How to take macro photography on Samsung. How to take beautiful macro photos with your smartphone. What you need to know for macro photography

  • 02.03.2021

Many of you have seen unusual macro photos. But how to take a macro photo on your smartphone yourself? In this article, we will explain the basic principles of creating unusual pictures.

Beauty is in the details

People are used to standard photos, usually they don't look at the details and scroll through the posts. It is quite difficult for photographers to attract the attention of the audience and surprise them with something. If you want to create unusual shots, then macro photography is for this!

A whole world of small objects can get into your macro photos:

  • bugs and other insects;
  • butterflies and dragonflies;
  • droplets of water;
  • snowflakes;
  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • coffee beans;
  • twigs.

Method 1

You can take a macro photo with standard camera in phone. It is enough to bring the phone as close as possible to the selected object to take a picture. But the camera itself can refocus. If the object is too small, then focus on it.

When shooting, be sure to keep an eye on the background. If it is overexposed, then you need to adjust its exposure.

Method 2

The second method is suitable for those who want to do more professional macro photography. You will need to purchase a special lens that can be easily attached to a smartphone.

The lens helps you get much closer to objects. This blurs the background from behind, and you can play around with the frame to achieve unusual color effects.

Buy macro lens:

Method 3

‼This method is relevant only for waterproof smartphones‼

You need to place a small drop of water on the lens of your phone and try to take a macro photo. This is not very convenient, and the quality of the photo can be lame! But the pictures take on an unusual effect.

All photos are taken from the account Anna Lyapota. You can see even more macro photos in her profile.

Get a standing ovation

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

by Adrian Sommeling

Digital macro photography is a fascinating, exciting, fun and popular genre. Photos taken in this way stand out from all other images, because it is always interesting to see details that were previously invisible due to their size. Ever since W.H. Walmsley (W.H. Walmsley) first proposed the term "macro" to his colleagues, a lot of time has passed, but its essence has not changed.

Macro photography is the art of photographing extremely small objects so that they can be clearly seen. In the role of "models" are flowers, insects, any small objects. The age-old question that haunts the minds of photographers is how to determine whether your shooting is macro or not? It is defined as follows: by the ratio of scales (1:1, 1:2 and so on) and the so-called maximum reproduction ratio (MMR). It means the largest possible percentage of increase compared to the actual size of the object that the camera can offer.

There are many types of macro lenses, and they have varying zoom ratios. For example, a 1:1 model will provide an image with more detail and better resolution than 1:2 or higher. Experts take such lenses as a standard. However, the general public calls macro photography any camera capable of producing close-up images.

Here are 10 little tricks and useful tips, which will help to improve in an interesting and entertaining genre.

by Mark Iocchelli

by Mark Iocchelli

Choose the right camera

Almost all cameras, even in mobile phones, equipped with a special macro mode. But, if you plan to fully work in the genre, change the approach to choosing equipment. To get serious about macro photography, you'll need a dedicated macro lens and DSLR equipment capable of rendering 1:1, life-size images. There are several methods, which we will describe below.

Modern digital cameras have highly sensitive sensors. This provides many options that help you control the progress of the shooting. If you don't have a DSLR, it's definitely worth getting one.

Find the right lens

Macro photography is a genre in which the quality of the lens is more important than the parameters of the camera. A true macro lens is a 1:1 magnification device, but there are impressive 1:5 models on the market (like the Canon MP-E 65mm F/2.8 1-5x Macro Lens). This means that you can increase the size of the image up to five times the original size. In particular, if you want to capture detail in a snowflake, you need something better than the traditional 1:1 zoom technique that most macro lenses support.

In pictures taken with cameras with full frame sensors, a 4mm ice crystal will only take up 2% of the frame, more "filling" will be required. Thus, a 1:1 lens is not enough to capture something more complex than a small standard subject. You can use additional accessories with it - such as extension macro rings.

Using macro rings

Macro rings are hollow tubes that are fixed between the lens and the camera, increasing the distance. So the front element of the structure will be as close as possible to the subject, which means that the increase will become large. If it is not possible to use a special macro lens (finances do not allow), rings are a good replacement. However, they also have disadvantages - first of all, light loss, depending on the length of the device. Macro rings with one segment - about 12 mm, two - 20 mm. Depth of field decreases as you get closer to your subject, making it harder to get a result in focus. The "electrical" connection between the lens and the camera disappears, and autofocus becomes unusable. But you should know that in any case, with a macro ring, the result is better than with a standard zoom.

macro photography example

Close-up filters

Close-Up - filters for close-up. Their action can be compared with the work magnifying glass. They scale the object, but the quality of the image is somewhat reduced, as is the amount of light hitting the lens. Filters are inexpensive and will be a good help for fun experiments if you don't have a macro lens. For them, there is a gradation: +1, +2, +5, and so on, the larger the number, the more the filters increase, and the less light hits the sensors.

Flashes: External Flash or Ring

Regarding macro lens: good 1:1 models are Nikon 105mm, Canon 100mm, Tamron 90mm. There are cheaper models, but then you have to get very close to the object. If you can't get a full frame camera, consider Nikon (D5300, D7200), Canon 70D or more expensive Nikon models D750, D810 or Canon 5D Mark III. In the end, the result depends only on you - improve, experiment and continue to search for beauty in small things.

What do you know about modern flagships? Can you name the exact diagonal of the screen or say how many gigabytes random access memory the manufacturer installed it as a novelty? If you are not a mobile market expert or a geek, the answer is unlikely to be easy for you. However, today almost everyone knows how many cameras the new iPhone has and what an incredible mode night shooting installed in the device from Huawei.

Cameras are what every smartphone manufacturer lives for today. Companies are paying attention to the photo and video characteristics of flagships: more and more lenses appear on the back of smartphones, the detail and resolution of images are growing, and the video mode is already quite capable of replacing a movie camera - in a word, manufacturers are confidently moving into the professional industry segment.

Over the past few years, smartphones have received a lot of cool features that have made it possible to seriously talk about replacing a large and heavy camera with a compact and inconspicuous phone. The development of artificial intelligence has made it possible to introduce a portrait mode, which today works great on all flagships and blurs the background no worse than expensive high-aperture optics. In addition, the technology for the production of hardware has improved significantly - the sensors have received high resolution and a developed focusing system. The synthesis of hardware and software functions made it possible to obtain good photos in low light. Covers of popular magazines and Hollywood films are shot on phones.

A phone with a good camera today can be purchased for 15-20 thousand rubles, but the best smartphones for photographers remain in the premium segment. We look into the world of flagship camera phones and look at which smartphones in 2019 shoot photo and video masterpieces.

iPhone Xs and iPhone 11 Pro - what has changed in a year?

Last year's iPhone Xs and Xs Max are still excellent cameras, but the 11th iPhone introduced in September received the Pro prefix, and it refers to an updated camera system. The new iPhones received a third, wide-angle camera and an advanced night mode, as well as 4K video on the front camera with the ability to record slow motion videos.

Many accuse Apple of representing innovations that already exist on the market. Indeed, three cameras are not news for a long time. The same Samsung Galaxy A70, not the most expensive smartphone, already in March shone with a triple module. We already saw the night mode on Huawei and Google Pixel long before the iPhone, and the front camera in the new "apples" is not ahead of the competition. However, Apple engineers and marketers look at what other companies are doing, refine and bring “test” technologies into trends. Remember how much noise the triple camera module of the iPhone 11 Pro made on the Internet: a flurry of memes, analytical articles, reviews. Apple is a recognized trendsetter in the industry. For example, it seems that there used to be wireless headphones, but before AirPods came to the market in great demand they didn't use it. Apple knows how to make a feature accessible and popular. By accessibility, we mean the convenience of interacting with technologies and how complex algorithms work imperceptibly.

Why are the cameras in the new "proshki" so good? Apple engineers have managed to make seamless switching between each module. The time lag is almost imperceptible, and the difference between the contrast and color reproduction of images from different cameras is minimized. In addition, you can record video from three cameras at the same time: the Filmic Pro application displays an image from each module on the screen and allows you to switch between images. Imagine: to record an interview in the near future, you will not need a setup of three cameras at different points: large, medium and long shots are recorded immediately in one device. Yura Dud, we are waiting for new releases shot on the iPhone 11 Pro! Of course, professional videographers will only laugh reading these lines, but it's all about trends! In the 2010s, for example, no one believed that a camera could replace a video camera.

The Portrait Mode, introduced in 2016 on the iPhone 7 Plus, has been greatly improved, packed with a ton of AI algorithms, and is still one of the best on the market. Night shooting is implemented for the first time in the system iPhone cameras this year. One of the drawbacks of the chips was the inability to turn the mode on and off on their own. The phone itself understands the lighting conditions in which the shooting is being done, and makes the choice for you whether you need to turn on the night mode. A controversial decision. However, the output images are natural and not noisy. In the future, most likely, Apple will give us the opportunity to choose. They made access to manual camera settings several generations of iOS back. The good news is that the phone sees the story the way we see it. Smartphones from other manufacturers often try to turn the night into day or simply push up the ISO. You can read more about Apple's September presentation in our review.

Camera Cheat Sheet

Samsung Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Note10 - learning to count!

While the hype around the controversial Galaxy Fold excites the minds of Internet users, I propose to guess the riddle: how many cameras do all modifications of the Samsung Galaxy S10 and Note10 have in total? The answer will surprise you - as many as 22! And it's not a typo. There are three models of the Galaxy S10 alone: ​​the Galaxy S10+ has five cameras. The usual "ten" has three rear cameras and one front camera, while the Galaxy S10e is equipped with two rear cameras and one front camera. In the Note line, everything is a little simpler - both versions of the Galaxy Note 10 and 10+ are equipped with five cameras (four on the back + one front).

The Korean company has designed smartphones with really powerful photo potential. Rear module - "classic of 2019" - wide angle lens, main unit and telephoto. The ultra-wide camera is equipped with a higher resolution sensor to compensate for distortion and distortion. Samsung has been working with this format for years, so the wide shots in the 10th generation of Galaxy can be called the best to date.

Night mode is implemented using a dual aperture f / 1.5-f / 2.4. The sensor records data even before the shutter button is pressed, and automatic algorithms select the optimal exposure settings, several frames are combined into one. As a result - a good study of the shadows and a good dynamic range. The dual front camera module in the S10+ deserves special attention. The two sensors work in pair to capture selfies in portrait mode and feature Live Focus, which allows you to change the depth of field in post-processing. All five cameras record 4K UHD video, there is a 960 fps super slow motion mode. In Full HD resolution, a super stabilization option is available, which allows you to get video that is comparable in smoothness to electronic gimbals.

The Galaxy Note10+ has a triple PV module. The characteristics of all cameras are similar to the Galaxy S10+. On the body you can see another small eye - a 3D camera with a depth sensor. The device allows you to measure the parameters of physical objects using augmented reality, as well as create three-dimensional 360-degree photos of objects. Impressive? In addition, the "basic" versions of the new Galaxy are much cheaper than the "apple" competitors.

Camera Cheat Sheet

Galaxy S10+

Wide camera

Main camera

Telephoto camera

Front camera (dual module)

Viewing angle



10 MP + 8 MP

Optical stabilization

no, software only

Huawei P30 Pro and HONOR 20 Pro - value for money

In light of recent stories with Android and the US market, Huawei is having a hard time right now. Despite this, the manufacturer represents an important niche in the photo smartphone market - the buyer acquires extensive functionality at a price much lower than that of competitors. In addition, Huawei P30 Pro is not the first camera phone in collaboration with Leica.

The rear camera is equipped with four lenses. Wide and telephoto work together with a super-sensitive 40 megapixel lens and a special TOF lens. The hybrid zoom of the telephoto gives a 10x zoom. Maximum light sensitivity - ISO 409.600. Sounds like a marketing gimmick, but the camera is really good at taking pictures in low light conditions. The TOF camera mentioned above analyzes the depth of the frame and helps with blurring the background or stabilizing the frame. All this is under the strict guidance of artificial intelligence. It turns out that Huawei has the most "reasonable" camera, which anticipates shooting scenarios and finalizes the picture for you. Of course, you can disable this if you wish. However, the intelligent modes do their job quite well. professional duties. Similar to the iPhone, the P30 Pro has the ability to record video from multiple cameras simultaneously, without even needing third-party software. The device attracts with a price - for 60 thousand rubles we get a modern smartphone with the latest developments in the field of software and hardware and 256 GB of memory on board. Huawei captivates with figures in price and in the resolution of matrices: 40 + 20 + 8 megapixels of the rear module and 32 megapixels of the front camera. But not by megapixels alone - the picture quality can be decent even at 12 megapixels. In terms of hardware, the P30 Pro is also very cheerful: the device is based on its own Kirin 980 chip, which you can read about on our website.

Under the Honor brand, which Huawei positions as a product for creative youth, the flagship 20 Pro is presented, which has a complete creative toolkit. For a little over 30 thousand rubles, the buyer will receive 256 gigabytes of memory and all the same four rear cameras. There will even be more megapixels here - a 48 megapixel main camera and a 32 megapixel front camera. The phone can easily live a full day with a heavy load thanks to a 4000 mAh battery. 20 Pro is built on the same Kirin 980, which is installed in the “older” P30 Pro. A variety of functions and modern trends bring Honor 20 Pro to the flagship line, and the image quality is much inferior to phones from a more expensive price segment. Hybrid superzoom (30 MP) and night photography are here, but added more to match the trends. Honor 20 Pro is a camera phone balanced in terms of price and features, clearly outperforming competitors in the price range up to 40 thousand. On our website, you can read a report from the presentation and a first look at the Honor 20 Pro.

Camera Cheat Sheet

Huawei P30 Pro

Wide camera

Main camera

Telephoto camera

Focal length

16 millimeters (120 degrees)

27 millimeters

125 millimeters



Optical stabilization


Wide camera

Main camera

Telephoto camera

macro camera

Focal length

18 millimeters (120 degrees)

28 millimeters

80 millimeters



Optical stabilization

Google Pixel 3 - no frills classic

Smartphones from the Android manufacturer have long established themselves as reliable devices at an attractive price. "Pixels" are not so popular in Russia, but the model has enough fans. The smartphone is loved for stock Android and wide customization options.

Surprisingly, the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3XL only have one rear camera. Against the background of previous competitors, even somehow awkward. Nevertheless, the 12.2 MP camera pleases with good shots in low light conditions and Dual Pixel phase autofocus. The maximum open aperture - f / 1.8 - we get a natural bokeh that is not bad for a smartphone, which is combined with the work of artificial intelligence algorithms. 4K video recording is available using optical and software stabilization.

The single rear camera is offset by the dual front module. Two cameras are installed here - 8 megapixel wide-angle and telephoto with f / 1.8 aperture. Don't forget about the Google Photo service, which will help save space on your phone - Pixel users are provided with unlimited storage for photos and videos. The camera is also integrated google app Lens, which works in augmented reality and helps to recognize and find objects from real life in the Internet.

In addition, on October 15, the company will introduce a new generation of Pixel, where a rear camera module is expected to be similar, at least externally, to the iPhone 11 Pro. We will follow the presentation of new items.

Hello readers! In touch with you, Timur Mustaev. So many types of photography and genres, how do you choose something? It is not necessary to stop at one direction, try a little of everything. Of course, you can arrange a very exciting shooting for yourself by taking up macro photography.

Relatively speaking, it can be different levels complexity and readiness. Below we will talk about the new photo-concept and be sure to pay attention to the technical component of the issue.

Macrophoto: what is it and how to get it

Let's try to understand what macro photography is. We can say that this is an image of something in an enlarged form. But this is not entirely true, because such a photo is not difficult to take, even on the phone. We are talking about the implementation of the scale of an object or a living object (insect, leaf, etc.) one to one or more.

Surely a fascinating process, because they, and with them the viewer, can see with the naked eye in the final picture a detailed, detailed microchip, a bacterium or a skin surface, and almost everything you want.

What do you need to know about macro photography?

To learn how to take macro pictures, you need to have the equipment for this, which we will talk about later, and also know some of the nuances that are most important for this type of photography. Here are three important points:

  • . Auto mode, so popular with beginners, experts do not recommend using it either in this or in many other cases. What is the main thing for us when photographing in a large form? – , allowing you to adjust . Therefore, in the camera, it is most optimal to set or try the settings. Macro most often requires a smaller aperture, for example, 7.1-11, so that there is a maximum amount of detail in the field of sharpness. But sometimes the best way to open it is to blur the background around the main character nicely.
  • Focusing. The object occupies a significant area of ​​the image, every small part of it is visible, which means that the focus will have to be calculated much more carefully. Focusing accuracy can be achieved in more than one frame.
  • Additional light. By getting close to the subject, you reduce the total amount of light entering the lens, which can make certain areas of the photo appear too dark. The built-in flash is unlikely to fit, although the craftsmen are trying to improve it with paper and plastic overlays. An external flash, ideal for macro, is called a "ring" flash, it can be easily purchased at a store or ordered online.

Technical nuances

The phone has the ability to zoom in on an object, but most often it will end up terribly blurry and, although it looks larger than usual, it is impossible to distinguish details. Therefore, if you want to achieve a really clear and beautiful frame, you cannot do without a good SLR camera.

They say that you can also take macro photography with a camera like a soap dish. There, of course, there is a corresponding mode, but, in fact, it does not mean anything, so I don’t even risk guessing about the quality of the future image.

If you have a good camera, but, alas, the lens on it is ordinary, then nothing will come of the macro again. You can zoom in on the subject or approach it, but the distance to it should be approximately no closer than half a meter. This is the limitation of most optics.

Next, you will have to crop to your liking after shooting. Another option is to buy a special macro ring, that is, a prefix that changes the minimum focal length(MFR) lens. The distance between you and the main subject is reduced, which means you can take a picture on an enlarged scale. Analogues are macro fur and the corresponding ones.

Real macro

For ardent connoisseurs of macro, you can think about purchasing specialized photographic equipment for this. A digital camera does not have to have certain professional settings, a mid-range camera, something from the Nikon or Canon series will do. Focus on your choice of lenses. What should be in them:

  1. macro mode. Look at the full name of the product and its characteristics. You will see "Macro" or "Micro" - this is what you need.
  2. MFR indicators and opportunities for increase.
  3. Focal length: the longer it is, the less various distortions and curvature of the field will manifest themselves, which is simply necessary for the subject.
  4. Lens aperture. For any kind of photography, this parameter is very important and determines the possibilities of work and, of course, the price. For macro subject photography, photographic conditions will not always include good lighting.

Macro lens examples

In principle, according to these parameters, I propose several optical devices for consideration. I will arrange them in order of decreasing cost and quality:

  • AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/2.8G Micro VR IF-ED macro lens. In addition to being specifically designed for macro (as the name suggests), the lens has many positive sides. For example, good aperture and focal length indicator. Users note high sharpness, saturation of the picture, as well as accurate autofocus. From 0.30 m, focusing is already available.
  • Makrik Nikon 60mm f / 2.8D AF is a budget option. Despite the focal length characteristic of a portrait, it is made as a macro lens. Rest assured, its clarity is excellent, there are opportunities for creating bokeh. For macro photography, the MFR is 0.22 m, it takes pictures in the size of one to it. Unfortunately, there is no focusing motor, among the minuses is the appearance of noticeable ones.
  • Telephoto from SIGMA AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO Macro. Medium-sized optics that can focus already at 0.95 m and make the scale of the object 0.5. He gives relatively good quality photo, there are aberrations. It sins with slow and noisy focus.

I hope I answered the question, what is macro photography. If you are not well versed in your reflex camera, I recommend to start to study in detail your camera. Can I recommend a good course - or Digital SLR for beginners 2.0, which will quickly help you figure out your DSLR. What is a good video course? It is very simple and easy to understand. Perfect for beginner photographers!

Digital SLR for beginners 2.0- especially for owners of NIKON DSLRs.

My first MIRROR- especially for owners of CANON DSLRs.

That's all for me. Everyone is happy, subscribe to the update. Don't forget to share the article. Bye! Hold on, colleagues!

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

* Recommended to upload a 720*312 image as the cover image

Article Description

Greetings, Mi-fans! Macro photography can be called a special way to convey the beauty of the surrounding world. An enlarged object, where all attention is focused on the smallest details, appears before us in a completely new light, allowing us to appreciate its uniqueness and beauty. The cameras of our smartphones from Xiaomi can produce excellent macro photos even without using additional programs and photo editors, you just need to know some of the features of this type of shooting and have patience ... A whole week has passed without photo lessons, I hope that you have not had time to get bored and are ready to learn something new and learn something. Today we're going to talk about the kind of shoot that I loved prau years ago, the one that several people asked for. Today I will give you some tips on maroshooting. Sit back, read and go take pictures =) Macro photography is the photography of objects that look much larger than their actual size in the photo. The macrocosm has its own laws, rhythm and harmony, elegance of forms and uniqueness hidden behind simplicity, increased several times over. In this case, both inanimate objects and living creatures, such as butterflies, bugs, dragonflies, ants, etc., can act as objects of shooting. Here are some tips to help you get pretty good shots: 1). Avoid direct lighting. Smartphone cameras, in fact, are not designed for macro photography. They do a pretty poor job at close-up photography of overly lit subjects. Try to avoid direct light on the object. In case you are shooting outdoors and direct sunlight interferes with your shot, try using your own shadow on the subject. 2). Use manual focus, not auto. When shooting macro with a smartphone, even the slightest movement can throw off the focus. Before taking macro photos, switch your smartphone from autofocus to manual. When you take a photo, focus in the right place and then your picture will not be blurred, even if your hands are shaking. 3). Be like a sniper. Snipers know a lot about how to securely fix the desired object in the scope. The same is necessary for the photographer when shooting macro. Breathing slowly and exhaling photographs will allow you to get a clearer picture, as at this moment our body relaxes. four). HDR. Using the built-in HDR mode in some cases will allow you to get better macro shots. What is HDR-mode you can read in this topic. 5). Use additional equipment. In any case, the best, albeit the most expensive, way to get really high-quality macro shots is to use special additional lenses attached to your smartphone. About some lenses, I described a few months ago in the topic. There she is! And a tip that I almost always mention in my lessons: take pictures repeatedly and from different angles. After that, you will choose the most liked picture on your PC / smartphone, which you will keep for yourself. And it will also be an additional shooting training for you. This concludes our photo lesson. Write about what else you would like to learn from the photo, I will take into account your wishes and next week there will be a new lesson. See you at Mi Community!Past photo tutorials: Macro photography with your smartphone How to photograph cities How to photograph beautiful food Photographing people Manually adjusting your smartphone's camera Secrets of night shooting on your smartphone How to photograph lightning What is the "rule of thirds" A few tips for mobile photography Silhouette photography to your smartphone What is HDR mode and when to use it A few photography tips