Photographer's advertising slogan. The motto of the photographers is “The best shot is yet to come. With me it is safe, magical, warm, etc.

  • 16.05.2020

Whatever the best photographer You were not - definitely needed good publicity. Of course, the ad pays attention to the portfolio, but the correct text of the advertisement of a photographer, designer or artist attracts traffic and significantly increases the conversion.

(Article updated 03/24/2019)

Clientele is best attracted through contextual advertising. Another fairly good way is through social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook) and bulletin boards. Do not discount the creation of a personal website. Even in the worst case scenario, if he does not bring clients, the very fact of his presence already speaks of the serious attitude of the specialist to the case. Word of mouth has also not been canceled, but it takes time to earn it.

The structure of the correct text for a photographer's advertisement

The selling text of an advertisement for a photographer or a photo project, it must be with a wound spring inside, radiate positive. It faces several tasks at once: to attract traffic, catch attention, offer services, show benefits, answer all the questions of the target audience and call for a specific action.

USP. But apart from the good text of the photographer it is worth highlighting (offer). It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner amateur photographer or a famous photo and video studio, you don't have to be the best. There are many peaks, and there will not be enough hours in the day and strength in the legs to resist them all. You need to stand out from the competition in a specific location and a specific area of ​​​​photographic services. Promise and fulfill what they do not promise.

Before you sell your services as a photographer/videographer, decide on positioning. The most creative ideas, the largest selection of props, the most serious approach to working with light, the most quick organization process. Or clearly define your specialization: a stylist photographer who will make the model more beautiful or a static photographer who knows how to choose the environment and evoke the right emotions in the model. I specialize in wedding photos, anniversaries, business portraits, corporate parties, photos of pregnant women, newborns, for dating sites.

If you want to write a successful and beautiful text for an advertisement for a novice photographer and want to start in several directions at the same time, it is better to create several ads than to make yourself a steamboat person. And mention your length of service, number of shoots, education, and work style. Only not at the beginning of the photo shoot advertising text, but after the introduction and a specific offer of services.

Describe how the work will go. How can you contact and agree on what the portfolio will look like, how it will be possible to evaluate the work, when the photos will be ready, how to draw up a contract, how payment will be made, what you accept and other nuances. Answer all questions at once - it is easier for a potential client to find another specialist than to learn standard things in correspondence. For what time to book shooting, where to drive up with questions, how to accurately calculate the price.

social proof. These are, of course, reviews. For the best text advertisements of a novice wedding photographer in social networks are just worth their weight in gold. Reviews should contain not only emotions, but also important information for a potential client. In extreme cases, you can compose them yourself or order from a copywriter. But, ideally, they should be written or recorded on camera by real clients. Yes, some visitors have an innate sense of falsehood.

You need to help the person write a review. Ask him a few questions in the direction you need, so that he answers it in his own words. The result will be a detailed, informative, realistic and unique promotional text that helps the photographer sell himself dearly. Inspiring confidence.

How can a photographer market himself? A selling story in the text of a photographer's ad

It doesn’t matter if you need creative advertising for a photographer on Vkontakte, Instagram or on your website - try to colorfully tell your selling story. The photographer took pictures of the beauty, took the photo to the film studio and asked to find a flaw. Thanks to the wonderful play of light and shadow, none of the filmmakers from Mosfilm noticed the scar on his cheek. Another photographer, so that the children would not run away from the camera, attached a screen with cartoons to the lens. And the children did not turn away, but smiled, looking into the frame.

There is even an old legend:

The medieval conqueror Tamerlane was lame and one-eyed. Once he invited artists to his place and ordered to make his portrait, but in such a way that his flaws were not noticeable.

The first artist depicted Tamerlane with normal eyes and normal legs. Tamerlan said:

- It's not me! - and ordered the execution of the artist.

The second artist depicted everything as it is. Tamerlan said:

- But I ordered to make it so that it was imperceptible! - and the artist was executed.

The third artist turned out to be a professional and depicted Tamerlane standing on one knee (his lameness was so imperceptible) and shooting from a bow, screwing up one eye (his disfigured eye was so imperceptible). This was the founder of socialist realism.

It is very difficult to create a selling story about yourself, but the game of storytelling is worth the candle.

Keywords for the right text for a wedding photographer ad

If you post your portfolio on the site, you must be sure to register for each beautiful photography the desired keywords. They should be in the alt attribute (most importantly!), in the file name, in the caption under the photo, and even on the photo itself.

The main thing is to choose a reasonable compromise between the number keywords and readability. In the alt attribute and the file name, you can simply list the necessary keywords from Wordstat, and in the signature you need selling and motivating elements.

It is extremely important to indicate the city at least several times in the article. After all, if a person indicates in the search for “photographer services wedding Moscow” - this is a “warm” client. You can't miss it! And it is very important that your site is shown for such a specific request. And the longer the request, the more interested the client is in the service.

The photographer knows how to sell his services dearly

Creative text for advertising a photographer on the radio, time 30 sec

(Cheerful and cheerful voice of the announcer) Do you want to capture the most high-quality and original bright moments your holiday in tourist center Bukovel? Your desire will be fulfilled by the photo studio "Ski-a photo". A professional photographer, riding with you, will capture the bright moments on the slopes and take a photo on the highest points of Bukovel. Book a photo shoot by calling 097-751-50-05 (repeat slower) 097-751-50-05

An example of the text of an advertisement for a wedding photographer on the radio 15 sec

What can your wedding be without? Of course, without love! Photographer Lyubov Dorogozh - wedding, family photography, love story. Each photo is taken with love. Tel. 8029-515-12-55

Sample text for a radio photographer ad, 30 seconds

The era of a new photography has begun. wedding photography, reportage shooting corporate events, graduations and birthdays. Photo sessions in the studio in nature. Affordable prices, efficiency and high quality. Transform everyday reality - order a professional photographer. Tel 8904-657-31-58.

Order text for advertising a photographer from a copywriter

Do you want to get new customers, increase their flow or raise the price tag? selling the text of the photographer's advertisement from the copywriter now. Contact us!

View prices

It is gratifying to realize that the number of fans of photography is growing every year in the city of Chernyakhovsk. No wonder, because photography is a language in which you can communicate, a language understandable and accessible to everyone.

The City Library has long become a comfortable platform for organizing photo exhibitions that replace each other. Therefore, it is pleasant to discover new talented names of bright, creative, purposeful people for residents and guests of the city.

On February 11, the photo exhibition “We Remain to Winter” was held by the creative association of Kaliningrad photographers “Hot Shoes”. The association was founded in Kaliningrad in 1999. The creative credo of the members of the association: romanticism, mild humor and an ironic attitude to everything that happens. The name "Hot Shoes" only at first glance seems somewhat unusual. In fact, everything is simple and logical. In the slang of photographers, this is the name of the platform on the camera for wirelessly connecting the flash. However, the name has another meaning, which has become the main one - all photographers of the creative union lead an active lifestyle - they travel dozens of kilometers in search of objects and wear out more than one pair of shoes.

Photo exhibitions of the creative association were successfully held in the museum "Friedlane Gates", in the Museum of History and Art. "Hot shoes actively participate in regional and city" Photomanias. In one of the interviews, they described themselves as follows: "We are cheerful, cheerful, ironic and self-ironic people different ages united by one passion - photography. This is for us both rest, and work, and even a diagnosis.” Every time we open a new photo exhibition, we never cease to admire how great is the magic of photography, which can tell more than a thousand of the most beautiful and touching words. The photographs are full of kindness, love, compassion, courage, beauty - everything that makes life so beautiful. They make you think and feel, skillfully combining reality and fantasy.

The opening was attended not only by Kaliningrad photographers, whose photographs are presented at the exhibition, but also by people who are truly passionate about photography. Among them are teachers, musicians, pensioners, students, a freelance photographer, the Rakurs photo club, and schoolchildren.

The head of the photo club Vlad Belyaev introduced all those present to the authors of the exhibition. "... One member of this creative association does not need to be introduced, she is well known and loved in Chernyakhovsk - this is Yulia Gorbunova - a very bright, talented, beautiful person." At the end of last year, Yulia's photo project "2+4" was presented in Chernyakhovsk. Today Julia lives in Kaliningrad and continues to be creative, becoming a member of such a talented team.

There is a famous joke: “If, when you look at someone else’s photo, you wish you didn’t take it, this is art.” Looking at the work of photo artists, we can say with confidence that photography is a real art and there are no less subtleties in it than in music or painting.

Where would print advertising be now if it were not for the art of advertising photographers who every day are looking for new means of expression, ways of conveying agency ideas that would suit everyone: clients, agencies, and, most importantly, the audience.

(Total 43 photos)

1. Photographer Olivero Toscani.

2. In the advertising world, Toscani is well known as one of the most controversial image photographers. Many of his works, which are clearly provocative in nature, caused an acutely negative reaction from the outside and the public.

3. The name of Oliviero Toscani became known in advertising circles when he was already under forty. In the early 80s of the last century, attention was drawn to his participation in advertising campaigns for Valentino, Esprit, Fiorucci. Oliviero Toscani studied design at the University of Zurich (1961-1965).

4. Him original works often published famous fashion magazines. But world fame has come to Toscani since 1984, when the Italian fashion house Benetton, specializing in the production of youth clothing and accessories, invited the photographer to lead advertising department firms.

5. “I like people who question something. If you are sure of something, it means that it is no longer creativity: you have seen it somewhere. The main thing is to be not the first, but the only one.

6. At that time, the Italian company Benetton was preparing to enter markets outside of Europe and was developing an attacking marketing concept. The head of the company, Luciano Benetton, respecting the artist, promised Oliviero Toscani complete freedom of action, and he agreed to become the creative director of the project.

7. Many believe that the Benetton advertising campaign launched in the spring of 1984 opened a new page in history. modern advertising. The advertising campaign, developed under the direction of Oliviero Toscani, focused on the Benetton brand and on the philosophy of this brand. In 1984, the campaign slogan was "All the Colors of the World" (All the colors of the world), and the following year, Oliviero Toscani came up with the slogan "United Colors of Benetton" (United Colors of Benetton). And, which is natural for a photographer, the main "messages" of the campaign were transmitted in the international language - the language of photography.

8. In his 18 years at Benetton, Toscani chose different topics for an advertising photo shoot, not being afraid of the most acute global problems: such as racial discrimination, AIDS, war.

9. At the end of April 2000, the relationship, which had lasted for 18 years, was broken off. And since then, nothing as stunning (except for the shocking social advertising with an anorexic), alas, it was not.

10. Photographer Terry Richardson.

11. Terry Richardson is a world-class star. He is known throughout the planet as one of the most brilliant, prolific and persuasive photographers of his generation.

12. His unique talent - to catch the most unexpected moments of reality through the camera lens - helped him earn the fame of a scandalous, but brilliant photographer.

13. His work is sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic, sometimes beautiful, but always provocative.

14. Terry was born in but grew up in Hollywood. There he began filming the world around him while graduating from Hollywood High School and playing in a punk rock band. Since then, he has not parted with photography.

15. Mr. Richardson's clients include Gucci, Sisley, Miu Miu, Levi's, Eres, Chloe, APC, Carolina Herrera, Nike, Kenneth Cole and others.

16. He has collaborated with the hottest glossy magazines such as Vogue, French Vogue, British Vogue, Japanese Vogue, I-D, Dazed and Confused, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, W and Purple.

17. Photographer David LaChapelle.

18. They say that David LaChapelle is able to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, the vulgar into the beautiful, the boring into the funny, and the stupid into the original and original.

19. Fashion brands, Hollywood stars and politicians, top models and sharks line up for him.

20. Now forty-eight-year-old David was given his first job by Andy Warhol, and in 2007 the American Photo Association included him in the top ten Most Significant People in Photography, and his number of awards continues to grow every year.

21. LaChapelle is called "Dali of the third millennium" for his surreal vision.

22. He does not tolerate gloominess and routine, proclaiming his main creative principle: provocation in everything.

23. LaChapelle loves to be original, this approach to work is his business card, which is why the photographer is so valued in the world of fashion and advertising.

24. A day of shooting at the great LaChapelle costs about 200 thousand dollars.

25. Photographer David LaChapelle.

26. Photographer David LaChapelle.

27. Photographer David LaChapelle.

28. Photographer David LaChapelle.

29. Photographer David LaChapelle.

30. Photographer David LaChapelle.

31. Photographer David LaChapelle.

32. Photographer Erwin Olaf.

33. Erwin Olaf's clients know what they're getting into. Entrusting a photo session for advertising campaigns to this great photographer, they sign their readiness for a bold, non-standard and challenging look at the world around them.

34. In appearance, the Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf is a glamorous kitsch. All the formal signs of gloss are evident - large bright prints, aniline colors, recognizable fashion models.

35. Erwin Olaf studied to be a photojournalist, then took up the so-called contemporary art- He recorded events in the toilets of Amsterdam discos, participated in the design of opera and ballet performances, and together with Rem Koolhaas built a toilet in Groningen.

36. In 1996, he announced his transition to the camp of commercial photography. (Here's a short list of accomplishments - Diesel, Levis, Hennessey Cognac, Rifle, Camel, Heineken, Nokia, Microsoft...)

42. Photographer Erwin Olaf.

We are constantly exposed to advertising on a variety of platforms and in different formats. Advertising meets us on the screens of computers and TVs, on the road, accompanies us on our trips to work and home. However study showed , which is only 3% advertisements has a lasting effect on us. And this golden 3% is exactly what creative advertising falls into. We've scoured the web and rounded up the most creative print ad campaigns to inspire you.

This advertisement immediately resonates with the viewer and allows them to look at the world more broadly. With creative ads, marketers tap into our intelligence and sense of humor as opposed to straight forward ads designed just to grab attention.

Why would this topic be of interest to stock photographers? Refresh your portfolio, add new interpretations, and you have a chance to get new clients. Here are some of the lessons we've learned from creative advertising over the years.

1. Show, don't tell

And although this is more about a beautiful illustration than a photograph, this St. Basil's Cathedral promotional poster is a real masterpiece of creative advertising. It was created by the Saatchi & Saatchi agency for advertising campaign Museum of Architecture named after A. V. Shchusev in Moscow. This campaign features photographs of famous landmarks that are just a fraction of the vast world hidden underneath. The advertising slogan of the campaign was the phrase: "Learn the whole story."

The first lesson a stock photographer can learn here is to show pieces of history in one shot. That is, you need to learn to show, not tell. This ad makes a really powerful impression, and all thanks to the fact that it has both a photo and a concept.

Through small digital manipulations, a whole story can be told in one frame. One of our stock photographers , uses the same tactic. Using his post-production skills, he tells the whole story in one shot.

2. Use negative space

And here is a touching advertisement for animal welfare, depicting a family: mom, dad and baby. This is one of the best examples of multi-layered meanings and thoughtful composition. You can always count on our little friends if you need to reach a mass audience, and such a composition will surely resonate in the soul of the viewer.

There is not a single superfluous detail in this photo - everything is simple and effective here. It is a great example of how you can literally create something out of nothing. All that was needed to create it were models, good lighting and a couple of touches of post-processing.

3. Use humor wherever possible

I think everyone will agree that advertising is serious business, just like stock photography. However, you can add a touch of humor to your photo shoots without slipping into irony. It may not be the most highly artistic or stunning advertisement, but it draws attention to itself. And it attracts quite justifiably, because it makes us laugh.

Don't be afraid of weirdness - it will make your customers stop. And this is exactly the reaction that was aimed at. advertising agency Duval Guillaume. The main message of this advertisement is: “Reality sucks”, and you can see exactly how all its details come down to this: the weather is not very good, the boat is so-so, and the incident is very unpleasant. In short, not at all the romantic scene that we usually see on the movie screen.

For a stock photographer, humor can be the best weapon. Learn how to use it, and your portfolio will sparkle with new colors. We encourage you to be creative and try to get more out of your photo shoots than usual. Did you have a free minute? Try to approach your subject with humor.

4. Show your point of view

If we talk about performance, then this magazine advertisement " Rolling stone' is a brilliant example. The campaign slogan is “We are made of rock,” and in one photo, the advertisers were able to show the product, spirit, and worldview of the magazine. Note the simplicity of the shot itself - just one object that looks like a musical instrument.

On photo stocks, subject photography is quite common. And basically, these are simple pictures of objects familiar to us. What if these items were used to create a completely different story, such as this one? There is more than enough food for thought here, and all you need is to try yourself in a new genre.

5. Destroy the pattern, have your say

Patterns are very eye catching. They really attract us, and the reason for this lies in the way our brain works. Why is the destruction of the pattern so effective? This is because our eyes quickly get used to the pattern, so when you break it, the wrong element stands out from the rest and an eyesore (in a good way, of course).

This simple but very effective concept was used in the advertising campaign of the Volkswagen Group. Its slogan is: "A defective part affects the entire system." In this picture, everything is incredibly simple: a line of people and among them one rebel, but it carries a hidden meaning.

Such photos can become real masterpieces of stock photography. Patterns in nature and everyday life are always in demand. Break patterns the right way and your shots will grab attention.

6. Nature and art as sources of inspiration

Very minimalist yet sophisticated. The Plant for the Planet initiative took something as fragile and delicate as a leaf and showed the sky of an industrial city on it. Combining a powerful message with a creative approach, this advertisement speaks to the viewer more eloquently than any words.

Many of you are experimenting with compositions of leaves and other materials. It is these materials that can turn your work into a serious message. Well, to rethink and adapt works of art, you only need a spark of creativity and time.

7. Focus on social awareness

One of the most powerful advertising posters- Amnesty International. They do not resort to any tricky tricks, do not use bright colors, they just show us frozen moments, like, for example, this one. The parallel between a quiet family evening in front of the TV and this illustration makes us think deeply. The concept of family is close to all of us, but some families are doomed to live in a completely different reality.

One of the tasks of a photographer is to reflect life as it is, but it is also important thathowyou decide to focus onwhatdirect your attention. In one of our we discussed various ideas for photography, and the social awareness project was also on our list. Photos that reflect reality, albeit sometimes crude, can be incredibly powerful.

8. New look at old concepts

The Clean Up Australia Day project was simply doomed to success, because its creators approached the interpretation of the old, everyone famous idea with incredible resourcefulness. We all know that the concept of a sprout is one of the most common clichés in stock photography. Success brought them a lot simple idea. The imprint of the bottle on the ground has become that tiny addition, a message that carries great power in itself - where garbage lies, new life can grow.

As a photographer, you need to update and revive some old concepts by giving them new life. In one of our latest projects, “Art photographers vs. stock cliches" , we asked five photographers to give us their take on the sprout concept. When you have to rethink old concepts and images, new, truly fresh ideas and creative solutions often arise. So you should add this idea to your creative piggy bank.

What lesson can be learned from all these advertising posters? For you as a photographer, the most important thing is to bring creativity to new level. It's all about the approach to photography. Fill your portfolio with works that make themselves known, grab the attention of the viewer and are remembered for a long time.

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Photos

PEN. New eternal.
OLYMPUS PEN E-P2, camera. The slogan of the new camera series PEN, which does not change its appearance already 50 years old, 2009

Your vision. Our future.
your vision. Our future.
OLYMPUS, cameras, international advertising campaign slogan, 2007

See the world in a new way.
OLYMPUS, cameras, advertising campaign slogan in Russia, 2007

Cities pose for you.
OLYMPUS E-400, camera, 2007

You decide what to remember.
OLYMPUS E-500, camera, 2005

We were going to ask Bonington to take our camera to Everest, but he asked us first.
We were going to ask Bonington to take our cameras up Everest, but he asked us first.
OLYMPUS, cameras, ca. 2002
Climber on a snowy peak filming with an Olympus camera

Sonya has been taking great pictures lately.
Only three days have passed, and Sonya has already become the most sought-after photographer in her family.
NIKON D3000, SLR camera, 2009
Mom Sonya with a camera and children stopped in a jump

Recently, Peter has been photographing just great. Only a week has passed, and Peter has already become the most sought-after photographer among friends at parties.
Nikon D3000

A bright trace of your personality.
NIKON Coolpix, cameras. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009

You choose the moment. We take a picture.
NIKON Coolpix, automatic camera. Russia, 2008

You will love speed.
NIKON Coolpix S700, fast compact camera, 2007

It's not just a camera. This is Nikon.
Nikon, cameras. Image slogan

Capture something interesting.
Register your interest.
NIKON D3x, camera. International advertising slogan, 2009

D300 is a camera to know the world. D3 is the camera the world wants to know.
D300 - a camera to get to know the world. D3-a camera the world wants to know.
NIKON D300, NIKON D3, cameras. International advertising slogan, 2008

Image base.
Nikon, cameras. Image slogan, 2007

Easy: get detailed close-ups at the zoo in Auto mode. It is difficult: to understand what exactly the seal wanted to tell me.
Nikon D40, camera
Depicted a seal with open mouth

At the very heart of the image.
At the heart of the image.
Nikon, cameras. International image slogan

Don't miss the moment!
NIKON D50, a camera designed to capture children. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2006

Look at the world wider!
SONY Cybershot, auto panorama camera, 2009

Smile with us!
SONY Cybershot T 300, a camera with a smile detection function when shooting. Campaign 2008

Grabs a smile on the fly.
SONY Cybershot, smile detection camera. Russian slogan, 2007

Passion for photography.
PENTAX cameras. Image slogan in Russia, 2008

We have reinvented the wheel.
PENTAX K200D, cameras. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Look to the point.
PENTAX K200D, camera. Advertising campaign slogan in Russia, 2008

For your lovely moments.
For your precious moments.
PENTAX cameras. International image slogan

Professional soap wrestler.
PENTAX K10D, camera

A little contrast for inspiration.
PENTAX Optio A30, camera
Depicted in white dishes on a white tablecloth are white cream, white sugar, white egg and - in a white cup - black coffee (top view)

Unites generations.
PENTAX cameras. Image slogan

Give your loved ones feelings.
SINAR STUDIO, photo studio in St. Petersburg, 2007
The girl neutrally looks into the camera lens against the background of her portraits, where the whole gamut of feelings

We live in a limitless world. Now there is a camera that can capture this.
KODAK EasyShare P880 Camera with wide angle lens, headline of an advertising campaign in Russia, 2005

You push the button, we do the rest.
You press the button, we do the rest.
KODAK, cameras and camcorders, photo frames, home photo printers... A worldwide slogan from the era of film developing and photo printing parlors, 1970s

You can, you can
You can Canon.
CANON, cameras, image slogan of the company

Effective appearance. Developed intellect.
SAMSUNG ST50, ultra-thin camera. Advertising slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2009

Men see pixels, and we see beauty!
SAMSUNG La Fleur, ladies cameras. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Imagine... your life close-up.
SAMSUNG G800, phone with 5 mega pixel camera. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2007

Don't think, just shoot!
Lomography motto