To be one? Thoughts about true love… About the coincidence of views and values

  • 21.03.2021

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I wanna be with you

I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.

I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.

[Verse, Pharaoh]:
You're not fake, no I catch a glimpse of her face
As if the devil would offer me a deal with her.
I want to walk on the moon with you.
I remember our first time like now -
My mind went haywire.

You've sunk so deep
Into my heart, so deep.
I'm not one of those fools
That they talk non-stop.

But give me an answer [I'm famous now]
But you stay here - in my heart.

I'll pick you up at night right outside the house.
All your girlfriends are discussing my album.
You dial a number, but the whirlpool swallows me,
But only you can save me from the darkness.

I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.

I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.
I wanna be with you
One whole, one whole, one whole.

About the song Pharaoh - One whole

  • July 8th is exactly the perfect day for the fan base when Pharaoh released the highly anticipated experimental album "Pink Phloyd", which Gleb first spoke about a few years ago. The name of the record is similar to the name of the cult British rock band " Pink Floyd", famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, innovations in album art and grandiose shows. In this way, the Artist shows his current musical feeling in its modern form. The track list of the record included 15 new tracks, on the guest verses in which you can hear Boulevard Depo, Mnogoznaal, the Chemodan, Morty Mort, 39 recorded with the highest quality instrumentals.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Pharaoh - One whole.
Lyricist: Pharaoh.
Prod. By LOST VUND & Shadow Playaz.
Release label: Dead Dynasty.
Album "Pink Phloyd".
Album cover by: PRPL - Dead Dynasty designer.
Official release date: July, 2017.

Kissing in a dream with a pleasant and desirable person - to sad thoughts, unspoken claims.

A woman kissing a man - to sadness, anger, irritation.

Kissing a young girl for a man is a sign that dishonest profit awaits you.

Temperamental girl - for the wedding, a new connection.

Kissing an old woman - to longing.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of enmity.

Kissing an ugly woman is bad news.

Greeting, kissing - to infidelity.

Kiss your mother - you will be successful in your business ventures, your faithful friends you will be valued and respected.

Kissing a brother or sister is a prediction of pleasure and good relations with friends.

Kiss the executioner - you will receive a gift from a stranger.

Kissing someone's hands - to matchmaking, a new pleasant acquaintance with a future relative.

They kiss your hands in a dream - you will be disappointed.

Seeing children kissing is a prediction of a happy family reunion and success in business.

Birds or animals kiss - a happy dream, portending honors, happiness, a wedding.

Kissing the earth - to separation.

You kiss many different women, and you see yourself as young men - you will get yourself a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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In the reckless years of my youth, love seemed to me the greatest value in the world. There was not a day that my inflamed mind did not think about the person whom I would meet and never let go. It seemed to me that I would recognize him from a thousand - we would rave about the same dreams, listen to similar music, equally feel the world around us, as if two halves of a whole. As time went on, I fell in love and was disappointed, because none of the applicants corresponded to high ideals. Hormones demanded to love and dissolve in another person, and I obediently obeyed them, without bothering about who was in front of me in fact. Not once did I try to look into the depths, did not set out to see a real partner - and this was the main mistake.

When I crossed the threshold of maturity and learned to understand myself better, I suddenly felt how wrong I was. Love turned out to be far from the feeling of general euphoria that I dreamed of, but something completely different, close in meaning to Christian canons - the ability to forgive, endure, accept, be supportive, want to share responsibility. And love has also contained many words denoting the union of two - co-experience, compassion, compassion, co-joy. And it was a real discovery.

Two people or one whole?

Naturally, with age, I began to understand that harmonious relationships are built not by halves, but by full-fledged and complete individuals who have something to say. Although we both experienced a lot, we no longer wanted to run away from ourselves, we did not want to hide from the painful loneliness. Freedom remained comfortable, but together it was better.

Now, being nearby, there was no need to merge into one big cloud of feelings, we just moved parallel to each other and watched the development of events with interest, offering a helping hand. All this happened naturally and naturally, there was no need to break yourself, put on protective masks or hide something. I saw a man without embellishment, watched his inner struggle, recognized goals and motives, but did not run, but took. For some reason, I wanted to be there, lay a straw, be proud of his achievements, share every moment of life. We both ate simple human happiness, rejoiced that we appeared in each other's life, we can realize ourselves on the same wavelength, without claiming someone else's space.

On the coincidence of views and values

How important is it for me now to look at the world the same way, to have common views and dreams? Everything has become relative. It's good when the partner's worldview is somewhat similar to mine. It's great that he thinks so broadly, is not afraid to openly admit his mistakes and generously forgive my weaknesses, it unites. When we both argue passionately, not being afraid to hurt each other, and tolerantly experience moments of crisis, not looking for compensation on the side. At times like this, I feel I can trust that his principles are unshakable, that the last thing he wants to do is hurt me. And it really is priceless.

However, our thoughts can in many ways do not match, which is also good. We are individuals who must defend our "I" and learn to negotiate, any conflict of interest only contributes to the development of us as a couple. We may not understand something, but if we allow ourselves to take a different point of view, to admit the possibility of the existence of a different worldview, this will make us head and shoulders above our former ones. By the way, now I think that learning to redirect the energy of destruction into the energy of creation is one of critical tasks in partnership.

Love should change thinking, temper the spirit, make it stronger and more seasoned, like old wine, which only improves its taste with age. This is not something light and tickling the lower abdomen, not the vagaries of hormones, but a feeling that can fill two with calmness, confidence, a desire to grow and develop together. Love helps me understand myself, discover my talents, become kinder and more tolerant. It also heals wounds and restores inner beauty. She makes this world more beautiful!