Other personal services. Personal services in the hotel. Considering specific code

  • 24.05.2020

The development of society and society always stimulates the emergence of new types of entrepreneurship in order to provide personal services that are in demand. The emergence of new areas of his satisfaction provokes the formation of various groups of activities that are not able to form certain groups in OKVED. It is for such activities that there is the concept of "other" services, and the code for them will be OKVED 93. .

When there is no group

The concept of "other" arises in the classifier to combine various small areas of activity, which are combined into one (other) due to the fact that it does not have a similar relationship with others, and the diversity of the unit.

In the field of providing personal services to the population, this issue is of particular relevance, since they can be of great variety.

In turn, it is very important for an entrepreneur to find that a code belongs to a special group, since this is how you can find the most appropriate code, the use of which will not cause any doubts among regulatory authorities, which means that organizing a business will be easy and simple.

Considering specific code

In order to display which services are combined under the code we are considering, it is necessary to decipher it in detail and step by step, and then consider with examples those types of entrepreneurship that can be included in it:

  • Section O. It is devoted to various services that the entrepreneur is going to provide to the public. This may include community, personal, and social services.
  • Code 93.0 - shows that the activity belongs to the provision of a personal type of service.
  • Code 93. - it is in this form that it can be indicated in registration documents and serves to combine and indicate types of activities called "other".

Decoding OKVED 93. lies in the provision of personal services of other types. If we consider examples of activities that are successfully registered tax authorities under this code, here you can find the work of mediums and spiritualists, as well as astrologers. It can also be the services of a dating agency, marriage agencies, escort. Also, under this code, persons providing services for cleaning shoes, carrying goods, as well as serving car parking can work. The study of the family tree also takes place within the framework of the activity registered under the code in question.


Russian Classification of Economic Activities

OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) as of 2019

(as amended by Amendment 1/2015 OKVED 2, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated 05/26/2015 N 423-st,
2/2015 OKVED 2, approved. By order of Rosstandart dated August 17, 2015 N 1165-st,
3/2015 OKVED 2, approved. By order of Rosstandart dated December 10, 2015 N 2146-st,
4/2015 OKVED 2, approved. By order of Rosstandart dated December 10, 2015 N 2147-st,
5/2016 OKVED 2, approved. Order of Rosstandart dated February 17, 2016 N 40-st)

Each person who has expressed a desire to open his own business, when registering an individual entrepreneur, or legal entity, is obliged to indicate the type of activity according to the classifier of OKVED codes of 2019.

The process of choosing a code often causes difficulties for novice entrepreneurs due to ignorance of why OKVED is needed and what it affects. In the article, we will analyze the main questions that entrepreneurs have when it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code for their activities.

What is the OKVED 2019 classifier and what is it intended for?

All-Russian Species Classifier economic activity(OKVED) is a list of codes and explanations to them that characterize the activities that a new business entity plans to engage in.

According to OKVED, the classification is not affected in any way by the form of ownership or the source of investment, therefore, for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, there is a single classifier of OKVED codes.

Today, the OKVED 2019 classifier covers almost all types of activities existing on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, for the convenience of using the classifier, a special structure was created in the form of encodings:

  • the class has a symbol - XX;
  • subclass - XX.X;
  • group - XX.XX;
  • subgroup - XX.XX.X;
  • view - XX.XX.XX.

To understand why the OKVED code classifier is needed, you should know its main functions:

  • classification and coding of types of economic activity declared by entrepreneurs during registration;
  • determination of the main and additional types of economic activity carried out by the entrepreneur
  • Collection of information about business entities for further accounting;
  • coding of information by type of economic activity in information systems and resources;

talking in simple terms codes give government bodies an idea of ​​what the IP does in a standardized form

How to choose OKVED in 2019

When choosing a type of activity, you should know that there are two types of OKVED: basic and additional. This is due to the fact that there are no restrictions on the number of codes chosen, but the main activity should be distinguished.

So, if an entrepreneur is engaged in retail and vehicle rental. He needs to decide which of the directions is the main one, because the amount of contributions that will have to be paid to the social insurance fund depends on the main type of activity.

To choose the right code, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Determine what activities the organization will be engaged in;
  • Find the desired section in the directory;
  • Select the code that corresponds to the selected activity;
  • Enter it in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

If you decide to expand / change the list of your activities, you definitely need to add / change OKVED codes. To do this, you must write an application for amendments and take it to the organization where the company and initial codes were registered. Necessary changes will be made in accordance with your application. If this is not done in a timely manner, the entrepreneur will face penalties.

Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F to search for a code by text.

(simultaneously two types of codes)

The new OKVED2 (All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity) OK 029-2014 differs significantly from the old one in terms of numbers. The codes don't match. OKVED 2 was introduced from February 1, 2014 (order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st). The transitional period was until 2015, then until 2016. From July 11, 2016, when registering individual entrepreneurs and organizations, it is necessary to apply the new OKVED (OK 029-2014). Relevant for 2017

93 Provision of personal services [old]
96 Other personal service activities [new]

[Old OKVED] 93.0 Provision of personal services
[New OKVED] 96.0 Activities for the provision of other personal services

[Old OKVED] 93.01 Laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing of textile and fur products
[New OKVED] 96.01 Laundry and dry cleaning of textile and fur products

[Old OKVED] 93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons
[New OKVED] 96.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons

[Old OKVED] 93.03 Organization of funerals and provision of related services
[New OKVED] 96.03 Organization of funerals and provision of related services

[Old OKVED] 93.04 Sports and recreation activities
[New OKVED] 96.04 Sports and recreation activities

[Old OKVED] 93.05 Provision of other personal services
[New OKVED] 96.09 Provision of other personal services not included in other groups

ATTENTION!!! Previously, it was enough to enter a code of 3 digits, but since July 2013, 4 digits are required (in 2019 and 2020, also 4 digits). For example, 52.42 alone is enough, it will include everything that starts with 52.4X.XX

Codes of the All-Russian classifier types of economic activity are indicated only for income. With the expenses of the organization and the performance of work within the organization itself, OKVED is not needed. For example, many organizations have an accountant, and of course they do not need to specify an accounting code. The same applies to renting premises, purchasing goods, etc.

With the help, you can keep tax records on the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payments, 4-FSS, Unified calculation, submit any reports via the Internet, etc. (from 325 r / month). 30 days free. For newly created individual entrepreneurs, the first year is now a gift (free of charge).