Description spring bird middle group. Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group on the topic "miracles of the spring forest." ball game

  • 13.11.2019

Abstract of the lesson on the development of speech " Birds spring» ( average...)

Medium Group The purpose of the GCD: To identify the level of knowledge of children. Tasks: Educational: - consolidation of ideas about spring and its signsSynopsis of the lesson on cognitive development in junior group"Migratory birds spring» Abstract of the lesson on ... > Abstract of the lesson on

average Group) on the...

Topic: " Birds spring have brought" average Group.Goal: Continue to introduce children to life birds in spring period. Objectives: To clarify and expand children's knowledge about birds spring(they arrive, begin to build nests and hatch chicks). > Outline of the lesson on

Outline of the lesson on the world around ( average Group) on the...

What else birds arrive spring? (spring starlings, cranes, storks, blackbirds, swans, swallows, geese, ducks, nightingales, siskins fly in. (These birds fly south in autumn spring come from the south). The teacher puts a picture of a rook and offers the children ... > Outline of the lesson on

Synopsis of open activity on cognitive development ...

Info lesson › Preschool education›Summaries›Summary of open activities on cognitive development in middle group « Birds spring». > Abstract open

Topic: "What are they singing about birds spring?» ( average Group)

Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development ( natural world). Topic: "What are they singing about birds spring?» ( average Group). Purpose: formation and consolidation of knowledge about migratory birds. Objectives: to clarify and expand children's ideas about migratory birds... > Topic: "What do the birds sing about

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson with children in middle group on...

Abstract of the lesson in middle group on this topic Spring Author: Ivanchenko Galina Aleksandrovna, educator of MDOU Kindergarten No. 6, Rzhev. Description of the material: this outline of the lesson is intended for children in middle group on this topic: " Birds spring». > Synopsis of the integrated

Kindergarten - Conversation in middle group « Birds spring have brought" > Kindergarten - Conversation in

Synopsis of GCD " Birds spring" in middle group

middle group birds in the forest rejoice at the arrival spring birds she met today. > Synopsis of the GCD “Birds

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Birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. So many on the street birds which were absent in winter. - Where did so many come from? birds? (from warm countries, from the south). Educator: Guys, today we will talk about birds about their life spring about their worries. > Abstract of the lesson on

Ecology lesson "What they sing about birds spring" > Lesson on ecology "About what

Synopsis of GCD " Birds spring" in middle group

Abstract directly educational activities by knowledge in middle group"Our feathered friends." Educator: Sovunya understood that birds in the forest rejoice at the arrival spring. She offers to look and tell us which birds she met today. > Synopsis of the GCD “Birds

Summary of the lesson on the topic: “Migratory birds" in middle group

Children:- Birds arrive spring. Educator: Why spring? Children:- spring snow melts, reservoirs, it becomes warm, insects that feed on wake up birds. Educator: - That's right. > Summary of the lesson on the topic:

Lesson summary " Birds spring" - The world

Age Group: preparatory Group. Topic: " Birds spring". Purpose: To show changes in life and behavior birds with coming spring. Reveal connections with animate and inanimate nature. Software content. Educational tasks: Refine and expand ideas about ... > Summary of the lesson “Birds

Synopsis of an open lesson on familiarization with the environment ...

- Birds happy to come spring. - Look at our picture and try to tell about it spring. -spring the sky is blue and clear. Here you are birdies were in a warm spring where there is a lot of solar heat and food. And you will live here all the time spring, summer and early autumn. > Abstract of the open

ood birds spring brought.docx - Abstract of the lesson in middle...

ood file birds spring brought .docx for material for download on the disciplines of the World around us, in the section Lesson development, Methodological ideas: Children play group, some children (a subgroup of 45 people) make a collective application " Birds spring». > od bird spring

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Theme week Birds" in middle group

Conversation " spring we meet - birds inviting" Purpose: To give children an idea about migratory birds.Viewing the contents of the Theme Week document Birds" in middle group". Purpose: to enrich children's ideas about migratory and wintering birds about the image... > Theme week

Municipal state preschool general educational ...

Project “Migratory birds". For kids middle groups. Author of the projectCompilation of a story based on the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". Memorizing the nursery rhyme " birdies-small", call " Spring-Spring red", finger gymnastics " Birds». > Municipal treasury

Information and creative project middle groups"Migratory...

Participants: children, teachers and parents middle groups. Project type: information and creative. How to call these birds? Application No. 1. Conversation: “Why migratory birds leave us in autumn, and spring returning?" > Information and creative

Synopsis of GCD in middle group « Birds spring

BIRDS IN SPRING. Objectives: to contribute to the expansion and enrichment of children's ideas about birds in spring period (arrival birds, nesting, breeding chicks, caring for them, human help); developing the ability to use a model as a blueprint for a story... > Synopsis of GCD in the middle

Topic: "Migratory birds»

Synopsis of GCD in middle group Topic: "Migratory birds". Compiled and conducted by: Educator of the 1st category of MDOU "Teremok" Novoaleksandrova E.B.I. Educator: Guys, what season is it? ( Spring) spring, nature comes to life, wakes up from hibernation. > Topic: "Migratory

NOD Migratory birds in middle group- "" ...

- spring birds they build nests because ... (they are going to breed chicks). - autumn birds fly south because .... (it's cold and the scenario of the holiday in middle group « gold autumn» with Mushroom. Integration educational areas: Music, communication, socialization. > GCD Migratory birds in

GCD theme: " Birds the first heralds spring »

Age Group average. GCD theme: " Birds the first heralds spring". Program content: clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds about their life in spring period; give information about sounds birds; develop an interest in life birds... > GCD theme: “Birds are the first

Abstract of the lesson on environmental development in middle group
Theme: "Birds in spring"
Purpose: to contribute to the expansion and enrichment of children's ideas
about birds in the spring (arrival of birds, nesting, breeding chicks, caring for them, human help).
- to develop the ability of children to use the model as a plan for a story, the ability to compare the starling with other birds;
- develop curiosity, desire to help and care for living beings.
Preliminary work: talking about spring, about migratory birds, looking at reproductions about spring, about birds, listening to audio recordings with the voices of birds, songs “Spring”, “Snowdrops”, reading stories, reading poetry, observing birds, changes in nature (on walk), making birdhouses by parents.
Demonstration material: a picture of a starling, a birdhouse.
Lesson progress

Leads the conversation "Who are the first ...".
Guesses a riddle:
"We live in a birdhouse,
We will sing sonorous songs.
Exhibits the painting "Spring".
"Early spring. The sun is warming, the first thawed patches are already appearing on the hillocks and slopes of the ravines. Streams run along the roadsides, dazzlingly sparkling in the sun. At this time, the heralds of spring, the starlings, return to their native lands from distant overseas countries. Arriving home, the starlings sit on the trees and sing merrily. They mimic other birds well."
Shows and invites children to compose an oral story based on a picture depicting starlings.
Makes another riddle:
"Between the branches a new house,
There is no door in that house
Only a round window
Not even a cat can get through.
Shows the birdhouse and asks questions: “Who lives in the birdhouse?”
Game - imitation "Starlings feed the starlings"
The game "Name the birds that flew in"
Throws the ball to one of the children.
Children's answers.
Children listen carefully and look at the picture.
Masha recites a poem:
"The starlings have arrived -
Young spring messengers
Worms they peck
And sing, sing, sing!"
Children describe the starling from the picture. (large, beautiful bird with shiny black plumage, the starling has a straight long beak, which helps to extract worms from the ground.)
Children's answers: Birdhouse.
Children examine the birdhouse and answer the questions posed: "Starlings, their chicks, eggs."
imitate movements
Children stand in a circle, catch the ball and name the birds that have returned from warm lands in the spring. A child who does not give an answer is out of the game.
Ministry of General and Vocational Education
Sverdlovsk region
GBOU SPO SO "Revdinsky Pedagogical College"

Theme: "Bird"
Completed by: Skrob Nadezhda Vladimirovna
Specialty: "Preschool education"
Teacher: Gusarskaya Valentina Vladimirovna
Synopsis of a productive modeling lesson in the middle group
Theme: "Bird"
Purpose: to consolidate in children the skill of sculpting a bird from plasticine.
- to form the skill to convey the oval shape of the body, to delay and pinch small parts; beak, tail;
- to form the ability to note the diversity of the resulting images, to enjoy them;
- develop fine motor skills, speech, thinking, attention.
Preliminary work: finger gymnastics “I want to build a house”, listening to the audio recording of “Voices of Birds”, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles.
Demonstration material: finished oval, plasticine circle, bird, feeder.
Handout: oilcloth, napkins (for hands), plasticine, board.
Lesson progress
Activities of the educator Activities of children
Includes "Birds Chirping" recording.
He asks the question: “Oh, you guys hear? Who's chirping?"
Brings in a feeder and a bird:
"Guys, let's say hello to the bird."
He asks the bird: Why are you so sad?
The bird replies that she is sad because she has no friends.
The teacher turns to the children with a request to help the bird - to blind her friends - birds.
“In order for us to help the bird, let's take a closer look at it.
- What does the bird have?
Body, what shape?
Head, what shape?
Where is the bird's head located?
Where is the beak and tail located?
So we examined the bird, now show me your pens.
What are we planning to do? Bend one finger.
What material? Bend the next finger.
With what tool? Bend the next finger.
How are we going to do? Thumbs up!
He invites the children to sit down in their places and shows what he has on the table.
“Guys, look, I have a ball, how to sculpt it, show me the guys in the air. And there is also an oval, show us how we sculpt it.
And now we need to connect the body of the bird and the head. How are we going to do it? (to smear).
In front of the head we will make a beak (pull out).
And behind the tail (stretch and flatten).
Here we have a bird!
Guys, where are we going to start?

Help, hint to children.
Guys, what good fellows you all are, what beautiful birds you blinded. Oh, look, how happy our bird is!
Analysis of works, praise, exhibition of children's works.
Children stand in a circle.
Children's answers: "Birds."
Children greet the bird.
"Hello bird."
The children agree to help the bird.
Children carefully study the bird.
Children answer:
Beak in front.
Tail at the back.
Bird (bend the little finger).
From plasticine (bend the ring finger).
Board (bend the middle finger).
Children: Everything is in order, and we get this result. (Bend the index finger and show the thumb).
The children are seated.
Children show movements in the air.
We divide the plasticine into 2 parts. From the larger one we will make the body, and from the small one we will make the head.

The kids get to work.

They are taking away their jobs.
I single out those guys who did the best job. Who did not quite cope, we find mistakes together (individual approach). If something didn’t work out, please don’t be upset, as we will still have classes. I suggest that children try to draw at home using this technique.
Exhibition of children's works.
I draw conclusions for myself from the tasks I have set:
- Learned to sculpt a bird
- Consolidated knowledge of shapes and colors, children used bright colors;
- Continued to develop modeling skills with plasticine, learned to create figures.

Attached files

Summary of classes in the middle group for the development of speech
"Spring Incident"

Target: the development of coherent speech on the topic "Spring".

Program content:
- learn to choose words-definitions for a noun
- learn to answer in full sentences, solve riddles
-teach children to write a story based on reference pictures
- develop speech - evidence
- develop auditory attention, fine motor skills;
- exercise in changing words with the help of suffixes;
- clarify and expand the idea of ​​migratory birds, wild animals;
- exercise in the ability to identify the simplest causal relationships;
- exercise in the ability to distinguish between long and short sounds;
- to clarify and expand ideas about spring changes in animate and inanimate nature;
- enrich vocabulary on the topic "Signs of early spring";
- develop the ability to listen to each other;
- educate love for native nature and respect for it

Materials: several envelopes of different colors and different shapes (square, rectangular), an envelope with a letter, cards depicting the characteristic signs of spring, migratory birds; clothespins, a circle of yellow paper; doll with sets of winter and spring clothes, coloring pages on the theme of early spring, audio recordings "Stream" and "Spring Song"

Methods used in the lesson: visual, verbal, game, practical

Preliminary work:
· Observations on a walk of the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (the sun, sky, wind, kidneys, birds, people's clothes, the work of janitors .... for the work of equipment);
Experimental activities: heating objects from the sun, melting snow and icicles in the room, establishing a causal relationship: where it melts faster, observing cut branches in a group;
· viewing pictures with signs of early spring, postcards, albums with magazine clippings, models of signs of early spring, migratory birds, wild animals, reproductions of artists;
Reading art literature, memorizing poems (mnemonics), guessing riddles, listening to invocations about spring, musical works, signs, sounds of nature, conversations;
learning: didactic games, educational games, outdoor games
artistic creativity: drawing on the theme of spring (stencils, seals, stamps), appliqué, modeling, coloring, designing from natural material, origami

Lesson progress
Educator: This morning, at the door of our group, I found an envelope with the inscription "To the guys of the Vasilek group." I decided to wait for you and see what kind of letter we received. Yes, I put an envelope, but I don’t remember where. He was rectangular, blue. Help me find it! (Several envelopes of different shapes and colors are laid out in the group, the children are looking for an envelope according to a given attribute).

Educator: Do you want to know what's there? Let's honor! Story
(Sit down and listen)
“Once upon a time there were four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. They lived together and ruled the whole world in turn: 3 months - Winter, 3 months - Spring, 3 months - Summer and 3 months - Autumn. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give way to Spring. The plants were saddened under the snow cover. The birds stopped singing. People are tired of burning stoves to keep warm. Worried about Autumn and Summer. And Spring said: “Do not be sad! I have a miracle that will help overcome the cold.”

young, new,
Happy ready.
Get up early in the morning -
I'll quickly wipe my eyes
And it's getting brighter, brighter,
Outside the window - everything is hotter, hotter ...
What it is? -
Children: Sun!

Educator: Of course. Indeed, the sun is the biggest and kindest. Here it is hidden in an envelope. Oh, and the rays then scattered. Let's help the sun, collect the rays and tell us what kind of sun we have

The game "Sun in the spring" (selection of adjectives)
Children attach rays-clothespins to the sun choosing adjectives:
· the sun is yellow, round, affectionate, warm, joyful, yellow, cheerful, ruddy, radiant

caregiver: This is the kind of sun we got, and the group immediately became brighter and warmer. Want to know what happened next?

Play.: Guys, there is nothing further. The sheet is torn off .. But there are hint cards in the envelope and they will help us continue the fairy tale ourselves.
So what happened when the spring sun appeared?
Get a card with the image of snowdrops on a thawed patch.

The snow melted and snowdrops blossomed on the thawed patches.

Bring up.: Guys, I suggest you show how snowdrops bloom. Take handkerchiefs. (Children take organza handkerchiefs and show a blossoming flower)

Bring up.: How beautiful. Many people want to have such beauty at home and pick flowers. And tell me, snowdrops can be torn? (Children: No.) Why?

If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If everything: me and you
If we pick flowers
All fields will be empty
And there will be no beauty!

Bring up.: Let's decorate the group with our handkerchiefs and see what happened next.

Get a picture with the image of icicles.
Bring up.: And what's that?
Children's answers. The teacher concludes:
- Icicles began to melt and drops rang(Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

Bring up.: (approaching the metallophone) The sun is shining, the icicle begins to melt (plays long sounds on the metallophone). The sun is getting warmer and the icicle starts to melt faster and faster. (Plays short sounds on the metallophone).

Invites two or three children to play spring drops.
Bring up.: Let's see what happened next.
He takes out a drawing from the envelope with the image of a stream. Children's answers. The teacher summarizes :
- Brooks gurgled.(Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

I invite you to close your eyes and listen to the murmur of streams in the spring (children close their eyes and an audio recording of the stream sounds.)

Bring up.: Let's look into our envelope and find out the continuation.
A card is taken out, with the image of a branch with buds. Children's answers. The teacher summarizes:
- Buds swelled on trees and shrubs.(Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

Bring up: And how this happens, we observed in the group. (We approach the branches in the vase.) Only our buds swell for some reason much faster. Why do you think? (Answers of children: because it is warmer in the group than on the street). That's right, that's why in winter all the trees and shrubs sleep, and with the onset of spring they begin to wake up.
Bring up.: What else happens in the spring?
Get a picture with migratory birds. Children's answers. The teacher summarizes:
Migratory birds return from the south.(Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

Where do winter birds go? (Children's answers: fly away to where it's cold)
Take one bird. Tell us what kind of bird you have (for example: this is a bullfinch bird, it is wintering). And now let's resettle our birds: we attach migratory birds to the sun, wintering ones to a snowflake (work on carpet).
Bring up.: And what is happening in the forest at this time? (Children: animals have cubs)
Bring up.: Right, do we have such a picture? There is.
Animals have babies.(Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

Let's remember what the cubs of wild animals are called. Get in a circle.
Game in the circle "Moms and babies" "One-many". ( For example: bear - cubs - bear cub).
Raised: And we have another picture in the envelope, what does it tell us about?
Children's answers. The teacher summarizes:
-People wear lightweight clothing. (Asks one of the children to repeat and attach the picture to the magnetic board)

Doll Katya is going for a walk. Let's see if she's dressed right? What does she need to change? ( Children's answers, speech proof. On the doll, boots are changed into boots, a warm hat into a lightweight one)

Educated: Here is what a wonderful story we got. Let's remember everything we talked about again. (The material is being consolidated)

Spring has come. The sun got brighter and warmer. The snow melted and snowdrops blossomed on the thawed patches. Icicles began to melt and drops rang. Streams gurgled. Buds swelled on trees and shrubs. Migratory birds have arrived. Animals have babies. People dressed in lightweight clothing.

2-3 children are called to repeat the story.
Educated: And I have wonderful illustrations for this story. Only they are not colored. I suggest you take paints, wax crayons, pencils and color them in bright colors (productive activity)

Title: Summary of the lesson in the middle group on the development of speech "Spring incident"

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 21
Location: Kingisepp, Leningrad Region

Educational area: cognitive

Kind of activity: directly-educational

Age group: preparatory group

Topic: " Birds in spring

Target: Show the changes in the life and behavior of birds with the advent of spring. Reveal connections with animate and inanimate nature.

Program content

Educational objectives: Refine and expand ideas about insects; about migratory birds, about their life in the spring; about the types of nests and their placement.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

To systematize the knowledge of children about the types of birds, exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the allocation of an extra object.

Developing: Develop dialogic speech, develop interest in the life of birds, imagination, attention, memory, thinking (the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships), learn to navigate on a plane and in space.

Educational: to cultivate curiosity, the desire to take care of birds, respect for nature, form cooperation skills, develop initiative and independence.

Preliminary work: reading fiction on the topic: stories: V. Bianchi "Rooks opened spring", "Forest houses", memorization of V. Zhukovsky's poem "The Lark". Conversations about birds, looking at illustrations depicting migratory birds, different types of nests, guessing riddles about birds . Conversations and bird watching on the site kindergarten.

Vocabulary work: Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Practice building compound adjectives.

Materials and equipment: Flannelgraph. Thematic pictures on the topic: spring; migratory birds in their nests; signs of spring.

Activity progress

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is... (Spring)
What time of year is the letter talking about? (About spring)

Spring has come. And what is she? (Warm, bright, joyful, sonorous, kind, sunny, green, affectionate.)

I have prepared riddles for you. Listen:
-Guess what kind of bird:
dark small,
white from the belly,
The tail is spread into two tails. (Martin)
- Standing on one leg
He gazes into the water.
Tuknet beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)
- All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land.
And the bird is called ... (Rook)

What do you think about what will be discussed in our lesson today? (about birds).

With the beginning of spring, birds that wintered in warm regions return to their homeland. What is the name of the birds that fly away to warmer climes for the winter, and fly back in the spring? (Migratory.)

Why are they returning? (There was enough food, insects appeared, last year's seeds and fruits can be found on thawed patches).

Which insects appear first? (Those that overwinter as adults: some butterflies, flies.)

When the first spring flowers appear, do the insects increase? Why? (There is food - the nectar of flowers. Insects begin to multiply. They lay eggs. Caterpillars of butterflies and larvae of beetles, flies, dragonflies hatch from them.)

Why do insects lay so many eggs? (Most of them die, they are pecked by birds, carried away by ants.)

Caterpillars feed on leaves, grow quickly and turn into motionless pupae. After some time, an adult butterfly emerges from each chrysalis. But not all insects have pupae. Grasshoppers don't have them.

What role do insects play in nature? (Pollinate plants, therefore, form a fruit, seeds, food for various birds, animals.)

Different birds have spring at different times. Which bird arrives first?

What is a spring bird?

All migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird is called ... (Rook. Show the image of this bird in the picture).

Why do rooks arrive first? (They can walk on the ground and collect seeds, fruits thawed from under the snow, the first worms).

Rooks are called "Heralds of Spring". People say: Rooks on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

Other birds follow the rooks. Guess what the riddle is about:

On the sixth palace

Singer in the yard

Call him ... (Starling. Show the corresponding picture).

What is he? (He is all black, his beak is sharp, and his breast is white with a shiny speck.)

So, starlings, larks fly for rooks.

See what the cuckoo looks like in this picture. What is she? (Big, motley). The cuckoo arrives when the trees are covered with leaves, it feeds on the caterpillars that gather on the trees.

When do caterpillars get bigger? (After the leaves bloom.)

Swallows and swifts arrive later. Because high in the sky, where they live and feed, insects appear later. (Show the swallow and the swift)

And what is this swallow? (Her head, wings, back are black, and her breast is white, her nose is small and sharp, and her tail is like two pigtails.)

What is the main activity of birds in spring? (Laying eggs, breeding chicks.)

This happens in the spring because lighting, long daylight hours and, of course, a sufficient amount of food are of great importance for the awakening of birds for breeding.

The game "The fourth extra?"

pictures with image different birds, and children choose an extra object and verbally justify their choice.

Dove, swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who is extra? (Dove, as it is a winter bird.)

Crow, sparrow, dove, starling. (Starling, as it is a migratory bird.)

Nightingale, lark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, rook, bullfinch, titmouse.

Swan, heron, dove, stork.

Physical education minute

The swallows flew

All the people were looking (They run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings.)

The swallows sat down

All the people marveled (They crouch with their hands clasped behind their backs.)

They sat down, sat down, (They make rhythmic tilts of their heads.)

Soared, flew.

Fly, fly

The songs were sung. (They run around again, waving their arms.)

Let's think about what this riddle is about?

Without hands, without an ax

Hut built. (Nest)

Why do birds build nests? (It is necessary to lay eggs, hatch chicks, feed them.)

The nest is not a home. This adaptation to environment.

What are bird nests made of? (From dry blades of grass, twigs, straws, fluffs, shreds, moss, birch bark, etc.)

Where do birds build their nests? (On trees, on the ground, under a roof, in a hollow in the bushes).

Guys, can we somehow help the birds in spring? (Make with parents and hang birdhouses, hang cotton wool, patches for nests, etc.)

Didactic game"Whose Nest"

(Children identify bird nests from a series of pictures).

Now, when the nests are ready, what is the next concern for migratory birds? (Lay eggs, hatch chicks.)

And who cares, hatches, warms, protects them? (Mother bird, female.)

Who cares, feeds mom and chicks? (Dad, male.)

Who feeds and raises offspring? (Parents, both birds.)

Ball game "Who has whom"

Rooks have rooks, jackdaws have jackdaws, cranes have cranes, crows have crows, swifts have sheareds, ducks have ducklings, and starlings have starlings.

Can nests be destroyed? (No. There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, vegetable gardens from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy the crop of bread, fruits, vegetables. There will be no one to spread seeds of berries, herbs, flowers on the ground. We will never hear their wonderful songs).

There will be an environmental disaster.

Summary of the lesson.

Who are we talking about today? (About the life of migratory birds in the spring, about their benefits in nature, about the fact that birds should not be frightened, offended, and nests should not be destroyed.)

We learned a lot of interesting things about the life of birds.

Take a small bird for those who had a hard time today and are not interested. The middle bird is those for whom it was not very difficult, but interesting. A big bird for those who were interested and easy.

Pasternak Olga Alekseevna