Candid photo shoot of Jennifer aniston. Candid photos of a young Jennifer aniston blew up the Internet. Legendary Rolling Stone

  • 01.07.2020

Born Jennifer Joanna Aniston, she was born in the Californian town of Sherman Oaks on February 11, 1969. Unfortunately, the baby's parents - American actor John Aniston and actress Nancy Doe - divorced when Jennifer was nine years old, and the girl stayed with her mother in New York.

Jennifer Aniston nude

From the age of 11, Aniston began to study in a school drama club, led by Rudolf Steiner. It was here that the teacher noticed young Jennifer's acting talent, as well as a craving for drawing. By the way, the actress did not stop drawing even today - quite often she gives her friends pictures of her own performance. Aniston continued her professional acting training at LaGuardia, an art school in New York City, where she successfully entered in 1987. After graduating from it, the future television star participated in productions on Broadway, while earning a living by working in courier service telephone company.

In the early 90s, Jennifer moved to Hollywood, and in 1994, having come to the casting of the Friends series, she gets the role of Rachel Green, which gives her worldwide fame and great love from viewers. Ten years of filming in the series eventually bring Aniston an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe.

Jennifer aniston: the most candid photos

Beauty Jennifer can be proud of her figure, because her nude photos delight male fans, and women often cause envy. Yes, this is not surprising: in his "forty-plus" Aniston looks perfect!

The personal life of a movie star, in which quite famous men from American bohemia were seen, did not prevent her from posing in front of photographers at spicy photo shoots. Dating musician Adam Duritz, Jennifer starred for one of the men's magazines, and photos naked jennifer aniston for a long time gained a record number of views among connoisseurs of such a "zest".

After her marriage to Brad Pitt in July 2000, the film star became the object of enormous press attention. nude photos of jennifer aniston, made by particularly nosy paparazzi, flooded the media and numerous social networks. However, such an onslaught did not bother the loving couple of spouses at all, and among fans these photos only kindled interest in the acting family.

Jennifer Aniston - Flashing

jennifer aniston uncensored photo

After her divorce from Pitt in October 2005, Jennifer decided to take a break from male attention and completely devoted herself to work. She starred in the comedy Marley and Me, got a role in American Divorce, The Headhunters and Pretend My Wife were released, where Aniston starred. In 2012, a nominal star with the inscription appeared on the Walk of Fame.

The actress has never been a hypocrite and was not shy about her forms. See photos of Jennifer Aniston Nude- pure pleasure. A well-groomed body, relaxed and natural poses without excessive cuteness - men really appreciate such successful shots. Kinodiva easily agrees to a series of spicy shots for ELLE UK and Playboy magazines, which she never regretted.

Photos naked Jennifer Aniston

In the spring of 2011, love again knocked on Aniston's heart in the person of actor Justin Theroux, and after romantic dates that lasted quite a long time, the lovers secretly got married in August 2015, modestly celebrating the celebration in their mansion in Los Angeles.

jennifer aniston paparazzi photo

The actress is always tactful and attentive to her fans. At one time, she kept a personal blog, where she communicated with them on an equal footing, not at all proud of her fame. Jennifer is quite calm about her spicy photos that get on the pages of social networks with the help of the ubiquitous paparazzi, because she has absolutely nothing to hide.

Jennifer Aniston is out of luck. The TV series "Friends" brought her to the stars - but an unsuccessful romance with Brad Pitt stuck the label of an unfortunate abandoned woman on her for many years. I wonder if Pitt now regrets breaking up with his ex-wife? Be that as it may, looking at her photo in her youth, you involuntarily think that Jolie stole from Aniston not only her husband, but also, perhaps, the title of the most sexy woman in Hollywood.

Mystery Girl

This photo was taken by photographer Peggy Sirota for the men's magazine Esquire in 2002. The skill of the photographer is impressive: the picture seems to be the height of decency and at the same time, thanks to its layering, careless cuts and unexpected transparent inserts on clothes, it awakens obscene fantasies. Aniston herself deserves compliments: it's hard to believe that in this photo she has already turned 33.

country girl

Photo taken in October 1998 for US Weekly magazine. Jennifer ideally fell into the image of "the girl from the next house" - but not just a girl, but a real queen of the court, and perhaps the whole area.

From the shadow

Many Americans believe that Jennifer Aniston's main contribution to popular culture was not her roles in films and television, but the haircut with which she appeared on Friends. Jennifer appeared with her in early episodes of the series. Perhaps at that time she chose this particular haircut only because, as a young actress, she still could not afford to use the services of numerous hairdressers and stylists. Then the hairstyle of Rachel Green - the heroine of Aniston in friends - changed, but in this photo Jennifer appears just with her - and we understand why she gained popularity so quickly.

bold model

In this 2003 pic for W magazine, Jennier looks nothing like the one we're used to. Luxurious lingerie, large earrings and catchy makeup make her look like an oriental mistress - or one of the movie goddesses of the 1960s, whom the whole world was admiringly watching with bated breath.

And here's Jenny

This is a still from the 2004 romantic comedy Here Comes Polly. Today it is almost forgotten - but after the release, it collected at the box office four times more than it was spent on filming, which is considered a very successful result in Hollywood. The picture gathered a good ensemble cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman, who left two years ago, Alec Baldwin, Ben Stiller - and Jennifer Aniston, who once again demonstrated not only a rare acting charm, but also an impeccable figure.


In 2004, Vogue magazine took Jennifer Aniston from modernity to the golden era of Hollywood. The costume and entourage of the photo shoot are worthy of the Hollywood goddesses of the past. And Jennifer did not let us down: in a classic-cut silk evening dress, she looks just as organic as in denim shorts.


Another shot from a photoshoot done for W magazine in 2003. Not every woman could afford such a bold neckline - but Jennifer's main compliment, perhaps, is that, looking at this photo, most readers will first of all pay attention to her expressive eyes, albeit shaded by a long bang.

rock diva

Appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine is much more unusual for Jennifer than on the pages of the secular press. And she rarely uses the image of a rocker. However, her magnificent figure helps to cope with even the most difficult shooting: a top and tight jeans - and now no one thinks whether Aniston is wearing a rock outfit or not. It goes, of course!

Faster than the Kardashians

In this picture, taken in March 1996, also for Rolling Stone magazine, Jennifer has much less clothes - and this, to be honest, does not harm her at all. At the same time, by the way, Jennifer appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone completely naked, having done it before the scandalous Kim Kardashian, which Kim jokingly reminded of not so long ago, giving another interview.

the Red carpet

Having an ideal figure has its advantages: for example, its owner can wear anything. And in this picture, taken on the red carpet before the Golden Globes in 2004, Jennifer is wearing a dress that most women would look either frankly unsuccessful or too vulgar. But Jennifer even on the official social event can afford such a bold neckline, while maintaining decency and the right level of glamour.

paparazzi luck

The paparazzi photograph appeared in USWeekly magazine in May 2004. On it - a private beach, where Jennifer is relaxing with friends - Jack Black, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz. The fact that in an environment that is clearly not intended for the prying eyes of the public, Jennifer still looks perfect, and her figure is still impossible to take your eyes off, once again shows: Aniston is indeed truly attractive!

The girl is mature

For a photo shoot in Allure magazine in February 2004, Jennifer again tried on a completely new image. Critics, however, condescendingly remark that her make-up here is reminiscent of sitcoms of the 1980s, where young girls seem to try to attach all the contents of a cosmetic bag to their faces at once. But it must be admitted that in this role, Aniston looks organic, and even more than that - in this picture you can’t give her more than eighteen!

Green dress from "Friends"

This is a shot from the second episode of the third season of "Friends", which went down in history precisely because of the green dress. Fans of the series wondered for a long time whether there really was nothing under the dress; and it turned out to be true! Jennifer clearly deserves credit for being brave!

Landscape in purple tones

Another shot from a 2004 Vogue shoot by Steven Meisel. The super-tight dress perfectly emphasizes both the shape of the legs and the shape of the chest; and no one will argue with the fact that both are worthy of all admiration.

Legendary Rolling Stone

And finally, here she is - the one legendary cover Rolling Stone magazine, which Jennifer Aniston jokingly alluded to Kim Kardashian! It's 1996, and Aniston is at the height of Friends' fame and success. long and bad story with Brad Pitt so far ahead. Here Jennifer Aniston is a dazzling young beauty that is impossible to look at without admiration!

Choosing a star path, actors and other public people should understand that you can forget about a quiet personal life.

Special attention and surveillance of the paparazzi will always be riveted to celebrities in order to photograph the star at a piquant and inconvenient moment for her. They do not hide neither age, nor wrinkles, nor excess weight. Jennifer Aniston did not bypass this, which is why her “uncomfortable” photos appeared in the public domain on the Internet.

Bad run

These photos from a morning run were not discussed only by a lazy person. Here she is, at a glance, without makeup and with a double chin, in a T-shirt and sweatpants that reveal all the flaws of her figure. Of course, Aniston just wants these shots to quickly disappear into oblivion, and it’s better to be removed from the network altogether, because they hit her image of the “ageless” heroine of the Friends series well.

Legs must be covered

When a person is already under 50 years old, then some parts of the body need to be covered. For Jennifer, these are the feet, having such veins, she should think about closed shoes, since it is at least indecent to show such ugly legs.

Unsuccessful facial expressions

When you are a public person, you need to be extremely careful with facial expressions, otherwise, with the help of cameras and the Internet, you can remain in the memory of fans and enemies with similar grimaces for very many years.

Surf lessons

Surfing is a favorite water sport among Americans, so Aniston once wanted to join him. However, only this photo remained in the memory of society from these attempts, and not her successes in this difficult task.


Yes, everyone on the beach faces a similar situation. However, if your similar photo will walk around the network, it will not attract special attention, but the ass of Jennifer Aniston, who has chewed her panties, still haunts society.

Just don't know

Yes, we were not mistaken - this is Jennifer Aniston: plump, without makeup and in strange clothes that look like a bag. But do not worry, the star had to bring herself to such a state in order to get used to the image in the new film, which suggests just such appearance the main character. Therefore, about these photos, Jen says:

"I don't care, laugh all you want..."

However, she does not leave the desire that they do not appear on the network anymore, and the gloomy image remains only in the new film and in no way sticks to the image of the star.

Can't be! It's dirty hair!

Aniston was considered the only Hollywood actress who always has beautiful and perfect hair. And then, like a bolt from the blue, in 2015, Jennifer appeared at the Golden Globe Awards with an unwashed head, which attracted close attention not only from photographers and fans, but also from other public figures present. Many could not believe their eyes. However, according to rumors, she was advised to do this hairstyle by her stylist, whom, we hope, she immediately fired without the right to compensation.

What's the dress?

Why is Jen wearing this dress? It seems that she wanted to emphasize her far from young age. What are the remnants of the last century?

Forgotten or deliberately left?

In the frame to reporters at the premiere of the New Year's comedy, where Aniston played the main role, the unremoved tag from Jennifer's coat from Celine got into the frame. Then the tabloids spread the news that this incident disgraced Jennifer, saying that she took an expensive coat, but after the premiere she plans to return it .. However, this is just guesswork from the yellow press. Perhaps Aniston just forgot to take it off. Well, who doesn't...

ugly duck

And, like most sex divas of the star beau monde, Jennifer Aniston also does not want to focus on the photo of her person taken in her school years. After all, then she was far from being a beauty, and even more so, not a sex symbol among her peers.