Extracurricular event for obzh. Krasnokamsk central regional library. Life safety measures

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario extracurricular activities on OBZH "Be careful in the forest!" for younger students

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, educator of KSU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments", Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: the scenario of an extracurricular activity on life safety for the initial link is intended for teachers and educators working in primary school. Contributes to the familiarization and consolidation of knowledge of primary school students with the rules of personal safety in nature, introduces the rules for providing first aid medical care. Extracurricular activities are best held in May before the summer holidays.

Target: consolidation of students' knowledge about the elementary rules of personal safety in the forest.
- consolidate students' knowledge of the dangers that may lie in wait for a person in the forest;
- talk about the rules of personal safety in nature;
- to develop cognitive activity in younger students;
- develop independence in the development of new knowledge;
- to instill observance of the rules of personal safety in nature;
- educate students to take care of their health and save their lives;
- foster a sense of teamwork, develop communication skills.

Equipment: multimedia installation, cards and tablets for games, presentation, music center, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work: preparing a script for an extracurricular event, preparing a presentation, decorating an assembly hall, making cards and tablets for games, talking with children in groups about dangers in the forest, selecting musical arrangements.

Event progress:

Presenter 1:
Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!
Hello school family!
We salute you!
Host 2:
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And smile at each other!
Students hold hands and smile at each other.
Presenter 1: Dear children, we have gathered in this hall today to have an exciting journey. But first, guess what season this poem is talking about.
Guess the season:
The weather is hot
The river beckons us with coolness,
You need to go to the forest for berries.
Host 2:
Hurry up strawberries
Don't be lazy, collect!
In the field, rye rustles like the sea,
Nightingales sing at dawn!
Presenter 1:
Herbs are juicy,
Mowers hurry to the meadows.
And warm, and a lot of light!
So, it has come ... ( Summer)

Host 2: Guys, do you like summer? ( Yes!) Why do you like summer?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: In the summer, many of you like to relax outside the city, in the countryside, in the country, go hiking in the forest. Communicating with nature brings us a lot of interesting and informative and, most importantly, a lot of good for our health.
Host 2: But, unfortunately, communication with nature is not always beneficial. No, no, yes, and accidents happen while relaxing outside the city or hiking in the forest. And today we will get acquainted with the dangers that may lie in wait for us in the forest, and learn how to behave safely in nature.
Presenter 1: Guys, what dangers can lie in wait for us in the forest?
Children's answers.
Host 2: Correctly. Firstly, you can get lost in a huge forest, and therefore, in no case should children go into the forest without adults.
Presenter 1:
You really need to understand:
You can't go into the forest without adults!
It's so easy to get lost:
Get far away from home
And find no way back...
And don't visit your mother again.
Host 2: Do not think that you can only get lost in an unfamiliar place. You can get lost everywhere.

Presenter 1: In the forest you need to walk only with adults. If you suddenly lost your parents, then you need to scream loudly in order to find each other in the forest by voice.

Host 2: If you get lost in the forest, then first stop and calm down. You can't panic. Do not run where your eyes look. Listen, very often the sounds of a train, cars or barking dogs help to get out to people. Try to determine the sides of the horizon, remembering where you came from. A country road or car tracks can lead you to locality.
Presenter 1: In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to be able to navigate the terrain and correctly determine the sides of the horizon. And now we will check if you guys are good at navigating in the forest. The game is called "Define the sides of the horizon."
Didactic game"Define the sides of the horizon"
Students should distribute various local signs (resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, abundant moss on trees, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster, wide rings on stumps, snow sticks to stones in spring, snow melts faster in ravines) on the sides of the horizon (north and south )
Kids are playing.
Right answers:
From the north side: plentiful moss on the trees, in spring the snow sticks to the stones.
FROM south side: resin on the trunk of a coniferous tree, wide rings on stumps, snow melts faster in ravines, anthills near trees, berries turn red faster.
Host 2: To better know what other dangers await us in the forest during a hike, we suggest you play one more interesting game. The game is called "Tell the Word".
Didactic game "Tell me a word."
Students have to guess the word in the poems about the dangers that can be encountered in the forest.
Presenter 1:
In soft grass
The boy is lying
He has a good thumb
It will be delicious, that's the thing!
He will say on a walk ... ( mite)
Host 2:
Look guys:
Here - chanterelles, there - mushrooms,
Well, this, in the meadow,
Poisonous?.. ( toadstools)
Presenter 1:
Those with whom I buzzed next to,
Remember - I have a sting
And a stripe on the belly
Because I… ( wasp)
Host 2:
The children went out into the meadow,
Dill grew tall there.
Don't touch him with your hands
This is scary…( hemlock)
Presenter 1:
Under the fence, at the gate,
Here, look and don't breathe:
Like peas on a string
White... ( lilies of the valley)
Host 2:
Don't joke with me
I can bite sometimes.
I can easily offend
Kohl you come without seeing.
After all, I'm dangerous, my friends,
Because I - ... ( snake).
Presenter 1: So, we found out what dangerous situations await us in the forest. This is poisoning with poisonous mushrooms and plants, snake and insect bites.
Host 2: The main reason for such accidents in nature is ignorance of natural natural hazards, excessive self-confidence, and sometimes complete disregard for the simplest rules of personal safety in nature.

Presenter 1: Guys, what plants are called poisonous?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: Correctly, poisonous plants are plants that contain chemicals that, once in the human body, cause poisoning.
Host 2: Guys, who knows what poisonous plants are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Presenter 1: While walking through the forest, you probably like to pick mushrooms. You all know that this must be done carefully and carefully so as not to confuse inedible mushrooms with edible mushrooms. Guys, what poisonous mushrooms are found in our forests?
Children's answers.
Host 2: You correctly named all poisonous plants and poisonous mushrooms. Well, in more detail we will be introduced to them by the guys of grade 4, who prepared informative presentation about poisonous mushrooms and plants.

Performance of 4th grade students with a presentation on poisonous mushrooms and plants of Northern Kazakhstan.
Host 2: In order to avoid poisoning by poisonous plants and mushrooms, you must first of all know your native nature well, and then no poisonous plants and mushrooms will be dangerous to us.
Presenter 1: You can collect, and eat only those berries that are well known to you. And be sure to unlearn the bad habit of taking the first berry and blade of grass in your mouth.
Host 2: When going to the forest for mushrooms, remember a simple rule - do not collect or taste mushrooms you do not know. For more confidence in recognizing poisonous mushrooms, ask experienced mushroom pickers to show you poisonous mushrooms.
Presenter 1:
Never eat
unfamiliar berries...
And toadstool mushrooms
It is not necessary to drag into the mouth:
Host 2:
The head will spin
Stomach hurts
And from poisoning
Doctor won't save...
Presenter 1: Guys, let's have a little rest and go to the forest.
Fizminutka "Hiking in the forest"
green path ( walking in place)
We go out to the big.
Let's take baskets with us, tilt right and left)
And someone just like that.
Then a new path ( walking in place)
We turn into a huge forest.
Where the pines are tall ( stretch your arms up and stand on tiptoe)
They touch the sky.
Where fairy tales whisper spruce, ( depict a whisper with their hands, turning to the sides)
Birches and oaks.
Where the berries ripened ( hands to the side)
And the mushrooms grew. ( stretching up X)
Presenter 1: We must not forget that another danger awaits us in the forest - insects that can harm our health.
Host 2: Guys, what insects should be wary of in the forest?
Children: Ticks, wasps, bees, hornets.
Host 2: And what danger does a tick pose to a person?
Student responses.
Host 2: That's right, they are carriers of dangerous diseases.
Presenter 1: To protect yourself from a tick bite, you need to pick up clothes in the forest, which completely covers the body, head, neck. Hands can be smeared with ointment against insects. At home, it is imperative to conduct a complete examination of the body and clothing.
Host 2: You can not tear off the sucked tick. To make it fall off, it is enough to burn it with a burning match, and remove the proboscis with a needle. The wound must be treated with brilliant green or iodine.
Presenter 1: And what is the danger to humans of wasps, bees and hornets?
Student responses.
Presenter 1: That's right, these insects have a sting and they can sting a person.
Host 2: Guys, what will you do if you are stung by an insect?
Children's answers.
Host 2: That's right, you need to carefully pull out the sting and rinse the wound. Then you need to put cold on the wound.
Presenter 1: Guys, let's now try to provide first aid to the victim. The game is called "Help a friend".
Mobile game "Help a friend"
Two teams take part in the game. At the signal of the leader, the children run to the victim and help him (for example, the first draws a bite, the second wipes the bite with cotton wool with water, and the third lubricates the bite with brilliant green, the fourth sticks it with adhesive tape).
Kids are playing.

Presenter 1: Even in the forest you can meet a snake. The most common snake in Kazakhstan is the viper. Most often, the viper can be found in the burrows of various animals, rotten stumps, bushes, and crevices. A snake can bite a person if he steps on it or disturbs it. Therefore, in those places where there are snakes, one must be careful.

Extracurricular event on OBZh "SAVE YOURSELF!"

Topic: Fundamentals of human life safety in dangerous and emergency situations.

Objectives: to generalize students' knowledge of the rules of behavior in extreme situations, to teach how to avoid and be able to prevent dangerous situations.

Preliminary preparation:

All competitions were announced to children. Was held self-training


Today, people live in well-appointed houses, go to “hunt” in supermarkets, and the most terrible animals that come across on the way are the neighbor's dog and the ubiquitous mosquito. But modern world filled with dangers, they just became different. Pedestrians will not get a hungry beast for lunch, but they can fall under the wheels of a car. The cause of fatal poisoning is not a snake bite, but an expired medicine from his own first-aid kit. People did not build a safe world, but only replaced some dangers with others. The competition begins with the selection of the captain and the presentation of the participating teams.

This is where we meet the teams. And now let's determine which competition will be the first.

    Captains competition

    home security

(whole team involved)

Task: within 3 minutes, remember as many rules of safe behavior in different situations: at home, on the street, in nature ...


    Do not leave unattended electrical appliances turned on.

    Do not dry your hair over a gas stove.

    Don't play with matches.

    Do not pull the plug from the socket by the wire.

    Don't open doors to strangers.

    Don't walk on ice.

    Cross the road at the green traffic light.

    Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms, berries.

    Do not play on the roadway.

    Use the transition.

    Do not take or bring home unfamiliar items.

    Don't tease the dogs.

    When you visit a friend, tell your parents.

    Don't stick needles in the chair.

    Be careful with medicines.

    In the car, do not lean against the doors.

    Don't lean out the window.

    Do not enter the elevator with strangers.

    Do not touch bare wires with your hands.

    Do not throw sharp objects unattended.

    Tic-tac-toe game


Don't let your uncle in the house
If uncle is unfamiliar!
And don't tell your aunt
If mom is at work.
After all, the criminal, he is cunning,
Pretend to be a fitter.
Or even say he
That the postman came to you.
He will show you the package
(And under the arm a gun).
Or he put on a robe
And under it, about five grenades!
And the "old woman" hurries after him
She has a gun in her bag.
Everything happens in life
The one who opens the door.
So that you don't get robbed
Not seized, not stolen
Don't trust strangers
Close the door tight!

1 student per team

And now we will remember how to behave with strangers on the street.

    A stranger approached you on the street and said that your mother sent him for you. How will you do it?

    If a stranger approached you, how would you talk to him?

    You are walking home from school. A stranger comes up to you and offers to drive a car. What will you do?

    If a stranger takes you by the hand and tries to take you away, what will you do?

    Describe what modern day villains look like.

    If strangers come up to you and ask how to find a street or a house, what will you do?

    They ring the doorbell and say “Mom asked me to tell her ...”. What will you do?

    You feel like someone is following you. How will you do it?

    List dangerous places on the street at night.

    Literary quiz

(whole team involved)

Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales: copyright and Russian folk. But now you need to remember the fairy tales, where the violation of the life safety standard led to sad consequences. Explain why. Teams are given 2 minutes for this task, after which the captains answer.


1. "Kolobok",

The Adventures of Pinocchio",

Red Riding Hood",

excessive trust in strangers

2. “Wolf and seven kids”

don't open the door to strangers

3. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”,

Swan geese"

listen to your elders

4. Sleeping Beauty

be careful with piercing and cutting objects

    The Snow Queen"

do not cling to the vehicle in front

Additional questions :

    Which fairy tale character immediately violated 2 OBZh commandments, which, by the way, his mother reminded him of: follow a familiar path, do not turn anywhere; do not engage in conversations with strangers.

    Which of the fairy-tale heroes made several mistakes at once, impossible for scouts and life safety experts: went into someone else's house, sat there, ate from someone else's dishes, slept on someone else's bed?

    Which fairy tale hero turned off the direct road to school and remained uneducated?

    How did the Kid cure Carlson?

    What hurt Ilya Muromets?

    Why did the Sleeping Princess fall asleep?

    What rule of personal hygiene did not follow the hero of the fairy tale "Moydodyr"?

    What prevented the princess from sleeping, and in what fairy tale?

    What hygiene rules did Masha violate from the fairy tale "Three Bears"?

    In which fairy tale did the princess die because of a poisoned apple, and who is its author?

    Where did the pieces of ice go to Kayu in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and who is its author?

    Who did one of the heroes of the fairy tale turn into after drinking dirty water from a puddle? What is this fairy tale?

    In which fairy tale is one of the characters blind and the other lame?

    Rescuer Competition

(3 participants from each team)

There are situations when a person urgently needs medical assistance, the state of his health in the present and future depends on this. Can we do it? Of course, we will provide first aid. The victims are team members.

Each team is given a “First Aid Kit”: bandage, cotton wool, iodine, boiled water, scissors. In 1 minute, participants must provide assistance to the victim. The jury examines the victim and sums up.

Every home has a first aid kit. Sometimes you need help, and there are no adults nearby. From the cards, select the means by which you will provide first aid.

    What remedy from the first-aid kit will you choose if a person fainted?

    How do you stop heavy bleeding?

    What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if you cut yourself? (The wound must be disinfected, the blood must be stopped).

    What remedy from the first-aid kit will you choose if you got an abrasion during the fall, and the wound needs to be treated?

    What remedy from the first-aid kit will you choose if your tooth or head hurts badly?


(ammonia solution)








5. Cotton wool


(potassium permanganate)

    firefighter competition

Listen to a comic poem by G. Oster.

Matches are the best toy
For bored kids.
Dad's tie, mom's passport -
Here is a small fire.
If you throw slippers,
Or put a broom

You can fry a whole chair,
Boil the ear in the nightstand.
If adults are somewhere
Matches are hidden from you
Explain to them that matches
For a fire you need.

G. Oster

The poem is comic, but is it possible to joke with fire? What can this lead to?

(to the fire)

Correctly. In case of careless handling, fire from true friend turns into a merciless enemy.

What is a fire? And what can it lead to?

(whole team involved)

(children's answers)

The houses in which we live are provided with gas and electrical appliances. In them, fires occur much more often than in public buildings.

1. You are alone at home, watching your favorite show, and suddenly your TV is smoking. What should be done?

a) Fill the TV with water

b) call someone for help

c) try to put out the fire, and if it doesn’t work, call the firemen

d) turn off the current, throw a thick cloth over the TV, call 01

2. You come home in the evening and you smell a strong smell of gas. What will you do?

a) First things first! turn on the light and check with a match where the gas is coming from

b) I'll go and smell where it smells from

c) call the gas service and go outside to wait for them to arrive

d) I will open the window, try to turn off the gas and call 04. and all this

I will do without turning on the light


(whole team involved)

Brain gymnastics.

-Not a ship, but floats on water and does not sink? (Raft, ice floe, iceberg…)

-Glazed opening in the side of the ship? (Porthole)

-Before sailing, Vasya helped his mother clean the house. What soup did Vasya cook? (Vasya was just cleaning up)

Why is the stop valve red on the train and blue on the ship? (There is no stop-crane in the ship)

-Today is Monday, and Vasya bought a ship ticket for the day after tomorrow. What day of the week does the ship leave the port? (Wednesday)

    "Sit on a stump, eat a pie"

You need to get ready for a trip in advance, the main thing is to properly stock up on food. After all, there, in the forest or by the river, there will be no store and a refrigerator. Products should be high-calorie and not perishable. Otherwise, you can get very poisoned.

Teams are offered (on sheets) a set of products, they need to choose products suitable for further trips, and mark them with a tick. The captain submits the sheet with the answer to the jury.

    The jury sums up the results of all competitions.

While the jury is summing up, the children perform ditties


To keep you from shedding tears

rain stream,

never meet

By the hand you are with the current!

To be closer to the sun.

I climbed on the roof in winter.

Slipped, hit the ground...

Saved me a big snowdrift!

Everyone with a thimble needs to sew,

To protect your fingers.

Even though he looks unimpressive,

He will tame the needle!

Do not yell in your friend's ear

He might be deaf.

Don't talk to the deaf

You will only write letters.

We live with electricity

Fun, great!

But stick your nose into it

Scary and dangerous!

Wide open and no hat

It's fashionable to walk like this.

Only mods will have to

Pour tears from injections!

Run around the apartment with a fork

You can do hara-kiri!

Don't remember if it

You will eat a cutlet with a spoon.

Good! Spring is coming!

Ice is falling from our feet.

Raise your nose

There's an icicle flying from the roof!

Most importantly, guys, so that you understand that many accidents can be prevented by following the most basic safety rules.

Duration -1.5 – 2.0 hours

Type - interactive competition

Form - competition

Participants - detachments of young firefighters (YUP), detachments of young inspectors traffic(YUID), military-patriotic associations (VPO).

  • increasing the level and quality of knowledge of adolescents in the field of life safety;
  • increasing the level of knowledge on the basics of military service, the formation of the need to protect the Fatherland;
  • development of the need for active participation in the affairs of teenage clubs and associations;
  • teaching teenagers the technology of organizing and holding mass events.

Event progress

Good afternoon dear friends! Today (…..) the teams participating in the “Safety Day” have gathered in our hall. Everyone needs to go through this school, because our life and the world around us are full of various dangers that have a great impact on our life and health.

Each of us can get into various difficult situations. How to act, how to get out of them without damage and loss? These questions are not always possible to solve for adults, and even more so for children. Life without danger is impossible, but it is possible to live safely.

Let's live a safe life together for one day today.

First, I want to check your attention! You will answer my questions: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”. Of course, if it's right.

Who, having heard the smell of burning,
Reporting a fire?
Who set fire to the grass near the house,
Set fire to unnecessary rubbish,
A friend's garage burned down
And a construction fence?
Who is a gang of cheerful
walking to school every day?
Who always goes forward
mouth wide open?
Who does not kindle fires
And others do not allow?
Who passes cars
Do you comply with the traffic rules?
Who walks indiscriminately
At traffic lights?
Who is from a little sister
Hides, children, matches at home?
Who's next door kids
explains in the yard
That playing with fire, not without reason,
Ends in fire?

Who holding with one hand
Famously rushing along the pavement?
Who will cross the road
Where is the transition?
Who, smelling gas in the apartment,
Call on 04?
Which one of you is naughty with fire
Morning, evening and afternoon?
Who kicks the ball merry
On the road in front of the school?
Who, playing in the yard,
Explains to the kids
“Remember the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table
Who helps firefighters
Doesn't break the rules?
Who, perky and cheerful,
Keeping loyalty to the rules
saves home school
From the fire, from the fire?

Wonderful! That's where we met. And now I would like to note that you will work not only for points and grades, but also in order to gain new experience, learn how to act in any force majeure situation.

I present to you our jury:

So we start.

Every day starts with getting up and making breakfast. And to prepare breakfast, you use electrical appliances, of which we have a great variety. Electrical appliances work from electric current, which can be an assistant for us and a source of troubles and misfortunes.

First task. Attention to the screen. Work with tests.

1. Life safety tests (30 sec)

1. What voltage is safe in educational institutions?

a) 127 V DC;

b) 220 V DC;

c) 110 V DC;

2. What kind of injuries does a person get in contact with a source of electric current?

a) fractures, burns, mechanical damage;

b) dislocations, burns, electrical signs;

c) electrical burns. metallization of the skin, mechanical damage.

3. What should be done first of all in case of electric shock to a person?

a) report the incident to the teacher and call an ambulance;

b) quickly disconnect from the mains the device that the victim touches;

c) give a drink and give artificial respiration.

4. What voltage is allowed when illuminating Christmas trees?

a) 12 volts;

b) 127 volts;

c) 220 volts.

5. What is the effect of the electric current that passes through the human body?

a) physical, mental;

b) thermal, biological, electrical;

c) thermal, biological.

6. What voltage is considered safe in educational institutions?

a) up to 42 V AC;

b) up to 50 V AC;

c) up to 10 V AC.

The answers are sent to the jury.

Breakfast is cooked, eaten, it's time to go to school. It would be nice to remember the rules of the road before leaving. Attention to the screen.

2. Rules (30 sec per question).

You need to determine who in this situation violates the rules of the road and put the answers in table No. 2.

Attention to the screen. ( Traffic situations from movies, cartoons, drawings).

How difficult it is on the street for those who do not know or do not want to follow the rules of the road. Every year, people die on the roads of Khakassia, receive severe injuries and injuries. And how important it is to determine the degree of damage in time, to provide qualified first aid.

3. First aid tests (30 sec)

1. What should be done with a person if he faints and loses consciousness?

a) apply artificial respiration;

b) to drink tea;

c) bring to life and call an ambulance.

2. What should be done in case of venous bleeding?

a) lubricate the wound with iodine;

b) apply a sterile pressure bandage and call an ambulance;

c) tighten the limb above the wound with a tourniquet and call an ambulance.

3. What should be done in case of limb fractures?

a) wash the fracture site with cold water;

b) put a splint on the fracture and fix it with a bandage, call an ambulance;

c) call an ambulance.

4. What should be done first of all in case of injury?

a) apply a cold bandage to the sore spot;

b) fix the immobility of the bruise with a bandage;

c) warm the bruised place.

The answers are sent to the jury.

Attention to the screen. Right answers

The next task will be related to the provision of first aid.

Choose the one who will provide assistance, the one who will be assisted and go to the stage. You will find the necessary props for first aid on the tables. Complete the task, go to the jury for evaluation.

4. Competition: “First Aid” (5 minutes)

You did an excellent job with the task, you didn’t get confused, you provided first aid and it’s time for a lesson on the basics of life safety. The topic of today's lesson is "Causes and consequences of dangerous situations in the home."

Attention to the screen. You should correlate the causes and consequences of dangerous situations from the 10 points presented. Five causes and five consequences. Working time - 5 minutes.

5. Competition "Causes - consequences" (5 minutes)

Match a) reasons; b) the consequences of dangerous situations in the home:

1. Pranks with fire, explosive devices, poisonous substances;

2. Ignition, fire;

3. Loss of property, people;

4. Faulty or left unattended turned on electrical appliances;

5. Leaks, damage to the water supply;

6. Gas poisoning;

7. Flooding of the premises;

8. Death of people;

9. Destruction of the building structure;

10. Damage to gas communications.

The answers are sent to the jury.

Attention to the screen. Right answers

And this task turned out to be up to you. But your teachers in the classroom often make things difficult for you. We will do it too. I offer you a competitive task “Numerator”, where you need to choose the number of the correct answer from the options offered. Attention to the screen.

6. Competition “Numerator” (3 minutes)

(Choose the number of the correct answer.)

  1. What tool is used to remove logs and boards during a fire?
  2. Deep charring of the tissues of the human body during a burn.
  3. Means for extinguishing fuels and lubricants.
  4. Means for carrying water.
  5. Redness of the skin in a person with a burn.
  6. A tool used to pick up sand or earth.
  7. A tool that is used in cutting.
  8. Partial charring of skin areas.

9. The appearance of blisters filled with liquid.

2. Shovel.

3. Fire extinguisher.

6 1 degree burn.

7. 1U degree of burn.

8 11 degree burn.

9. 111 degree burn.

The answers are sent to the jury.

Attention to the screen. Right answers

So, another task, I hope brilliantly done. Let's move on to the next one.

It's time for our future defenders of the Fatherland to prove themselves in military affairs. Arriving at the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda, the conscript is tested, where his general cognitive abilities, the level of psychological preparedness are revealed, he undergoes a medical examination and at a meeting of the draft commission they get acquainted with its decision. How well do you know your rights as conscripts, we will find out now.

And the guys from the children's organization "Friendship - Ynarkhas" will help us. You will be presented with situations that are most common during the call, and you will have to rate them. Lawful or illegal decisions of the draft board in each individual case.

Put a sign (+) where the decision of the commission is legal and a sign (-) where the decision of the commission is illegal.

7. Competition program"Conscription Commission"

1. Conscript No. 1. I am 26 years old, I will be 27 in the spring. My son is 7 years old, he went to school. Give it a break until spring.

Solution: No deferment allowed.

2. Conscript #2. I am 23 years old. I have a child. He is not yet 3 years old.

Solution: Good conscript. Grow up a son and next year you will be drafted into the army.

3. Conscript No. 3. I am 20 years old. Studied at HGU. Dismissed for violating internal regulations. Now recovered.

Solution: Study well, otherwise we will call.

4. Conscript No. 4. I am 18 years old. I am in 11th grade at school.

Solution. The draft age starts at 18, so you are called up for military service.

5. Conscript No. 5. I am 20 years old. The mother is disabled, the sister lives far away, there is no one to take care of the mother

By decision of the draft board, you are granted a deferment for the care of your mother.

6 Conscript #6. I am 25. The child is 3 years old, and the wife cannot get a job, we live in an apartment. Give it a break until spring.

Solution: You are granted a grace period. Solve your problems.

7. Conscript No. 7. You are so small. Your health is good. Valid without restrictions. But the height is 144 cm and the weight is 43 kg. But that's okay, let's fatten up on enhanced nutrition in part.

Solution: Call for military service.

8. Conscript #8. I am 23 years old. I graduated from the Medical Institute, I work as a doctor in the village of Sapogov.

Solution: You are called up for military service for a period of one year.

9. Conscript No. 9. I am sick. I have gastritis. I am being treated at home, my grandmother is treating. There are no documents.

Solution: You are drafted into the army.

You know your rights well. But you also have obligations in relation to the fulfillment of your civic duty as a Defender of the Fatherland. And this duty is to prepare yourself physically, morally, psychologically for military service, to be able to obey, walk in formation, and wield weapons.

To what extent pre-conscripts own weapons, we will reveal in the next task.

8. Disassembly - assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The lessons at school are over. But our day of safe living is not over. There is still a disco ahead, where new challenges await you. Disco - a place of congestion a large number disorganized people. During an emergency, the actions of many visitors not only help, but also exacerbate the dangerous situation. How to act during a fire, for example, knowledge on fire safety. To begin with, I suggest that you cope with fire safety tests. Attention to the screen.

9. Fire safety tests. (30 sec.)

1. What kind of fire extinguishers does the fire extinguisher OP - “Moment” refer to?

a) powder;

b) carbon dioxide;

c) chemical.

2. What kind of fire extinguishers does the OU-8 fire extinguisher belong to?

a) air-foamy;

b) chemical;

c) carbon dioxide.

3. Can combustible materials be used for walls, floors, escape routes?

b) it is impossible;

c) it is possible, only for the purpose of decorating halls, foyers;

4. Burning garbage on the territory of a children's educational institution:

a) prohibited;

b) allowed;

c) it is allowed if there are fire extinguishing means.

5. Where is it allowed to store flammable substances?

a) in specially allocated premises;

b) in any premises;

c) in repair rooms.

The answers are sent to the jury.

Attention to the screen. Right answers.

How to act during a fire you know well. Do you know how to make a cotton-gauze bandage to protect the respiratory system.

I invite two people to the stage. You have to make a cotton-gauze bandage and tie it correctly.

10. Competition “Making a cotton-gauze bandage” (3 minutes).

Team leaders can improve their result in this event, to whom I will now propose one question and to which they must answer without preparation within 2 seconds.

11. Competition "Race for the leader".

  1. Apparatus for extinguishing fire. (Fire extinguisher).
  2. Damage to something during work, movement. (Accident).
  3. Something that can hit when touching bare wires. (Current).
  4. A device for regulating fluid flow. (Valve) ;
  5. A tool used to extinguish a fire, dismantle structures. (Axe).
  6. Sudden, acute health disorder associated with organ damage. (Injury).
  7. Code of conduct in case of fire. (Rules) .
  8. A place where fuel is burned and that can become a source of fire. (Firebox).
  9. Uncontrolled combustion process. (Fire).
  10. Gases produced during the combustion of fuel. (Smoke) .
  11. Asphyxiating gas with the smell of ammonia. (Ammonia).
  12. Organized removal of the population from the emergency zone. (Evacuation)
  13. Instant release of large amounts of energy. (Explosion).
  14. Universal respiratory protection. (Mask)/
  15. Toxic fog over an industrial city. (Smog).
  16. A set of preventive measures. (Prevention).
  17. Strong wind at a speed of 33 m/s. (Hurricane).
  18. A device for measuring radiation. (Radiometer).
  19. Artificial water-retaining structure. (Dam)
  20. A chemical element used to purify water. (Chlorine).
  21. An oxidation reaction in which heat is released and the glow of burning substances is observed. (Combustion).

Outcome of the event

The jury sums up

Games, energizers with teams at the time of debriefing

Energizer “YES or NO”

Together we will answer “Yes” or “No” to my questions. Friendly! Started!.

  • Will we always rescue a friend?
  • Will we never lie?
  • Shall we run a red light?
  • Take a ticket on the bus?
  • Ah-ah-ah, how is it not!
  • Should I always buy a ticket?
  • Avoid sidewalks?
  • Be brave on the road
  • Always be careful?
  • Life is not nonsense for us?
  • Always take care of her!

Conclusion: So, we tried to live one day safely, tried to protect ourselves and help others. All of you did an excellent job with the tasks of our competitions. It remains to find out who lived this day the safest?

We invite the jury to announce the results.

Team awards. Parting words of the jury members.

Lydia Krokhaleva
"Safety Train" The final event on the formation of the foundations of life safety

The final event on the formation of the basics of life safety with children mixed age group No. 2 (age of children 4 - 7 years old) with the invitation of the inspector of the Nytvensky traffic police Fomina Yu.A., specialist of the Nytvensky branch of the VDPO Kamenskikh E.S., with the participation head nurse Preschool educational institution Lykova O. S. and educator Tyuleneva I. V. Methodological and organizational guidance: senior educator Krokhaleva L. G.

Purpose of the event: generalization, consolidation and expansion of children's ideas about all types of safety: road, fire, domestic; identifying children's ability to anticipate a possible danger and find ways to avoid it, choose an adequate model of behavior in various life situations.

Material and equipment: digits 0,1,2,3; traffic light 2 sets; traffic pattern for routes 02 --- 03 --- 01; signs at stations 01, 02, 03; bell on the gymnastic wall; 3 benches; landmarks 2 hoops; children's fireman's helmet; big ball (at station 01); hoop - "fire"; small balls according to the number of children

Lesson progress:

Children to the children's song in the record "Pro SDA" come to the walking area, line up in front of the guests.


Hello gentle morning

hello kindergarten,

Hello good friend,

Hello everyone around.

We are very glad to the guests,

We give you warmth.

Today we will go on a journey to the country of Security with our teachers and guests.

Guys, do you want to visit the country of safety?

Children's answers: Yes!

Q: Are you ready?

Q: What do you think about how you can go on a trip?

A: By train, by plane, by car, by boat.

Q: What good fellows you are, you know everything. And today I invite you on a journey to the country of safety to go by train. You are ready?

Children travel on the SAFETY TRAIN according to the station schedule: 02, 03.01.

They go on a journey to the song on the record and the children singing “The train is moving, the wheels are knocking ...”.

STATION 02. Statement by the traffic police inspector.

traffic police inspector: Hello guys! I am a representative of the traffic police Fomina Yulia Alekseevna.

1. Conversation about traffic rules (tells the guys about the organization and road users, about the need to follow the rules, etc.)

2. Reading a poem about a traffic light.

3. The task "Whose team will quickly and correctly assemble the traffic light."

4. Riddles on the knowledge of road signs

I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

Running with all legs somewhere

(Sign "Children")

2. If you put your foot

On the road

Pay attention friend

Road sign - red circle,

Man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And the road is like, but

It is forbidden to walk here.

(Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited")

3. We went home from school,

We see - a sign over the pavement.

Circle, inside - a bicycle,

There is nothing else.

(Sign “Bicycle path”)

4. Pedestrian, pedestrian!

Remember about the transition!

He is ground


Know that only the transition

It will save you from cars.

(Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

5. Are you waiting for landing

At the designated site.

You don't need dexterity

This place is a stop.

(Sign "Bus stop")

6. Cars rush at full speed,

And suddenly there is a sign.

It has a fence on it.

The highway is closed for constipation.

(Sign "Moving with a barrier")

5. Solving problem situations.

6. As a gift from the traffic police inspector, the song in the recording “About the road sign”.

They are sent in accordance with the scheme to station 03 to the song in the record and the children singing “The train is moving, the wheels are knocking ...”.

STATION 03. Nurse Lykova Olga Semenovna

1. Game "Compose a number"

Olga Semenovna. Guys, if trouble happened to you, you injured your leg, arm, or something happened to a friend, where do you turn for help? (for an ambulance).

Compose from the numbers the ambulance phone 03 we call the house phone, 030 we call the cell phone.

2. Quiz "Give an answer"

1) What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden).

2) When is the best time of year to start tempering? (Summer) .

3) How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (2 times in the morning and in the evening before going to bed).

4) Why can't you bite your nails? (This is ugly and there are germs under the nails, you can get sick).

5) What are the winter sports?

6) What are the summer sports?

7) Can I give my hairbrush to other people? (No, because you can catch lice, skin diseases).

8) Why can't you drink water from a river or a puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases).

9) Why can't you stroke homeless and other people's cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

10) The Slavic peoples have a saying "A bow from seven ailments." Is it correct? How do you understand it?

3. The game "Edible - inedible" (using pictures about plants).

4. Game "Continue the sentence"

To be healthy you need….

To prevent microbes from entering the mouth, ....

When I have good mood, I…

Inspector: Well done guys, you know the rules of a healthy life. Don't forget them, always remember.

They are sent in accordance with the scheme to station 01 to the song in the recording and the singing of the children “The train is moving, the wheels are knocking ...”.

STATION 01. Specialist of the Nytvensky branch of the VDPO on socially-oriented activities Kamenskikh Elena Sergeevna.

1. Game "Yes" and "No"

I want to hear them back.

Everyone play carefully

Think and answer.

Answer questions,

And say yes or no.

All the kids need to know

That you can't play with fire.

Do all the guys know this? (Yes)

Are they playing with fire? (No)

Are fires a joke for guys? (No)

Are all the children here obedient? (Yes)

Jam is boiling on the stove.

Is it possible without permission

children to run up to the stove,

To stir the jam? (No)

The boy Tikhon burns the leaves,

By the fire he jumps dashingly.

Children give me an answer

Is it good? (No)

Sveta plays under the table,

She lights candles.

Children give me the answer

Is it good? (No)

Vova plays with matches

Mom forbids it.

Children give me the answer

Is our Vova right or not? (No)

Naughty boy Vova,

Plays with matches again.

Let the children answer me

Mom Vova upset? (Yes)

Here is a candle, a fire is burning,

You try fire - touch it!

Give me an answer, children

Will it hurt or not? (Yes)

Do we care about fires? (No)

Will we always rescue a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes)

Do we always listen to mom? (Yes)

Can you play with matches? (No)

Light candles for children? (No)

Does fire hurt? (Yes)

Does fire give goodness? (Yes)

Are you cowardly when trouble? (No)

Is it a pity for labor? (No)

Are you always careful with fire? (Yes)

How can I end the game? (Yes)

3. Relay game "Brave firefighters"

Team members line up in one line. At the leader’s command, they crawl along the bench in turn, then climb the ladder, go down and climb the second ladder where the bell is hung, which the child should ring (“report a fire”, then go down the ladder and have lunch before the basket with balls and try “ put out the flame "(throw the ball at a vertical target) and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next one. If the child hits the target, they put on a fireman's helmet.

4. The game "Question - answer" with a big ball

Question 1. What is the name of the profession of people fighting fire?

Question 2

Question 3. Why is the fire truck red?

Question 4. Why are fires dangerous?

Question 5. What causes fires?

Question 6. How can you extinguish a fire?

Question 7. Is it possible to hide during a fire?

Question 8. Can the elevator be used during a fire?

Question 9. On New Year You were given fireworks and sparklers. Where will you burn them?

Question 10. What should I say on the phone when calling 01?

5. As a gift, a song in the recording "Firemen of Russia".

6. Rewarding children for participating in district competition for the best craft "The light is always like this - both good and bad."

Elena Sergeevna:

Guys, remember

What can not be played with fire

Who is careless with fire

That fire is possible.

The final part of the lesson.

Educator: We have repeated the safety rules. I hope that you will not have to be where a person's life is at risk and you should always remember Your safety and YOUR HEALTH are IN YOUR HANDS!

I'm very happy for you guys!

You learned a lot about safety rules,

Solid knowledge shown.

Just remember: knowing is not enough -

Rules must be... obeyed!

The song sounds in the record "About traffic rules." Children play and dance.

Often, children become patients in the burn and toxicology departments of hospitals, receiving serious injuries on fires due to their dangerous curiosity, lack of skills in handling fire and ignorance of the elementary rules of behavior in a fire. It is important to teach children how to prevent fires, to instill skills in the safe handling of household appliances and correct behavior in case of fire.

  • Everyone knows that students do not like the stage of the lesson at which there is a survey on previously studied material. They are not interested, they are afraid of failures, unsatisfactory grades. Your attention is invited to an integrated lesson-game "Catch a Star", which will help to consolidate the material in nine general education subjects, and even in an interesting form for students.

  • Extracurricular event "Catch a Star" 2010

    Everyone knows that students do not like the stage of the lesson at which there is a survey on previously studied material. They are not interested, they are afraid of failures, unsatisfactory grades. The authors offer an integrated lesson-game that will help to consolidate the material in nine general education subjects.

  • Extracurricular event "Rules of the road" 2009

    This extra-curricular activity is made taking into account the age characteristics of children, therefore it includes a variety of forms of work and activities of students. According to the traffic police, cases of traffic accidents have recently become more frequent, in which a greater percentage of pedestrians are occupied by children.

  • Extra-curricular event "Adventure in the country of traffic lights" 2010

    The author forms students' systemic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road. Develops cognitive interest in the study of traffic rules, memory, observation, attention, imagination. It brings up a culture of behavior on the streets and roads, collectivism, the ability to empathize.

  • Extracurricular event "School of Traffic Light Sciences" 2010

    The purpose of studying traffic rules is to form students' conscious and responsible attitude to their own health, to personal safety and the safety of others, to acquire the skills to maintain life and health in everyday life and in adverse and hazardous conditions ability to provide self-help and mutual assistance.

  • Extra-curricular event for children in grades 1-2 "School of traffic lights" 2003

    This event is for students elementary school. Can be used as in extracurricular activities, and in the lessons of life safety. This material allows in an accessible form for children to acquaint them with the meaning of road signs for pedestrians. The lesson is held in the form of a game.

  • 2006

    The event contributes to the assimilation and consolidation of military-chemical concepts and terms by students, practical application in their later adult life. This event develops and strengthens interdisciplinary connections in teaching the basics of science. Students receive practical skills on how to protect themselves from dangers.

  • 2009

  • Extracurricular event in biology "Please stand up, the court is coming!" 2012

    The article discusses the reasons for the first initiation of adolescents to alcohol and smoking, the impact of nicotine and alcohol on the body and human behavior. The extra-curricular event takes the form of a court session, the main characters of which are the defendants Alcohol and Nicotine. The scenario of the performance can be used at class hours, biology week, life safety, health days.

  • Extra-curricular event in biology "The Tale, how Ivan Tsarevich defeated the Serpent Gorynych" 2009

    The scenario of a fairy tale can be used in the preparation of an extracurricular activity in biology, life safety, class hour on smoking prevention.

  • Extracurricular event on life safety 2010

    Good health includes all goals in a person's life, his interests and habits. And one of the bad habits is the habit of smoking. In many European countries, people are quitting smoking, determined to become a non-smoking nation in the new century. Good health is a way of life, it is a lifestyle that a person chooses for himself if he wants to achieve the highest well-being.

  • Extracurricular event on life safety 2014

    The event is aimed at consolidating the pupils' knowledge of the rules of the road, developing observation and attention, and cultivating interaction skills in a group.

  • Extra-curricular event on life safety "April 26 - Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes" 2010

    One of the forms of extracurricular educational work on the subject is the creation of lecture groups. "April 26 is the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes" is the title of a lecture with which high school students annually speak to teams of kindergartens, schools, military units as part of the "Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards". To bring up responsibility to future generations, to be able to act correctly in case of accidents at nuclear facilities - this lecture teaches.

  • Extra-curricular event on life safety "Protect the forest from fire" 2009

    A description of an extra-curricular event dedicated to forest fires and fire safety rules is given.

  • Extra-curricular event on life safety "First aid for fractured limbs" 2012

    The lesson introduces students to the provision first aid with a fracture of the limb and methods of transporting the victim in conditions of autonomy.

  • Extracurricular event on life safety "Healthy lifestyle" 2007

    Goals: propaganda healthy lifestyle life, the formation of a value attitude to one's own health by deepening knowledge of human anatomy and physiology; creating conditions for the formation and development of students' ability to independently acquire and apply knowledge, describe the results of observations, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, discuss the results of the experiment, participate in discussions.

  • Extra-curricular activity on life safety "How it was! How it coincided - war, trouble, dream and youth!" 2012

    On the problem of the patriotic education of today's youth, one can now find quite a lot of articles in various publications, especially those devoted to the education and training of students. Quite alarming is the trend that our youth is experiencing - the loss of pride and involvement in the great achievements of the Russian people during the years of the Great Patriotic War. The scenario of the composition “How it was! How coincidentally - war, misfortune, dream and youth!