Everything and start living. How to start a new life and change yourself. Are you worried about being considered "not of this world"

  • 02.04.2020

How often have you said to yourself: “That's enough, that's enough!” From Monday, I start life anew!”? And how many people make such a promise to themselves on New Year's Eve or their next birthday. Even the happiest and most prosperous person has such moments in his life when he wants to quit everything. I want to cross out the past and start my life completely from scratch. Why do people sometimes so passionately want to say goodbye to their past and embark on a new unexplored voyage through life? How to start new life and change yourself? Such a desire can arise from extreme overwork, satiety with everyday life, or as a result of experienced stress. There are many reasons for such drastic changes and they are all purely individual. But, having made the decision to say goodbye to the past, many are faced with the problem of not knowing how to start a new life and change themselves.

After all, a significant period of life is lived according to certain principles and motives, was aimed at achieving any specific goals. A new life implies total changes in all spheres of human life and activity. Where to find the strength for this and where to start such global changes?

Reasons to say goodbye to the past

Of course, it is impossible to single out any reasons that are relevant for everyone. But there are many typical and similar situations in which people simply need to start over.

One of the most common reasons is the divorce of a married couple breaking up after a long relationship. Most people who find themselves in a similar situation, quite logically wonder how to live on. Most likely, life will have to start over. Revise the usual home way or completely build a life from scratch. Get used to a new marital status, learn to live independently, without a partner's shoulder. It is generally accepted that when parting, it is doubly harder for those who have been abandoned. And this means that they will have to make twice as much effort to figure out how to start a new life after a divorce.

Another reason is the death of a loved one. In such a situation, before starting a new life and changing himself, a bereaved person needs to cope with a difficult state of mind, overcome depression and stress. After all, such psychological traumas are characterized by a state of apathy and constant fatigue, and in order to build a new way of life, it is necessary a large number of energy and vitality.

How to motivate yourself to change

The most compelling reasons for a person to have a desire to start life anew are stressful situations and complete dissatisfaction with the current way of life.

Whatever these reasons that prompted a person to cross out all the past, for a start one should be clearly aware and fully accept one fact. ,A negative past experience is like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to leave it and it’s hard to carry it. If you have taken out all the necessary life lessons from such an experience, you need to be able to say goodbye to depressing memories without regret. You need to be able to forget the events of past years and stop reflecting, endlessly analyzing your past. Instead, you need to evaluate your present and develop ways to start a new life.

“The past is as dead as a broken gramophone record. Chasing the past is a thankless task, and if you want to be convinced of this, go to the places of your past battles.
Ernest Hemingway

How to let go of the past

If behind your shoulders you will carry the burden of the past years and constantly return to the past in your thoughts, then starting a new life will not only be problematic, but almost impossible. But many people find it very difficult to part with memories, even if they are sad and painful.

How do you let go of the past and start living again?

  1. Stop replaying possible scenarios of past situations in your head. Eliminate from your thoughts the wording: “But if then, I would have done this and that.” What has been done cannot be returned, so do not fill your head with useless thoughts.
  2. Try not to make mistakes in the present so that you don't regret them later. For some reason, human memory is arranged in such a way that negative memories linger in it longer than happy moments. By your actions today you are creating your past. And it is in your power to make it cloudless and pleasant.
  3. Drive away the fear of change. Give yourself the installation that the new life will be much better and happier. If you yourself believe in it, then, undoubtedly, it will be so.
  4. Conduct an audit in the house, getting rid of all things reminiscent of the past. The same can be done with respect to the people around you with whom, for some personal reason, you have long wanted to cut off contact.
  5. Love yourself. After all, for the person you love, you always want to do everything in the best way, to fence off all troubles. Become that person for yourself.

How to start a new life

An easy way to start a new life is to follow the tips below.

  1. First of all, follow the rule of the moment. Start a new life not from Monday, not from the first day of the new month and not from the New Year. If you have already made the decision to change, now is the time to do so. Most likely, you are delaying the moment because you subconsciously succumb to the fear of change. Remember that in any business the most important thing is to take action, and then the changes will move rapidly, like a snowball.
  2. The next task after parting with the past will be parting with the present. If a person thinks about how to start a new life and change himself, then it follows logically that this individual is not completely satisfied with his present. Think about what and whom you would like to get rid of, what to change. You can make a list of all this and symbolically burn it - by eliminating the material confirmation of your present, it will be easier to let it go morally.
  3. Change your habits. It is better to get rid of negative habits altogether, but you should also reconsider the usual household chores that you do purely automatically. For example, instead of your usual morning cup of coffee, start taking a cold shower. Are you used to sitting in a chair after work and aimlessly watching TV shows? Try not turning on the TV at all. Yes, at first it will not be easy, you will have to step over yourself, however, positive results will not be long in coming. After two months - according to psychologists, this is exactly how long it takes to get rid of old habits and develop new ones - you will notice that you have become a completely different person.
  4. Change hobbies, find new hobbies. How to start a new life and change yourself, if you don’t start trying to do what you have long wanted, but were afraid or could not afford? A new life is the time to realize all your wildest dreams.
  5. Change your social circle. Make new friends, get to know people with whom communication brings you pleasure and benefit. Strive to associate with positive and successful people- they will motivate you to strive for your ideal and achieve your goals.
  6. Make major changes, like changing your home or job. Perhaps you wanted to change your activity in general, try something completely new. If you have long dreamed of mastering cycling, then why not change your office chair to a bicycle saddle.
  7. Don't be afraid of failure. Everything in this world is known through trial and error. And if you stumble on something, this is not a reason to stop moving on.
  8. Work on yourself. And do it all the time. After all, permanent self-development is the right path to success and harmony in the soul.

Changing ourselves - 10 effective methods

In order to find the strength and energy in yourself to change your life for the better, you need to make adjustments to your personality, change your character and habits. Otherwise, how to change your life for the better, remaining the same? After all, you, exactly the way you are now, have created for yourself a present that does not suit you, and which you are striving to radically reshape into new way. If you have not yet developed your own individual strategy on how to start a new life and change yourself, then check out the selection of psychologists' advice below in our article.

10 ways to change for the better:

  1. Cultivate positive thinking. If you constantly tune yourself in and think in a positive way, then over time you will notice that the world around you accepts you with joy. The well-known psychological law of interchange: what you give, you get.
  2. Learn to see the positive in others, try to become an optimist. Surely, you yourself are pleased to communicate with smiling and hospitable people. So why not become the same yourself so that people reach out to you.
  3. Do not forget about your appearance - after all, the appearance perfectly reflects internal changes. You should not drastically and drastically change your appearance if you are not ready for this. It will be enough neat and clean appearance in order to win over those around you and feel comfortable yourself.
  4. Eliminate bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are active depressants that irritate the psyche. It is difficult for an addicted person to find harmony with his inner “I”.
  5. Stick to a daily routine. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, train yourself to get up and go to bed at about the same time. The daily routine has a positive effect on both the psyche and physical health of a person.
  6. Switch to proper nutrition. Down with junk food like fast food. Include in your menu exclusively useful and natural products. In addition to avoiding gastrointestinal problems and improving your well-being, proper nutrition is an extremely practical and low-cost option.
  7. Go in for sports. It is not necessary to torture yourself with grueling workouts in the gym. A light jog or daily morning exercise will be enough. Even minimal physical activity will keep the body in good shape.
  8. Become the master of your emotions. A restrained person who knows how to control his inner impulses is less prone to everyday stress. This means that it is easier for him to adapt to changes and new conditions of life.
  9. Find motivation. If you clearly know why you need to change, then all changes and work on yourself will be easy.
  10. Engage in self-development. Read books, listen to good music, improve in your favorite business. Self-development is an excellent driving force that makes a person better and better every day.

How to start a new life and change yourself?

This is where you should start with yourself. All changes in life begin in our head. Only by setting the right psychological attitude, you can make changes in your life.

“People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But it’s even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything is not right next to you. ”

We hope that in our article you were able to find answers for yourself on how to start a new life and change yourself. As the famous saying goes, if you think you need to change something, then you don't. Throw away all doubts and fears, and boldly move forward to a new life and new victories. Remember that only you yourself are the creator of your own destiny, and it is up to you to decide whether to be content with the gray present or turn the page and open up to a new better life.

Question to the psychologist:

Good day! I can not get out of the state of "exist" for a year. I live with my parents and my sister (21 years old). I'm trying to find a job and all to no avail (either I'm not satisfied with something, or employers). Whom only did not go to work, this is an office manager, and a customer service manager, and on the phone, etc. Studied in the specialty "Service and Tourism". I also tried it in tourism, but again it's like sales. And convincing people is not my forte. I am a very sweet and pleasant girl, besides quite sociable, kind, cheerful, cheerful, but modest. There's another problem... it's fear. Fear, excitement in front of the audience (for example, when a little girl goes out to tell a poem, while her arms and legs are shaking, she begins to stumble, forget). I understand in my head that there is nothing wrong with this and I even really want to perform, but this fear, which comes by itself from nowhere, simply “kills”. And prevents to show themselves, their abilities. Girl, I'm not stupid and hardworking. But due to depression, this state I can not "stand on my feet." Relations with the family are normal, we swear and sometimes we don’t understand each other, but these are trifles, we love each other very much, we love to laugh. All my life my parents told me what to do. Those. I had no independence in choosing a university, in childhood I always did what my parents say, I went to school with my mother until the 5th grade. Strongly guarded. Sometimes it happened that for a deuce they could shout a lot and even slap. As a teenager, she began to rebel like ordinary teenagers. This is natural smoking and drinking, for which parents could raise their hands. Now I don’t smoke or drink, because I just don’t like the taste of alcohol and the smell of cigarettes (I didn’t like it either, but my friends do it, so I will do it too). Those. I just stopped looking at others and started making meaningful decisions for myself. I have practically no friends. I used to have girlfriends, but over time I realized that I didn’t want to be friends with these people. The reasons were that they didn't think about my feelings and I always had to do what they wanted. Now the closest people to me are my sister and mother. But I can't tell them everything. I don't like clubs, drinking and birthdays. Relationships with young people do not work out for me. At the age of 15, she fell in love with a guy (he was then 21 years old). There was an intimate relationship. But it turned out that the person did not want a relationship with me (but said that he loves and wants to be with me). Deceived. Then he returns again and again goes to another. It happened that he raised his hands, used force, sometimes because of a quarrel he put half-naked into the corridor and then threw out my things to get out. 8 years we periodically see each other and sleep. During this time he married and had a daughter. But still sometimes calls and says that I need. BUT asking about feelings for me, he says that they are not there and does not love me. And he doesn't want to be with anyone. My wife and I don't understand each other. I don’t meet guys, I always say that I have a boyfriend. I really want a simple relationship, always smile and laugh, fall in love. But I can't take a step towards other guys. I have not cooled down to the former and I always try to help him, support him. If this is also important, I will add some more moments from my life ... There is a cousin older brother. Previously, families lived together and slept with him in the same bed. He was then 14 years old, and I was 5-6 years old, he touched my intimate places, at first I did not understand what he was doing, and when I turned away he said not to tell anyone. A few years later I realized what happened, but I never told my parents, because I was scared and ashamed. Until now, it’s not convenient and uncomfortable for me to be next to my brother, I’m angry with him. He probably thinks I don't remember anything. What I feel now: I can’t “get back on my feet”, I can’t find myself, I constantly cry, I talk to myself and imaginary people, sometimes I think about suicide, I’m weak, I can’t force myself to do anything. I am lost.

The psychologist Dvoretskaya Elina Alexandrovna answers the question.

Hello Lily!

You are well done that you do not want to put up with what is happening to you, and are taking steps to overcome your condition.

You quite fully described the brighter events of your life, and you yourself tried to find an explanation for your emotional background at the moment.

You write that you can't stand up because of depression.

A person becomes depressed when he begins to worry and think about what is missing in his life emotionally and physically. What we need for emotional comfort: a sense of security; Attention; the ability to make independent decisions; emotional closeness with at least one person who fully accepts us for who we are; community; opportunity to think and analyze own experience; status; confession; life goals.

Think about what exactly is missing from all of the above for you personally?

Is your depression related to past events, when you decided that you could not resist the circumstances. And then they transferred this feeling to your entire later life. Perhaps this was influenced by the authoritarian upbringing of parents, and possibly the psychological trauma received in childhood. Such issues are resolved in consultations.

You look at the world through the prism of negative past experience and react incorrectly to events in the present. But now the situation has changed radically. And everything that happens is in your hands, depends on you. Think about what you need to feel good and succeed in life?

You received the education that your parents chose for you. And as I understand it, they never found themselves. What do you really want in life? Do you set goals for yourself? Do you try to go to them, to reach them?

Change your thoughts. Stop thinking about failures, problems and fears. When a person changes his thoughts, he changes his destiny and starts life with new successes and achievements.

Answer yourself the question: why do I need a dependent relationship with a person who does not appreciate me at all and most likely does not love me, but simply uses me when he needs it? After all, I deserve better! I am individual and unique, I am interesting and charming and there is NO other such person in the world!!! Yes, these are issues of self-esteem, which you also suffer from.

And the last questions that you must answer very honestly to yourself. What saves me from my condition? What is it for me? What do I find for myself in that niche in which I hid from all life's problems? What do I get there? Do I want to continue there? Or do I want to completely change my life and find joy and pleasure?

You have already taken the first step towards change, you have found the strength to describe your situation and are ready to think about a solution. So keep walking in this direction, do not turn off this road, no matter how hard it seems to you.

It all depends on your desire, Lilia.

I wish you to find peace, happiness and meet your love!!!

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WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 48 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

“Love your life and all that is in it, love your neighbor. Don't listen to those who say bad things. Help the needy in your environment, it will make your soul happy and your soul will become good because you are doing virtue. How Socrates' philosophy tells us about the good life "If you turn to virtue, your good soul will live a good life." There are many ways to apply your virtue of love in the environment. For example, keeping the environment clean, encouraging others to do so, creating harmony in the family by gathering loved ones together on any auspicious occasion. So Marcus Aurelius said in his philosophy "Do deeds pleasing to mankind and let this generosity be your pleasure, not forgetting to thank God." By helping someone in need around you, you are not only doing a virtue, but also enjoying the very pleasure of helping, thanking God for the gift of life.”

If you want to live a healthy, fun, loving life based on an ethical philosophy, follow these steps.


    Enjoy the company of your neighbors and those around you. Be attentive to constructive criticism. Learn to be patient and tolerant of others, respect their ideas, even if you don't agree with them. By helping your surroundings, you yourself become happier. Appreciate the little things. Help your loved ones keep the environment clean, and encourage others to do so. Feel at ease with your fellow beings and they will help you feel at ease in various aspects of your life. Provide comfort, company, and help to your loved ones, whether it be weekly visits to the elderly, or help with gardening, a little love goes a long way. Knowledge must be effective in relation to everything. Each individual can be guided by the decisions of society; be prepared to ask for advice. You can also bring everyone together to celebrate some event - the holidays can be great fun and make new friends. "A true friend is one who loves one person for the sake of another person." - Aristotle. Strengthen the quality of friendship that will last a lifetime. As Epicurus wrote in the Fundamental Doctrines, “Of all the possible concepts that wisdom acquires in order to guarantee happiness for life, the most important concept is that of friendship.”

    Use your full life potential. Have you always wanted to go rock climbing? Forward! Make a list of 50 things you would like to do. Life is full of adventure. Try and never give up. If you want to try something new - feel free to try! Epicurus teaches us "Pleasure is the absence of pain." This concept is very important. By neglecting what we passionately want to do, we are setting ourselves up for spiritual, emotional, and ultimately physical imbalance or pain. Living a healthy and happy life means taking care not only of our immediate needs, but also of our needs in general. So, put aside regret and think about your life opportunities. Live passionately. Remember that we live our day in preparation for moments of enjoyment and capture those moments even if they weren't planned. But remember also to practice moderation. Extreme sports can throw your life out of balance. Set priorities and do not sacrifice virtue for momentary pleasures - in the long run, this will not lead to anything good.

    Maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The famous philosopher Marcus Aurelius teaches us that our emotions are the result of our perception. That is, in order to control our emotions, we must work on our perception. Life itself can cloud our perception. However, exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the mental aspect of our lives, and will help us balance our emotions. When you are healthy, you are happy. Find an exercise program that suits your lifestyle. Research shows that the healthier a person is, the happier they are. Eat only healthy food. Avoid junk food as much as you can. Aristotle said that people should find the point of perfection and not eat too much and not too little. He also claimed that by contributing with perfection and virtue, the results would be wonderful. Be physically active and play sports. Being physically and spiritually healthy is a real pleasure.

    Guidance and spiritual fitness. Become a mentor to someone. If you are young, find a child who can imitate you, become for him good example. Thus, you will change both your life and the life of the child, as both will receive positive and satisfaction. As the Stoic philosophers say, combine prudence with philosophical reasoning and let it become a part of your life. Do not improve only your body, think about your health in general. Make your thoughts a reflection of your life, recognize your emotions - how Marcus Aurelius kept his diaries.

    Try to love or at least appreciate everything and everyone in your life, the world and the universe; smell the rose, hug the tree, give your love to everyone. Make your enemies your friends. Enjoy small pleasures. We always make a mistake when we do not notice these "minor" things in our life, although, in fact, they are the most beloved. Every day we are all in a hurry somewhere, forgetting to appreciate the things that are right in front of us. If something is not going your way, try to learn a lesson for yourself. Do your best to stay positive in all difficult situations and be optimistic, others will see the benefit. Focus on the good instead of dwelling on the bad. Marcus Aurelius said that man must transcend his own perspectives and learn from the perspectives of the world. Understand that simple joys are a gift, stop taking everything for granted - a shower after a hard day, a touch of the wind on your skin, a panorama of the mountains. Others struggle with a variety of difficulties, but we must accept everything we have.

    Treat others with respect, let that be your end, not your means. Recognize the humanity in others and don't use it as stepping stones to reach your goal. Understand that everyone has self-esteem and an end in itself. By doing this, your relationship will become more positive and lead you to happy life. Among the many philosophical systems, the Socratic system is an active path to such a life. This applies to everyone, regardless of his or her situation or nationality. The idea that the search for virtue must begin with one's own soul is logical enough. If more people with good souls begin to use the Socratic method of finding the truth about how to live healthy and happy, then I believe the influence of our thoughts and actions will help bad souls begin to think about their actions. As a result, they will try to seek the path of virtue and begin to help others resist spiritual destruction.

    Fulfill your desires to connect with others, be it friends, family, pets, organizations or your life partner - look for someone to help you get rid of the feeling of loneliness. Finding a person who shares your morals with you is also very important, without similar virtues, you may not understand each other, and your relationship will deteriorate. The soul of a person can make you richer than any bank account. Do not be with a person who provides you with wealth, status, or any other material benefits. Associate yourself with a person with whom you enjoy cooperation because he satisfies your desire for communication, or, in other words, as Kant said, "be a man of good will." This will be a person who will treat you well out of good will, without ulterior motives. Epicurus considered friendship and love to be the most important values, associating them with happiness and pleasure. Be prepared for the fact that true friendship is quite rare in life, and in order to maintain a strong friendship, Aristotle advises spending as much time as possible with this person - participating in all kinds of activities, engaging in spiritually useful behavior. Epicurus said "Of all the possible concepts that wisdom acquires in order to guarantee happiness for life, the most important concept is the concept of friendship." When you are friends with a person, his wealth and appearance does not matter, you just enjoy his presence. But what if you're an introvert and don't enjoy company? Perhaps you prefer to be alone and away from people, is that what makes you happy? We are not talking about the fact that it is better to have friends or better not to have them, just for everyone there is what he likes, it depends on the person himself. This fits in with Aristotle's argument "there are many opinions about what is best, and in order to benefit from it ethical issue, we must resolve this disagreement... This complex and controversial issue comes up when we start arguing that some things are more desirable than others. Aristotle's search for the good is the search for the highest good, and whatever it is, it has three characteristics: it is desirable, it is not desirable at the expense of other goods, and all other goods are desired for it. That means if you don't enjoy socializing with people, it might make sense to focus on the other tips in this article.

    Find yourself a hobby. Sign up for training courses: dance, soccer, art or music. You will enjoy life more if you do things that you enjoy. — Aristotle. Don't sit around all day eating and watching TV while watching others have fun. Improve your skills. Perfect the skills you already have. The better you do something, the more pleasure you get (Aristotle). Make friends who share your hobbies and interests with you. This friendship can become a lifelong one. Learn more about friends. Based on Plato, the meaning of life comes with the loss of yourself, that is, if there is something that you love and passionately want to do - go ahead, do it.

  1. Become an altruist towards processes, nature, humanity, animals... Learn all about processes, study them and make an effort to change them. We must consider all possible ends and purify all evidence whose opinions we refer to; for otherwise everything will be full of uncertainty and distraction (Epicurus). By sacrificing our time, money, talents, we begin to live well. Isn't it a burden to give up?... Giving my life, I enjoy... And Holly overcame depression when she became an altruist and now she is one of the most happy people. (Singer, Peter "Effective Altruism"). people, animals, environment All of this needs your help. Get a pet, take part of America's cleanup road, get involved in it. Respect nature, try to multiply the flora, not reduce it. Show love for your planet by actively preserving it. Remember - we are not the masters of the Earth, but we must take care of it. By becoming a part of the planet, you show that there is everything for life here. Know that there is more beyond the planet, in the universe, seek the truth to realize the meaning of things that are difficult to understand. Do not be afraid of death - this is also part of life and we will all get this experience. Pay attention to every moment.

    • Strengthen the quality of friendship that will last a lifetime. As Epicurus wrote in the Fundamental Doctrines, “Of all the possible concepts that wisdom acquires in order to guarantee happiness for life, the most important concept is that of friendship.”
    • Fourth step point: try to love or at least appreciate everything and everyone in your life, the world and the universe; smell the rose, explore wildlife - this is an important element, the possibility of unity with Nature, and with it the universe, the achievement of life harmony. This is one of the levels of perfection in the philosophy of Stoicism and the Epicurean teachings.
    • Learn to be alone and listen to yourself.
    • Love everything and everyone.
    • Do not be disappointed if you cannot understand the meaning of true love, even the great philosopher Socrates did not understand this, as he said to Diotima "tell me about this process and about other mysteries of love."
    • Keep in touch with nature, it is very important to have faith in a higher power, no matter what religion you belong to. Faith confronts fear and allows you to grow and move on. Believe in yourself and in the person around you.
    • Learn for yourself and teach others, as Aristotle said, the responsibility for providing education must be removed from power individuals and become a common concern.
    • Another very important thought regarding love for everything is to learn to be gentle and kind, no matter what the times. We are all part of this world, and we live here not for ourselves, but for others.

Several simple tips for those who want to break out of the swamp of their "life", and finally begin to live for real

As the great writer Jack London said, "Man should live, not exist." But all too often we move through life on autopilot, unresponsive to external influences, accepting everything as it is, and watching how indistinguishable days pass before our eyes in an endless succession. This life may even seem normal and quite comfortable to us, if it weren’t for the worm that constantly gnaws at your mind, making you think, isn’t it time, finally, to change everything?

This article contains 15 simple ways for those who want to break out of the swamp of their "life" and finally start living for real. Experience all that it has to offer you - in short, to live, not to exist.

  1. Appreciate the great things and wonderful people who have found their way into your life.“Sometimes we just don’t realize how much other people do for us until they stop doing it. Don't bring them to this. Be grateful for what you have, be grateful to those who love and care for you. Otherwise, you will understand how much these people meant to you only when they are no longer around. Appreciate those who treat you well, and people will be drawn to you. Appreciate life, and soon you will realize that you are truly living.
  2. Ignore other people's negativity. “If you allow people to take far more from you than they give, your balance in life will go negative faster than you realize. Ignore unconstructive comments full of negativity. Remember, only you have the right to judge you. Yes, others may know what is happening to you, but they do not know how you feel about it. You have no control over what they say, but it is up to you to choose whether you listen to all this from them or not. Only you can turn your mind and heart away from the poisonous words that poison them.
  3. Forgive those who hurt you. Just because you forgive people doesn't mean you trust them. Just think - why waste time hating people when you can better spend it loving those who love you? The one who apologizes first is both braver, and stronger, and happier. So be brave and strong. Be happy! Be free.
  4. Be yourself.– If you are lucky enough to be different from others, don’t change. Uniqueness is priceless. In this crazy world, trying to fit everyone into one size fits all, in order to be yourself, you need remarkable courage - but it's worth it. And when someone laughs at you for being different from them, laugh at the fact that these mockers are the same as peas from a pod. Yes, it is not easy to resist the outside world, but it is worth it. Be yourself!
  5. Listen to your inner voice. “Life can be either an exciting journey or a boring pastime. And we cannot become who we want to be just by continuing to do what we have been doing before. Listen to the inner voice, and not to the opinions of other people looking at you from the side. Do what your heart tells you, because only it knows what is best for you. Your life path is yours, and yours alone. Yes, other people can walk on it next to you, but they cannot walk on it for you. Therefore, try to appreciate every day of your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you new experiences, and bad days give you the best of lessons.
  6. Accept all the changes that happen to you in life. – Perhaps the most difficult thing in our life is to give up what we are used to and accept the unusual. But sometimes you have to stop worrying, worrying and doubting, and just trust that everything will be all right. Laugh at the mess that change brings, live for today, and enjoy watching your life unfold before you. You may not get where you wanted to, but you will get exactly where you need to.
  7. Choose your soul mate wisely. - The best personal relationships are not at all the ones in which you share all the good things that happen to you, but the ones in which you overcome difficulties together, the ones in which you still say “I love you” no matter what. Loving someone means not talking about it every day, but showing it to everyone every day possible ways. Choose the people you want to connect with wisely. Do not impose love, it is better to try to find it - the real one. Don't let your loneliness drive you into the arms of someone who isn't really your soulmate at all. Fall in love when you're ready for it, not when you're alone. Real love it's worth the wait.
  8. Repay love with love.The best people in your life - those who loved you even when you, frankly, did not really deserve love. Notice these people and love them back - even when you think they don't deserve it.
  9. Don't forget to love yourself.- If you can love your children, despite the mess they make, love your parents who constantly shove and teach you, your brother who is constantly late and forgets to repay the debts of a friend, then you know how to love imperfect people, and even love yourself surely you can.
  10. Do things you would thank yourself for in the future. – What you do every day means much more than what you do from time to time. What you do today is very important, because you will spend a whole day of your life on it. So try not to waste it.
  11. Be grateful to fate for all the problems that you do not have. There are two ways to become rich. The first is to get everything you want, and the second is to be happy with what you have. Accept what you have and appreciate it - and you will begin to find happiness in every moment you live. Happiness comes to us when we stop complaining about the problems that we have, and begin to thank fate that we do not have many other problems. Remember - to get to better days your life, sometimes you have to go through darkness.
  12. Leave enough time for fun. - Sometimes, in order to more clearly see the whole picture, you need to move away from it for a couple of steps and peer more closely. Never let yourself get so bogged down in a routine that your mind is completely clogged with anxiety and your heart is completely covered with old scars - because then there will be no room for fun, surprise and joy in them.
  13. Enjoy the little things.“Sometimes the best that life has to offer costs us absolutely nothing. Even in the most simple and unsophisticated situations, you can find sprouts of joy. Watch the sunrise with your loved one or spend time with your family. Enjoy the little things, because one day you can look back at the path you have traveled and realize that they were part of something bigger.
  14. Accept the fact that the past stays in the past. Don't let the past steal your present and future. Yes, you may not be proud of everything you've accomplished in the past, but that's okay. The past stays in the past. The past cannot be changed. It cannot be forgotten or thrown out of your life. It can only be accepted and then left behind. We all made mistakes, regretted the past, and even regretted it. But you are not your mistakes or your past. You are here and now, and it is in your power to change the present, and through it, the future.
  15. Let go when it's time. “It's not always worth trying to fix what's broken—especially if that relationship or situation is broken beyond repair. And if you try to glue them together from fragments, it will only get worse. Sometimes it's worth just starting over and trying to create something better. Strength is manifested not only in perseverance, but also in the ability to start over with a smile on your face.