective enterprises to solve production and social problems in order to improve the work and life of workers and employees.
The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy.
Goals of personnel policy:
- timely provision of personnel with the required quality and the required quantity;
- providing conditions for the implementation of labor laws, internal labor regulations, the Charter of the organization, the Collective Agreement, the Regulation on remuneration, the Regulation on attestation, the Labor contract;
- rational use of human resources;
- Formation and support of effective work of the labor collective.
- Professional Development workers;
- improvement of the organization and stimulation of labor.
When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:
- production requirements, enterprise development strategy;
- financial capabilities of the enterprise;
- quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff;
- the situation on the labor market;
- the demand for labor from competitors, the level of wages;
- the influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;
- labor law requirements.
Requirements for personnel policy, it should be:
1. is closely linked to the enterprise development strategy;
2. sufficiently flexible (it is better for employees if it is stable, for an organization if it is dynamic);
3. economically justified;
4. provide an individual approach to their employees.
The content of the personnel policy is not limited to hiring (the choice of sources of staff replenishment, requirements for performers, etc.), but concerns the fundamental positions of the enterprise regarding the training, development of personnel, ensuring interaction between the employee and the organization. While the personnel policy is connected with the selection of long-term targets, the current personnel work is focused on the prompt solution of personnel issues. Between them there should, of course, be a relationship, which usually happens between the strategy and tactics of achieving the goal.
Personnel policy forms:
- requirements for the labor force at the stage of its hiring;
- the attitude towards “investment” in the labor force, to the purposeful influence on the development of certain aspects of the employed labor force;
- attitude to the stabilization of the team;
- attitude to the nature of training new and retraining personnel;
- attitude to the movement of personnel in the organization.
Components of personnel policy:
- how the organization sees or wants to see its employees,
- policy regarding organizational standards and personal factor,
- remuneration policy,
- hiring policy,
- personnel and career development policy,
- policy of staff stabilization;
- Achievement evaluation policy (incremental and entrepreneurial).

The personnel policy of an organization is a set of well-known methods and techniques that can affect the organizational process of an enterprise. All rules must be tested in practice and should improve not only the production structure, but also the labor potential of workers.

What is the purpose of personnel policy

Each enterprise has its own methods and ways of transforming personnel policy, but not every one has everything documented. It is worth noting that the main goal of personnel is to ensure an uninterrupted work process, retain valuable employees, and create suitable working conditions.

Formation of personnel policy: influence of factors

Activities in this area begin with the identification of needs that need to be met. Potential opportunities in work with personnel are determined. To form the right personnel policy, it is necessary to find out the most important thing for the operation of the enterprise.

The formation of personnel policy is influenced by:

  1. Environmental factors - these are phenomena with which the enterprise must reckon. You cannot leave them, since everything can be fixed at the state level. This includes:
    • The state of the labor market.
    • Trends economic growth countries.
    • The regulatory framework of the country, which can make changes to the labor code.
    • Scientific and technological progress (if new technologies appear, then specialists are needed who can manage them).
  2. Internal environmental factors- this is what happens directly in the enterprise itself. This can include:
    • Personnel management style.
    • The main objectives of achieving results.
    • Way of leadership.
    • Enterprise management methods.

The main directions of personnel policy: principles and characteristics

If we talk about different enterprises, then each is characterized by a certain direction. A more visual and common view is the following directions:

  1. Organization personnel management - has the same principle of management, both to general and individual ideas. In this case, you have to look for constant compromises between employees and the highest level.
  2. Selection and placement of personnel - consists of several principles professional competence, individuality, conformity, practical achievements. It is characterized by the fact that each employee meets his qualifications and holds his position. He must be experienced and have professional skills, have his own style in management.
  3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to senior positions - this direction includes several principles: rotation, compliance with the position, manifestation in work, assessment of the individual qualities of the employee. It is characterized by the fact that promotion is carried out on the basis of a competition or tender. An active training of the employee is carried out, which must begin to leadership position. The candidate is selected based on their experience.
  4. Assessment and certification of personnel - is determined using the principles of selecting indicators, the quality of assignments and assessing qualifications. With the help of this direction, you can determine the main indicators that should be followed in the work and which still need to be developed. Thus, it is possible to assess the potential of employees and ways to achieve profit maximization.
  5. Staff development - is built using the principles of advanced training, the possibility of self-development, ways of self-expression. This is a very necessary direction, as it will help to prepare qualified personnel as much as possible.
  6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration an important point, which is determined on the basis of the principles of equal combination and incentives. In this case, the task and the deadlines for their implementation should be set. There must be motivating factors, on the basis of which a person will use all his best qualities.

Types of tools

  1. HR planning- before applying certain methods to work, it is necessary to build a clear plan, which should be worked out before that. Having a good plan, you can build the right personnel policy.
  2. Current personnel work- this is a process that is already involved in the implementation, but before that certain points had already been worked out by personnel inspectors.
  3. Personnel management This is not an easy job, which is carried out by a specially trained person. He, in turn, must have skills in working with personnel. Such a person should be respected and listened to.
  4. Measures for its development, advanced training- this is an important point that contributes to good and high-quality work. Before introducing new activities, it is necessary to study the people and their work.
  5. Measures to solve social problems- in any team there are constantly disagreements and other problematic situations that the administration must be able to solve.
  6. Reward and motivation– to get the maximum return from employees, it is necessary to motivate the employee and accordingly reward him financially. This shows that his work is not in vain.

Development stages

Like any activity, there are stages of implementation. They also consist of:

  • Study of the labor resources of the enterprise, on the basis of which the forecast is built.
  • Definition of the main points and priorities of activity.
  • Familiarization of the administration and personnel of the enterprise with the adopted policy. The main way to promote information.
  • Budget definitions for the implementation of a new personnel policy that will provide effective labor incentives.
  • Development of the main measures for the formation of staff for personnel.
  • Implementation of the goals set through special programs for the development, adaptation of employees, advanced training.
  • Summing up - analysis of all activities for the organization of personnel policy, identification of problem areas, assessment of the potential of employees.

Main types

By the scale of personnel activities:

Passive- The administration does not introduce global changes in personnel policy, it only tries to solve existing problems, which indicates a weak return on the part of employees. The personnel department starts working only in certain cases. This often leads to high turnover of staff, which negatively affects the efficiency of work.

Reactive- is based only on the work of problem areas that can lead the organization to a crisis situation. This happens in enterprises that poorly define the task and priorities. In such cases, the entire interest of the leader is only to remove the consequence, but not the cause of the crisis, which can repeatedly manifest itself.

preventive- is developed only for certain cases or for a certain period. It is not permanent and it is not necessary to fix it among the staff. There is a specific goal under it, respectively, labor resources, which are aimed at performing a specific task.

Active- if an enterprise has forecasts, a specific forecast and a set of actions, then this type of personnel policy takes place. It aims to achieve maximum results. In such cases, the best employees who are able to crank out this activity are involved. All priorities are clearly defined here, there are no exceptions. Management is in control of the whole situation.

By degree of openness:

open- it has become more modern. It is characterized by the fact that it openly shows the possibilities of work. Career growth starts from the bottom to the leadership. An organization with such a personnel policy is ready to accept any specialist if he is endowed with the necessary skills and qualifications. Such a system is typical for telecommunications and transport companies. Companies are thus trying to enter a new market and make themselves known.

Closed- in such a company, a managerial position can be occupied by an employee who has been working for a long time. New employees can only take entry-level positions. It is typical for companies that have been working for a long time, they are satisfied with their activities and do not plan to grow.

Criteria for evaluation

  1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff. Quantitative is divided into three categories - managerial, managerial and service staff. If we discuss the qualitative composition, then the employees are divided among themselves according to the level of education, work experience, advanced training by employees.
  2. Staff turnover rate- one of the most important factors in modern business. An increased level is observed in enterprises where special education is not required. Thus, the entrepreneur wants to make a quick profit without spending cash for personnel policy. And the most interesting thing is that initially you can achieve a good result, but after some development it will be very weak, since there is no incentive for workers in their work.
  3. Policy flexibility Every activity must be manageable. When a new personnel policy is introduced at an enterprise, it is necessary that it be amenable to implementation for any department. Each production department has its own goal and the implementation of new policies should correspond to their specifics.
  4. The degree of consideration of the interests of the employee / production– any changes must be accepted by employees. This will contribute to the maximum return of staff in the performance of their work. As stipulated in the previous criterion, the new policy must be consistent with the responsibilities being performed. Teamwork is the first step to success.

What activities are needed?

In order to improve personnel policy, it is necessary to use the following measures:

  1. The selection of personnel is based on certain criteria that will correspond to their responsibilities. The more experience a person has, the higher the level of productivity at work. Beginners should also not be pushed aside, as they have a different outlook on work, and they can contribute to new discoveries that will favorably affect development as a whole.
  2. To ensure a stable and continuous production process, it is necessary to attract long-term cooperation.
  3. The personnel department should provide the enterprise with all the necessary staff as much as possible. Management should pay attention to this process. The enterprise works stably in cases where all jobs are filled.
  4. Human resources specialists should analyze the workforce in the enterprise. They have to ensure the correct placement full-time employees so that their qualifications correspond to the position they hold.
  5. The management of the enterprise should provide its staff with courses that can improve their skills. Thus, the enterprise will have experienced workers who will be able to perform work of any complexity. It can be avoided due to the lack of inexperience of the loss of working time, manufacturing defects.

The personnel policy of the enterprise is a very important point that contributes to the maximum development of the enterprise. There are several directions that contribute to maximizing the profit of the enterprise.

Well-known directions contribute to the correct distribution of personnel in their places.

The company's personnel policy should be updated from time to time. Over time, not only people change, but also their views on the workflow. Innovation contributes to the positive results that can be achieved by people with a fresh perspective on manufacturing process. You should not stick to the old personnel policy, as it will not only be ineffective, it can lead the company to liquidation.