What a New Marketer Should Know. Marketing professional. What does a marketer do? Marketing - is it a modern profession?

  • 13.11.2019

Marketing Job Description- a document that details the functions that fall within the competence of this category of employees of enterprises and organizations. The instructions also prescribe the rights, responsibilities and working conditions of the marketer.

Marketing manager job description sample


Why do you need a job description for a marketer?

This document serves, so to speak, as a guide to action for the employee. It clearly defines the boundaries within which a marketer can work, and also points out in detail those violations and mistakes that are best avoided.

Approximately to the same extent, the instruction is also necessary for the employer - it allows the management of the organization to coordinate the activities of employees, as well as optimize production processes.

Who is developing the document

Usually, the function of creating a document is assigned to the head of the structural unit, the head of the personnel department or the lawyer of the enterprise. In some cases, this duty passes to the secretary, or the director of the organization writes the instructions.

But, regardless of who does it, it is important that the document fits into the framework of the current labor and civil law.

Basic rules for creating instructions

Officially developed, approved at the legislative level, sample job description does not exist, so companies have the right to independently create a document form, focusing on their needs.

The standard, generally accepted version includes at least four sections:

which may, if necessary, be supplemented by other paragraphs.

The document is printed in one copy and must be signed by the head of the department (who is obliged to monitor the execution job duties marketer), the employee himself (who thus indicates that he agrees with the functions imputed to him), as well as the head of the enterprise.

The main provisions of the job description of a marketer

To begin with, at the top of the page, on the right side, you should leave a few lines for the instructions to be endorsed by the head of the company: here you need to enter his position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave two lines for signature (with decoding) and date. A little lower in the middle is the name of the document.

General provisions

Next comes the main part of the instruction and its first section. "General Provisions". It fits into which group of workers the marketer belongs to, the required qualifications, the level of education, necessary experience work and length of service, as well as the procedure for appointing and dismissing an employee and replacing him during his absence from the workplace. Next, the immediate supervisor of the marketer is indicated (without specifying specific names).

Then, in the same section, a list of laws, rules, internal documents and regulations that the marketer should be familiar with, as well as the methods and principles of work that he should follow.

Job Responsibilities of a Marketer

Second section « Job Responsibilities» describes the functions of a marketer, namely the duties that he must perform, ranging from developing a strategy for promoting goods and services and ending with the accounting and analysis of the activities carried out. This part of the document should be treated with particular care, since it can make the document an evidence base in the event of litigation, both on the part of the employee and the employer.

Rights vested in the marketer

"Rights"- This is a section that gives the marketer specific powers designed to increase the efficiency of his work. In particular, it indicates the possibility of making independent decisions and taking various initiatives, permission to communicate with other structural divisions and the management of the company, as well as the right not to perform their work duties in the event of a danger to life or health.

Responsibility of a marketer for faults

In chapter "A responsibility" all errors, violations and offenses are prescribed, for which disciplinary punishment is possible. When developing this paragraph, one must strictly rely on the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, since neglect of them is fraught with sanctions against the organization itself.

At the end, the document must be certified by an employee whose competence includes monitoring the performance of the job duties of the marketer, as well as the marketer personally. At the very last turn, the instruction is submitted for approval to the director of the enterprise.

Job Responsibilities marketer(or marketing manager) depend on whether he will be responsible for the entire marketing and advertising policy of the company alone or in a team of analysts, advertising managers, etc. We offer a sample job description for a marketer who is responsible for strategy as well as development corporate identity sales promotion, etc.

Marketing Job Description
(Job description of a marketing manager)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The marketer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A marketer is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the general director.
1.3. The marketing manager reports directly to the CEO.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a marketer: professional education in the specialty "Marketing" or higher professional education and additional training in the specialty, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.5. During the absence of a marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The marketer must know:
- basics of marketing, its principles, tasks and methods marketing research;
- basic technological and design features, characteristics and consumer properties of goods sold;
- methods for studying market conditions and developing forecasts for the need for goods sold;
- methods for studying the motivation of consumers' attitudes towards goods;
- Fundamentals of management and budgeting.
1.7. The marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, Rules of internal work schedule, others regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a marketer

The Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Performs work on the study of the main factors affecting the dynamics of consumer demand for goods, the ratio of supply and demand for similar types of goods.
2.2. Based on the results of marketing research, he develops a general marketing strategy for the company.
2.3. Develops a marketing budget and manages allocated funds.
2.4. Conducts categorization and identifies priority groups potential consumers to develop measures that contribute to the expansion of the market for the sale of goods.
2.5. Assesses the prospects for the development of the market, the company's prospects for the development and conquest of a particular market segment; develops a go-to-market strategy.
2.6. Determines the required range of goods, pricing policy for goods.
2.7. Develops proposals for the individualization of goods to transfer information to manufacturers or independently impart individualizing characteristics to goods (packaging, etc.).
2.8. Defines distribution channels - their types, characteristics, policy of creation and use; develops concepts for creating dealer and distribution networks.
2.9. Organizes the collection of information from consumers about satisfaction with goods, claims and complaints about goods; determines the forms and methods for eliminating deficiencies in claims and complaints received from consumers.
2.10. Keeps in touch with the market through advertising, information service to inform consumers and promote products; organizes the development of a promotional strategy.
2.11. Develops incentive measures (both active - through a system of discounts, incentives, etc., and passive - through the quality and design of goods, image policy) sales.
2.12. Prepares proposals for the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise and corporate design of promotional products.
2.13. Analyzes the effectiveness of marketing activities; monitors the marketing campaigns of competitors, analyzes them, makes adjustments to their own marketing activities.

3. Rights of the marketer

The marketer has the right:
3.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with government bodies, organs local government, third-party organizations for product sales marketing.
3.2. Request from structural divisions enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on marketing issues.
3.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
3.6. Demand from management commercial enterprise ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the marketer

The Marketer is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Look at great entrepreneurs like Seth Godin or Steve Jobs and you'll be surprised how many skills they have that don't even have to be marketing related. You will see items on this list such as the skill of interviewing, giving good feedback, and even the skill of flattery. There will, of course, be obvious things - for example, the ability to talk, focus on results and focus on the flow of sales.

And after almost ten years of working in the SEO industry in various roles, I realized this. Both at Single Grain, which I founded, and in positions at companies like Oversee.net, I own experience convinced that when I focus on the needs of my clients, I always achieve greater success than focusing primarily on my personal goals.

Based on this, I have compiled a list of 50 skills that you, as a marketer, must have in order to keep your customers happy and coming back to you again and again. Let me explain in more detail what I mean.

1. Customer focus

A really good marketer is literally obsessed with his client: what he needs, what he wants, what he dreams about and what worries him. The central figure of any discussion is customers and their benefits.

2. The ability to tell

A true marketer understands how much people love stories. He knows how to weave a compelling story and knows that any good story must have conflict at its core. He also knows that people want to see themselves in these stories.

3. Speed ​​reading

4. Building associations

Good marketers can listen to an ad idea, skim through a business plan, or view a presentation about a client's campaign goals—and finally bring it all together into a cohesive plan. They know how to get the maximum benefit by combining the opportunities of different industries.

5. Conducting an interview

A marketer should think like a journalist. Whether you're talking to a CEO or a client, you need to be able to ask the right questions and get the best answers, hunt for the best bait, and not be afraid to continue the conversation if the person wants to find out something else.

6. Description of the end result

What does success look like? How do you know if you're getting close to your goal or if you're failing? What points do we need to pass in order to understand that we have not lost our way and are not behind schedule? These questions define the marketer's mindset—he always looks at the big picture.

7. Creativity

In fact, creativity is all about creating a unique and useful product. A real marketer spends a lot of time thinking about these products and improving them. He is not afraid to fail (because he loves risk) and is not afraid to give up on bad ideas. He's full of ideas.

8. Ability to speak

You may not be an extrovert, but you must be a good speaker! You need to be able to cope with the situation of a one-on-one conversation, and with a speech in front of a group of people. I'm not saying that you must love it, but you need to be able to do it.

9. Ability to teach

A good marketer knows how to speak and, therefore, loves to teach, loves to share his accumulated knowledge. You can do this through blog posts, podcasts, curation, workshops, or even formal classroom teaching.

10. Ability to write

It is important for a marketer to be able to write messages of all kinds: he must cope with the creation of an email asking a business partner for a favor, and with drafting an offer for a client. He must know the rules of spelling and grammar - as well as when they can be violated.

11. Ability to listen

Communication is not limited to what you say. Real communication begins the moment you hear what others are saying to you, and more than that, you understand them correctly. This involves asking the right questions, nodding, paraphrasing, and focusing on what the other person is saying.

12. Ability to cooperate

Marketing is one of those disciplines that needs to work alongside some others (such as sales, finance, and IT), and that won't happen if you don't know how to work with people. When developing a good marketing strategy, you need to work in a team, so be humble and care not only about your success, but also about the success of other people.

13. Ability to give feedback

Steve Jobs was never afraid to tell any of his designers that his work sucks. Of course, it is important to be diplomatic, but it is even more important to be able to nip bad ideas in the bud so that they do not grow and do not then take away your time and money.

14. Ability to live with constant change

Do you realize how much marketing has changed in the last 50 years? Radio, television, then the Internet... There are even more changes that will completely transform the world of marketing today. You should be comfortable living in such an environment.

15. Understanding data, indicators

As a marketer, you need to understand quantitative indicators. You don't have to be a Google Analytics expert or a database guru, but you do need to understand the general terms and know what you need.

16. Results orientation

And speaking of data, a good marketer is of the opinion that everything he does should contribute to the overall result. This is consistent with his desire to focus on the final outcome of the game and his belief that without concrete results it is impossible to say whether you win or lose.

17. Direct Marketing

It is not easy, but a marketer must develop the ability to achieve results, including through direct marketing, which is one of the parts of marketing.

18. Persuasiveness

Learn to get high from how you "guess" people. Where is their button? What motivates them, what do they want from life? And from this advertising campaign? And then it's important to understand how to give them what they want and get what you need.

19. Ability to persuade

Like it or not, you have to convince people if you want anything to get done. So it makes sense to learn strategies like "good cop/bad cop", "deadline" or "you can get out at any moment".

20. Ability to analyze emotions

Whether it's your client, CEO, or customers, understanding how emotions drive people to make a purchase is an incredibly effective marketing skill. And it all starts with the premise that people buy based on their emotions, not logic.

You don't have to be an SEO pro, but it's good to know some basics like how to insert links, optimize page performance, and how social media affects rankings.

22. Content Marketing

This is another set of tools that any marketer should own. This includes creating content for videos, conferences, a blog or manuals. It is better if you were a master in at least one area (but not all at once).

This point refers to the exchange of information between you and the audience. How much do you tell them about your product? How are you handling the situation in customer service? How you manage these questions is an indicator of how good your PR is.

24. Social media

Are you familiar with the main media platforms? Do you know what their target audience is? Can you predict which corporations will benefit from a social media program and which won't?

25. Manage multiple projects at once

It would be great if you could focus on one campaign or project at a time, but unfortunately you probably won't get that opportunity. If you want to be a good marketer, you must be able to manage multiple ideas, plans, and goals at once.

26. Research

The most important thing in marketing is to understand your market, your customer, product and company. And that means you should roll up your sleeves and diligently search for information.

27. Leadership

Most likely, as a marketer, you will have to work on projects in a team. A good marketer is a true leader; he knows how to recruit a team and inspire people to work from beginning to end.

28. Decision making

Even considering how much information you have, it still won't be enough. Even worse, all this information can just paralyze you, instill in you the fear of making the wrong decision. Analyze data, make decisions and learn from your mistakes.

29. Network relationships

Marketers understand that the more people you know, the more opportunities, ideas and potential assistants you have. Therefore, it makes sense to spend some time in order to establish new contacts with people in various social media, at conferences and lunches.

30. Multi-level focus

A marketer is constantly looking for ways to make an ordinary person a potential client, a potential client a real one, and then a loyal one.

The marketer understands that he is only as good as other people think he is. Therefore, he is constantly improving to become a true master in his field.

32. Ability to anticipate and correct comments

Since you are constantly testing your product, you understand what annoys the customer and why the customer might say no to you. And you can refine the product so that these objections no longer arise.

33. End sales

Often people fail to sell anything because they are afraid to insist. A real marketer knows that most people won't buy anything until you tell them what they should do.

34. Mastery

It is literally in the DNA of a good marketer to want to do what he does, better and better. He is constantly trying to grow personally and helps people around him do the same.

35. Gift exchange

Remember how Hari Krishna handed out flowers at airports? It was genius marketing solution! Donations skyrocketed because giving someone a gift is making them feel obligated to give you something in return. Marketers understand that people don't like to be in debt.

36. Create Constraints

Another skill of a marketer is the ability to set limits on your product so that people rush to buy it with all their might. Examples might be a limited quantity of a product or a limited time of purchase.

37. Determining the price

You need to understand how your product is affected by production cost, quality, customer expectations, market conditions, and competition. And also - how to set such a price for the product so that it brings maximum profit.

38. Testing

Various tests are just one of the things that make marketing so much fun. Whether it's choosing a headline for an email or the best placement of content on a landing page, it's always a good idea to test what works best.

39. Indicators

You have to like the numbers: subscribers, traffic, web page views and sales.

40. Ability to express concisely

By this I mean the ability to clearly and coherently describe a complex or voluminous idea, so that it becomes concise and easily digestible. A good marketer, after many hours of meeting with managers or clients, can sum up: “So you want to get A and B through C?”

41. Positioning

Research your product, market, and target audience, and then figure out how best to highlight it and how to get that message across all channels.

42. Focus

A good marketer should be able, like Steve Jobs, to discard everything unnecessary and bring all their products to perfection.

43. Organization

Whether it's your own desktop or the latest marketing campaign, you should be able to combine individual items into groups according to meaning. This also applies to team building and content marketing strategies.

44. Content building

This refers to understanding how best to position content such as videos, articles, and ads on a web page.

45. Ability to make products usable

Marketers should be involved in creating a product, whether it's a doorknob or a website. And you need to determine how to make the product usable.

46. ​​Ability to distinguish good design from bad

You don’t have to be a designer yourself, but you need to be able to distinguish good design from bad, that is, to understand what attracts people and what repels them.

47. Creating innovation

Will you go to any lengths to stand out from the crowd? Do you dream of creating a product that competitors cannot copy due to lack of your resources? Always repeating “What if…?” Then you must be a really good marketer.

48. Flattery

Real marketers are not proud and can sacrifice principles for a big cause. They understand that a little flattery can work wonders, even if the person knows they are being flattered. People love it when others mess around with their egos.

49. Motivating other people

50. Courage

Being a marketer is hard, and even harder to be good marketer. You need to have the courage to stick to your principles and not be afraid to call a spade a spade.


Now you understand what I mean when I say that all these skills are related to focusing on people, namely your customers. It is this focus on the customer that makes a marketer a true master of his craft. What other skills should a marketer have?

March 15, 2016

The profession of a marketer, as well as its functionality, should include several qualities that are essential for constant career growth. The lack of ambition and desire to regularly challenge oneself can destroy a specialist at the stage of his formation. Someone relies on personal qualities, others focus on professional skills. The main thing is not to forget that you can not stop there if you want to achieve an excellent result.

There are several qualities that a prospective marketer should have:

Pay attention to details. There is no need to be pedantic and waste time on everything, but paying attention to the nuances that contribute to the promotion of the product is a must. If you have ever given a gift without beautiful packaging, apart from its value, then becoming a marketer will be difficult for you. You have to think holistically and see the big picture, whether it's about the brand as a whole or a particular product, everything has to be connected. Striving for an ideal that is impossible to achieve will force you to improve your work every time. Missing one small detail can negatively affect the final result.

Know how to plan. Many people know how to come up with interesting moves, but not everyone manages to implement them. There are simply no guarantees of success here. There are many details that need to be observed in order to achieve positive results. You need to feel the situation and carefully plan your actions. Punctuality in work adds advantages to this skill and aims at productive activity.

Feel responsible. Many people have a variety of ideas constantly spinning in their heads, remaining in their infancy. And after a while you see a similar project with another person and are left alone with your disappointment. Let's be honest, how many readers didn't have a great business plan that didn't see the light of day? It is important to understand that starting your own business is quite difficult, so you need to be responsible for those who already have this business, moreover, who trusts you with it.

Strive for self-development. This is important for all professions, not just marketers. Our specialty is to constantly remind you that data becomes outdated. For example, I had to make a lot of revisions when I was writing my dissertation, because every time a new product, players and methods of attracting consumers appeared on the market. You are limited in professional growth if you do not see the point in constant learning, and therefore are doomed to lose to stronger competitors.

Know how to organize. Since each marketer communicates with all departments of the company and begins to implement his strategy from the inside, he must be able to plan and prepare everything competently in order to offer the market an already formed brand, product, service, etc.

As a rule, these people have developed internal self-control. Important quality. If it exists, everything is possible.

Do not forget that some skills are acquired over time and need to be constantly developed. Many people argue about creative thinking, but I believe it is a biological process that can be learned. For example, you can read the book Serious Creative Thinking by Edward de Bono, which describes the biological aspects of making creative decisions and methods for their development. But there are more objective qualities that I focus your attention on:

Listen and hear. Without it, nowhere. You can lose the whole point by skipping a snippet of the spoken phrase, and in the end, do extra work. Each stage must be written down on paper, in memory, in a file, and anywhere, the main thing is that you can reproduce the information at any time.

To risk. Or rather act clearly and competently in unplanned situations. This will help when you are pressed for time or lose control for a while. You can simulate a specific episode so that in the future you do not panic if there is a real threat of a project failure.

Predict trends and tendencies target audience . A prerequisite for a good marketer, which comes with experience. Of course, this can and should be strived for now, but you will gain real momentum only after years of experimentation.

Communicate. In other words, communication. For some, this skill is given from birth, but if it is not there, you should not part with hope. Develop it in stages, struggling with your nature and going against the inner voice of doubt. Believe me, the result is worth it to spend your time and effort on it.

Stress tolerance.Another quality that is useful for all professions. The ability to overcome failures with your head held high distinguishes a true professional from an ordinary employee.

Another important skill is the ability to work in a team, but here the question is moot, can this be learned? Having all these qualities does not guarantee you a job as a marketer. You need to understand that the start is different for everyone, it’s easier for someone, and more difficult for someone. The main thing is the desire and desire to be realized in your favorite profession.

Good afternoon! Rimma Belyakina is in touch. Today we'll talk about this important profession like a marketer. We will find out who it is, what is included in its duties, how you can become a marketing pro from scratch, how much a remote marketer earns and much more. Don't go anywhere, it will be interesting.

How many words borrowed from other languages ​​appeared in Russian! And how to understand them all and not get confused in all these “trading”, “leasing”, “outsourcing”? How to figure out who a merchandiser, supervisor, promoter is?

Every time a foreign word is encountered in everyday life, I remember our notorious politician (let's do without naming), who in every election campaign promises to cleanse the Russian language of foreign rubbish.

In the meantime, he is in search of the proper tool for large-scale cleaning (oh, I got carried away) - general cleaning, let's figure out who a marketer is, because this is also a borrowed word. And I hope you will like the description of the profession and my story about it, because I tried very hard, as always. And in the end, again, as always, I am waiting for your assessments, suggestions, comments. So, let's begin.

Who is a marketer and what does he do?

Have you ever wondered why, for example, you drive a certain brand of car, have a brand new phone, buy one brand of tea, prefer to drink a certain brand of coffee, wear famous brand sneakers? Most likely, you often saw them or heard about them in advertising, which means that we are talking about goods promoted by advertising.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without advertising. She is everywhere: on television, radio, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, in stores ... Just some kind of dominance! And all why? Because it is a part of marketing, if not the main one, then one of the fundamental ones.

The word marketing comes from the English "market", which means "market" and involves the organization of activities in the process of creating and promoting a product or service.

The main tasks of marketing are the study of demand, the definition and satisfaction of human needs.

Information about the needs of the client, the expected quality and the price that the consumer is willing to pay for a product or service is needed by every manufacturer and company providing services to the public.

In order to stay afloat, manufacturers also need to monitor the state of affairs of competing firms: monitor the quality of their products, pricing policy. To collect all this data, as well as to think over the strategy and tactics of promoting goods and services in the consumer market, and the marketer is called upon.

Marketer is a specialist engaged in the study of supply and demand in the consumer market of goods and services, an expert in marketing the company's products.

Marketer Functions different companies define theirs. Some focus on advertising their product, doing brand promotion, others are more focused on market analysis, studying market prices, others are throwing all their efforts on detuning from competitors. But all are one in one:

The main functions of a marketer are to ensure the most effective work of the company, increase the efficiency of its activities in promoting the product in the consumer market.

Here the specialist, as they say, has “a free hand” and all means and methods are used. History knows a lot of impressive, sometimes amazingly simple, but so effective, sometimes contradictory, and sometimes curious cases of marketing moves that brought companies dizzying profits. Here are some examples. Assess the scope of the “flight of thought”.

Story 1. American company, which gave rise to the fast food industry, in order to attract the population to eat the hamburgers they make, applied the principle of transparency - the food was prepared right in front of consumers - everything is clean, no deception.

To enhance the effect, a non-standard marketing ploy was put into action: hired people in white coats, who could be seen in the queue every now and then, strengthened the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcleanliness of the company in the minds of the population, because even “doctors” bought hamburgers.

The company began to develop rapidly, and for many years has been a leader in the consumer industry.

Story 2. Alka-Seltzer, known for its effervescent hangover pills, doubled its revenue with a simple trick: In an ad, they dropped not one, but two pills into a glass of water.

Just. That's really all ingenious is simple. Or, here's my favorite story.

Story 3. At the dawn of the formation of the profession, the owner of a certain Milanese window glazing company, in commemoration of the anniversary of his company, presented all the local boys with ... a slingshot, and even with a note: “In gratitude for cooperation.”

How do you like this marketing ploy? I remember the proverb: “In war, all means are good!” How creative can be the work of a marketer, isn't it?

Marketing - is it a modern profession?

In our country, the need for marketers in the broadest sense of the profession arose in the 90s. With the transition to a market economy, a huge number of goods appeared and manufacturers began to fight for consumers.

Specialists were needed to study the market of goods, determine the needs of the population and those properties that a product must have in order to be wanted to be bought, as well as suggest ways to sell it.

The profession turned out to be in great demand, it began to develop rapidly. In 1998, only 20% of domestic companies had their own marketing department, and already in 2001 - 60%.

However, in Europe, trading companies began to use the services of a marketer already in the 17th century. The merchants sent their clerks around the cities and villages so that they would find out what the population needed, what goods they liked best. But there was no such name in those days.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

Marketing today is not only the creation of a product and its promotion on the market, it is the identification of the values ​​of the consumer and the creation of such a system in which the process of purchasing a product or service would fully satisfy the basic values ​​of the consumer.

“Marketing is the art of creating true value for the consumer, the art of helping consumers live better lives.”

Philip Kotler (creator of the modern school of marketing)

The world is rapidly changing. The consumer has become more legible, more demanding, more sophisticated in their requests. He needs coffee no longer just as a drink, in order to quickly move away from sleep in the morning, he needs pleasure; a dress is not just a piece of clothing, it is an image, style, image; a car is not only a means of transportation, it is speed, comfort, prestige.

Today, the so-called Marketing 3.0 system works in three directions:

  1. Attracting a client.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Retention and return of the client.

What should a specialist be able to do so that work in all these three areas is carried out at the proper level? A good marketer is marketing analyst, its main responsibility, as noted earlier, is market research and analysis: what goods and services are presented, which are missing, at what price and who buys, why buys, why does not buy.

Other responsibilities, in relation to the priorities of the company, may be:

  • forecast and modeling of possible fluctuations in supply and demand;
  • development of product promotion plans;
  • organizing and holding events, advertising campaigns, shares;
  • compiling a list of consumer goods;
  • budgeting and pricing;
  • managing the workflow of other specialists in the marketing department: advertising agents, designers, copywriters, etc.

And what is the responsibility of an Internet marketer, you ask. After all, we are here, discussing the possibility of working remotely. Yes, almost everything is the same, but only online.

Internet marketer must:

  1. Expand client base.
  2. Supervise project activities and prepare monthly reports.
  3. Analyze the attendance of the resource and the work to promote the project.
  4. Provide responses to incoming customer inquiries.
  5. Develop plans and strategies for the development of the project and ensure their implementation.
  6. Ensure compliance with contracts.

Simply put, an Internet marketer, who is also a web marketer, is engaged in managing sales on the network, attracting as many visitors as possible to the manufacturer’s website or trading company and developing strategies and ways to sell goods via the Internet.

Here, no matter how many tools are invented to help him, because Internet technologies do not stand still! Here are just a few of them:

  • selling website,
  • site-one-page Landing Page,
  • SEO promotion,
  • SMM promotion,
  • advertising (, targeting, teaser, banner, viral, native),
  • mailing list,
  • messengers, etc.

Want to know more about it and how it all works? Here is a video about modern instruments marketing.

What Qualities Will Help You Become a Marketing Professional?

It's not easy to become a professional. You need to be an extraordinary person and combine a sufficient number of both professional and personal qualities.

  1. A marketer needs to have the makings of a psychologist, because the outcome of the sale of the company's products depends on his ability to influence the mind of the buyer. He knows how color, package size, smells, font size, product position on the shelf, etc., affect the consumer, and he knows how to manipulate it.
  2. He must have the desire, interest and desire to work with a large amount of new, primarily iconic information: analytical data, sales data, consumer survey results, reports.
  3. Creativity: the ability to come up with new ideas, non-standard moves.
  4. Communication and verbal skills: networking, negotiation / presentations, communication with clients, the ability to convince.
  5. Good analytical, mathematical skills (ability to work with numbers, graphs, charts).
  6. Humanitarian abilities (ability to work with texts).
  7. Attention and focus to engage in analytical activities.
  8. Organized (ability to plan work and clearly follow the set goals).
  9. Stress resistance, because you need to be prepared for large volumes of work and a rapidly changing market situation.

And the main quality, the presence of which is mandatory (and not only in the profession of a marketer, as I see it) and without which neither success nor advancement in terms of career growth is possible, is, no matter how trite, love for the business you are doing. Do you agree?

Pros and cons of the profession

  1. Demand. The prevalence of the marketing profession is increasingly scaling in the field of consumer demand. Business is growing. A person will always need something.
  2. High salary. Internet marketers with high performance indicators can boast of large fees.
  3. Opportunity for career growth. There is a chance to get a position immediately after graduation, because the demand for competent specialists is high. At the start, however, you need to be prepared for the position of marketing assistant or assistant.
  4. An interesting creative profession. There is an opportunity to show their talents, to realize their ideas.
  1. Low starting position without work experience and portfolio.
  2. Along with the fact that this is creative work, it is also painstaking work (this is described above).
  3. Great responsibility to the leaders of companies. You always need to be “on the alert”, “competitors do not sleep”.
  4. Nervous work, albeit interesting. Large psychological stress - the amount of work is not sickly.
  5. Often an irregular work schedule, again, due to heavy workload.
  6. Possible risks in the conditions of remote work: you can “run into” dishonest employer; informal employment and, as a result, unpaid sick leave and vacation.

Here, as they say, “think for yourself, decide for yourself, to have or not to have”, that is, “to be or not to be”.

Where are professions taught?

Education can be taken in higher educational institutions at the faculties of sociology or management in the areas of "Advertising and Public Relations", "Marketing", "Applied Methods of Sociological Research". But, unfortunately, there are not so many universities that teach in these areas.

However, this specialty can also be obtained in other educational institutions (colleges, technical schools), where courses and trainings are held. There are online universities teaching modern Internet professions.

If you wish, you can try to learn on your own, since there is plenty of material on the Internet on this topic. We'll have a marketing course review article coming soon.

How to find a job

As the saying goes, “if there is a desire”, there are many job search options:

  • on job search sites, primarily: job.ru, rabota.ru, hh.ru, superjob.ru;
  • on numerous;
  • in in social networks, having previously correctly and competently issued your account;
  • through commercial offers with your resume sent directly to recruiters of companies where you would like to work;
  • it has become fashionable now to use multifunctional messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp), there also do not forget to set up the profile correctly, starting with the status;
  • on professional forums, where, like job seekers, employers also drop in.

As you know, there are no easy ways, and "the road will be mastered by the walking one."

How much does a marketer cost?

Depending on the regions and functions assigned by the company to a specialist, according to research center portal Superjob.ru, wage varies from the lowest at 23,000 to the highest at 58,000 rubles.

The Trud.com website gives approximately similar statistics, where it is clearly visible average salary marketer - 30,000 rubles.

Your professional abilities, accompanied by a trump card in the form of a solid portfolio, your rich experience and an irresistible desire to work in the field of PR for the benefit of satisfying human needs will be faithful companions in your search for employment.


What is the result? The realization that the profession of a marketer is a field of activity for creative, extraordinary personalities, but with a commercial streak, who are not afraid of difficulties, ready for development and professional growth. Learn more about the marketing profession in this video.

Did you recognize yourself in the description? There was a desire to occupy this niche? Then go ahead! And may good luck accompany you!

For now, for now. And yes, feel free to rate the article “5 stars” if it was useful and interesting to you. I look forward to your comments.