Games for girls beauty contest against the clock. Scenario of the competition for girls Miss "Young Lady" for children of the children's sanatorium. Prohibit cannot be allowed

  • 13.11.2019

Alsu Gabdullina

Miss« Young lady» " for children's sanatorium"Ural" city ​​of Uchaly.

Prepared and conducted by Gabdullina A.G.

Target: develop at children imagination and creativity, publicly

perform in front of an audience.


Interest children participating in the competition program.

Find contenders for the title « Miss Young Lady» .

Give an opportunity girls showcase your creativity



Attention! Attention!

Hurry to the hall with us.

Today in our hall

Fun day for you.

Beautiful and smart

Cheerful and noisy

Singers, craftswomen, beautiful girls!

The sun is beautiful in the sky

The birds sing merrily.

lift the mood

And hello spring send!

Good afternoon!

We wholeheartedly greet all those gathered in the hall for Miss contest« Young lady» .

Good evening dear guys!

Good evening.

I am glad to welcome you in this large cozy hall and invite you to a wonderful, magical holiday - a ball of charming girls. Open your eyes wide to see everything, stick out your ears to hear everything and prepare your hands for loud and friendly applause, because I invite you to scene our contenders for the title Miss« Young lady» !

And now attention, friends!

Today is such a wonderful day

And such an amazing one!

Stars came down to us from the sky

And everyone was warmed by beauty!

Performance participating girls.

You are beautiful like stars

And eyes sparkle with fire.

And your smiles are cute

Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!

You girls are just awesome!

That's why we all want

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

It just doesn't exist all over the world!

Leading: Each of you knows that the best half of humanity is cute, kind, beautiful girls. Exactly girls drive our strong half of the planet crazy - these are you young people.

Look carefully at the heroines of the celebration. They amaze with their youthful beauty, girlish charm, sincere smile. Let's hope that each of them will please us with their erudition, artistry, originality in solving the most difficult problems. We wish them success! So, everything is ready, let's start competition!

Everyone girls who decided to participate in our Miss« Young lady» inherent beauty, charm, tenderness, mystery, elegance, charm, they are all delightful and talented, each in its own way. We will all cheer for each participant, wish everyone success and good luck.

Bolder to win

No need to be embarrassed!

You are young lady!


Well, what is competition without a jury!

Jury is awesome.

jury is power

Not everyone can judge fairly!

Who will get what title?

The jury will tell us about this at the end. The jury will tell us about this at the end. And evaluate the skill of our contestants there will be a competent jury composed of

Everyone is valued competition on a five-point system

So, all the participants stage. Today we have to choose the best of the best. It's very hard to choose just one girl and call her the best because they are all so beautiful.

1. competition -"Business card".

presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start the first test « Business card» !

Now we will see how charming our girls how they can speak. We will find out what their character is and what they are interested in

Each of girls He will tell us in an interesting way about himself, about his interests and hobbies. The content and the form are taken into account.

2. Competition"Chupa Chups"

In order to successfully pass all the tests, not to lose heart, we offer the participants competition"sweeten life". You, the participants, are offered a candy (optional, no wrap). Determine the taste of what kind of candy it is (title).

3. Competition"Defile in costumes"

I don't have any trouble with these girls

They didn’t have time to grow up - they demand outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of care!

Oh these girls,

Oh those mods!

And now we move on to competition -"Defile in costumes". Our participants were given homework to make costumes from improvised material. Now we will see what they have made.

4. Competition"Cleaning".

presenter: Everyone knows that Cinderella was very hardworking girl. She did any job. Now we will verify this. Competition"Cleaning". Girls it is necessary to drain the basin, take a sponge, lower the sponge into a basin of water, soak the sponge and run to the finish line and squeeze until the basin is drained. Let's see how our girls know how to be careful, quickly and efficiently cleaning.

5. Competition"riddles about flowers".

Now let's dive into the so-called "world of beauty". What holiday can do without flowers? Flowers are joy, an eternal source of inspiration, good mood.

Competition"riddles about flowers".

1. Until late autumn on us

Throws bold glances

Her cheerful yellow eye

Through the eyelashes are white. (Chamomile)

2. What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in the work of the same name by Aksakov (Scarlet).

3. For which Anderson heroine did the flower become a permanent place of residence (Thumbelina).

4. Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts (Snapdragon).

There is a legend. A mermaid fell in love with a handsome guy who was plowing land for rye on the shore. He loved her too. But they could not agree on where live: in water or on land. Then the mermaid turned the guy into a flower. She thought that the wind would tear him off the ground and he would fall into the river. But the flower firmly held on to the arable land with its roots. And people named the flower after this guy. (Cornflower).

5. According to legend, this flower appeared on earth in an unusual way. When Aphrodite was swimming in the sea, some daredevils decided to spy on her. Angry Zeus turned them into this flower... (Pansies)

6. I am a herbaceous plant

With purple flowers.

But rearrange the accent -

And I turn into candy. (Iris)

7. Which flower is a symbol of passionate love? (Red Rose).

8. What flowers are usually given on the first of September (gladiolus).

1.- There is an oak, full of cereals, covered with a roof. (Poppy)

2.- It blooms with a yellow flower, after flowering it is blown away.

What is this flower? (Dandelion)

3- Here's another baby

Bluer than day

What is her name:(forget-me-not)

That's right, friends.

4.-Golden middle and the rays go around

Could it be a picture? The sun is in the blue sky.

No, not the sun on a piece of paper -

In the meadow, guys, a flower -: (chamomile)

5. They call me the queen of flowers!

For the color and the smell of my petals

Though my green bush is ready to hurt you

But who will not forgive me the prickly thorns!

Who am I? (Rose)

6. Always gloomy under the spruce,

Smells damp and musty.

Under her furry paw

Glowing lamps. (Lily of the valley)

7. In the meadows sister -

Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

8. Head on a leg,

Peas in the head. (Poppy)

6. Competition"Specialty of the house"

Make a menu for tomorrow. House. ass

presenter: Scientists somehow calculated at their leisure that a woman washes 18 thousand knives, forks and spoons a year. In addition, it washes 30,000 plates and 8,000 cups. Add here another 3,000 dishes of other types, and moreover, gentle hands wash more than 40,000 items a year.

7. Competition"Dream Flower"

Dream up and draw the flower of your dreams, which you would like to see at home or receive as a gift. Time to complete the task 2 min.

Let's play a game with the audience "Name the Flower". The spectator who solves the most riddles about flowers receives a prize - stickers "Flowers".

cute contestants, time is over. The drawings are shown to the audience and handed over to the jury to evaluate the creative task.

8. Competition"Magic Words".

Everyone knows how nice it is for us, female representatives, to hear pleasant, laudatory words addressed to us. But in life you need to be able not only to accept compliments, but also to be able to speak kind, affectionate words yourself.

How many wonderful words

Soft, kind, gentle

We speak with you

When we give, we ask

Farewell, meet...

We use.

Now our contestants show their knowledge of these words and their ability to be polite in competition"Magic Words".

(Girls demonstrate their knowledge of polite words and the ability to speak them).

9. Competition"Our Talents"

And also our girls are very talented love to sing and dance. And each of them has its own zest. And what is this highlight, the following test will show - "Here I am!" And now they want to show you their dancing talents and sing

I invite our participants to the next test.

Show us your talents and skills.

Sing songs and dance and read poetry to us.

Give everyone smiles, like rays of dawn,

So that our strict jury does not make mistakes!

Of course, each of our participants is well prepared for the upcoming competition.

While the jury is summing up, we will play for the audience award. We will play it So: On my signal, applaud each participant. And we will evaluate, for whom they clapped louder, she will receive the main prize of audience sympathy.

Game with spectators.

In the meantime, the girls are preparing, I propose to test the strength of our viewers. I ask all fans to answer my questions.

Are there any fans of participant No. 1 in the hall?

Are those who support participant No. 2 ready to declare themselves?

Shout out in unison to everyone who supports the participant number 3?

We want to hear the fans of the participant number 4?

And this is applauded by those who are rooting for the participant number 5.

Their applause is given to the participant under number 6 by her fans.

And what are the fans of the participant number 7 silent about?

We see that our participants have real support in the hall.

# Miss Charm

# Miss Shy

# miss smile

# miss sane

# miss hostess

# miss charm

# Miss Young Lady.

Jury word!

Rewarding of all participants with diplomas and gifts.

This is where our competition. You saw once again how talented there are girls in our race.

We wish you happy, clear days.

For more light and goodness,

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth!

Game with spectators.

Here are the items in front of you. Take any of them. You should name a proverb, saying or catch phrase associated with this subject.

1. Needle and thread. (Where the needle is, the thread is there. The needle is small, but the whole world is dressed.)

2. Apple. (Apple of discord. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.)

3. Rope. (How many ropes do not twist, but there will be an end.)

4. Mirror. (There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.)

5. Spoon. (Road spoon to dinner)

riddles for the audience.

"Smart - intelligent"

Girls you have to solve riddles.

1. Balls hang on knots,

Turned blue from the heat.


2. The white stone melts in the mouth.


3. A motley cracker catches frogs,

Waddling, stumbling.


4. This eye is a special eye.

He quickly looks at you

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

Passers-by are scared.


6. My tail is indistinguishable from my head,

me always in the ground you will find.


7. From the hot well

Water flows through the nose.


8. On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

No for battle with regiments

No bullets, no bayonets.


9. I held your tail in my hand,

You flew - I ran.


10. The tail is made of bone, and on the back - bristles.


11. Tail wags, toothy, but does not bark.


12. Two bellies, four ears.


13. The brothers were equipped to visit,

clinging to each other

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke.


14. He willingly inhales the dust,

Not sick, but sneezing.

(a vacuum cleaner)

15. Natket, will weave,

Sit down and wait for prey.


16. Flows, flows - does not flow out,

Runs, runs - does not run out.


17. A new vessel, but all in holes.


18. People live under water,

Walks backwards.


19. He does not sing songs, he does not build nests,

People and cargo are lucky.


20. The whole universe lives in it,

And it's an ordinary thing.


Game with spectators

(carried out by two boys 5, 6)

5. Each of you are fans. Now we will make riddles. For the correct answer - 1 point is added to the participant competition for which you are rooting.

6. dried up in the hot sun

and bursting from the pods ... (peas)

5. small, bitter, onion brother,

seasoning for food, and control for microbes. (garlic)

6. what was dug from the ground, fried, cooked?

that in the ashes we baked, ate, and praised! (potato)

5. there is a nesting doll on one leg,

wrapped up, wrapped up. (cabbage).

6. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

5. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, roams, whistles (Wind).

6. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

6. The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (Pit)

5. What a smart old man, eighty-eight legs.

Everything is shuffling on the floor, hot at work. (Broom)

6. Sir, but not a wolf, long-eared, not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (A donkey)

5. Red Yegorka fell into the lake,

He did not drown himself and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

6. Not snow, not ice, but will remove trees with silver. (Frost)

The forest undressed, blue sky, this time of year -. (Autumn)

5. The cold frightens them so much, to warm countries fly away

They can’t sing, have fun, who gathered in flocks ?. (birds)

6. The sun no longer warms us, the wind is blowing cold!

A breeze blew into the puddle and bound it. (ice)

We invite you to stage of all contestants. They have a press conference.


Do you often have to change your appearance, hiding from the headmaster?

Would you like to sit in the director's chair?

Is it true that you dance the lambada alone in the evenings?

Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?

Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?

They say that you are writing a message on the topic "Problems of using cell phones during the exams?

They say that you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?

Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?


Rumor has it that your favorite food is chocolate-covered lard. Is it so?

They say that you know where Barmaley is hiding. This is true?

It is said that you talk loudly in your sleep. This is true?

Do you often fall out of bed?

Do you love to eat?

Your beauty, your kindness are legendary. What do you think about it?

They say that you cannot sleep against the wall, your knees rest. This is true?

You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?

Tell me now something most important, the most intimate!

Competition for girls of the 6th grade.

"Beauty and Grace"

Venue: MOBU MSOSH No. 1, assembly hall

Date: 01.11.2014

Organizers: Class teacher-G.N. Kornilova, b. Committee.

Purpose: To form a positive attitude towards various types activity and its results. Draw children's attention to appearance. To educate in children accuracy, neatness, a sense of taste. Cultivate a sense of responsibility and teamwork.

Epigraph"External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty"V.G. Belinsky

Participants: two presenters, participants - students of grade 6a (8 girls).

Preparatory work:

1. Applications for participation: indicate the last name, first name, class, hair length.

2. Task for participants:

1) Choose a boy in the class who will accompany the participant;

2) Business card: tell about yourself, your hobbies, name the length of your hair (1.5 min);

3) Original hairstyle;

4) Prepare a recipe for salads.

Condition: Clothing must match the hairstyle.

The competition is held in the auditorium

All the girls of the class take part in the competition, who compete for the right to be called the most beautiful, the most skillful, the most ..., in a word, the most; herself.

Each competition is judged by an impartial jury. All girls for each competition receive points - the arithmetic average of the assessment of each jury member.

The boys of the class are part of a support group that cheers for the girls. Among the boys, a group of three people is selected, which expresses the opinion of the audience and presents the girl who, in their opinion, has won a star. At the same time, the opinion of the jury and the evaluation group of boys may not coincide, the jury awards a certain amount of points for each participant. The evaluation group of boys may not agree with the jury and give a star to the girl whose performance they liked more than the others.

The counting commission works separately, which counts the number of points scored by each participant.

As a result, the girl with the most points wins. Each star counts as one point.

    Acquaintance. "Business card"

The maximum score for this competition is 5 points.

Within 3-5 minutes, you need to introduce yourself: tell about yourself, your favorite pastime, interests, etc. At this stage of the competition, every “little thing” plays a decisive role for the participants, from walking, costume and ending with charm and manner of speaking

    Hair protection.

The maximum score of the competition is 6 points, of which 3 points are given for the originality of the hairstyle and 3 points for protection. The ability to present oneself and convince everyone of one's uniqueness is tested.

    Intellectual. Answers on questions. 5 questions for each participant - 1 point


For this competition, a chamomile with tear-off petals is being prepared, on reverse side which are written the names of various salads. Each girl tears off one petal, after which she tells the recipe for this salad and its beneficial properties. Recipe accuracy and protection are checked. The competition is valued at 5 points.

    Homework. Defile with boys.

Girls dress boys in some stylish attributes. For example: an original tie, a hat ... and it must match the girls' outfit.

    Inside out.

In this competition, the speed of completing a particular task is evaluated. The girl who is the first to cope with the condition of the task receives 7 points, the rest - in descending order.

    Musical number: girls sing in pairs, or three ... The first verse is sung by one, then the second verse is sung by the second and so on. Or a poem if you like.

The jury evaluates: the highest score is 5

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear girls and boys, dear jury and parents!

Host 2: Good afternoon!

Host 1: There is nothing in the world more beautiful than a woman! Music, poems are dedicated to her, feats are performed in her name, discoveries are made, they shoot duels, they go crazy. They sing about her. After all, it is on it that the earth rests.

Presenter 1 : Today we have a very responsible day, because we start competitively - entertainment program"Beauty and Grace".

Lead 2 : We invite our charming participants to the stage.

Presenter 1 :

Come in, girls, without fear.

After all, this is a stage, not a chopping block.

(Girls enter in turn, accompanied by boys).

Lead 2 : There is none of our girls more beautiful,

Please accept our admiration.

After all, each of the girls is beautiful.

So choose the one you like.

Presenter 1 :

We choose today

Lady is just super class.

We convince you

Please support the members

It is important to arrange a holiday for them

And cheer up once again

You shouldn't judge them harshly.

Life will judge everyone in its hour!

Host 2: And now let's get acquainted with our charming participants. Our first competition is called "acquaintance ».

Each participant comes out and says her name. Then the girl talks about herself, her habits, her favorite pastime.

Presenter 1: Our competition has a respected jury that will help us evaluate the participants' answers.

(Follows the introduction of the members of the jury)

Host 2: In addition, there is a counting commission at our competition, which will help to sum up the results of each stage and determine the winner.

(The members of the counting commission should be introduced)

Presenter 1: We will ask the distinguished jury to evaluate the Acquaintance contest. The competition is worth 5 points.

The jury evaluates, the evaluation group of boys gives a star to the participant they like, the counting commission announces the results of the first competition.

Presenter 1:

How simple, easy, unlucky, bold

Draws a comb fantasy dreams.

From the hands of craftswomen who conjure skillfully,

A beautiful image without words is born.

Without the artist's brush, notes and paper

Music and beauty are born.

It probably takes a lot of courage

For elegance and simplicity.

Now wisdom itself, then poetry's song

Arose from these ordinary hair.

Probably fairies to be interesting?

“Of course,” they answer this question.

Pay attention to how elegant our girls look. The next competition ishair protection ».

Lead 2 : The next competition is intellectual. For each correct answer they get a point.

(Contestants answer questions)

Presenter 1:

Chamomile white,

Love is reckless

Skilful hostess

Prepares delicious meals.

Host 2: What is this nonsense?

Presenter 1: This is not nonsense, this is a poem that directly concerns the next competition, the competition of hostesses

Host 2: Before you is a beautiful flower, on each of its petals is the name of a culinary dish. Now we will check if our girls are good housewives. The task of the participants is to think and in a few minutes tell the recipe for making the salad.

The jury evaluates the competition, the counting commission announces the results of the fourth competition.

Presenter 1 : Each girl should be not only a beauty and a good housewife, but also a needlewoman and a dreamer. Now our participants will demonstrate their design skills.

Lead 2 : In the meantime, our young designers are doing the task, we will play with you.

. (game with the audience)

Presenter 1 : And now

The jury evaluates the competition, the evaluation group of boys gives a star to the participant they like, the counting commission announces the results of the sixth competition.

Presenter 1: In the next competition, the participants will show miracles of ingenuity. This competition is called "one-armed craftswoman." We hide one hand of the girl behind her back. Next, the participants will perform the task using only one, free hand.

The jacket is turned inside out. It is necessary to unscrew it with one hand and put it on the boy. Then remove and turn inside out again. Who will be faster?

The jury evaluates the competition, the evaluation group of boys gives a star to the participant they like, the counting commission announces the results of the seventh competition.

Host 2: And the last task of our competition is to perform a song or read a poem. Each girl should not only move well, be a clever craftswoman and needlewoman, but also amaze everyone with her speech or talent.

The jury evaluates the competition, the evaluation group of boys gives a star to the participant they like, the counting commission announces the results of the last competition.

Presenter 1 : Well, now, while the counting commission is counting the points, we invite everyone with the final song.

The final song "Bary biirge" sounds - this song is performed in three languages.

Questions for the contestants

    The animal hunted by controllers on the bus. (hare)

    Who was the mouse eaten by Puss in Boots? (cannibal)

    What do fish and mermaids have in common? (tail)

    The cat that called to live together. (Leopold)

    How many Dalmatians were required for a film heroine fur coat? (101)

    "Bitter" bees and wasps (sting)

    Barbie doll's best friend (Ken)

    What bird brings babies? (Stork)

    How many kids did the bad wolf eat? (6)

    Where does the Genie live (In the lamp)

    What flower are they guessing? (chamomile)

    Favorite month of cats (March)

    How many people pulled the turnip? (3)

    What has Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight? (in a pumpkin)

    Lyalya, Po, Tinky Winky, who are they? (Teletubbies)

    Mowgli's smartest friend (Kaa)

    Thumbelina's blind groom in a chic fur coat (Mole)

    What did the donkey Eeyore lose? (tail)

    What were Cinderella's wooden slippers called? (sabo)

    In this white chest we store food on the shelves (refrigerator)

    Lovebirds, Jaco, Lori, cockatoo, who are they? (parrots)

    What did a fly-sokotuha manage to buy for one penny? (Samovar)

    Magic fairy tablecloth (self-assembly)

    What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (shoe)

    How many legs does an octopus have (8)

    What was the name of the old woman's favorite rat Shapoklyak (Lariska)

    Who amuses us in the circus arena? (Clown)

    Fountain floating in the sea (whale)

    From whom of fairytale heroes K. Chukovsky ran away all the dishes? (from Fedora)

    What did the Tin Woodman get from the Wizard of Oz? (Heart)

    Nickname of the cat from Prostokvashino (Matroskin)

    What did Tanya drop into the river? (ball)

    The Bear Who Raised Mowgli (Baloo)

    Who left their grandmother and left their grandfather? (Kolobok)

    The most cunning heroine of Russian fairy tales (Fox)

    What was Medusa Gorgon instead of hair (snakes)

    Who was Gerda looking for? (Kaya)

    Where was Cinderella going? (Ball)

    How many goals does Zmey Gorynych have? (3)

    What did Pinocchio sell to get into the puppet theater? (ABC)

    He has three eyes (yellow, green, red) (traffic light)

    Who fulfilled all the desires of Emelya? (Pike)

    The main enemy of Dr. Aibolit (Barmaley)

    Wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead (Harry Potter)

    Who is always shouting "Well, wait a minute!"? (Wolf)

    What bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow)

    The globe that each of you can spin (Globe)

    Winnie the Pooh's favorite treat (honey)

    How many colors are in the rainbow? (seven)

    Faithful friend of the fox Alice (Basilio)

Questions for ingenuity and ingenuity

1. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many are there together? (Three)

2. How many steps will a sparrow take in 7 weeks, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 1 second? (None, since he can only jump)

3. There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on ten hands? (fifty fingers)

4. He does not see himself, but points to another. (Pillar)

5. What color is the stop valve on the plane? (He's not there)

6. Seven candles burned, four of them were extinguished. How much is left? (Four remained, which were extinguished, the rest burned down)

7. What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2, 3)

8.What can be seen from eyes closed? (Dream)

9. One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much is ten? (Ten rubles)

10. One father has six sons. Each son has one sister. How many children does the father have? (Seven)

11. Who has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach)

12. How to divide five apples between five guys so that everyone gets an apple and one remains in the basket? (Give one boy an apple along with a basket)

13. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be on an empty stomach)

14. Two sheep are standing: one head to the north, the other - to the south. Can they see each other without turning their heads? (They can, if they stand with their heads to each other)

15. A flock flew - 25 geese. One was killed. How much is left? (One, the rest flew away)

16. What opera by the Italian composer Verdi consists of three alliances? ("Aida": ah, and, yes)

17. At noon, a truck left Moscow for Orel at a speed of 60 km / h. An hour later, a motorcycle left Orel for Moscow at the same speed. Which of them will be further from Moscow during the meeting? (Same distance)

18. What number has as many numbers as letters in its name? (100– one hundred)

19. In the name of which river are three notes heard? (Mississippi)

20. When do we look at the number 2 and say 10? (Looking at the clock, we say: “10 minutes…”)

21. Three were playing checkers. Three games were played. How many games did each play? (Each played two games)

22. What numbers increase one and a half times when turned over? (6, 66, 666, etc.)

23. The name of which river can be found in the mouth? (Gum)

24. A flock of geese flew: one goose in front, one between two and three in a row. How many were there? (Three: flew one after another)

25. What does a half of an orange most of all look like? (For the other half)

Brief analysis Events.

This contest was not chosen by chance. At the beginning of the year, there was a decision for everyone to attend classes only in school uniform. But some students ignored and often came without school uniform. Therefore, we, together with the genus. committee decided to hold a competition for the best appearance, as well as diligence and culture of behavior. The children gladly accepted this message, because. A surprise awaited them ahead (consolation prizes and diplomas). And they value diplomas very much for the portfolio.

We developed a regulation that indicated that for foul language and bad behavior they receive a fine or if they skip classes without good reasons. A commission was elected for evaluation, which announces the results weekly. We decided to sum up the results at the end of the quarter. For girls there was a separate competition for best hairstyle. The most beautiful and original hairstyles were photographed and made a presentation.

And here is the day of the competition. All are beautiful and elegant. Exciting moment waiting for the start of the competition.

Before the start of the competition, the chairman of the clan. committee and the class teacher announced the result of the competition

The children reacted to the event very responsibly. The business card was very interesting. The girls did their best, most of the business cards were in poetic form.

In general, all stages of the competition were interesting. The girls showed imagination and ingenuity. In the last competition, songs were performed in different languages: in English (Sahakyan M. and Goriy M.), in Ukrainian (Lyga Sveta), in Yakut Alekseeva V.). Satyrova Karina read a poem that she herself composed.

The participants all received different nominations, and a special prize was established for the owner of the longest hair - 98 cm (Satyrova Karina). There are four girls with long hair in the class: Lyga S. - 90 cm; Seregina K. - 73 cm; Petrova V. - 68.

After the competition, a reflection was held, where students expressed their impressions of the competition. Not only the pros, but also the cons of the event were expressed. In general, everyone liked the contest, they decided to do such events again, and now it's the turn of the boys. The boys will compete in dexterity, resourcefulness and ingenuity in February, for the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.


    E.N. Stepanova, M.A. Aleksandrova-Klassnye cool things: methodological developments educational affairs in the classroom / Creative Center / Moscow 2004;

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Satyrova Karina won the competition

Warning: Disney has a beauty pageant. Game for girls and girls! In the process of organizing a beauty contest at Disney - princesses Anna, Merida, Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine and Elsa - successfully passed its selection round and already at the first stages of the contest were on the finish line far ahead of its other participants. At the same time, Anna, Merida, Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine and Elsa had equal chances to win. And now the most important, final stage of this grandiose show, in which you, girls, has come. play an important role. And all because at this stage you have to be the stylists of our charming princesses. Before you begin to perform your duties, we want to reveal to you the terrible secret of the jury. All members of the jury, without exception, are so fascinated by the natural beauty of the princesses, their grace, elegance and sophistication of their manners that until now they have not even guessed which of them they would be able to give preference to. How this situation will end, only time will tell. In the meantime, girls, it's time for you to take care of the outfits, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories of your wards. To control the game "Attention: Disney Beauty Contest" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Student beauty contest. Game for girls and girls! Welcome to college. Today, a Krasta competition is being held here. The day promises to be hot. There are three cute students at the finish line. Each of them has a chance to become a Beauty Queen. To do this, at this stage of the competition, they only need to successfully demonstrate their knowledge of fashion and a great sense of style. Young stylists, they must do this with your help. Try to choose the most spectacular outfits, accessories and jewelry for them. Do not forget, for a lover of everything original, there is a small feature at your disposal - a tattoo on your face. Control the game with the mouse. Good luck!

Beauty Contest: East or Asia. Game for girls and girls! The beauty contest is a fashion passion and, of course, adrenaline! Only this year the beauty contest will be especially hot. And all because at its final stage two lovely beauties are in the lead: the representative of China - Princess Mulan and the representative of the United Arab Emirates - Princess Jasmine. East or Asia - whose beauty will win? It will become clear in a few minutes. In the meantime, girls, start preparing the princesses for the catwalk. Play with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Battle for the title of Miss World. Game for girls and girls! "Disney Princesses: Battle for the title of Miss World" - Best game for girls from a series of games about princesses, for dressing up. Three of the most beautiful Disney princesses - Anna, Cinderella and Rapunzel - are fighting among the huge number of contenders for the title of Miss World in the beauty contest. Behind intermediate competitions for intelligence and other creative tasks. By the decision of the jury, Anna, Cinderella and Rapunzel were selected for the final defile. Girls, represent the importance of the moment! The Disney princesses will be required to appear on the platform in bikinis, evening gowns and gowns for the closing ceremony. You are their stylists and it is up to you to make our beauties look their best. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Miss Battle

There's a beauty pageant at Disney College today. Game for girls and girls! Fresh news! There is a beauty contest for princesses at Disney College today. Of course, every princess dreams of winning the grand prize - Miss College. Among the contenders are the Disney beauties you know - Belle, Jasmine, Rapunzel. They are friends, but in today's event, the princesses are rivals. Girls, help them prepare for the competition. Do not try to play along with any of them. Do everything honestly. Start your help with makeup, and then move on to choosing stylish outfits for them. Just don't repeat yourself! The jury won't like it. Well, now it remains only to wait for the results. Play with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: International Beauty Contest. Game for girls and girls! While browsing the news, Princess Elsa discovered information about an upcoming international beauty pageant. Of course, Elsa could not miss such an event. She decided to become a participant in this prestigious competition. Elsa looks great, but she, like the other participants in this show - princesses Aurora, Belle and Ariel - will need the help of a stylist and that stylist will be you girls. Start your work with princess makeup. Then proceed to choosing an elegant outfit for them. Don't forget the subtleties in your work. Everything you choose for the princesses should be perfectly combined with each other. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Beauty Contest. Game for girls and girls! This beauty pageant features four Disney princesses - Elsa, Ariel, Belle and Aurora. But you girls will only be a stylist for Princess Elsa. So think carefully about the image of the princess in which you would like to present her at the competition and start creating it. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess Beauty Contest: Miss Universe 2016. A game for girls and girls! Disney is hosting a grand show - a beauty pageant, Miss Universe 2016. The beauties of the princess - Rapunzel, Cinderella and Anna - of course, could not pass by such an exciting event. They will be participants in this competition, and you girls will be their stylists. Familiarize yourself with the competition program and start your work. You need a mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Elsa, Ariel and Jasmine enter the Disney beauty pageant. Game for girls and girls! To resolve the dispute, which of the three girlfriends is more beautiful and fashionable, the Disney princesses - Elsa, Ariel and Jasmine - decided to take part in a beauty contest. And you, girls, according to the scenario of the game, will be their stylist. You have to present your wards in two different looks: in outfits for summer holidays, then in gorgeous evening dresses. Even in both cases, you will need to choose suitable hairstyles and jewelry for Disney princesses. And then, as stakeholders, you will have to try to get as many clicks for the princesses as possible, enclosed in flying bubbles. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa, Ariel and Jasmine participate in Disney

Beauty contest for a cute baby. Game for girls and girls! "Beauty contest for a cute baby" is an exciting game in which, girls, you have to take part in a beauty contest as a professional stylist for our little participant. Preparing the baby for the competition, you girls should not forget about the peculiarities of the young age of your ward. Therefore, starting to perform SPA procedures for her face, you, of course, should give preference to safe cosmetics made using natural ingredients. Well, no frills. The baby's face after SPA procedures shines with freshness. It remains only to pick up her elegant dress for the fashion show. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

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Miss Beauty Cat

Beauty contest for pets. Game for girls and girls! The city hosts a fabulous show - a beauty contest for pets. Baby Barbie in a Cinderella dress is going to take part in it with her pets. Girls, help the little girl achieve a fantastic transformation of her pets into the cutest, most beautiful animals. To do this, first of all, give the animals a great bath. Use the best shampoos, after which their fur will be pleasant and soft, like silk. Choose the best jewelry and accessories for each pet. For a good mood, before the start of the competition, entertain your pets with your favorite toys. Now wish Barbie good luck.

Preparing baby Barbie's pets for a beauty contest. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to prepare little Barbie's pets for a beauty contest. With your help, Barbie will present her treasure, the red-haired beauty, Kitty the cat, the charming Berry rabbit and the wonderful royal Pony Blondie, to the grand jury. Girls, take one animal to the bath and start caring for them. Bathe them, dry them with a towel and hair dryer, decorate with accessories. And then, so that the pets have good mood, entertain them before the start of the beauty contest with your favorite toys.

Monster High: Beauty Contest. Game for girls and girls! "Monster High. Beauty Contest" - Monster High dress up game for girls. It's noisy in Monster High. Her students are not up to the lessons. They are preparing for a beauty contest. Their closets are full of blouses, skirts, dresses, shoes, and they experiment and experiment, not daring to make a choice. Perhaps, girls, it's time for you to intervene in this situation. Work with their wardrobe. They have so many stylish things! Finally, choose outfits, accessories, jewelry for them. To make it more fun, invite monster girls to their boyfriends, or some friend, or a friend from the School of Monsters. Good luck with your finds! Play: mouse.

Baby Princess Anna at the beauty pageant. Game for girls and girls! Baby Princess Anna Beauty Pageant is a game for girls about taking care of baby Anna. Baby Anna is invited to the most big competition beauty throughout the kingdom! All the little ones will gather there, and Anna must look her best! Help her prepare for the fashion competition and become her stylist, make-up artist and hairdresser.

Models of the world: Miss Italy. Game for girls and girls! "Models of the World: Miss Italy" is a cool dress up game. beautiful girl Italy. The beauty contest is over. The girl received the coveted balls and the title of Miss Italy. And here is the last, farewell appearance on the stage. It would seem that he no longer obliges the winner to anything. But this is only at first glance. Beauty worries no less than in previous exits. Girls, you are a fashion designer for Miss Italy and your merit in her victory is very great. Today, for the last time, do her the favor of a cool fashion designer. Choose the best outfit for her. Think carefully about her hairstyle and accessories. Evaluate with an experienced eye whether everything fits together well. Perhaps now our heroine can safely walk on the honorable path.

Models of the World: Miss Italy

On the podium is the future Miss USA. Game for girls and girls! There is a beauty pageant in the USA. A famous model is on the catwalk. Girls, be a fashion designer for her. Help her choose the best outfits, hairstyle and accessories. Don't forget that everything you put on the model should not be random. Each item of her toilet should be perfectly combined with each other. Today it is especially important for her! Good luck!

Show program "MISS THUMBLE".

Perhaps no other event causes such a stir among the participants and fans. Therefore, its organization requires careful preparation. This includes: script development, venue design (gym, assembly hall, classroom), musical accompaniment, selection of jury members, as well as preliminary preparation of participants.
If a school-wide competition is organized, then it is best to hold it in two stages with a short break for preparation. In the first stage, the participants of the Thumbelina competition go through preliminary competitions by class, where participants are determined for the final competition (1-2 people per group). In the second stage, the final "Miss Thumbelina" is held.
The first stage of the competition. Everything is ready for the competition. The participants, each with their own number, are anxiously waiting for their exit. Impartial jury, which includes parents.
The music is playing ... Along the stands, with a light, graceful gait, the girls pass in front of the audience and the jury. In the future, the fate of the future finalist depends on how she will be able to "present" herself to the jury.

COMPETITION "Thumbelina".
1 contest "Business card".
Within 5-10 minutes, you need to introduce yourself: tell about yourself, your favorite pastime, interests, etc. At this stage of the competition, every “little thing” plays a decisive role for the participants, from walking, costume and ending with charm and manner of speaking. Only those who have more votes of the jury members will get to the final.
2 competition "Pantomime". Each participant is invited to complete a specific task using facial expressions, gestures, gait, etc. Tasks should not be difficult. For example, to express emotions in a specific life situation or imitate the actions of someone (the gait of an old man, etc.). Artistry is the main criterion of this competition.
3rd contest "Flower Arrangement". It is necessary to make a bouquet of field (dried, artificial) flowers and give it a name. Fantasy and taste for the beauty around us wins.
4 competition "Sports". Its essence lies in showing any composition using elements of charging, aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics. Participants prepare this competition in advance. The choice of the form of expression in a sports competition is arbitrary, but with the obligatory use of music. The sense of rhythm, the completeness of the composition, sportiness are just as important as a well-chosen suit (leotard, sports tights).
5 competition "Hairstyles". To do this, the desired model for the hairstyle is selected from among the audience, on which the conceived idea is realized. Participants are allowed to decide in advance on the choice of model and hairstyle. The evaluation for this competition should take into account the correspondence between the name and hairstyle, its originality and individuality.
6 competition "Dance". Each participant prepares it in advance. It can be a solo performance or in pairs. Musicality, artistry, plasticity of movements - these are the criteria for evaluating the competition.
7 competition "Needlewoman". The starting material for this competition can be plasticine, paints or pencils, colored paper, any natural material etc. Each participant has the right to choose any material according to his “taste” and make any composition or craft from it. The judges should pay attention to the creativity of the girls.
These competitions can be supplemented by others, for example: "Table Setting", "Skillful Seamstress", "Mom's Helper", etc.
In order not to overload the participants and keep the interest of the audience, the number of competitions should not exceed 8.

Second phase. The final. The organization, judging and holding of the finals of the second stage is the same as in the first. The difference will be in the content of the contests.
"Dance" competition, "Avant-garde fashion", "Carnival costume" are being prepared in advance.
1 competition "Arrangement of a bouquet"– any flowers and forest material may be used.
2 contest "Avant-garde fashion". To look original and unusual, you need to submit to the jury a clothing model created from any materials. The main thing is the idea. Its embodiment will be all the more interesting and unusual if unusual materials are used that are not used in tailoring. These can be laser discs, paper and cardboard packaging, colored yarn, various household items. The model is demonstrated on any person that the participant “created” in advance. The judge must not escape the originality and modernity of the presented model. A speech prepared in advance in defense of the proposed project is also of great importance when evaluating the jury of a suit or dress.
3 competition - "Dance". For its implementation, it is not necessary to have a home preparation. It could be a character dance. By drawing lots, the participants are offered any image (soldier, Mary Popins, Elf, Karabas Barabas, etc.), to the general proposed music, the girls perform a dance in this image.
4th competition - "Acting Competition" ("Pantomime"). At this competition, girls are offered children's poems, which they must tell not with words, but with gestures and movements. The poems of A.L. Barto are very well suited for this.
5 competition "Hostess"- girls need to cook and decorate sandwiches from the offered products. The tastier and more beautifully decorated sandwich, the higher the score.
6 competition "Hair and make-up". The hair and make-up contest will help to show off the abilities of a hairdresser and designer. To do this, the desired model for hair and makeup is selected from among the audience. All participants are given a common theme, for example, “Dashingly one-eyed”, “Yaga Petrovna”, “Flower-seven-flower”. The jury will evaluate the originality of the approach to translating the theme into the image.
7 competition- Carnival costume. Long before the competition, the participants and their parents are given an orientation to create a carnival costume. In order for this to really be a costume contest, it is necessary to stipulate all the conditions for its holding. First of all, the material from which the costume will be created. For example, a large paper bag. This is the basis on which the image will be formed. The task is difficult, but the result will be amazing. After all, you will get large costumes-masks that will be visible from the auditorium. Suggested materials include strips of paper, cloth, paper and cardboard, cardboard boxes, etc.
It is imperative to specify who and what image will create. Otherwise, it will not be interesting to look at the same costumes. From a paper bag you can make: a lion, a crow, Pinocchio, a ghost, a bear cub, etc.
The evening ends with the coronation and the presentation of the Miss Thumbelina ribbon. A special prize is given to the participant who liked the audience. And to whom to give it ("People's Choice Award"), the audience decides by secret ballot.