Ad campaign daily limit reached. Vkontakte advertising campaign from A to Z. What is the limit on Vkontakte likes

  • 13.11.2019

There are many free ways to promote and promote groups and communities on social networks. Some of them are very effective, but they all require time and effort. Therefore, one day there comes a moment when you realize that in addition to all the available methods, it would be good to add one more, paid method - targeted ads. And if earlier there was no experience of submitting advertising, for example, in such a social network as VKontakte, then the next question arises quite quickly: how to make VKontakte advertising on your own, without asking for help from specialists.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I think that with the help of my screenshots, you will be able to repeat all the steps, make an advertisement on VKontakte, and analyze the results.

Starting the first advertising campaign

The first thing to start with is to follow this link. to the VKontakte advertising page. We are interested in the first tab "Targeted Ads". I must say right away that targeted ads are key feature advertising on VKontakte, and assume the availability of tools with which you can customize the display of ads according to various parameters.

  • Gender, age, marital status, country and city of residence.
  • University, faculty, school, year of higher education.
  • Positions, districts, metro stations and even streets.
  • Interests, hobbies, favorite movies, books, games, etc.

That is, we can customize our ad in such a way that the ad is shown to the target audience. If your target audience does not include schoolchildren, then you can independently set the desired age of the audience, and exclude ad impressions from the field of view of schoolchildren.

Click on the “Targeted Ads” tab and read carefully about the benefits of placing ads on VKontakte. Feel free to click "Create Ad". On the next page, we are asked what we want to advertise: our community (group, public or meetings), the VKontakte application, a video with a link to the advertiser's website or an external website. Community advertising is the most popular, so we choose this option as an example if it suits you.

Here, on this page, you will need to select your community, and you will find yourself on the ad placement page. Task: choose the accommodation option that you like best.

  • Title 25 characters + image 90x120px with pay-per-view
  • Headline 25 characters + image 90x65px + ad text 60 characters with pay per click
  • Promoting communities - the group logo is automatically shown.

In my opinion, the most difficult thing is to correctly write a 25-character title. In my case, it would be better to correct the title with two words “Tips box”.

Scroll down and you will see the targeting settings. You can select a country, city, gender, indicate interests and education. If you see fit and check the necessary items, then in this way you will narrow your audience to the target audience, interested in your products and services.

The most important thing left is to set the cost of the advertising price. And for this, it is important to determine what you want to pay for - for impressions or clicks.

Here is how VKontakte describes the differences between ads for impressions and clicks:

“Pay-per-impression ads are a more static format than pay-per-click ads. They are suitable for advertisers who are interested in generating demand for a product or service of a particular brand or in image advertising. The main component of pay-per-impression ads is the image.
When paying for impressions, for each 1000 impressions, the amount that you set yourself is deducted from your budget (for example, 1 ruble = 1000 impressions).

When paying for clicks, only unique clicks on your ad are counted. If a VKontakte user has already clicked on this ad (from any computer), the click will not be counted. You also set the price for the transition yourself (for example, 1 transition = 1 ruble).»

It is worth considering only the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the lack of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the CPM formula.

Since the effectiveness of advertising can only be determined through testing, I prefer to listen to the advice of more experienced people, and set the payment for clicks. That is, I will pay only for those people who clicked on my ad and clicked on it. For the first time, I recommend starting with a small cost of the transition - 3 rubles, even though VKontakte recommends paying me from 22 to 31 rubles per transition.

As an example, here are my results:

Having set the cost of the transition to 3 rubles, I replenished my account by 300 rubles. For 3 days, 36 transitions were made, and 5 of them became subscribers of the group. Small results, but to get the best, I need this experience today. As a result, 108 rubles out of 300 rubles were spent in 3 days. The cost of one subscriber was 21.6 rubles. Expensive to say the least. We still have to work on reducing the cost of a subscriber. It is difficult to achieve what you want the first time. This means that I have to test the increase in the cost of the transition, since the higher I set the bid, the more often my ad will be shown.

With experience, an understanding of the chips will come, which seem to lie on the surface, but the first time they are not amenable to awareness. By experimenting with the selection of target groups and improving the advertisement itself, you can achieve a smaller number of target audiences and a smaller, but more optimal cost per click.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the effectiveness of your ad will have to be constantly monitored, if you are not satisfied with the results, then there is always the opportunity to edit the ad and make changes to the settings.

Running ad

After you agree with the advertising policy of VKontakte, the ad must be launched in your personal account. Now that you have created your first advertising campaign, on the right side of the page you will see the link "advertisement", follow it at any time, and you will find yourself in your advertising account.

Replenishment of the budget

At the top, enter the amount of the total limit and the daily limit. That is, how much money would you spend on advertising per day, and for all time. Of course, first, you need to replenish the balance personal account and transfer money in any way convenient for you: bank cards Visa and Master Card, using the electronic payment systems Yandex.Money, WebMoney and Qiwi Wallet. You can also replenish your account using a fairly large list of payment terminals.

After the money appears on the account of your personal account, you need to set the daily and total limit at the top of the page and in the table, and launch an ad in the "status" section. After that, your ad is sent for moderation for about 2-3 hours. The moderation of VKontakte ads is serious: you can’t address the audience in an advertisement with “you”, indicate phone numbers in the text and in the image, you can’t advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products, etc.

Should know! There must be at least 100 rubles left on the campaign account, otherwise you will see a warning:

"Could not run ad. For each ad you run, you must have at least $100 in your budget. You can replenish the budget or stop the ad. "

Do not be afraid to make changes to the ad settings during a running advertising campaign if you see that the result does not suit you. In some advertising campaigns, it will be more profitable to use payment for impressions, rather than for clicks. But you have to experience it for yourself.

Pay attention to the ads that are showing on your page right now. Evaluate whether the advertiser correctly took into account your interests, or preferred to waste the advertising budget. For example, if you are a mother in maternity leave, and you are shown an advertisement for the Elektrostal plant, then this is a clear sign that the advertiser has incorrectly set up his ad, so the effectiveness of his advertising campaign will be low.

Recently, during consultations, I have been increasingly asked about targeted advertising on Vkontakte.

Ok, today let's analyze a detailed algorithm using a live example and see how it works. I will say right away - if you read my article diagonally, casually skimming through your eyes, nothing will work. You need to go step by step and when setting up your VKONTAKTE advertisement, check with each step.

Stage one: what goods and services can be promoted with targeted advertising on Vkontakte?

1) Costing no more than $ 150 - this is a proven practice, the price limit. Is your item more expensive? Until you try, you won’t know, but from experience, what is more expensive than the indicated price is much more difficult and converts worse.

2) Targeted advertising can ONLY sell consumer goods or services. If the product, service, brand being sold has fan groups, communities, VKONTAKTE publics, it makes sense to try. If there are no obvious adherents, you can not try to advertise. Seminars on currency regulation and metal fittings definitely WILL NOT GO (this was also discussed recently).

Stage two: what should be kept in mind when creating a VKontakte advertising campaign?

1) The key to the success of targeted advertising is the right choice of the target audience. You must know your consumer in person! There are no trifles when determining target audience! Having missed the definition of one point, you can drain the budget. For example, if the main consumers of your product in age group from 30 to 40 years, and you decide to expand the range by ten years from 20 to 40 (“what if it works?”) - consider that the effectiveness of the ad has already decreased three times. Since users from 20 to 30 years old on Vkontakte are three times more than from 30 to 40, they will view your ad more often, but there will be no sense (conversions) from these views.

2) Set spending limits. I don’t really like that VKONTAKTE can’t make a schedule of shows, like contextual advertising, but you can and should limit the budget in all available ways.

3) Be mindful of the timing of impressions. It is almost useless to advertise something at night or early in the morning. Shows will be. Perhaps there will even be clicks. There will be no conversion.

4) Test every ad. A test is a display of a fresh ad with a very small limit. 100 rubles for a new ad is enough to understand whether it works or not.

A little about a personal method for evaluating the effectiveness of a targeted ad in VK. com

We merge 100 rubles of the budget, look at the CTR of the ad:

  • if above 0.2% - good announcement
  • if within 0.1-0.2% - needs improvement (changes in title or description)
  • everything below 0.1% - in the basket

Stage three: fine-tuning targeted advertising on VKontakte.

I will tell you on a personal example of the current VKontakte advertising campaign. I advertise seasonal children's clothing - jackets, suits, overalls. The campaign leads to one CPA offer. This is a relatively inexpensive product, it is in seasonal demand, plus I have a one-year-old son and the concerns of the target audience in the person of his mother, I know very well 🙂 .

a)Standard setup start

b)Upload an image, come up with a title and text

A few nuances:

  • The headline is always a call to action!
  • Description text - reveals the essence of your offer
  • The picture is 80% of the technical success of each specific ad (as in a teaser ad). It is better to spend an extra 10 minutes looking for a picture with a wow effect than to waste your budget.

c)Targeting settings

In this case, about geography, demography and marital status, I know exactly what to indicate, because. part is known from personal experience, a part is directly indicated on the offer page of the online store.

Attention: if, for example, you can define for your product that half of the customers are from Omsk and Novosibirsk, and the other half are from other cities of the Russian Federation, then indicate only these two cities and no more.

The principle of concentration clearly applies here, which also works for all other targeting parameters (age, gender, marital status, interests, etc.). Your task is to collect the cream of your target audience and shoot at the top ten, and not hope that maybe a sixty-year-old man from Kukuevsk will come in and buy a winter jacket for his grandson as a gift. Won't go! Will not make it! Your budget will run out much sooner...

We think, we think and we think! In what communities can mommies be, to whom we sell winter jackets, what keywords can be used to find them in the search on Vkontakte communities.

Search example:

I emphasize again: you need to go through all the targeting points, think about each and “lick” each one. In this ad, I did not configure things like Apps & Sites, World View, Education, etc. these items are not needed here. But, in each case, the setting may be different: good cameras it is advisable to offer photographers an information product on esotericism - people with higher education, and new phones for students and high school students. There are no trifles in this matter.

e) Audience and rates

The minimum audience for a targeted ad test is 20,000 people or more. If the target audience is less, this is bad, because. ads will be shown to the same people more times, which will lead to a drop in CTR. More is great, the main thing is to try to capture non-target users as little as possible.

In my example ad, it looks like this:

An audience of more than 50,000 is normal.

About suggested price: in the screenshot, the recommended price for the “per impressions” setting, that is, for 1000 impressions, it is recommended to set such a price. I usually set it to about the middle of the recommended range. On the net you can find a lot of advice that setting for impressions is unprofessional and wrong, and the price can be set much lower than the recommended one ... who to believe is up to you. I would not trust anyone (including the author of this article :)), but I tested and checked everything on own experience. Personally, I work for impressions and bid on targeted VKontakte ads in this way, because:

1) A bad ad will not gain CTR, even for clicks, even for impressions. If the CTR is low, you need to work on the image, headline, text, targeting conditions, but the payment method has nothing to do with it.

2) Setting the payment method "for impressions" allows you to get really targeted visitors from VKONTAKTA much cheaper than with ANY other type of advertising. I have some statistics on various offers and you can believe it or not, but a normal “live” transition, on average, 3-4 rubles in product topics with fierce competition, is impossible to get anywhere else.

3) If you try to save money and set the price below the recommended one, the CTR of even a very good ad will start to fall very quickly. Who does not know what CTR is. As a result, there will be no savings, and a good ad can be easily screwed up.

Last tweak: Don't forget to check the "Limit to 100 impressions per person" checkbox. If the user has not clicked after 100 views, it is logical that he will not click after 1000, apparently he is simply not interested in your ad.

Step Four: Save the ad, click "run" and it goes to moderation. VKONTAKTE moderation is usually very fast, from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

After that, the show will start. After a test of 100 rubles of the budget, we evaluate ads and leave them to work, only those that exceeded the CTR of 0.2%

If everything is done correctly, in the VKONTAKTA statistics in a few hours you can see the following numbers:

And in the sales statistics a few hours later, these are:

100% in retail- quite a normal result.

That's all for today :).

If you registered using my referral link, started working and tested ads for at least 100 USD, but something doesn’t work out for you, you can knock on my mail [email protected] and I will try to tell you for free (if it is in my competence).

For all other cases, the consultation conditions are described on the page

Anton Starchenkov

A in order to start getting acquainted with advertising "VKontakte", you just need to follow the link at the bottom of your screen while in the system. I will reveal a little secret - absolutely any user registered in this social network can do this.

B without understanding who can become your target audience, it is quite difficult to design an advertising campaign, therefore, if you have already decided what you will advertise, you need to click on the "create an ad" button and find yourself in a new unknown world of advertising.

AT With this interface, it is possible to see how many users are in a particular target group without writing the text of an ad and a link, simply by setting different targets, as, for example, in this case, we selected all paired girls from 25 years old in the city of St. Petersburg - there were 562 of them 351:

G The main thing is not only to put down the general targeting of VKontakte by gender and age, but also to try to find interests or groups that your target audience may be in.

D To select the right audience, you can use more precise targets, such as "Extended geography" or "Education and work":

E If this is not enough for you, use additional parameters. Select browsers and devices, as well as write down keywords, for which ads will be shown if the user enters this query into the search bar.

Yo The capacity of the VKontakte advertising market is limited only by the number of people who want to launch a campaign, so the main form of struggle among advertisers is the bidding auction. See how high the recommended bid for this moment in your target group, maybe in the last block. Keep in mind that the lower your bid is, the less often your ad will be shown.

AND the desire to reduce the bet as much as possible is justified, and you have such an opportunity. It is only necessary to achieve the maximum product of the number of transitions by CTR. Thus, the starting price in the field "Cost per click" can be significantly reduced due to correctly selected target groups and an interesting ad.

W The task of attracting attention can be solved in two ways: using a colorful picture, or by referring directly to the target group:

And use the form of payment for clicks or for impressions - it's up to you! It is worth considering only the fact that when paying for impressions, the image is noticeably larger due to the lack of ad text and, most importantly, there is no CTR in the CPM formula.

Y oshkar-ola or any other city can be selected as geotargeting, and advertising campaigns or ads can be divided according to this principle. It should be noted that even in small towns the number of registered users in VKontakte can be quite significant.

To Once you've made your geotargeting decision, the target groups have been defined, and it's pretty clear how you'll be reaching out to your audience, it's time to choose an image, given that it needs to be attractive enough to get the highest CTR values:

as well as account management. Be prepared for the fact that you will often have to add new and disable ads that did not work with a low CTR and a high CTR.

M The moderation of VKontakte ads is quite severe. The most common mistake - referring to "you", in "VKontakte" is unacceptable, only "you". Also, do not try to place phones in text and images, do not try to advertise drugs, pornography, tobacco products, etc. And just a candid image may not pass the moderators ... or it may pass ...

H New ads cannot be added indefinitely, there are some restrictions. First, this is the paragraph of the rules no. 5:

O The total and daily limits are quite useful tools, especially at the start of a new campaign. With the help of such restrictions, it becomes possible to prevent excessive spending on one successful ad, distributing funds more evenly.

P Periodically it is worth changing the content and looking for other target groups, as even the best advertising campaign begins to worsen its results over time. This is because the ad may run out of novelty for the original audience. The frequency of changes depends on the number of participants in the group and the frequency of impressions. However, campaign statistics where CTR goes down in certain periods is quite normal.

R The conversion results of the Vkontakte advertising campaign, when used as a purchase goal, are usually lower compared to traditional search advertising. This is logical, since here we form demand, and do not work with ready-made ones. On the other hand, if the goal is the number of pages viewed, the conversion may be at the level or even higher, due to the absence of possible competitors. Having gone to the advertiser's page, the user cannot close the window and see several similar offers at once, and therefore browses the site more carefully.

FROM Goal metrics can be analyzed down to the ad by pre-tagging each link, so if you want to compare ad performance across multiple regions, it's a good idea to create different ads ahead of time.

T Those who clicked on ads are collected in pretty nice charts with distribution by gender, age and geography.

At You can see and hear advertising through VKontakte video advertising. When posting a video, it is necessary to take into account the appeal to the audience on "You" and, of course, the video must be memorable - this is branding.

F The function of guest and admin access makes life easier for both agencies and advertisers. With its help, you can openly show the entire advertising campaign to the client, or control the work of the contractor.

X A good CTR in VKontakte is a rather relative concept, as in principle in any other system. But we can say that if the recommended CPC started to fall, then your CTR is clearly better than the average for the target group.

H After some time, we assume the development of VKontakte search advertising, but for now we can only say that it exists:

with the help of which it is possible to single out people who travel outside the CIS more often than 2 times a year.

E kzotika whether targeted advertising "VKontakte" or not - it's up to you. But

YU grains in the amount of more than 72 million in Russia alone - they consider VKontakte to be their home. And for any advertiser, the opportunity to put up a nice banner at some of these people's homes is

I apparently it won't be redundant.

- this is a limit on the number of actions (for example, sending messages) or objects (for example, the number of friends). In this article, you will learn what Vkontakte limits are for and how you can get around them. This will avoid blocking or other unnecessary problems.

What is the limit of messages on Vkontakte?

First of all, let's talk about the most important thing - about messages. After all, it is for correspondence that social networks exist. Which Vkontakte message limit? Probably, many people had such a sign (below in the picture) when they began to communicate with new people?

Vkontakte has a limit on the number of messages sent to users who are not on the friends list - 20 messages per day. How to bypass this Vkontakte limit? It's simple, add the user "as a friend" and chat as much as you like. There are no restrictions on sending messages to your friends.

What is the limit of Vkontakte friends?

It is also important to know Vkontakte friends limit. This also applies to their common maximum number, and the number of additions per day. The limit on the number of Vkontakte friends is 10,000 people. Moreover, the total amount is calculated by the number of sent requests for additions with existing friends in the list.

Promoting your Vkontakte group, you may encounter another limit - group invite limit. Once a day, you can invite 40 people to the group. Probably, we all saw this annoying message, as in the picture below.

It is very easy to get around this Vkontakte limit. Please note that the message refers to the invitation limit per day, not per day. So you can safely invite 80 people in two visits - once in the morning, once in the evening. And I have never received a block for this, although I have been doing this daily for a long time.

What is the limit on Vkontakte likes?

Unfortunately there is still limit on Vkontakte likes. It would seem, why is it introduced? However, I can assure you that some users who

In this guide, we'll get to know advertising cabinet Vkontakte, and learn how to set up targeted advertising. Social network offers advertisers a very powerful tool with many settings. Now we will try to understand all this.

What is targeted advertising

Let's add here the concept of "Targeting", meaning the selection of an audience segment from the general mass, based on specified criteria.

Targeted advertising Vkontakte

Setting up targeted advertising Vkontakte

The topic is quite extensive, so let's understand the steps.

Price per setup

If you decide to resort to the services of third-party specialists, then you need to understand what components form the cost of services.

The two main factors are the selection of the audience (target parameters) and the writing of ads. On freelance service exchanges, performers announce a starting price of 500 rubles. Then it all depends on how much ads you need to prepare.

If we figure out which users we need, this is a one-time task. That writing ads is a long and monotonous work. The text for each of them must be unique and well-designed from a marketing point of view. You can focus on the cost of 100 rubles, for one prepared ad.

In our case, we will do all the work ourselves, so the costs will be only for getting the target audience.

How much does advertising cost?

  • Cost per transition. At the moment, the minimum bar is 6 rubles. By choosing this option, for each click of a person on your ad, the selected amount will be debited from the advertising account.
  • "Pay per impression". This payment option involves taking into account the number of times your ad was shown to the selected audience. For every thousand impressions, the specified amount will be deducted from your account.

How to set the cost, we will learn at the stage of setting up the company.

What do we need

We need to prepare a landing page to which we will send our customers. It can be a one-page site, a catalog of your products, or a separate page with your offer.

Also prepare suitable graphics - each ad will need an image. The effectiveness of the ad will depend on it.

Setting up the first company

Click on the button "Create Ad".

I talked about the need to prepare a page to which we will send potential customers. In the next step, enter her address into the form. The field will be filled in automatically. "Specify the domain of the advertised site". To continue, click on the "Continue" button.

Now we are offered to place an ad.

First, select its type:

  • "Image and Text". You will be able to upload an image, provide a title, and add description text.
  • "Big Image". In this option, a large image and title are available.

In the next two blocks, write a title and description for the ad. Add a photo by clicking on the button "Upload image".

At the end, you need to choose the subject of your ad, and indicate the age marking.

Finished with the layout. Let's move on to the most important block - targeting. Coming to this step, you should have already carried out market analysis and identified your potential audience. Her age, gender, interests, etc. Now we will set these parameters.

The available targeting options will be listed below, with a description.

  • "Geography". Choose a country and region, or indicate on the map.
  • "Indicate the desired cities". Select the desired cities from the list.
  • "With the exception of". If we do not want to show ads to residents of certain cities, select them from the list.
  • "Floor" .
  • "Age Options".
  • "Birthday" . If you are promoting all sorts of gifts, then this option can be used to show the ad to upcoming birthdays.
  • "Family status".
  • "Interests". Select the category of interests of your potential audience.
  • "Communities". You can show or not show ads to users of certain communities.
  • "Education and work". You can choose an audience by education or position.
  • "Audience Retargeting". You can form a specific group of users from an existing audience. And then show them advertisements. Retargeting settings are outside the scope of this guide.
  • "Setting Price and Location". First of all, we choose the payment option - for impressions or transitions. Then we choose the display location - only the Vkontakte site, or also partner sites. Then we set the price, and if necessary, create a new one advertising company for an ad.

When you're done setting your targeting options, click the button "Create Ad".

The ad will be created and we will move on to the final settings.

Finishing the setup and launching the ad

Now we need to set the last settings, replenish the balance, and send the ad to work. Let's do that.

On this page, we must specify the limits.

  • "Daily limit". The limit of funds per company that can be spent during the day.
  • "Ad Limit". Restriction on spending funds within a specific ad.
  • "start/stop date". If you are planning for the company to be launched on a specific date, set the appropriate option.

We're almost done. Now you need to replenish the balance of the company so that ads can start showing. In the left menu block, click on the link "Budget". And on the next page, click on the link "Top up". We choose a convenient payment option, and transfer funds to the balance.