Meters of what kind of business to stir up in the basement. Business ideas in the basement of the house. Service sector in a private house

  • 17.04.2020

Organizational matters

A technical room that is not used by residents, by decision of the municipality or an association of owners, can be transferred to the status of non-residential.

What kind of business can be opened in the basement?

After that, a potential tenant can begin the procedure for its registration.

Collection and submission of documentation

In the basement there are pipes for water supply, heating systems and electric cables. The tenant must make sure that the maintenance team from the Housing Office has access to the equipment. If a breakdown or flooding occurs, the basement will suffer the most.

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Is it allowed to play music in the basement?

Is it allowed to use live music in the basement of a residential building? Answer: If the semi-basement is common, or distributed among the residents of a residential building, then yes, in accordance with the right of ownership / use of one or another part of it, but without violating the norms of public order, and without exceeding the permissible noise / loudness limits . Also, most of the statutes of cities, any violation of silence is possible until 22-23 hours, this criterion should also be taken into account.

With uv. Gorkusha Mikhail.

Thanks for the replies.. but there are still a lot of questions here)

Commercial and office space on 3 floors. there will be more than 30 people there. An examination will take place.

The basement is gone. 30 people will not be allowed.

The power of the installed boiler is 90 kW.

1) Allocated a room for a boiler room on the 3rd floor (last). is it possible to put a boiler room there? (no door from indoors to outdoors)

2) Does the volume of the room depend on the power of the boiler?

3) It seems that the height should be at least 2.5 m indoors. they said but this is for which guest. like GOST for KU applies to boilers from 100 kW.

4) Supply and exhaust ventilation. how to count on this household boiler room?

5) If the boiler is with forced flue gas removal. How to make a chimney

according to the basic calculations, I got about 50 kW of the main heat loss of the building (talked on the outer walls), the curator, who seems to be teaching this business, gave the coefficients .. which, let's say, .. I don't quite like it. his answer: something is not enough .. let's add a coefficient of 2 .. then it will be normal). now I want to know .. what coefficients are accepted for administrative premises.

Business in the basement: important organizational nuances

As you know, small and medium-sized businesses need small premises. However, the rental price of commercial real estate is now far from cheap, and sometimes renting it, and even more so buying it, takes most of the profit from a businessman. To a greater extent, this applies to large cities, where the shortage of space for business is felt especially acutely.

In this regard, basements and semi-basements, as a rule, residential buildings have become one of the most sought-after segments of the market.

How to start a successful basement business

This is explained by the fact that the relatively low purchase price or relatively low price the rent of such commercial real estate significantly reduces the costs of the entrepreneur, which ultimately makes his business much more profitable.

Photo of a minibar located in the basement of a residential building.

However, such premises are not suitable for all types of activities. Therefore, before renting or acquiring such real estate, an entrepreneur must first decide which business can be organized in the basement and which cannot.

In addition, it will be useful to learn how to properly create a “basement” business for a businessman so that in the future you will not encounter serious problems. In a word, having understood all the nuances already at the initial stage and approaching the organization competently, you can guarantee that the business in the basement will flourish.


It should be noted that opening a "basement" business in most cases is troublesome - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.

If the entrepreneur needs the premises for a short time, then he is unlikely to feel a big benefit.

The exception is extraordinary cases when the basement is rented out at a very low price and in a ready state, with all available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

What kind of business is forbidden to do in the basement, and what kind

Small shop in the basement.

According to urban planning standards, in the basement apartment buildings owning a business is not prohibited. However, there are limitations to this, which are already taken into account at the planning stage.

So, on the basement area of ​​an apartment building, an entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial facilities:

  • production premises (exceptions are restoration and art workshops)
  • medical organizations
  • entertainment facilities (casinos, floppy disks, dance and other clubs)
  • funeral homes
  • laundries or dry cleaners
  • public toilets
  • baths or saunas with pools.
  • All other private institutions may well exist in such premises, but certain requirements are imposed on their activities by various structures. So, for example, to open a store, an area not exceeding 400 square meters can be used. m. However, there are no restrictions on storage and utility rooms at the store.

    An assortment in this point of sale can be the most diverse (except for flammable goods), but the operating time is limited - up to 23 hours. Hairdressing salons can open on an area not exceeding 300 square meters. m. There are no significant restrictions on offices, but, alas, it is forbidden to locate wholesale and small-scale warehouse facilities in the basement in accordance with SNiP.

    As for cafes, they can operate in the basement of a residential building under the following conditions:

  • working hours up to 23 hours
  • there should be no musical accompaniment
  • accept no more than 50 visitors at the same time.
  • Possible problems when creating a business in the basement of an apartment building and recommendations for solving them

    A small barbershop in the basement of an apartment building.

    Legal issues

    An entrepreneur who is going to open a business in the basement must first determine its status. According to the current legislation of our country, basically all auxiliary premises of multi-apartment buildings belong to the community of owners. The collective property also includes the nearby territory and basement areas, which are intended to service a residential building.

    In this case, a businessman, in order to start a business in such a place and use it for his own needs, will need to obtain permission from the majority of people living there. This significantly complicates the task, since someone will definitely be against this idea.

    Here it will be necessary not only to apply all your charm, but also to provide reasoned evidence that the business will not provide any inconvenience or problems to residents in the future. It will be desirable to convince them that the activity created under their apartments will be very useful to them.

    If an entrepreneur plans to acquire a basement as a property, then it should be noted that in the premises where important intra-house communications are located, the transfer of such objects to private ownership is prohibited by law. The solution to this problem may be the re-registration of some part of the basement, in which there are no important communications.

    When acquiring or renting a basement, you should pay great attention to its condition (the photo shows an object that requires huge unprofitable investments).

    In this case, it will be necessary to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complicated and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

    In particular, an entrepreneur, in addition to the residents of the house, will have to apply to many structures and obtain permits from organizations such as:

    1. Chief architect of the city.
    2. Project organization.
    3. Notarial office.
    4. Surveyors.
    5. District administration.
    6. Fire Department.
    7. Sanitary and epidemiological station.

    There are also “independent” basements that are on the balance sheet of some organizations, so an entrepreneur who decides to open a business in such a room should know that only these institutions have the right to give him the go-ahead for this. In order to get information on who owns the basement, a businessman will need to contact the BTI, since it is there that they own such data.

    Sauna for doing business in the basement of a private house.


    It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.

    The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions should be observed, and existing standards should be taken into account.

    Organizational matters

    System ventilation device for offices, cafes, hairdressers and other commercial facilities located in the basement.

    So that the entrepreneur does not run into problems and does not ruin own business with your own hands, you should still at the initial stage of arranging the basement and in the process of doing business, adhere to the following tips:

    1. It is necessary to organize the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the basement. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.
    2. It is also very important to organize isolation from noise and odors, which, as a rule, always occur during any work process. If these aspects are ignored, and they disturb the tenants, then a couple of collective complaints from them to the appropriate authorities will create many problems for the entrepreneur, up to the closure of the business. In this regard, spoiling relations with the residents of the house is highly discouraged.

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    What kind of business can be organized in the basement

    Photo of a minibar located in the basement of a residential building.

    It should be noted that in most cases it is troublesome to open a “basement” business - but profitable, provided that the business is planned to be organized for more than one year.

    If the entrepreneur needs the premises for a short time, then he is unlikely to feel a big benefit.

    The exception is extraordinary cases when the basement is rented out at a very low price and in a ready state, with all available permits, which is practically impossible in our time.

    What kind of business to do in the basement is prohibited, and what kind of business is possible.

    Small shop in the basement.

    According to urban planning standards, it is not forbidden to locate your business in the basement of apartment buildings. However, there are limitations to this, which are already taken into account at the planning stage.

    So, on the basement area of ​​an apartment building, an entrepreneur will not be able to locate the following commercial facilities:

    As for cafes, they can operate in the basement of a residential apartment building under the following conditions: opening hours up to 23 hours; there should be no musical accompaniment; accept no more than 50 visitors at the same time.

    Possible problems when creating a business in the basement of an apartment building, recommendations for their solution.

    A small barbershop in the basement of an apartment building.

    When acquiring or renting a basement, you should pay great attention to its condition (the photo shows an object that requires huge unprofitable investments).

    In this case, it will be necessary to redevelop the basement, which is also a difficult task. In this case, a businessman will need a lot of strength and endurance, since such a process is very complicated and paperwork will take a lot of time and nerves.

    Sauna for doing business in the basement of a private house.

    It is much easier to organize a business in the basement of a private house, since it is already in the possession of the owner of such housing, therefore, there will be much less paperwork.

    The main thing is that when arranging such a room for any business, the safety instructions should be observed, and existing standards should be taken into account.

    Organizational matters

    System ventilation device for offices, cafes, hairdressers and other commercial facilities located in the basement.

    In order for the entrepreneur not to run into problems and not ruin his own business with his own hands, you should adhere to the following tips at the initial stage of arranging the basement and in the process of doing business:

    It is necessary to organize the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems in the basement. If they are already there, then you should check their functioning.

    Image of a basement with soundproofing material (zvukizol).

    Basement waterproofing scheme inside and out.

    Having chosen the basement as a commercial premises, it is advisable for a businessman to organize the business in such a way that it is beneficial not only to him, but also to the residents of the house.

    For example, having equipped the nearby territory, the entrepreneur will win over both grandmothers sitting on a bench and mothers walking in the yard with children.

    What kind of business can you come up with in the basement?

    If the basement is good, you can arrange it for poker. But I’ll tell you right away that this type of income is illegal, but we are analyzing all the methods.

    You can try growing mushrooms, like oyster mushrooms. I have recently started this business myself. As long as it's enough for itself, and that's good. And so, at in large numbers You can also sell it to supermarkets, for good money.

    First of all, you should put your basement in order, evaluate the territory, and only then think about business. And how did you want? Every business needs an investment...

    Well, it's a joke, of course. As they say, what is the question - such is the answer.

    I suspect that you simply structured your question incorrectly and wanted to ask about what kind of business you can do in the basement.

    You can grow oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms are mushrooms that can grow in sawdust. There are special technologies for growing mushrooms in basements and garages. They can be found on the Internet and in specialized literature.

    In the basement, you can arrange a small warehouse where you can place the goods that you trade. Only in this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the basement there is usually high humidity, so not every type of product can be stored in the basement.

    If making a gym will cost a lot more, you will have to make the ventilation stronger and the lighting and the equipment itself will cost a pretty penny.

    With mushrooms, a lot of space is not required; you can generally make boxes stacked on top of each other.

    If the room is large, equip it as a car repair shop or rent it out for this business, it is especially good if the place is visible and the track is nearby.

    After all, a store in the basement will not be very comfortable, although if it is located in the city center, then with the right design and the selected assortment, it may well exist.

    I knew a shop like this. packaging materials, although it was necessary to go down the stairs to the basement, there were many customers. This was facilitated by a wide range and low prices.

    If the basement is located in a private house or garage, then take vegetables and fruits for storage. The temperature is right and no investment is needed.

    Starting a business in the basement

    Long-term rent or privatization of a basement is cheaper for an entrepreneur than renting an office or apartment. Keeping a business in the basement is quite profitable, however, it should be properly formalized from a technical and legal point of view.

    What activities are allowed to be carried out in the basement of a residential building

    If we are talking about a private house, everything is much simpler here. The entrepreneur is the owner and tenant at the same time. But organizing a business in the basement of an apartment building is a rather troublesome task.

    In the basement, you can open a shop or service center.

    Most often, of course, they open a business related to servicing people living in the house and its environs.

    Repair of electronics in the basement.

    Permitted activities must meet the following requirements:

    • the basement borders on residential apartments, so the tenant is obliged to make sure that his business does not interfere with people;
    • a prerequisite is the equipment of ventilation systems;
    • catering establishments can simultaneously accommodate more than 50 people;
    • you can not turn on loud music and make noise that exceeds sanitary standards;
    • By law, the opening hours of establishments are limited to the interval from 8:00 am to 23:00 pm.

    Prohibited Activities

    For some activities, the basement is not suitable:

    Activities on the leased area should not violate sanitary and hygienic norms and rules fire safety. Besides:

    A technical room that is not used by residents, by decision of the municipality or an association of owners, can be transferred to the status of non-residential. After that, a potential tenant can begin the procedure for its registration.

    Legal registration of the premises

    The basement or basement of an apartment building cannot be alienated and sold for life to an entrepreneur. Only the owner of the dwelling to which this basement is adjacent has the right to privatize it.

    To open a business in an unused technical room, you need to conclude a lease agreement with the municipality or obtain permission from the majority of the residents of the house, each of which owns non-residential premises in an equal share.

    Collection and submission of documentation

    To rent a technical room, you must submit an application to the municipality or housing office, depending on the form of ownership of the basement. The application shall indicate the purpose and duration of the lease.

    Repair and technical inspection

    Do not forget about the repair and high-quality lighting.

    The low rental price offsets the cost of the basement renovation. But in each individual case, the tenant must assess the condition of the basement on the basis of technical expertise so that hidden flaws do not appear later.

    Risks associated with doing business in the basement

    In the basement there are pipes for water supply, heating systems and electric cables.

    Ground floor in an apartment building

    The tenant must make sure that the maintenance team from the Housing Office has access to the equipment. If a breakdown or flooding occurs, the basement will suffer the most.

    A poorly ventilated basement increases the risk of fire. In the event of a fire or other emergency, it will be difficult to evacuate people. Especially if this is an institution with a large number of staff and visitors, and there is only one way out of the basement.

    An unforeseen conflict with neighbors may arise, which the business owner will have to resolve through the courts. But most often, tenants peacefully coexist with the tenants of the house, if all preliminary agreements and written obligations are observed.

    Chief editor of the site, civil engineer. Graduated from SibSTRIN in 1994, since then he has worked for more than 14 years in construction companies after which he started his own business. Owner of a construction company.

    If your basement is larger than two steps to the right, two steps to the left, you must have thought about how to make the best use of your basement? If yes, then this article is for you. The decent size of the basement allows you to turn it into another functional room instead of a dilapidated warehouse for all sorts of junk. Sauna, swimming pool, billiard room or maybe a gym? The options are only limited by your imagination and budget. At the same time, basement furniture plays an important role in the design of the space. Specialists homify share ideas on how to use the basement and what nuances should be taken into account.

    Correct warehouse

    You should not turn your basement into a room for storing unnecessary, dilapidated, old and broken things. Get rid of this junk once and for all! And in the vacated space, arrange the correct warehouse of necessary, valuable and necessary items that cannot be placed in the house. Arrange functional and easy-to-use shelving and fixtures to make the most efficient use of space and place as many items on the walls as possible.


    Do you want to keep fit, but you are tired of going to the gym in any weather, and the basement is too small to build a pool? A gym can be arranged even in a very small room. Put a couple of your favorite machines in it, add some dumbbells, an exercise ball, a jump rope and ... the mini gym is ready. In this case, do not forget about bright lighting, so as not to fall into a sleepy state. A large mirror is not only necessary for self-control during exercise, it will also visually expand a small room. Now you will have no excuses and will have to deal with yourself regularly.


    If you're a fan of more traditional body and soul cleansing or your basement is too small for a pool, consider a traditional Russian or sauna. A traditional tiled stove is a delight for the eyes. Such a stove, although it will cost a lot, will last more than one year. cladding made of natural wood not only retains heat in the bath, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, depending on the type of wood. Basements are ideal for use as saunas or baths due to their small footprint and lack of windows.


    If your basement has room to roam, add a small relaxation room to your bathhouse, where you can relax after bath procedures. Take care of the source of warm, diffused light to create a cozy atmosphere. Complement the room with a cozy sofa or a pair of easy chairs. On a small table it is convenient to place a teapot with cups for fragrant tea. In order for the furniture in the recreation area not to become unusable due to high humidity, it is important to provide the room with a good ventilation system.

    Swimming pool

    If you live in a private house and can boast of underground mansions, then why not turn them into a small personal one? An ideal solution for those who want to keep themselves in good shape or just take a break from the daily bustle of work and unwind from the fast pace of city life. If finances allow, you can let your imagination run wild and decorate the pool with bright multi-colored mosaics, Moroccan-style tiles or natural stone. Additional contour lighting in pure white color will make your small pool float in the air and make it more weightless and visually expand the space. Take care of comfortable loungers made of wood, wicker or stretched fabric. They are so nice to relax after a swim!

    billiard room

    Additional feature do your favorite hobby, entertain your friends and at the same time update the basement - equip it with a billiard room for gatherings with friends, because the billiard room does well even without a source of sunlight. If the air in the room is dry, wood paneling on the walls will look great, complementing the pool table. In general, you can’t go wrong if you decorate a room in a classic style with all its attributes: massive leather sofas and armchairs, dark natural wood shelves, retro lamps to illuminate the playing field. Thus, an ordinary basement turns into a real male lair.

    Living room

    How about expanding your home and going underground a bit? Agree, additional living space has not hurt anyone yet. If you do not have an urgent need for another room, this space can be reserved for guests. Make sure the floor is well insulated, check the ventilation and humidity levels again: the basement needs to be comfortable enough if you want to turn it into a living space. Add a cozy fireplace, a soft sofa and, believe me, your friends will visit more often.

    home theater

    Another ideal option for using the basement as a living space is to arrange a room in it for watching movies in close circle, because for a home theater it is even a plus if the room does not have windows and thus a source of natural light. In addition to the projector and screen, it would be nice to add a large soft sofa or armchairs to the room. The recently popular seating bags, which are so convenient to spend evenings watching an exciting movie, are well suited. In this case cushioned furniture Like all basement furniture, it must be protected from moisture: make sure you have good ventilation and a source of heat to keep the room dry and warm and thus prevent the spread of fungi.


    Is there anywhere to turn around in your basement? In this case, it is better to refuse global plans and follow the traditional recipe. Even a room for household needs can be changed beyond recognition and made even more comfortable and functional. Instead of bulky cabinets or shelves, look for lightweight wall-mounted structures. Thus, you ideally use all available free space for placing linen, household chemicals and other items used in the household. As a result, free extra bed for the washing machine and even for the ironing board.

    Basement study

    Not everyone will like this idea, but there are many among us who work best in isolation from the rest of the world, thus concentrating on the task and not being distracted by unnecessary sounds. If you often work from the comfort of your home and value peace and privacy above all else, try setting up an office in the basement. From furniture you will need a table, a comfortable chair, several shelves for storing documents. Most likely, you will not receive visitors in it, so you can refuse a sofa and extra chairs.

    To suppress the oppressive atmosphere, it is recommended to paint the walls in light colors, as well as use white furniture. At the same time, do not forget that dampness is the enemy of health, and before moving your office underground, make sure that nothing threatens your health and, possibly, re-equip the ventilation system and install an additional source of heating.

    As you have already noticed, basement furniture differs depending on the purpose of the room. The main criterion in this case is functionality, because we do not want to occupy all the small space with bulky items. Also, do not forget about the dry atmosphere, because dampness and fungus are the number one enemies for furniture in the basement.

    Dreams of free-floating and owning a business are in the minds of many enterprising people who wither in their hateful jobs. Not everyone can muster up the courage to open their own business: someone does not have enough resources to implement the existing idea, while others simply resign themselves to their “fate” and continue to live their usual lives.

    There are many reasons that prevent people from being realized.

    Indeed, in our time, there are many options for creating your own business, which allows you to earn money without even leaving your home. “Home” business has long been established among entrepreneurs as a profitable, low-cost employment option and is increasingly being adopted by them.

    How to choose a project?

    Along with convenience and comfort, living in a private house is accompanied by some inconveniences.

    Take, for example, the cost of time and money for operation: own farming requires much big investments. The house must be kept in order interior spaces and household plot.

    On the other hand, Having a home gives you a lot of room for creativity.. Most of the owners of personal real estate successfully create their own business and profit from their creativity and empty rooms.

    Any kind a business created in a private house has a number of advantages:

    • Buying or renting a space is one of the largest cost items for start-up entrepreneurs. If you have your own a private house, then you will save a lot of money already at the stage of creating your project.
    • Operating costs are minimized, which has a positive effect on the development of the project. This is especially important at the stage of formation.
    • Reduced travel and office visit costs. It is easier for an entrepreneur to keep everything under control, because all managed processes are at hand.
    • There is no dependence on the landlord and bosses.

    Creating and registering a business at home in Russia, compared to developed countries, is a little difficult. However, this is quite possible.

    What are the requirements?

    Available a number of criteria that such activity must meet. A prerequisite is the absence of:

    • High level of noise from the working process.
    • Explosion or fire hazards.
    • The need for a high level of energy consumption.
    • Harmful emissions into the atmosphere and the environment.

    If the business meets these requirements, then it can be implemented on the basis of a private house.

    Review . How to start your own business without leaving your studies?

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    What does profitability depend on?

    Another question - is it possible to create a profitable business at the "home" level? I would like to point out that the profitability of a business depends primarily on the entrepreneur himself.

    None profitable idea will not shoot if there is a frivolous attitude to the matter.

    Other the success factor of any activity is the presence of a business plan. Regardless of the type of activity that you will develop in your home, a deep analysis and preliminary evaluation of the idea is necessary.

    To draw up a business plan, an entrepreneur must:

    • Collect all the information available in the public domain about the creation and development of the project in the chosen direction.
    • Conduct a market analysis and identify the need of the population for the product you offer. Is there a demand for your products and is there a niche in the market for you.
    • If possible, visit competitors. Find out their strengths and weaknesses.
    • Think over the whole process of implementing the idea from the first to the last step.
    • Draw up a preliminary financial plan, in which you need to determine the profitability of the idea and the payback period of the project.

    Having drawn up a business plan, you will complete the very 20% of the work that will pay off for you in the form of 80% of future income.

    If you have passed this stage and still want to open your own business, then you can confidently take on the implementation of the chosen idea.

    What activities can be carried out in the basement?

    If the available space is small and you do not have free rooms, then you should not be upset. The implementation of many business ideas can be organized in the basement of a private house. It's even more convenient andin certain cases is a prerequisite.

    Currently, there is a whole cluster of activities that can be organized in the basement:

    • mushroom cultivation
      It is perhaps the most popular type of business for the basement. Mushrooms are very fond of darkness and dampness. Most often, entrepreneurs grow oyster mushrooms, and champignons can also be bred. Cultivation of greens, strawberries and vegetables is also popular.
      The main advantage is that the mushroom crop can be obtained throughout the year.
    • Growing flowers
      Another very profitable project that can be organized even in the basement. To do this, you need to arrange a specialized greenhouse with everything necessary equipment and adjustable internal temperature.
      A prerequisite is the sufficiency of light (provided by artificial lighting). Business does not require much attention and large expenses.
    • Fish breeding
      In the basement of a private house you can do artificial breeding fish, crayfish and other underwater creatures. To do this, you need to buy aquariums and high-quality fish stock.
      The idea is not simple and requires special knowledge, so when organizing a business, it is worth hiring a specialist with experience.
    • entertainment establishment
      If your house is located in a crowded area, then you can organize a billiard room or a bar in the basement. Another popular type entertainment business in the basement can be the opening of the bath.

    Organization of what kind of production is profitable at home?

    Entrepreneurs considering business ideas for own home, most often focus their attention on activities in the field of production. This is due to the fact that houses are usually located outside the city and you can’t count on a large flow of people.

    Under such conditions business in the field of trade or services has many restrictions, will pay off for a long time and, perhaps, will not bring profit.

    In the case of production, everything is much simpler: the flow of people does not matter. The entrepreneur will only produce goods and sell them in bulk.

    Confectionery mini-workshop

    Nowadays, everyone loves to eat sweets. For some, this process is perhaps the only one in life that makes them feel happy.

    But if you also know how to cook deliciously, then you can make good money on this. The organization of a sweets production workshop is very profitable and attractive idea. Products such as cakes and pastries are in constant demand.

    Home baking is very popular, especially among city dwellers who do not always have the opportunity to stand at the stove. For a delicious cake made from natural products, customers are willing to pay very generously.

    The production of sweets can be organized in 2 ways:

    • Production of culinary products to order.
      You give the client the opportunity to choose the shape, decorations and toppings of the cake.
      The cooking process starts only after receiving the order.
      In this regard, there will be no surplus and damaged goods.
    • Production and sale through a chain of stores.
      A more complex and risky option for doing business.
      However, if you manage to realize it, then you will have a constant profit and stable sales.

    Production can be organized in an artisanal or robotic way. The biggest expense will be the purchase of equipment for baking and storing cakes.

    The minimum budget for a mini-workshop of confectionery products is 450,000 rubles (when buying used equipment).


    Due to the long shelf life canned goods are turning into a good option for earning. Canned foods, especially if they were produced at home, are very popular among the population.

    Can be preserved:

    • vegetables,
    • mushrooms,
    • and others natural products produced in the private sector.

    The production process is not difficult, and anyone can learn it. finished products can be sold in bulk or retail throughout the year.

    This business idea can be great addition to existing subsidiary farm . If you have a garden, you can organize a full cycle of canned vegetable production. The demand for handmade soap is very high.

    Production of this scale is very easy to organize in a summer cottage.

    You can sell products through the Internet or fairs handmade. Also, no one will forbid selling your soap through a network of pharmacies and skin care stores.

    Woodworking shop

    Handicraft items are becoming more and more popular from year to year. Concerning, wood products mini workshop becomes very actual business idea.

    In such a workshop, you can produce:

    • souvenirs for tourists
    • tableware,
    • furniture,
    • various boxes and accessories.

    The range of products is limited only by the imagination of the master.

    It is not difficult to create such a production, even if you do not know how to work with wood. The workshop does not require large investments: you need to buy only tools and equipment for woodworking.

    See the video for another idea for organizing a business in a private house:

    Sewing production and needlework

    This business idea will attract the fair sex. To organize a sewing workshop does not need a lot of space. The main investments will go to the purchase of machines and related equipment.

    As a business idea, you can safely use favourite hobby and earn on it, enjoying the process of manufacturing products.

    The most profitable direction will be the production of clothes to order. However, you can always sew something original and then put it up for sale. Today, many girls are engaged in the production of clothing accessories, toys, hats and other items.

    You can sell art products online.

    Do you want to open your own business, but the budget does not allow you to rent a full-fledged office or retail space? You can save on rent by using the basement. There are a lot of cellars suitable for trade, entertainment business and even production in residential areas. They are located on the ground floors of residential buildings. What business ideas will be the most profitable?

    A sports bar is almost always muted shades and light twilight, so the absence of windows here will not be a minus. Sports bars are in high demand both in the city center and in the residential area.

    The main thing is to ensure the influx of visitors by ordering competent advertising. Word of mouth, a bright signboard, launching advertising on the Internet with geolocation settings for neighboring areas will help.


    Why can a sports bar be profitable? According to statistics, about 70% of men and 30% of women are interested in different types sports.

    Watching sports competitions is more exciting not alone, but in cheerful company. In addition, snacks and drinks are required: beer, meat and snacks for it.

    Emotions from viewing strongly depend on the quality of the image, that is, on the cost of technology. It's much easier to visit a sports bar that already has it all, rather than buying home a powerful audio system, a modern TV and lots of snacks.

    The average cost of opening such an institution is from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on the area of ​​​​the premises, the complexity of the repair, the cost of equipment (you can save more than 50% by buying used).

    The profitability of the business is very high. Developed sports bars can earn 500 thousand per month, in which case the payback will be 1-2 months.

    Fitness Centre

    Fitness centers are now opening in all cities. Despite their popularity, visitors very often have to get to the hall for a long time: sports clubs not located in every area.

    Most clients are not happy with this, and in surveys they say they are ready to move to another room if a place opens near their home. Indeed, why spend 30-40 minutes on a one-way trip when you can cross the road and end up in a basement fitness club?


    It is on the inhabitants of neighboring areas that the emphasis should be placed. It is more logical to open a fitness center in residential areas with a large number of residents, and not in the center.

    The most profitable will be new areas where the infrastructure is still developing, and residents are ready to visit any center for lack of analogues.

    This is another expensive type of business. It will take about 700 thousand rubles to start. But the income will be high: an average of 200 thousand. To calculate them accurately, you need to multiply the cost of a subscription by the number of visitors.

    time cafe

    Cafes that pay not for food, but for the time spent in the institution are gaining popularity. They are used for thematic meetings: business negotiations, creative gatherings, discussions in big company friends.

    The most profitable are those time cafes that develop good program, inviting leading seminars, musicians, writers, animators. To start the project, you need to equip the room with tables and sofas, purchase game consoles, board games and other types of entertainment.


    In the kitchen, the emphasis can not be placed: visitors are offered simple free treats (tea, cookies), and they can take full-fledged meals in time-coffee with them or order directly to the establishment.

    Sample business plan:

    • starting investments - 343 thousand rubles;
    • revenue - 360 thousand rubles;
    • net monthly profit - 133 thousand rubles;
    • the average payback is from 3 to 6 months.


    Quest rooms are popular with young people. The essence of the business is that the organizers create atmospheric rooms with puzzles that customers need to solve for a while. The rooms are decorated in a certain style: a haunted mansion, a prison, a mad scientist's laboratory.


    Quests can be accompanied by live actors who will portray the opponents of the players, or take place without them. We definitely need an operator who will give hints if the players get stuck at some point.

    Organizers need to invest in the following elements:

    • Scenery;
    • prompting equipment (microphone and speakers, walkie-talkies);
    • additional equipment (high-tech quests are more valuable).

    For one hour-long session, players pay from 4 to 10 thousand rubles. for everyone. Prices may vary depending on the city, prices are indicated for the capital. The average profit of a quest room with two rooms is 186 thousand rubles after deduction of expenses, the necessary investments are 670 thousand rubles.

    Grocery store

    Grocery stores near the house are always needed. High demand allows you to open such establishments at least every 200 meters. Even the presence of large chain supermarkets will not be a problem for small shop in the basement.


    Many customers will visit it simply because of the territorial accessibility. An additional bonus will be work within 24 hours (chain stores rarely work around the clock).

    Starting investments - about 900 thousand rubles (rent, salaries of employees, purchase of equipment and products). The projected profit minus all expenses is 100-150 thousand rubles. Payback 8-9 months.


    Another type of business that practically does not need advertising. All essential services are generally well launched, this is a great direction for beginners, inexperienced entrepreneurs.


    A hairdressing salon can be opened with relatively low investments: from 200 to 300 thousand. We are talking about an economy class establishment where 4 masters will be involved. Average income minus expenses - 150 thousand. Payback is fast.

    Basements are a great opportunity to start a business for inexperienced entrepreneurs. A clear business plan and investment will be required.

    Purchasing a basement is the easiest step in organizing your business. Developers sell plinths under commercial activity on minimum price, 30-50% cheaper than the cost of retail space on the 1st floor.

    However, the business in the basement of the house should not interfere with the residents living in the high-rise building, otherwise the owner will have to respond to constant complaints, prepare for inspections, visits by the management company and the district police officer.

    Restrictions for business on the ground floor

    The current legislation imposes restrictions on doing business in the basement of residential buildings. The plinth cannot be opened:

    • production. The exception is workshops for the restoration of art products;
    • dental and medical offices;
    • toilets, baths, saunas, swimming pools;
    • night clubs, discos;
    • clothes dry-cleaners, laundries;
    • ritual offices and shops.

    The area of ​​the commercial zone located in the basement under residential apartments should not exceed 400 meters. It is allowed to provide services and sell any goods until 23-00, so as not to disturb the night's sleep. The ban is set only on the sale of flammable materials.

    Legislation allows opening restaurants, cafes, catering points in basements. However, such a business in the basement of a residential building must operate during the day or evening, accommodate no more than 60 customers and operate without music.

    Business in the basement of a residential building: registration of property

    To start entrepreneurial activity on the basement floor, the property owner needs to settle legal issues with the HOA. If the developer has not transferred the basement to commerce, it is difficult to negotiate with the residents - there are always people who are dissatisfied with the proximity to a store or a children's center.

    The owner will need:

    • obtain the approval of a majority of tenants;
    • prove the absence of inconvenience from entrepreneurship;
    • convince residents of the usefulness of the new business.

    When buying a basement, pay attention to its condition, as well as the communications device - real estate with general heating, electricity and gas is prohibited for transfer to private hands. In this situation, you can take ownership of part of the premises.

    The basement redevelopment will also cost a pretty penny: the business owner will have to visit the BTI, the chief architect of the area, fill out documents from a notary, obtain permits from the management company, from firefighters and sanitary inspectors. When carrying out repair work in the basement, it is important to comply with current safety regulations.

    A successful business in the basement of a residential building requires the attention of the owner at all stages of development. It is necessary to constantly control the execution of documents of purchase and sale, repair work, at the time of launch and promotion of the point of sale. In order to maximize the potential of the project and maintain good relations with the residents, the entrepreneur needs to:

    • monitor the correct layout and installation of the air conditioning system;
    • isolate the penetration of food and chemical odors into the apartments;
    • make high-quality sound insulation on the basement floor;
    • isolate the floor and walls from moisture penetration;
    • properly organize the lighting system.

    Ignoring these requirements may cause collective claims from the residents of the building, filed in management company or regional administration. Friction with apartment owners is a serious problem for development, as due to numerous complaints, the business in the basement can be closed.

    You will learn unusual types of business in the basement from the following videos:

    When purchasing a basement for commercial activities, an entrepreneur must constantly remember the owners of apartments, their convenience and comfort. To create a positive impression, you can equip the local area, put benches, build a gazebo, install a playground. People living in a high-rise building will only be happy with such a neighbor.