Where and how to install a birdhouse. A few simple tips on how to properly hang a birdhouse. Where to hang a birdhouse

  • 13.11.2019

Good afternoon, dear subscribers! Let's talk live today spring theme- how to make a simple birdhouse for the garden and how to properly hang it on a tree. Attract birds to country cottage area necessary, if only because starlings, tits, redstarts and wagtails are able to destroy a lot of pests, which means saving your plantings from damage.

Even if you only have one birdhouse hung, then a couple of starlings who have chosen it as their house can ensure the absence of any harmful insect living creatures within a radius of 25-30 meters. Therefore, if you do not yet have a birdhouse on the site, then be sure to get it! And the children are happy, and help you.

Birdhouses are made from inch boards, width 150 mm. It is advisable to take the boards already dried, but not sanded, so that the birds can easily hold on to them with their paws. If the boards are made of raw wood, not dried, then over time they will dry out and the wind will blow through the cracks, and this can harm small chicks.

By the way, birdhouses are not made of plywood! Keep this in mind. Firstly, this material will quickly become unusable from moisture, and secondly, the plywood is smooth and it will be inconvenient for birds to hold on to it with their claws.

The standard dimensions recommended by biologists for a birdhouse are 400 mm high and 150 mm wide. Size is very important, as starlings have certain "ideas" about the size of the dwelling. The tap hole diameter is about 60 mm. Be sure to make a round entrance - the birds love it.

You can cut a notch either by drilling a hole, or by cutting it out with a chisel. There are special furniture cutters, nozzles for drills, just the right diameter. It is very convenient for birdhouses to make tapholes with them, if you, of course, have such cutters ... If not, then it’s probably better with a chisel.

Under the notch, nail a 15 mm bar - a porch. The father of the family will hold on to her when he brings food for his female, while incubating eggs. It is not necessary to make a porch that is too wide, otherwise jackdaws and crows that can ruin the nest and beat the starlings will be able to catch on to it.

The roof of the house can be made open so that at the end of the season you can clean the birdhouse from the inside. The lid can be made on a loop or nailed to it from the inside, according to the size of the inner area, a square board. Such a cover will hold tightly and will not come off from the wind.

It is not recommended to paint and process the birdhouse, as birds love everything natural. Even untreated wood is perfectly worth three or four seasons. At the bottom of a freshly built birdhouse, pour a five-centimeter layer of a mixture of peat and earth. For birds, this layer will be the basis on which they will already lay hay on top and build a nest.

Where to hang a birdhouse

Hang the birdhouse in a quiet and remote part of the garden. Tree choose a branchy, tall. Orient the notch so that it "looks" to the southwest. The height to which the birdhouse must be raised should be about 4 meters. It is best to first, on the ground, fix the house to a wooden pole, and then mount it to the tree.

To protect against cats, it is recommended to cover the pole near the birdhouse with tin or plastic from bottles. If you want to place several poultry houses on the site, then keep a distance of 30 m between them. Each bird family settles at a distance from each other. This is due to the food supply and the fact that birds love solitude.

Have you noticed that birds do not settle in every birdhouse? We asked ourselves this question and found out how many mistakes can be made when building a bird house and we want to pass this knowledge on to you.

Where did the first bird houses in Russia come from?

The first bird houses in Russia appeared during the reign of Tsar Peter I.

It is well known that the great Tsar Peter was very interested in everything unusual.

In Europe, he looked at how Europeans feed birds and decided to implement this idea on the territory of Russia.

At first, people were forced to make birdhouses by order, this innovation gradually took root, as people liked the gentle chirping of birds, it gave people the pleasure of watching the fuss of birds around their offspring.

It would seem pampering, but such a neighborhood brought positive results for the garden and vegetable garden, as the birds perfectly destroyed insect pests.

But in order for the birds to settle on the site, you need to take care of the bird house in advance.

Currently, in the season you can buy any house to your liking.

They offer “couture villas” for every taste.

But, it is much more interesting to make a bird house with children.

The bird house should not be large, if the house is large, then the bird may lay too many eggs and the parents will not be able to feed such a large family.

The offspring will grow up weak, and at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the birds will have to fly to warm countries, and a weak bird will not reach its destination.

In addition to the issue of feeding the chicks, the question of the weak immunity of the offspring is acute, since any illness, such as "bird flu", sticks to weak chicks.

And if the house is correct, then only two or three chicks will grow up in a cramped house, but these will be strong and healthy birds.

That's why, birdhouses are built about 30-35 cm high, the bottom usually has a square shape with a size of 16x16 cm, the bird's entry hole is 1/4 of the total height, 4-5 cm in diameter, the roof has a mandatory slope, which prevents water from entering the birdhouse.

How to hang a birdhouse

The house can be hung on any deciduous tree, it can be strictly vertical, or it can be with a slight inclination forward.

The opening for the entry of birds must be directed to the south, east or southeast - thus there is protection from the cold wind from the north.

You can have a bird house at a height of at least three meters from the ground.

Have pity on your living tree, so do not nail the birdhouse, but rather tie it with wire.

In the absence of a tall tree on the site, the birdhouse can be fixed on a strong three-meter pole.

How to protect a bird house from a cat

It is well known that cats are excellent feathered hunters.

A cat is a predator, and at the same time it is a very dexterous, courageous and jumping animal, capable of catching a bird on the fly.

Your task is to protect the bird house from the cat.

So that the cat does not get to the birdhouse - hang it very high on a tree or around the tree trunk, fasten (if possible) an apron made of metal or plywood 30-40 cm wide, parallel to the ground.

And if you hung a birdhouse on a pole, then fix below the birdhouse, in the middle of the pole, a plywood circle with a diameter of 45-50 cm - cats are not able to overcome such an obstacle.

How many birdhouses can be hung in one area

If you want to attract starlings to your site, then for these birds you need to have one birdhouse per 20-25 acres.

If there are a lot of birdhouses, the birds will begin to compete with each other and, as a result, they can all leave the territory.

Don't rely too much on starlings to protect your garden from pests.

Starlings are cute, funny birds, they sing wonderfully, but in July they will all take off together and fly away to the fields, as there is a lot of food for them and they will feed there until late autumn, before flying away.

The blue tit and the great tit are birds with a pugnacious character and therefore there should not be many houses for them either.

There can be quite a lot of houses for wagtails and flycatchers, as these birds are excellent helpers in pest control.

Pied flycatcher.

Tits, blue tit, wagtails manage to grow and feed 2-3 broods over the summer, so many chicks require a lot of food, which means that your garden is always under control.

Preparing the birdhouse for moving in

Autumn and winter are the time to care for birdhouses.

You can treat the houses from the inside with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

If there are children in the family, do all the work from building a house to caring for it with them.

Such works unite the family well and pleasant memories remain in children's memory for a long time.

We build a nesting box with a chain saw with our own hands in stages

Let's build an exclusive house-house, and for this you need:

    chain saw, preferably a model with low recoil;

    goats for sawing logs;

    drill with a feather drill for wood;

  • nails 70-80 mm;

  • round timber, about 80-100 cm long, not coniferous.


First stage. Firmly fix the round timber on the goats.

Second phase. Remove the core from the round timber, for this, cut parallel from the end of the round timber to the left and right, to a depth of about 20 cm. Then turn the round timber on the goats by 90 * and repeat the same steps.

For such work, it is necessary to use a familiar saw, i.e. have experience with a chainsaw. Follow all safety regulations as there is an increased risk of kickback or kickback during this operation.

Third stage. We got the inside of the house, from the side of the base.

Now you need to separate the body of the house from the main round timber. To do this, at a distance of 30 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to cut at an angle to tilt the roof.

Fourth stage. Saw off a disk of wood 3 cm thick with a saw, to do this, make a vertical straight cut. This disc is the bottom of the bird house.

Fifth stage. We are faced with the task of cutting a board for the roof. To do this, from the remains of the round timber, using two longitudinal cuts, from the central part of the round timber, we get a board 3 cm thick.

The length of the board should be about 3-4 cm longer than the diameter of the house. The roof overhang is designed to prevent rain from entering the bird's entry hole.

Sixth stage. With the help of a feather drill, we make a hole for entry. If you want to populate starlings, the diameter of the entry hole should be 45mm.

If you are preparing a house for a lazarevka - a hole of 28 mm., For a great tit - 32 mm., For a wagtail - 40 mm.

Seventh stage. Fasten the bottom of the birdhouse to the body with nails.

Eighth stage. Nail the roof. The hollow house is ready! Looking forward to housewarming.

If you want to ennoble the birdhouse, then it can be painted with gray or red water-based paint.

Remember that birds do not like the color green.

Do not use stains, nitro paints, varnish and impregnation.

Birds love only environmentally friendly material.

The same house-hollow can be built with an ax - this is the fastest house.

In the center of the round timber we make a split into four parts.

Remove sharp corners with an ax.

We fasten all four parts together with wire, fasten the bottom, the roof, make a hole for entry - the house is ready.

Everyone knows the phrase that it is necessary to take care of our smaller brothers. And in support of this topic, now it will be told about how to properly hang a birdhouse.

A bit of history

People built houses for birds not always. So, birdhouses in the vastness of our country appeared only 300 years ago, in the 17th century. The idea of ​​their creation was brought from Europe. However, there such houses were no longer built for birds, but for the townspeople themselves, who loved to feast on the meat of these birds. Therefore, every cook wanted to always have a couple of such birds and their eggs at hand for quick meat production and cooking. Birdhouses were brought to our lands during the reign of Peter I, who was very fond of all sorts of new and interesting things. With his light hand, the tradition of making houses for birds has been preserved to this day.

About the benefits of birds

Every living being on the planet is useful in some way. The same applies to starlings. For many, information will seem interesting that just one brood of starlings in just 5 days can eat a whole thousand May beetles (including their larvae) and other pests. So it’s good to install such houses in summer cottages to save your crop with the help of these noble birds.

House material

Before you start to figure out how to properly hang a birdhouse, you need to say a few words about what the ideal home for these birds should be. So, it’s good to take a birch for making a birdhouse, but other boards are also possible, not even necessarily new ones. It is important to say that it is strictly forbidden to make birdhouses from planks of coniferous trees, because they may contain resin, which is very harmful to birds. It is also better not to take any processed compressed wood, because glue can be toxic and harmful for birds. If outside the birdhouse is most likely polished (for beauty), then inside it should remain with the original bumps, so the birds will be much more comfortable living there.


Finally, we got to the main question: how to properly hang a birdhouse. So, you need to correctly determine the height. If it is far from human eyes - in deaf parks or closed gardens, it can be led to a height of approximately 3-4 meters. And at what height to hang a birdhouse in residential areas? In this case, bird houses are usually suspended to a height of 4-5 meters. This is also important so that cats do not reach them, which at any moment are ready to feast on the meat of this bird. To protect the birds' homes from cats, they can be hung on a wire so that the houses sway a little. So the animal does not dare to climb for prey. Another option: you can attach a plywood circle (or sheet material) to the base of the birdhouse, which, with all its dexterity, this animal is unlikely to overcome. It is also good to protect birds from cats by hanging birdhouses far from thick tree branches.

How to bind

The next tip on how to properly hang a birdhouse is to use soft wire for this. It can be aluminum or annealed steel. If there are none, a simple synthetic rope or cord may also work (it is important that they are of sufficient thickness). However, it must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to nail a birdhouse with nails to a tree, especially in spring, when sap flows along the trunk. This will not only injure the plant, but will also prevent the house from being freely removed if it needs to be cleaned or relocated to another, more suitable place. Another nuance on how to properly hang a birdhouse: it should be placed slightly tilted forward (this will not be necessary if the house is made a little uneven, narrower at the bottom and slightly wider at the top). If the bird house is placed slightly tilted back, birds will never move into it, and it will simply be empty all the time.


The next tip is how to hang a birdhouse, or rather, in which direction the nest box should be directed. So, the southeast direction is preferable, rather than the northwest. And all because in this case, slanting rains will not be able to flood the house, ruining the home for birds. Also, it is better not to direct the letok towards the streets, paths along which people can walk, it will be more comfortable for the birds. If there are already birdhouses nearby, the next one should be placed no closer than 20 meters from it. For birds this will be enough. It is not recommended to hang several nests nearby, because these birds are territorial and do not like close proximity.


It should also be said that the initial painting of the birdhouse is very important. So, you need to do this in order to protect the boards from faster wear. However, the color for the bird house should be soft, calm. It is better to choose natural shades. Green and brown colors, which are very familiar to birds, are well suited.

Having at your disposal a summer cottage or personal plot, you need to take care of green spaces, fight against numerous pests that can completely destroy them. However, no drug can control pests as effectively as song starlings.

These birds not only constantly destroy a huge number of pests (according to research, a pair of starlings can protect about 45 fruit trees from insects), but also delight with excellent singing, especially in the morning. And for this you need not so much - to make or buy a birdhouse for birds and hang it in a place favorable for the life of birds.

What material serves as the basis for the birdhouse

Anyone can make a birdhouse if they have some carpentry skills. To assemble the structure you will need:

  1. Wooden, dry boards, the width of which should be at least 20 cm and a height of about 50 cm. If the wood for the house is wet, the birdhouse will soon delaminate, which will lead to the formation of drafts.
  2. Circle for cutting notch. The diameter of the finished hole is 7 centimeters.
  3. Special nails for fasteners that do not have caps. Such a fixation, used when assembling a bird house, will be safe, the birds will not be able to injure their body.
  4. Material for assembling the roof of the structure. As it is good to use boards.

In addition, the cover can be made by a removable method by equipping special grooves or hooks.

How to hang a birdhouse

It is important not only to assemble a birdhouse, but also to choose a good place to place it in the garden. To properly hang the structure, you need to pick up a fairly tall tree, reaching four or more meters. Such a tree should grow in a less busy and passable place in the garden so that the presence of people does not greatly disturb the birds. Before hanging a birdhouse, inspect the tree and consider the following nuances:

  • The notch should be placed so that strong winds do not blow into the birdhouse. This means that it is best to turn the structure in a southeasterly direction. If you place the birdhouse with the entrance to the northwest, slanting rains will fall inside the structure;
  • you need to hang a birdhouse on a tree that cannot be called branchy. If the branches are near the front of the structure, cats will be able to get to birds or small chicks;
  • to hang a birdhouse, you do not need to use nails or other iron fasteners that are driven into the wood. To fix the structure to the tree, it is best to use a strong rope or metal wire. Before fixing the house, it is necessary to put strong wooden chips under the wire so that it cannot damage the bark and the whole plant as it grows.

You can hang a birdhouse on a hook, which is pre-attached to the back wall of the structure. They make it from wire, then simply fix it on a branch that is close to the trunk. It is advisable to cut off excess branches, if any, so that the cats definitely cannot get to the structure.

Wherever the birdhouse is turned relative to the cardinal points, first of all, you need to ensure that gusts of strong winds do not penetrate inside, and rainwater does not get inside. For example, if the structure will be located in the backyards of the Moscow region, where northwest winds blow, the entrance should be turned to the east or southeast. And, of course, when choosing a place for a house, it is advisable to give preference to areas where the sun will not constantly shine so that the birds do not suffer from the heat in their cozy birdhouse.

Starlings and humans always live together. Didn't you notice? When we got a dacha, and that was about twenty years ago, there were no starlings in the area. Now, every spring is unthinkable without starlings.

Arriving at the site for the May holidays, you involuntarily look with your eyes: where are our heralds of spring? And here they are right there, as if waiting for your appearance. Rapid flight, breathtaking gliding - and a charming bird trustingly walks on the grass just a few steps away from you.

At such moments, you especially acutely feel your guilt for not hanging up a birdhouse or making a feeder in time. However, it is never too late to do so. Birdhouse /Skvorduplo2.JPG can be bought or made - who can do what.

And now we proceed to the most important thing - how to hang a birdhouse? The question is far from idle. Everyone knows that not every birdhouse has birds. It would seem that everything is done as it should: the birdhouse is new, durable, without leaks, the best place has been chosen ... but the starlings do not live. It remains to sin on what is hung incorrectly. Let's see: how is it right?

I read a lot of literature about birdhouses and met good recommendations.


  • The height of the installation is not more than 3-4 m. This is explained by the fact that it is not necessary to force the starling to take off over and over again with food for the chicks to a great height.
  • The installation height may be higher if it suits the situation. For example, the desired height (3 - 4 m) is completely overgrown with shrubs, which means you can place the birdhouse higher.
  • Can it be lower? Yes, you certainly may. But in any case, you need to evaluate the comfort of the approach and the safety from cats and birds of prey, from your household and potential guests, as well as from the persistent curiosity of children.
  • I installed a birdhouse at a height of 6m (I really liked the place on the gable of the house: dry, warm, protected from the wind). Starlings immediately took a fancy to it, although a birdhouse hung nearby at a more “correct” height of 3 m. This “correct” birdhouse remained that year without a housewarming party.

Tap direction

  • All sources categorically state - to the south, southeast, well, in extreme cases, to the east, that is, in the direction of sunrise. I agree with them.
  • Is it possible to go the other way? I can say with confidence that it is possible. I somehow installed a birdhouse in the northeast direction (do not think that it was for the experiment - it happened by chance), and the starlings quickly occupied it.

What to fasten

  • To a tree - if the thickness of the trunk is sufficient to support the weight of this house.
  • To the wall of the house or hozblok, if allowed.
  • To a special pole, if there is no other place or there is nothing suitable in a convenient place on the site. The pole can be attached, for example, to a fence post. The thickness of the pole must be taken with a margin so that in strong winds it does not sway along with the birdhouse. Once, I installed a birdhouse on a beautiful pole only 4 cm thick. The starlings settled, and a week later, after a strong wind, they left the nest ... It was so sad.

Vertical tilt

  • Be sure to make sure that the birdhouse is tilted slightly forward. Then it will be easier for the starlings to get out of it.
  • If you tilt it back, then the starlings may die altogether.

How to fix

  • The most humane (for wood) way is with a wire or a nylon rope threaded through holes in the side walls.
  • The most reliable (for starlings) are good self-tapping screws.

Thus, you now know everything to properly hang a birdhouse. However, nature is good because it does not give in to any laws. I have had cases more than once when starlings did not want to occupy the most “correct” birdhouse. And, on the contrary, they settled where, it would seem, it is completely impossible. Don't despair, just hang more birdhouses. In any case, birds will live in them, even if they are not starlings.